
3.die----be called home ,be called to God.
-----safe in the arms of Jesus ,
------be gone to a better land
------join the angels,
• 也有来自中国的语言:
4.die----seeing Marx, seeing confucius
Euphemism is a common phenomenon when people use language, which is not only a social language phenomenon, but it is also a cultural phenomenon. We all need to communicate in our daily life or in diplomacy. However, because of the difference of life habit or custom and the taboo of different culture, we must learn to use Euphemism to avoid embarrassment or unhappiness.
趣谈英语委婉语 ( Euphemism)
10英本2班 彭文涛
Interesting English Euphemism
一.一位先生从桌子旁站起,彬彬有理地向人 们说他得去“see a man about a dog”
二.一位青年人在大白天在大街上闲逛,原因 是他们”at liberty”;

英语对话中常用委婉表达句子1. 英语中的委婉语优雅骂人: 1. Stop complaining!别发牢骚!2. You make me sick!你真让我恶心!3. What's wrong with you?你怎么回事?4. You shouldn't have done that!你真不应该那样做!5. You're a jerk!你是个废物/混球!6. Don't talk to me like that!别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?8. What's your problem?你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you!我讨厌你!10. I don't want to see your face!我不愿再见到你! 11. You're crazy!你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don't bother me. 别烦我。
14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。
15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。
17. Get lost.滚开!18. Take a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。
20. It's none of your business. 关你屁事!21. What's the meaning of this?这是什么意思?22. How dare you!你敢!23. Cut it out. 省省吧。
24. You stupid jerk!你这蠢猪!25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。
26. I'm fed up. 我厌倦了。

英语委婉语的主要特点包括间接性、模糊性和礼貌性。间接性指委婉语不直 接表达真实意图,而是通过暗示、比喻或其他修辞手法间接表达。模糊性指委婉 语的含义往往不够明确,可以适用于多种情境和解释。礼貌性指委婉语的使用可 以减轻直接言语可能造成的冒犯或尴尬,从而保持人际交往的和谐。
3、英语委婉语的认知研究:探究英语委婉语的认知机制,包括它是如何被 理解和生成的,将有助于我们更好地理解和使用英语委婉语。
本研究通过对英语委婉语语用的研究,揭示了英语委婉语的特点、优点、缺 点和实用性。这些发现不仅有助于我们更好地理解英语委婉语的本质,也为我们 如何在具体语境中恰当地使用英语委婉语提供了有益的指导。本研究也为未来的 英语委婉语研究提供了新的思路和方向。当然,本研究也存在一定的局限性,例 如样本的收集和分析方法可能存在主观性,未来研究可以进一步改进和完善研究 方法。
01 一、英语委婉语的起 源和发展
二、英语委婉语的特 点和功能
三、英语委婉语的表 达方式
四、英语委婉语的运 用场合
05 参考内容
英语委婉语 (euphemism)是英语语言中一种独特而微妙的现象,它在人际交 往中扮演着重要的角色。通过使用委婉语,人们可以避免直接表达可能造成冒犯、 尴尬或敏感的话题,从而维护人际关系的和谐与融洽。本次演示将从以下几个方 面对英语委婉语进行探讨和研究。
基于研究结果,我们可以看到英语委婉语在交际中具有重要的作用。它可以 帮助人们更好地表达自己的意见和看法,避免直接触及敏感话题或词汇,增强交 际的礼貌性和可行性。但同时,也要注意英语委婉语可能带来的负面影响,如造 成沟通障碍、信息失真等问题。因此,在具体语境中,我们需要根据实际情况恰 当地使用英语委婉语,以取得更好的交际效果。

解密英语中的委婉语范本一份解密英语中的委婉语 1委婉语起源于远古,维多利来女王时代中期为其鼎盛时期,在现代英语中,其出现频率依然颇高,因为人们通过委婉语,可以用温顺悦耳的`词语去谈论或叙述一些原来令人不快或逆耳之事物。
为此,他们用domestic help, day help或live-in help代替mail或servant(佣人); 以custodian或superintendent替代doorkeeper, caretaker或janitor(看门人或管理人);用She has a tile loose或She has a cylinder missing去代替She is crazy或She is not right in the head(神经失常)。
委婉语多如恒河沙数,不胜枚举,在此略举数例,以见一斑:原称委婉语无线电修理工radio electrician——radio doctor理发师barber——cosmotologist家庭妇女housewife——household executive收垃圾工人garbage collector——sanitary engineer老人old people——senior citizens再看两个委婉语的例子:Nowadays many weight-watchers would like to go to the gym。
They are the culturally deprived。
值得注意的是,委婉语虽然是“古已有之,于今为烈",但决不能用得过多过滥. 使用时要考虑场合和对象,如用得不得体,反而会使你"欲礼而不达",甚至令人不知所云,一头雾水。
You can find doctors and doctors in Hongkong!在__,既有好医生,也有坏医生。

1. Could you possibly... (可能你能...)
2. Would you mind... (你介意...)
3. I was wondering if... (我想知道是否...)
4. Perhaps we could consider... (也许我们可以考虑...)
5. It might be better if... (如果...可能会更好)
6. If it's not too much trouble... (如果不太麻烦的话)
7. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't... (对不起,但恐怕我不能...)
8. I don't want to be a bother, but... (我不想麻烦你,但...)
9. I hope you don't mind if... (希望你不介意如果...)
10. It would be appreciated if... (如果...会受到感激)
11. I'm sorry to trouble you, but... (很抱歉麻烦你,但...)
12. If it's not too much to ask... (如果不过分的话...)
13. I was wondering whether you could... (我在想你是否能...)
14. Excuse me, but would it be possible to... (请问可否...)
15. I would be grateful if... (如果...我会感激不尽)。

因此这个单词我们可以直译为“good talking”,有好的语言或者好的说法的意思,也就是用好听的,出于善意的,无害而又动听悦耳的词汇来取代一些过于直白、粗俗、唐突、冒昧的言辞。
著名词汇学家H·Rawason在他编纂的委婉语词典中用“语言遮羞布”(linguistic jigleaves)来称呼委婉语,而美国著名作家H.L.Mencken则用“gildedwords”(镀金词)来形容委婉语,也有人将其称作“cosmetic words”(化妆词),这些词汇都从各个方面对委婉语进行了准确而生动的描述。
二、英语委婉语的种类(一) 有关人体、死亡、年老、疾病等的委婉语人的外貌各种各样,男人都希望自己长得高大帅气,英俊潇洒,女人则希望自己长的身材高挑,面容美丽,皮肤白皙。
再比如一个人比较胖也不能直接用fat(肥胖)来表达,而要用big、 heavy 、weight 、plump 来代替fat;相反,如果一位女士很瘦,也不可以直接用thin,而要用slende,slim,svelte,willomy等词来代替。

(1)Death(死亡)to be asleep in the Arms of God (本义)安睡在上帝的怀中to be at peace (本义)平静了to be at rest (本义)在休息(2)灰色职业shoe maker 补鞋匠→shoe rebuilder 重整鞋者dish washer 洗盘子的人→utensil maintenance 器皿保全工garbage man 清扫垃圾的人→sanitation engineer 清洁工程师butcher 屠夫→meat technologist 肉类技术专家hair-dresser 理发师→cosmetologist 美容师undertaker 承办丧事的人→funeral director 殡仪负责人prostitute 妓女→pavement princess 马路天使maid/ housekeeper (女仆/ 女管家) →domestic help / day-help 家务助手,day-help 白天帮工,live- in help 住家帮手optician (眼镜商) →vision engineer (视力工程师bedding manufacturer (床具制造商)→mattress engineer (床垫工程师) 或sleep engineer (睡眠工程师)School principal ( 中小学校长)→educational engineer ( 教育工程师) (3)上厕所natural necessity (本义)自然的需要nature stop (本义)自然需要停车to pluck a rose (本义)摘朵玫瑰powder one's nose (本义)搽点粉to relieve oneself (本义)轻松一下to wash one's hands (本义)洗洗手(4)厕所powder room(化妆室)、convenience(方便去处)、cloakroom(存衣室)、loo(=waterloo, 滑铁卢)、(5)uglyhomely 不好看plain 平常plain-looking 长相一般ordinary looking 长相一般(6)fat:heavyset 敦实的,富态chubby 丰满的plump丰满的, 圆胖的stout 壮实的(7)thin:slender 苗条的svelte 亭亭玉立的,身材细长的lean 精干的lithe 敏捷的,轻快的(8)她怀孕了A hole out in one (本义) 一击入洞An accident (本义) 事故Awkward (本义) 行动不便的eating for two(本义)吃双份饭to have one watermelon on the vine(本义)藤上有瓜了to have one on the way (本义)有人要来to spoil a woman's shape(本义)坏了女子体型(9)未婚先育She is in trouble.她碰到麻烦。

英语委婉语的例子30个1. "I'm afraid I have to decline your invitation." (拒绝邀请)2. "It's not quite what I had in mind." (不是我的想法)3. "I'm not sure if I can make it." (不确定我能否参加)4. "I'm sorry, but I have other commitments." (我很抱歉,但我有其他约定)5. "Perhaps we can revisit this at a later time?" (也许我们可以稍后再考虑这个问题?)6. "I think I need to pass on this opportunity." (我认为我需要放弃这个机会)7. "I don't feel comfortable discussing this." (我不觉得讨论这个话题舒服)8. "I'm not really interested in pursuing this further." (我真的不太想再深入探讨这个问题)9. "It's not exactly what I had in mind." (并不完全符合我的想法)10. "I appreciate your offer, but I think I'll have to decline." (谢谢你的提议,但我想我必须拒绝)11. "I'm not sure if I'm the best person for the job." (我不确定我是否是最适合的人选)12. "I think I'll have to pass on this one." (我想我得拒绝这个)13. "I regret to say that I won't be able to attend." (很遗憾,我不能参加)14. "I'm not really comfortable with this situation." (我对这种情况并不感到舒适)15. "I'm afraid I can't help you with that." (很抱歉,我无法帮你处理这个)16. "I'm not quite ready to commit to that yet." (我还没准备好承诺)17. "I'm not sure that's the best approach." (我不确定那是最好的方法)18. "I don't think this is a good fit for me." (我觉得这不适合我)19. "I'm sorry, I can't make it." (对不起,我不能来)20. "I'd rather not discuss that." (我宁愿不讨论那个)21. "I'm not really looking for a change at the moment." (我现在并不是真的想要改变)22. "I don't think that's a good idea." (我不认为那是个好主意)23. "I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on that." (恐怕我必须在这个问题上与你不同意)24. "I may have to decline this offer." (我可能不得不拒绝这个提议)25. "I'm afraid I can't commit to that right now." (我恐怕现在不能承诺)26. "I'm not really comfortable with the terms." (我不太满意这些条款)27. "I'm afraid I don't have the time for that." (恐怕我没有时间做那个)28. "I don't think that's quite what I had in mind." (我认为那不是我想要的)29. "I'm not really sure what to think about this." (我不是很确定怎么看待这个)30. "I'm afraid I can't provide you with what you're asking for." (恐怕我不能提供你所要求的东西)。

英语委婉语的例子经典1. "I'm afraid that won't be possible." (我恐怕这不太可能。
)2. "Perhaps we could explore some other options." (或许我们可以考虑其他的选择。
)3. "I'm sorry, but that's not quite what I had in mind." (很抱歉,但那不是我想要的。
)4. "I'm not sure that's the best approach." (我不确定那是最好的方式。
)5. "It sounds like we have some differences in opinion." (听起来我们在看法上有些不同。
)6. "I appreciate your input, but I'll need some more time to consider it." (感谢你的建议,但我需要更多时间来考虑它。
)7. "It's not that I don't trust you, but I prefer to err on the side of caution." (不是我不信任你,但我更倾向于谨慎小心。
)8. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to decline your invitation." (很抱歉,但我必须拒绝你的邀请。
)9. "I'd love to help, but I'm afraid I'm not available right now." (我很想帮忙,但我恐怕现在没有时间。

如:pass away(逝世),be no more(不在了),depart(去世),be gone(走了),join the majority(会见老祖宗去了),go to west(归西了),go to glory(升天了),go to meet one maker(见上帝),to be at peace(平静了),the final departure(最后离去),final sleep(最后一觉),to go to one S long home(回到永久之家),to have found rest(得到安息),in heaven(在天堂),with God(和上帝在一起)等。
“死亡的委婉说法还有:to be ;present at the last roll call 出席最后一次点名to be written off被勾销 t0 fall 倒下 to fire one s last shot射出最后一发子弹It S taps.熄灯号音响了to hy down one S life 放下自己的生to make the ultimate sacrifice最后的牺牲to do one S bit 尽自己的本分这些委婉语听起来很平淡,几乎无法使人联到军人那悲壮而惨烈的死。

如:to pass away,to go home,to go,to go West,to breathe one's last,to be at rest,to depart,to be with God,to be in Heaven,to join the majority,to join one's ancestors,to fall asleep等。
例句:①Poor Milton was one of those who went West inthe air-crash.可怜的密尔顿是这次空难遇难者之一。
②His father passed away when he was only five.当他只有五岁时,他的父亲就去世了。
③He worked until he breathed his last.他一直工作到他生命的最后一刻。
曾有一个中学生在公园中对一位外宾想要“洗手”(washone's hands)而感到大惑不解,连说“No water”(没有水)。
其实wash one's hands只是go to the toilet(lavatory)(上厕所)的委婉的说法。
厕所的其它表达方法还有comfort loom,men's(ladies')room,powderroom,cloakroom,washroom。

"temporarily challenged":有残疾的,代替"handicapped"
"differently abled":有特殊能力的,代替"disabled"
"final resting place":坟墓,代替"grave"
"ironing board":铁板,代替"flat iron"
"weight-watcher":减肥者,代替"obese person"
"charm offensive":花言巧语,代替"lying"
"potting shed":卫生间,代替"toilet"
"comfort station":公共厕所,代替"public restroom"

英语euphemism(委婉语)一词源于希腊语的前缀eu(好的)和词根pheme(说话),意为good speak(说好听的或者善辞令)。
人们讳言die(死),因而有了pass away, pass out, pass over(去世)之类的委婉说法。
对于一位身体肥胖的女士来说,人们更愿意说她put on weight(发了福)而忌说become fat(长胖了)。
比如还有:to go to a better world(到极乐世界去了);to go to another world(到另一个世界去了);to go to heaven(上天堂去了);to depart(故去);to be gone(走了,没了);to pay one’s debt to nature (向大自然还债了);to breathe one’s last(咽下了最后一口气);troubles be over now(罪受完了),等等。
英语中的委婉语 PPT

1、首字母结合法(Initialism) 由首字母组合得委婉语就是将禁忌语或不逊语得第一个字 母拼合而成。 如:B、M、(bowel movement)排便
委婉,也叫婉曲或婉转。汉语《辞海》对委婉所下得定义 就是:“修辞上辞格之一。不直言本意而用委婉含蓄得话 来烘托暗示。”
对比分析对委婉语(euphemism)得定义,我们可以肯定,英 语中得euphemism与汉语中得委婉语(婉曲或婉转)在两种 语言中属同一种修辞手法,但相比之下,汉语委婉语得含义 则更为宽泛。
英语中“死”得很多委婉语来自《圣经》或基督教、 如:be safe in the arms of Jesus, be asleep in the valley,be in Abraham’s bosom, be promoted to glory, be taken to paradise, go to meet one’s maker… 汉语中则主要就是来自与道教与佛教有关得用语、
此处pay day 婉指 day of death, 而非发薪日。
3、 She loses count of drinks and gets a little blind 、
Blind 在这里绝不就是“眼睛瞎了”,而就是 thoroughly drunk、

例1“死亡”的委婉语在英语里,表达“死”的委婉语很多,最常用的有:pass away(过世)、to go west(归西天)、tick the bucket(翘辫子)、turn up one’s toes (伸脚趾)、to go to sleep(长眠)、to be no more(没了,不在了)、to close one’s eyes(闭眼)、to lay down one’s life(牺牲)、to expire(逝世)、to breathe one’s last(咽气)、to end one’s day(寿终)、to pay the debt of nature(了结尘缘)、to cross over to the other side(去世)、to go to the happy hunting ground(去世)等。
例2“贫穷”的委婉语汉语中有“拮据”、“手头紧”、“囊中羞涩”表示贫困,英语中表示“贫穷”的委婉语有:“badly off(短缺的)、less well off(不太宽裕的)、indigent(缺少钱物的)、down on one’s luck(时运不济)、hard up for money(缺钱)、in difficulty(处于困境)。
而have-nots(不富有的人)或a man of modest means(财产不多的人)或negative saver(积蓄为负值的人)都是“穷人”的婉称。
美国对收入低于生活标准的个人或家庭的补助也被称作“税”,即“逆所得税”(negative income tax)。
贫穷落后的发展中国家可说成developing countries或the third world(第三世界)。
例3“老”的委婉语年龄是西方国家的一个敏感话题,可用多种委婉形式表达“老”,如:senior citizen,people in advanced years, elderly people, third age, tofeel one’s age, mature等。

厕所 bathroom身体机能是文雅人士需避免的话题。
(Bodily functions are "taboo" in polite company.)▌restroom▷Can I use the restroom?我可以用下洗手间吗?▷Where can I wash my hands?哪儿有洗手间?▌public conveniences▷Are there any public conveniences nearby?附近可有公共卫生间?▌ladies / gents▷The ladies and gents are down the corridor on your right.女士和男士卫生间就在你右手边的走廊里。
还有一些幽默表达:▌the smallest room of the house房子里最小的一间屋,这种诙谐说法于20世纪30年代出现在英文里,现在已经有些过时,较少被使用。
▷I'd like to pay a visit to the smallest room of the house.我要去参观一下厕所。
▌powder my nose女士用补妆来委婉表达上厕所,当然爱开玩笑的男士也可以这么说。
▷Where can I powder my nose?我上哪儿能补个粉?▌see a man about a dog这种说法原始意思是指为赛马或者赛狗下注,后来通常作为离开或缺席的借口。
▷He's gone to see a man about a dog.他去方便了。
失业unemployment▌between jobs在前一个和后一个工作之间,也就是待业啦。
▷Interviewer: Tell me about your current position.面试官:请告诉我你目前的职位。
▷Job candidate: I'm between jobs right now.求职者:我目前暂时待业。

1."I'm afraid I can't make it."(恐怕我不能来):表示拒
2."It's not quite what I had in mind."(不完全符合我的
3."I'm not sure if I agree."(我不确定是否同意):表达
4."Could you please try to be more punctual?"(你能否尽
5."I appreciate your effort,but there is still room for
6."Perhaps we could explore other options."(也许我们可
7."I'm sorry,but I don't think I can help with that."
8."That's an interesting point of view."(这是一个有趣

其实就是词义随时间的推移后的一种改变现象先举个词义转变的例子比如一个形容词state of the art表示最新型的。
接下来我们正式开始婉转语的学习吧----------------【死】------------------------------一般,我们最为常见的说法有:pass away; lose one's life这些我们平时很常见。
我来举例哈to be no more不再有了。
一样的意思还有to be gone。
还有几个就是有点比喻意义的,比如to join the silent majority或者表示你对鬼神屈服了to yield up the ghost最搞笑的就是和你死去的父亲团聚。
就是to be gathered to your father----------------【怀孕】------------------------------虽然。
但其实这个对于外国人来讲直接用是有点不礼貌的其实最为常见的是说某人in the family way。
是最地道的说法之一in an interesting condition也可以但是其实还有几个形容词可以表示比如big,great,heavy包括在后面再加一个with child也没问题;但在美语中,两个现在分词也很常见就是expecting和anticipating口语的时候注意了。
可千万别直接说pregnant啊~职业的委婉说法1.作为垃圾工,原本是garbage collector但是,美国人却很文雅的说成了sanitation engineer或者barbologist就是卫生工程师或者垃圾学家哈当然英国人也有相应的说法disposal operative2.gardener作为花匠。

英语中的委婉语(总8页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--英语中的委婉语委婉来自希腊语,eu 是好的意思,phemism 是speech (言语)的意思,整个字面的意思是word of good omen (吉祥)或好的说法。
例如Satan 被称为the good man,the great fellow ,Devil 被称为the Big D 及Lord of the Flies. 人们对“死亡”的恐惧必然导致大量有关“死亡”的委婉语的产生。
讲英语国家的人们和许多其他民族的人民一样,忌讳直接说“死”(to die)字,创造了很多表达“死”的意思的委婉语。
例如,人们常用“去了”(to pass away),“离别了”(to depart),“离开了我们”(to leave us),“睡着了”(to go to sleep),“去天国”(to go to heaven),“心脏停止了跳动”(one’s heart has stopped beating),等词来代替说某人“死了”(to die),因为“死”太神秘、太痛苦、太让人恐怖了。
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机密(Confidential)编号(No.):13-14-2-018505A试题(Test)课程名称(Subject):英语应用文写作考核类别(Type of test):考查课程类别(Type of course) :专业限选课考试形式(Test type) : 论文使用范围(Target group):2011级英语专业1-13班,2011级英语(旅游英语方向)1班Part I Note writing (15’)Choose one of the situations and write a note according to the information given.Situation 1 You promised to help Jenny buy a book at the weekend, but you got a cold yesterday and you are going to visit the doctor at the weekend. Write her a note to apologize. Situation 2 Your friend Clare has invited you to attend her graduation ceremony this weekend. However, you will be away then. Write her a note politely declining her invitation and expressing your best wishes to her.Situation 3 You are seriously ill, and you want to see a doctor this morning. Write a note asking for sick leave to the secretary of your department.Part II Bill writing (15’)Choose one of the situations and write a bill according to the information given.Situation 1 You want to borrow a Sony recorder and a Canon camera from Foreign Languages Department. Write a bill according to the information given above.Situation 2 You want to borrow 6,000 yuan from your department for buying a HP laptop, and you will pay back the money within one year with interest at 2%. Write a bill of I.O.U. according to the information given above.Situation 3 You have just received 3,000 yuan as your salary in June from the Finance Section in your company. Write a receipt according to the information given above.Part III Memo writing (15’)Choose one of the situations and write a memo according to the information given. Situation 1 You are supposed to write a Memorandum of about 80 words to the leader of the supply section to borrow one microscope for your biological experiment. It should include: 1) Why you need the microscope. 2) When you need it.Situation 2You are a manager of administration office naming Vera. M. Bradford. The board of directors have decided to renovate the Fitness Center. Write a memo to tell all the employees that:1) How long will this project last?2) Welcome the employees to provide suggestions.You should write about 80 words.Part IV Notice writing (15’)Choose one of the situations and write a notice according to the information given. Situation 1 Because of the heavy snow, we will take a rest for two days and resume to school as usual on September 10. Please make a notice to inform that.Situation 2 The s enior engineer Lei Peng won’t be able to come at the appointed time owing to some urgent business. Make a notice to arrange another lecture.Situation 3 The Department of Computer & Information will give a lecture by Professor Zhang Bo on how to make power point. Make a notice according to the information given above.Part V Poster writing (15’)Choose one of the situations and write a poster according to the information given. Situation 1 The Students’ U nion of the Foreign Language Department is to hold an English Speech Contest. Write a poster based on this situation.Situation 2 The Students’ Union will hold a friendly football match between College Team and the Team of Hunan University. Write a poster based on this situation.Situation 3 The film Just Like Heaven will be on in the Audio-visual Lab of Dept. of Foreign & Literature. Please make a poster.Part VI Letter writing (25’)Write a letter of about 150 words according to the information given.You have just learned that Richard, your American friend, has been newly appointed marketing manager in his company. Now write him a letter of congratulation.Part I Note writing (15’)Situation 1 You promised to help Jenny buy a book at the weekend, but you got a coldPart II Bill writing (15’)Situation 1 You want to borrow a Sony recorder and a Canon camera from Foreign Languages Department. Write a bill according to the information given above.Part III Memo writing (15’)Choose one of the situations and write a memo according to the information given. Situation 1 You are supposed to write a Memorandum of about 80 words to the leader of the supply section to borrow one microscope for your biological experiment. It should include: 1) Why you need the microscope. 2) When you need it.Part IV Notice writing (15’)Situation 2 The s enior engineer Lei Peng won’t be able to come at the appointed time owing to some urgent business. Make a notice to arrange another lecture.Part V Poster writing (15’)Situation 2 The Students’ Union will hold a friendly football match between College Team and the Team of Hunan University. Write a poster based on this situation.Part VI Letter writing (25’)Write a letter of about 150 words according to the information given.You have just learned that Richard, your American friend, has been newly appointed marketing manager in his company. Now write him a letter of congratulation.。