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Unit 1

1. 匆忙in a hurry

2. 如此匆忙in such a hurry

3. 你什么意思What do you mean ?

4. 像......一样be like…

5. 进行跑步比赛have a race

6. 休息一下have /take a rest

7. 赢得比赛win the race 8. 慢而稳,稳打稳扎slow and steady 9.更努力地工作/学习work harder 10.耐心点be patient

11.小心点be careful 12. 别骄傲don’t be proud

13. 讲电话talk on the phone 14.骑单车ride a bike

15. 背/提很重的包carry a heave bag 16. 割到手指cut a finger

Unit 2

1.撞到...... crash into…

2. 倒在地上fall to the ground

3. 捡起pick up

4. 把它拿回家take it bace home

5.美餐一顿have a delicious meal

6. 艰苦地工作hard work

7.自言自语say to one self 8. 从那时起from then on

9.停止工作stop working 10. 一整天all day long

11.等待...... wait for 12. 跑走run away

13. 没东西吃have nothing to eat 14. 加油! Go for it !

Unit 3

1. 玩个游戏play a game

2. 后腿back legs

3. 看起来像...... look like

4. 动物之王King of the Animals

Unit 4

1.其他很多的........ many other

2. 处于危险当中in danger

3.濒危动物animals in danger

4. 永远消失disappear forever

5.砍伐森林cut down forests

6. 污染海洋pollute oceans

7.没有地方生活have no place to live in 8. 动物制成品things made from animals 9.为此做些什么do something about it 10. 栽种树木plant trees

11.共同努力;合作work together 12. 挽救动物save the animals

Unit 5

1.在中国的历史上in China’s history

2.给某人讲关于......的事tell someone something about

3.给人民自由free the people

4.改善他们的生活make their lives better

5.发明电灯泡invent the light bulb

6.制作滑稽电影make funny movies Unit 6

1.玩某样东西play with…..

2. 卡通电影cartoon movies

3.使.......成为现实make…come true

4. 完成学业finish school

5.担任......工作worke as

6.变得厌烦get bored

7.赚钱make money 8.再次once again

9.把.......变成...... turn…into..

Unit 7

1多不礼貌啊How impolite! 2. 有需要的人people in need

3.排队等候wait in line

4. 插队push in

5.轮候wait for one’s tu rn

6. 等到wait until

7.讲话时满嘴食物talk with the mouth full 8.与别人分享share with others

9.拿盘子里所有的食物take all the food from the dish

10.嘲笑laugh at 11.有麻烦有困难in trouble

Unit 8

1.很久以前long ago

2. 穿过公园walk through a park

3. 在……中间in the middle of …

4. 更多其他的many more

5.一棵挂着牌子的树a tree with a sign on it

6.没有一个none of them

7.喊出声cry out 8. 在……的底部at the bottom of 9.继续carry on 10. 明亮起来light up

11.通向lead to…. 12. 这就是……原因this is why 13.最好的派对the best party ever 14.满是…… full of….

15.除了except for

Unit 9

1.世界上的任何国家any country in the world

2. 南非South Africa

3.我想…. I’d like to ….

4. 购物很棒的地方a great place to go shopping

5.去国外旅游travel abroad

6. 世界美食之都the food capital of the world

7.到时见See you then.

Unit 10


2. 迫不及待想can’t wait to ….

3.了解learn about

4. 省钱save money

5.别着急别担心Don’t wor ry.

6. 以….著称以…..闻名be famous for….

7.自然之美natural beauty 8. 到达机场arrive at the airport

