西藏 英语ppt
Hello everybody ,People always say that if you love a girl,take her toTibet.Tibet is in the southwest of china。
Its capital ['kæpɪtl] city ['sɪti] is Lhasa.Tibet is to the south of Xin Jiang and Qing Hai Province['prɑːvɪns] , to the west of Sichuan and to the northwest of YunnanThe average height of the whole region['ridʒən] is more than 4,000 meters above[ə'bʌv] sea level, for which Tibet is known as "Roof of the World".Northwest Tibet, mainly Qing Hai plateau, is home to a variety of unusual and unique animals. Across the northern expanse of Tibet, you can see vast grasslands where horses, yak and sheep roam freely.the first stop on our trip is Yalu zangbu Grand Canyon,it is one of the deepest and longest canyons in the world.Because there are so many areas people never set foot in . it be called the last secret world .The second stop on our trip is potala palace,which is built by the king of Tibet .he built this place to marry princess Wencheng from tang dynasty.and let his descendants [dɪ'sɛndənt] remember the event.Nowadays,potala palace regarded as the symble of Tibet by the people all over the world .The third stop on our trip is Lhasa .the capital city ofTibet .lhasa is rightly one of the most featured and dreamt-about cities in the world.Differing from the inland cities and other places in Tibet, Lhasa is unique with an allure all of its own. In the Tibetan language, Lhasa means the Holy Land or the Buddha Land. It is the center of Tibet's politics, economy and culture. The city has also been appointed as one of the 24 historical and cultural cities of China.Jokhang temple is the sacred temple in Tibetit is alsothe spiritual center of Tibet. Everyday pilgrims from e very corner of Tibet trek a long distance to the temple. Some of them even progress prostrate by body length to the thresho ld of the temple.Lalu wetland is Regarded as the lungs of lhasa city ,and this is jiama ditch .they are breath-taking places,aren,t they?The forth top of our trip is Everest peak。
Im. 我们再强调学习普通话的重要性也不为过。 We can not stress the importance of learning Mandarin too much. 仿写: 我们再强调学习英语的重要性也不为过。 —————————————————————————— 2. 随着中国在世界上不断强大,越来越多的外国人对学习中文变得感兴趣。 With China becoming more powerful in the world, an increasing number of foreigners become interested in learning Chinese. 仿写: 随着中国经济的发展,越来越多的外国人对学习中文变得感兴趣。 —————————————————————————— 3. 掌握英语意味着我们可以通过一个新的窗口看世界。 Mastering English means we can see the world through a new window. 仿写: 掌握一门外语意味着我们可以多了解外面的世界。
Summary and Homework
We have to stop here.Today we talked about the important or impressive persons around.Again we can see showing love to each other is of great importance.If we love each other,we can make our life more interesting and colorful. Check their compositions again and write one. Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.
• The Potala Palace is an architectural art and Buddhist Art Museum, is also the Chinese of all ethnic harmony 民族和谐and national unity.
The Jokhang Temple
He zhang Shi
• He zhang Shi: also known as parents stone and it is the embodiment化身 of father and mother goddess The Nyainqentanglha念青唐古拉 Mountain Nam Co, a symbol of their love and true to the core
• Beautiful and holy Tibet waiting for your arrival, friends, let us go and see the beautiful scenery.
Mount zhumulangma
Hada is a piece of silk used as a greeting gift among the Tibetan and Mongol (蒙古)nationalities.
Different colored hadas have different meanings. Blue stands for sky,white stands for cloud, green stands for river, red stands for a kind of numen (守护 神)and yellow stands for land.
They eat it every (酥油) into a bowl,
then pour some tea.
•Second, put tsamba
into the bowl and mix them by hand.
•Finally, when they are mixed so that we can turn them into some
small patch, we can eat it.
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
Chang is a kind of wine in local Tibet. It is made from highland barley (青稞).It is Tibetan’s favourite wine. They drink it when celebrating festivitals, marrying, greeting
Mount Qomolangma
Qomolangma (Everest), the main peak of the Himalayas, is the highest peak in the earth.
Beautiful Shigatse(日喀则)
This ;s most beautiful places.
纳木措Namtso Lake
Namtso, or Lake Nam, is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet Autonomous Region and should not be missed by any traveler to Tibet. In Tibetan, Namtso means "Heavenly Lake." It is famous for its high altitude and imposing scenery.
Jokhang Temple (大昭寺)
Ancient temple
Devout Buddhists shocked me, they told me that the pious mystery..
Their life is very simple, the thinking is very simple, they are genuine and sincere, and they had a firm belief!
• hope everyone can
get the real meaning of traveling.
only the nature can give you the unprecedented(前 所未有)shock.
T——Touch 触摸/ Towards 向,朝, 将近
I——Inspire 使……产生灵感/ I 我
B——Best 最好的/ Belief
T——Temple 寺庙,神庙/ Terrific 极好的/ the Holy land 圣地
Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon
The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon is one of the deepest and longest canyons in the world. The canyon is home to many animals and plants barely explored and affected by human influence, while its climate ranges from subtropical to Arctic.
The main religion in Tibet is Lamaism.
Tibetans believe that in the life practice Buddhism, at least to knock one hundred thousand(100000) long head, all barefoot, that is pious.
Namtso Lake(纳木措)
Namtso is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet Autonomous Region and should not be missed by any traveler to Tibet. In Tibetan, Namtso means “Heavenly Lake.” It is famous for its high altitude and imposing scenery.
特香 色格 美里 食拉
Yak meat
糌粑 ZanBa
Peipah meat 琵琶肉
Qiao BaBa
Ghee tea
Shangr-la's scenery
The Blue Moon Valley(蓝月山谷)
The Blue Moon Valley(
蓝 月 山 谷 )
香格里拉的藏族 彝族有火把节、过年节和儿 地区有藏历新年、 童讨粮节等。普米族节日多与 纳西族相同。 锅庄节、增值节、 回族节日以古尔邦、开斋节 默钦波法会、香格 最为隆重,因与其他民族杂居, 里拉赛马节、香格 亦各种节日。 傈傈族最隆重热烈的节日 里拉弦子节、登巴 是盍什节、阿尼盍什节、次朵 节、格冬节等 尼和拖乡批节等。
纳 帕 海
The Napa Lake
It is a typical seasonal lake,showing different scenery in different season.
In summer and autum,it is a huge grassland,with beautiful flowers.
纳西族与汉族相同, 在正月春节、二月八、
节、六月火把节、七月 祭祖节等,另外还有浴 洗日、朝白山、跳“阿 勒”等主要民族节庆。
怒族服饰 香 格 里 拉 特 色 藏 服
蒙古族服饰 民族童装
标几直的毛「 志乎被横线帮 。成藏条手典 了族围工」 藏妇裙织是 族女,成用 服系千的五 饰在百色彩 的腰年彩丝 一间来亮线 种,一丽或
Jokhang Temple (大昭寺)
Ancient temple
Devout Buddhists shocked me, they told me that the pious mystery..
Their life is very simple, the thinking is very simple, they are genuine and sincere, and they had a firm belitain
珠穆朗玛峰Mount Everest
As the supreme point of the world, the mountain top is covered with snow all the year round, and when the glaring sun comes out, the peak becomes very pure and beautiful.
Bicycle is one of the noblest(高贵的) inventions. Mountain biking is similar to life.
everything of the Tibet I think holy, pure and not defile.
The Potala Palace
More than 1000 rooms In the middle of Beijing Road, the heart of Lhasa City
Lake Nam Co (纳木错湖)
• Blue sky, white clouds, green water
纳木措Namtso Lake
Namtso, or Lake Nam, is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet Autonomous Region and should not be missed by any traveler to Tibet. In Tibetan, Namtso means "Heavenly Lake." It is famous for its high altitude and imposing scenery.
经过: 老妇人掩埋士兵。
结果: 一位有斯拉夫母亲的喜烛点在苏联士 兵的坟头,悼精品念课件 烈士表达敬意。
1、请你用最简洁的语言说 说:
本文主要讲了一件什 么事?
• 明确:南斯拉夫老妇人冒 着生命危险埋葬苏联红军 烈士。
[问题]:你能体会出句中蕴含 的深意吗?
5、在炮火烧焦了的土地上,在炸弯了 的铁器和烧死了的树木中间,那位南 斯拉夫母亲的惟一珍爱的东西──她 的结婚的花烛──还是明晃晃地点在 一个苏联青年的坟头。
[问题]:这段文字如果写成“在方场 上,老妇人的蜡烛精品课还件 是明晃晃地点在
第三部分(14~31段):详写老妇人育乞 西置生死于度外,安葬红军烈士,还在 坟堆上点上藏了45年的结婚喜烛。
第四部分(32~44段):写苏联红军寻找 战士尸体时,却发精品现课件坟堆、老妇人和烛 光。
就从她那黑色的大围巾底下, 摸出她离开地窖的时候揣在 怀里的东西,这是一支大蜡 烛,是45年前她结婚的喜烛, 她一直舍不得用,珍藏到今
补充说明这支天蜡。烛非同寻常的意 [问义,题表]现:了为老妇什人么给要红对军这烈士支
蜡献烛出的的来是一历份做最补珍充贵的说感明情?。 精品课件
2、老妇人对着这烛光,坐在坟边,一动也不动, 两臂交叉抱在胸前,披着那黑色的大围巾。 [问题]:这里又提到围巾的颜色,有什么特 殊的意味?
黑色,表沉痛哀悼的庄重情感,这一着色,渲 染了肃穆气氛,表达了老妇人的哀悼之情。
老妇人是一个怎样的人 ①她从动地窖作里爬出来,想招呼那五个红军到她那里去。
A, 投诉人和被投诉人的名称、地址、电话等 B,具体的投诉事项及事实依据 C,质疑和质疑回复情况及相关证明材料 D, 提起投诉的日期
Group work (模板仿写)
Dear (称呼),
I am
(自我介绍).I feel பைடு நூலகம்ad to trouble you but I’m afraid that I have to
• A reason for not being satisfied; a statement that sb makes saying that they are not satisfied.
Key words
1.neighbour与……为邻 3.be located/situated in/near 坐落在 5.with a history of 有……的历史 7.cover an area of 面积有……
(问题产生的后果).I would appreciate it
very much if you could
Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
课堂活动 角色扮演
投诉某件事 要求演出或说出投诉信的内容
A letter of complaint should include the following writing points:
A,投诉人和被投诉人的名称、地址、电话等 B,具体的投诉事项及事实依据 C,质疑和质疑回复情况及相关证明材料 D提起投诉的日期
Ⅳ、Group work (read my travel plan and then rewrite
it.) London Nyingchi
Chengdu Paris
I am setting off on July 10th by plane. In Beijing, I will first taste the
Finish the writing task on page 53.
Thank you!
5. I am looking _fo_r_w_a_rd_t_o__ your early reply. 6. _W__it_h_ all my bewstis_h_e_s __!
Lead in
• Do you like traveling?
Lead in
• Do you like traveling? • What do you think I should do first? • Make a travel plan
• set off 出发
• return 返回
• stay 住
• taste/eat 品尝 • visit 游览
a plan
past future present
will shall
Ⅱ、Practice (fill in the blanks in proper tenses)
1. I __aw_m_ail_mlg_sot_sait_nya_gy_itn_og_st(asytay) in Beijing hotel for two days. 2. I ____________ (set) off next Friday by plane. 3. I ____________ ( return) on July 16th.
Tibet西藏英文介绍 ppt课件
The main religion in Tibet is Lamaism.
Tibetans believe that in the life practice Buddhism, at least to knock one hundred thousand(100000) long head, all barefoot, that is pious.
Mount Everest
As the supreme point of the world, the mountain top is covered with snow all the year round, and when the glaring sun comes out, the peak becomes very pure and beautiful.
Prayer Wheel
The prayer wheel is an indispensable part of the Tibetan people’s life. According to the doctrine of Tibetan Buddhism, every turn of the prayer wheel is equivalent to one chanting of the scriptures. When a prayer wheel is rotated rapidly, Tibetans would believe that their merits and virtues are accumulating at a faster pace.(转经轮是藏族人民生活中不可缺少的一部分。根据藏传佛教的教义,对 转经轮都是相当于一个诵的经文。当祈祷车轮快速旋转,藏民认为自大昭寺)
Fasting Reading
1. Why does American English have so many dialects?
Because people have come from all over the world.
2. Is there a standard English in the world?
English, because ____A____.
A. people believe those who reported the news speak excellent English
B. they speak the same English
C. they speak it to all the people
6. hold on 请稍等(电话用语)
7. take note of 注意;记下
8. build up 建立;增进(健康)
Practice(Fill in the blanks)
1. As we all know, cars play an important part in our life. 2.Heat may travel in the same manner as light does. 3. After he recovered from illness, he tried to build up his strength. 4.We should welcome friends from all over the world with a smile and be friendly to everyone. 5. Believe it or not, the little boy can lift the heavy box. 6. Take note of what I say and do not forget it.
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自驾游 骑行
Ps:女生 1.一定要开越野车 2.司机技术要过硬 记得带防 3.带足现金 晒霜 4.选对季节 5.不要一辆车独自进藏 6.氧气和药品必不可少 7.晚上不赶夜路翻山 8.不要随便搭载陌生人 9.自备一些建议修车工具 10.记得买保险
1.时间 2.自行车 3.现金 4.修车工具 5.单车装备 线 进藏方式 进藏注意事项
铁路: 青藏线 川藏线(在建) 滇藏线(在建) 甘藏线(在建) 公路: 川藏线(北线,南线) 新藏线 青藏线 唐蕃古道 滇藏线 丙察公路 中尼友谊公路
飞机 (最直接) 火车 (最疲劳) 汽车 (最欢迎) 摩托车(最少选) 自行车(最锻炼) 步行 (最洗礼)
最重要的是有足够 强健的身体和坚忍 不拔的意志!!!