Vampire 吸血鬼PPT




从最早的文字冒险游戏到现在的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏,吸 血鬼主题游戏经历了多年的发展。
这类游戏通常以黑暗、恐怖和神秘为基调,将玩家带入吸血鬼的世 界,体验不一样的冒险和战斗。
包括动作、角色扮演、策略等多种类型,满足了不同玩家的需求和 口味。
吸血鬼通常被描绘为面色苍白、眼睛 发红、牙齿锋利的人类形象,但也有 时会呈现出其他形态,如蝙蝠、狼等 。
吸血鬼拥有超自然的力量,如飞行、 变形、控制自然元素等,同时也有着 极高的智慧和寿命。
吸血鬼在文学和艺术作品中经常被用作恐怖、神秘和浪漫的象征,同时也反映 了人们对死亡和永生的思考。
从早期的化妆特效到现代的 CGI技术,特效在吸血鬼电影 中扮演着重要的角色。现代特 效能够创造出更加逼真、生动 的吸血鬼形象,增强了观众的 沉浸感。
吸血鬼电影中的服装和场景设 计也是视觉风格的重要组成部 分。服装和场景能够营造出吸 血鬼世界的神秘氛围,使观众 更好地融入故事情境。
分析当代流行的吸血鬼影视作品,探讨其故 事创意、角色塑造和观众接受度。
这部美国电视剧以一个吸血鬼、一个女巫和 一个人类的复杂关系为主线,展现了超自然
以现代高中为背景,讲述了一个人与吸血鬼 之间的爱情故事,探讨了青春、爱情和成长 的主题。



The Underworld typical classic 黑夜传说 2
A storm of autumn night , The Vampire female warrior Serena is killing a werewolf . Then she found a kidnapped human doctors and get he to safety . Later, Serena and human doctor Michael fall in love . But it can not change the truth that the war between vampires and werewolves . So the war between Vampires and werewolfs began .
暮光之城在2009年有凯瑟 暮光之城讲述了人类贝 琳哈德威克导演,主演为 拉和吸血鬼爱德华在福 克里斯汀斯图尔特和罗伯 克斯相遇后相爱并历经 特帕丁森
The two lovers swinged between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, like the long gone sunshine, floating down to the city of Twilight. But in the super nature world, there are too many dangers . Later Bella found herself pregnant , she became a powerful vampire because the baby ,her and her family will protect her children.

精彩的Vampire PPT

精彩的Vampire PPT

Earl Dracula 德古拉伯爵
• 德古拉伯爵在历史上确有其人, 1431年生于罗马尼亚的Sighisoara。 Dracula意为“龙之子”。这位瓦拉几 亚公国的督军常用苛刻的手段整肃异 己,又以各种严刑峻法整饬国家,其 中最有名的就是穿刺法,因此,“吸 血鬼”的称号传遍欧洲.
• 吸血鬼(vampire),意思是嗜血、吸 取血液的怪物的意思,为传说中背负 上帝诅咒的超自然生物,通过饮用人 类或其它生物的血液,能够令自身长 久生存下去,是西方世界里著名的魔 怪。
• 在犹太人的经文中,莉莉丝是亚当 的第一任妻子,因不满亚当的专制 而逃出伊甸园到红海边,作为惩罚 她每天要杀100名自己的后代,后来 莉莉丝开始杀死人类的婴儿作为报 复· · · •该隐是亚当和夏娃的第一个儿子, 他出于嫉妒杀死了自己的弟弟亚伯, 于是被逐出伊甸园,身上还带着上帝 得印记,让所有看到他的人都要杀他。 该隐在红海便找到了莉莉丝,莉莉丝 收留了他,并教导他如何吸食活人之 血而获得力量。该隐便成了吸血鬼的 始祖(也有人认为是莉莉丝)
Báthory Erzsébet
• In 1611,the court case of Bathory is the true one of bloodsucking in the history. Bathory lived in the castle of Hungary mountainous area. In order to keep youthful, she drunk young girl’s fresh blood. Bathory had been arrested when her crimes was found. And she was dead in 1614. • 1611年巴托里爵夫人诉讼案是历史上真实的 嗜血案件。巴托里爵夫人居住在匈牙利山区 的赛伊特城堡中,专门饮用少女的鲜血,以 保持惊人的美丽与青春。1610年案发后被拘 禁,直到1614年死去。



Bella's sweet scent attracts him -makes him want to drink her blood, but at the same time suppresses his desire because he is deeply in love with her, wanted to protect her. The last part of the movie talked about Edward and his family fighting with the vampires that wanted to kill Bella. However, Bella knew what he is, and how dangerous it will be to be with him, but she is still uncontrollably in love with him.
The two lovers sw inged between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, like the long gone sunshine, floating down to the city of Twilight. But in the supernatural world, there are too many danger involved. so what is Bella and Edward going to do? we will see in the latest series Breaking Dawn.
The Vampire, by Philip Burne Jones, 1897



1、人死后,如果他的尸体从镜子里看到自己的形象,那么他将变成一个吸 血鬼,或者埋葬之前有猫、狗、蝙蝠跨过尸体,那么死者也会变成吸血鬼。 2、被吸血鬼攻击的人们:他们会成为僵尸,一种下级吸血鬼,无有生命和 思维能力的身体在慢慢腐朽的过程中,不断渴求鲜血,并将这种不死的恐 怖蔓延开来。似乎只是为了验证,追求永生的人们是如何愚蠢.被这种吸血 僵尸吸血的人们也将成为僵吸血尸。 3、吸取了吸血鬼血液的人,传说中,吸取了吸血鬼血液的人,会成为永生 的吸血鬼,拥有不老不死的身体以及强大的魔力。 4、人类要成为真正的吸血鬼必须吸取与吸血鬼的血液融合了的自己的血液 才可以。这种传说是极为完美的一种,也是一个唯美到极至的传说。这种 吸血鬼通常有着美丽的外貌和迷人的优雅,强大的魔力,和超常的智慧。 似乎它们唯一的代价就是失去了欣赏阳光的能力。
第一位:卡密拉 卡恩司坦伯爵夫人,又名卡密拉。卡密拉 是外表如同年轻女子的吸血鬼,美丽、高瘦纤 细,优雅而慵懒。肤色灿亮,有黑色的大眼睛, 棕黑的头发,音色甜美喜欢说话。她不喜欢吸 男性的血液,专门吸食处女的血液,相传每到 夜里她就会化身为黑猫似的怪物袭击夜间行路 的处女。 第二位:鲁斯凡爵士 1817年流传开来的吸血鬼之一。鲁斯凡生 长于伦敦,生性冷酷面貌俊美,是个随便勾引 良家妇女的浪荡子,拥有蛊惑女子的危险魔力, 往往令最纯洁的贞女堕落至最无耻的境地。喜 欢长时间吸食一个贞洁女子,并逐渐慢慢将她 引诱堕落成一个放荡女子。 第三位:侍女安普莎 传说中希腊神话冥府女神赫克缇的侍女。 安普莎是一个长着铜脚的如同梦魔一般的吸血 鬼,她可以随时化身为漂亮的少女,诱惑睡梦 中的男人。据说每当成年男性的梦中出现美女 的时候就是安普莎正在吸食他的血液,特别喜 欢处男的血液。
《吸血鬼日记》 《始祖家族》 《真爱如血》 《夜型爱人专门店》 《吸血鬼检察官》 《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》 《血之羁绊》



B e a utiful picture s of va m pire
scary pictures of vampire
some plays about vampire the vampire diaries
the twilight saga
• 1.When did the pale vampire date back to ? • Early Nineteenth Century. • 2.Have you ever watch a play about the vampire?What is it?
revenants who subsist by feeding on the blood of the living. In folkloric tales, the undead vampires often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the neighbourhoods they inhabited when they were alive. They wore shrouds and were often described as bloated and of ruddy or dark countenance, markedly different from today's gaunt, pale vampire which dates from the early Nineteenth Century.
The end
• Thank you!
va m pire
the old legend
eat what???



吉尔斯· 德· 莱斯男爵(Gilles de Rais,1404年-1440年10月26日):著名的黑巫术师, 百年战争时期他是圣女贞德的战友,曾被誉为民族英雄,贞德被俘以后,男爵退隐于马什 库勒和蒂福日的领地埋头研究炼金术,希望借血来发现点金术的秘密,他大约把300名以 上的儿童折磨致死,后来被施以火刑。但他不是严格意义上的吸血鬼。 弗拉德三世(Vlad III,1431年11月-1476年12月):他是15世纪时瓦拉几亚公国的领主, 他有两个绰号:穿刺公(Ţepeş),龙之子(DRACULA),他曾击退了来自奥斯曼帝国 的入侵者,成为民族英雄,但他残暴冷酷,曾将成千上万的战俘用尖木桩钉死,许多编年 史都将他描述为暴君,“即使是历史上最嗜血的古罗马暴君:尼禄,戴克里先也没有如此 残酷和难以计数的刑罚”最重要的是,400年后,英国作家布拉姆· 斯托克以其为原型写成 哥特式小说《德古拉》(Dracula,1897年出版),他才得以闻名天下,并随着斯托克小 说被一再改编、搬上银幕、舞台、电视而成为吸血鬼的代名词。弗拉德三世像现藏于维也 纳艺术历史博物馆。 巴托里伯爵夫人(Erzsébet Báthory,1560年8月7日-1614年8月21日):这位夫人是 那达斯地伯爵的遗孀,由于伯爵常年在外征战,伯爵夫人无聊之间,在仆人托尔科的怂恿 下,学习妖术,在1600年伯爵去世以后更加肆无忌惮,经常挟持附近村庄里的少女,并 加以折磨,据相关编年史记载,伯爵夫人在喝受害者的血时非常快乐,甚至把血装满浴盆 用来沐浴,使自己永保青春美丽。其奶妈尤奥,管家乌依瓦里,女巫达尔维拉亦有参与此 事。1610年12月30日,她的表兄图尔索伯爵率兵攻克城堡救出一些受害者,伯爵夫人因 其贵族关系,而只被判终生监禁,共犯一律处以极刑,城堡也由此荒芜。巴托里伯爵夫人 的画像现藏于布达佩斯Andras Dabasi国立博物馆,历史画廊。
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The Vampires
The Features
The Features
Long, sharp canines: Vampire usually use the teeth to cut into the victim's neck to draw blood - which has become one of the most important features of the vampire.
The Vampires
The Origin
When vampirism has been associated with clusters of deaths from unidentifiable or mysterious illnesses, like plague(瘟疫) and the Black Death from the 14th century, vampires seemed to be something that really exist. Because it was discovered that the body in the coffin(棺材) moved, and covered in blood.
The Vampires
The Origin
Vampirism becomes popular again in Europe during the Plague in 1710. Even the authorities began to investigate the vampires. 1726, the official record said that a Serbian farmer turns into a vampire and killed people and animals in the village. And this record is in Archives(档案馆) of Vienna now. The existence of vampires is generally accepted in that period.
The Vampires
The Origin
Historical Figures
Countess Erzsé bet Bá thory (1560–1614) 巴托里伯爵夫人
The Vampires
The Origin
Erzsé bet Bá thory
She was a countess(伯爵夫人) from the enowned(著名的) Bá thory family of nobility(贵族) in the Kingdom of Hungary. After her husband’s death, she and four collaborators were accused of torturing and killing hundreds of girls, and is remembered as the “Blood Countess”.
The Vampires
They are not the god. They are not the devil. They are not the human beings. They love the blood. They can live till the end of the world.
The Vampires
In our concept, they have the following features
They have no shadows: it belongs to the Germanic culture, in that area, people believe that vampires are without a shadow, the shadow and image are the symbol of the soul, and because vampires are without a soul, so they don't have shadow in the mirror.
Bela Lugosi as Dracula,1931
The Vampires
The Vampires
The Origin
The Features
Movies & Series
The Features Are they the dead who return from the grave?
The Vampires
The Origin
In ancient Greek culture, the relation of blood and ghostdom is very wellrespected. Odysseus(奥德赛) in The Homeric Hymns(荷马史诗)mentioned that Greek soldier Ulysses used the blood to pay homage to(表达敬意) the heroic souls.
The Vampires
The Origin
Dracula is an 1897 Gothic(哥特式) horror novel by Irish author Bram Stock. Although Dracula is a work of fiction, it does contain some historical references, Vlad III is the prototype (原型) of the novel. The novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt to relocate from Transylvania to England, and the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and women led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing.
Bram Stoker
——The author of < Dracula >
The Vampires
The Origin
In the novel, vampire is molded as a gentleman, who is smart, attractive, and can control human's thoughts. What’s more, in the novel Dracula has the ability to turn into a bat, and this capability is not available in the early legends. Dracula has been widely accepted as a vampire ancestor because of the success of this novel. Early vampire movies always take the novel as the foundation. And the feathers of vampires have been developed from this navel.
The Vampires
The Origin
There are many bloodsucking God in Ancient Greek and Roman mythology, Like Lamia, who is a mistress(情妇) of the god Zues, causing Zeus' jealous wife to kill all of Lamia's children and transform her into a monster that hunts children and young men and then feed on their blood.
The Origin
The Features
Movies & Series
The Vampires
The Origin
The Features
Movies & Series
The Origin
The Vampires
Blood is the most precious liquid, it is a symbol of life. So people often imagine that there is a kind of creature sucking people's blood for a living. The vampire we will say today is a product of European civilization.
The Vampires
The OriBiblioteka inChristianity
Christianity believes that man's death is the death of the body, the soul remains. Repentant sinner, suicide, or excommunicated(开除教籍) person has the suffering souls, which do not belong to this life and the afterlife. This is the basis of vampire legends.