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不可撤销信用证Irrevocable L/C/可撤销信用证Revocable L/C

即期信用证Sight L/C /远期信用证Usance L/C

保兑信用证Confirmed L/C /不保兑信用证Unconfirmed L/C

可转让信用证Transferable L/C /不可转让信用证Non-transferable L/C

有追索权信用证With recourse L/C /无追索权信用证Without recourse L/C

跟单信用证Documentary L/C /光票信用证Clean L/C

循环信用证Revolving L/C

背对背信用证Back to Back L/C 对开信用证Reciprocal L/C

信开信用证To open by airmail L/C 电开信用证To open by cable L/C


1)drawn on “向……开立”

2)Against 凭……

3)Applicant 申请人

4)Opening /Issuing bank 开证行


6)Advising bank /Notifying bank通知行

7)Negotiating bank 议付行

8)The soft clause 软条款

9)Discrepancy fee 不符点费

10)Sequence of total 报文页次27

11)Documentary credit NB 信用证号20

12)Reference to pre-advice 预先通知号23

13)Date of Issue 开证日期31C

14)Date and Place of expiry 信用证有效期和有效地点31D

15)Currency code amount 结算货币和金额32B

16)Percentage credit amount tolerance 信用证金额上下浮动范围(溢短装)39A 17)Maximum credit amount 信用证最高金额39B

18)Additional Amount 附加金额39C

19)Form of documentary credit 跟单信用证形式40A

20)Applicable rules 信用证法则40E

21)Any bank 自由议付41A

22)Available with......by...... 指定银行及兑付方式41D

23)Drawee 汇票付款人42A 42D

24)Drafts at 汇票付款日期42C

25)Mixed payment details 混合付款条款42M

26)Deferred payment details 迟期付款条款42P

27)Partial shipment 分装条款43P

28)Transhipment 转运43T

29)Loading on board /dispatch/packing in charge at/from 装船发运和接收监管地点44A 30)For transportation to 货物发运最终地点44 B

31)Port of loading 装货港44E

32)Port of discharge 卸货港44F

33)Latest date of shipment最迟装运期44C

34)Shipment period 船期44D

35)Description of goods and /or services 货物描述46A/B

36)Documents required 单据要求46A/B

37)Additional conditions 特别条款47A/B

38)Period for presentation 交单期限48

39)Confirmation instruction 保兑指示49

40)Applicant 信用证申请人50

41)Applicant bank 信用证开证银行51A/D

42)Reimbursement bank 偿付行53A/D

43)Advised through bank 通知行57A

44)Beneficiary 信用证受益人59

45)Charges 费用71B

46)Sender to receiver information 附言72

47)Instruction to the paying/accepting/negotiating bank 给付款行、承兑行、议付行的指示78 48)Swift code 银行代码

49)SWIFT 环球银行财务电讯协会(=Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication )


ycan date 受载期(= layday and canceling date)

2.Notice of arrival 到货通知单

3.ETA 预计到达时间(=Estimated Time of Arrival)

4.PWWD每晴天工作日(= Per Weather Working Day)

5.Dispatch 速遣Demurrage 滞期

6.Fixture note 租船确认合同

7.NOR 准备就绪通知书(=Notice of Readiness)

8.Time Sheet 装卸时间表(计算单)

9.Draft survey 水尺计重

10.Shipping terms 发运条件

11.Gencon 金康合同(General contract)

12.C/P Charter Party 租船契约

13.Discrepancies 不符点

14.Bill of Lading 提单

15.Blank endorsed 空白背书made out to order 做成指示抬头to order凭指示

16.Insurance policy 保险单Insurance certificate 保险凭证

17.Transfer of risks

18.Time of delivery 交货期
