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Reg. 29 Correction for L<100 N.A. Reg. 30 Correction for block coefficient Cor Cb := Cb + 0.68 1.36 Cor Cb = 1.026
Reg. 31 Correction for depth Lll 15 = 12.837 D = 8.5
Introduction This calculation note describes the calculation of the B-60 and B-100 freeboards of the Yacht Carrier. The freeboard calculation is according to the International Convention on Load Lines (1996). The freeboard calculation and the calculation of the hydrostatic particulars are performed with the computer program GHS by Creative Systems. The main dimensions are according to drawing: general arrangement yacht carrier. Ref no. R0401 rev 12 Damage stability calculations will prove whether the B-60 and/or the B100 freeboard may be applied. Main particulars Length waterline at 85% Depth Length over all: Breadth (mld): Depth (mld): Design draught: Thickness of main deck plating 197.559m 209.030m 32.200m 8.500m 5.800m 0.020m
Annex I - Chapter III - Freeboard Reg. 27 Types of ships B - Type ship 9. B-60 freeboard reduction Pending damage stability calculations 10. B-100 freeboard reduction Pending damage stability calculations Reg. 28 Freeboard tables Lll = 192.559 Table 28.1 A-type ships
1. Summer freeboard FBB60_summer := ( FBB − FBB60) ⋅ Cor Cb − FBsup + FBSheer FBB60_summer = 2846 DraftB60_summer := ( D + tdeck) ⋅ 1000 − FBB60_summer DraftB60_summer = 5702
14. Correction for variations from standard sheer profile Cor sheer := 0.75 − S1 2 ⋅ Lll Cor sheer = 0.665
15. Addition for deficiency in sheer FBSheer := ( FBSheer − s) ⋅ Cor sheer FBSheer = 122
Cwa := 1 WPAa := ⋅ B⋅ Cwa WPAa = 3100 WPAf = 2618 Cwf = 0.844
WPAf := WPA − WPAa Cwf := WPAf Lll 2 ⋅B
2 3 Lll Lll Lll Lll ⋅ Fb := 6075 − 1875 + 200 2.08 + 0.609 ⋅ Cb − 1.603 ⋅ Cwf − 0.0129⋅ 100 100 100 d1
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L1 := 192 L2 := 193 FBA := FB1 + Lll − L1 L2 − L1
FB1 := 2530 FB2 := 2541 ⋅ ( FB2 − FB1 ) FBA = 2536
Table 28.2 B-type ships L1 := 192 L2 := 193 FBB := FB1 + Lll − L1 L2 − L1 FB1 := 3134 FB2 := 3151 ⋅ ( FB2 − FB1 ) FBB = 3144
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Reg. 37 Deduction for superstructures and trunks Lrelative := 1. 3. S1 Lll Lrelative = 0.169
FBsup100% := 1070 L1 := 0.1 L2 := 0.2 FBsup% := FB1% + Lrelative − L1 L2 − L1 FB1% := 7% FB2% := 14% ⋅ ( FB2% − FB1%) FBsup% = 12 % FBsup = 127
Байду номын сангаас
FBsup := FBsup100%⋅ FBsup% Reg. 38 Sheer 8. standard sheer profile FBSheer :=
192.559 Station Ordiante Factor After half Aft perp 1855 1 1/6L form A.P 823 3 1/3L form A.P 208 3 Amidships 0 1 Foreward Amidships 0 1 half 1/3L form F.P 415 3 1/6L form F.P 1647 3 WFD perp. 3709 1 Total aft 619 Total fwd Mean
D < L/15 => No correction Reg. 32 Correction for position of deck line N.A. Reg. 32-1 Correction for recess in freeboard deck N.A. Reg. 33 Superstructure height Lll = 192.559 Reg. 34 Length of supperstructure Ssup := 32.548 Reg. 35 Effective length of superstructures S1 := Ssup Reg. 36 trunks N.A. Hsuperstr := 2.3
Water tight openings The watertight openings are not assumed to be governing for the determination of the freeboard. Freeboard summary The following table presents the summary of the freeboards of the yacht carrier. The calculation of the freeboard is attached to this note. B-60 Summer Tropical Winter Winter North Atlantic Fresh Water summer Fresh Water Winter Freeboard [mm] 2846 2727 2965 2965 2741 2863 Draft [mm] 5702 5821 5583 5583 5807 5686 B-100 Freeboard [mm] 2597 2473 2721 2721 2487 2613 Draft [mm] 5951 6076 5827 5827 6062 5935
Naval architects, Marine Engineers, Consultants
To: Origin: Chkd: Distr: Date: Project: Subject:
Dockwise RBB KvdB Dockwise 14-Jun-06 Stability booklet yacht carrier Freeboard calculation Ref.no.: 62551/kvdb/06.025 Rev C1
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16. Deduction for excess sheer N.A. Reg. 39 Bow height: Water plane area (Calculated with GHS) Cw := WPA Lll⋅ B Lll 2 WPA := 5718 Cw = 0.922
N:\Projects\2006\06025 Stability booklet Yacht carrier\Reports\calc note freeboard rev C1.doc
Rev. C1
Freeboard calculation Yacht carrier
This sheet calculates the B-60 and B-100 freeboards of the Dockwise Yacht Carrier according to the International Convention on Load Lines (LL 1966). The vessel dimensions are according to general arrangement: RD0401 The hydrostatic properties are determined with the GHS model of the YC made by Dockwise. Main particulars Al Yacht Carrier Length waterline at 85%D 96% of water line length LPP Load line length Breadth Depth Thickness of deck plating Load line draught Volume at load line draught (calculated with GHS) Block coefficient Lwl := 197.559 Lwl96 := 0.96⋅ Lwl Lpp := 192.559 Lll := Lpp B ≡ 32.2 D := 8.5 tdeck := 0.048 m d 1 := 0.85⋅ D V := Cb := 32825.176 1.025 V Lll⋅ B⋅ d 1 d 1 = 7.225 V = 32025 Cb = 0.715 Lwl96 = 189.657
Fb = 5050 Reg. 40 Minimum freeboards B-60 reduction B-100 reduction FBB60 := 0.6⋅ ( FBB − FBA) FBB100 := 1 ⋅ ( FBB − FBA) FBB60 = 364.412 FBB100 = 607.354
Length ll=
Actual Product 0 1855 0 2470 0 623 0 0 0 0 0 1246 0 4941 0 3709 1237.1 928
Lll FBSheer = 927.8 12. sheer correction superstructure height y := ( 15.5 − Hsuperstr) 1000 L' := S1 y = 13200 s := y ⋅ L' 3 ⋅ Lll s = 743.726