


the following phrases(翻译词组)(10%)

1. figer out 3. all sorts of

2. rebel against 4.剥夺,拿走



fine shape 10. break dow n

II. Choose the best an swer to fill in the bla nks(30 %)

of the n ews on the front page of daily newspapers ________ the progress of peace conference.

A. is concerned

B. are concerned

C. concerns

D. concern

2. He does n't earn much mon ey. He is just a _____ in the compa ny.

A. manager

B. general engineer

C. director

D. clerk

3. Take your camera with you. We'd like to take some . of the beautiful park.

A. paintings

B. pictures

C. files


4. With the help of a ____ , you can work out the mathematical problem quickly.

A. car

B. pla ne

C. computer

D. TV set

5. You should fill in the form with your n ame, sex, ____, and address.

A. old

B. years

C. time

D. age

6. You can make a lot of new frie nds if you ___ this club.

A. joi n

B. share

C. en ter

D. come in

7. The —__ in the library is very helpful. She helps me to find many good books.

A. employer

B. member

C. mon itor

D. libraria n

8. You may borrow books with your student _____

A. book

B. form

C. card

D. magaz ine

9. The two ________ can speak good Chinese.

A. Germa n

B. Germa ns

C. Germa ny

D. Germe n

10. You will find the story on _________ eighth page.

A. a B the C an

11. I was _____ in a small countryside in China.

A. brought up

B. bring up

C. raised up

D. raise up

12. These students have little ______ for how others look at them.

A. thi nking

B. thought

C. concern

D. con siderati on

13. The foreign teachers usually have their meals at the school ____ .

A. library

B. lab

C. bookshop

D. can tee n

14. An overseas student studies_______ .

A. aboard

B. abroad

C. at sea

D. at home

15. The food in the can tee n is ____ .

A. delighted

B. detailed

C. decided

D. delicious

16. Chinese martial arts are _______ g reat interest _____ many foreigner

A. i n ... to

B. of ... to

C. i n ... i n

D. of ... in

17. The morni ng flight is ____ to us as we will arrive in time to atte nd the after noon meet ing.

A, direct B. quick C. suitable D. i nclusive

18. Are there still tickets _______ o n the morning flight to Shenzhen

A. free

B. suitable

C. available

D. ready

19. Technicians with good skills are always __________ .

A. on the dema nd

B. on dema nd

C. in the dema nd

D. in dema nd

20. Miss Yang is likely to be _____ for promotion.

A. sent

B. recomme nded

C. advised

D. reported

21. Mr. Liu works with a travel age ncy as a _________

A. tourist guide

B. tour guide

C. travel guide

D. trip guide

22. One cannot judge a person only by his ____ conditions.

A. econo mical B econo mics C. econo mic D. economy

23. Department stores offer a big ______ of items.

A. kind

B. variety

C. type

D. model

24. They sold the old furniture to make _______ for the new.

A. a room

B. a space

C. room D, space

25. The garme nts in the departme nt store are so expe nsive that I can't ____ them.

A. buy

B. purchase

C. afford

D. take

26. They ______ good friends and often visited each other.

A. are used to being

B. are used to be

C. used to being

D. used to be

27. We soon arrived _____ the airport.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. to

28. After he ________ the unforgettable failure of love, he became afraid of it.

A. felt

B. forgot

C. met

D. experie need

29. There is a ________ of two hours with the 7:40 train.

A. delay

B. cha nge

C. schedule

D. timetable

30. John is busy ______ his girlfriend with her paper.

help B. help ing C. help D. helps

III. Blank Filling (10%):

Complete the bla nks with the correct form of the followi ng words or phrases(10%):


function adjust well-balaneed relieve extra maintain creative

tiresome vital depress

1. These former soldiers have difficulty in _________ to civilia n life.

2. you n eed to be very __________ to cope with the stress of a job like that.

3. He took some Chin ese medici ne which ______________ his toothache.

4. The bus compa ny procided ___________ buses because there were so many passe ngers.

5. A lot depe nds on build ing an ____________ a good relati on ship with your customers.

6. This job is so bori ng. I wish I could do someth ing more ______________ .

7. Decorat ing your house can be a _________________ bus in ess.

8. Good financial accounts are _______________ to the success of any enterprise.

9. The thought of taking the exam again ________________ him.

10. Some federal programs _____________ only through local un its of gover nment.

IV. Translations(翻译)(20%):

may have already heard of the Slow Food Moveme nt started in Italy almost two decades ago to coun ter the fast food moveme nt.

2. It 'not only a lifestyle, but also about health.

3. A great nu mber of studies confirm that just by eati ng slower, you 'lie on sume fewer calories---in fact, rnough to lose 20 pounds a year without doing any thi ng differe nt or eati ng anything doffere nt.

4. If we eat fast, we can continue eating past the point where we are full.

5. Digestion actually starts in the mouth, so the more work you do up there, the less you'll have to do in your stomach.

6. 你说得越多,出的错就会越多。

7. 王教授不仅教学生知识,而且叫他们做好公民。

8. 他从来没有考虑过这个问题

9. 大量的人死于这场洪水。

10. 请注意听你老师讲的话。

V. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(15%):

Task 1

There are some thi ngs about myself that I really like. First of all, I always make an effort to do my best. I n ever give up halfway without trying my best. For example, I have practiced the pia no for more tha n twelve years. And now l am lear ning En glish every day.

Secondly, I'm good at making people laugh. I feel happy whe n people smile at the things I do. I make frie nds with anyone easily and now I have a lot of frie nds.

Of course, I also have my weak points. I sometimes feel that I'm a bit selfish or careless. I want to overcome these faults and I believe this will make a man of me and people will love me better.

1. What is NOT the author's character

A. Always tryi ng his best

B. Givi ng up halfway.

C. Being good at making people laugh.

D. Making frie nds easily.

2. He has practiced the piano for _____________ .

A. less tha n twelve years

B. twelve years

C. almost twelve years

D. over twelve years

3. He is now tryi ng to __________ every day.

A. play the pia no

B. learn En glish

C. make friends

D. overcome his faults

4. He is now tryi ng to overcome the fault of ____ .

A. making people laugh

B. making too many frie nds being

C. being selfish or careless

D. being too proud or particular

5. He feels _________ when people smile at the things he does.

A. happy

B. angry

C. selfish

D. careless

Task 2

Nancy got a job as a secretary in a big compa ny. She was going to work in the Sales Departme nt. Mon day was the first day she came to work. She was very excited and she arrived early at the office. She pushed the door ope n and was surprised to find a large bunch of fresh flowers on her desk. "Oh, how lovely! Somebody sent me flowers the very first day!" She thought happily. "But who could it be"

The day passed quickly and Nancy did everythi ng well.

And every Mon day morning she came to her office, she would see a new bunch of flowers there. She still did n't know who sent these flowers.

One Tuesday after noon, she was asked to hand in a pla n to the gen eral man ager's office. Her eyes sudde nly fell on these words on a piece of paper: "Keep the secretaries in high spirits; Send a bunch of fresh flowers to each secretary's desk on Mon day mornin g."

6. Nancy got a job ________ .

A. i n the Sales Departme nt in a small compa ny

B. in the Production Department in a small company

C. i n the Sales Departme nt in a bicpompa ny

D. in the Production Department in a big company

7. On her first day of work, she _____ .

A. was asked to hand in a pla n to the gen eral man ager

B. arrived early at the office

C. got a bunch of flowers from his boyfrie nd

D. brought a bunch of flowers to the office

8. Nancy got a bunch of fresh flowers _________ .

A. only on the first day of work

B. every day

C. every week

D. every first of day of the month

9. She _________ when she saw the flowers on her desk.

A. felt happy yet surprised

B. wan ted to find out who did it

C. felt worried as she did n't know who did it

D. thought it must be her frie nd's joke

10. Finally Nancy found that it was __________ who sent flowers to the secretaries.

A. the head of the departme nt

B. one of her male colleagues

C. the gen eral man ager

D. one of her friends

Task 3

The followi ng is an advertiseme nt of a computer compa ny. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in the table below.

We are one of the most well-k nown computer compa nies in the world. We n eed some one who can work as a secretary in our Beiji ng office. We are look ing for some one who is about twen ty-five years old (male or female). We n eed some one who can un dersta nd and speak En glish and Japa nese. He or she should be able to use a computer and to drive a car. Work experiences are not required. We can make appoints to meet applicants. If you are interested in working with us, please call us at 0between July 14th and 1 8th.

Look ing for a secretary

Age: 11 ____________________

Qualificati ons: foreig n Ian guages: 12 ____________

skills: 13 _________________________

Experie nces: 14 _________________________

Con tact: 15 ____________________________

VI. Writing (作文)(10%)::

Write a sick leave写一张病假条)


the following phrases(翻译词组)(10%)

1. 理解,弄明白 3.各种各样的

2. 反对,反抗 4. take away

5. laugh at

6. in tur n

Card 8. urge sb. to do sth.

9. 状况良好10.失效

11. Choose the best an swer to fill in the bla nks(30 %)

1-5 CDBCD 6-10 ADCBB 11-15 ACDBD6-20 BCCDB 21-25 BCBCC 26-30 DBDAB

III. Blank Filling(10%):

1. adjusti ng 3. relieve 4. extra 5. maintain 6. creative 8. vital 9. depress 10. fun cti on

IV. Translations(翻译)(20%):

1. 你可能已经听说过大约20年前开始与意大利的,反对快餐运动的慢食运动。

2. 这不仅是一种生活方式,而且是有关身体健康的事情。

3. 大量的研究证实,仅仅依靠慢食,你就可以吸收更少的热量。事实上,足以在一年内不用做别的也不用吃别的就能减掉20磅。

4. 如果我们吃饭速度很快,我们在吃饱了的情况下,还会继续吃。

5. 消化食物实际上从嘴里就开始了,所以,嘴里消化的越多,威力小花的就越少。

more you speak, the more mistakes you will make.

Wang teaches the stude nts not only kno wledge, but also how to be a good citize n.

has n ever thought about this problem.

lot of people die from the flood.

liste n to your teacher carefully.

V. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(15%):

1-5 BDBCA 6-10 CBCAC 11. about twenty-five years old 12. can understand and speak English and Japanese 13. be able to use a computer and to drive a car 14. not required 15. call at 0betwee n July 14th and 1 8th

the following phrases(翻译词组)(10%)

1. 导致;通向 3.房地产

2. pick out 4.独奏;独唱

5. in good spirits


7. —个接一个地;陆续地8. in spite of

9. 美国运通信用卡10.由于…被捕

II. Blank Filling (10%):

Complete the bla nks with the correct form of the followi ng words or phrases(10%):


stressful huma n register try rebel task adopt

philosophy coun ter con sume

1. The thermometer ________________ 30° C.

2. I think this _________ is very challenging because the boss is very strict with me.

she is in trouble, her positive ______________ of life always helps her get out of it.

have to ___________ t he new method since this is a method that has bee n used for a decade.

though he was dying, all his family members ____________to save him at all costs.

6. This is a very _______ year for all senior high school students.

with other people is a basic _________ n eed.

arguments are not easily ________________ .

tee nagers find sth. to ______________ aga in st.

electricity industry _____________ large amounts of fossil fuels.

III. Choose the best an swer to fill in the bla nks(30 %):

1. The boss may __ Tony because he has the right qualificati ons.

A. fire

B. fine

C. dismiss

D. hire

2. What time ___ for work

A. are you usually leaving

B. do you usually leave

C. you usually leave

D. you usually left

3. ___ you n ervous duri ng the in terview A. Were B. Did C. Do D. Had

4. He know nothing about this journey ___ he was likely to be away for three mon ths.

A. that

B. except that

C. however

D. in addition

5. At last he __ fin ish the job on time. A. got to B. tried to C. had to D. man aged to

6. Upon ___ , he joined a small law firm.

A. graduate

B. graduated

C. graduature

D. graduati on

7. The country suffered through the king's _____ to accept the cha nge.

A. refuse

B. refused

C. refusal

D. refus ing

8. When things are not going well, he __ m e, telling me not to give up.

A. en courage

B. en courages

C. en courageme nt

D. en couraged

9. My father wan ted me to become a ___ footballer .

A. professi onal

B. professi on

C. professi on ally

D. professi oned

10. I m writ ing to make a ____ a bout the watch I bought yesterday.

A. complai nt

B. complai n

C. complai ning

D. compla ined

11. They talked ____ l ow voices in order not to be heard. A. at B. by C. on D. in
