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Unit1 What’s the matter?



1.--What’s the m_______ with Jenny?

--She has a cough and a headache.

2. He is very tired. He s________ lie down and rest.

3.The child has p _______in learning math.

4. I can’t sleep well all the time. Can you give me some a_________?

5.Most people work until they are 60 or 65 years old. Then they retire(退休)and have

a lot of f_________ time.

6.Let’s think about it before we have to make a d________(决定) that could mean life or death.

7. Jim always buys very big shoes because he has big f______(脚).

8. Something is wrong with your legs, so l______(躺) down and have a good rest.

9.Thanks to Mr.Wang and the p________ (乘客), the doctors saved the old man in time.

10. The doctor asked me to drink hot water with h______(蜂蜜) because I had a sore throat.

11. -What’s the m________with you?

-I have a fever.

12. I have a s________. My mother tells me that I’d better eat something hot.

13. I had a________(牙疼) all night. I should see a dentist.

14. I have a s________throat. What should I do?

15. He can’t carry the heavy box because he has a sore________(背部,腰背) .

16. When the bus stopped, many________(乘客) got off the bus.

17. He has some t________understanding what his teacher says because of his poor English.

18. —Does he have a f________?

—No, his head is cool.

19. To my________(惊讶) ,I found my friend Ben was reading my diary.

20. Lucy often plays tennis to relax________(她自己) after school.

21. —What________(应该) she do?

—She needs to have a rest.

22. The bus driver stopped the bus________(无,没有) thinking twice.

23. Many Chinese know the________(重要性) of knowledge, so they work hard every day.

24. The________(死) of his dog makes him sad.

25. Our success depends only on________(我们自己) !

26. You should make a good________(决定) for yourself.

27. Jack h________ himself when playing soccer.

28. Don’t play with a________(小刀), it will hurt you.

29. Her mother is a n________, and she works in a hospital.

30. She has a f________. She should take her temperature.

31. We enjoyed________(我们自己) in the party yesterday.

32. He________/________(几乎) forgets the unhappy thing.

33. He lost a lot of________(血) in the accident.

34. We should have the________(精神) of keeping doing things.

35. --Doctor, I have a s________throat.

--Oh, you shouldn’t talk too much. You should drink enough water.

36. --You c________too much. You’d better see a doctor.

--OK, thanks.

37. --I’m very tired. I studied too long.

--You should have a r________and listen to some light music.

38. I don’t feel well now. I think I have a________(发烧).

39. It is very relaxing for me to________(躺) on a soft sofa after a long time study.

40. The math problem is very difficult, so I have t________in working it out.


1. matter

2. should

3. problems

4. advice

5. free

6. decision

7. feet

8. lie

9. passengers 10. honey

11. matter 12. stomachache 13. toothache 14. sore 15. back

16. passengers 17. trouble 18. fever 19. surprise 20. herself 21. should 22. without 23. importance 24. death 25. ourselves 26. decision 27. hurt 28. knife 29. nurse 30. fever

31. ourselves 32. almost/nearly 33. blood 34. spirit 35. sore

36. cough 37. rest 38. fever 39. lie 40. trouble


1.The old woman has a serious ________ (ill).

2.My brother’s _________ (speak) Chinese is very good.

3.Mr Guo tells us how to improve our _________ (speak).

4.If you want to be healthier, you must take ________ (much) exercise.

5.The boy really needs some conversation _________ (practice).

6.Wang Ping ________(get off )the bus and asked the woman what happened.

7.As a mountain climber, Aron is used to ________ (take risks).

8.Drinking milk every day is good for our ________ (healthy).

9. Aron did not give up after the accident and keeps on ________ (climb ) mountains today.

10.It’s ________ (importance) for us to speak English as much as possible.
