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[Abstract] Objective To study the reasons of red blood cell spillover in thrombocytapheresis by MCS+type blood cell separator. Methods 15 blood donors with red blood cell spillover were selected as the observation group,while 20 blood donors without red blood cell spillover were selected as the control group in synchronization of our blood center.To analyze the reasons of red blood cell spillover and to compare the blood cell count of RBC,Hb,Hct,MCV,MCH and MCHC and etc between the two groups. Results It was found by detection that,the various blood cell counts were lower in observation group than which in control group,the differences was statically significant(P<0.05).It was found by statistics the reasons of red blood cell spillover were that,the various blood cell counts of MCV,MCH and MCHC were lower in 11 blood donors than normal persons,there were 2 cases in psychentonia and 2 cases in fat blood. Conclusion The red blood cell spillover which caused by much reasons could influence the platelet quality and delay the rescue of patients.To select the qualified blood donors through the plasma-derived,the physical examination,the chemical examination and the acquisition in each link,to remissive and reduce the incidence,to improve the platelet quality,in order to guarantee the transfusion safety.

[Key words] MCS+type blood cell separator;Improve the platelet quality;Reasons of red blood cell spillover



1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

机采室2011年12月~2013年12月出现的15例机采血小板发生冲红现象的献血者,将其作为观察组,其中男9例,女6例,年龄22~51岁,平均(36.7±10.5)岁;选取20例同期于我站献血未冲红的献血员作为对照组,其中男12例,女8例,年龄23~52岁,平均(37.3±11.2)岁。两组献血者在性别、年龄等一般资料上比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。献血员标准[5-6]:(1)符合《献血者健康检查要求》2011年新国标;(2)血小板表1 观察组与对照组的血细胞计数对比()

组别n RBC(×1012/L)Hb(g/L)HCT(L/L)MCV(fL)MCH(pg)MCHC(g/L)

观察组15 4.45±0.89 133.3±10.4 0.401±0.035 77.3±5.03 23.92±3.83 310.20±23.50

对照组20 5.21±0.60 146.1±24.1 0.45±0.07 90.1±2.50 29.3±1.80 342.00±11.00

t 3.019 2.130 2.711 9.053 5.039 4.86

P <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

(PLT)采集前计数≥150×109/L,Hb 120~180g/L,红细胞压积(HCT)≥0.36,RBC计数(3.8~5.5)×1012/L,WBC计数(4.0~10.0)×109/L;(3)体重≥50kg,采集间隔时间≥2周;(4)捐献血小板前禁服阿斯匹林等药物。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 仪器与试剂MCS型血细胞分离机由美国Heamontics公司提供,并配套其相应的一次性耗材,抗凝剂则由费森尤斯卡比(广州)医疗用品有限公司提供。

1.2.2 检测方法分别抽取观察组、对照组静脉血2mL血样,在相同条件下用BC-2800迈瑞血细胞计数仪对两组血液样本进行检测。血小板采集:MCS+血小板分离机选择PLT采集规程,全血与抗凝剂的比例控制在11∶1,全血流速(采血与回输速度)80mL/min。

1.3 观察指标[7-8]
