美国是一个由多民族组 成的国家,拥有丰富多 彩的文化传统。不同民 族和种族的文化在这里 交融,形成了独特的美 国文化。
美国的社会制度以自由、 平等和民主为核心价值。 其教育、医疗、社会保 障等制度相对完善,为 居民提供了较好的生活
教授学生使用得体的礼 貌用语,以建立良好的
了解并运用肢体语言、 面部表情、眼神交流等 非语言交际方式,增强
学习并掌握倾听、表达、 提问、回应等交际技巧,
教授学生如何应对语言 障碍、文化冲突等交际 问题,以化解误会和矛
网络资源,如官方网站、学术论坛等, 提供更多关于英美的信息和讨论平台
旅游指南和游记分享,激发学生对英 美的兴趣和好奇心,促进跨文化理解。
注重传统学科的教学,如文学、历史、哲学等,同时增加职业 教育和技能培训课程。教学方法以学生为中心,注重启发式教 学和讨论式教学。
更加灵活多样,包括社会科学、自然科学、艺术等多个领域。 教学方法强调实践性和创新性,注重培养学生的团队协作和问 题解决能力。
美国有许多重要的节日 和庆典活动,如独立日、 感恩节、圣诞节等。这 些节日和庆典不仅丰富 了美国人的文化生活, 也吸引了众多游客前来
复习提纲一、复习范围:《英美概况》(修订本,温洪瑞主编)除了Lesson 3、10、13、20之外全部课文二、题型:1.选择填空(20题,20分)--- 涉及到各课内容2.匹配题(15题,15分)--- 人物、地名等(e.g. P26)3.词语翻译(20题,20分)--- 从各课的词汇表中抽4.完形填空Cloze(一篇20题,20分)---5.阅读理解(一篇5题,10分)---6.名词解释(10题,15分)---三、复习内容:1. Geography 2. Historic events 3. Figures 4. PoliticsI. Geography地理知识1. location and sizeUk:situated In Western Europe,separated from the European continent by the English Channel and the North SeaUS: situated in the southern part of North America, the fourth largest in area2.Regions/states区域/州:1) UK: four regions:2) US:New England (in northeast of US); 50 states (the two youngest states and two largeststates),Alaska (largest in area)3. Rivers:the Severn River (longest in UK), the Thames;the Mississippi River(longest river, father of waters), international rivers:the Rio Grande River, St. Lawrence, Columbia; Hudson (flows through New York City), Colorado, Missouri4. Lakes: the Lough Neagh(largest in UK,in Northern Ireland), the Lake District (poets, scenery, varied);the Great Lakes5. Mountains:the highest peak (Ben Nevis in Scotland)the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocket Mountains (the Continental Divide.), Mount Whitney(highest peak in US)6.population: 60 million (UK), 300 million (US), largest populous state (California) ,7. People and ethnic groups: Jutes, descendants of Anglo-Saxon(English); Indians (first Americans), black, Hispanics (speak Spanish), WASPs8. cities:Edinburgh (capital of Scotland), Washington DC (capitol, White House, Pentagon), motor city(Detroit), Pacific coast cities (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle); New York (UN headquarters) , largest China town (San Francisco)9.Climate: UK--- more rainy days, changeability, more fogsII. Major Events历史事件英国部分1. Wars:1) Norman Conquest (1066) 诺曼征服: Battle of Hastings赫斯丁战役2) War of Roses (1455~1485)The House of Lancaster (Red Rose), The House of York (White Rose):3) The Civil War (1642~ 1646) / bourgeois RevolutionCav alier: supported the King in the British Civil War; Roundheads: supported the Parliament2 The Black Death (1348—1349)3. The Peasant’s Uprising(1381):4. The English Reformation(1530s) : King Henry VIII5. The Commonwealth (1649~1660) Oliver Cromwell6. The Restoration (1688):Charles II7. the Glorious Revolution (1688):William of Orange was invited to England and took the Englishthrone with no bloodshed.8. Colonial Expansion (1583—1900) : first colony (Newfoundland), Jamestown (the earliestBritish settlement on North America), 13 colonies (along the east coast of North America), 9. the British Commonwealth of Nations英联邦美国部分1. wars:1) The War of Independence (1775—1783)Boston Tea Party (1773)Battle of Lexington (April 19,1775 ): the first shots of American Revolution were fireThe Saratoga Campaign (1776)the turning pointThe Battle of Yorktown (1777)the British army surrenderedThe First Continental Congress (1774) in Philadelphia , organized militia unitsThe Second Continental Congress (1775) in Philadelphia ,founded a Continental Army2) .The Civil War (1861.4.12 ~ 1865. 4.9): causes and significanceThe Battle of Gettysburg:: the turning point of the Civil War2.Discovery of the New World (1492 )3.the first permanent colony: Jamestown, Virginia (1607)4.Plymouth:the first settlement of the Puritans on North America(1620)5.Mayflower (Plymouth, 1620) 102 Pilgrims/Puritans6.Watergate Scandal ( 1972.6.) President Nixon had to resignIII. Documents文件1. The Bill of Rights (1689) 《权利法案》: confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy, the beginning of constitutional monarchyThe Bill of Rights (1791) 《权利法案》:the first ten Amendments to the US Constitution 2. Constitutions:UK---no written constitutions;consisting of statute law, common law and conventionsUS--- 1789.3.4; the first written constitution in the world, with many amendments3. Declaration of Independence《独立宣言》drafted by Jefferson 托马斯杰克逊起草4. Articles of Confederation《联邦条例》origin of US constitution 美国宪法的前身5. Emancipation Proclamation《解放黑奴宣言》(1863)issued by Lincoln6. Doomsday Book《末日审判书》IV. Figures 人物1. Kings and queens:Henry VIII (religious Reformation) , Mary I , Elizabeth I (a wise queen, during her reign capitalism grew rapidly), Charles I (beheaded), Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector)2. Presidents: George Washington (1), Thomas Jefferson (3) James Madison (4, father of the Constitution), Abraham Lincoln(16), Franklin Roosevelt (32), Richard Nixon (Watergate Scandal)3.Other figures:Margaret Thatcher(first woman Prime Minister), Benjamin Franklin(forerunner of Enlightenment in America), Christopher Columbus (an Italian navigator, first discoveredthe New World)V. Politics and laws政治与法律1. political system:UK---- Constitutional Monarchy君主立宪制US--- Federation联邦制2. Parliament / congressUK Parliament ----Consists of:the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of commons Functions: make laws, financeUS Congress ---- Consists of:Senate,House of Representatives (elected every 2 years) 3.Government:UK---- the prime minister (most powerful person), the Lord Privy Sea l掌玺大臣,Minister of without Portfolio不管部长,US--- presidency,power of president (veto),the Department of State (advise the President on foreign relations),Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) 中央情报局,t he Federal Bureau of Investigation联邦调查局, 以及其他一些部的名称4.major parties:UK-----the conservative Party,the Labor PartyThe party that has the majority seats in the Commons will form the government.US----- the Federal Party (founder: Alexander Hamilton)the Republican Party ( the Republicans) : political symbol---elephantthe Democratic Party (the Democrats): political symbol ---donkey5. general election :UK---every 5 years US--- every4 years6. Laws and courts:the Court of appeal上诉法院,the Lord Chancellor大法官petit jury小陪审团VII. Religion宗教the established church of Britain : the Church of England(英格兰圣公会)Puritans: wanted to make reforms in the Anglican Church部分术语:outer London(143)the British Commonwealth of Nations (157)Black Death(154)WASP(309)Doomsday Book(150)Bill of Rights(US)(322)Jamestown (318)American Indians (317)The Church of England(142)Indentured Servant (317)New England(318)Puritans (153)Alaska (306)Hispanic(310)IBM (311)Congress(313)melting pot(309)。
《英美国家概况》课程教学大纲一、课程大体信息课程代码:080355课程名称:英美国家概况英文名称:An Introduction to the Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries课程类别:选修课学时:36学分:适用对象: 英语专业学生考核方式:考试先修课程:基础英语,英语语法,英语泛读等二、课程简介英美国家概况是一门集英语国家背景知识和英语语言知识为一体的英语专业限选课,旨在向学生介绍所学语言国家的社会和文化等背景知识,拓宽其知识面,帮忙学生了解要紧英语国家的社会与文化概貌,使其从文化和社会的角度加倍深刻地明白得和把握所学语言知识和技术。
This is an English Major elective which, mingling together the background information of English-speaking countries and knowledge of the English language, aims at introducing to students information on the society and culture of major English-speaking countries, thus enlarging their sphere of knowledge and enhancing their power to better understand and manipulate the knowledge and skills they have acquired.三、课程性质与教学目的1.课程性质英美国家概况是一门集英语国家背景知识和英语语言知识为一体的英语专业限选课。
“英美概况”课程教学大纲英文名称:Fundamentals in American and British Studies课程类型:专业必修课学时:72学时学分:4学分适用对象: 英语专业辅修班学生先修课程:“基础英语”“英语阅读”使用教材:1.来安方著《英美概况》2.朱永涛主编,《英语国家社会与文化入门》,高等教育出版社,2001年中文参考书目:1.邓炎昌主编,《现代美国社会与文化》,高等教育出版社,2002年2.邓蜀生著,《美国历史与美国人》,北京人民出版社,1993年3.王恩铭著,《当代美国社会与文化》,上海外语教育出版社,1996年4.余志远主编,《英语国家概况》,外语教学与研究出版社,2001年5.肖惠云主编,《当代英国概况》,上海外语教育出版社一、课程性质、目的和任务1.性质:本课程是知识性与实用性相结合的英语专业基础课程2.目的:课程旨在系统介绍英美两国的历史、地理、政治、经济等方面的情况;了解这些国家的文化传统,风俗习惯及社会生活其它方面的情况。
二、课程教学内容A. 英国部分(UK)a.人民,国土,天气,举止(People,Land,Weather and Behavior)b.政府,政治,传媒,警察,司法(Govenment,Politics,Mass media,Policeman and Justice)c.英联邦,宗教,社会福利,教育(Commonwealth,religion,socialwelfare,education)d.威廉`莎士比亚,伦敦,简史(Willian Shakespear,London,concise history)B.澳大利亚(Australia)a.国土,人民,气候(Land,people climate)b.教育,语言,政治制度(Education,language,political system)c.文化,历史(Culture,history)C.美国(US)a.国土,人民,气候,政府,种族问题(Land,people,climate,government,politics,race problem)b.教育,社会生活c.重大历史事件(important historical and historic events)D.加拿大Canadaa.早期加拿大及国家的形成Early Canada,the making of Canadab. 政府,政治c.社会生活三、实践环节、作业图书馆查阅资料,收集资料,撰写阶段性论文,继而连成课程(学期)论文。
三、教学内容及具体要求Chapter 1 Land and People of the UK授课学时:4教学内容:英国的国土和人民基本要求:通过教学使学生对英国国家的组成、地理、气候、旅游名胜等有一个初步的了解,熟悉英国的主要民族及英国人的性格特点。
Chapter 2 The Origins and Shaping of the Nation授课学时:6讲授内容:英国国家起源和形成基本要求:通过本节课的教学,使学生了解英国历史,掌握主要历史事件及人物。
再《英美概况》教学大纲 任志芬-推荐下载
《英美概况》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码05103312课程性质专业方向课中文名称英美概况课程名称英文名称AN OUTLINE INTRODUCTION TO BRITAIN AND AMERICA 总学分2总学时数30讲课学时30实验学时0开课单位外语系适用专业09级英语专业先修课程无选用教材《英美概况》来安方编河南人民出版社 2004.9主要教学参考书《英美概况》导读张富生、曹德春编河南人民出版社 2006.9考核方式考查本课程在专业课程体系中的地位和作用《英美概况》是英语本科专业学生的必修专业课。
通过对英语国家文化的学习,学生将会了解这些国家的历史、政治制度、经济贸易、教育、宗教、种族问题、媒体及社会问题等,以及该国人民的思想,态度和生活方式, 可以促进学生语言水平及交际能力的提高,拓展学生的知识面,优化他们的知识结构。
三、学时分配表学时分配序号章节及主要内容讲授习题(作业)1Volume 1 The United Kingdom of GreatBritain and Northern IrelandChapter1 Panoramic ViewSection 1 The Country and the People22Section 2 The British Government2 3Section 3 Politics and Law2 4Section4 National Economy and Cities2 5Section 5 Cultural and Social Life26Chapter 2 Section 1 Origin of the English NationSection 2 The Great Charter and Beginning of Parliament27Section 3 Decline of Feudalism in EnglandSection 4 The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising BourgeoisieSection 5 The English Civil War (Bourgeois Revolution)28Section 6 The Industrial Revolution and the 2Chartist MovementSection 7 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire9Volume 2 Chapter 1 Section 1 2 10Section 2 American People2 11Section 3 Government and Politics (Ⅰ)2 12Section 4 Government and Politics (Ⅱ)213Section 5 National Economy (Ⅰ) Section 6National Economy (Ⅱ)2 14Section 7 Culture and Holidays215Chapter 2 American HistorySection 1 Native Indians and the ThirteenEnglish-American Colonies2合计30总计30四、教学内容及基本要求Volume 1 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 1 The Country and the People 2 Periods【Teaching Objectives】1. have a general understanding of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2. master some useful expression and phrases【Teaching keys and Difficulties】keys:the geographic features and inland water of the U.K.Difficulties:understand something about Ireland and Northern Ireland【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Names and Positions 1.2 Geographic Features1.3 Climate and Weather 1.4 Factors Influencing English Weather1.5 People1.6 Official and Local Languages1.7 Religion1.8 The English LanguageChapter 1 Panoramic View 2 PeriodsSection 2 The British Government【Teaching Objectives】1 .understand the British government, such as the different parts comprising the government and how each of them works, etc.2. get a better understanding of British Culture through understanding the British government【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the function of parliament, government and the cabinetDifficulties: the role of the Monarch in Britain【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Monarch 1.2 Parliament1.3 The House of Lords and Noble Titles 1.4 The Government and the Cabinet1.5 The Government and the Cabinet1.6 Civil Servants1.7 Local GovernmentsChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 3 Politics and Law 2 Periods【Teaching Objectives】1.understand the politics and law of the U.K.pare the politics and law of the U.K. with that of China【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: Political Parties of the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland Difficulties:the elections of the U.K.【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Political Parties 1.2 Elections1.3 Justice and the law 1.4 Law Courts1.5 Legal Profession1.6 Police ForceChapter 1 Panoramic View 2 PeriodsSection 4 National Economy and Cities【Teaching Objectives】1 .know something about the major cities of the U.K.2. understand the economic system and structure of the U.K.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: 1. the economic system and structure of the U.K.2. symbolic constructions of the U.K.Difficulties:the public sector and private sector【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Economic system and Structure 1.2 The Public Sector1.3 The Private Sector 1.4 Transportation and Communications1.5 Foreign Trade1.6 Agriculture1.7 British Disease and Thatcher’s Prescription1.8 CitiesChapter 1 Panoramic View 2 Periods Section 5 Cultural and Social Life【Teaching Objectives】1. Understand the class structure and social problems of the U.K.2. Understand the education policies of the U.K.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the class structure of the U.K. and social welfare Difficulties:education policies【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Class Structure and Social Problems 1.2 British Families1.3 Education Policies 1.4 Types of Schools1.5 Higher Education and Universities1.6 Oxbridge1.7 Employment1.8 Social WelfareChapter 2 English History 2 Periods Sections 1 Origin of the English NationSection 2 The Great Charter and Beginning of Parliament【Teaching Objectives】1.Understand the origin of the English Nation2.Understand the history of the invasions of the English Nation 【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the invasions of the English Nation at different times Difficulties:the influence of the Norman Conquest【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Native Celts and Anglo-Saxon Conquest 1.2 Roman Britain (55 BC-410 AD)1.3 The Anglo-Saxon Conquest (446-871) 1.4 The Norman Conquest (1066)1.5 Henry Ⅱ’s Reforms1.6 King John1.7 The Great Charter1.8 Beginning of ParliamentChapter 2 English History 2 PeriodsSection 3 Decline of Feudalism in EnglandSection 4 The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising BourgeoisieSection 5 The English Civil War (Bourgeois Revolution)【Teaching Objectives】1.Understand the decline of feudalism in England2.Understand the Tudor Monarch and the Rising Bourgeoisie3.Understand the English Civil War【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the decline of feudalism in England and Renaissance in England Difficulties:the English civil war【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Hundred Year’s War (1337-1453) 1.2 The Black Death (1348-1349)1.3 Wycliffe and the Lollards 1.4 The Peasant Uprising (1381)1.5 The Wars and the Roses (1455-1485)1.6 The New Monarchy1.7 HenryⅦ1.8 HenryⅧ and Reform of the Church1.9 Elizabeth Ⅰ (1533-1603)1.10 Background of the Revolution1.11 James Ⅰ (1603-1625) and the Parliament1.12 CharlesⅠ (1625-1653)1.13 The Short Parliament and the Long Parliament1.14 The Civil Wars1.15 Cromwell as Lord Protector1.16 Restoration (1660)Chapter 2 English History 2 PeriodsSection 6 The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist MovementSection 7 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire【Teaching Objectives】1.Understand the Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement2.Know something about the rise and fall of the British empire 【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: effect of industrial revolution, the rise and fall of the English empire Difficulties:Britain and the First World War and the Second World War 【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Background of the Industrial Revolution 1.2 Process of the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850)1.3 Effect of the Industrial Revolution 1.4 Reform of the Voting System1.5 The Chartist Movement (1836-1848)1.6 Queen Victoria (1837-1901)1.7 Foreign Expansion1.8 Effect of War on BritainVolume 2 The United States of America 2 Periods Chapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 1 The United States and Its Natural Conditions【Teaching Objectives】To get a general understanding of the United States of America 【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: positions, rivers and lakes, mineral resources etc. of America Difficulties:the problems of America【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Position and Area 1.2 Surface regions and Landforms1.3 Climate and Weather 1.4 Land Resources1.5 Rivers and Lakes1.6 Forests1.7 Mineral Resources1.8 New ProblemsVolume 2 The United States of America 2 Periods Chapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 2 American People【Teaching Objectives】1.know the different ethnic groups of American people2.understand the origin of the multi-cultural American people3.understand the class structure of America【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: native people of America, immigrants into America, and the class structure of America Difficulties:America as a melting pot【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Indians 1.2 Immigrants into America1.3 People and Ethnic Groups 1.4 Melting Pot or Mosaic1.5 Distribution of People1.6 Background of the Class Structure1.7 Upper, Middle, and Lower ClassesVolume 2 The United States of America 2 PeriodsChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 3 Government and Politics (Ⅰ)【Teaching Objectives】1.know the basis of U.S. political theory2.understand the government principles of U.S.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: government principles and federal system of U.SDifficulties:legislative procedure【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Basis of the U.S. Political Theory 1.2 Government Principles1.3 Federal System 1.4 The Federal Government1.5 The Legislative Branch1.6 Legislative ProcedureVolume 2 The United States of America 2 PeriodsChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 4 Government and Politics (Ⅱ)【Teaching Objectives】Know more about the government and politics of America【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the executive branch, political parties, state government and local government etc. Difficulties:general election【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 the Executive Branch 1.2 General Election1.3 The Judicial Branch 1.4 Federal Police1.5 State Government1.6 Local Government1.7 Political PartiesVolume 2 The United States of America 2 PeriodsChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 5 National Economy (Ⅰ)Section 6 National Economy (Ⅱ)【Teaching Objectives】Know the economy system of U.S.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: economic system of U.S., types of businesses, major cities etc. Difficulties:the role of government in national economy【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Economic System 1.2 Types of Business1.3 Role of Government in National Economy 1.4 Themes in Business Life1.5 Mining1.6 Manufacturing1.7 Principal Products1.8 Service Industry1.9 Agriculture1.10 Forestry1.11 Major CitiesVolume 2 The United States of America Two Periods Chapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 7 Culture and Holidays【Teaching Objectives】Understand the culture of holidays of U.S.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the education system and social welfare of U.S. Difficulties:the basis of American culture,【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Basis of American Culture 1.2 Holidays and Festivals1.3 American Education 1.4 Elementary and Secondary Education1.5 Higher Education and Universities1.6 Employment and Social WelfareChapter 2 American History Two PeriodsSection 1 Native Indians and the Thirteen English-American Colonies【Teaching Objectives】Understand the very beginning of U.S.: native Indians and the Thirteen English-American colonies【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: Indians as Native AmericansDifficulties:the early colonies and immigrants【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Indians as Native Americans 1.2 Columbus Discovering the New World (1492)1.3 Founding of Colonies1.4 The Early Colonies and Immigrant1.5 Life in Colonies五、本大纲尚需说明的问题A Multi-media classroom is very necessary if there is one available.(如果有多媒体教室的话会起到事半功倍的效果。
《英美概况》教学大纲课程名称:英美概况课程代码:04213020课程类别:公共基础课课程性质:必修总学时:64 理论学时:64先修课程:《综合英语》适用专业:应用英语、商务英语开课单位:经管学院一、课程性质、目的课程性质:《英语国家概况》是英语专业的一门知识性基础课。
【教学时数】 6【教学重点和难点】重点:英国社会背景文化知识介绍。
【教学时数】 6【教学重点和难点】重点:英国政府体制的特色;民族等级制度对人民生活的影响;英国经济发展的原因。
教学难点:分析并了解American Revolution产生的原因。
英美概况复习大纲复习大纲Volume OneAn Outline Introduction to Britain?Lecture I?Land Area, Names and position of Britain ?1。
Land Area?Total area of the whole country is 240,000skms with 230,000skms of Great Britain, the air-distance of Britain from south to north being 1,000kms and 500kms from west to east。
The whole population is about 56,000,000 General view2.Questions on the Names ?Where are the British Isles? ?Where isBritain? ?Where is England? ?Where is Scotland? ?Where is Wales? ?Where is “Ireland”?Where is Northern Ireland??What is the Northern Ireland Problem? ?What is IRA??Where is the UK----The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? ?What is the difference between UK, Britain and England??Map of Great Britain and Northern Ireland England?The largest (takes up 60% of the whole island) ?Most populous (makes up 85% of the country?s whole population) ?The richest section?Economic & cultural center(p.2)“We English people take this too much for granted, and tend to use the words ?England? and ?English? when we mean ?Britain? and ?British?。
阐述美国经济制度的基础,如市 场经济、私有制等,以及产业结 构的现状与特点。
探讨美国当前面临的社会问题, 如种族不平等、贫困、犯罪等, 以及政府和社会如何应对这些挑 战。
回答关于美国历史、文化、社会等方面的 简答题,如“简述美国独立战争的背景和 结果”、“分析个人主义在美国文化中的 地位和影响”等。
阐述美国多元文化的特点,以及不同民族在美国社会中的融合过 程。
探讨实用主义哲学对美国文化的影响,以及创新精神在美国科技、 经济等领域中的体现。
分析美国政治体制的特点,包括 总统制、三权分立等,以及权力 结构中的利益集团、政党等因素。
英美在国际事务中的影响力 分析英美在国际组织、全球治理等方面的作用和影响力。
英美外交政策的异同点 比较英美在外交政策制定和实施上的相似性和差异性。
解释英国君主立宪制的基本原则和特 点。
分析美国总统制与英国君主立宪制的 异同点。
过去几十年来,英美两国在文化领域的 交流活动不断增多。例如,英国皇家莎 士比亚剧团和美国百老汇的戏剧合作、 英国国家美术馆和美国大都会艺术博物 馆的艺术交流等。这些活动为两国人民 提供了更多了解和欣赏对方文化的机会。
随着全球化的深入发展,英美两国之间 的文化交流将继续加强。未来,两国可 以在数字创意产业、影视制作、艺术教 育等领域开展更多合作,共同推动世界 文化的繁荣和发展。
Part Two HistoryChapter 1 Colonization of North America1.Who were the natives of America? How did they arrive in American? Who werethe first discoverer and the first identifier of the New World? What was the significance of the discovery of the new world? Where and when was the first English colony founded? How was America colonized (explored) by European countries? Why did so many Europeans go to the new world? How many colonies did the English settlers found by 1773?Chapter 2 the American War of Independence1.What were the major events that led to the sharpening contradictions betweenBritain and the colonies? What were the results of the first continental congress?2.Which event marked the outbreak of the war of independence? What were themajor measures adopted at the second continental congress? Which battle marked the turning point of the war? What was the significance of the war?3.How did the constitutional convention stipulate the allocation of seats in thecongress? Who were the forerunners of the “anti-federalists”and “federalists”respectively?Chapter 3 The Growth of The Nation1.When was the first US administration founded? Who were the major figures inWashington’s administration?2.What were the contradictions between the federalists and the republicans? Whatwas the nature of these contradictions? What were the contributions made by Thomas Jefferson to American history? What was the sedition act?3.What was the importance of the War of 1812 to 1814? What role did AndrewJackson play in the development American history?Chapter 4 The American Civil War1.What was the situation before the civil war? And why was the war inevitable?2.What are the two measures that Lincoln took during the civil war and what wasthe significance of these measures? What was the significance of the civil war?Chapter 5 The US Imperialism and the First World War 1.What was the significance of the Reconstruction? What are the great changes fromthe year of the close of the civil war in 1865 to the end of the 19th century? Give facts to each of these changes.2.Give some examples to show the growth of US imperialism before the First WorldWar. What were the causes and the nature of World War I? Why did U.S. finally enter the war?Chapter 6 America Before and During the Second World War1.Why was the prosperity in 1920’s false? What was the economic situation duringthe great depression of 1929-1933?How did Franklin D. Roosevelt cope with this situation?2.What were the causes of the Second World War? And what was the nature of thewar? What were the two sides in the war? Why did U.S. enter the war? What were the consequences of the war?Chapter 7 America during the “Cold War”1.What is the “cold war” what are the major events that happened between Trumanand Carter? Why was there a short period of prosperity right after the Second World War? And why did it disappear so quickly?2.why did economic crises occur so frequently after the war? And why was itinevitable? What were the major features of the American foreign policies during the “cold war”?PART THREE CULTUREChapter 1 Education1.What are the ideals of American education?2.What is the structure of US formal education? What are the levels that UScompulsory education consists of? What are the major subjects that students in elementary schools and secondary schools study?3.How does a university choose its applicants? What are the four categories ofhigher institutions that US higher education consists of? How are most colleges and universities in America administrated? How are credits earned in US universities? What are the major famous universities in the USA and what similarities do they share?Chapter 2 The Media of U.S.A.1.Describe briefly the conditions of radios and televisions in the USA. What is anetwork? What are the major radio and TV networks in the USA? How do you know about VOA? What is the negative influence of the TV programs in the USA?2.What are the major features of newspapers and magazines in the USA? What arethe major news agencies (wire-services companies) in the USA? What are the most influential newspapers in the USA? What are the major news magazines in the USA?Can you say something about them?Chapter 3 Sports and Recreation1.What are the major types of sports in terms of the nature of the sport in the USA?And what are the major types of sports in terms of the number of participants in USA?2.What are the major sports in the USA? What sport is most popular in autumn inAmerica? Can wrestling, boxing and horseracing be called sports? What kind of sports are they? What do Americans usually do for recreations during their spare time? What people introduced bowling into the New York areas in the 17th century?And how is it acted nowadays? What are American’s popular leisure pursuits?Chapter 4 Science and Technology1.What are the three symbols of modern technology in which USA occupies theleading position? What are the four supporters of American science and technology? What is the role that US science and technology plays?2.What is the policy of science and technology development adopted by USA?What is NASA? What are the three space centers in the USA? What is Nobel Prize? Who are the major American Nobel Prize winners for sciences and economics in recent years? For what reason are they awarded the Nobel Prize?Chapter 5 Art and Music1.What are major forms of art in the 19th century? What is Hudson River school?What are the major schools of American art in the 20th century? And who were the major representatives of these schools? What is pop art?2.What are the major music training institutions in the USA? What are the majorforms of pop music in USA in the 20th century? Can you give some examples of singers of these forms?Chapter 6 American Film1.What are the major film-making companies in the USA? What’s the Chinese forthese companies? Who opened Hollywood’s first film studio in an old tavern on the corner of Sunset and Gower? When was the first academy awards held?2.What is Hollywood? What is the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Why “Beverly Hill”can be called “an extremely handsome extravagant neighborhood”? What is the “academy awards”? Why is “academy awards” also called Oscar award”?3.What is the “Golden Globe Awards”? what is the HFPA? Who holds the GoldenGlobe Awards ceremony?Chapter 7(略)Part Four Social LifeChapter 1 Family1.Why are US people diversified? What is the typical family pattern in USA? Whatis the American attitude towards marriage? How is dating conducted in the USA?2.Is divorce rate high in the USA? can you give an example to show this? What is“senior centers”? What is double dating? What is “baby-sitters”?Chapter 2 Food and Dining Customs1.What are the major foods consumed by Americans? What are the regionalspecialties in USA?What are the main courses for American meals? What are the most popular hot drinks in USA? How is coffee done in the USA? What is coffee break?2.What are the major eating places in the USA? What is the major food served infast food restaurants? What is the usual time for Americans to dine? What are the dining customs in the USA?3.Explain the following terms: drive-ins; a cafeteria; black coffee; BLT.Chapter 3 Traditional Holidays1.What are the major holidays in the USA? And when do they fall?2.How is New Year’s Day celebrated? What is Valentine’s Day? What are the majorcelebration activities on this day? What is the origin of Easter? How is Halloween celebrated? What is the origin of Thanksgiving Day?Chapter 4 Traditions and Customs1.What are the major conventions in dealing with American social relations?2.What is the origin of the American spirit of “do-it –yourself”? Can you give anexample? What is the popular American belief? Can you give an example?Chapter 5 Religion in the USA1.What is the makeup of religious groups in the USA? What are the major groups inProtestantism?2.What are the characteristics of the religious practice in USA? What are the majorproblems in American religion?Part Five Political SystemChapter 1 T he State System and the Constitution1.What is separation of powers? What is federal system? What is the basis on whichthe US political system based?2.How does US constitution outline the structure of the national government?Chapter 2 The Federal Government1.What is the “system of checks and balances”? What are the powers of the federalgovernment and of the individual states respectively? What are the three branches of the US federal government?2.What is the makeup of the executive branch? What are the functions of the USpresident? What is the basic requirement for becoming a US president?3.What does the US congress consist of? What is the number of members in thecongress? What are the functions of the US congress? What are the procedures of law-making in USA? How can a president be removed from office?4.What are the powers of the Supreme Court? How many justices are there in theSupreme Court? What are the obligations of the Supreme Court justices?5.What is the structure of state court system? And what is the structure of the federalcourt system? What is the jury?Chapter 3 Political Parties and Elections1.What is the two- party system? How was the two-party system formed in USA?2.What are the origins of the democrats and republicans? What are the politicalviews of the US two parties in respectively? And what are the national organizations of the two parties? What are the features of party membership in USA?3.How are candidates chosen in the USA? What are closed and open primaries?What are the two stages in the election of president?4.How many presidential electors are there in the whole country? What is“winner-take-all” principle?。
* 足球、板球、赛马、高尔夫、 网球
* 博物馆、科技馆、音乐、戏剧 * 圣诞节、复活节、 苏格兰新年、
万圣节 * 结婚、餐饮、城市
* 英国邀请、吃饭、打电话的风 俗习惯
* 英国人的特点
* 说一下你对英国体育赛事的 了解情况
* 说一下你对莎士比亚的了解 * 说一下你的圣诞节经历 * 你知道这几个节日是怎么来
* 美国的地理位置 * 美国的 50 各州及其基本情况
* 美国的地理位置情况 * 美国的五大湖
* 说一下你对美国的基本了解 * 从地图上找出美国的位置
* 说一下你对美国人的了解 * 说一下你对美国各个州的了
参考 学时
2 美国历史
3 美国政治体系 4 美国宗教 5 美国经济 6 美国教育 7 美国社会运动 8 美国文化生活
一、 课程基本信息
课程名称 课程类型 总学时 开设学期 修订日期
英美概况 专业必修课
60 第一 - 二学期 2011 年 9 月
课程编号 适用专业
总学分 修订人 审核人
1601005000 商务英语 4 于晓晶 杜文捷
《英美国家概况》 为英语专业一年级的专业基础课。 本课程提供英美两国的历史、 地理、 政治、经济、文化传统、风俗习惯及社会生活等方面的情况,在加深对两国国情了解的情况
单元 ∕课
*了解英国总体的基本情况 * 英国四周海域名字及英国四
再《英美概况》教学大纲 任志芬-推荐下载
《英美概况》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码05103312课程性质专业方向课中文名称英美概况课程名称英文名称AN OUTLINE INTRODUCTION TO BRITAIN AND AMERICA 总学分2总学时数30讲课学时30实验学时0开课单位外语系适用专业09级英语专业先修课程无选用教材《英美概况》来安方编河南人民出版社 2004.9主要教学参考书《英美概况》导读张富生、曹德春编河南人民出版社 2006.9考核方式考查本课程在专业课程体系中的地位和作用《英美概况》是英语本科专业学生的必修专业课。
通过对英语国家文化的学习,学生将会了解这些国家的历史、政治制度、经济贸易、教育、宗教、种族问题、媒体及社会问题等,以及该国人民的思想,态度和生活方式, 可以促进学生语言水平及交际能力的提高,拓展学生的知识面,优化他们的知识结构。
三、学时分配表学时分配序号章节及主要内容讲授习题(作业)1Volume 1 The United Kingdom of GreatBritain and Northern IrelandChapter1 Panoramic ViewSection 1 The Country and the People22Section 2 The British Government2 3Section 3 Politics and Law2 4Section4 National Economy and Cities2 5Section 5 Cultural and Social Life26Chapter 2 Section 1 Origin of the English NationSection 2 The Great Charter and Beginning of Parliament27Section 3 Decline of Feudalism in EnglandSection 4 The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising BourgeoisieSection 5 The English Civil War (Bourgeois Revolution)28Section 6 The Industrial Revolution and the 2Chartist MovementSection 7 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire9Volume 2 Chapter 1 Section 1 2 10Section 2 American People2 11Section 3 Government and Politics (Ⅰ)2 12Section 4 Government and Politics (Ⅱ)213Section 5 National Economy (Ⅰ) Section 6National Economy (Ⅱ)2 14Section 7 Culture and Holidays215Chapter 2 American HistorySection 1 Native Indians and the ThirteenEnglish-American Colonies2合计30总计30四、教学内容及基本要求Volume 1 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 1 The Country and the People 2 Periods【Teaching Objectives】1. have a general understanding of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2. master some useful expression and phrases【Teaching keys and Difficulties】keys:the geographic features and inland water of the U.K.Difficulties:understand something about Ireland and Northern Ireland【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Names and Positions 1.2 Geographic Features1.3 Climate and Weather 1.4 Factors Influencing English Weather1.5 People1.6 Official and Local Languages1.7 Religion1.8 The English LanguageChapter 1 Panoramic View 2 PeriodsSection 2 The British Government【Teaching Objectives】1 .understand the British government, such as the different parts comprising the government and how each of them works, etc.2. get a better understanding of British Culture through understanding the British government【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the function of parliament, government and the cabinetDifficulties: the role of the Monarch in Britain【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Monarch 1.2 Parliament1.3 The House of Lords and Noble Titles 1.4 The Government and the Cabinet1.5 The Government and the Cabinet1.6 Civil Servants1.7 Local GovernmentsChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 3 Politics and Law 2 Periods【Teaching Objectives】1.understand the politics and law of the U.K.pare the politics and law of the U.K. with that of China【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: Political Parties of the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland Difficulties:the elections of the U.K.【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Political Parties 1.2 Elections1.3 Justice and the law 1.4 Law Courts1.5 Legal Profession1.6 Police ForceChapter 1 Panoramic View 2 PeriodsSection 4 National Economy and Cities【Teaching Objectives】1 .know something about the major cities of the U.K.2. understand the economic system and structure of the U.K.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: 1. the economic system and structure of the U.K.2. symbolic constructions of the U.K.Difficulties:the public sector and private sector【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Economic system and Structure 1.2 The Public Sector1.3 The Private Sector 1.4 Transportation and Communications1.5 Foreign Trade1.6 Agriculture1.7 British Disease and Thatcher’s Prescription1.8 CitiesChapter 1 Panoramic View 2 Periods Section 5 Cultural and Social Life【Teaching Objectives】1. Understand the class structure and social problems of the U.K.2. Understand the education policies of the U.K.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the class structure of the U.K. and social welfare Difficulties:education policies【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Class Structure and Social Problems 1.2 British Families1.3 Education Policies 1.4 Types of Schools1.5 Higher Education and Universities1.6 Oxbridge1.7 Employment1.8 Social WelfareChapter 2 English History 2 Periods Sections 1 Origin of the English NationSection 2 The Great Charter and Beginning of Parliament【Teaching Objectives】1.Understand the origin of the English Nation2.Understand the history of the invasions of the English Nation 【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the invasions of the English Nation at different times Difficulties:the influence of the Norman Conquest【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Native Celts and Anglo-Saxon Conquest 1.2 Roman Britain (55 BC-410 AD)1.3 The Anglo-Saxon Conquest (446-871) 1.4 The Norman Conquest (1066)1.5 Henry Ⅱ’s Reforms1.6 King John1.7 The Great Charter1.8 Beginning of ParliamentChapter 2 English History 2 PeriodsSection 3 Decline of Feudalism in EnglandSection 4 The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising BourgeoisieSection 5 The English Civil War (Bourgeois Revolution)【Teaching Objectives】1.Understand the decline of feudalism in England2.Understand the Tudor Monarch and the Rising Bourgeoisie3.Understand the English Civil War【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the decline of feudalism in England and Renaissance in England Difficulties:the English civil war【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Hundred Year’s War (1337-1453) 1.2 The Black Death (1348-1349)1.3 Wycliffe and the Lollards 1.4 The Peasant Uprising (1381)1.5 The Wars and the Roses (1455-1485)1.6 The New Monarchy1.7 HenryⅦ1.8 HenryⅧ and Reform of the Church1.9 Elizabeth Ⅰ (1533-1603)1.10 Background of the Revolution1.11 James Ⅰ (1603-1625) and the Parliament1.12 CharlesⅠ (1625-1653)1.13 The Short Parliament and the Long Parliament1.14 The Civil Wars1.15 Cromwell as Lord Protector1.16 Restoration (1660)Chapter 2 English History 2 PeriodsSection 6 The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist MovementSection 7 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire【Teaching Objectives】1.Understand the Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement2.Know something about the rise and fall of the British empire 【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: effect of industrial revolution, the rise and fall of the English empire Difficulties:Britain and the First World War and the Second World War 【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Background of the Industrial Revolution 1.2 Process of the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850)1.3 Effect of the Industrial Revolution 1.4 Reform of the Voting System1.5 The Chartist Movement (1836-1848)1.6 Queen Victoria (1837-1901)1.7 Foreign Expansion1.8 Effect of War on BritainVolume 2 The United States of America 2 Periods Chapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 1 The United States and Its Natural Conditions【Teaching Objectives】To get a general understanding of the United States of America 【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: positions, rivers and lakes, mineral resources etc. of America Difficulties:the problems of America【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Position and Area 1.2 Surface regions and Landforms1.3 Climate and Weather 1.4 Land Resources1.5 Rivers and Lakes1.6 Forests1.7 Mineral Resources1.8 New ProblemsVolume 2 The United States of America 2 Periods Chapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 2 American People【Teaching Objectives】1.know the different ethnic groups of American people2.understand the origin of the multi-cultural American people3.understand the class structure of America【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: native people of America, immigrants into America, and the class structure of America Difficulties:America as a melting pot【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Indians 1.2 Immigrants into America1.3 People and Ethnic Groups 1.4 Melting Pot or Mosaic1.5 Distribution of People1.6 Background of the Class Structure1.7 Upper, Middle, and Lower ClassesVolume 2 The United States of America 2 PeriodsChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 3 Government and Politics (Ⅰ)【Teaching Objectives】1.know the basis of U.S. political theory2.understand the government principles of U.S.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: government principles and federal system of U.SDifficulties:legislative procedure【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Basis of the U.S. Political Theory 1.2 Government Principles1.3 Federal System 1.4 The Federal Government1.5 The Legislative Branch1.6 Legislative ProcedureVolume 2 The United States of America 2 PeriodsChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 4 Government and Politics (Ⅱ)【Teaching Objectives】Know more about the government and politics of America【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the executive branch, political parties, state government and local government etc. Difficulties:general election【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 the Executive Branch 1.2 General Election1.3 The Judicial Branch 1.4 Federal Police1.5 State Government1.6 Local Government1.7 Political PartiesVolume 2 The United States of America 2 PeriodsChapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 5 National Economy (Ⅰ)Section 6 National Economy (Ⅱ)【Teaching Objectives】Know the economy system of U.S.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: economic system of U.S., types of businesses, major cities etc. Difficulties:the role of government in national economy【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Economic System 1.2 Types of Business1.3 Role of Government in National Economy 1.4 Themes in Business Life1.5 Mining1.6 Manufacturing1.7 Principal Products1.8 Service Industry1.9 Agriculture1.10 Forestry1.11 Major CitiesVolume 2 The United States of America Two Periods Chapter 1 Panoramic ViewSection 7 Culture and Holidays【Teaching Objectives】Understand the culture of holidays of U.S.【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: the education system and social welfare of U.S. Difficulties:the basis of American culture,【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 The Basis of American Culture 1.2 Holidays and Festivals1.3 American Education 1.4 Elementary and Secondary Education1.5 Higher Education and Universities1.6 Employment and Social WelfareChapter 2 American History Two PeriodsSection 1 Native Indians and the Thirteen English-American Colonies【Teaching Objectives】Understand the very beginning of U.S.: native Indians and the Thirteen English-American colonies【Teaching keys and Difficulties】Keys: Indians as Native AmericansDifficulties:the early colonies and immigrants【Main Teaching Contents】 1.1 Indians as Native Americans 1.2 Columbus Discovering the New World (1492)1.3 Founding of Colonies1.4 The Early Colonies and Immigrant1.5 Life in Colonies五、本大纲尚需说明的问题A Multi-media classroom is very necessary if there is one available.(如果有多媒体教室的话会起到事半功倍的效果。
bond; Government
理 the review classes Chapter 1-3
论 of an introduction 教 to Britain and
review of Britain and
(最后要安排综合性实践项目,如做大 型作业、课程设计等)
理 论 教 学
The US passport and immigration
The US passport and immigration
Chapter three Supplementary
论 教 学
Investment: a basic glossary
教 monarchy and the church of the 2
学 rising bourgeoisie
James Ⅰ;
Chapter two 理 English history 论
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1. The English bourgeois
revolution and the industrial revolution
论 教
1.People and state
Party politics; religion;
Chapter one 学
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Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom1. 1.The full name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of GreatBritain and Northern Ireland.2. 2.The is land of Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland andWales. Britain consists of three nations, including England, Scotland and Wales.3. 3.The United Kingdom has been a member of the European Union since1973.4. 4.Britain is now a multiracial society which produces a population ofwhich 1 in 20 is of non-European ethnicity.5. 5.The capital of Britain is London, which has great influence on the UK inall fields including government, finance, and culture. It‘s not only the financial centre of the nation, but also one of the major international financial centers in the world.6.Britain is a country with a history of invasions. In 43 AD Britain was invadedby the Ramón Empire in the late 8th century they experienced raids from Scandinavia and in the 11th century they suffered invasions from Normans.The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in the fifth century.7.7.Charles the First, king of Britain, was executed, because he attemptedto overthrow parliament in the English Revolution.8.8.The battle of Bannockburn led by Robert the Bruce succeeded inwinning the full independence of Scotland. Scotland has independent for 300 years; it unyoked with England in 1707.9.9.Scotland is the second largest of the four nations in Britain. The capitalof Scotland is Edinburgh, which is well-known for its natural beauty.Scotland is the most rugged part of the UK; the majority of people in Scotland live in the lowlands.10.T here are two Scottish cities: Edinburgh and Glasgow (the largest city inScotland),both cities have ancient and internationally respected universities dating from the 15th century.11.11.Wales is the smallest of the three nations on the mainland; it‘s good atgetting investment from abroad, particularly Japan and the United States.Wales‘s capital is Cardiff.Important people:1. 1.King Anther: It is said that he was the King of England in the 5th centuryand united the British and drove the Saxons back with his magical sword, Excalibur. His real existence is in doubt. He is the central figure of many legends.2. 2.King Harold: He was the Saxon King whose army was defeated in theBattle of Hastings in 1066,when William the Conqueror invaded England from France.3. 3.Robert the Bruce: He led the Battle of Bannockburn, succeeded inwinning the full independence of Scotland.4. 4.Queen Elizabeth the First注解40Important buildings:1. 1.The Tower of London: a historical sight, built by William the Conqueror.2. 2.Hadrian‘s Wall:注解34Important war: the Battle of Bannockburn:注解39Unit2IRA‘s violence in the 1970s—A group calling itself the IRA expanded fighting forIrish freedom and independence. In the early 1970sthe IRA carried out a campaign of bombing andshooting, up to 20000 soldiers and 10000 armedpolice were forced to patrol in bullet-proof armoredcars, and to fortify police-stations and barracks. Theresult is that now Northern Irish cities are ghettoizedinto two parts.Bloody Sunday—In the following year 1972,468 people were killed in NorthernIreland, they were shot dead by British soldiers. Thisday is called ‗Bloody Sunday‘.The collapse of the power-sharing mechanism (权力分享机构的瓦解):P26—because of the Irish involvement, outraged theProtestant majority, led to a massive and prolongedstrike by the Protestant workforce, eventually led tothe collapse of the power-sharing mechanism. Cooperation between the British and Irish governments—this was a solution ofthe political pressure, and it prompted the peacesituation of the North Ireland.The Good Friday Agreement:(北爱和平协议)—As a result of multi-partynegotiations, the Good Friday Agreement wasapproved on 10 April 1998.This agreement assures theloyalist community that Northern Ireland remains partof the United kingdom and it won‘t change its politicalstatus unless the majority of the people NorthernIreland agree. under the terms of the agreement,Northern Ireland should be governed by threeseparate jurisdictions: that of the Republic of Ireland,that of Great Britain and that of its own electedexecutive government of ten ministers.Unit 31. King Egbert, the ancestor of the present Queen, Elizabeth II, unitedEngland under his rule in 829.2. The doctrine of the ―divine right of kings‖ held that the sovereignderived his authority form God, not from his subject.3. During the civil war in the 17th century, those who represented theinterests of Parliament are called roundheads, and those who supported the king were called loyalists.4. In 1215, some feudal barons and the Church forced King John tosign the Magna Carta to place some limits on the Kings‘ power. 5. In medieval times, kings would summon a group of wealthy baronsand representatives of counties, towns and cities –called the Great Council to raise money.6. In 1689, Parliament passed the Bill of Rights to ensure that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament.7. In the 18th century, King George I left the job of chairing cabinetmeetings to one of his ministers who later came to be called Prime Minister.8. In Britain, the official head of state is the Queen while the realcentre of political life is in the House of Commons.9. The British constitution consists of statute law, common law, andconventions.10. The most important function of the Parliament is to pass laws.11. Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of the Queen, theHouse of Lords, the House of Commons.12. Life peers should be nominated by Prime Minister and appointedby the sovereign.Unit 4The procedure of election(小兰)General elections are very important in western democracy. According to the author, they provide opportunities for people to influence future government policies and to replace those incompetent political leaders.650members of parliament are elected in the general election representing 650 constituencies in the UK. The party which holds a majority of those ―seats‖ in parliament forms the government, with it‘s party leader as the prime Minister.Before a general election, the political parties would start their electoral campaigns in order to make their ideologies and policies know to the public. The campaign involves advertisements in newspaper, door-to-door campaigning, postal deliveries of leaflets and ―party electoral broadcasts‖ on the television. T he parties also try to attack and criticize the opponents‘ policies.Therefore, this campaign sometimes can be quite aggressive and critical.The voters receive a voting card to know where and when to vote once the date has been set. On the election day people go to their local voting station (school or community centre...).they give the card to the official to prove their identities and get a card with candidates‘ names listed on it. The voter takes the card into a private booth and put an ―X‖ beside the n ame of candidate of their choice. They then fold the card and take it to the sealed box beside the official and push it through a slit in the top. The counting begins when the voting closes at the end of the day. the results come out over a period of few hours and are showed on TV. Usually by the early morning it is clear which party is going to form the next government ——as soon as they have won 326 constituencies.Class In British society, people are divided into two parts: middle-class and working-class. there is a hazy area around unskilled office-work and skilled well- paid ,manual work which leads to sub-divisions :lower middle-class and upper middle-class ,and usually they get different levels of wages. most Britons(working or middle-class)go to the same kind of free public school, about 7% of the UK population attends private schools ,which are expensive ,but can give the children a better chance to go to the best universities.One distinctive feature about the class system in Britain is that it still remains a hereditary aristocracy.Race (ethnic relations in Britain)There are many immigrants lived in the UK, majority of such immigrants have arrived in the last 40 years.Two areas of the words in particular have supplied the majority of Britain‘s recent immigrants.1South Asia: India Pakistan Sri Lanka;2Caribbean countries: Jamaica TrinidadThe immigrants has take two aspect influence :1. Positive effects: increases the variety and interest within British culture(food culture, Music culture,)2. Negative effects: exist ethnically uniform society feel (justice system, social life, politics…..)The things are improving, but mush justice system should be madeUnit6 British LiteratureBooker Prize : 布克文学奖ⅠEarly Writing1 the Book of Kells : 凯尔斯之书2 One of the oldest of the early ―old English‖ literary work is a long poem from Anglo Saxon times called Beowulf.3 The Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer(《坎特伯雷故事集》乔叟) is often studied by middle school and college students today.4 the stories of King ArtherⅡElizabethan DramaThree play writes: Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare.1 Marlowe: The Tragical History of Dr Faustus2 William Shakespeare: comedies, tragedies, and history playsComedies: The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, and The Tempes tTragedies: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth History plays: Richard Ⅲ,Richard,Henry Ⅳ, and Henry ⅤJulius Caesar and Antony and CleopatraⅢThe 17th CenturyJames:King James Bible(1611)Francis Bacon: Essays, The Novum Organum, The New AtlantisJohn Milton : two poems “L’Allegro” and“Il Penseroso”AeropagiticaParadise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson AgonistersⅣThe 18th Century1 The revolution of 1688→ a large shift from the mood and tone of 17th-century2 The first important dictionary of the language was produced3 Jonathan swift4 Robert burns (彭斯)5 Denial Defoe(丹尼尔笛福)His greatest novel is Robinson Crusoe(《鲁滨逊漂流记》)ⅤThe Romantic Period1 ―Declaration of independent ―2 William Wordsworth(威廉华兹华斯)3 Samuel Taylor Coleridge(柯尔律治)4 the Romantic Movement5 George Gordon Byron(拜伦) Work:Don Juan(《唐璜》)6 John Keats(济慈)7 Percy Bysshe Shelly(雪莱)work:Ode to the West Wind (《西风颂》) ⅥThe 19th CenturyRomanticism occurred in the novel1Jane Austen: Sense and SensibilityPride and PrejudiceEmma2 Bronte sisters:(1)Charlotte: Jane Eyre(2)Emily: Wuthering Heights(3)Ann3Charles Dickens: Great Expectation, A Tale of Two Cities4Thomas Hardy: J ude the ObscureⅦ20th Century Literature1 ModernismWriters:Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse,Stream of ConsciousnessJoseph Conrad: The Heart of DarknessD.H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers2 PostmodernismIan Fleming: James Bond series storiesUnit7education—present education system1 children are obliged to attend school from 5 to 16 years old and there are two kinds of schools, one is state school, the other is private school2 up to age 5, children have pre-primary school in nursery schools and daycare or playgroups3 between 5 to 11 years old, pupils attend co-educational or mixed schools4 from 11 up to about 19, students attend secondary schools and 90% of this kind of schools is comprehensive schools, it means boys and girls can be admitted together, and students can study everything from academic subjects5 after 5 years of secondary education, northern Irish and welsh students sit their GCSE exams6 after 16 they have different choices, they could take A-levels exams for entering univers ity or quit school and find a job。
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