



用英语介绍国庆节国庆节相关的英语单词有哪些“National Day”是国庆节的英语表达。


下面是国庆节的英语介绍,一起来看看吧!国庆节的简短介绍National Day is a legal holiday established by a country to commemorate the country itself. They are usually the independence of the country, the signing of the constitution, the birthday of the head of state, or other significant anniversaries.China's National Day is on October 1st, which is the anniversary of the official founding of China. During the National Day of China, the public will hang the red flag. People will have a 7-day holiday, and the highways are free during the National Day, so people usually use the holiday to visit the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Every five anniversary and the tenth anniversary of National Day military parade will be held.国庆节是由一个国家制定的用来纪念国家本身的法定假日。



National Day 国庆
golden week 黄金周
military parade 阅兵
tribute 赞颂
proclaim 宣布;公告
celebrate 庆祝
patriotism 爱国热情
triumph 胜利成功
explode fireworks 放礼花
the five-star flag flutter in the wind 五星红旗迎风飘扬
the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic 中华人民共和国成立60周年纪念
long live the motherland!祖国万岁
stage a grand celebration 举办一场隆重的庆祝盛宴
display weaponry 展示武器
Peoples Liberation Army 人民解放军。








1. 国庆节 (National Day): 指庆祝国家独立或建国的节日。


2. 庆祝 (Celebrate): 表示为了纪念或庆祝某个特殊日子或事件而举行活动。


3. 放假 (Take a holiday): 表示不去上班或上学,享受休息的时光。


4. 旅游 (Travel): 表示到其他地方观光游览。


5. 阅兵式 (Military Parade): 指军队为了庆祝特殊日子或纪念事件而进行隆重阅兵的表演。


6. 烟花 (Fireworks): 指火药制成的可以喷发出彩色光芒和声音的器具,常用于庆祝节日或其他特殊场合。


7. 五星红旗(Five-starred Red Flag): 指中华人民共和国的国旗,由红色底布和五颗黄色五角星组成。


8. 碰碰车 (Bumper Cars): 指一种游乐设施,乘坐其中的人可以驾驶特制的小型电动汽车进行碰撞或追逐游戏。


9. 嘉年华 (Carnival): 指一种庆祝活动,有游乐设施、表演、游戏等娱乐项目。


10. 重阳节 (Double Ninth Festival): 指农历九月初九,又称为老人节,人们会前往爬山、祭祖或赏菊。

关于国庆的story time英语

关于国庆的story time英语

关于国庆的story time英语1. National Day -国庆节2. Celebration -庆祝活动3. Parade -游行4. Fireworks -烟花5. Flag -国旗6. Anthem -国歌7. Patriotic -爱国主义的8. Red -红色9. Golden Week -黄金周10. Reunion -团聚11. Public holiday -公共假日12. Commemorate -纪念13. Tradition -传统14. Festivities -庆典活动15. Traditional costume -传统服装16. Tribute -敬意17. Symbol -象征18. Grand -盛大的19. Memorabilia -纪念品20. Lantern -灯笼21. Travel -旅行22. Crowded -拥挤的23. Joyous -欢乐的24. Decorations -装饰25. Government -政府26. Onlookers -旁观者27. History -历史28. Unity -团结29. Cultural heritage -文化遗产30. Resilience -韧性1. National Day is an important holiday in China.中国的国庆节是重要的节日。

2. The city organized a grand celebration for National Day.市政府组织了盛大的国庆庆祝活动。

3. We watched the parade and enjoyed the fireworks on National Day.我们在国庆节上观看游行并观赏烟花。

4. People waved flags and sang the national anthem during the National Day parade.人们在国庆节游行上挥舞着国旗,唱着国歌。



关于国庆节的英语手抄报20个单词以下是关于国庆节的英语手抄报所需要的20个单词及其用法:1. National Day - A public holiday celebrated by a country to commemorate its independence or establishment.Example: We had a great time celebrating National Day with our friends and family.2. Parade - A procession of people or vehicles that often takes place on special occasions.Example: The National Day parade was a magnificent display of unity and patriotism.3. Celebration - The act of observing a special occasion or event with joy and festivity.Example: Our neighborhood organized a big celebration for National Day.4. Fireworks - Explosive pyrotechnic devices used for entertainment purposes, especially during festive occasions.Example: The firework display on National Day was truly spectacular.5. Flag - A piece of cloth with distinctive colors and designs that represents a country.Example: We hung the national flag outside our house to show our patriotism on National Day.6. Anthem - A solemn or patriotic song that represents a country.Example: Everyone stood up and sang the national anthem during the National Day ceremony.7. Unity - The state of being together or joined as a whole, often associated with a sense of shared purpose.Example: National Day is a time to celebrate the unity and diversity of our country.8. Independence - The state of being free from control or influence of others.Example: National Day marks the independence of ournation from colonial rule.9. History - The study or record of past events, particularly those relating to a specific country or region.Example: It's important to learn about the history of our country to truly appreciate National Day.10. Patriotism - Love, loyalty, or devotion to one's country.Example: Many people express their patriotism bydecorating their homes in the national colors during National Day.11. Commemorate - To honor or remember an event or person, often through a ceremony or special activity.Example: We gather every year to commemorate the founding of our nation on National Day.12. Tradition - A practice or belief passed down within a society or culture from one generation to another.Example: Lighting candles on National Day has become a tradition in our family.13. Reunion - A gathering or coming together of people, often after a period of separation.Example: Our family always plans a reunion on National Day to spend quality time together.14. Holiday - A day when most people do not have to work or go to school, usually set aside for a special occasion or celebration.Example: National Day is a national holiday, so everyone gets the day off.15. Speech - A formal spoken address, often delivered bya person of importance, such as a political leader, during a public event.Example: The President's National Day speech inspired the nation and reinforced our unity.16. Festive - Having a joyous and celebratory atmosphere.Example: The streets were filled with festive decorations and music on National Day.17. Gratitude - The feeling of being thankful or appreciative.Example: On National Day, we express our gratitude for the sacrifices made by our founding fathers.18. Display - An exhibition or presentation of something, often for public view.Example: Local artists created a beautiful display of paintings and sculptures for National Day.19. Heritage - The traditions, customs, and beliefs that are inherited from past generations.Example: National Day is a time to celebrate our cultural heritage and honor our ancestors.20. Reflection - The act of thinking deeply or contemplating on a particular subject or event.Example: National Day is a time for reflection on our country's progress and challenges.。



国庆节的英语单词 ⾯对国庆节许多⼩伙伴们⾸先想到的就是有7天的⼩长假时间,你知道国庆节的英语单词吗?今天店铺特意准备了⼀些国庆节的英语单词资料,希望你能喜欢。

国庆节的英语单词 国庆节的英语是:National Day 也可以说:National Day Holiday! 在这⾥预祝⼤家国庆节快乐!Happy National Day! 国庆节历史由来 10⽉1⽇是我们伟⼤祖国的⽣⽇。













国庆节爱国教育资料 中华⼈民共和国国旗 中华⼈民共和国国旗旗⾯为红⾊象征⾰命。





国庆节相关英语词汇、句子与文章国庆节相关英语词汇:1.National Day - 国庆节2.anniversary - 纪念日3.parade - 阅兵4.fireworks - 烟花5.flag - 旗帜6.celebration - 庆祝活动7.holiday - 假日8.independence - 独立9.founding - 成立10.ceremony - 典礼11.decoration - 装饰12.tradition - 传统13.symbol - 象征14.unity - 团结15.liberty - 自由国庆节相关英语句子:1.We celebrate National Day on October 1st every year. 我们每年在十月一日庆祝国庆节。

2.The National Day parade is a grand event that showcases thecountry's achievements. 国庆节阅兵式是一场盛大的活动,展示了国家的成就。

3.People gather to watch the fireworks display on National Day. 人们聚集在一起观看国庆节的烟花表演。

4.The flag is raised to mark the beginning of the National Daycelebrations. 升国旗标志着国庆节庆祝活动的开始。

5.Many cities are decorated with red banners and lanterns duringNational Day. 国庆节期间,许多城市都被红色的横幅和灯笼装饰起来。

6.It is a tradition to have a family reunion dinner on National Day.国庆节举办家庭团聚晚宴是一种传统。






国庆节,英语怎么说?· National Day 国庆节· Public holiday 公众假期· It's the founding of People's Republic of China. 是中华人民共和国成立的日子· It's a one-week-long holiday. 一周长假· The Golden Week: 黄金周,但这并不是英语里的常用词国庆节相关的英语短语有哪些?黄金周 golden week阅兵military parade国徽 National emblem国旗 National flag升旗仪式flag-rising ceremony和平鸽 Dove of peace放礼花explode fireworks爱国热情 patriotism服务人民 Serve the people英勇善战 Brave and skillful in battle忠诚于党 Loyal to the party热爱人民 Love people报效国家 Serve the country改革开放 Reform and opening-up与时俱进 Advance with times.科学发展 Scientific development社会和谐 Social harmony五星红旗迎风飘扬 the five-star flag flutter in the wind人民解放军 People's Liberation Army军旗 People's Liberation Army flag人民万岁 Long live the Communist Party of people关于国庆英语例句1. Colorful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day. 国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯。





国庆节英文单词National Day也可以说:National Day Holiday!在这里预祝大家国庆节快乐!Happy National Day!国庆节英文例句1. Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯.2. National Day falls on a Monday this year.今年国庆节是星期一.3. The National Day is drawing closer.国庆节快到了.4. The laughter on the boats mingled with that on shore, adding to the jubilation on National Day.船上和岸上的笑声交汇在一起, 增加了国庆节的欢乐气氛.5. The National Day and the International Labour Day are great events in China.国庆节和国际劳动节在中国是重大的节日.6. I spent the National Day at Weihai.我在威海度过了国庆节7. There will be a garden party on National Day.国庆节将有游园会.8. National day is come into contact with gradually on day.日子逐渐接近国庆节了.9. On National Day red flags are hung out of every window.国庆节那天,每个窗口都挂出红旗.10. It's a fortnight to National Day.离国庆节还有两星期.11. It's October 1 ( the first ) . It's National Day.今天是十月一日, 国庆节.12. People gathered in the hall for the celebration on the eve of the National Day.国庆节前夕人们聚集在礼堂开庆祝会.13. Today is our National Day, Oct. 1.今天是我们的国庆节“十? 一”.14. What day is your National Day?你们的国庆节是哪一天?15. Yes. Besides Spring Festival, National Day is another important holiday.是的.但除了春节之外, 国庆节是另一个重要的节日.中国传统节日中英对照1.New Year's Day 元旦(1月1日)2.Spring Festival;Chinese New Year's Day 春节(农历一月一日)ntern Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五日)4.International Working Women's Day 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日)5.Arbor Day 植树节(3月12日)6.Postal Day 邮政节(3月20日)7.World Meteorology Day 世界气象节(3月23日)8.Ching Ming Festival ;Tomb-sweeping Festival 清明节(4月5日)9.International Labour Day 国际劳动节(5月1日)10.Chinese Youth Day 中国青年节(5月4日)11.Nurses' Festival 护士节(5月12日)12.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(农历五月初五)13.International Children's Day 国际儿童节(6月1日)14.The Party's Brithday 中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日)15.The Army's Day 建军节(8月1日)16.Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival 中秋节(农历八月十五)17.Teacher's Day 教师节(9月10日)18.Double-ninth Day 重阳节(农历九月九日)19.National Day 国庆节(10月1日)20.New Year's Eve 除夕(农历十二月三十日)。









______________________________________________ 早上下午傍晚晚上___________________________________________________ ___________你好你好好的好的好的再见再见___________________________________________________ _________爷爷奶奶爸爸口语妈妈先生女士___________________________________________________我我的你你的我们是是是是___________________________________________________ __怎样谢谢什么姓名让朋友老师_________________________________新的遇见这也___________________________________________________ ___珍妮本迈克汤姆安大卫美阿奇短语:___________________________________________________ _____________我是=我是让我们=让我们是什么=是什么这是……(介绍)日常用语:___________________________________________________ _________________早上好下午好晚上好晚安再见___________________________________________________ _______________谢谢你好吗?你的名字是什么?我的名字是……___________________________________________________ ____________________让我们成为朋友吧。



国庆节的英语单词National Day, also known as the National Holiday or the Golden Week, is a significant public holiday in China. It commemorates the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1st, 1949. National Day is celebrated annually from October 1st to October 7th.During this holiday, the Chinese people have a week-long break from work and school, allowing them to spend time with their families and enjoy various activities. Here are some English words related to National Day:1. Celebration: A joyful and festive gathering to mark a special occasion. National Day is a time of celebration for the Chinese people.2. Parade: A formal procession with a display of military or other groups. On National Day, there is a grand parade in Beijing, featuring military formations and cultural performances.3. Flag: A piece of colored cloth with a symbolic design, used as a national symbol. The Chinese flag, with its red background and yellow stars, is raised during National Day celebrations.4. Fireworks: Explosive devices that create colorful displays of light and sound. Firework shows are a popular part of the National Day celebrations, lighting up the night sky.5. Reunion: The act of coming together again after a period of separation. National Day provides an opportunity for families toreunite and spend quality time together.6. Travel: To go on a journey. Many people take advantage of the holiday to travel and explore different parts of China or even go abroad.7. Tourism: The activity of traveling for pleasure, especially to visit places of interest. National Day is a peak season for tourism, with many attractions and scenic spots welcoming visitors.8. Tradition: Customs and practices that have been passed down through generations. National Day has become a tradition in China, representing the nation's pride and achievements.9. Patriotism: Love and devotion for one's own country. The Chinese people express their patriotism during National Day, showing their love and loyalty to their country.10. Independence: Freedom from the control or influence of others. National Day commemorates China's independence and the establishment of its own government.11. Unity: The state of being united or joined as a whole. National Day promotes unity among the Chinese people, regardless of their backgrounds or differences.12. Cultural Heritage: The traditions, customs, and achievementsof a particular group or society. National Day festivities include showcasing China's rich cultural heritage through various performances and exhibitions.13. Symbol: Something that represents or stands for something else. The National Day holiday is a symbol of China's progress, unity, and national identity.14. Harmony: A peaceful and balanced relationship between people or groups. National Day promotes harmony among the Chinese people, fostering a sense of community and togetherness.15. Gratitude: The feeling of being grateful and appreciative. National Day is a time for the Chinese people to express gratitude towards their country, leaders, and fellow citizens.National Day is an important occasion for all Chinese people to reflect on their nation's history, culture, and progress. It is a time of joy, unity, and celebration, as well as an opportunity to spend quality time with loved ones.。

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