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Calvet,L., Campbell,J., Sodini,P., 2009a. Fight or flight? Portfolio rebalancing by individual investors.Quarterly Journal of Economics 124, 301–348.


This paper investigates the dynamics of individual portfolios in a unique data set containing the disaggregated wealth of all households in Sweden. Wealthy, educated investors with better diversified portfolios tend to rebalance more actively.Households are more likely to fully sell directly held stocks if those stocks have performed well, and more likely to exit direct stockholding if their stock portfolios have performed well; but these relationships are much weaker for mutual funds, a pattern that is consistent with previous research on the disposition effect among direct stockholders and performance sensitivity among mutual fund investors. Finally, the tendency for households to fully sell winning stocks is weaker for wealthy investors with diversified portfolios of individual stocks.


Calvet,L., Campbell,J., Sodini,P., 2009b. Measuring the financial sophistication of households.American Economic Review 99, 393–398.


In this paper, we jointly analyze several investment mistakes in a comprehensive, high-quality panel of household finances. We use the Swedish panel to simultaneously investigate three types of investment mistakes: underdiversification, inertia in risk taking, and the disposition effect in direct stockholdings. Consistent with earlier research, financial wealth, family size and education are found to have a negative impact on the level of all three mistakes. These findings motivate the construction of an index of financial sophistication, which is obtained by regressing the negative of the mistake vector on a single combination of household characteristics.


Odean,T.,1999. Do investors trade too much? American Economic Review 89,1279–1298.


This paper takes a first step towards demonstrating that overall trading volume in equity markets is excessive, by showing that it is excessive for a particular group of investors: those with discount brokerage accounts. One possible cause of excessive trading is ovreconfidence. Overconfident investors will trade too frequently, that is, the gains overconfident investors realize through trade will be less than they anticipate and may not even offset trading costs. On average, the securities they purchase actually underperform those they sell.


Barber,B., Lee,Y., Liu,Y., Odean,T., 2009. Just how much do individual investors lose by trading?Review of Financial Studies 22,609–632.


Individual investor trading results in systematic and economically large losses. Using a complete trading history of all investors in Taiwan, we document that the aggregate portfolio of individuals suffers an annual performance penalty of 3.8 percentage points. Individual investor losses are equivalent to 2.2% of Taiwan's gross domestic product or 2.8% of the total personal income. Virtually all individual trading losses can be traced to their aggressive orders. In contrast, institutions enjoy an annual performance boost of 1.5 percentage points, and both the aggressive and passive trades of institutions are profitable.

