


= Have you noticed the bridge
_w_h_i_c_h_i_s_b_e_i_n_g_b__u_il_t_____ there? 注:本句中的过去分词作定语,表示被动的 动作正在进行。
2) The United States is a developed country.
=wThhiechUhnaisteddevSetlaotpeedd is a country 注:__本__句__中__的_过__去__分__词__作__定_语__,. 只表示完成。 3) Have you noticed the bridge being built there?
fallen leaves
the risen sun
the advanced countries 发达国家
drunken man
一个醉鬼a rຫໍສະໝຸດ turned student一名留学生
a retired teacher
an escaped prisoner 一名逃跑的囚犯
by-gone days
明亮的一颗卫星,它之所以显得如此明亮是由于它表面有一层厚厚的冰壳,这层冰壳上布满了陨石撞击坑和纵横交错的条纹。木卫二的内部很可能是非常活 跃的,在冰壳下面很可能隐藏了一个太阳系中最大的液态水海洋,这个海洋中极有可能存在着生命。大气99年,哈勃空间望远镜的Goddard高解释度光谱仪 观测到,木卫二的表面包裹着一层主要由氧构成的极其稀薄的大气(地表气压约微帕)。在已知的太阳系的所有卫星当中只有七颗具有大气层(其他六星为 木卫一、木卫四、土卫二、木卫三、土卫六和海卫一)与地球不同,木卫二大气中的氧是非生物来源的。很可能是带电粒子的撞击和阳光中的紫外线线的照 射使木卫二表面冰层中部分水分子分解成氧和氢,氢因原子量低而逃逸,原子量相对较高的氧则被保留下来。轨道木卫二与木星之间的平均距离为7,9千米, 公转一周只须三天半的时间。它的轨道十分接近正圆,偏心率仅.9。跟其他的伽利略卫星一样,木卫二也被潮汐锁定,因而有一个半球永远朝向木星。由木; 集成灶:https:///goods/iIMPL0000000000201804200757111660-k%E9%9B%86%E6%88%90%E7%81%B6 ;星和其他卫星不同方向 的重力牵引所转化成的热和能量为有可能发生的,冰层内部液化成海洋,以及驱动表层下的地质运动提供了必要的条件。地质结构编辑木卫二的主体构成与 类地行星相似,即主要由硅酸盐岩石构成。它的表面由水覆盖,据推测厚可达上百千米(上层为冻结的冰壳,冰壳下是液态的海洋),99到年期间环绕木星 进行科学考查的伽利略号飞船所采集到的磁场数据表明,木卫二在木星磁场的影响下自身能够产生一个感应磁场,这一发现暗示着,其表层内部很可能存在 与咸水海洋相似的传导层,木卫二可能还有一个金属性的铁核。表面特征木卫二的表面大体光滑,很少有超过几百米的起伏,木卫二(Europa)木卫二(Europa) 不过在某些地区也可以观测到接近一公里的落差。木卫二是太阳系中最光滑的天体。它那些显眼的纵横交错的纹路,也就是所谓的返照特色,是由低浅的地 形所造成。由于撞击坑非常少,木卫二是返照率最高的卫星之一。这也暗示了它的表面是相当“年轻”和“活跃”的;基于对木卫二可能经受的彗星撞击频 度的估算,它的“表面”年龄大概在千万到亿八千万年之间。木卫二表面最突出的特征就是那些张牙舞爪地布满整个星球的暗色条纹。近距离观测表明,条 纹两侧的板块有相向移动的现象。大一点的条纹横向跨度可达公里,可以观察到这些宽条纹的深色部分和板块外缘有模糊过渡。规则的纹路,以及宽条纹夹 有浅色的细纹,这些形态很可能是由表层冰壳开裂较温暖的下层物质暴露而引起的冰火山喷发或间歇泉



The Tense and Voice of Past Participles
• Tense: The past participle itself does not represent tense, but its tense can be determined based on the context or other components of the sentence. The "translated" in "The book has been translated into many languages." indicates actions completed in the past.
• Voice: The past participle represents the passive voice, where the action recipient serves as the subject. The word "build" in "The house was built in the 19th century." indicates passive meaning, as the house was built. Meanwhile, past participles can also form the passive voice of the perfect tense, such as "The work has been completed." indicating that the work has been completed.
Expand students' English v…
By learning past participles, students can use vocabulary more flexibly and express richer meanings.


3. 在表示“希望”“愿望”等意义的动词,如want, wish, like, expect等后面作宾语补足语。The teacher expected all the students well prepared for the exam.He wants his composition read by every classmate.
a broken vase
v-ed作定语相当于定语从句。He was a teacher respected by all his students.He was a teacher who was respected by all his students.I don’t know the girl who was caught in the snow storm.I don’t know the girl caught in the snow storm.The boy who was knocked down by the car was crying.The boy knocked down by the car was crying.
wasted in the woods
made of this kind of cloth
which were wasted in woods
which are made of this kind of cloth
鲁迅写的书很受欢迎。The books _________________are popular.我们要去看那座建于几百年前的桥。We’ll go to visit the bridge _________________________.


1. I had my hair cut yesterday. (表被动)
2. She found the door unlocked.
1.The problem made me puzzled.
2. I saw the boy beaten in the street. 3. His father kept the door closed in case that somebody came in. 4. I’ll get my bike repaired tomorrow.
2. When I went out I found my car broken. 被动,完成 1
1.The teacher raised his voice to make himself
_D___ by everyone in the class.
A. hear
B. hearingm使a自k己e o被n听es到elf heard
She had her wallet ___s_to__le_n___yesterday.
He has had one thousand yuan _sa__v_e_d__this year.
He was trying to make himself__u_n__d_e_r_s_t_o_o_d____.
动词-ed形式作定语 动词-ed形式作表语 动词-ed形式作宾语补足语 动词-ed形式作状语
The functions of V-ed form
1.The Past Participle used as the Attributive 定语



It was snowing and very cold outside. A little girl was walking in the street, selling matches.
She didn’t wear any shoes because she had her shoes__lo_s_t_.
I saw her taken out of the classroom.
I saw her come into the classroom.
I saw her coming into the classroom.
(2015·陕西高考)Back from his two-year medical
She lit a match and saw a Christmas tree _de_c_or_at_e_d wit_ed__ match was burning brightly and she seemed h
very __d_e_lig_h_te_d___.
service in Africa, Dr Lee was very happy to see
his mother taken(take) good care of at home.
【思路演示】 分析句式: 该句是“see+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,宾语 补足语可以是do, doing或者done。理清句意: 在非洲 医疗援助两年回来后, 李博士很高兴看到妈妈被照顾得 很好。 抓取关键: his mother与take good care of之间为动宾 关系, 故要用过去分词作宾语补足语。 断定答案: taken。
过去分词作定语相当于一个定语从句 *The lighted match was burning brightly. ——The match which was lighted was burning brightly.

高中英语 过去分词的用法全面(共46张ppt)

高中英语 过去分词的用法全面(共46张ppt)
quite importanBiblioteka e. being discussed
to be discussed
flying fish 飞鱼 a running dog 走狗 a falling tide 落潮 a crying boy 哭着的孩子
a running machine a swimming pool a waiting room a walking stick a fishing pole a reading room
eg: surprised/ surprising; encouraged/ encouraging; moved/ moving...
二、作定语 (attribute)
1. 前置定语:单个的v-ed作定语,一般放在 被修饰的n.之前; 后置定语:v-ed短语作定语时,常被放在被 修饰的n.之后,相当于一个定语从句。 eg: an invited guest 一位受到邀请的客人
eg: The cup is broken. 系表结构表状态
The cup was broken by Tom. 被动语态表动作
3. 过去分词v-ed和v-ing作表语的区别:
过去分词v-ed: 表主语(人)所处的心理状态, 个人的感受. “(人)感到...”
现在分词v-ing: 表主语(物或人)所具有的特征. “(物或人)令人...”
eg: The letter posted today will reach you in a week. =
The letter which was posted today will...
(2) 若是vi.的过去分词作定语只表示动作的完 成,不表被动,可改成v.用完成时态的定语 从句。



The _li_g_h_te_d_ match was burning
brightly and she seemed very
The next day, people saw the
girl ___fr_o_z_e_n_t_o__d_e_a_th___. What
*She saw a Christmas tree decorated with many gifts . ——She saw a Christmas tree which was decorated with many gifts.
(2014·重庆高考) The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras r_e_t_u_r_n_e(dreturn) to our shop for
very _d_e_lig_h_te_d___.
The next day, people saw the girl __f_ro_z_en_t_o_d_ea_th___. What a
poor girl !
Round 3 自学成才
Observe and summarize by yourself
She was so cold that she sat in a corner with her legs _h_u_d_d_le_d__up.
She lit a match and saw a
Christmas tree _d_e_c_o_ra_t_e_d with
many gifts.



– Can those ____ at the
back of the classroom
hear me?
A. seat
B. sit
C. seated D. sat
35、___ in the queue for half an hour, the man suddenly realized he had left the money in the car. A. Waiting B. To wait C. Having Waited D. To have waited
1. 过去分词用作定语,如果是单个词语,常置于其所修 饰的名词之前。
The injured workers are now being taken care of in the hospital.
2.过去分词用作定语,如果是短语,一般置于其所修饰的 名词之后,其意义相当于一个定语从句。
The two theories were interesting. The news were disappointing. The result of the exam is delighting. What he does is satisfying.
• They were __s_u_rp__ri_s_e_d__ at the news.(惊奇于)
值得注意的是,有些过去分词作状语时不表 被动而表主动。这样的过去分词及短语常见 的有:
lost ( 迷 路 ) ; seated ( 坐 ) ; hidden ( 躲 ) ; stationed ( 驻 扎 ) ; lost / absorbed in ( 沉 溺 于 ) ; born (出身于); dressed in (穿着); tired of (厌烦)。

高中英语语法 过去分词的用法(21张PPT)

高中英语语法 过去分词的用法(21张PPT)

the risen sun a lost child
已经升起的太阳 丢失的孩子
过去分词短语作定语时,位于它所 修饰的名词或代词后面。
people addicted to drugs a novel written by Luxun
the advice given to the patient
an old man supported by his son a school built for orphans
the risen sun 升起来的太阳
the advanced countries 发达国家
a drunken man 一个醉鬼
a returned student 一名留学生
a retired teacher 一名退休教师
an escaped prisoner 一名逃跑的囚犯
by-gone days
• The tiger looks _fr_i_g_h_te_n_in(gfrighten), but LiPing wasn’t __fr_ig_h_t_e_n_ed (frighten).
Cleaning women in big cities usually get ____ by the hour.
2. Exciting story
Excited people 2. 激动人心的故事
Tired tired
3. 累了的人/我感到累了 (使人觉得)无聊的电影
4. Tiring film
is interesting. I'm interested in English.


过 去
分 词
The Past Participle used as
. 教学目标 1、过去分词作定语的意义
. 2、过去分词作定语的位置
3、过去分词作定语与现在分词作定语的 区别
过去分词作定语的基本用法 1.过去分词作定语的意义
developed countries
falling leaves
fallen leaves
落叶(已经完成) 12
The child standing over there is my brother.
The room facing south is our classroom. The book written by Lu Xun is very good. The road completed yesterday is leading
The water
的水) carried disease.
The English today is quite different from the
English __________________的位置
(1)单个的过去分词作定语一般放在被 修饰的名词之前,但left 、given只作后 置定语
1.The broken vase has been thrown outside. 2.The wounded soldier was looked after


the young lady was no longer afraid.
2. Because it was done in a hurry, his homework was full of mistakes. Done in a hurry, his homework was full of mistakes.
Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.
1. Following the old man, we went
upstairs.—we followed
(跟着那个老人, 我们上去了)
2. Followed by the old man, we went
_U_s_i_n_g_ the book, I find it useful. 在使用的过程中,我发现这本书很有用. _L_o_o__k_in__gat her, he jumped with joy. _L_o_o_k_e_d_at by her, he jumped with joy.
注意: 选择现在分词还是过去分词, 关 键看主句的主语。如分词的动作是主 句的主语发出, 分词就选用现在分词,反
Complete each sentence using the Past Participle of the right verb.
froAm the space, the astronaut can not
discover the Great Wall. A.


3. 被修饰词是由 不定代词 Every/ some/ any/no + thing/ body 所构成的,V-ed后置。 例:有人受伤吗? Is anybody injured?
4. V-ed 短语做(后置)定语,相当于定语从句 He is reading a novel written by Lu Xun. He is reading a novel (which was) written by Lu Xun.
• 3. 表“希望”、“要求”、“命令” 等 • 如 like, want, wish, order……
例:我可不想我的女儿天黑以后被带出去 I don’t want my daughter to be taken out after dark.
* Want to do sth. Want sb./ sth. done (被动)
• (to) V./ V-ing/ V-ed 作宾补的区别 I saw him take away the book just now. 主动(结果) I saw him taking away the book on the desk正. 在(过程) I saw the book taken away by a child. 被动
* See sb./ sth. done
2. 表“使让” 使役动词(let, make, get, keep, leave, have) + V-ed, 表使让。
It was so cold that the driver couldn’t get the car started.



Special changes in past particles
Overview of Special Changes
Past particles are formed by adding - ed or - d to the basic form of the
Some verbs under special changes in their past particle form, such as "write" becoming "written" or "dig"
Changes in the rules of past particles
Overview of Rule Changes
The rules for forming the past particles have changed over time, leading to fusion among students
Translation exercises
Translation exercises can help students better understand and apply past participles, and improve their language expression abilities.
Past participles in high school English
• The definition and usage of past particles
• Changes in the rules of past particles

人教版高二英语模块五Unit1 Grammar过去分词课件(27张ppt)

人教版高二英语模块五Unit1 Grammar过去分词课件(27张ppt)
3. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people. predicative
• So many thousands of terrified people
died …
• …soon the affected person died.
reserved seats seats reserved for …
polluted water
a crowded room a pleased winner
water polluted by … a room crowded with a winner pleased at …
astonished children children astonished at/by …
e.g. The books written by Lu Xun are popular. 鲁迅写的书很受欢迎
We’ll go to visit the bridge built hundreds of years ago. 我们要去看那座建于几百年前的桥。
将过去分词变换成从句: 1) He told us of the great wrong done to him. = He told us of the great wrong
_w__h_ic_h__h_a_d__b_e_en__d_o_n_e__ to him.
注: 本句中的过去分词作定语,既表被动又表完成。
2)The United States is a developed country. = The United Stated is a country
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past participles; ♠ use past participles in context.
Do you教re育member?
1. What did Prof. Salovey say about EQ & IQ? how intelligent, how well you use your intelligence get you hired, get you promoted
4. What are the features of people with low EQ? have problems getting on with, deal with difficult situations, have a harder time surviving
Do you教re育member?
Compl教ete育the text
EQ. There are no definite association between EQ and IQ. While IQ is determined by birth, EQ has a lot to do with education. People are studying the possibility of improving a person’s EQ. In Prof. Mayer’s study, both normal students and students with disabilities improved a lot in their EQs. Thus schools should know that the students’ future are not entirely determined by their IQs.
Compl教ete育the text
New research into EQ suggests that success is not simply the result of a high IQ. Prof. Salovey gives the description that IQ gets you hired but EQ gets you promoted. According to an academic research, when predicting someone’s future success, EQ might matter more than IQ. People are often mistaken in thinking that students with high IQ deserve good grades, but sometimes they end up failing exams. Their failure is because of their low
33).…, have you ever wondered why some students in your class…
Listen to find o教ut育the sentences
44). People are often mistaken in thinking that ... 5. It is generally believed that people with high 5) EQ are open to new ideas and … 66).They are often less likely to be troubled by
5. What was Prof. Mayer’s research result on normal students? willing to help other people, show a better understanding
6. What is the conclusion of the research on the changes to people’s EQs? get ahead, lead … life, can be improved
problems. 77). …a person’s IQ is determined by birth.
Listen to find o教ut育the sentences
8) Prof. Mayer, recognised by many as a leading expert in …

Do you教re育member?
2. What’s the association between IQ and EQ? can exist, as possible
3. What are the features of people with high EQ? open to new ideas, have… attitudes towards, less likely to be troubled
Learnin教g O育bjectives
At the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to
♠ use some new words to complete the summary of the text;
♠ discover the meanings & functions of
Which are pa教st育participles?
Listen to find o教ut育the sentences
11).At work, it is IQ that get you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.
22).Supported by his academic research, Prof. Salovey suggests …, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter…