



iFIX简单分类说明:首先,先看一下iFIX软件的产品类型介绍,下面将举例说明,先简单说一下几个名词的意思:iFIX Standard 300点开发版 v4.0iFIX Plus 900点运行版 v4.0Standard 版:称之为单机版或者独立节点版。






iFIX 分为150点,300点,900点,无限点这几种版本。





第一章设备连接设备连接是一个工厂数据采集系统需要解决的首要问题,iFIX 可以提供与世界上各种知名设备的方便连接方式,同时提供通讯程序的开发工具包以使用户能将自行开发的非标设备连接到 iFIX 监控系统。


1.连接设备类型:iFIX 可以连接的设备种类有很多,主要类型有:DCS、PLC、控制器、远程模块、现场总线设备、条码阅读器、智能仪表、称重仪、其它计算机系统或特殊设备。

2.连接方式:iFIX 和设备的连接方式主要有如下几种:通过串行口连接,通过工业网络连接,通过标准以太网连接,其它方式如:电话拨号,微波设备,无线电传输,专线连接等。

3.使用的 iFIX 驱动程序:iFIX 驱动程序根据开发工具不同,分为 6.x 版本和7.x版本。

6.x版本的驱动程序使用驱动程序开发包 ITK 开发,可以在 WINDOWS 95/98 和 WINDOWS NT 上运行。



iFix技术总结1.iFIX运行1.安装iFIX,以及所有补丁;2.点击桌面上的快捷方式iFIX4.0- Proficy iFIX便可进入iFIX系统。

2.系统配置点击【开始】菜单-【所有程序】-【Proficy HMI SCADA – iFIX4.0】-【系统配置】,进入“系统配置”界面;或者进入iFIX系统后,点击工具栏的图标,也可进入“系统配置”界面。


2.1. 本地启动1.点击【配置】-【本地启动】,进入配置页面;2.配置服务器,主用SCADA的本地节点名修改为SCADA1,备用SCADA的节点名为SCADA2,逻辑节点名均为SCADA;3.配置客户端,本地节点名与逻辑节点名相同,都为FIX+IP地址。


2.2. 路径配置1.点击【配置】-【路径】,进入配置页面;2.修改“工程项目”的地址为D:\IFIXPRJ,点击【修改工程项目】按钮,系统弹出对话框,如下图所示;3.点击【是】,退出对话框后,再点击【确定】按钮,弹出对话框,如下图所示;4.点击【创建全部】,系统提示如下图所示:5.点击【继续】,配置完成。

2.3. SCADA1.点击【配置】-【SCADA】,进入配置页面;2.点击“I/O驱动器名称”框右面的选择按钮,弹出所有可用的驱动器名称,依次增加OPC、SIM、SM2,配置完成。

如下图所示:2.4. 网络配置只有SCADA(服务器)需要进行网络配置,Client(客户端)不需要进行网络配置。



iFIX 6.1 配置指南说明书

iFIX 6.1 配置指南说明书

GE DigitaliFIX 6.1 from GE Digital Configuration Guide HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT CONFIGURATION FOR THE JOBIFIX 6.1 FROM GE DIGITAL -CONFIGURATION GUIDEIntroductioniFIX is a proven, innovative flagship HMI/SCADA software product from GE Digital. iFIX can boost equipment uptime and product quality by improving operator reaction time through rapid problem identification, preventing operator mistakes, and providing intelligent warning.Used in dozens of diverse industries ranging from water / wastewater to life sciences, and food & beverage / consumer goods to specialty chemicals, iFIX:•Is an open and flexible client / server application that provides supervisory control of processequipment•Provides high speed scanning, alarm and control •Offers a complete library of visualization tools to support any situation•Supports enterprise scale and highly distributed architectures•Provides the operator with the right information at the right time to help keep the plant running in a highly efficient manner. What is new?iFIX 6.1 is an update that continues the journey of open standards, rapid application development, and enterprise support.The specific features for the iFIX 6.1 release include:•OPC UA client driver option•Web Configuration Hub•iFIX Embedded is now iFIX for IOT•New Client Configurations•Update to the High-Performance Dynamos to include Smart Alarm Limits•Auto log-in (single sign-on) for Windows Users •Improved Proficy Historian Aliasing•Support for Windows Server 2019Please refer to the New Features topic in the iFIX IPI (Important Product Information) section of the iFIX Electronic Books for a full listing.iFIX servers come in three different versions:•iFIX for IOT (formerly iFIX Embedded)•iFIX Standard: a standalone version, no network•iFIX Plus: networked versionFor each server, then pick the core capability: development, runtime, read only, blind server. Then select the number of points you need. Servers are scalable, from 75 I/O points up to unlimited.IOT Standard (standalone)Plus(Networked)ClientDeploymentDev / RuntimeThick / Thin / IOTCapability Dev / Runtime / Blind Server Dev-Runtime /Dev-Read Only /Runtime Only / Runtime -ReadOnlyOn SCADA / ServerPoints/Size Starter 100 / Small 500 /Medium 1500 / Large 500075 / 150 / 300 / 900 / 1500 /10K / 30K/Unlimited75 / 150 / 300 / 900 / 1500 /10K / 30K / Unlimited# of Clients (Thin TS) Options E-Sig / Network /OPC UAClient Driver / Add’l OPCUA ConnectionsE-Sig / iPower / OPC UAClient Driver/ Add’l OPC UAConnectionsE-Sig / iPower / OPC UAClient Driver/ Drivers /SCADA Synch / TS Clients /Add’l OPC UA ConnectionsE-Sig / iPowerRuntime OnlyServerBasic drivers, OPC UA Server.IGS Basic included on all butStarterOPC UA Server, Recipe Manager, Productivity Pack, Security Synch.,Auto Alarm Manager and Basic driversIncludesLevelAdd-ons Proficy Historian Essentials & WIN-911 Essentials are separate asset activations. Toolkits can be ordered separatelyCONFIGURING THE HMI/SCADA IFIX SERVER NODEBold Text above is new functionality in iFIX 6.1IFIX PRODUCT FEATURES BY SERVER TYPEFeatures Description iFIX for IOT iFIX Standard iFIX Plus Standard Database Blocks This includes the following Blocks: AA, AI,AO,AR,BL,CA,DA,DC,DI,DO,DR,ETR, EV,FN,MDI,PG,SS,TM,TR,TT,TX X X X Control Database Blocks Includes the following Blocks: BB, DT, LL, PID, RB, RM X X XSQL Database Blocks Includes the following Blocks: SQD, SQT Added with N/W NA XSPC Database Blocks Includes the following Blocks: SC, SD, HS, PA X X X Graphics User Interface with Dynamos, Objects, Data Links, Animations X X X Classic History Default iFIX Historical Package X X X Historian Essentials2500 points / 200-day Buffer + a number of permanent Historian tags depending on server size2500 pt / 200 day2500 pt / 200 day2500 pt / 200 day Basic Drivers Number of Drivers that can be run from a Single SCADA Node IGS Only X X Networking This is iFIX Networking. Connecting one iFIX Node to another.Option NA X Recipe Builder This feature allows Users to define Recipes (for ex. Table of Setpoints for Batch Upload or Download), for Batch applications X X XAB Productivity Pack Pre-built Database Blocks and Graphic Faceplates and Dynamos for PID, Timer and Counter for AB PLCs X X X Security Synchronizer Allows Users to synchronize iFIX Security with Microsoft Windows Security NA X XHigh Availability Allows iFIX to run on Stratus Servers NA X XAuto Alarm Manager This feature allows Reporting of Alarms from a Remote SCADA Node into the Alarm History of Central SCADA Node NA NA X SCADA Synchronization Failover options between two SCADAs that synchronizes the Tag Database and Alarms NA NA Option Electronic Signatures21 CFR Part 11 Compliance Feature. Allows users to Track Changes and maintains Audit Trail NA Option Option iPower Power T&D application with special graphical tools to build a Power Grid HMI Option Option Option iFIX Toolkits API extensions for custom interfaces into iFIX NA Option Option IGS Basic IGS driver that allows access to basic device protocols X Option Option DNP3DNP3 driver Option Option ROC ROC RTU driver Option Option 61850IEC 61850 Driver Option Option BacNET BacNET Driver Option Option LNS Lonworks Driver Option Option Win911Win911 V3.1 Essentials Add-on (basic alarm escalation capabilities)X XOn-node ClientsOn-node iClient TS clients are limited to 10 per node by default. Would you require additional Thick Clients or more than 10 Thin-Terminal Services Clients, contact your local sales representative. You can include up to 253 Thin-Terminal Services Clients on the same node (two are included by default). Also, for Thin-Terminal Services Clients, while Electronic Signature is priced per Server, iPower is priced per Client.Additional OPC UA ConnectionsMaximum allowed per node is 10; two are included. SCADA SynchronizationThis option is for your High Availability SCADA Solution, on both the Primary (Standard License) and the Backup (Backup License) Node.Electronic Signature and iPowerPricing for these options will be a percentage of the iFIX configuration.WIN-911 Add-onWIN-911 is an alarm notification package for iFIX. It isthe most widely used alarm notification platform inIndustry and IIoT, deployed at over 10,000 facilities, in70 countries and on six continents.You will receive separate activation codes for theseassets, allowing for this to be deployed on differentnodes from the iFIX node, or it can be installed on thesame node.The WIN-911 Add-on option is available free ofcharge: WIN-911 Essentials edition is included in yourorder if you ask when placing the order.The Premier and Enterprise levels are available fororder as a paid option.For a High Availability SCADA Solution, the WIN-911Add-on is only required on the Primary Node.Note that WIN-911 needs to be installed on an iFIXnode, which can be a read client node, and will notoperate independently. Please refer to the respectiveproduct literature for more information.Proficy Historian Add-onProficy Historian is software that collects industrialdata at very high speed, stores it securely, distributesit and allows for fast retrieval & analysis. It is afoundational element of your Digital TransformationYou will receive separate activation codes for theseassets, allowing for this to be deployed on differentnodes from the iFIX node, or it can be installed on thesame node.The Proficy Historian add-on option is selected bydefault when ordering, providing you with a ProficyHistorian Essentials license. When ordering a HighAvailability SCADA Solution, Proficy HistorianEssentials with 1000 Points and a Redundant Collectormust be ordered.Note that the Proficy Historian and WIN-911 Add-onsoptions are not available for demo (expiring) licenses.CONFIGURING THE HMI/SCADA IFIX OPTIONSThe read-only version is now broken into two separate licenses: Runtime or DevelopmentWe have added an IOT Thick Runtime Only iClient.xxxi CLIENTS: WHAT’S NEW IN iFIX 6.1?Previous New with 6.1 and for all versions Thick iClient IOT Thick ThinDevelopment Development/Runtime√N/A√Runtime Runtime Only√√√Read Only Runtime/Read Only√N/A√Development/Read Only√N/A√ABOUT GEGE (NYSE: GE) is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-definedmachines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. GE is organizedaround a global exchange of knowledge, the “GE Store,” through which each business shares andaccesses the same technology, markets, structure and intellect. Each invention further fuelsinnovation and application across our industrial sectors. With people, services, technology andscale, GE delivers better outcomes for customers by speaking the language of industry./DIGITAL/HMI-SCADA©2020 General Electric. All rights reserved. *Trademark of General Electric. All other brands or names are property of their respective holders. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 01 2020。

IFix5.8 安装环境及新功能说明

IFix5.8 安装环境及新功能说明
对 ScadaSyncMonitor 屏幕做了以下改进:
l 检测 ScadaSync.exe 的运行时间或非运行时间。 如果 ScadaSync.exe 未工作,则在 ScadaSyncMonitor 屏幕上,将有一个红色的传输线区域进行相应的指示,并且导航按钮下方会显示一条消息。如果 ScadaSync.exe 正在运行,则在 ScadaSyncMonitor 屏幕上,将有一个绿色的传输线区域进行相应的指示, 并且导航按钮下方不会显示消息。
iFIX - SOA 服务提供程序包括 Proficy iFIX 数据提供程序和 Proficy iFIX 服务提供程序组件。Proficy iFIX 数据提供程序可以提供服务用于将 iFIX 标签发布到 Proficy Workflow 服务器。Proficy iFIX 服务提供程序可以 提供服务用于将 Workflow 连接到 iFIX 节点,并让您读取和写入 iFIX 标签与字段,以及获取活动的报警。
提供了以下改进,以增强“增强型故障切换”配置中的报警分发和数据同步。 此外,维护模式下以及 SCADA 故障 切换期间进行的系统操作也已得到改进。
任务控制和 SAC
对任务控制及 SAC 选项卡选择屏幕做了以下改进:
l 状态框显示准确的 SAC 平均时间和最大时间。
iFIX 5.8 新增功能
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此外,您可以使用按钮标题转换器来缩放按钮标题对象(文本),使之适合增强型坐标系统图形。按钮标题转换器 专家可以转换标题文本以使其根据缩放比例和屏幕分辨率进行缩放,并在 原始命令按钮标题上覆盖一个对象。使 用按钮标题转换器,您可以缩放一个画面中的一个、一些或所有命令按钮标题。这在使用“缩放到合适大小”查看 画面和文本时十分有用。按钮标题转换器仅支持增强型坐标系统。

GE Digital iFIX 2022 配置指南说明书

GE Digital iFIX 2022 配置指南说明书

iFIX 2022 from GE Digital Configuration GuideUpdated May 2022Table of ContentsIntroduction (3)iFIX 2022 from GE Digital (4)What is new with iFIX 2022? (4)Reminder: New capabilities that were found in iFIX 6.5 (5)Configuring your HMI/SCADA iFIX server node (6)On-node Clients (7)OPC UA Client Driver (7)Additional OPC UA Connections (7)SCADA Synchronization (7)Electronic Signature and iPower (7)WIN-911 Add on (7)Historian Add-on (7)NEW: iFIX Complete (8)iClients (10)GE Digital On-Premise Product Lifecycle Policy (11)IntroductionThis document covers the changes implemented in the iFIX 2022 version, available for ordering after February 1, 2022. This release carries forward all previously released iFIX 6.5 options. It introduces new capabilities such as a new Proficy Installer and a new packaged iFIX solution: iFIX Complete, which delivers all the capabilities needed for small/medium-size applications.iFIX 2022 from GE DigitaliFIX from GE Digital helps customers improve productivity and process control through industrial strength SCADA and High-Performance HMI. Flexible, configurable, powerful, and secure, iFIX is industrial strength SCADA.iFIX improves equipment uptime and product quality by improving operator reaction time through rapid problem identification, preventing operator mistakes, and providing intelligent warning. Perfect for process industries like water/wastewater, life sciences, food & beverage, consumer goods and specialty chemical industries, iFIX:•Is an open and flexible client / server application that provides supervisory control of process equipment•Provides high speed scanning, alarm and control•Offers a complete library of visualization tools to support any situation•Supports enterprise scale and highly distributed architectures•Provides the Operator with the right information at the right time keep the plant running in a highly efficient manner.What is new with iFIX 2022?iFIX 2022 new capabilities focus on delivering on the 3 main value areas of Reducing Time to Solution, Total Cost of Ownership and Empowering the Connected Worker.Reduced Time To Solution•Modeling enhancements (substitution and expression support) to support equipment variability•Simplified browsing of PLC and control systems via OPC UA and IGS•Reduce time for updates – Quick Installer•Simplify authentication management and improved security – SSO, nested AD groups Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)•Unlimited client offering: economical, proven bundle for small/mid HMI/SCADA market•Reduced hardware costs through cloud infrastructure (Azure VM, AWS VM and hybrid cloud) •Improved single server scale – 64,000 tags per data typeEmpower the Connected Worker•Improved operator experience for Life Sciences - new Proficy Batch app in Proficy Operations Hub•Build iFIX pictures once and use across same equipment type•Centralize operations and facilitate remote access using cloud infrastructureReminder: New capabilities that were found in iFIX 6.5iFIX 2022 builds on the groundwork laid in iFIX 6.5 which offered major new capabilities to decrease development and deployment time and increase engineering, System Integrator, and operator productivity. These enhancements provided new Object Orientation in a unified and central Proficy Web-based configuration environment for Rapid Application Development, a modernized Web-based database manager, High Performance HMI sample applications to jumpstart your development, new High Performance HMI Dynamos, performance and security improvements, and more.Pricing/quoting changes•New 6.5 version licensing (matched in iFIX 2022)•New term-based licensing and unlimited client options (was rolled out early in 2021)•All other server and client configuration and options remained the same as iFIX 6.1New features without pricing/quoting impact•Web Configuration Hub (expanded capability in iFIX 2022)•Web Database Manager•Object oriented database (expanded capability in iFIX 2022)•High Performance HMI Sample System (expanded capability in iFIX 2022)•Enhanced security (expanded capability in iFIX 2022)Visit the New Features topic in the iFIX Important Product Information section of your Electronic Books for a full listing.Configuring your HMI/SCADA iFIX server nodeThe following Levels, Capabilities, and Point Counts are available. Please contact your local distributor for pricing.12 Size(points)Size (points)UnlimitedXX X X X XLarge (5000) X30000 X X X X X XMedium (1500) X10000 X XX X X XSmall (500) X1500 X X X X XX Starter (100) X 900 X X X X X X300 X X X X X X 150 X X X X X X 75XXXXXXOther Notes• Language is English only• Classic Historian is no longer shipping as of iFIX 6.01 Small, Medium and Large IOT option includes IGS Basic, all protocol families and WIN-911 Add-on option.2Requires Windows 7 Embedded or Long-Term Servicing Channel. Other limit of use defined in GE Digital EULAPlease contact your local distributorfor pricingOptionsOn-node ClientsOn-node iClient TS clients are limited to 10 per node. If you require additional Thick Clients or more than 10 Thin-Terminal Services Clients, please speak with your representative.OPC UA Client DriverThe OPC UA Client Driver is an option to an iFIX node.Additional OPC UA ConnectionsUp to 8 additional OPC UA Connections (2 included, maximum allowed per node is 10). SCADA SynchronizationThis option is for your High Availability SCADA Solution, on both the Primary (Standard License) and the Backup (Backup License) Node.Electronic Signature and iPowerConsistent since 5.9, pricing for these options will be a percentage of the iFIX configuration: Electronic Signature at 30% of Server and TS Client price; iPower at 64% of Server priceWIN-911 Add onTwo Add-on options are available for the iFIX customers; WIN-911 Add-on and Proficy Historian Add-on. You will receive separate activation codes for these assets, allowing for them to be deployed on different nodes from the iFIX node; or they can be installed on the same node.The WIN-911 Add-on option is not included by default. Only select the WIN-911 Add on if you need the WIN-911 Essentials edition included in your order and plan to use the software. If you need the Premier or Enterprise level, order it separately. When ordering a High Availability SCADA Solution, only include WIN-911 Add on the Primary Node if you want this option to be included in the license. Note that WIN-911 needs to be installed on an iFIX node (which can be a read client node) and will not operate independently. Please refer to the respective product literature for more information. Historian Add-onThe Historian add-on option is included by default, providing you with a Proficy Historian Essentials license. When ordering a High Availability SCADA Solution, order the Historian license separately - Historian Essentials with 1000 Points and add a Redundant Collector on same quote as your iFIX nodes. You can upgrade to Standard or Enterprise levels.Note: These Add-on options are not available for Demo (expiring) licenses. If required for a Demo, please order separately.Standard & Plus Permanent tagcount SCADA Buffer (200days) tag countAvailable as anAdd onIncluded orPurchasedSeparately75 100 2500 X Purchased Separately150 100 2500 X Purchased Separately 300 100 2500 X Purchased Separately 900 500 2500 X Purchased Separately 1500 1000 2500 X Purchased Separately 10000 1000 2500 X Purchased Separately 30000 1000 10000 X Purchased Separately Unlimited 1000 10000 X Purchased SeparatelyPermanent tagcount SCADA Buffer (200days) tag countAvailable as anAdd onIncluded orPurchasedSeparatelyStarter (100) 100 0 N/A Purchased Separately Small (500) 500 2500 X Included Medium (1500) 1000 2500 X IncludedLarge (5000) 1000 2500 X Included NEW: iFIX CompleteiFIX Complete delivers the full power of iFIX at an appealing starting price point.•All the capabilities you need for your project with the flexibility to add clients as needed• A new, simpler way to order an iFIX solution– get the tools for your HMI/SCADA project in one step. Connectivity, Visualization, notification, Analysis and more.•To solve the need of a majority of small to mid-sized HMI/SCADA implementationsiFIX Complete base package•iFIX Plus Development/Runtime SCADA with 10,000 tags•Proficy Historian Essentials w/10K tags (+ A&E and redundant iFIX Collectors)•iClient and iClient TS - as many clients as required per server•IGS Basic – all protocol families, more than 200•WIN-911 Essentials for alarm notificationiFIX Complete - OptionsRedundancy•Second server for 50% to ensure uptime and availability•Simplified ordering. One check box adds SCADA synch and additional license Electronic SignatureAcceleration Plans•Standard rates based on levelAdd-ons•Proficy Historian Standard or Enterprise•WIN-911 Ultimate•Premium Drivers•Dream ReportiClientsConsistent since 6.1•Adds read-only option for Development•Adding IOT Thick Runtime Only iClientFor off-node Thick clients, each is configured separately, while you can include up to 253 Thin-Terminal Services Clients on the same configurator (two are already included). Also, for Thin-Terminal Services Clients, while Electronic Signature is priced per Server, iPower is priced per Client.Development Development (includesRuntime)N/ARuntime Runtime Only XRead Only Read Only (RuntimeMode only)N/ADevelopment/Read Only(can view Development environment, but can’t save changes)New since 6.1N/A Please contactyour local distributorfor pricingGE Digital On-Premise Product Lifecycle PolicyThe current Version of a Product will remain under Ongoing Support until GE Digital either releases a new Version or announces an expected End-of-Life Date. Upon each Major Version release for a Product, iFIX will have Ongoing Support for a minimum of four years.2022 (current)6.5 April 2026 April 20276.1 January 2025 January 20266.0 February 2024 February 20255.9 October 2022 October 20235.8 October 2022 October 20235.5 March 2021 March 20225.1 August 2019 August 2019In case of questions regarding pricing & configuration,please feel contact your local GE representative.About GEGE (NYSE: GE) is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. GE is organized around a global exchange of knowledge, the “GE Store,” through which each business shares and accesses the same technology, markets, structure and intellect. Each invention further fuels innovation and application across our industrial sectors. With people, services, technology and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for customers by speaking the language of industry.Contact Information****************/digital©2021 General Electric. All rights reserved. *Trademark of General Electric. All other brands or names are property of their respective holders. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 01 2022。


操作指南包括启动和退出程序、创建和编辑画面、定义数据点、设置报警等步 骤的详细说明,帮助用户快速掌握软件的使用方法。
如MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server等。
探讨IFix在不同操作系统和浏览器上的 兼容性问题,并提供解决方案,确保用 户在不同设备上都能顺畅地访问和使用 IFix。
简要介绍IFix支持的脚本语言及其特点,帮助用户选择合适的语言 进行自定义脚本编写。
分享一些编写高效、稳定脚本的技巧和方法,如避免使用全局变量、 合理组织代码结构等。
分享一些成功的第三方软件集成和二次开发案例,为用户提供参考 和借鉴。
系统详细记录用户操作日志、系统运行日志和安全日志等,以便进行事后审计和故障排查。 支持日志导出和自定义日志格式功能。
轻量级的发布/订阅消息传 输协议,常用于物联网领 域的数据传输。
• 数据聚合:对数据进行汇总、统计等操作,提取有价值的 信息。



iFIX使用手册iFIX使用手册目录1、概述1.1 介绍1.2 系统要求1.3 安装iFIX2、iFIX界面2.1 主界面2.2 工作区域2.3 菜单栏2.4 工具栏3、创建项目3.1 新建项目3.2 添加设备驱动3.3 配置通信3.4 导入标签4、设备连接4.1 创建设备4.2 配置设备参数4.3 设备连接状态5、图形化编辑5.1 新建画面5.2 添加控件5.3 编辑控件属性5.4 设定动画效果6、组件库6.1 控件库6.2 字库6.3 符号库7、运行与调试7.1 运行画面7.2 监视标签值7.3 调试功能8、报警与事件8.1 设置报警条件 8.2 定义报警消息8.3 报警处理9、数据存储9.1 历史数据记录 9.2 手动数据录入9.3 数据备份与恢复10、安全与权限控制10.1 用户与用户组10.2 权限设置11、监控与诊断11.1 故障诊断11.2 监控性能12、高级功能12.1 定时任务12.2 脚本编程12.3 接口与对接附件:本文档没有附件。














V7.X I/O 服务器 ................................................................................ 6-1 6.1. I/O 驱动器配置 ..................................................................... 6-3
目录 ________________________________________________________
使用过程数据库 ................................................................................. 8-1 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 数据库标签............................................................................ 8-3 数据库编辑器........................................................................ 8-8 导入和导出数据库................................................................ 8-12
数字量标签 ......................................................................................... 9-1 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 数据库标签............................................................................ 9-3 数字量输入标签.................................................................... 9-4 数字量输出标签.................................................................... 9-12



iFIX培训教材南京朗坤自动化有限公司1. 了解iFixiFIX®是Intellution自动化软件产品家族中的一个基于Windows的HMI/SCADA组件。







1.1 iFIX组件iFIX 的内部是一个能够提供分布式结构的技术核心。

iFIX是在标准技术的基础上开发的,像ActiveX, OPC, VBA, 和组件对象模型(COM)一样,在广泛的局域网和互联网基础上提供第三方应用程序的简单集成。


iFIX 为许许多多的Intellution和第三方应用组件提供了应用平台。

iFIX的其中一个重要组件是iFIX WorkSpace。


Intellution iFIX WorkSpace 可以存取和操作系统中的所有组件。

Intellution iFIX WorkSpace中包含两个全集成的环境,即配置环境和运行环境。






1.2 使用先进技术由于最终用户和系统集成商所需的解决方案变得越来越复杂,预期每个客户的不同需求变得更加困难。



i F I X操作说明(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--iFIX操作说明声明:本文中出现的文件所在目录、所选择的配置文件等,仅适用于化学水和除灰除渣系统的工控机。



安装过程中一直选择“下一步”和“是”,除了以下几步:1、选择安装目录,默认一般为C:\Program Files\GE Fanuc\Proficy FIX,可更改为所要安装的磁盘目录,当然也可保持默认目录。


二、 iFIX的配置建议在重新安装iFIX之前,将原安装目录备份,然后在该备份目录上覆盖安装,这样可以省去一些配置的步骤。



点击I/O驱动器名称右侧的问号,在弹出窗口中选择OPC - OPC Client ,然后确定;同样选择数据库名称为DATABASE。






这样,所选择的程序将随iFIX 启动而启动。







两个数字输入点:入水阀状态点,出水阀状态点 两个数字输出点:入水阀控制点,出水阀控制点 一个计算点:用于模拟水位变化 一个数字量输入点: 与PAC 3i 通讯 注意: 为了演示,入水阀的控制点与状态点使用了 同一个源地址;出水阀也是这样
第四步:建画面, 做动画连接
• TTTT_TeveT T 9.0 时,关进水阀,开出水阀 • TTTT_TeveT T 1.0 时,开进水阀,关出水阀
2. 将后台任务程序加入系统配置 的任务配置中
FixBTcTgrouTdServer.exe /Service 参数
1. 命名报警区域 2.启用并配置节点的报警服务 3.SCADA服务器上,数据库中定义报警 4.报警显示 5.报警确认
1.实时趋势 2.历史归档 • 配置历史归档 • 启动历史数据采集 • 将历史数据采集程序加到系统配置的任务配置中 3.历史趋势
第七步:创建调度 • 1.配置事件调度
iFIX 使用演示
准备: 1、安装 iFix 5.0 中文版 2、安装GE9 I/O 驱动器
创建一个水箱的 C:\Project\Fixtr
1. 配置I/O 驱动器 2. 测试通讯前,修改操作系统的hosts 文件, 将I/O 驱动器中配置的PLC 的device 名 与 PLC 的IP地址 对应好 IP 3. 测试通讯,检验配置是否正确 注意: 保存I/O 驱动器的配置文件时, 一定要 保存在该设计的PDB子路径下,文件名为 该设计的节点名.I/O驱动扩展名,本例为 :FIXTR.GE9



– 高效率的向导
– 集成的微软 VBA (给高级用户) – 颜色表和字符串表 – 在不解组的情况下访问任何一个对象
– 动画向导
– 表达式编辑器 – 强大的调度功能和全面的安全特性
iFIX 工作台 – 风格简洁功能强大的工作环境
系统树: 访问所有的配置工具包括数据库,调度,配方,驱 动程序,画面,应用程序文档,帮助等等…
• 逻辑块
• 自定义功能块开发工具包
例子 – 模拟量输入
• 在开发过程数据库的时候自动配 置 I/O • 内置信号条件变换 • 强大的告警功能 • 完善的安全系统 • 支持电子签名 • 方便的菜单方式的 配置和提示
例子 – 计算块
• 强大的表达式功能 • 多数据源 • 容易复制
例子 – 程序块
• 产品支持包的作用?
– 使得复杂的特性变得很容易配置
– 节省了开发时间 – 减少了过程数据库的大小/标签的数量
• 产品支持包 – iFix 开发包的经典范例!
支持 Allen Bradley 的数据库 Dynamos
• 数据库 Dynamos 集合包括以下新增加的块/标签 类型:
– ABP (Allen Bradley PID) – ABC (Allen Bradley 计数器) – ABT (Allen Bradley 计时器)
iFIX 产品一览
iFIX – 创造性的产品!
• 驱动程序技术
– 支持具有悠久历史的 FIX32 驱动程序
配置工具 & 画面 VBA 脚本 容器
• 过程数据库
– 强大的功能块编程
• “工作台” 用户环境
– 所有用户工作的活动平台 – 完全支持微软的 DCOM/COM 技术



新的支持OPC模式的驱动程序 新的支持OPC模式的驱动程序 OPC
7.X版本驱动程序 7.X版本驱动程序 既可读取数据,同时可作为OPC Server供别的OPC客户端读取数据 供别的OPC 既可读取数据,同时可作为OPC Server供别的OPC客户端读取数据 有通用的OPC驱动程序 有通用的OPC驱动程序 OPC
2003 GE Fanuc International, Inc. All rights reserved. 8
iClient Readonly
iClient Readonly
OPC基金会全球5 OPC基金会全球5家发起人之一 基金会全球 OPC中国基金会理事成员 OPC中国基金会理事成员
2003 GE Fanuc International, Inc. All rights reserved. 14
SCADA Server系统结构 系统结构
打印机 历史文件 报警汇总 历史窗口 报警ODBC 报警队列 Scan, Alarm & Control
分布式结构的优势(Cont) 分布式结构的优势(
6651 tags 6651 tags
增加2台 管理机
6651 tags 50
0 tags 0 tags
0 tags



IFIX教程IFIX教程1.概述1.1软件的基本功能:数据采集◆与工厂的I/O设备直接通信◆通过I/O驱动程序,与I/O设备接口数据管理◆处理、使用所取数据◆数据管理包括很多方面,如过程监视(图形显示),监视控制,报警,报表,数据存档1.2节点类型:一个运行IFIX软件的计算机称为一个节点有SCADA服务器、iClient、HMI Pak三种类型独立节点,本地节点和远程节点2.iFIX结构2.1 基本结构:包括过程数据、I/O驱动器、DIT、SAC和过程数据库PDBI/O驱动器:iFIX和PLC之间的接口称为I/O驱动器功能:数据采集,监视和控制I/O驱动器DIT(驱动器映像表-Driver Image Control):是在SCADA服务器内存中存储I/O驱动器轮询记录的区域每个轮询记录有一个刷新率,称为轮询(poll)时间过程数据库:是在SCADA服务器内存中存储I/O驱动器存储轮询记录数据的区域 SAC:扫描、报警和控制SAC的功能:◆从DIT中读取数据◆将数据传至过程数据库PDB◆数据超过报警设定值,则报警图形显示Intellution Workspace以运行模式提供HMI功能分布式结构数据库的标识信息:句法:SERBER.NODE.TAG.FIELD-SERVER:OPC数据服务器的名称-NODE:数据库所在的节点名-TAG:数据库中的标签名称-FIELD:标签的特殊参数信息数据流:I/O驱动器读取过程硬件●-I/O驱动器从过程硬件的寄存器中读取数据●-该数据传入DITSAC扫描DIT●-SAC从DIT中读数●-该数据传入过程数据库PDBIntellution Workspace向PDB发出请求●-图形显示中的对象显示PDB的数据●-其他应用可向PDB请求数据3.系统配置3.1 路径配置:用来指定IFIX目录的路径和名称报警配置:用来允许或禁止节点的报警功能网络配置:用于配置节点之间的通讯任务配置:在iFIX启动时,用来决定要执行的程序4. I/O驱动器4.1 SCADA配置:在SCADA服务器与过程硬件通讯前,需要定义并配置至少一种I/O 驱动器-iFIX在启动时最多可以装载8种I/O驱动器I/O驱动器类型:◆-串口通讯—COM驱动器◆-硬件供应商提供的驻留卡—RES驱动器◆-以太网卡—ETH驱动器4.2 SIM驱动器:基本功能,驱动器地址,信号发生器,报警和系统计数器4.3 I/O驱动器配置:◆通道定义◆设备定义◆轮询记录定义5. 图形介绍5.1 Intelluton工作台Intelluton的应用浏览器Intelluton工作台是使用IFIX的起点所有项目的配置都将在Intelluton工作台中完成也可以完成Intelluton iBatch软件的配置工作台模式:编辑模式和运行模式工作台部件:系统树,工作区,菜单栏,工具栏5.2 画面由对象组成,对象的名称必须是唯一的,名称必须以字母开头,最多可达40个字符,包括字母、数字和下划线“_”扩展名为*.GRF在画面对话框中改变属性6.使用过程数据库6.1 数据库标签数据库标签(块)是独立的单元数据库标签可以接收、检查、处理并输出过程值6.2 数据库编辑器:用来创建和编辑数据库块数据库以电子数据表的形式出现数据库编辑器可以打开节点列表(SCU中定义)中任何SCADA 节点的数据库6.3 导入和导出数据库:7.图形对象7.1 图形对象7.2 属性窗口:用来修改对象静态属性的工具7.3 数据连接:用来显示数据源的ASCII码或数字信息是画面中最长用的一种图形对象从“插入”菜单中选择“数据连接”7.4 表达式编辑器:◆允许访问iFIX系统中的所有数据源◆有多种数据源可用来动画对象属性◆数据源可以是单个值或一个表达式◆表达式中可有下列数据源常数以引号引起来的字符串iFIX标签OPC服务器I/O地址图形对象的属性全局对象的属性报警计数器历史数据7.5 数据输入工具8.动画对象8.1 工作台工具栏工作台的工具栏提供了一些公共操作的按钮编辑环境下,从工具栏对话框选择或屏蔽工具栏以显示或隐藏工具栏8.2 动画:是根据数据源的变化动态的改变对象的属性数据源包括:●IFIX数据库标签●画面或对象的属性值●OPC服务器●从I/O地址采集的实时数据●全局变量●预定义的表达式●VBA事件8.3 动画专家:包括填充专家,旋转专家,位置专家,比例专家,可视专家,边缘颜色专家,前景颜色专家,背景颜色专家等。

iFIX图文教程 20200325

iFIX图文教程 20200325

iFIX图文教程版本V0.01更新时间:2020年3月26日目录前言 (4)几点说明 (5)本教程软件需求 (5)软件对系统要求 (5)软件限制的说明 (5)软件原理说明 (5)软件安装 (6)iFIX安装 (6)IGS驱动安装 (12)Historian数据库安装 (18)一个简单的入门示例 (23)准备工作 (23)VSPD虚拟串口安装 (23)Modbus从站模拟软件安装 (26)Modbus从站模拟软件安装(2) (28)搭建下位机测试 (29)建立通讯 (35)添加标签 (51)创建画面 (59)系统运行 (64)iFIX与S7200的通讯 (65)S7200程序 (65)iFIX程序 (66)iFIX与TwinCAT2通讯 (73)iFIX创建新的项目 (78)过程数据库(PDB数据库) (88)过程数据库的数据类型(未完成) (92)语言切换 (92)标签组 (98)定时器控件 (105)VisiconX控件的使用 (107)vxData对象 (107)VBA 数据类型 (118)VBA 过程 (118)VBA 类与实例 (119)创建类 (119)创建实例 (124)Application的事件 (128)VBA 单链表 (130)使用Excel获取Historian中的数据 (136)VB数据结构(仅供参考,非完整实现) (139)一个特殊的类 (139)单向链表 (140)树形结构 (141)具体问题解答 (141)iFIX访问其它页面的控件? (141)修改磁盘空间需求保证iFIX稳定 (142)退出iFIX系统代码 (142)iFIX颜色设定 (142)曲线的显示与隐藏 (144)时间获取,精确到毫秒 (145)SQLServer数据库读写 (146)VB防止添加重复项到列表中 (147)Like用法 (147)修改磁盘空间需求保证iFIX稳定 (148)frm界面访问grf界面中的变量和对象 (148)获取用户名和组名的方法(调度的后台执行) (151)获取用户名和组名的方法(属性) (152)参考 (154)教程更新 (154)前言最近在编写软件设计文档,我们使用的是iFIX,iFIX的优势应该是扩展性最好,主要是因为它采用了微软的VBA脚本,同时也带来一些问题,如不容易上手和掌握,另外与之配套的教程也特别少,使用的过程中遇到了一些麻烦,做了一些总结,把这些总结整理了一下,希望能让更多的人入门。


按数据采集/显示功能分为 SCADA 版、 iClient 版、 SCADA Pak(HMI Pal)版;
按使用方式划分为 开发版(Developer)、 运行版(RunTime)、 只读版(ReadOnly);
按组件功能分为 标准版(Standard)、 增强版(PLUS) 、 专业版(Profression);
再打开网络配置,可以看到冗余服务器节点FIX已在远程节点列 表中,此时输入客户端节点FIXOPT点击添加。
分别配置好FIXSVR1、FIXSVR2、FIXOPT的网络和冗余后,从新 启动工程,便可以在客户端中访问服务器的数据库,图中可以看出冗余 服务器节点FIX已在可用节点列表。
在搭建出系统后,一般上位工程的第一步就是根据设计给出的 P&ID图,绘制出静态的流程图,该步骤在工程启动后的操作台中完 成。
在建立画面时,就要对画面的构造进行好规划,防止后 期修改出现问题。常见的方式为,上方页眉,用于放置画画切换以及各 种功能按钮;中部为流程图;下方则为报警栏。当然页眉及其他画面的 具体内容不一定会现在就定好,但是各画面大小及位置一经确定就不可 随意改变。
IFIX的通讯为I/O驱动、过程数据库(PDB)、IFIX工作台三层式结构 I/O驱动与下位设备的通讯软件(如RSLink)进行连接,将现场数据放 入计算机内存中 过程数据库通过SAC (扫描、报警控制任务)读取驱动中的数据,并 作为一个OPC/EDA服务器向外发送数据 IFIX工作台作为一个OPC客户端读取OPC/EDA服务器中的数据



iFIX使用手册iFIX学习手册Intellution Dynamics 是全世界上第一套基于组建技术的自动化监控软件家族,其中包括 --- iFix 上位监控软件系统;--- iBatch批次控制产品;--- iLogic软逻辑监控软件;--- iWebServer基于Internet远程监控软件产品;--- iGlobalCare全球一体化的服务iFix 是其中最为重要的上位监控软件产品,这个投入三百多人年开发的软件产品无疑为全球自动化生产制造业提供了易于使用,高性能的自动化监控解决方案,该软件平台功能强大,几乎涵盖了HMI的所有应用,并且可以和商业自动化进行无缝的连接。

Intellution 公司的产品一向以易用性,安全性,稳定性,开放性综合性能都非常高而著称。

新一代的iFix 产品同样广泛地支持全球上千种硬件控制,目前在中国使用非常广泛的各个厂牌的PLC;DCS 以及智能表均可以驱动,对用户自定义的或是比较特殊的通信协议的设备,该公司还提供标准的开发工具,以方便地三方的应用。

1. 产品概述1.1 iFix的技术平台1.1.1 iFix 软件的产品架构及分类---按连接现场的I/O点的数量划分:150I/O点软件(150I/O以内的应用);300I/O点软件(300I/O以内的应用);不限点软件(不限制现场I/O数量应用);---按用途划分:主体软件;功能扩充的开发工具;硬件设备的驱动程序;---按在网络中的位置划分:服务器软件;客户端软件;HMI软件(综合客户端服务器的应用);---按使用方式划分:使用方式;开发版软件;运行版软件;1.1.2基于WINDOWS NT平台;PLUG & SLOVE结构及COM组件技术,方便第三方软件集成应用1.1.3内置微软的Visual Basic for Application 作为脚本程序;安全容器的专利技术保证第三方ActiveX控件稳定运行;Client/Server 结构,完整的OPC的客户服务器模式的支持。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Copyright © 2001, Intellution, Inc.
154 学生手册
目录 ___________________________
I/O 驱动器 .......................................................................................... 4-1 4.1. 4.2. 系统配置................................................................................ 4-3 SCADA 配置 ......................................................................... 4-4
Intellution 北京办事处 地址 邮编 电话 传真 E-MAIL 北京市朝阳区雅宝路 10 号凯威大厦 15 层 100020 86-10-65925321 86-10-65925320 bj@
Intellution 上海办事处 上海市福州路 318 号百腾 大厦 10 号 200001 86-21-63912588 86-21-63912577 sh@
3.2. 系统配置................................................................................ 3-4 3.2.1. 路径配置....................................................................... 3-8 报警配置....................................................................... 3-10 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 网络配置....................................................................... 3-14 任务配置....................................................................... 3-16 3.2.4.
Intellut on

Educational Services
154 学生手册
iFIX Fundamentals
Version 2.6 - 12.01
Copyright 2001, Intellution, Inc. All Rights Reserved pn: ix154x25x0301sg
第一天和第二天 ........................................................................................ xii 第三天和第四天 ........................................................................................错 误 ! 未 定 义 书签。 介绍 书签。 .................................................................................................. 错误! 未定义

Intelligent Solutions
325 Foxborough Boulevard Foxborough, MA 02035
Intellution Dynamics iFIX
目录 ________________________________________________________ iFIX 培训手册
5.2. 6.x 驱动器 .............................................................................. 5-4 5.2.1. 通道定义....................................................................... 5-8 5.2.2. 设备定义....................................................................... 5-10 5.2.3. 轮询记录定义............................................................... 5-12 5.3. 6. 监视 I/O 驱动器 .................................................................... 5-14
概 1.1. 1.2.
述 ............................................................................................... 1-1 产品概貌................................................................................ 1-3 Intellution Dynamics.............................................................. 1-6
iFIX 结构 ............................................................................................ 2-1 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 基本结构................................................................................ 2-3 I/0 驱动器 .............................................................................. 2-4 过程数据库............................................................................ 2-6 图形显示................................................................................ 2-8 分布式结构............................................................................ 2-10
Intellution 广州办事处 广州市天河北路 233 号 中信广场办公大楼 6503 510613 86-20-38771716 86-20-38771748 gz@
Intellut on
Copyright © 2001, Intellution, Inc.
V6.X I/O 驱动器................................................................................. 5-1 5.1. I/O 驱动器配置 ..................................................................... 5-3
©2001 Intellution®, Inc. 版权所有。 Intellution, FIX, FIX Stats, Intelligent Solutions, Intellution's Stylized i, PlantTV, Plug and Solve, 和 The FIX 是 Intellution 公 司的注册商标。 FIX Dynamics, FIX HMI, Intellution Dynamics, iBatch, iClient, iCore, iDownTime, iFIX, iHistorian, iLogic, iVisualize, iWebCast, iWebServer, iWorkInstruction, VisiconX, The Intelligent Solution, VisualBatch, powered by iCore, Secure Containment, 和 徽标设计均是 Intellution 公司的商标。 iGlobalCare 是 Intellution 公司的服务商标。所有其他品 牌或名称均为相关供应商的所有权。
154 学生手册
Intellution Dynamics iFIX 培训手册 ______________________________
2.6 版
该手册和软件包括 Intellution 公司或其供货商的商业秘密。没有 Intellution 公司的授权,不允许拷 贝或转成其他形式的文件。本手册中信息的修改将不做另外通知,且 Intellution 公司对手册中的错误 所造成的损失不承担任何法律责任。
系统配置 ............................................................................................. 3-1 3.1. 回顾........................................................................................ 3-3
V7.X I/O 服务器 ................................................................................ 6-1 6.1. I/O 驱动器配置 ..................................................................... 6-3