



MyLastDuchess翻译和赏析(1)“My Last Duchess”是罗伯特·勃朗宁的一首诗,讲述了一个男人展示他已故妻子油画照片的故事。


My Last Duchess翻译我的上一任夫人,你应该知道,叫费拉拉。






然后,她有一个被称为Claus of Innsbruck的画家。














My Last Duchess赏析罗伯特·勃朗宁的“My Last Duchess”是一首哀悼和批判女性的诗歌。





























Robert Browning: a famous 19th century (Victorian) British poet, particularly well-known for his early monologue "My Last Duchess" (《我的已故的公爵夫人》). In the p oem, a duke speaks about his dead wife. The poem is about murder, mystery and intrigue, but all in indirect allusions (暗示). Readers may sense that the duke kills his wife or causes her death, but no evidence is shown. The language of the poe m is difficult to understand. The use of dramatic monologue forces readers to work hard to find the meaning behind the duke's words. When talking about Robert Bro wning, we have to mention his wife, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. She was a famous poet, too. She wrote many sonnets, a type of 14 line poem, the same as Shakes peare did. Elizabeth and her husband Robert had a great love affair, almost like a movie. Browning was six years younger than his wife. They ran away to Italy to g et married.Summary This poem is loosely based on historical events involving Alfonso, the Duke of Ferrara, who lived in the 16th century. The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Du ke’s marriage (he h as recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family. As he shows the v isitor through his palace, he stops before a portrait of the late Duchess, apparently a young and lovely girl. The Duke begins reminiscing about the portrait sessions, then a bout the Duchess herself. His musings give way to a diatribe on her disgraceful behavio r: he claims she flirted with everyone and did not appreciate his “gift of a nine-hund red-years- old name.” As his monologue continues, the reade r realizes with ever-more c hilling certainty that the Duke in fact caused the Duchess’s early demise: when her be havior escalated, “[he] gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together.” Having ma de this disclosure, the Duke returns to the business at hand: arranging for another mar riage, with another young girl. As the Duke and the emissary walk leave the painting be hind, the Duke points out other notable artworks in his collection.Form“My Last Duchess” comprises rhyming pentameter lines. The lines do n ot employ end-stops; rather, they use enjambment—gthat is, sentences and other grammatical units do not necessarily conclude at the end of lines. Consequently, the rhymes do not create a sense of closure when they come, but rather remain a subtle driving f orce behind the Duke’s compulsive revelations. The Duke is quite a performer: he mimics others’ voices, createshypothetical situations, and uses the force of his personality to make horrifying information seem merely colorful. Indeed, the poem provides a classic example of a dramatic monologue: the speaker is clearly distinct from the poet; an audience is suggested but never appears in the poem; and the revelation of the Duke’s character is the poem’s primary aim.CommentaryBut Browning has more in mind than simply creating a colorful character and placing him in a picturesque historical scene. Rather, the specific historical setting of the poem harbors much significance: the Italian Renaissance held a particular fascination for Browning and his contemporaries, for it represented the flowering of the aesthetic and the human alongside, or in some cases in the place of, the religious and the moral. Thus the temporal setting allows Browning to again explore sex, violence, and aesthetics as all entangled, complicating and confusing each other: the lushness of the language belies the fact that the Duchess was punished for her natural sexuality. The Duke’s ravings suggest that most of the supposed transgressions took place only in his mind. Like some of Browning’s fellow Victorians, the Duke sees sin lurking in every corner. The reason the speaker here gives for killing the Duchess ostensibly differs from that given by the speaker of “Porphyria’s Lover” for murder Porphyria; however, both women are nevertheless victims of a male desire to inscribe and fix female sexuality. The desperate need to do this mirrors the efforts of Victorian society to mold the behavior—gsexual and otherwise—gof individuals. For people confronted with an increasingly complex and anonymous modern world, this impulse comes naturally: to control would seem to be to conserve and stabilize. The Renaissance was a time when morally dissolute men like the Duke exercised absolute power, and as such it is a fascinating study for the Victorians: works like this imply that, surely, a time that produced magnificent art like the Duchess’s portrait couldn’t have been entirely evil in its allocation of societal control—geven though it put men like the Duke in power.A poem like “My Last Duchess” calculatedly engages its readers on a psychological level. Because we hear only the Duke’s musings, we must piece the story together ourselves. Browning forces his reader to become involved in the poem in order to understand it, and this adds to the fun of reading his work. It also forces the reader to question his or her own response to the subject portrayed and the method of its portrayal. We are forced to consider, Which aspect of the poem dominates: the horror of the Duchess’s fate, or the beauty of the language and the powerful dramatic development? Thus by posing this question the poem firstly tests the Victorian reader’s response to the modern world—git asks, Has everyday life made you numb yet?—gand secondly asks a question that must be asked of all art—git queries, Does art have a moral component, or is it merely an aesthetic exercise? In these latter considerations Browning prefigures writers like Charles Baudelaire and Oscar Wilde.。

Robert Browning My Last Duchess 赏析

Robert Browning My Last Duchess 赏析

The speaker in the poem is the Duke of Ferrara. Browning appears to have modeled him afterAlfonso II d'Este, the fifth Duke of Ferrara, Italy. At the age of 25, he married. But his wife died suspiciously within two years of their marriage.In the poem the Duke is giving the emissary of the family of his prospective new wife a tour of the artworks in his home. He draws a curtain to reveal a painting of a woman, explaining that it is a portrait of his late wife. As they look at the portrait of the late Duchess, the Duke describes her happy, cheerful and flirtatious nature, which had displeased him. He says, "She had a heart –how shall I say? –too soon made glad..." He goes on to say that his complaint of her was that "'twas not her husband's presence only" that made her happy. Eventually, "I gave commands; then all smiles stopped together." The Duke then resumes an earlier conversation regarding wedding arrangements, and in passing points out another work of art, a bronze statue of Neptune taming a sea-horse.Characters of the Duke: cruel, jealous, selfish,possessive,cold,peremptory, autocratic,intolerant, hypocritical,imperious, seeminglyproud of his art, having a strong mind of noble class.Though there are few lines describing the duchess, these lines provide a glimpse of her characters.She is innocent, kind, optimistic,mild-mannered, and grateful to life and people.The Duke thinks that he is dignified, noble, elegant andan aristocrat having great passion for art, but the duchess’s behavior is undignified and “trifling”. She always smiles toward others, blushes hearing praise and admiration.Robert Browning is an expert at talking with imaginary speakers, and he finds the dramatic monologue to be the expressionform that best suited for his genius in analyzing unusual personalities. In Browning’s hands, the dramatic monologue becamean instrument for revealing character in a dynamic context ratherthan in a static one. What the Duke thinks about himself is quite different from what I think about him. So is his opinion of the Duchess.The poem is a pentameter constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of lines---heroic couplet except last two lines. Browning uses enjambment to show the Duke’s wavering mentality. In the first sentence of the poem the Duke talks about his dead wife peacefully. Idon’t think he feels sad. He is cold. The line “since none puts by The curtain I have drawn for you” manifests his jealousy and autocracy: only he can put by the curtain; only he can appreciate this picture; only he can own his wife and his wife’s smile.From what he says we can know that his wife is pretty and optimistic. But he cannot even accept such nice personalities, which shows that he is intolerant.“Who’d stoop to blame This sort of trifling? Even had you skill in speech…”he thinks himself is noble, eloquent and he disdains to rebuke his wife’s behavior. But he finally makes an order to stop “trifling”behavior, which shows his arrogance, and hypocrisy. He is treating the duchess as his personal property. He is selfish and self-centered.He wants an absolute control over his wife. Isn’t he hypocritical and imperious? He is quite proud of his art collection and seems love art, as he shows his guest around his collection. But from the last sentences, we can know that the Duke only concerns for valuable articles, not for art’s sake. His attitude toward art is notsincere. And the paint of his wife is not a painting in memory of her, but just one of the collections which he can show to others.Just after talking about his late wife, the Duke then resumes an earlier conversation regarding wedding arrangements, whichproves his ruthlessness and greed for money. Maybe also he wants to indicate that he expects his new wife a “dignified” one, or else she may have the same fate as the late Duchess.“his fair daughter…is my object.”here “object”is a pun: it means aims or purpose, and physical object, something not alive.Female in the Duke’s eyes is materialized, just like the paint, the dowry, the Neptune, the Taming a sea-horse.As for the duchess, she is not trifling as the Duke thinks. The words from the painters “called that spot of joy”. She is pure, innocent, and bashful. “she liked whate’er she looked on, and her looks went everywhere.”“the dropping of the daylight in the West”, “ the bough of cherries”“the white mule she rode with” make her blush. She loves nature and life. “not plainly set Herself wits to yours, forsooth, and made excuse” she is mild-mannered.“she smiled, no doubt, Whene’erI passed her; but who passed without Much the same smile?The Duchess smiles to everyone passing her without discrimination, which shows her enthusiasm.T he line“all smiles stopped together”may manifest the duchess’s death. Peoplebelieve that the duke has killed the duchess. However, whenBrowning was asked about the final fate of the duchess, he firstly said“yes, the demand is to kill the duchess.”After a while,he turned his answer into that “perhaps the Duke will imprisonthe duchess in a convent.”T here is no need for Browning to tell us what on earth happened to the Duchess, there is no right or the ultimate explanation existing but the readers’ self-exploration. We can formulate a viable interpretation of the poem. As Browning once put it “The creation of the poem is to reside the infinite into thefinite.”Browning didn’t tell us what happened to the Duchess, but he did depict some characteristic of the Italian Renaissance, though it was not purport to show the view of marriage or something else during the Renaissance. The Italian Renaissance was the earliest manifestation of the general European Renaissance, a period of great cultural change and achievement that began in Italy during the 14th century and lasted until the 16th century. In that period of time, magnificent art can be created, as in the poem the paint of the Duchess, and Neptune.At that time, noble class like the Duke still exercised absolute power. But the Duchess’s attitude towards the nobles reflects that she stands for the democracy influenced by the Renaissance (against the capitalist class). It is worth mentioning the Dowry Funds System. Dowry had social and symbolic function. The scale of dowry shown the identity and status of the couple and the honor the bride’s family deserved.Although in his early years, his works got few attentions, he had come to be regarded as one of the most important poets of the Victorian period. In a Browning monologue, unlike a soliloquy, the meaning is not what the speaker voluntarily reveals but what he inadvertently gives away, usually while rationalising past actions or special pleading his case to a silent auditor.These monologues greatly influenced many later poets, including T.S Eliot and Ezra Pound.Reference:/wiki/Robert_Browning#Further_reading /wiki/My_Last_Duchess Deconstructing the Duke and the Duchess in “My Last Duchess”。

罗伯特勃朗宁 Robert Browning My Last Duchess

罗伯特勃朗宁 Robert Browning My Last Duchess

• 3. The form parallels the novelistic experiment with the point of view in which the reader is privileged to make an assessment of the intelligence and credence of the speaker.
• 4. The auditor's presence and response are merely inferred from the clues of the speech of the single speaker.
Six parts:

• • • • • •
speaker listener scene interaction between the listener and speaker an exposure of the characters' personality the present actions
• Elizabeth Barrett Browning(1806-1861) • born in 1806 in a rich family. • At age 15, she injured her spine in a riding accident and became a helpless invalid confined to her own room.
Feminism in his works
• In Victorian Age, the queen was in power, but woman's rights were low. Women from upper class were only regarded as a kind of ornaments. • We can find many Browning's works have women characters. For example, in My Last Duchess, we can see Browning's sympathy for the women and his effort to speak for the women. • Although he could not get rid of the limitations of that time, we can find he had noticed the value of woman in artistic creation.

my last duchess格律-概述说明以及解释

my last duchess格律-概述说明以及解释

my last duchess格律-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容应该对整篇文章进行简要的介绍和概括,让读者对文章的主题和要点有一个初步的了解。

针对"my last duchess"这个主题,可以在概述部分引入以下内容:概述部分:"my last duchess"是一首由罗伯特·勃朗宁(Robert Browning)创作的著名诗歌,属于威尼斯重心派(Victorian Era)时期的文学作品。




接下来,文章将在背景介绍部分(2.1)对《my last duchess》的创作背景和时代背景进行简要介绍。



通过这篇文章,我们将通过对"my last duchess"这首诗的格律分析,揭示其中所隐含的深意,并对这个时代的社会背景和文学风格进行一定的解读。


1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文主要分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。

每个部分的内容如下:1. 引言部分:在引言部分,将对文章进行概述,给读者提供背景信息,并明确文章的目的。

1.1 概述:首先,简要介绍"My Last Duchess"这篇诗歌的作者罗伯特·勃朗宁,以及他的创作背景和时代背景。

"My Last Duchess"是一首被广泛研究和赞赏的短诗,它以第一人称的方式讲述了一位贵族男性对他去世的前妻的回忆和观察。

my last duchess

my last duchess
Duke: arty extreme cold hypocritical greedy arrogant naïve enthusiastic regardless of the status
two contrasting characters reflects the social background: The Italian Renaissance held a strong attraction for Browning and his contemporaries, for that period witnessed the bloom of aestheticism and the rise of humanism.
Own opinion
• We can understand the feeling of the poet, in the poem, what the entire scene poet described show the readers that he was lonely, he wanted to go home. As we know, in Ch home when they outside, they wanted to company with their wives and children, like Libai, Dufu and so on. In modern times, like Qian xuesen, he gave up the luxurious life in abroad, and went back, that all shows their home thoughts. So in my opinion, the main idea of the poem is that, no matter where you are, home is the harbor of our hearts forever.



My Last DuchessMy Last Duchess is Browning‟s best known dramatic monologue which is a kind of poem in which a single fictional or historical character other than the poet speaks to a silent “audience” of one or more persons.The poem is set during the Italian Renaissance and based on the life of Alfonso II, duke of Ferrara. T he duke‟s dead wife is not well-educated and her family status is inferior when compared with nine-hundred-years-old Este family, but the duke married her with a sizeable dowry. The duchess died and the duke arranged another marriage for himself; in order to ensure the amount of dowry, he had a negotiation with the emissary. Browning creates a character of chilling coldness and cruelty. Almost casually, the duke shows the agent the picture of the last duchess whom he had killed because he could not dominate her.The poem uses iambic pentameter of AABB couplets as the poet reveals the story of the Duke's late wife through a conversation. For example,That’s my last Duches s painted on the wall,Looking as if she were alive. I callThat piece a wonder, now: Fra Pandolf's handsWorked busily a day, and there she stands.…Robert adopted open meter to make the poem natural and rigorous. At the same time, this rhythm coordinates well with the confidence of the duke.When it comes to characters of this poem, I find only the duke speaks all through the poem without being disturbed. Obviously, the duke is the role that the author wanted to satirize most. After reading this poem, we will find that the duke is proud, possessive and selfish, and most ironically he killed his last wife who was innocent and kind.We can see the pride of the duke from his word when he spoke of his family and his art collection. The language employed by the duke implies he is speaking with pride over a possession, in that case a piece of custom-made artwork. He takes care to emphasize the fact that it was painted by Fr Pandolf, presumably a talented and experienced artist. Based on the speaker's eagerness to drop his name, it reveals him to be vain and materialistic, and less concerned with the loss of his previous duchess. The duke‟s possessiveness and selfishness is revealed by his attitude of his last wife. In describing the duchess, traits in the duchess that the duke perceives as unbecoming are, in fact, aspects of her character that humanize her and render her moresympathetic to the reader. For instance, the duke was outraged at the duchess' very outlook on life, "She had a heart - how shall I say? - too soon made glad". The duchess' ability to enjoy the simplest aspects of life, such as a bough of cherries, her white mule, or the "dropping of daylight in the west," angered the duke, or rather filled him with resent. He felt that he should be the only one to cause her excitement or happiness, but he failed to do so when the simplest gestures of kindness or things of beauty could.At the end of the poem, the Duke points to another work of art, a bronze statue of Neptune taming a sea-horse. Apparently Neptune symbolized the Duke of Ferrara himself and sea-horse just like his late wife. Why did he mention this statue? One of his aims is to show his love for art and his possessions; and the other is that he wanted his next duchess would not do what his last duchess did.Through the duke's criticism of the duchess' positive traits, the reader gains a further understanding of his vainglorious character and of the greedy, undeserving aristocracy, as Browning intended.Except that, I would like to talk about the emissary. Though he did not say a word from beginning to end, his existence and reaction was tremendously expressed by what the duke said. For example, “Will…t please you sit and look at her?”“Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir”,“Sir, 'twas all one!”“In speech - (which I have not) - to make your will”, “Will't please you rise?” and“The Count your master's known munificence”, all these lines shows the silent emissary‟s activity and even what he said to the duke. The audience or the emissary is a part of a typical dramatic monologue though he never expresses his thought and this partly distinguishes dramatic monologue from soliloquy. And historically, the emissary is identified with Nikolaus Madruz, of Innsbruck, Austria.What‟s more, from criticism of the duke we can see what kind of people the last duchess is. She is gentle, kind, beautiful, noble-minded, and democratic. If she lives in our time, she must be very popular and have a lot of followers. But at her time, she could not survive. Therefore, women tried hard to be treated equally in later years and they seemed to make it. And nowadays women can live a lifestyle as they like, which frustrate people like the duke.At last, I want to talk about the theme of the poem. The theme is the arrogant, authoritarian mindset of a proud Renaissance duke. In this respect, the more important portrait in the poem is the one the duke "paints" of himself with his words.。



「我的前公爵夫人」(My Last Duchess,1842)是Browning早期戏剧独白诗佳作之一。














































MylastduchessCharacter Analysis of the Speaker in “My Last Duchess”As is typical of Browning's poems, "My Last Duchess" is written as a dramatic monologue. The poet adopts first person to narrate the whole story. The speaker is the Duke of Ferrara. Unsatisfied with his Duchess, he killed her and is ready to marry a new one. From his narration I have get some idea about his personality. Before I read this poem, I thought that Dukes are those who are very gentle, respectable and elegant with high social position. But the Duke in this poem really disappoints me.In the beginning of the poem, the Duke introduces his artwork— the painting of his last Duchess to his guest. He takes care to emphasize the fact that it was painted by Fra Pandolf, presumably a talented and experienced artist, to show he himself is rich and powerful. From this we can see he is very vain and materialistic, and less concerned with the loss of his previous Duches s. Then by saying “for never read strangers like you that pictured countenance, the depth and passion of its earnest glance” the Duke intends to convey that he just shows the painting to his selected guests, not all of them, so the guest there should feel privileged. Also the Duke tells the guest that “since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you, but I” implying that his is in complete control of everything in his household.Then he begins to complain about his dead Duchess. When Fra Pandolf, the famous painter, praises the Duchess about her beauty, the Duchess takes it as courtesy and gets happy. However, the Duke is unhappy about the Duchess’reaction. In his opinion, the Duchess is easy to be satisfied and impressed--- that’s a bad thing. But in my way of thinking, the Duchess is very innocentand lovely. From this it can beplausible to say that the Duke is very rigorous with his Duchess. When he complains about the Duchess’ love of looking around, he particularly points out “my favour at her breas t”; when talking about that the Duchess thanked the man who “broke in the orchard for he r”, he mentions hi s “nine-hundred-years-old name”. He dislikes the behavior that the Duchess ranked his gifts with anybody’s gift. He even regards the Duchess’identif y as a gift from him. He is so self-centered that in his opinion his Duchess must be submissive to him and be for his pleasure only. He can not tolerant his wife putting something in the same standing with him. In my opinion, the Duchess thanked the man who gave her cherries to show her politeness and gratitude. However, the Duke thinks it is a kind of insult to his pride. It is obvious that he has got very strong male chauvinism. Also, he even suspects the way his Duchess thanked the man and thinks the Duchess was unfaithful to him. He thinks what the Duchess did is frivolous and disgusting. From his talking about his Duchess, I can find that he is a very controlling, jealous, and narrow-minded man with strong male chauvinism.It is a sharp contrast that the Duke talks a lot about the Duchess’“bad”personality and behavior, but as to his murdering of her, he just mentions slightly in line 45 and 46---“I gave commands; then all smiles stopped together. There she stands as if alive”. On saying this, he feels no sense of guilty and sadness, instead, he seems to show off. He is so cold-blooded and detestable that he never forgets to show off even when talking about his wife’s death. He desires to show off----how powerful he is and nobody can be against with him. Maybe he is reminding the coming new bride that she must be submissive ifshe wanted to be his wife. Maybe he is making awarning to whoever dares to offend him. In his eyes, everyone should be after his heart and follow his order.In the ending of the monologue the Duke makes a requirement about the dowry and points to another work of art, a bronze statue of Neptune taming a sea-horse. When he talks about the dowry, his can not hide his hypocrisy and greed. I think Neptune symbolized the Duke himself, and sea-horse just like his last Duchess--- he conquered her by killing her. Again, the Duke is intended to show off.I can draw a clear picture of the Duke through his monologue. He is a selfish, pride, greedy, merciless, controlling and hypocritical man. “My Last Duchess” is considered to be one of the greatest masterpieces of Robert Browning, not only because it is a poem that best exemplifies his use of the dramatic monologue, but also reveals the Duke’s character successfully.。



A dramatic monologue is a piece of spoken verse that offers great insight into the feelings of the speaker. Not to be confused with a soliloquy in a play (which the character speaking speaks to themselves), dramatic monologues suggest an auditor or auditors. They were favoured by many poets in the V ictorian period, in which a character in fiction or in history delivers a speech explaining his or her feelings, actions, or motives. The monologue is usually directed toward a silent audience, with the speaker's words influenced by a critical situation.1. A single person, who is patently not the poet, utters thespeech that makes up the whole of the poem, in a specificsituation at a critical moment […].2.This person addresses and interacts with one or more otherpeople; but we know of the auditors' presence, and what theysay and do, only from clues in the discourse of the singlespeaker.3.The main principle controlling the poet's choice andformulation of what the lyric speaker says is to reveal tothe reader, in a way that enhances its interest, the speaker'stemperament and character.[1]CharactersSpeaker (or Narrator): The speaker is the Duke of Ferrara. Browning appears to have modeled him after Alfonso II, who ruled Ferrara from 1559 to 1597. Alfonso was married three times but had no children. The poem reveals him as a proud, possessive, and selfish man and a lover of the arts. He regarded his late wife as a mere object who existed only to please him and do his bidding. He likes the portrait of her (the subject of his monologue) because, unlike the duchess when she was alive, it reveals only her beauty and none of the qualities in her that annoyed the duke when she was alive. Morever, he now has complete control of the portrait as a pretty art object that he can show to visitors.《我已故的公爵夫人》一诗中,说话人是意大利文艺复兴时代的一位公爵,他正预备再度结婚。



































my last duchess修辞手法列举

my last duchess修辞手法列举

my last duchess修辞手法列举一、悖论1.悖论(paradox)的定义悖论是一个涉及数学、哲学、逻辑学、语义学的等非常广泛的论题,是一种现时的科学理论体系所解释不了的矛盾。


悖论(paradox)最早是来自希腊语“p ara+dokein”,意思是“多想一想”,但实际的意义远比此丰富。













他精心选择的例证无疑有意扩大了悖论的范围,他把“惊奇”(wo nder)和“反讽”(irony)都悄悄划入悖论的麾下。



<Break, Break, Break> the death of his best friend, his sadness feeling are contrasted with the carefree, innocent joys of the children and the unfeeling movement of the ship and the sea waves《溅吧、溅吧、溅吧》,最好的朋友的早逝, 少年的无忧无虑、天真快乐,海浪和船只的无情移动与诗人心境的悲伤作对比<Crossing the Bar> we can feel his fearlessness towards death, his faith in God and an afterlife. ’Crossing the bar’ means leaving this world and entering the next world《渡过沙洲》我们可以感受到他对死亡的无畏,他对上帝以及来世的忠实信仰,“渡过沙洲”意味着离开这个世界进入到另一个世界<Ulysses> not endure the peaceful commonplace everyday life, old as he is, he persuades his old followers to go with him and to set sail again to pursue a new world and new knowledge, dramatic monologue,《尤利西斯》不能忍受平凡宁静的生活,即使他老了,他还是说服他的老追随者同他一起,再次出航,追求新世界,新知识,戏剧独白Robert Browning - the most original poet, who improve and mature the dramatic monologue罗伯特·勃朗宁-最早提高并且使喜剧独白走向成熟的诗人<The Ring and the Book> his masterpiece他的杰作《环与图书》<My Last Duchess> this dramatic monologue is the duke’s speech addressed to the agent who comes to negotiate the marriage, the duke is a self-conceited, cruel and tyrannical man《我的前公爵夫人》这个戏剧性的独白,是公爵与前来提亲的代理人之间的对话,公爵是一个自负,残暴和专制的人<Meeting at Night> 夜会<Parting at Morning>晨别George Eliot:As a woman of exceptional 特有的intelligence and life experience, she shows a particular concern for the destiny of women乔治.艾略特:一个有着异常智慧和生活经验的妇女,她表达了自己对妇女命运的特别关注<Middlemarch> a sharp contrast is set between the cold, lifeless, dull house and Dorothea who is full of youthful life and vigor《米德尔马契》将精力旺盛、活力四射的多萝西娅与凄冷、毫无生气、阴暗的房子形成强烈对比Thomas Hardy - both a naturalistic and a critical realist writerLocal-colored, Wessex, ’novels of character and environment’托马斯·哈代-既是一个自然主义作家,也是一个批判现实主义作家,他的作品带有地方乡土色彩,艾塞克斯-小说的背景及特征<Tess of the D’Urbervilles> experience is as to i ntensity, and not as to duration 《德伯家的苔丝》的经验是与其容忍,不如反抗American Romantic Period 美国浪漫主义时期Started with Washington Irving’s <The Sketch Book> and ended with Whitman’s <Leaves of Grass>, also called ’the American Renaissance’Free expression of emotion, escapes from society, and return to nature New England Transcendentalism以华盛顿欧文的《见闻杂记》开始,以惠特曼的《草叶集》结束。

My Last Duchess 我的前公爵夫人

My Last Duchess 我的前公爵夫人

1889:his last book, Asolando, was published the day of his death, December 12, 1889. he was buried at Westminster Abbey.

His major works
My Last Duchess 《我已故的公爵夫人》 Meeting at Night 《月夜相会》 Parting at Morning 《晨别》 The Ring and the Book 《指环与书》 Home Thoughts from Abroad《异国相思》
Was courtesy, she thought, and cause enough 这种无聊话,却被她当成好意, The dim reddish blush that gradually disappears along her throat.
For calling up that spot of joy. She had 也足以唤起她的欢心。她那颗心——
Must never hope to reproduce the faint ―隐约的红晕向颈部渐渐隐没, ``Half-flush that dies along her throat:‖ such stuff 这绝非任何颜料所能复制。”
Such foolish words were acts of politeness and respect.
And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst,
if they dare.
How such a glance came there; so, not the first

以拉波夫的叙事分析模式来分析诗歌“My Last Duchess”

以拉波夫的叙事分析模式来分析诗歌“My Last Duchess”
定嫁 妆的数 量 , 伯爵派了一位使者进来谈判 ; 公爵领着这使者观看 他 的艺术收藏 , 中间有他的已故夫人 画像 。本诗就是公爵在他已故
拉图和亚里士多德提 出, 而如今这一问题仍然受 到学者的关注。
学者们一般都认为任何叙 事都有起 点, 中间环节和结尾——也
夫人 的画像前对伯 爵使者的一段“ 独自” 。在独 白中, 公爵对画像表
现 了一个艺术鉴赏家和收藏家的夸耀 和 自豪 , 面对前公爵夫人其人
就是说 , 叙事总是有顺 序的, 以是时间上 的顺序 , 可 主题式 的顺序或 者是事件性的顺 序。叙事顺序可 以决定或改变故事的意义 , 因而极
为重要。同样重要 的还有叙事类 型, 同的叙事类型可 以达到不同 不 的叙事 目的。相应 的, 同类 型的叙事包含着不 同的叙事结构 ,叙 不 《 事分析}N r teA ayi 的作者瑞斯曼 fjsla, 9 3t (ari nls ) av s Res n 19 )的认为叙 n 】 事结构至少可 以分 为三 种 : 拉波夫(a0) I bv的结构取 向(t c rl p J s ut a a— r u
11叙事结构 . 简单地说 , 叙事就是用于来描述过去所发生 的事情 , 它的形式可
以为 口头 、 面等 。 叙 事 结 构 ” 一 概 念 最 早是 由古 希 腊 的 哲学 家 柏 书 “ 这
是 一个意大利文艺复兴时期的公爵 : 公爵因前妻不做他的循规蹈矩 的所有物 , 而将其杀害 ; 他再度结婚的对 象是一位伯 爵小姐 ; 为了确
却大加指责。勃朗宁正是通过公 爵的指责塑造了表面高尚雅量 , 实
则冷酷残暴 、 等级观念 和占有 欲极强 的公 爵, 以及热情 开朗、 平等待 人 的前公 爵夫人形象。在“ at u hs” My sD c es 中所包括的拉 波夫模式 L 的叙事组成部分如 下:



MyLastDuchess翻译和赏析(一)“My Last Duchess”是罗伯特·勃朗宁所写的一首诗,描绘了一位意大利公爵的前妻的肖像,以及讲述了公爵如何掌控着他的婚姻。











其中一位经典的批评家,哈罗德·布鲁姆(Harold Bloom)认为,“‘我的前妻’被认为是一位男性独裁者对女性的典型品格塑造,整个诗歌充斥着男性超然和女性被囚禁的主题。

” 这种批评的主要依据是诗中公爵水落石出地表达了他想要掌控他的妻子,而诗歌的结尾暗示着公爵即将以同样的方式掌控他的下一位妻子。




总之,“My Last Duchess”是一首令人印象深刻的诗歌,它通过良好运用一些隐喻、符号和意象描绘了一个男性独裁者的形象,并且表达出了一些社会作为及政治问题。

My last duchess

My last duchess

Character Analysis of the Speaker in “My Last Duchess”As is typical of Browning's poems, "My Last Duchess" is written as a dramatic monologue. The poet adopts first person to narrate the whole story. The speaker is the Duke of Ferrara. Unsatisfied with his Duchess, he killed her and is ready to marry a new one. From his narration I have get some idea about his personality. Before I read this poem, I thought that Dukes are those who are very gentle, respectable and elegant with high social position. But the Duke in this poem really disappoints me.In the beginning of the poem, the Duke introduces his artwork— the painting of his last Duchess to his guest. He takes care to emphasize the fact that it was painted by Fra Pandolf, presumably a talented and experienced artist, to show he himself is rich and powerful. From this we can see he is very vain and materialistic, and less concerned with the loss of his previous Duchess. Then by saying “for never read strangers like you that pictured countenance, the depth and passion of its earnest glance” the Duke intends to convey that he just shows the painting to his selected guests, not all of them, so the guest there should feel privileged. Also the Duke tells the guest that “since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you, but I” implying that his is in complete control of everything in his household.Then he begins to complain about his dead Duchess. When Fra Pandolf, the famous painter, praises the Duchess about her beauty, the Duchess takes it as courtesy and gets happy. However, the Duke is unhappy about the Duchess’reaction. In his opinion, the Duchess is easy to be satisfied and impressed--- that’s a bad thing. But in my way of thinking, the Duchess is very innocent and lovely. From this it can beplausible to say that the Duke is very rigorous with his Duchess. When he complains about the Duchess’ love of looking around, he particularly points out “my favour at her breast”; when talking about that the Duchess thanked the man who “broke in the orchard for he r”, he mentions hi s “nine-hundred-years-old name”. He dislikes the behavior that the Duchess ranked his gifts with anybody’s gift. He even regards the Duchess’identify as a gift from him. He is so self-centered that in his opinion his Duchess must be submissive to him and be for his pleasure only. He can not tolerant his wife putting something in the same standing with him. In my opinion, the Duchess thanked the man who gave her cherries to show her politeness and gratitude. However, the Duke thinks it is a kind of insult to his pride. It is obvious that he has got very strong male chauvinism. Also, he even suspects the way his Duchess thanked the man and thinks the Duchess was unfaithful to him. He thinks what the Duchess did is frivolous and disgusting. From his talking about his Duchess, I can find that he is a very controlling, jealous, and narrow-minded man with strong male chauvinism.It is a sharp contrast that the Duke talks a lot about the Duchess’“bad”personality and behavior, but as to his murdering of her, he just mentions slightly in line 45 and 46---“I gave commands; then all smiles stopped together. There she stands as if alive”. On saying this, he feels no sense of guilty and sadness, instead, he seems to show off. He is so cold-blooded and detestable that he never forgets to show off even when talking about his wife’s death. He desires to show off----how powerful he is and nobody can be against with him. Maybe he is reminding the coming new bride that she must be submissive if she wanted to be his wife. Maybe he is making awarning to whoever dares to offend him. In his eyes, everyone should be after his heart and follow his order.In the ending of the monologue the Duke makes a requirement about the dowry and points to another work of art, a bronze statue of Neptune taming a sea-horse. When he talks about the dowry, his can not hide his hypocrisy and greed. I think Neptune symbolized the Duke himself, and sea-horse just like his last Duchess--- he conquered her by killing her. Again, the Duke is intended to show off.I can draw a clear picture of the Duke through his monologue. He is a selfish, pride, greedy, merciless, controlling and hypocritical man. “My Last Duchess” is considered to be one of the greatest masterpieces of Robert Browning, not only because it is a poem that best exemplifies his use of the dramatic monologue, but also reveals the Duke’s character successfully.。

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"My Last Duchess" - <我已故的公爵夫人>
诗歌欣赏: 罗伯特.布朗宁(Robert.Browning) - 我已故的公爵夫人(:My Last Duchess") Robert Browning: a famous 19th century (Victorian) British poet, particularly well-kn own for his early monologue "My Last Duchess" (《我的已故的公爵夫人》).In the poem, a duke speaks about his dead wife. The poem is about murder, mystery and intrigue, but all in indirect allu sions (暗示). Readers may sense that the duke kills his wi fe or causes her death, but no evidence is shown. The la nguage of the poem is difficult to understand. The use of dramatic monologue forces readers to work hard to find the meaning behind the duke's words. When talking about Robert Browning, we have to mention his wife, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. She was a fam ous poet, too. She wrote many sonnets, a type of 14 line poem, the same as Sha kespeare did. Elizabeth and her husband Robert had a great love affair, almost lik
e a movie. Browning was six years younger than his wife. They ran away to Italy t o get married.
















