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试卷I (选择题70分)



1. What does Jack's sister want to be?

A. A teacher

B. A doctor.

C. A writer.

2. Why does Mike look tired?

A . Because he ate nothing this morning.

B. Because he did homework late last ni ght.

C. Because he has had a bad cold.

3. What time will the woma n see Mr. White this morni ning ?

A. At 10 : 00.

B. At 10 : 15

C. At 11 : 00.

4. Where is the woma n going?

A. To the library.

B. To the shop

C. To the park

5. Who will go shopp ing fin ally?

A. Sam.

B. Anna.

C. Hele n.



6. Where does Andy work now?

A. At a school.

B. At a bank.

C. At a sports cen trer

7. What does Andy look like?

A. He has short hair.

B. He is much heavier.

C. He does n't wear glasses.


8. Why does the man like to live in his n eighbourhood?

A. Because the people there are frien dly.

B. Because the air there is fresh.

C. Because he likes tall buildi ngs.

9. Whom does the man take to have fun in the garde n after supper?

A. His daughter.

B. His wife.

C. His friend.

10. What are the two speakers going to do n ext?

A. To do exercise.

B. To watch from the wi ndow.

C. To buy some flowers.


11. When did David go to visit Salt Lake City?

A. Last Sun day

B. This Sun day.

C. Last Saturday.

12. How did David get to Salt Lake City from Sa ndy?

A. By bus.

B. By train.

C. By car.

13. Why did David join the En glish group?

A. Because he wan ted to practise En glish.

B. Because he was the guide's friend.

C. Because he liked the En glish guide

14. What did David do after lunch?

A. He posted some cards.

B. He visited Temple Square.

C. He saw the Church film.

15. How did David probably feel about the trip?

A. It was terrible.

B. It was tiring.

C. It was pleasant.



The Power of -atlo n (决心)

The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old rnal stove (火炉). A little boy had

the job of coming to school early each day to start the _______ 16 __ and warm the room before his

teacher and his classmates got there

One morning they _____ 17 __ to find the schoolhouse bur ning. They dragged (拖)the little

boy out of the buildi ng more dead tha n alive. The n he was __ 18 __ take n to a n earby county


The doctor told the boy's mother that ______ 19_the lower part of his body was seriously

burnt, he could n't use his legs anymore. However, the ______ 20 __ boy made up his mind that

he would walk. Uni uckily his thin legs _21 ______ hung there, all but lifeless.

Finally he returned home from the _22 _______ . Every day his mother would press his little

legs, but there was no feeli ng, no con trol, _23 ____. Yet his determ in ati on that he would

walk was as _24_ as ever.

When he was n't in bed, he would sit i n a wheelchair. One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day, in stead of sitt ing there, he _25 himself from the chair and pulled himself across the grass , dragging hises _26 ___

beh ind him.

He worked his way to the white fence (姗栏)around the yard. With great effort, he raised himself up on the fence. Then, he bega n draggi ng himself along the fence, _27 ___

that he would walk. He started to do this every day. There was nothing he _28_more

than to develop life in those legs.

In the end , through his determ in ati on he did _29_ . He bega n to walk to school , the n to run

to school , to run _30 ____ the joy of running. Later in college he made the running team.
