



2.Try every means to satisfy the children with money.
2.Encourage the child to work outside to gain income by themselves.
Differences of school education
American children in class
Chinese children in class
The relation between teachers and students
In America teachers are no longer authority, meanwhile students don’t have to carry out every instruction from their teachers, most of them have their thoughts, they may most questions and challenges to teachers.
Western Countries
Education is not the preparation for making their living, but for survival
Emphasize" The Learn Education. "
Education method
1.Emphasize mechanical memorizing.
2.If the book is read hundreds of times, its meaning is shown naturally
Western Countries



对于中国学生来说,成功之路必须 要通过一条独木桥,这就是高考。 对很多中国学生而言,可能会因为 一分只之差,而幸运的跨进一流学 府的大门,也可能会因为一分之差, 而被残酷地淘汰。对于中国的高等 学府而言,你是否是个有理想、有 抱负、有责任心的学生,都不重要, 只要你的高考成绩符合大学的招生 要求,这种单纯的量化标准把很多 优秀的学生挡在大学门外。
学生自主选择学习的内 容,以学生兴趣为中国:中国的教育带有浓重的 国家色彩,学生的一些思想收 到桎梏。
美国:每股的学术提倡自由, 中国:1、中国教育注重的是学习的结果,所以 富有较强的创新探索能力。 导致中国馆会以考试的成绩评论学生的好坏。
2、中国的教育方式沿袭旧法,灌输知识,导致 学校考试和知识的透彻理解是中国学生的拿手好 戏。
Extracurricular Activities
中国一般不太允许小孩参加真正的社会活动。但在美国小学生一旦走进校门就开始真正参与社会活动了。美 国的课外活动是学生自发参与,经费也是大家共同出资、共同寻求赞助。比如,8岁的孩子会帮人家清洗洗 衣机,一次8美元,为别人演奏等等,把赚到的钱拿来搞活动。当然并非所有的活动都是为了赚钱,也有很 多是打义工的。美国让小孩接触社会环境的方式非常多,他们认为教育即生活。中国的学生课外生活基本上 被作业占领了。而且很少有机会参加社会实践的机会。
中西方教育文化差异 ——以中美为例
16 港口物流管2班 朱一帆 54号
01 教育理念 02 教育目标 03 家庭教育和学校教育 04 课外生活 05 考试制度 06 总结反思
Education Philosophy



中国校园中,教师通常具有较高的权 威,与学生保持一定的距离;而在美 国校园中,教师更注重与学生的互动 ,鼓励学生提问和参与课堂讨论。
中国学生与教师的互动相对较少,主 要在课堂上;而美国学生与教师的互 动更为频繁,包括课外辅导、学术咨 询等。
风格多样,既有古典的哥特式建筑,也有现代的钢结构建筑。建筑布局灵活, 不拘泥于对称,更注重功能性和实用性。
注重绿化和景观设计,多采用传统的园林造景手法,如假山 、池塘、亭台楼阁等。同时,也注重校园环境的文化氛围营 造,如设置文化石、文化墙等。
更注重开放性和自然性,多采用草坪、树木等自然元素进行 绿化。同时,也注重校园环境的舒适性和功能性,如设置休 息区、运动区等。
汇报人: 2023-12-21
• 中美校园文化概述 • 中美校园物质文化对比 • 中美校园制度文化对比 • 中美校园精神文化对比 • 中美校园行为文化对比 • 中美校园文化对比总结与展望
• 中国校园文化定义:中国校园文化是以中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导,以 培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人为目标,以丰富多彩的课外 文化活动为主要载体,以校园精神为主要特征的一种群体文化。
美国校园更注重学生的实践机会,如实习、 志愿服务等。这些实践机会有助于学生将所 学知识应用于实际情境中,提高解决问题的


个人主义与 竞争
个人主义和竞争是西方文化价值观 的主要内容。一方面,学生在学习上 独立性强,往往以学习任务为向导, 属于场独立型(field independence).
独立性的学习(independent learning)的学习风格;另一方面,竞 争是西方人的人生信条学生常常通过 不断尝试错误直到最后成功的过程进
Part 5 校园选址 Campus location
西方学校多分布在城市,街道,总体开放与学院封闭式相结合 牛津大学校园
Part 6 中外入学要求以及宿舍差异
• 国外高校的校园文化建设中提供学生校内住宿的只在少数。大多为单间的宿舍。 • 在国外,很多高校申请过程复杂,价格较高,但相应设施齐全,环境较好。
A Contrast of the Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Campuses
Part 1 校服 School uniform
中国 英国
南非 越南
日本 2
中国校服的变革 Reform of school uniform in China
b.旅游:中国学生对自己的父母说: “我要去旅游了,请给我一笔钱。“
b.旅游:西方学生对自己的父母说: “我已经攒够钱了,我要去旅游了!“
合作 集体主义
受儒家文化的渲染和集体主义思 想的规范,中学生通过合作
(cooperation)来学习。他们为 了共同的利益,和睦相处,互相 支持,为了把集体利益放在个人 利益之上,不凸显自己,这种中 合作学习主要体现班级竞赛和课 外小组学习上。学生尊师重教, 教师和教材有很高权威。生生交 流非常正式。学习上以老师为榜 样,以教材为权威模仿学习。






















中美校园文化差异英语作文The cultural differences between campuses in China and the United States are quite significant and can be observed in various aspects of student life. From the academic environment to extracurricular activities, the contrasting norms and expectations shape the overall campus experience for students in these two countries.One of the most notable differences lies in the academic environment. Chinese universities are often characterized by a more structured and rigorous curriculum, with a strong emphasis on core subjects and a clear path towards graduation. Students in China typically have a heavier course load, with less flexibility in choosing electives or exploring different areas of study. The focus is primarily on mastering the foundational knowledge required for their chosen field, often with a strong emphasis on rote learning and examinations.In contrast, the academic environment in American universities tends to be more flexible and student-centered. Students have a wide range of electives and the freedom to explore different disciplinesbefore declaring a major. The curriculum is designed to encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and the development of well-rounded individuals, rather than solely focusing on the acquisition of subject-specific knowledge. Additionally, the grading system in the US often places more weight on class participation, projects, and continuous assessment, rather than relying solely on high-stakes examinations.Another significant difference lies in the extracurricular activities and campus life. Chinese universities typically have a more structured and organized approach to extracurricular activities, with a strong emphasis on group-based activities and events. Students are often encouraged to participate in various clubs, societies, and volunteer organizations, which are often organized and supervised by the university administration. These activities are seen as an important complement to the academic curriculum, helping to develop students' social skills, leadership abilities, and a sense of community.In contrast, American universities tend to have a more diverse and student-driven approach to extracurricular activities. Students have the freedom to create and join a wide range of clubs and organizations, reflecting their personal interests and passions. These activities are often student-led and provide opportunities for independent exploration, self-expression, and the development of leadership skills. Additionally, American campuses are known fortheir vibrant social life, with a greater emphasis on student-organized events, social gatherings, and recreational activities.Another key difference lies in the student-faculty relationship. In Chinese universities, the relationship between students and faculty is often more formal and hierarchical. Professors are seen as authority figures, and students are expected to show respect and deference. The interaction between students and faculty is primarily focused on the delivery of course content, with less emphasis on mentorship or personal guidance.On the other hand, the student-faculty relationship in American universities tends to be more informal and collaborative. Professors are often seen as mentors and guides, and students are encouraged to actively engage with them both inside and outside the classroom. This allows for more personalized attention, academic advising, and the development of meaningful relationships between students and faculty members.Furthermore, the overall campus culture and student life experience can vary significantly between China and the United States. Chinese universities often have a more structured and disciplined approach to student life, with strict rules and regulations governing everything from class attendance to curfews. The focus is on maintaining a sense of order and conformity, with less emphasis on individualexpression and personal development.In contrast, American universities are known for their more vibrant and diverse campus culture, where students have greater freedom to explore their interests, express their individuality, and engage in a wide range of social and cultural activities. The campus environment is often characterized by a greater emphasis on personal growth, community engagement, and the pursuit of extracurricular passions.It is important to note that these differences are not absolute, and there can be variations within each country's higher education system. However, the general trends and contrasts highlighted here provide a broader understanding of the cultural differences that shape the campus experiences of students in China and the United States.These differences in academic environments, extracurricular activities, student-faculty relationships, and overall campus culture can have a significant impact on the personal and professional development of students. Understanding and appreciating these cultural differences can help students from both countries navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by their respective educational systems, ultimately contributing to their growth and success.。























三、案例一:课程设置案例:我国某中学与美国某中学的课程设置对比我国某中学课程设置:1. 语文、数学、英语等基础学科;2. 物理、化学、生物等自然科学;3. 历史、地理、政治等社会科学;4. 体育、音乐、美术等艺术学科;5. 技术课(如计算机、信息技术等)。

美国某中学课程设置:1. 语文、数学、科学、社会研究等基础学科;2. 选修课(如艺术、音乐、体育、外语等);3. 必修课(如宗教、道德教育等);4. AP(Advanced Placement)课程(如微积分、物理、化学等)。



四、案例二:教学方法案例:我国某中学与美国某中学的教学方法对比我国某中学教学方法:1. 课堂讲授为主,学生被动接受知识;2. 教师强调知识传授,忽视学生能力培养;3. 评价方式以考试成绩为主,注重应试能力。

美国某中学教学方法:1. 互动式教学,鼓励学生积极参与;2. 教师注重启发式教学,培养学生的创新思维;3. 评价方式多样化,注重学生的综合素质。



五、案例三:评价体系案例:我国某中学与美国某中学的评价体系对比我国某中学评价体系:1. 以考试成绩为主要评价标准;2. 注重学生的应试能力;3. 评价方式单一,忽视学生的全面发展。

PPT 英文版 中美校园文化差异比较

PPT  英文版 中美校园文化差异比较

Students’ organizations is very active encourage students o do activities
Independence and Dependence
Most of students’ schooling are paid by parents Only a small percentage of students can earn their own living
Poor ability to cognize and poor academic ability
examination expects
teaching and learning
Modern teaching methods
Respect students’ individual development
Self-centered individualism and practical values are advocated
A lot of free time to learn
Equal relationship between students and teachers
comprehensive abilities
Reasons to choose this topic
promote the understanding and communication between china and us
provide experience worthy of learning to our campus construction and education



2.The room style
the rooms in the US can be very special, which is also a good chance for the students to create.
While the China rooms is really classical. It is like a box that divide the students and teachers from the out.
Differences and similarities between colleges of America and China
Differences and similarities
❖ the environment and lifestyles. ❖ the teaching mode.
satisfied; • They can also design new disciplines under the
guidance of their teachers.
China: • The students are asked to choose major when they
register for University , so they can`t choose their major in the school unless they are good enough to do so.
❖site selection and the building styles.
❖ the lessons and credit system. ❖ something else.
FIRST: environment and lifestyle






关键词: 校园文化; 高等教育; 欧美文化中共中央国务院《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》指出: 要大力建设校园文化,建设体现社会主义特点、时代特征和学校特色的校园文化。













The content

West: parents pay more attention to freedom and equality, respect for the child at an early age, attaches great importance to give the child's personal autonomy. Parents pay attention to cultivate children's selfcare ability and the spirit of selfreliance. Parents let children know the value of labor as a child, so they had to do some paid services within our capabilities. Parents pay attention to the all-round development of children in every aspect, they want to learn is a way to survive, is a way of earning a living, is a useful skill for life. Parents throughout in the child's independent ability to survive and adapt to the environment as the main body. The United States children have a slogan: "want to spend money they earn.
Differences between Chinese and western education



中西方校园文化差异Chinese and western campus culture differences抚松一中一年一班研究性学习英语小组指导教师:王长青幻灯片制作:范馨元、颜子惠、张伟琦、江虹儒、宿桐、秦培妍、黄露萱资料收集:李文静、田芳雪、赵伟编辑:李长晟、孙雨禾、王倩茹、贾雯涵2015年6月内容摘要:校园文化是以学生为主体,以课外文化活动为主要内容,亦策善能的校园文化建设,以校园为主要空间,涵盖院校领导、教职工在内,以校园精神为主要特征的一种群体文化.其中最能体现校园文化本质内容的是校园风气或校园精神。

Campus culture in his student as the main body, in the cultural activities as the main content and also strategy is good to the construction of campus culture, campus as the main space, school leadership, teachers, in the spirit of campus culture as the main characteristics of a group. One of the most can reflect the essential content of campus culture is the campus culture and campus spirit.本小组将从以下(1)——(6)六个方面对中西方校园文化差异进行研究,通过这次研究学习,我们对西方文化有了更好的了解,对我国校园文化也有了更深入的认识。


一、精神文化差异(1)办学宗旨(a)高级中学西方中学:伊顿公学(Eton College)坐落在伦敦20英里的温莎小镇,是英国最著名的贵族中学,排名全球第一。



中美校园文化差异(Campus cultural differences between Chinaand America)Abstract: due to the differences in political system, traditional culture and historical background, campus culture in China and the United States also has great differences. By analyzing the differences between Chinese and American campus culture and seeking its cultural roots, it is helpful for us to understand and communicate between Chinese and American students. In addition, we should base ourselves on the fine traditional culture of our country and actively absorb the essence of American campus culture so as to create a better atmosphere of campus culture for the development of modern university education in china.Key words: American campus culture, Chinese campus culture, cultural differences, cultural rootsA comparative study of campus culture between China and the United States, to explore the differences and cultural roots between the two, helps to promote mutual understanding and communication between students in China and the United states. At the same time, the United States is a developed and multicultural country of immigrants, the rich and colorful campus culture construction has its originality, can provide experience for China's education and campus construction in higher education institutions.campus cultureCampus culture is an important part of social culture. Itoriginates from social culture, and reflects and reflects the whole social culture in the University campus. Therefore, it is bound to be influenced and restricted by the mainstream culture of the society, and is consistent with the basic tendency of the mainstream culture of the society. Meanwhile, it plays a leading and promoting role in the mainstream culture of the society.Broad sense campus culture can be divided into four levels: first, the material culture form, that is, the cultural landscape expressed in the form of material civilization. Such as campus geographical environment, architectural layout, art and cultural facilities. Second, the system culture form, that is, the culture reflected by social relations. Such as school affiliation, management system, organization and so on. Third, the concept of culture, that is, in the form of rational form of spiritual and cultural forms. Such as school running guiding ideology, struggling goal, school spirit, style of study and so on. Fourth, the culture of mind, that is implicit in the invisible deep cultural forms of teachers and students, such as thinking mode, value orientation, emotional way, aesthetic taste, etc.. The narrow sense campus culture mainly refers to the explicit forms of campus culture in broad sense, such as campus ideological trend, campus education, campus life, campus cultural system, campus cultural facilities, school spirit, style of study, etc.. According to its function, it can also be divided into three series, or three series, which are ideological cultivation, academic intelligence and art aesthetic education.Campus cultural differences between China and AmericaDifferences in campus architecture. The campus of China is usually a relatively independent space, the high fence isolated the school from the outside world, and almost all the activities of the school were carried out within the enclosed enclosure. American universities generally have no walls, so-called "no marginal universities", "no walled universities", and open schools. There seems to be no boundary between the school and other territories, but in fact there is an invisible dividing line in the heart of the American people.This difference has a great relationship with Chinese and western traditional culture. Chinese wall culture since ancient times and is famous in the world, people used to use the wall to protect the territory and interest groups or families. The wall is China ethnic culture tends to closed, concentric, restrained and subtle cultural and psychological performance, and the psychological status quo, and Chinese aloof from the Worldly Philosophy and self-sufficient economy inseparable. The walls in addition, culture is actually of a collective privacy, Chinese generally follow the internal open closed principle, close to a defensive attitude to the outside world. American houses, including schools, government agencies and so on, are built around the house, surrounded by open, although some built fences, but also some low fence, giving people the feeling of opening to the outside world. Americans are outgoing, outspoken, advocate freedom and competition, love adventure. This open architecture layout and China wall culture reflects the cultural psychology of living instead, closure of the internal opening, the americans.The difference between "teaching" and "learning". The teaching mode of University in China is old and the teaching method is single.In class, the teacher only instills the content prepared in advance to the students, and the students can only accept it passively and comprehensively. The teaching method is mainly based on questioning, recitation and homework. Students become mechanical memory tools, and their practical ability and cognitive ability are very poor. In addition, the academic ability of college students is also poor. It can be said that China's university education has trained a group of experts in examinations rather than practical talents with comprehensive ability.American higher education is very respectful of the development of students' personality, and campus culture advocates individualism and pragmatism values. The school gives students a lot of free learning space, such as through the implementation of the credit system and flexible educational system, so that students can arrange their own learning life, free choice of learning methods and so on. The relationship between students and teachers is equal, the atmosphere of class is free and relaxed, students can raise their hands at any time, and any speech of students will be encouraged. Teaching methods are diverse, such as case discussion, small debate competition, paper interim report, etc., mainly to cultivate students' oral expression ability, reaction ability and creative ability.The difference of after school life. The extracurricular activities of Chinese college students are monotonous, usuallyunder the guidance of teachers or the organized and organized activities that students choose to participate in. Most students don't take part in these activities because they think learning is the primary task. So many students only immersed in study, to other social knowledge and social practice indifferent, one read only the books of sages "".Many American college students is active, the school encourages funded students set up a variety of extracurricular activities, extracurricular groups, contents and methods of these group activities entirely by the students to discuss the decision. Their activities are various, and they act completely according to their own preferences or design programs. They experience happiness, acquire skills and develop their personalities in their activities. The atmosphere of their activities is also full of freedom and democracy.The difference between independence and dependence. Most of the expenses of Chinese college students during the university are borne by their parents. Many people believe that the parents spend their money for granted, and only a few students can earn their own living. And parents also think that providing money to provide children with university is their bounden duty, which directly leads to college students too dependent on their parents.American college students are very independent, advocate personal struggle, basically rely on their own work to earn tuition and daily expenses. Some students have part-time several jobs, even hard, will not reach out to parents, because they think from their parents only in name, instead of property,what you want to achieve through their own hard work can.The origin of campus culture differences between China and AmericaThe campus culture is deeply influenced by the traditional culture of the nation. The difference of traditional culture between the two countries deeply influences all aspects of contemporary students' ideology, learning and life, and is the root cause of different campus culture differences.Good in nature and the theory of evil. "Men at their birth, are good in nature" Chinese basic viewpoints on human nature. That is to say, people are originally good, life just stick to the good nature of it. This creates Chinese "status quo", "people" remain in a proper sphere ", the principle of doing things zhijuzhechangle". American culture, on the contrary, the influence of Christianity, respected "original sin", that life is guilty, which originates from Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, guilty of sin, were expelled from the garden of Eden, to the earth. So, in order to change the original sin, people have to work hard constantly.Collectivism orientation and individualism orientation. The Chinese advocates that the collective, social and national interests are paramount, and that individual interests must be subordinated to collective interests. In dealing with all kinds of relations, must be "self Shou Road", "too observant of conventional standards." and "self repression", "collective leadership and consistent with". This orientation also makes Chinese introverted and reserved, quiet, modest tolerance,And strive to adapt to the environment. American culture is highly individualistic. The United States is a multi-ethnic, multi religious and cultural tradition, advocating freedom, equality, individual struggle, heroism, pragmatism of the United States spirit". The pursuit of personal enjoyment, laissez faire personality and free development of the American people not only includes the pursuit and satisfaction of personal material interests, but also the realization of personal will and self.Stability and change. Under the influence of Confucianism, Chinese culture pursues a word "stability", whether it is personal development or social development". People are accustomed to "peace", "contentment", "live and work in peace" rule, so do anything is to "stable" as the premise. While American culture is the essence of "change" two words, the core idea is "nothing, and never change.". They believe that without innovation, without change, there is no progress and future. So the Americans love a new in order to be different, for better or worse, they always believe that rely on their own hands can change the fate of.Enlightenment to the construction of campus culture in ChinaIt is not difficult to understand that American campus culture has both advanced and positive aspects as well as backward and negative aspects. Therefore, we should actively absorb the essence of American campus culture on the basis of the traditional culture of our nation.First of all, Chinese campus culture construction should learn from the United States in the campus culture of"people-oriented" concept of education, so that all the work of the school with the students as the center, all around the growth of the students, meet the needs of students, for students to provide independent, relaxed learning environment. The status of teachers and students is equal, teachers pay attention to guide students to develop independent thinking, calm analysis, independent decision-making habits, cultivate students' innovative consciousness and creative ability.Secondly, efforts should be made to create a good academic atmosphere and improve students' scientific research ability. Paying attention to the academic and explaining the thought is the important idea of running a modern university. The university education in our country pays great attention to the accumulation and accumulation of knowledge, but neglects the cultivation of students' innovative ability and scientific research ability. When students first enter the campus, they should teach students how to do scientific research. In addition, all kinds of academic reports can be held, so that students can feel the charm of academic and thought, enrich their knowledge, and improve their interest in learning.Finally, the open curriculum system should be established and diversified teaching mode should be carried out. According to the characteristics and needs of the region, school tradition, curriculum foundation and teachers' expertise, colleges and universities can determine the curriculum system suitable for their own development, allowing different courses to be offered in the same major in different universities. Secondly, thecurriculum is diversified. In order to meet the different needs of students, "pay attention to the diversification of the same course, the same course for some students from different difficulty, the same difficulty course taught by teachers of different styles, different direction with the same field of courses for students to choose." 3In short, China and the United States due to the traditional culture, social system and education system is different, campus culture from construction, teaching, after-school life and other aspects of the existence of great differences. Therefore, the construction of campus culture in China should be based on excellent traditional culture, absorb reasonable, progress and the essence of American campus culture in part, promote the construction of campus culture China University, to create a better campus cultural atmosphere for the development of modern university education, cultivating new comprehensive talent. (author: Shangqiu Normal University Foreign Language College)。



中西方校园文化差异Chinese and western campus culture differences抚松一中一年一班研究性学习英语小组指导教师:王长青幻灯片制作:范馨元、颜子惠、张伟琦、江虹儒、宿桐、秦培妍、黄露萱资料收集:李文静、田芳雪、赵伟编辑:李长晟、孙雨禾、王倩茹、贾雯涵2015 年 6 月内容摘要:校园文化是以学生为主体,以课外文化活动为主要内容,亦策善能的校园文化建设,以校园为主要空间,涵盖院校领导、教职工在内,以校园精神为主要特征的一种群体文化.其中最能体现校园文化本质内容的是校园风气或校园精神。

Campus culture in his student as the main body, in the cultural activities as the main content and also strategy is good to the construction of campus culture, campus as the main space, school leadership, teachers, in the spirit of campus culture as the main characteristics of a group. One of the most can reflect the essential content of campus culture is the campus culture and campus spirit.本小组将从以下(1)——(6)六个方面对中西方校园文化差异进行研究,通过这次研究学习,我们对西方文化有了更好的了解,对我国校园文化也有了更深入的认识。


一、精神文化差异(1)办学宗旨(a)高级中学西方中学:伊顿公学(Eton College)坐落在伦敦 20 英里的温莎小镇,是英国最著名的贵族中学,排名全球第一。



There are numerous differences between Chinese and American university education, many of us may think the campus life of American college students are free and easy to deal with. But according to the experiment of a lot of overseas student,the campus life there can be described briefly as “free but not easy”.The meaning of free is quite clear, and as we often see in American movies, college students there live a life almost independently. Many of them endeavor to make money to support their living expenses or even pay for their tuitions,so we can often hear about their busying doing part-time job, no matter what social status their families have. That’s totally different from the situation in China, where most students who try to find part-time job to earn money are those from poor families. The independence is not only shown in this way, the other evidence is that no one will supervise their study, which way they choose to learn and which life style to live in all depend on themselves. They have academic advisors, who will give suggestions on curriculum choosing, requirement of each professor and so on. They can also offer help about kinds of problems in life. Unlike us, they don’t have a “class” in which everyone has to take almost the same curriculum and always be together.In America, those who take the same course at the same time is called a “class”, as their classes are temporary, it’s impossible to assign a head teacher to a class, so it’s impossible to get someone to supervise students’ study. Furthermore, most student live in flat off campus from the second year of college, the freedom is further expanded. Those all make up the free system of American campus life, the students are those who should take responsible of taking good care of themselves and catching up with their study without deans or head teachers.Under this system, it ’s inevitable that some students lack the ability of self-control may result in poor academic performance, but that’s the result of competition, and to some extent, it helps the universities choose eligible students from the crowds.The discussions in American universities are also free. Everyone can cast a doubt on the speech of the professors, and debating is not limited in the students, students can refute the viewpoints of professors, and the professors can also challenge the authority of superior scholars.This pattern of learning independently reflects the respect of freedom and independence of American people, and now it’s attracting a large number of scholars come to America to study.Otherwise, on the other side of freedom, studying in an America university is anything but an easy one. The secret of keeping a benignacademic atmosphere in American universities is that the qualifications of graduation are strictly required, for those students whose academic performances are poor, it’s very h ard to get the diplomas.The teaching system of America universities and colleges is divided into two stages of fundamental courses and specialized courses, each course has its credits, and each specialized course requires the finishing of certain fundamental courses, only after finishing assigned basic classes, can students step into the study of specialized courses, this is resemble the system of Chinese universities. Students can discuss about the plan of study with the advisors, and then the advisors will give a schedule that fit the students’ condition and demand.Once admitted, students engage in undergraduate study, which consists of satisfying university and class requirements to achieve a bachelor's degree in a field of concentration known as a major. Students have to pass all the required courses to get enough credits if they want to get the bachelor’s degree.Almost every professor will give a long bibliography on the very first day of the class, students need to try to get those books on the list and read some parts of them before taking class. Because it ’s nearly impossible to get a satisfactory grade if you don ’t read those books recommended by the professors, even this is an elective task and is really hard to finish so much reading, students in America still try their best to read the booksand get the information the professors want them to obtain. While in China, most students will not do any additional reading because it will not affect the final exam grade. Take my friends Anne as an example, she is a sophomore in an American university .Each semester, they have to read a lot of books and write kinds of essays, but she seldom read the books recommended by the professors because she think it ’s useless, all she need to do is working harder when the final test period comes. After one year ’s study, she failed in three subjects. She has to go back sc hool during the vacation to take the make-up examinations, and the examinations are very difficult. Now she starts to aware of the importance of additional reading, those preview materials can not only help students comprehend the lectures, but also broaden the scope of knowledge.It’s easier to get a high grade in China as many teachers may emphasize the points which will be tested and the knowledge involved in tests is usually within the textbooks. I think the way American professors used to encourage students to learn more by themselves ensures the benign study atmosphere and cultivates the students’ self-learning ability. Many Chinese students find that the universities of America are really not suitable places to “hang around” after they study aboard. A huge number of projects, reading reports, researches are indispensible part of the campus life, and the tests always need not only careful review butalso reading books on the bibliography diligently.When we talk about campus life, extracurricular activity is a part we can’t ignore. American people clearly know how to enjoy life and how to enrich their life, and so do their university students.There are kinds of student clubs in every university, some of them are established for academic purpose, and others are merely for fun. They have academic clubs that students who are interested in a specific subject can join others to discussion and share their opinions,such as astronomy club, physical club, botanical club and so on. Other clubs are for entertainment purpose, like music club or movie clubs. Every student will take part in one or more clubs according to their interests, that gives them opportunities to make friends share the same interest and relax themselves.Most American people are care about their physical health, and most university students except those bookworms enjoy some kinds of sports. Every day after class, if the weather condition permits, the sports grounds are always full of people. There are usually tennis fields, swimming pool, and many other sport facilities in campus, and it ’s often accessible to every student. Sports are important to university students, and in American universities, of all the sports, rugby, baseball and basketball attract the most popularity, every year in America, there willbe national competitions of those sports and every school will hold kinds of matches.When university students are trying to figure out how to spend their vacations, American students mainly choose three kinds of things to kill their time.The first one is very universal, to earn some money by taking a part-time job. As many American students try to become independent after they become adults, the necessity of economic independence is highly respected. They won’t waste this vacant and will attempt to get enough money to support their next semester’s living expense and tuition. The second one is travelling, which is similar to Chinese. They often travel alone and the expense in the journey comes from the money they earn by taking part-time jobs. They value travelling a lot as they think travelling can broaden their horizon and enrich the life expiries. Learning foreign languages during vacations is also popular among students. Nowadays, more and more students try to acquire one or two foreign languages, French, German and Latin are the most popular ones. Some students are able to speak more than three foreign languages, and the ability to speak foreign languages is becoming a symbol of decent status.In conclusion, the campus life of America is quite different from ours, many significant characters of American culture are reflected in itscampus life. Independence is highly respected here, academic atmosphere is free, open and benign, all of these along with the diversity of extracurricular activities make American university education one of the most successful in the world. That’swhy numerous students are always dreaming about studying in America,and a lot of scholars are attracted to the U.S every year.王冉08 统计学2 班20222448。



































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中西方校园文化差异精编W O R D版IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】中西方校园文化差异Chineseandwesterncampusculturedifferences抚松一中一年一班研究性学习英语小组指导教师:王长青幻灯片制作:范馨元、颜子惠、张伟琦、江虹儒、宿桐、秦培妍、黄露萱资料收集:李文静、田芳雪、赵伟编辑:李长晟、孙雨禾、王倩茹、贾雯涵2015年6月内容摘要:校园文化是以学生为主体,以课外文化活动为主要内容,亦策善能的校园文化建设,以校园为主要空间,涵盖院校领导、教职工在内,以校园精神为主要特征的一种群体文化.其中最能体现校园文化本质内容的是校园风气或校园精神。

Campus culture in his student as the main body, in the cultural activities as the main content and also strategy is good to the construction of campus culture, campus as the main space, school leadership, teachers, in the spirit of campus culture as the main characteristics of a group. One of the most can reflect the essential content of campus culture is the campus culture and campus spirit.本小组将从以下(1)——(6)六个方面对中西方校园文化差异进行研究,通过这次研究学习,我们对西方文化有了更好的了解,对我国校园文化也有了更深入的认识。


一、精神文化差异(1)办学宗旨(a)高级中学西方中学:伊顿公学(Eton College)坐落在伦敦20英里的温莎小镇,是英国最着名的贵族中学,排名全球第一。






































(b)大学西方大学:哈佛大学(Harvard University),简称哈佛,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,是着名的常春藤盟校成员。





































