


题目:浅析中英问候语的差异Title:Brief Analysis of Differences on Chinese Greetings and

English Greetings



First and foremost, I have to thanks my parents, without their love and encouragement my graduate paper shouldn’t have been finished.

I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all other teachers who gave me lectures during the past three academic years. I have benefited intellectual growth through their lectures.

Then, I would also thanks to my supervisor Lu Yimiao. It is for her careful reading, her critical instructions, her scrupulous teaching, her vigorous thinking and her precious suggestions that this paper appears in the present form.

Finally, I would also thanks to many writers, Qian Houshu, Leech, Geoftrey, Hu Mingyang, and Bi Jiwan, whose manuscripts gave me much information about my graduate paper so that my graduate is more consummate.


Greetings are a series of actions, which keep and strengthen relationship of between the two speakers, Greetings has certain functions, referring to set up relationship and delay the relationship. The paper hopes to advance people’s communication in different cultures and language —backgrounds and to get cross—culture communication. The paper will review different versions of the definition of greetings, which are defined by several linguists. Greetings are effected by many factors in progress of using, these factors include British people’s spoken habit and Chinese people’s spoken habit;The Special context (First—meeting, People with Different Social Status). So in part II,it will discuss that how factors restrict the greetings. Because greetings is restricted by a series of factors causing that Chinese greetings is different from English greetings, so Part III will analyze about content, structure, ways of greetings. Because Chinese greetings is different from English greetings, referring to content, structure,ways of greetings. Part I V will give some suggestions to avoid the troubles they'll meet when greeting to each other.

Key words: greetings; cross—culture; communication


问候语是交际双方见面时为了维持和加强双方的人际关系而进行的一系列的交际活动,问候语具有建立和延迟各种人际关系的作用。通过问候语的使用和对中英问候语的对比分析,希望促进不同文化和不同语言背景下人们的相互沟通和通过避免文化差异达到文化交流.问候语在日常生活中有一定的重要性,但是由于问候语在使用的过程中受到了一系列的因素的影响,这些因素包括英国语言习惯和中国语言习惯;特殊语境(第一见面;特殊地位),因此,在Part II 中会讨论这些因素是怎么制约问候语的。由于问候语受到一系列的因素制约,使得中英问候语会有一定的差别,Part III 分别从问候语的内容、结构、方法的不同,对中英问候语进行比较。由于中英问候语存在这些差别,在Part I V中建议人们在日常生活中使用问候语的时候,能准确的使用问候语,从而能达到问候的目的。

关键词: 问候语; 跨国文化; 交流

Contents Introduction (1)

I. Definition of Greetings (2)

II. Factors Effecting the Chinese Greetings and English G reetings (2)

2.1 Spoken Habits (3)

2.2 The Special Context (4)

III. Research of Greetings in Chinese and English (5)

3.1 Differences between Chinese Greetings and English Greetings (5)

IV. Suggestion to Peopl e (10)

4.1 Application of Greetings in Different Situations (10)

Conclusion (12)

Bibliography (13)


Everyday people maybe apply greetings to convey their feelings, and greetings is a kind of communication. Greetings is serious of actions, which is to keep and strengthen relationship of between the two speakers, Greetings has function referring to set up relationship and delay the relationship. It is important to study greetings in both Chinese and English.

First, a theoretical study of greetings, an everyday action, can help people to realize that every life is important for the understanding of culture and society. Although a seemingly minor episode of interaction, greetings has an important function in the management of human relation. It is by means of greetings that friends acknowledge confirm, and strengthen their friendship. A study of greetings will contribute much to understanding the structuring of the interpersonal relationship in social community.

Second, the study of greetings helps to develop a situational approach to wards the study of culture. Generally speaking, greetings is a reutilized situational frames, such as parting, complementing, apologizing, wedding, etc, greetings is one of the culture blocks, which varies cross—culturally. A systematic description of greetings with social cultural factors taken into account will tend to better comprehend the structure of a certain society and culture.

Third, contrastive study of greetings helps people to enhance their cross—cultural awareness with the accelerated development of globalization, chance is that cultural clashes backgrounds. As a result an urge task confronted by us is to develop and sharpen our cross-cultural awareness for the cross-cultural communications.

Definition of Greetings

Coffman (1971) expresses his view that greetings mark the transition to a condition of increased access in his definition of ―access rituals‖ which mark a change in degree of access. Goody’s study of greeting in 1971 does not clearly define greeting, but f rom her discussion of the functions of greetings,it can be seen that greetings are regarded as something reutilized at the beginning of encounters to https://www.360docs.net/doc/8a4411034.html,municative acts,‖ to define and affirm, ―both identity and rank, and to manipulate ―a relation ship in order to achieve a specific a result‖. Irvine (1974) regards greetings as a means of status manipulation a strategy a speaker may use to manipulation the role structure of interaction and to convey his self-image in relation to those roles. There are some different kinds of definitions for greeting, no matter what is definition, it is expression that the same meaning, the greeting is a kind of communication to way.

II. Factors Effecting the Chinese Greetings and English Greetings The following communication happened between Chinese student(A)communicate with English person (B).

A: Hello, How do you do?

B: How do you do?

A: Have you had supper?

B: (puzzle): Why do you ask me that? What do you mean?

A :( embarrassed): Err…Err…I can’t explain it .In china, we often ask about eating

when we see each other.

This is true dialogue, Chinese student apply to spoken-word habit in Chinese to ask the English people (Have you had your supper)? 你吃了没有?The English people fell very puzzled; he doesn’t understand wh at the meaning is?

Many factors affect the Chinese greetings and English greetings; it is special that spoken habits and the special states are factors effecting the Chinese greetings and

English greetings.

2.1Spoken habit

2.1.1British people’s spoken h abit

Because England is a land country and the English Channel cuts off it to contact with outside, and English weather often rain. So English people usually discuses weather to address others. They will apply to a special model .For example,‖ beautiful day, isn’t it?’’―It’s terribly cold?’’ ―It looks like rain, don’t you think?‖ General speaking, In English greetings, the appellation is behind greetings. Such as ―Hi, John,‖ ―good morning, Mr. Smith.‖ and go on.

2.1.2Chinese people’s spoken habit

Because China is a developing agricultural country, for thousands years, Chinese the major population is farmers .So when people meet each others, they like to ask about having eating .Such as ―have you had supper‖? ―Have you had dinner‖ and go on .Sometimes, the y like to ask about that ―where are you going‖? Etc, they apply to a special mode too. For example, The appellation can change place with greetings .such as ―早上好,李先生‖, ― 李先生,早上好‖.

2.2The Special context

2.2.1 First-meeting

The first-meeting, English people always introduce themselves and they can ask other’s name, country and city. In fact, they hug others to express their greetings, but not kiss others to express their greetings in the first-meeting. The British are so conservative that they avoid askin g others’ private matters and they hate to be asked private matters. And they don't ask others’ telephone numbers and give telephone numbers to others. Because they think that is the privacy too.

In contrast with the British, in the first-meeting Chinese p eople always ask other’s name and handshake with them to express their gre

etings. And they will ask others’ telephone numbers and give telephone numbers to them. Because they think it is a kind of amity and greetings. In order to express carefully, Chinese people are used to asking more personal information, Such as age, income and the habits.

Following dialogue is the first-meeting of Chinese boy (A) and English girl (B) A stand for Chinese people and B stand for English person.

A: Nice to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you too.

A: What’s your name? And where are you from?

B: why do you ask that? (Surprise and angry)

A: I want to know more your information.

In this dialogue, the English girl thought that Chinese boy asked her privacy. In fact the boy didn’t ask her privacy, he was careful to her and express him greetings. She had misunderstood his meaning that she didn’t answer him questions. So in specific circumstances, People's greetings will be affected.

2.2.2People with Different Social Status

Chinese greetings

A : 您好,张老师.

B : 你好,李华.

A : 明天我们班去野餐,我们想邀请您去,行吗?

B : 好啊,谢谢你们.

English greetings

A: Say, Hello, Mr. Grace, How are you doing?(哈喽,格兰斯老师你好吗?)

B: Fine, Mike. How are you? (很好,迈克,你好吗?)

A: Not bad. Where are you doing? (不错,你去那里?)

B: To the McDonalds. (去麦当劳. )

The first, from these dialogues,we note that the title you(你) is the same meaning the you(您)in English greetings .Although title you(你)and title(您) have the same meaning, yet title you (您) is used to express the younger generation to respect their elders, in Chinese greetings.

Second, to address other’s name is very common, in English greetings. According to British concepts, the younger generation and students address the elders and teachers for expressing their relationship very close. But according to Chinese concepts, the younger generation and students can’t use the title (你)to address the elders and teachers. It responds that the younger generation doesn’t respect their elders and teachers.

III. Research of greetings in Chinese and English

Because spoken habits and the special states of Chinese and English affect Chinese greetings and English greetings, so the thesis will research greetings in Chinese and English.

3.1 Differences between Chinese Greetings and English Greetings

3.1.1 Difference in Content

One major difference of greetings between Chinese and English lies in the content. In English culture, personal matters are regarded as one’s privacy which people don’t like to talk about. Chinese greetings, such as ―what are you doing‖, ―where are you going?’’ This fact may account for the neutral character in the content of English greetings,Such as talking about the weather or other none-personal matters.

On the other hand, Chinese people tend to show consideration of other people through the exchange of greetin gs, such as ―你吃了吗‖,―你在干什么‖,for the sake of tradition. In Chinese culture, this kind of greeting is taken as attitudinal warmth and care about other’s personal matters.

In addition, English people like to talk about weather in greetings, such as ―It is a fi ne day‖ and― It looks like rain‖,Chinese people use relation in greetings routines to enhance solidarity such as ―你好,你好’’ or “ 久仰久仰”.

Chinese people are often suspected of trampling upon other’s privacy when they ask such questions as ―where are you doing‖and ―what are you doing‖ etc, to show their warm attitude to the address. Chinese society used to be loosely composed of small-scaled, self--contained, Community like family, clans, etc.

Within each community, the members were in close contact with each other, while contact with other communities was rather limited since the chief model of production was small farming and handcrafts, which created a close tempo of life. It was natural for them to spend time on greetings each other by asking something on their daily life when they meet in the village or in the lane. An inquiry such as ―have you had dinner?‖ is often heard around meal time in Chinese, it is not real question, but a friendly salute. However hearing this, English people will frequently take it as an invitation.

3.1.2 Difference in Structure

The other major difference of greetings in Chinese and English lies in the structure. There are four structures in greetings: address, questions, affirmation, an address +a question.


In English, the most frequently used address forms are first name (FN), and title (Mr./ 阿two forms of address allow three possible patters(a) both interlocutors may use the other’s first name, when they are of similar age and social status. i.e., in level greetings;(b) both of them use title plus last name on formal occasions; and (c) one can use the other’s first name ,but be addressed in t urn by his title plus last name, or vice versa, when they differ significantly either in age,social,occupational status, i.e., in upward and downward greetings. The use of FN and TLN implies that the first name in English used to be alone without a title, and the English surname (LN), must be combined with a title. When they are used .Thus forms like Black, (Mr. / Mrs. / Miss Jane) are unacceptable.

But in Chinese, an address is much more complicated than the English one. The chief term of address in Chinese includes names, surname plus title, kinship term ,and such general addressing terms as 同志(comrade),师傅(master),etc.

In Chinese, the given names are for family members or intimate friends, and intimate friends. The older generation can also use them to address the younger generation. The last character of a given name is especially reserved between the same generations or by older generation to address younger generations and superiors to

inferiors .First naming has very high frequency of occurrence in English.

English culture allows status or age inferiors to first—name their superiors while Chinese culture strictly forbids in English. Full name are rarely used to address an acquaintance.

Moreover, one striking difference between English and Chinese, such as ―爷爷‖(grand),―叔叔’’(uncle),―阿姨‖(aunt),or kin title plus a surname or given name 方阿姨(aunt fang),and 长叔叔(brother Chang li)


Greetings in the form of a question usually happen between interactions Who have been acquainted with each other for reasonable period of time, between initial acquaintance and /or strangers, this type of greeting seldom occurs (How do you do? can be used meeting for first—time. there are five types in question forms.

(i) How—questions about the greeter’s work,health, conditions of greeter’s family members, etc.

(ii) What—questions in English and Chinese

(iii) Where—questions, only Chinese greetings include this type asking about the place where the greeter is heading for or has been to. For example: 去哪儿?and 去那了?However, if you ask a foreigner such questions, you will be suspected of violating his privacy.


Greetings in the form of affirmation are conventional and formal to degree. They convey information rather than seek information as the question types of greetings do .In English this type of greeting is ―Hello!‖,―Good Moring/ afternoon/evening).Those most frequently and conventionally occurring in Chinese are ―ni hao/nin hao‖, and ―ni/nin zao).

(2)An address +a question

This type only is found in Chinese greetings, for example,―燕子,去哪里‖.

3.1.3 Difference in Way

In English, people usually introduce themselves to express their greetings, in the first-meeting. When they meet good friends and closed-friends, family members, and old ge nerations they will hug and kiss each others. In Chinese, people usually ask other’s name and some information to express their greetings, in the first –meeting. When they meet good friends and closed-friends, they will wave hand,hand shake and call name. and when they meet old generations ,they will call appellation/name +appellation for example ,(―叔叔‖,―张建叔叔‖)。

In additions, both Chinese people and English people are making telephone to express their greetings. But there is difference in way. This is making telephone situation.

―A‖ is calling

―B’’ is called

IV. Suggestions to People

Because of some difference between Chinese greetings and English greetings, It will give some suggestions to avoid the troubles they'll meet when greeting to each other.

4.1 Application of Greetings in Different Situations

4.1.1 Making Telephone

In England, when people make telephone to greet others, first, they must introduce themselves. No matter whom they are. But in china, when people make telephone the others, they can not only introduce themselves but also ask ―who are you‖.

4.1.2 Face to face communication

When English people take Face to face communication to express their greetings, they will greet ―How are you doing‖? or‖ How is your family‖? They avoid asking other ―Have you had dinner or ―Where are you going’’. In fact,English people think that to be asked ―Have you had dinner‖ means ―Can you pay for me dinner?‖ and be asked ―where are you going‖ It se ems that you ask their privacy, So if you take face to face communication to express you’re greeting to Engli sh people, please avoid that. In china, you can ask ―Have you had dinner‖ but you must avoid other’s privacy too.

4.1.3 Leave-talking

To express friendship, when English people leave each other ,they will say ―bye-bye‖, ―see you next time‖,or they will kiss-goodbye each others. when people leave each other ,they will say ―再见’’,―下次再见‖It is the same ―bye-bye‖, ―see you next time.‖ In English, But In china, they shake hands to stand for kissing-goodbye each others.

For some differences between Chinese greetings and English greetings, people must pay attention to these details when they address to each other.


Greetings is necessary opening to every encounter. Gestures and actions are also to the greeting but are never sufficient. In principle, a greeting must occur between any tow persons who are visible to each other, greeting expression tend to have fixed patter. Greetings is important tools for achieving certain communicative goals they need careful study.

Because spoke habits and the special states of Chinese and English effect Chinese greetings and English greetings, so the thesis will research greetings in Chinese and English, The present thesis emphasizes to a brief analysis of difference on Chinese and English, in part II. The definition of greeting is redefined in introduction, Firth (1972) defines greetings in their social sense as ―the recognition of an encounter …...as socially acceptable.’’

In conclusion, in the thesis attempt to analysis what’s difference on Chinese greetings and English greetings? Which is not only help people to know greeting, but also help people to know that how to use greetings in difference situation.

There are two aspects of greetings to be discussed by other people. For example, greetings is a kind of linguistic action, and is controlled by social factor.


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中西方问候语的差异 摘要 无论在中国还是在西方,问候语都是我们在日常交际中所使用的一种最基本礼仪,对于构建延续和谐的人际关系起着至关重要的作用。但是,中西方由于文化传统和风俗习惯的差异,问候用语和所用习惯有时也会不尽相同。 本文通过列举中西方问候语差异的具体表现,对比分析了中西方交往规则的不同,旨在为中西方更好的交流提供参考。 关键词中西;问候语;差异 1.引言 中国是拥有着五千年灿烂文化的泱泱大国,自古以来就受到儒家思想的深远影响,说话讲究“言近而指远”;而以美国为首的西方国家,思想较中国更为开放,西方人较中国人的内敛而更加率真。当“保守”的中国人与“开放”的西方人交流时,最基本的问题就是如何正确的使用和处理问候语。 本文从问候的称谓、问候的内容以及问候的句式三个方面比较了英汉问候语的异同,并分析了导致其差异的原因。 2.中西方问候语差异的具体表现 中西方问候语的差异具体表现在三个方面,即问候的称谓、问候的内容以及问候的句式[1]。 问候的称谓 首先,中国的称谓“条条框框”,而西方的称谓“不拘礼节”。在中国,自古就讲究“上下、尊卑、长幼”,研究遵守称呼准则,正所谓“君君臣臣,父父子子”。如果不讲究辈分,就会认为你不懂礼貌,分不清上下长幼尊卑。而在西方,常用“先生(Sir)”和“夫人(Madam)”来称呼不知其名的陌生人。对十几或二十几岁的未婚女子可称呼“小姐(Miss)”,结婚了的女性可称“女士(Mrs.)”或“夫人(Madam)”等。在家里,可以直接叫爸爸、妈妈的名字。对所有的男性长辈都可以称“叔叔(Uncle)”,对所有的女性长辈都可以称“阿姨(Aunt)”。 其次,中国的称谓“不对等式”,而西方的称谓“对等式”。在中国,属下对上司的称呼,学生对老师的称呼等等,都表现出不对等性。例如,属下不能直呼上司姓名,只能称呼某主任、某书记等,而上司对于属下的称呼不但可直呼其名,而且还可在其姓前加一个“小”,例如小张、小王、小李等。这并不是表明歧视,而是一方面体现了对被称呼者身份、地位的尊重,另一方面也表现了称呼者的礼貌和涵养。与此不同的是,西方的称呼恰恰是“对等式”的。例如,在英国家庭成员之间都可以用“You”称呼。而且,西方人除了几个传统用的称呼――博士(Doc.)、医生(Doc.)、法官(Judge)、教授(Pro.)等之外,对“王老师”、“李师傅”一类的称呼是不能容忍的。 问候的内容 首先,中国的内容是“家长里短”,西方的内容是“谈天说地”。在中国,对于不熟悉的朋友会来个“点头之交”。对于很熟悉的朋友,可说:“去上班啊”“吃了吗”“上哪呢”等等,这体现了朋友之间的一种亲切感。而且,这些问候的目的是为了打招呼,而不是真的想了解被问候人对于此类问题的答案。而西方人非常看重隐私,他们面对中国式的问候时候,反而会觉得这样的问候太具体而有干涉隐私之嫌,觉得会反感。西方人见面一般习惯于谈论天气和近况。比如,英国人见面有时会说“It is cooler today,isn’t it”或者问“How are you”相当于中国的“吃了吗”


青岛科技大学 英汉语言对比课程论文 浅谈英汉问候语对比 题目 __________________________________ A Comparative Study on Greetings Between English and Chinese 指导教师__________________________ 辅导教师__________________________ 学生姓名__________________________ 学生学号__________________________ 院(部)____________________________专业_______________________________ ______年 ___月 ___日

摘要 问候语是人与人之间为了维持关系而说出的一种具有寒暄功能的语言,它一般不承载信息,就是为了打招呼,也就是说,它只具有感情功能而不具有信息功能。问候语是人际交往的第一步,是交谈得以实现的基础。不管哪种语言团体,问候语都是人与人交流不可缺少的一部分。但是不同的语言团体由于文化习俗的不同,问候语的表达习惯及使用方法也不同。如果不了解这其中的差异,就会在跨文化交际中引起不必要的误会。因此,本文旨在研究英语和汉语问候语之间的异同,通过比较,了解英汉问候语在内容,意义,结构和称谓方面的差别,从而使我们更加了解问候语,在以后的使用中更加灵活自如。 关键词:问候语交际差异内容结构称谓

Abstract Greeting is a kind of phatic language which is used to sustain relationship between people. It is emotive rather than informative since it is just for greeting each other. Greeting is the first step for communication and is what the communication is based on. No matter which language community is, greeting is an indispensible part of language. However, the means of presentation and usage of various languages differ sharply due to different cultures and customs. If we do not know the distinctions between them, we will inevitably cause misunderstandings between each other. Hence, this paper centers on the difference and similarities between Chinese and English greetings. Through contrast, we will be familiar with the difference between Chinese and English greetings through content, meaning, structure and appellation, which is of great help for us to use them freely and flexibly. Key words: greeting communication difference content structure title


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 中英颜色词内涵对比分析——《骆驼祥子》个案分析 2 礼貌,商务信函的灵魂—礼貌原则及其在商务信函中的应用 3 从语用角度和文化角度浅谈隐喻的翻译 4 Verification of Soft Term in Letter of Credit 5 宗教禁欲下的爱情-论霍桑的宗教观与道德观在《红字》中的体现 6 商务合同中译英准确性的研究 7 金钱与婚姻—论《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻价值与导向 8 作家的病态心理对文学创作的影响 9 中美学校教育对比——学生个性发展方面 10 《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究 11 《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》三个中文译本的对比赏析 12 从归化和异化的角度看《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译 13 论好莱坞电影的全球化战略 14 中法餐桌文化对比 15 化妆品说明书特征及其汉译技巧 16 跨文化非言语交际失误分析 17 《简爱》中“愤怒”情感隐喻研究 18 浅析中学生英语学习中的情感因数 19 从跨文化角度对商标名称的研究 20 Pragmatic Analysis of Dialogues in Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”—Violation of Cooperative Principle and Observance of Politeness Principle 21 解读《最蓝的眼睛》中的姐妹情谊 22 “垮掉的一代”没有垮——简析《在路上》中年轻人的生活观 23 Racism in Heart of Darkness 24 Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures in Gift-giving Customs 25 小说《飘》中瑞德巴特勒的人物性格分析 26 血性意识—D.H.劳伦斯的自然主义爱情观 27 文化差异对英语阅读的影响 28 模糊语言在英语新闻中的语用分析 29 战争对美国文学的影响 30 《荆棘鸟》的女性主义解读 31 商务英语中模糊限制语的语用学研究 32 英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析 33 浅析《红字》中的象征意义 34 谁在说话?——论作者-叙述者和译者-叙述者在原本和译本中的叙述声音的不同处理 35 从《小公主》看童话对于当今的现实意义 36 年代美国梦在《了不起的盖茨比》中的折射 37 《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突 38 达尔文主义视角下的《卡斯特桥市长》 39 英汉动物习语内涵意义的文化差异 40 从自然主义视角解读德莱赛《珍妮姑娘》中珍妮的形象 41 《喜福会》中的文化身份分析


综 合 191 # 浅谈中西方文化差异 文/黄文娟 摘 要:中西方文化差异导致了中西方交流中的误解,引起了很多不便。本文针对日常生活中中西方文化交流中的典型现象如婚姻家庭,餐厅礼仪和日常招呼等进行分析,阐述了这些文化现象后所隐藏的文化内涵和其所植根的文化根基,从个人主义和集体主义,平等概念和等级观念,自我中心和牺牲精神等方面做出解释,为困顿于中西方文化的学习者提供参考。关键词:中西方文化;现象;文化内涵;文化根基作 者:湖南对外经济贸易职业学院 ?1Cited phenomena A 1Mar riage A Chinese gir l got mar ried with an Amer ican boy and sett led down in Los Angeles not far away from wher e her par ents-in -law lived.T he fir st few months went by much smoothly and the Chinese girl got along very well with her new family. Six months later,she got pr egnant and infor med her par ents -in-law at the fir st moment.The r eady grandparents blessed her and her baby and went to Europe where they planned to enjoy a half -year holiday.The Chinese gir l was surprised at their decision:/Don .t you stay to take car e of me and my baby?Don .t you think the baby is the most import ant thing in the family now?0T he parents-in-law also got confused:/We love this baby,but does it mean we should give up our own life and do everything for it?0 B 1Rest aur ant customs A young Chinese tourist sat in a Par is caf and or der ed tea.Twice he asked for more hot water to top it up while putting the saucer on the cup to keep the tea warm,as he would have done at home. T he waiter grew impatient./This Chinese is too stingy t o pay for mor e tea.And doesn .t he know t he saucer goes under the cup to cat ch the dr ips?0 T he Chinese man noticed the displeasure on the wait er .s face and lost pat ience himself./This Wester n waiter is r ea lly stingy and silly!Why is he so reluctant to serve me hot water?Why does he put the lid under the cup?0he got angry,and left the caf st eam ing with resent ment. C 1Greeting An American student Charlie went to China and continued his study in Peking University.Ever ything went well with him except that the Chinese people were hard to understand for him somet imes. One day afternoon,he was on his way back from the super market when he encounter ed two Chinese classmates./H i,Charlie,wher e are you going?0one of the Chinese classmates greeted him./I .m just back from the supermar ket.0H e answer ed./What did you buy?0T he Chinese student continued./Er ,0Char lie felt ver y awkward,/I bought a bar of bread,five apples,a bott le of salad jam and ,0/You don .t have to tell us all these specific t hings,we ar e just greeting you by asking you questions.0/What?You confused me!0 ò.Analysis on the cited phenomenon and the cor responding cultur al implications In the fir st case,both the Chinese girl and her par ents-in -law can keep their own opinion.In China,it is par ents .dut y t o be responsible for their childr en and this responsibility will last (4)勤巡视病房,观察生命体征、面色、意识及有无感染、周围组织坏死等。当出现因插管技术而导致的并发症(如穿破脐血管造成出血插进或堵塞腹主动脉分支、空气栓塞、血栓形成、误插在门静脉沟处、穿破肝实质等)时,应通知医生尽早拔管,同时给予对症治疗,使症状得以改善。 (5)细菌学检测。每周1次分别做外周血和脐部穿刺处皮肤的细菌培养。本组病例共做16次外周血和脐部穿刺处皮肤的细菌培养,无1例发生院内感染等插管并发症。 参考文献: [1]余波,李莎莎.新生儿126例脐静脉插管末端细菌培养的临床分析[J]中国新生儿科杂志,2007(4) [2]宋新志,曹明艳,何咏梅,等.新生儿窒息血肌钙蛋白T 变化[J ]湘南学院学报,2005(1) [3]周宇,周晓光.新生儿胎粪吸入综合征临床分型与特点的初步探讨[J]中国当代儿科杂志,2000(5) [4]高树辉,周杰,张映辉,等.早产儿血脂水平与出生体重的关系[J]中国当代儿科杂志,2003(3)


中英教育差异初探 广西工学院 摘要:目前到英国留学已经成为许多中国学生的梦想之一,越来越多的学生和家长看到了英国教育的优势。为何中国人梦想去英国留学?中英教育存在哪些差异?本文将从教育体制、教育理念、教学方法、课外活动等四个方面探讨中英两国教育的差异,并总结各自的优势与劣势,为中国教育改革提供参考和帮助。 关键词:中英教育差异教育体制教学方法教育理念课外活动 中英两国教育制度都有着悠久的发展历史,形成了自己独具特色的教学体系。我国不断提倡教育改革,要达到真正的改革目的,中国教育制度必须放眼世界,参照西方教学模式,取长补短,彻底摆脱传统应试教育。中国教育与西方教育存在着很大的差异,现就英国教育与中国教育比较,主要从教育体制、教育理念、教学方法和课外活动方面来分析。 一、教育体制差异 教育体制是教育中非常关键的一部分,对整个教育系统起着非常重要的作用。中国教育体制从近现代以来,一直都分为小学、初中、高中、大学、研究生、博士几个阶段。在小学和初中实行义务教育,学习学校规定的科目,至高中才能自主选择自己以后继续学习的方向——文科或理科。学生在小学和高中阶段都是为高考做准备,承受很大的学习压力。 英国政府多年来为全国五至十六岁的学生提供强制教育。在十三岁到十六岁的时候,学生们进入独立学校(即类似于中国的初级中学),学生们在独立学校的任务基本上是准备GCSE的考试。GCSE是一个普通中学教育证书,学生们可以选择最多至十个不同的科目。拿到了GCSE的证书,也就标志着中学教育的结束。完成中学的课程并拿到GCSE后,学生就可以决定是要念高等学校还是为工作做准备。学生在这时候是不可以直接去大学的,GCSE的完成是相当于中国的高中一年级结束,而中国的高中二年级和三年级(年龄在约16至18岁)就是英国的延续教育(扩充教育)时期。延续教育是指中学教育以上,本科程度以下的教育,通常在延续教育学院而不是在大学修读。课程侧重职业训练方面,但亦照顾到不同年龄人士对一般学术课程的需求。 在高等教育概念上,中国高等教育分为专科生、本科生、硕士生和博士生四个层次,除此之外还有成人高等教育,学校类型分为大学和学院。在英国,高等教育


英语演讲前的问候语 篇一:(全英文论文)英汉问候语的礼貌差异分析 本科生毕业设计(论文)封面 ( XX 届) 论文(设计)题目作者学院、专业班级指导教师(职称)论文字数 论文完成时间 大学教务处制 英语原创毕业论文参考选题 (200个) 一、论文说明 本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业本科论文3000起,具体可以联系qq 9。下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经写好原创。 二、原创论文参考题目 1、 (英语毕业论文)魔幻现实主义在《所罗门之歌》中的应用 2、 (英语毕业论文)功能对等视角下汉语广告的英译策略(开题报告+论文) 3、 (英语毕业论文)论《小妇人》中的家庭教育问题 4、 (英语毕业论文)《喜宴》中反映出的中西文化差异 5、 (英语毕业论文)The Impact of Culture on the Love

Affairs--A Comparative Study of The Butterfly Lovers and Romeo and Juliet(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 6、 (英语毕业论文)从电视广告看中美文化及思维方式差异 7、 (英语毕业论文)《双城 记》中的象征手法分析 8、 (英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯?思特里克兰德的追寻自我 9、 (英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯?思特里克兰德的追寻自我 10、 11、 (英语毕业论文)从目的论角度研究法国香水网络广告语的汉译本的语言特征 (英语毕业论文)歇斯底里的舞台自语者——《寻找格林先生》主题解读(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 12、 (英语毕业论文)佛罗多与亚拉冈:悲剧虚构型模式中的低模仿英雄与喜剧虚构型模式中的高模仿英雄 13、 格 14、 15、 文献综述)


英汉问候语对比研究 Abstract Language is the medium for human communication. Greeting, as a component of language, plays a most important role in the communication. It is one kind of speech act that frequently occurs in everyday life. Greetings are words used to start an everyday communicative interaction or acknowledge of the presence of other. Therefore, proper greeting behavior is crucial for the foundation and maintenance of interpersonal relationships. However, since China is totally different from the Western countries both in its history and its culture, it is undoubtedly that greeting, which is closely related to its culture, will be quite different from that in the Western countries. Misusing the greeting may easily lead to misunderstanding in the intercultural communication. Therefore, to acknowledge the differences existing in the greeting is the first step to achieve mutual understanding and respect. This paper, with some related theories presented, aims at making a contrastive study of greetings in English and in China. Some researches are also done with the greeting on its level, its functions and the elements influencing it. Key Words:Greeting; English; Chinese; cultural differences; cross-cultural communication 【摘要】 语言是人们进行交流的媒介。问候语是语言的一个组成部分,也是社交礼仪的重要部分;它是日常生活中频繁使用的言语行为之一,具有建立和延续各种人际关系的作用。在商务英语的日常交际中,适当的问候举止是建立和维持人与人之间关系的关键。然而,由于中国的历史背景和文化背景与西方国家有着相当大的差异,存在于文化之中的问候语也随之有着相当大的差异。这种差异在跨文化交际中很容易引起误解。因此,为促进不同语言和文化背景下人们的相互沟通,有必要深入了解中西文化中问候语的差异。本文通过对中西方文化背景中一些典型问候语的对比研究,阐述了两种文化中关于问候语的相关理论,在层次、功能、根源等方面对问候语进行研究。 【关键词】 问候语;英语;汉语;文化差异;跨文化交际


英汉委婉语语用功能的相似性研究 摘要:从语用学角度对英汉委婉语进行对比,揭示出英汉委婉语在语用功能方面的相似性,都具有避讳、雅化、礼貌、掩饰及淡化和夸张功能。 委婉语是用曲折、含蓄的方式表达思想的语言在英、汉语中,委婉语的使用极为广泛,是进行语用研究的很好语料。英、汉委婉语作为一种文化限定词,虽然具有鲜明的民族文化特征,但在许多方面都存在相似之处。 委婉语广泛存在于人们日常生活的各个领域交谈中凡是涉及到说出来有可能令人感到难堪、不悦甚至反感的言语,人们通常都采取曲折、委婉、含蓄的说法来表达,让交谈双方能从心理上淡化甚至消除某些不愉快,从而达到容易接受的目的。从委婉语的语用功能来讲,英汉委婉语的相似性主要体现在避讳功能、雅化功能、礼貌功能、掩饰功能及淡化和夸张功能上。一、英汉委婉语避讳功能的相似性委婉语的产生源于语言禁忌 (Language Taboo),语言禁忌源于人类最初对自然现象和自然力的困惑和误解。早在远古时代,人们因对日月交替风雨雷电、火山地震以及人和物的生老病死等自然现象和自然规律不理解,故幻想创造了神,认为神是万物的主宰、祸福的根源。因此,神灵不可亵渎,与神灵有关的东西都应被尊为灵物,被列为禁忌,不可冒犯。英语中,God(上帝)、Satan(魔王撒旦)等均有婉称,汉语中有国讳、圣讳、官讳或家讳。疾病与死亡为人之大忌,无论是东方人,还是西方人,都十分忌讳疾病与死亡,所以在交际时都尽量回避这些字眼,以婉言称之。 (一)有关“死亡”的委婉语 人们生活中最忌讳的就是死亡,因此语言禁忌中关于死亡的委婉语大量存在。如:pass away(逝世), be no more(不在了),dep art(去世),be gone(走了),join the majority(会见老祖宗去了),go to west(归西了),go to glory(升天了),go to meet one maker(见上帝),to be at peace(平静了),the final departure(最后离去),final sleep(最后一觉),to go to one S long home(回到永久之家),to have found rest(得到安息),in heaven(在天堂),with God(和上帝在一起)等。与之相对,汉语中有:“去世了”“仙逝了”,“到极乐世界去了”,“逝世”,“谢世”“过世”,“下世”,“不在了”,“走了”,“过去了”,“离开了我们”,“毙命”,“归天”,“长眠”,“与世长辞”对特殊人物还有专门的术语,如:和尚死了叫“圆寂”,皇帝死了叫“驾崩”,诸侯死了用“功甍”,妻子死了叫“断弦”,为了守节而死叫“玉碎”,执行公务而死叫“殉职”,为正义而死叫“牺牲”等。“死亡的委婉说法还有: to be present at the last roll call 出席最后一次点名to be written off 被勾销 t0 fall 倒下 to fire one s last shot 射出最后一发子弹



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浅谈国际贸易中中英文化的差异 摘要:当今的世界经济一体化进程加快,国际贸易活动与交往的频繁进行,不同国家、不同民族的特殊文化背景与文化环境日益为各国重视,本文通过认识文化的差异,并采取恰当策略使国际贸易在文化融合的推动下实现真正全面的自由化,这样才能更好的发展贸易,推进国际化贸易的进程。 关键词:贸易活动文化差异 1前言 随着经济全球化进程的深化,国际贸易活动与交往的频繁进行,国际贸易中文化差异的存在已影响到国际间的贸易活动,这体现在文化构成要素的各个层面,尤其是意识形态层面即政治、法律、艺术、哲学等方面。充分了解和认识文化差异,并采取恰当的方法和措施应对国际贸易交往中的文化差异在当今世界尤为重要。面对文化差异对贸易的影响,为进一步推进世界贸易的自由发展,必须采取有效措施促使贸易环境法制化、规范化,建立国际性文化交流组织与文化交流中心,进行多层次、多形式的文化展示与交流,在国际贸易策略的制定上注意与当地文化的融合,进行多种方式的文化融合与培训,培养推进文化融合的跨文化管理人才。 2 文化差异的体现方面 2.1语言文化背景方面 语言是社会的产物,是人类历史和文化的结晶。它凝聚着一个民族世代相传的社会意识,历史文化,风俗习惯等各方面人类社会所有的特征。不同的文化背影和文化传统,使中英方在思维方式,价值观念,行为准则和生活方式等方面也存在有相当的文化差异。语文是文化的载体,词汇是文化信息的浓缩,是语言的重要组成部分,它反映着文化的发展和变化,同时也直接反映着文化的差异。 在中国两千多年的封建社会历史的过程中,儒家思想一直占据着根深蒂固的弦统治地位,对中国社会产生了极其深刻而久远的影响。因此,中国文化体现出


从语用失误看中英问候语的差异论文2019-05-15 使用问候语是中西方共有的文化现象,然而受传统习惯、思维方式等差异的影响,其使用情况差别很大,这在一定程度上阻碍了英语教学中跨文化交流的顺利进行。本文从语用失误的角度,剖析中英问候语的差异,号召人们以一种更加开放、包容的态度理解、接纳这种差异,并积极采取措施减少甚至避免语用失误的发生。 1.引言 1.1关于课题 随着全球化的深入推进,跨文化交际越来越广泛。问候语,作为交流活动不可或缺的组成部分,也扮演着越来越重要的角色。然而,受社会环境、传统风俗等差异的影响,对问候语的误解在所难免,给人们带来了诸多困扰。 自20世纪70年代以来,学者们陆续从语用失误角度对中英问候语的差异进行了研究,取得了丰硕的成果。然而,社会在发展,人们的价值观念、生活环境也在演变,问候语的内容和形式必然会随之变化。因此,这一课题有待进一步研究,期望本文能带来一些有价值的信息。 1.2语用失误 语用失误这一概念最早是由英国语言学家詹尼?托马斯于1982年提出来的,指在跨文化交际过程中因文化差异所引起的语言表达失误。1983年,托马斯在《跨文化语用失误》一文中给语用失误做出了明确的定义,将语用失误划分为语用语言失误和社交语用失误。 近年来,跨文化交际中的语用失误现象屡见不鲜,往往词不达意,甚至引起文化冲突。因此,进行语用失误研究意义深远。 1.3问候语 问候语,又称招呼语、见面语,是指问候他人时使用的一种简短而重要的语言交流形式,可以建立和保持良好的人际关系,也反映出人们价值取向、思想观念的变化。恰当地使用问候语,不仅能反映说话人的自我修养,还能体现说话人对他人的尊重。通过问候语,甚至能大概推断出说话人和听话人的角色身份及他们之间的关系。 2.从语用失误看中英问候语差异的表现 2.1中西方的问候方式之比较


中山大学学报论丛,2005年第25卷第4期 SUN Y ATS EN UNIVERSITY FORUM,V ol125 N o14 2005 中英文中称呼与问候语的文化差异Ξ 刘晓玲 (深圳经济管理学院,广东广州518021) 摘 要:“跨文化交际”是近年来外语教学中的一个热点。中英文交际中的称呼和问候语的 差别的对比分析,揭示了这种文化差异容易引起的交流障碍,提倡进一步加强常规称呼和问 候的规范,从而正确选择对方文化准则的表达方式,以达到跨文化交流的目的。 关键词:跨文化交际;称呼;问候语 中图分类号:G04 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100721792(2005)0420139206 常规称呼和问候语为恰当开始谈话并且为建立、维持和商定社会关系提供手段,是一种非常复杂的语言现象。正如莱佛(1981)指出:问候语这类常规用语远远不是相对无意义的机械性的社会行为,它们可以被视为会话双方商定和控制社会身份和社会关系的极其重要的策略。 在跨文化交际场合,误语和误解的可能性显得很大,这一阐述体现得更为突出。例如,由于文化冲突引起的误会和误解可能导致有关人员产生冒犯、侮辱和猜疑的感觉。为使外语学习者和使用者认识到这种潜在的威胁,就必须对恰当使用语言至关重要的文化背景进行讲解和剖析。因为只有了解一种语言的历史与文化,我们才能更好地和更深入地了解讲该语言的人,才能与他们进行经验和思想的交流。外语的任务是培养在具有不同文化的人们之间交际的人才。因此不但要学语言,而且要学语言文化,包括交际模式、习俗、价值观、思维方式及处世态度,才能真正掌握交际工具———语言,并使语言成为真正交际工具。 在跨文化交流中首先涉及到的就是称呼和问候的礼仪,无论是人际的、社会的以至国与国之间的交往,因此必须了解中英交际中称呼和问候的文化差异,提高跨文化交流的能力。 一、称呼的差异 在交往中首先涉及到的就是称呼。称呼,一般是指人们在交往应酬中彼此之间所采用的称谓语。选择正确的、适当的称呼,既反映着自身的教养,又体现着对他人的重视程度,从中还表明了双方的亲疏关系。一个得体的称呼,会给对方印象良好,为以后的交往打下基础,否则,不恰当或错误的称呼,可能会令对方心里不悦,影响彼此的关系乃至交 Ξ收稿日期:2005-01-26 作者简介:刘晓玲(1967-),女,贵州人,深圳经济管理学院外语部讲师。

英汉委婉语对比研究 (3)

第22卷第1期 湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版) N o.1V ol.22 Journal of Hubei Institute for Nationalities (2004年第1期) (Philosophy and Social Sciences) N o.12004 收稿日期:2003-06-23 作者简介:徐长扬(1945-),男,湖北宣恩人,教授,主要研究方向为外语教学法。 英汉委婉语对比研究 徐长扬 (湖北民族学院大外部,湖北恩施445000) 摘要:英汉两种语言均有大量的委婉语。它们既有相同之点,但更有不同之处。委婉语作为语言客观存在的一部分,折射出社会文化现象的一个侧面,反映出民族心理的历史沉淀和深层构建。研究英汉委婉语,对研究修辞学、跨文化交际和外语教学等都有启发意义。 关键词:英汉委婉语;对比;研究 中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-941(2004)01-0106-03 引言 在社会语言交际过程中,由于说话的环境不同,现实生活中的场景各异,人们在遇到难言之隐或令人难堪的场合时,往往不直截了当地道出个中真由,而用委婉、含蓄、模糊的方式把它烘托出来,以达到恰当、轻松自如、大方得体地表达感情和交流思想的目的。委婉语这一修辞手法就是在这种背景下产生、发展,并为社会语言交际服务的。英汉文化中都存在着委婉语这一语言现象,它们既有相同之处,但更有相异之特点。 英语中的委婉语(euphemism )源自希腊语,由 词头“eu ”(good )和词干“phemism ” (speech )构成,意为吉利之语(words of good omen )或优雅说法(good speech )。汉语中的委婉语解释为:语言婉转,态度诚恳,即用一种不能明说,即用使人感到愉快或含糊的说法代替具有令人不悦的含义或不够尊敬的表达方式。由于委婉语的特殊修辞风格和它作为现实生活中语言交际的组成部分,随着社会的发展与进步,也发生了重大的变化,在当今社会,人们,尤其是青年人喜欢直言不讳,他们讨厌装腔作势,特别是在口头交际过程中如此。但是,在较正式场合则尽量使用委婉语。从总体上而言,委婉语的使用越来越广泛,几乎渗透到政治、经济、军事、文学、心理学、社会 学等各个领域。本文仅从委婉语中最有代表性的政 治、人们的心理因素和生理现象三方面进行探讨。  一、政治及官方语言中的委婉语 1.汉语委婉语分讳饰和婉曲。讳饰指表达观点时,不直接说出犯忌讳的事情,而采用委婉修辞代替的方法。如在近期中央电视台播出的电视剧《云淡天高》中有这么一段夫妻谈话,一位即将退休的省人大副主任的妻子为了给刚从部队转业的女儿安置一个满意的工作,对其丈夫说:你革命一辈子,你这只蜡烛总是照别人,你这只蜡烛现在已经快耗尽了,能否让女儿也沾点光。其委婉意思是叫其丈夫凭借地位走走“后门”。婉曲指运用委婉曲折的说法表达本意的修辞方式。如:2003年6月,中国主席胡锦涛会见美国总统布什就台湾问题时指出:……中方希望美方恪守承诺,妥善处理台湾问题,不向“台独”势力发出错误信号。语言委婉曲折,令人深思。毛泽东同志是一名伟大的语言大师,他在《别了,司徒雷登》一文中写道:……总之是没有人去理他,使得他“茕茕孑立,形影相吊”,没有什么事做了,只好夹起皮包走路。此处毛泽东同志没有直说司徒雷登“处境孤立”和“灰溜溜滚回美国”,则说他“茕茕孑立,形影相吊”和“夹起皮包走路”。语言委婉,回味无穷。  6 01


浅谈中英文在文化上的差异中国与英语国家在文化上的差异体现在社会生活的诸多方面,也体现在地域文化的差异,习俗文化的差异,姓名与称呼用语的差异,交际用语的差异,数字内涵,委婉语和对应词及其内涵方面。我从中选取几个方面来,通过对这些方面的讨论来探讨中英文在文化上的差异性。 首先要讨论两国语言在文化上的差异就应该了解什么叫文化,以及文化与语言的关系。 所谓文化就是一个群体的人们在其发展过程中引导其生活、保障其生存的全部内容的总和。我们每一个人,无论生长何地,都是各自特定文化与表达文化的语言的产物。鲁斯·本尼迪克特在《文化类型》中说道:“一个人从他呱呱坠地的那一刻起,他周围的环境与风俗习惯就影响着他的经历和行为。等到他咿呀学语的时候,他已成为此文化熏陶的一个小生灵了。待到他长大成人,能够参与社会活动时,这一特定的文化习惯便成了他的习惯,其特有的观念也变成了他的观念,其禁忌也就变成了他的禁忌。”这高度概括了文化对我们每个人的影响。 同时,语言与文化相依为命,不可能脱离另一方面而独立存在,语言反映文化特征并预示文化发展的方向,两者的关系可简单地比作内容与形式相互依赖、相互作用的关系。 中英文在文化上的差异具体体现在以下几个方面:

一.地域文化的差异 地域文化主要指地理环境、自然环境方面的文化。受自然环境的影响,不同民族在对同一事物的认识上存在差异。有些事物在一种语言中为美,而在另一种语言中为丑;有些事物在一种语言中有丰富的内涵,而在另一种语言中毫无意义。地域文化上的差异又体现在: 1.中英文动物词文化的差异 在中国,龙被视为神物,集力量、智慧、运气、喜庆、威严、威武、权力于一身。封建时代的皇帝常把自己比做“龙”,中华民族也称自己为“龙的传人”,“龙的子孙”。而在英语中,dragon被看作“邪恶”、“恐怖”,甚至“战争”的代名词。《圣经》里多次提到的魔鬼撒旦就是一个与上帝作对的诱惑者和叛逆者的形象,它被称作the old Dragon。英国着名作家狄更斯在《艰难时世》中也以“Dragon”这个词来描述斯巴塞太太:……镇上的人们走来走去看见她坐在那儿,却把她看作这个银行的“毒龙”(Bank dragon)。 2.中英文植物词文化的差异 竹子这种植物与中国文化有着深厚的关系,历代文人墨客赏竹、画竹、咏竹。郑板桥的竹画享誉世界,邵谒的名句“竹死不变节,花落有余香”深入人心,竹子逐渐成了中国人坚强不屈、高风亮节的性格的象征。但bamboo一词在英语里只不过是一种很普通的植物,没有任何外延意义。 二.习俗文化的差异


The similarities and differences between British and Chinese education China has a long history in of education. The education system is being consummated gradually,While The Great Britain is the typical r epresentative of western educator, who owns more advanced education system . 第一段,就是开头,无实质性内容 No matter the education in the UK or in the china , education is the process through schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions, deliberately transmits its cultural heritage—its accumulated knowledge, values, and skills--from one generation to another. And the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and other basic skills which they will need to become active members of society and build their future . 第二段,就是The similarities,但我也不知道该写什么,就差不多写的算是教育的本质概念吧,你说:“ 特别是第二段一会儿讲中国好一会儿讲英国好。 最好能分不同方面讲, 比如:从学生基础知识方面,学生实践能力方面分析。 或者从优缺点两方面讲,第一段讲中英教育分别有的有点第二段讲中英教育的缺点。。 这样文章更清晰一些。” 我觉得你是在说第三段吧, However there are tremendous differences about in education between United Kingdom and China. There are a number of phenomena to illustrate it. For example ,in China, students have to spend almost all their time on studying t heir major courses such as English, math, biology, geography and so on, which is boring. English, math, biology, geography and so on that are boring as their major courses W hile students in the UK are taught music, art and so on and they spend much free time on what they are interested in in the UK.;Morever, Teachers and students would like to be the friends in the UK. They enjoy discussing and solving questions in class .On the contrary in China teachers are over-strict.And Students are quiet and absolutely taught in class .;However the most attractive point in Chinese education system is that Chinese people emphasize the traditional knowledge, which makes the students have a solid foundation. While the western students learn slowly.
