




1.There are many apples on the tree,but I can't r_______________them.

2.I like dogs because they're f_______________and smart.

3.You can go there w_______________you like.this week or next week.

4.Our class had a singing competition yesterday.Amy sang best,so she was the w_______________at last.

5.Please tell me the_______________(真相),so I can decide how to help you.

6.The cinema was half_______________ (空的)because the movie was so boring.(2019·北部湾中考)

7.Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child's_______________(发展).(2019·南充中考)

8.The Chinese national badminton team_______________(打败)the Japanese team 3-2 in Australia on May 27.




My grandma is 80 years old.She used to_______________ 1 (be) a teacher.She likes reading,and she often borrows books _______________2 the https://www.360docs.net/doc/8a15985823.html,st week she lost a book in the school yard.She couldn't find it.A few days later,the book was still missing.She was very _______________3(worry).And she asked her friends,"Have you ever seen a history book?I think I have lost it.”One day the librarian came up with an idea.He asked my grandma _______________4 (put)a bookmark in each of the borrowed books with the word:"If you find the book,please return it to the school library.”Grandma thought it was a good idea.She did as the librarian told her.This idea works well.Now her lost books _______________5 (return)to the library.


It was getting dark.Some children and two Canadian women were still skating near a big hotel.They were having a great time.

A boy said to his friends,"I _______________6 (not skate)on a real lake so far.It's _______________7(wonder)! Look!I am flying!"Suddenly the ice broke.One of the boys fell into the river.The children shouted,“Help!Help!”

They didn't know what they should do.The two Canadian friends heard them and skated over to help the boy.

The ice was thin.The two Canadians fell into the river,too.But they tried their best to save the little boy,They knew they must be quick,_______________8 the boy would be frozen.

Many guests from the hotel came over to run to help.The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last,One of the_______________ 9(woman) didn't feel well.

She _______________10 (send)to hospital at once,She felt happy because the boy was safe.


One day,a student asked his teacher,"What is greed?”The teacher didn't answer his question_______________ 1 ,but asked the student to walk through the chocolate factory next to their school and pick out the biggest chocolate bar(条,块)he could find.But there was a

_______________2:as he passed through the factory,he could not turn back.

The student went to the chocolate factory.As he walked,he saw a large chocolate bar.He liked it,but thought he might be able to find an even bigger one if he kept going.He kept walking and saw_______________ 3 chocolate bar.This one was a little bigger.But_______________ 4 ,he thought he could find an even bigger one if he kept going.As he neared the end of the factory,he saw fewer chocolate bars,and _______________5 of them were as large as the earlier ones.He started to regret his decision to keep going.Finally,he _______________6 .He went back to his teacher empty-handed and explained what had happened.

The teacher told him."You liked the _______________7 chocolate bar,but you kept looking for a bigger one.And later,you realized that you had given up the best chocolate bar because you thought you could do better.Thar is called greed."



Thanks to the ancient Silk Road,the lands of Italy and China have been connected for more than 2,000 years.Tourists from China and every corner of the world come to visit Italy every year.Here are

Rome Coliseum

Leaning Tower


1.What city is considered as a fashion center of the world now?(no more than 2 words)

2.What is Pisa famous for besides Leaning Towers?(no more than 2 words)

3.When can we visit Arnolfo Tower?(no more than 10 words)




临近毕业,学校在学习小组内开展了初中阶段自评和组评活动,假设你是Rainbow小组的组长Zhang Hong,请你为你的组员Li Ming进行综合素质的评价,写一份素质报告。








Li Ming is a member of my team called Rainbow.

Zhang Hong
