

Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


( )21. —Could you give me some advice on how to lose weight?

—Well, I think eating healthily can really make _________ difference. A. a B. an C.the D. 不填

( )22. Plastics, as we know, are harmful _________ the environment.A. on B. at C.to D. in

( )23. Miss Clark has decided to buy the house because it has many _________. The biggest one is that it is near her company. A. suggestions B. advantages C. memories D. challenges

( )24. That well-educated gentleman was so _________ to his wife. Don't you think it strange?

A. close

B. ready

C. similar

D. cruel

( )25. —How much did your holiday in Thailand _________, Wang Xue?

—It was 20,000 yuan in total. A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay

( )26. —I think I'll go and see Bob.

—You _________. He often mentions you. A. need B. may C. should D. can

( )27. Could Nelly afford _________ a house with a big garden? A. to buy B. buyingC. buy D. to buying

( )28. Our physics teacher says that the last to leave the lab must remember _________ the windows.

A. close

B. closing

C. closed

D. to close

( )29. I'm surprised to see you smoking. You _________, I remember.

A. aren't used to

B. weren't used to

C. didn't use to

D. don't use to

( )30. So far this year we _________ about half of the road and we are sure that it will be finished on time.

A. have built

B. built

C. build

D. are building

( )31. The new museum is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and _________ by more than one hundred people every day.

A. visits

B. visited

C. is visited

D. was visited

( )32. Kevin's pet dog was dead. No one could _________ to life.

A. bring it out

B. bring it back

C. give it out

D. give it back

( )33. The old primary school was _________ last year. Now there aren't any old buildings left in the town.

A. fixed up

B. set up

C. turned down

D. pulled down

( )34. It is helpful for older adults to exercise. Not only _________ them keep their bodies healthy, but it can also help their brains.

A. it helps

B. helps it

C. can it help

D. it can help

( )35. —Walking after meals is good for our health.

—_________. Ruby, let's go out for a walk after supper.

A. I don't agree

B. I agree

C. It doesn't matter

D. It depends


英语中考单项选择题经典试题汇总 ( ) 1. ________ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather ( ) 2. Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. sh oes’ factory ( ) 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them。 A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying ( ) 4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam。 A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months ( ) 5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table。 A. place B. room C. floor D. ground ( ) 6. We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world。 A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the ( ) 7. — Are you ________ American or English? — English.. We are working in Wuhu. A. a B. \ C. the D. an ( ) 8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _______? A. don’t you B. doesn’t he C. do you D. does he ( ) 9. —Why not take ____ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”? It is _____ useful umbrella? —What _______ good advice it is! A. an; an; a B. an; a; \ C. a; an; a D. \; an; a ( ) 10. – When shall we meet again next week? -- _______ day is possible. It’s no problem with me。 A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. Any ( ) 11. Robert has gone to _________ city and he’ll be back in a week。 A. other B. the other C. another D. any other ( ) 12. –A latest magazine, please. - Only one left. Would you like to have ________? A. it B. one C. this D. that ( ) 13. – Which book would you like to borrow? -- ________ of the two books is OK with me。 A. Either B. Both C. Any D. None ( ) 14. Mrs. Lee teaches ________ math. We all like her。 A. we B. us C. our D. ours ( ) 15. There are many trees on ________ side of the street。


初中英语中考单项选择题专项训练250题(附答案) ( ) is ____used and ______ people are interested in it. A wide, many more B. widely, a lot more C. wide, more D. widely, much more ( )2、---- What would you like to drink ---- It doesn’t matter. ________ will do . A. Nothing B. Everything C. Something D. Anything ( )3、This question is very difficult . _______ people can understand it. A. Little B. A few C. Few D. A little ( )4.、After entering the WTO, _______ foreigners will come to our country for business. A. some B. fewer C. all D. more ( )5、---- The exam was very easy, wasn’t it ---- Yes, but I don’t think _______ could pass it. A. somebody B. any body C. nobody D. everybody ( )6、The population of Shanghai is larger than __________ of Hangzhou. A. one B. it C. what D. that ( )7、There is only _______ walk from my home to school. A. five minutes B. five minutes’ C. five minute D. fifth minute’s ( )8、Wang Qiang is a _________ boy. A. five-year-old B. five year old C. five-years-old D. five years old ( )9、The boy was born______ the night of May 20,1999. A. at B. on C. in D. doing ( )10、I’ve been here ___ 3 o’clock. That means I have stayed here ___ an hour and a half. A. at ;since B. at; for C. since; for D. since; since ( )11、English is as _________ as Chinese. You should learn it well. A. important B. more important C. the most important D. much more important ( )12、We’ve never seen _________ flower before. A. such a beautiful B. such beautiful C. so a beautiful D. so beautiful ( )13、You must wear glasses. They can keep your eyes ________. A. save B. safe C. safely D. to save ( )14、Would you please speak _______ I still can’t follow you. A. slow B. much slow C. much slowly D. more slowly ( )15、---- What was the weather like yesterday ---- It was terrible. It rained _______. People could _______ go out. A. hard; hard B. hardly; hard C. hardly; hardly D. hard; hardly ( )16. There are few _______ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages. A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs ( )17. This room is __________. A. B ill and David’s B. Bill’s and David’s C. Bills and David’s D. Bill and David


2017年广东省初中生毕业考试 英语 一、听力理解(本大题为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每题1分,共25分) A. 听单句话(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑,每小题听一遍。 1. What time did jenny have breakfast this morning? A B C 2. How tall is Amy? A B C 3. Where is Jane going to meet her friend? A B C 4. Which is Mark’s favorite su bject? A B C 5. What is Sarah doing? A B C

B. 听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 根据所听内容,回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给出的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 6. What’s the problem with George’s homework? A. Spelling mistakes. B. Grammar mistakes. C. Awful handwriting. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 7. What is the boy going to do tomorrow afternoon? A. Play basketball B. play football. C. Play volleyball. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 8. How much is one tea set with eight cups? A. 40 yuan. B. 160 yuan. C. 200 yuan. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 9. How does the woman like the city? A. She is not used to the weather there. B. She thinks the traffic there is very good. C. She likes the shopping environment there. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 10. Why is the girl going to the bookstore tomorrow? A. She wants to spend time there reading. B. Some of the books there will be cheaper. C. Her father will be free and drive her there. 听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. Where does the conversation take place? A. At a dining hall B. At a restaurant. C. At a noodle factory 12. What place does the woman prefer? A. A table by the window. B. A table in the smoking area. C. A table near the non-smoking area. 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题。 13. How did the man book the room? A. On the phone B. On the Internet C. From a tourist office. 14. For how many nights is the man going to stay? A. One night B. Three nights. C. Four nights. 15. What does the man ask for? A. His ID card. B. Another 150 yuan. C. A room facing the sea. C. 听独白(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑,独白听两遍。 16. ____________ was the first to arrive at the camp. A. Tony B. David C. the leader 17. The weather was ______________ on that day. A. cool B. warm C. hot 18. The campers went to the beach _____________. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C.in the evening 19. The skill Tony liked most was how to _____________. A. get away from snakes B. deal with wild dogs C. tell the time 20. Tony didn’t take the drumming lesson because _______________. A. he was sleepy B. he didn’t C. he had to make his bed D. 听填信息(本小题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到的是一篇关于将熊猫运送到荷兰(the Netherlands)的短文。请根据所听内容填写下面的


精选40道单选压轴题(试题+答案+解析) it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather B. weather 是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词。英语中 2. Which is the way to the 解析:选A.此题极易误选 B, C, D.英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如: tree — two apple trees. 但注意 a man teacher — two men teachers 。 now. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are study ing B. is study ing C. be study ing D. study ing 解析:选A.此题容易误选 B. class, family, team 等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数, 表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词 them 可以看出,class 表示个体,故选 4. We will have a ________ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-mon th C. two month ' s D. two-m on ths 解析:选择B.此题容易误选 C, D.在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成 符合名词,在句中只能作定语, 如果选择C,需要把逗号放 s 后面。 5. There is no eno ugh _______ o n the corner to put the table. A. place B. room C. floor D. ground 解析:选B.此题最容易误选 A.。 room 在句中是空间而非房间。句意:角落里没有 摆桌子的空间了 6. We can have _____ b lue sky if we create _____ less polluted world. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 解析:选A.此题容易误选 C, D.根据句意:如果我们创造一个没有污染的世界,那 么我们就用一个蓝色的天空。 经常考查的不可数名词有 work, n ews, adivice, in formati on 等。 1. 解析:选A.此题容易误选 A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe ' s factory D. shoes ' factory an apple 3. This class


中考英语单项选择易错题精选 1.What do you think ______solve the problem ? A .you can do B.can you do C .you can do to D.can you do to 2 .In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister. A. to cry; to cry B. cry; cry C .to cry; cry D .cry; to cry 3 .The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east. A .rises B .rose C .raises D .raised 4 .He lives in a village _____there are a lot of trees. A. there B. where C .that D .which 5. He _________ Alice for ten years. A. married to B .has married to C. has married D.has been married to 6 .We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job. A .but B .except C. as well D .besides 7 .They won`t allow us ________ at this beach. A .swimming B. to swim C .swam D .swim 8 .Is this factory ______you visited last week? A. that B. where C .the one D. in which 9 .The reason ____he was absent from the meeting was ____his car broke down on the way. A .that; because B .why; that C. that; that D. for; that 10 .Is the river_____ through that town very large? A .which flows B. flows C. that flowing D.whose flows 11 .The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now. A .playing B. to be playing C .play D .to play 12. The red rose is the only one _____I real like. A. which B .who C .that D. whom 13 .All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs. A .those B. which C. what D. that 14 .Don`t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League. A .when B .that C .at which D .where


近五年(2013—2017年)广东中考单项选择 (按语法分类) 1、冠词 (2013)26.—What do you want to be in the future, Lucy? —I want to be _____ pilot. It is _____exciting job. A. a; a B. a; an C. a; the D. the; an (2014)26. Eric is not going to Nanjing by____ plane. Instead, he is taking ____train. A. /; a B. a; / C. a; the D. the; a (2015)26.—Do you like _____ movie Big Hero 6 ? — Yes, it is _____ interesting film. I like it very much. A. a; an B. the; an C. a; the D. the; a (2016)26.Brazil, ______country in South America, will hold ____31th Olympic Games in the August, 2016. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the ; the (2017)26.I went to supermarket to buy birthday gift for my aunt yesterday. A. an,a B. a,a C. the, / D. /,the 2、代词 (2013)27. Boys, don’t lose____ in playing Angry Birds. It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time. A. himself B. yourself C. themselves D. yourselves (2014)27. - Hello, Linda speaking. Who's______? - Hello, this is Martin. A. he B. one C. that D. this (2015)27.—Look at this model ship. I made it all by ______ last week. —Wow, you are so smart! A. me B. my C. mine D. myself (2016)29.-I'm a little hungry Daddy. -See the cupcakes on the plate, but you can only take______, dinner is ready soon. A. it B. one C. this D. that (2017)27.Jessica used to be a manager at a big company,but she gave up job when she became a mother. A.she B.hers C.her D.herself 3、名词 (2013)28.—Mum, I’ve heard that we can’t eat ____ these days. Is it true? —Take it easy. It is safe to eat cooked meat. A. chicken B. chickens C. a chicken D. the chicken (2014)28. Katherine was excited to receive a dozen of roses from her husband on _____ Day. A. Woman B. Women C. Woman's D. Women's (2015)28. Mickey mouse is one of the most famous _____ in American ___. A. symbol; culture B. symbol; cultures C. symbols; culture D. symbols; cultures (2016)27. The broken ______may cut into your hand if you touch it, you should be careful. A. glass B. glasses C. candle D. candles (2017)29.Daniel has tried to lose by eating less recently,but two kilos has been put on instead.

中考英语单项选择题 部分知识点讲解

中考英语单项选择相关讲解 几组近义动词和动词词组辨析 1.几个“花费”:spend, take, pay, cost. (1)spend多用人作主语,后接金钱或时间。spend …on sth / (in)doing sth, 例如:I spent 15 yuan on this new book. (2)take常用于"It takes sb. some time to do sth" 句型中,例如:It often takes me half an hour to go to school by bike every day. (3)pay常与for连用,表“付给……款”。例如: I paid 15 Yuan for this new book. (4)cost常用物作主语,表“价值或花费多少钱”,例如: This new book cost me 15 Yuan. 2.几个“看”:look, see, watch, read, find (1)look 看,表动作,look at。例如:P lease don’t loo k out of the window. (2)see 看见,表结果;也可说看电影“see a film”。例如: His father saw him sitting on some eggs. (3)watch 观看比赛、演出、电视等。 (4)read读书看报等文字材料。例如:My father is reading newspaper now. 3.几个与“看”有关的词或词组:look for, find, find out, look after, take care of, look over, look forward to, (1)look for寻找,表过程;find发现,找到,表结果;find out 找出,查明。例如: I looked for my lost pen everywhere, but couldn’t find it anywhere. (2)look after, take care of 均表示“照看,照顾”。 (3)look over 检查身体等。 (4)look forward to盼望……,期待……。例如: I am looking forward to your letter. She looks forward to going to visit her grandparents in Dalian. 4.几个“说”:say, speak, talk, tell (1)say接说话的内容,作及物动词。say sth to sb. 对某人说某事。例如: Did you say goodbye to your granny? (2)speak常指能说某种语言,打电话时常用它表示说话,也有“演讲”的意思,不强调说话的内容。例如: We can speak Chinese and English. May I speak to Henry? He will speak at the meeting tonight. (3)talk多是不及物动词,指交谈、谈论;做名词时有演讲、报告之意。例如: They are talking about their friends now. I will talk to your father about your health next time. Mr. Zhang is going to give us a talk at the meeting. (4)tell的意思是“告诉某人……;讲述……;吩咐某人做……”。多为及物动词,后面多接两个宾语。例如: I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back tomorrow. Granny often tells me funny stories. The policeman told us not to play football in the street again.


初中中考英语单项选择题解题技巧 【解指技巧】 单项选择是一种容量大、考查面广的题型。它可集中考查词法、句法、语法知识。因此在各级各类考试中,单项选择是必不可少的题型。 要做好单项选择题,首先必须熟练掌握句型、固定搭配、习惯用法、语法等方面的基础知识。还应该了解一些解题技巧,提高解题的综合能力。 解答单项选择题,一般要经过四个阶段 :阅读审题——观察分析——选择判断——复查验证。 1. 阅读审题 :首先要默读试题中的英语句子,了解空格在句中所处的位置,句子缺少什么成份,初步确定一个答案的范围。根据备选答案二者结合起来就会大致明白考查什么。例如 : He goes to work by bus . A. So do I B. I so do C. I do so D. So am I 默读此题后,就不难知道,此题缺少的是一个跟前句有关的一个句子;再根据选项就会清楚此题是考查副词“so”一词的用法(前边的情况也适于另一个人或物),只能选A。 2. 观察分析 :这是一个快速而又严密的思维过程。要求将试题中所提供的条件和备选答案的情况结合起来去分析、推理、排除那些明显不符合试题,甚至本身就有错的各选项目,再在剩余的备选中比较分析。例如 : Wang Fang is young,but she plays ping-pong her mother. A. as good as B. as well as C. as better as D. as best as 根据观察分析就会清楚,C、D两项本身就不能成立,应先排除,只能在A、B两项中选。 3. 选择判断 :在分析句子和备选答案的基础上,经过反复验证,选出一个使句子语法正确、语意通顺,附合逻辑道理的答案。 就上例所示,先排除了C、D,就在A、B两者中选。因句中“play”为一个行为动词,需用一个副词来修饰,故应选择B。 4. 复查验证 :将所选答案放在句中空格处再默读全句。首先看是否顺口,再在读法、意思和逻辑关系上推敲一下,完全符合条件则可放心。 这就是做单项选择题的总过程。其次,事实上大多数同学在许多情况下靠语感选择答案,所谓语感就是平时知识的积累,是技巧的熟练,就是读来顺口、有把握。特别是情景反应式选择题运用此法效果更佳。例如 : 1)—“Happy New Year!” —“”. A. Happy New Year, too B. Thank you very much C. You’re right D. The same to you 根据平时练习的情景对话,一读就会感到D是正确的。 2)—“Mum,can I watch TV now?” —No,you must finish your homework first. A. doing B. do C. to do D. done




初中英语单项选择题汇总(附答案) 第一部分初中中考英语单选题真题练习 第一章冠词 真题 1. —What would you like for afternoon tea? (09广州,16) —Tow pieces of bread and cup of coffee, please. A. an; a B. 不填; a C. at; the D. 不填; the 2. old man behind Mary is university teacher. (09广东省,29) A. An; an B. A; the C. The; a D. The; an 3. —How do you go to work? (09深圳,1) —I usually take bus. A. the; a B. /; a C. a; a D. the; / 4. After Lucy and Lily, Tony is now student to win the game in our class. (09佛山,23) A. the third B. a third C. the second 5. —Are you good at playing basketball or playing piano? (08深圳,21) —Both. A. a; a B. the; the C. the; / D. /; the 6. When you make a mistake, don't always make excuse for yourself. (08佛山, 29) A. an B. the C. / 7. —Do you like a blue bike for your birthday? (07佛山,31) —But I prefer green one. A. the B. / C. a 8. He is university student and he comes from island in England. (07广东省,26) A. an; an B. an; a C. a; an D. a; a 巩固练习 1.There's 800-metre-long road behind hospital. (09甘肃兰州) A. an; an B. a; a C. an; the D. a; the 2.I really like book you lent me yesterday. (09河北) A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 3.Jimmy bought car yesterday, but it’s used one. (09山东威海) A. a; a B. a; an C. a; the D. the; an 4.What exciting news it is! Is news true? (09山东烟台) A. an; the B. an; a C. /; the D. /; a 5.—I just have cup of milk for breakfast. (09四川成都) —That’s not enough. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; 不填 6.Sandy often takes her dog for walk around the lake after supper. (09江苏南京)


中考英语单项选择题专题练习:名词 一、名词单复数 1.(福建泉州惠安)—I feel thirsty. I want something to drink. What about you? —OK. Let's go and buy some _________. A. coke B. cakes C. apples 2.(贵州安顺) Here are some . Do you like ? A. oranges; them B. orange; it C. oranges; they D. oranges; their 3.(湖南娄底) —Would you like some _______for dinner? —OK. A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes 10 for ______this morning. 4.(甘肃兰州)I paid ¥ A. 4 bottle milks B. 4 bottles of milk C.4 bottles of milks D.4 milk 5.(湖北黄石)---I’m told your class has three new comers. ----Yes. One is a _______, the other two are ______. A.Japan, Germany B.Japanese, German C.Japanese, Germans D.Japanese, Germen 6.(黑龙江哈尔滨)Health is important for us teenagers,so we should eat more vegetables such as ______. A.tomatoes and potatoes B.tomatos and potatos C.tomatos and potatoes 7.(贵州遵义)----Can I help you, Madam? ----I want ______. A.two boxes of apple B.two glass of water C.two bowls of porridge. 8.(湖南永州)Do you know how many _____ you have ? A.tooths B.toothes C.teeth 二、名词所有格 1.(新疆克拉玛依)_____are planning to go on vacation. A. Black's B. A Black's C. The Black's D. The Blacks 2.(山东临沂)I live near the station, It’s only about five ________ walk. A. minute’s B. minute C. minutes’ D. minutes


中考英语单选精选300 题 1 .Roy made several kites, but _____ of them can fly high in the sky. A. neither B. none C. all D. most 2. Have you finished your work yet? No, not yet. I think it?ll take _____ ten minutes. A. another B. other C. others D. More 3 ---I?m sorry to have kept you waiting long. ---Never mind. I ____ here for only a few minutes. A. have been B. have come C. have arrived D. waited 4 .The teacher told the children, “it is very important___ careful ___fire.‖ A.to be; with B. is; with C. being; with D. to be; to 5 . She saw ____ boy playing with his dog A eight-year-old B.An eight-years-old C.An eight-year-old D.A eight-years-old 6 .The story sounds___ . A.interestingly B. interesting C. interested D. Danger 7. John told me to __ the pictures __ tomorrow. A. take; here B. bring; there C. taking; there D. bring; here 8. There __ a lot of __ in the kitchen and it was very__. A. was; smoke; hot B. were; smokes; hot C. was; smoke; hotter D. were; smoke; hotter 9. Do you __ drive on the left in England? A. have to B. must C. should D. May 10. It is very hot today, please keep the window__. A. opening B. open C. opens D. to open 11. --May I play with my dog? --I am afraid not. You can’t play with it __ you finish your homework A.when B. until C.after D. Because 12. I am afraid I won’t __ finish reading the book in two days A. can B. could C. be able to D. May 13. They have ___. A. enough food to eat B. food enough eat C. enough food eating D. food enough eating
