南通大学国际商务谈判简答期末考试 通大二手
商务谈判问答题南通大学石峰1.what is about business negotiation?(PPT)Bussiness is an activity between two or more parties who confer together in order to reach a satisfying purpose2.Fundamental Elements of Negotiation(PPT)Negotiator :Those who are engaged in negotiation.On-table/off-table negotiator Negotiating topic :Specific problems that should be discussed Topic should be common interestNegotiating: background objective condition of negotiationincluding Environment/organization/staff background3.please explain the contents for “soft negotiation”,“hard negotiation”and “principal negotiation”(PPT)(1)soft negotiation considers opponent as friend, emphasis to build mutual good relations ,strengthen mutual understanding and Friendly consultations(2)hard negotiation considers the opponent as enemy ,pay more attention to the stand position rather than interests gain, focus to willpower test so as to impose self position on the other.(3)principal negotiation is value negotiation ,it strengthens fair value and fair principle derived from Harvard negotiation technique4.what are the main tasks for the 3 stages of negotiation respectively?(13) (1)pre-negotiation The main issue here is to define the problem to be jointly solved for it .environmental factors and information collection are two main task during this stage(2)face to face negotiation①Introducing team members②Discussing agenda③five phase will proceed:A exploration 探索/试探B bidding 报价/招标C bargaining 讨价还价D settling & ratify 搞定/认可(3)post—negotiation the main thing at this phase is to review and confirm the agreement and result of talks on each issue so that no ambiguity of understanding exists. Also wrapping up includes follow-up work for future.5.what are the approaches you can use to attract immediate attention?(36)①arouse curiosity by asking a question related to your talk②say something humorous③start off with an interesting news itemopen with the impact of a profound quotation ④.⑤open with a simple explanation of how your topic affects the common interests of the listeners⑥start off with a shocking statement6.what are the alternatives that you may use on how to answer when questioned?(40)①Leaving the other person with the assumption that he has been answered②Answering incompletely.③Answering inaccurately.④Leaving the other person without the desire to pursue the questioning process further.A.give a “nothing”answere humour in answering questions.C.do not answer7.what are the requirements for the chief negotiator ?(57)(1)He must exercise a high degree of self-control and keep the team on track under trying circumstances.(2)The chief negotiator should be able to use the specialization of each member to its maximum advantage.(3)The chief negotiator's greatest skill is the ability to deal with pressure from a variety of directions.(4)Candidates for chief negotiator should also be technically astute with regard to both the company's products and modern day information technology.8.what are the advantages and disadvantages of single negotiator ?(58)Advantage:(1)to prevent the opposer from aiming questions at the weaker members of the team or creating disagreement among team members;(2)to prevent from placing complete responsibility on one person;(3)to prevent the weakening of stated positions through differences of opinion between team members(4)avoid making on-the-spot decisions.disadvantage:(1)it has a very high level requirement of the negotiator.(2)It needs the negotiator to keep a close eye on everything of the other party, to familiarize with every field that relate to the negotiation and at the same time to be alert enough to put forward quick responses to a scheme.(3)Especially when the other party send in some experts, it's really hard for a single one to manage all on his own.9.what are The advantages and disadvantages of team negotiations?(59) Advantage:(1) it would use a number of people with different technical backgrounds who can correct misstatements of fact;(2) it enables a pooling of judgments and planning in advance;(3) it presents the other side with a large opposition.Disadvantage:(1)with a big team, it is rather difficult to control and the weak member is very easy to pick out by the other party and they will attack individually.(2)Many members in a team will interfere with the negotiation efficiency.(3)The chief negotiator will be placed complete responsibility(4)They need to make on-the-spot decisions10.what are the desireable target,the acceptable target and the bottomtarget(79)(1)the desirable target is what we wish to attain but in reality rarely reach。
《商务谈判》期末考试试卷(A卷笔试/闭卷/)班级:学号:姓名:一、简答题(每小题10分,共50分)1.简述商务谈判的基本原则2 商务谈判的主要特征是什么?3.简述成功谈判的心理策略4.简述谈判的心理禁忌5. 商务谈判中产生心理挫折的原因二、案例分析题(50分)美国加州一家机械厂的老板哈罗德准备出售他的3台更新下来的机床,有一家公司闻讯前来洽购。
试题A参考答案1. 简述商务谈判的基本原则法制原则、平等互利原则、求同原则、诚实守信的原则。
2 商务谈判的主要特征是什么?1)普遍性 -----商务谈判是实现企业购销交易的必由之路。
一、名词解释(四题中选三题,每题5分, 共计15分。
2. 价格解释:在对方报价完毕之后,不急于还价,而是要求对方对其价格的构成、报价依据、计算的基础以及方式方法等作出详细的解释,即所谓的价格解释。
3. 谈判实力:指影响谈判双方在谈判过程中的相互关系、地位和谈判的最终结果的各种因素的总和,以及这些因素对谈判各方的有利程度。
4. 互惠式谈判:是谈判双方都要认定自身需要和对方的需要,然后双方共同探讨满足彼此需要的一切有效途径与办法。
5. 全能型专家:“全能”,是指一名商务谈判人员通晓技术、商务、法律和语言,涵盖商务谈判中的各种纵横向的知识,“专家”即指于某一方面具有专长。
6. 进取型对手:进取型对手以对别人和对谈判局势施加影响为满足。
7. SWOT分析方法:SWOT是一种分析方法,用来确定企业本身的竞争优势(strength),竞争劣势(weakness),机会(opportunity)和威胁(threat),从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机结合。
8. 谈判方案:是指在谈判开始以前对谈判目标、谈判议程、谈判策略预先作的安排。
二、判断题(每小题1分,共计10分)判断下列命题正误,正确的在其题干后的括号内打"√",错误的打"╳" 。
商务谈判期末测试题及参照答案(满分 100 分)姓名班级学号专业分数一、选择题( 1*15=15 分)1、以下对商务谈判认识最精选项是()A 是两人以上的讲话B 是解决难题的一种方式C是一种社交手段 D 就一种交流方式2、人们因为吃亏而产生不公正感时,其除去的方法是()A 扩大自己的所获B 增大对方所获C 减少对方所获D 减少自己贡献3、“黑箱”“白箱”“灰箱”区分的标准是()A 外界事物的察觉与控制程度B 未知世界的认识程度C 已知世界的认识程度D 将来世界的认识程度4、你以为谈判双方是一种什么样的关系()A 同等合作B 以竞争为主的合作C 高度竞争D 敌对的较量5、在交易中,比较适用和方便的信息获取方式是()A 案头检查B 直接检查C 购置检查D 有特意机构供给的付费检查6、俄罗斯人告诉你,他同时与你和你的竞争敌手谈判,并要求你降廉价钱,你的做法是()A 赞同B 想法挤走竞争敌手C 拒绝在价钱上退步D 在其余方面做出退步7、在商务谈判中“人身攻击”不一样于“情绪论”主若是因为()A 高出了道德界线B 利用人们情绪变化来影响谈判结果C 是对方处于困境而妥协D 利用对方生理缺点限制造成己方优势8、在谈判中碰到棘手的问题你是怎么办理的()A 采纳灵巧的变通方法B 给对方施加压力C 坚持立场原则D 向上司报告9、你以为冒险型谈判者的心理特色是()A 追求挑战,独出心裁B 过于看厚利益C 追求惊人、绚烂的业绩D 盲目、傲慢10、润滑策略的实质是()A 加深互相理解B 改良交易关系C保持常常联系 D 增进双方友谊11、在异国文化背景的谈判中,谈判双方关系和睦主要取决于()A 对不一样文化和风俗的理解与尊敬 B 学会并效仿对方的风俗C 拥有同样的崇奉和宗教D 个人关系的成立12、疲惫战术合用于哪些谈判者()A 性情焦躁,性分外向B 性格内向,反响愚钝C 思疑论者D 富裕忍受力,不易生气13、假如在谈判中,对方使用了有限权益策略,你的反响是()A 指出他为自己找借口B 相信他说的是真的C仔细检查,研究其权益范围 D 不论它14、合同调停与仲裁的特色是()A 调停无效,进行仲裁B 先行仲裁,而后调停C调停是上方矛盾私下解决 D 仲裁时经过法律程序解决15、合同双方当事人的签约资格是指()A 签约人是公司的法人代表B 拥有法人出具的受权书C具备上述两点 D 公司部门的负责人二、填空题( 2*10=20 分),每空 2 分。
试卷一第一部分选择题一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每题1分,共15分) 1.按谈判中双方所采取的的态度,可以将谈判分为立场型谈判、原则型谈判和(A)B.集体谈判C.横向谈判D.投资谈判2.在商务谈判中,双方地位平等是指双方在__上的平等。
( BC.财务人员D.技术人员4.市场信息的语言组织结构包括文字式结构和__结构。
(BC.表格式D.组合式5.根据谈判者让步的程度,谈判风格可分为软弱型模式、强有力模式和( A)B.对立型模式C.温和型模式D.中立型模式6.在国际商务谈判中,有两种典型的报价战术,即西欧式报价和(B报价C.东欧式报价D.中东式报价7.在缺乏谈判经验的情况下,进行一些较为陌生的谈判,谈判人员应采取_____的让步方式。
(B C.风险性D.不平衡8.商务谈判中,作为摸清对方需要,掌握对方心理的手段是(A)B.听C.看D.说9.谈判中的讨价还价主要表达在___上。
(DD.辩10.谈判中最为纷繁多变,也是经常发生破裂的阶段是谈判(B)C.协议期D.后期11.国际商务谈判中,非人员风险主要有政治风险、自然风险和(B)C.经济风险D.素质风险12.谈判中,双方互赠礼品时,西方人较为重视礼物的意义和(D D.感情价值13.谈判中以与别人保持良好关系为满足的谈判心理属于是(B)C.权力型D. 自我型14.英国人的谈判风格一般表现为( C )D.有优越感15.日本人的谈判风格一般表现为( D )D.集团意识强二、多项选择题(本大题共11小题,每题1分,共11分) 16.关于国际货物买卖的国际惯例主要有(ABD)A.《国际贸易术语解释通则》B.《华沙--牛津规则》C.《海牙规则》D.《美国1941年修订的国际贸易定义》17.还盘的具体方法有(CD)C.请求重新发盘D.修改发盘18.对谈判人员素质的培养包括( BCD )C.企业的培养D.自我培养19.国际经济贸易活动中解决争端的普遍的、基本的方式是( BC )A.第三方协调B.仲裁C.诉讼D.贸易报复20.谈判信息传递的基本方式有( ABD )A.明示方式B.暗示方式C.广告方式D.意会方式21.谈判议程的内容包括( BCC.确定谈判议题D.确定谈判人员22.进行报价解释时必须遵循的原则是( ABCD )A.不问不答B.有问必答C.避实就虚D.能言不书23.迫使对方让步的主要策略有( ABD )A.利用竞争B.最后通牒C.撤出谈判D.软硬兼施24.选择自己所在单位作为谈判地点的优势有( CD )A.便于侦察对方B.容易寻找借口C.易向上级请示汇报D.方便查找资料与信息25.谈判中迂回入题的方法有( AB )A.从题外语入题B.从自谦入题C.从确定议题入题D.从询问对方交易条件入题26.国际商务谈判中的市场风险具体有( BCD )A.投资风险B.利率风险C.汇率风险D.价格风险第二部分非选择题三、判断改错题(本大题共10小题,每题2分,共20分)判断以下命题正误,正确的在其题干后的括号内打"√",错误的打"╳",并改正。
商务谈判试卷 A (开卷) 一、填空(15分,每空1分) 1、谈判的基本要素包括: 、 和谈判背景。
2、按商务谈判所在分,商务谈判分为: 、 、 。
3、商务谈判的程序包括: 、 和履约阶段。
4、货物买卖谈判的内容分为: 、商务部分和 。
5、商务谈判中的僵局产生的原因通常有: 、 、 、 等。
6、谈判终结的判断通常考虑三方面: 、时机是否成熟 。
二、判断分析题 (30分 要求先判断再分析) 1、谈判是智慧的较量和利益与行为的协调。
南通大学卖书买书换书联系我们微信公众号ntu-ershou二手书交易中心传递旧书分享知识资源有限服务无限一:T】Negotiation depends on communication.T】In a good negotiation, everybody wins something.T】Both sides should try to understand each other’s point of view before making a decision.F】There is such case as "take it or leave it” in international business. F】In the bidding stage each is negotiating towards the best advantage. F】The stages of the negotiation always follow one another in sequence. T】When negotiating, representatives or negotiators represent their own but often others’ interest.F】Being close or friendly with the other side may bring about the best outcome.T】International negotiations often require the use of translators to attain this goal.T】When counterparts are speaking, negotiators should look at them but not the translators.二:F】(1) The assumptions are true pictures of the world, they needn’t to be verified.T】(2) A good listener will hear out the other person before passing judgment and framing rebuttals.F】(3) When you didn’t hear something clearly, you couldn’t interrupt and ask the speaker to repeat, because this would make him or her angry. T】(4) The end of a talk is important because people remember best. F】(5) Most people speak in too low a pitch, especially when they get excited.T】(6) You can control and command a negotiation by proper use of questions.F】(7) When you are questioned, don’t say you lack knowledge about something in order not to lose face.F】(8) During the negotiation, try to smile at your opponents as much as possible.F】(9) Facial gestures can convey a more accurate assessment of your emotional state than other body movements.T】(10)Someone who likes you or your discussion will lean forward slightly in a relaxed manner with the back a little curved.三:F】1). During the negotiation, you should give your best offer at once. T】2). You should ask your audience form time to time for question and comment when you give your presentation.T】3). It is quite important to keep the negotiating team as small as possible.F】4). The negotiator’s job is to minimize the long-term benefits of the venture to secure short-term needs. (maximize)T】5). The chief negotiator must be a decision maker who can keep everyone satisfied without being distracted from the pre-established priorities.F】6). Experts can participate as negotiating members without being trained. (can’t)F】7). The key to successful negotiation is that our side should win. (both sides)T】8). A good negotiator demands not only the keenness of wit but also a high degree of sympathy with the party on the other side of the negotiating table.T】9). A better negotiator can improve personal and professional profitability.F】10). The same team should be kept throughout the negotiation. (There is no need to )四:T】1) Those informal negotiations don’t need an agenda.F】2) It’s better for the host company to impose the agenda at the start of the meeting.F】3) The visitors should propose an agenda.T】4) Budgeting an extra day prior to meetings is a worth investment. T】5) Good international flight can mean acuity at the negotiating table. F】6) It is wise to invite a Chinese company to the U.S. during the Lunar New Year period for negotiation. (unwise)T】7) An agenda can be presented by one side or prepared by both sides. T】8) Social events are a continuation of the negotiations.F】9) Learning to deal with the objective of negotiation is to keep them rigid. (fluid)T】10) Issues for negotiation are the things on which one side takes an affirmative position and the other a negative position.F】11) A majority of negotiators find it more comfortable and more constructive to use a rectangular table. (round table)F】12) Negotiators shouldn’t st art off the meeting with completely irrelevant topic.五:F】1). If one team is too aggressive, it is very necessary for another team to respond in the same way.T】2) Negotiations may fail for a variety of reasons such as competitors offering a better deal, problems seeming too difficult to solve, personalities clashing and negotiating clashing.F】 3) In order to sort out the solutions, both parties should keep sight of the main objectives and maintain a negative tone. (positive tone)T】4) Sometimes you need to keep the overall objective in mind, and make concessions to maintain a positive tone.T】5) The open bids should be the highest defensible and be put firmly, clearly without apology or hesitation.F】6) There are three guidelines to the way in which a bid should be presented: firmly, clearly and with comment. (without comment)T】7) There are two ways we can influence the deal. One is to influence the negotiator; the other is to influence the situation.F】8) To some extent first bid is less influential than responsive bid. F (more )F】9) A low bid gives scope for manoeuvre during the later bargaining phases. (high)T】10) It’s necessary to summarize, produce a written record and to identify action needs and responsibilities at the end of the negotiation. 六:T】1) Recessing is a profitable device for both parties.T】2) Setting deadlines could help briskness and the concentration of energy.F】3) It is not necessary that the parties be in agreement as to the language and terms of the deal before its closure. (should be in agreement as to …)T】4) Whether we like it or not, there are places where lubrication is practical.F】5) The implications for the negotiation of having a deadline are negative. (positive )T】6) The Golf Club and the study group are useful in team negotiations. F】7) Only one side has the chance to close the deal and the more proactive the decision maker is, the greater the chance of controlling the process he’ll get.(both sides have the chance to…)T】8) Declining the deal must be done with the greatest diplomacy because the potential for future dealings is very important.F】9) The Golf Club is for the team leaders to agree to meet formally in some environment which encourages mutual trust and openness. (informally)F】10) When the negotiations between teams get bogged down, it is useless to set up a sub-group. (helpful to set up…)七:T】1)We must always aspire high in our strategic thinking.F】2) For a quick deal, we don’t need to have very precise targets, and very clear views about the extent to which we could compromise. (we need to have …)F】3) The first thing you need to do in dealing with a difficult person isto control that person’s behavior but not to control your own. (not to control that person’s behavior but to control your own)T】4) It is imperative that good negotiators know how to both manage and express anger appropriately.T】5)Conflict can provide us with new information about a situation. F】6) In the middle of a negotiation it is sometimes ineffective to substitute a new team leader. (effective)T】7) In the strategy of reversal, you act in opposition to what may be considered to be the popular trend or goal.F】8) It is desirable that each negotiator should negotiate in a style foreign to him which reflects his strengths. (a style foreign to him will only expose his weakness)T】9) Core values are powerful because they generate feelings, thoughts and behavior. They are deeply held values that govern how you behave across a great many situations.F】10) Effective negotiators accept that they are human----not perfect----and they turn their mistakes into learning opportunities. Therefore, they have a longer recovery time before returning to full effectiveness. (shorter)八:F】1) The win-lose strategy is the best that every negotiator can pursue. F】2) An experienced negotiator talks much and rarely pauses to listen. T】3) Persons who firmly maintain the desired objectives to the end can get the best deal.T】4) Without information, you can’t make effective strategies and tactics.F】5) Quotation is an indication of price with contractual obligation. F】6) Arbitration is just amicable consultation between the seller and the buyer.T】7) The first step in most successful sales negotiation is effective planning.F】8) Once your plan is made, you needn’t modify it.T】9) Your targets should not be exposed to your counterpart at the beginning of a negotiation.F】10)When designing strategies, you should only think about your strengths without taking care of your weaknesses.九:T】(1)every international sales or purchase contract should provide for four basic terms:A. the description of the goods in terms of type, quantity and qualityB.the time of deliveryC. The priceD.The time and means of paymentF】(2)Cultural issues are not the decisive factors in the negotiation, so you needn’t be sensitive to the other party’s cultureF】(3)During the negotiation, you can gain some advantage by criticizing the politics and religion in your counterpart’s countryT】(4)the more definitive the terms, the fewer the disputesT】(5)You’d better review and understand every term before you sign a contractF】(6)A contract legally binding when a party has drafted itF】(7) A party can alter the contract without other party’s consentF】(8)litigation is the best means of dispute settlement, for the expense is relatively lowF】(9)if a mediator develops solutions, both contract parties must accept them.T】(10)in some countries, all contracts with their nationals must be subject to their laws。
国际商务谈判简答题1. International Business Negotiation refers to the process in which parties negotiate with each other on business activities in different countries or regions through information exchange in order to reach a certain transaction.国际商务谈判是指当事人通过信息交流,就不同国家或者地区的商务活动进行谈判,以达成某种交易的过程。
(1) Common Characteristics i n General Trade Negotiations.①goal: Taking economic benefit as the purpose of negotiation②Index: Taking economic i nterest as the main evaluation index of negotiation③core: Price as the core of negotiation(2)Particularities of International Business Negotiations①International business negotiation is not only a negotiation of a transaction, but also a foreign-related activity with strong policy-type.②We should act in accordance with international conventions.③International business negotiation involves a wide range of factors and the factors affecting the negotiation are complex and diverse.国际商务谈判具有一般贸易谈判的共性:1 goal: 以经济利益为谈判的目的(economic benefit)2 index: 以经济利益作为谈判的主要评价指标(economic interest)3 core: 以价格作为谈判的核心(price)国际商务谈判的特殊性:1 国际商务谈判既是一笔交易的商洽,也是一项涉外活动,具有较强的政策性。
由通大TD二手书交易中心整理发布买书卖书处理废品联系我们!微信公众号ntu-ershou1 What’s about business negotiationA :Generally speaking: Negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we needSo we defies “negotiation” an activity between two or more parties who confer together in order to reach a satisfying purpose ”2、What are the fundamental elements of negotiation?A: The Fundamental Elements of Negotiation are Negotiator, Negotiating topic and Negotiating background.Negotiator: Those who are engaged in negotiation.On-table/off-table negotiatorNegotiating topic: Specific problems that should be discussedTopic should be common interestNegotiating background: Objective condition of negotiationEnvironment/organization/staff background 3、Please explain the features, disadvantage and advantage of soft negotiation, hard and principled negotiation respectively? A:①soft negotiation:Features: 1、To consider opponent as friend, emphasis to build mutual good relations ,strengthen mutual understanding and Friendly consultations2、The power of one party is inferior toanother’s;or both parties had been making friends for many years; to take effort to pursue the long-term of interestsAdvantage: Easy to approach agreement ,high efficiency, maintain and strengthen the bilateral relationDisadvantage: Blindly compromise and concessions to give the opponent opportunity②hard negotiation:Features:To consider the opponent as enemy ,pay more attention to the stand position rather than interests gain, focus to willpower test so as to impose self position on the other.Advantage: much more pressure imposed on theopponent ,to promote the agreementDisadvantage:Easy to cause deadlock and lead to failure of performing agreement and maintaining the long-term cooperation.③principled negotiation:Features: To negotiate based on equalityAdvantage: To separate the people from the problemDisadvantage: To insist on using objective criteria4. Please explain the three stages of business negotiation?A:The three Stages of business negotiation are Pre-negotiation, Face-to-face negotiation and Post-negotiation.The pre-negotiantion stage:.environmental factors and information collection are two main task during this stage.The Face-to-face negotiation stage:1)Introducing team members2)Discussing agenda3)five phase will proceed:• A exploration B bidding C bargainingD settling & ratifyThe Post-negotiation stage:In a word, the main thing at this phase is to review and confirm the agreement and result of talks on each issue so that no ambiguity of understanding exists. Also wrapping up includes follow-up work for future.5.what are the approaches you can use to attract attentionA:⏹①arouse curiosity by asking a question related to yourtalk⏹② say something humorous⏹③ start off with an interesting news item⏹④ begin with a specific illustration or case, which tends tolend an air of seriousness and reality to your talk⏹⑤ open with the impact of a profound quotation⏹⑥show a visual illustration of your main points, whichcan be either a chart, picture or item related to your talk⏹⑦ open with a simple explanation of how your topic affectsthe common interests of the listeners⏹⑧ start off with a shocking statement⏹⑨ casually comment on something that has just happenedor been said at the meeting if it ties into your presentation 6.What are the alternatives that you may use on how to answer when questioned?A:① Leaving the other person with the assumption that he hasbeen answered②Answering incompletely.③ Answering inaccurately.④Leaving the other person without the desire to pursue thequestioning process further.7、What kind of requirements must be needed for the chief negotiator?A: Generally speaking the chief negotiator must meet the following requirements:①He must exercise a high degree of self-control and keep theteam on track under trying circumstances.②The chief negotiator should be able to use the specialization ofeach member to its maximum advantage.③The chief negotiator’s greatest skill is the ability to deal withpressure from a variety of directions.④Candidates for chief negotiator should also be technicallyastute with regard to both the company’s products and modern day information technology.8、What are the advantage for individual negotiation ?A: The advantages of a single negotiator might be:①to prevent the opposer from aiming questions at theweaker members of the team or creating disagreementamong team members;②to prevent from placing complete responsibility on oneperson;③to prevent the weakening of stated positions throughdifferences of opinion between team membersto avoid making on-the-spot decisions.9. What are the disadvantage and advantage for teamnegotiation respectivelya team might be best because①it would use a number of people with different technicalbackgrounds who can correct misstatements of fact;② it enables a pooling of judgments and planning in advance;③ it presents the other side with a large opposition.But with a big team, it is rather difficult to control and the weak member is very easy to pick out by the other party and they will attack individually. Many members in a team will interfere with the negotiation efficiency. So keep the negotiation team as small as possible. And this will result in a favorable position in the negotiation.10、What are the desirable target, acceptable target and bottom target?A: The desirable target is what we wish to attain but in reality rarely reach. It serves two purposes in negotiations:setting a potential goal for negotiators to strive for and leaving room for bargaining in negotiations.The acceptable target is what we make all efforts to achieve. If we take advantage of their power and strength, and manage the negotiations skillfully, the acceptable target is attainable and very often can be gained.The bottom target is what we will defend and safeguard with all our might. Unless the bottom target is met, we would block further discussion and announce failure of negotiations. In other words, we would never give up the targets or benefits and there is no room to bargain.11·12、What are the advantages and disadvantages for host venue, guest venue?A: The general rule that you do better at home is not surprising. Scientific research indicates that you will do best in a negotiation when you are at your home office and the other party is in unfamiliar territory.The host venue has the following advantages:①it enables you to get the approval that may be necessary onproblems that you did not anticipate;②it prevents the other side from concluding the negotiationprematurely and leaving, which he might do if he is in hisown office;③you can take care of other matters and have your ownfacilities available while you are handling the negotiation;④it gives you the psychological advantage of having the otherside come to you;⑤it saves you money and traveling time.The guest venue has the following advantages:①you can devote your full time to the negotiation without thedistractions and interruptions that your office may produce;②you can withhold information, stating that it is notimmediately available;③you might have the option of going over your opposer’s head tosomeone in his higher management;④the burden of preparation is on the opposer and he is not freefrom other duties.13、Why do we should set the “ highest ” defensible bidding as seller?A: The opening bid needs to be “the highest” because:①The opening bid sets a limit beyond which we cannot desire.Once made, we cannot normally put in a higher bid at a later stage②Our first bid influences others in their valuation of our offer③A high bid gives scope for manoeuvre during the laterbargaining phases④The opening bid has a real influence on the final settlementlevel. The higher we set the more we shall achieveThe opening bid needs to be high. At the same time it must be defensible.The bidding side should not only seek to his own advantage but also take the acceptable possibility of the other side into consideration14、Please explain the advantage and disadvantage of the first bid.A: The advantages are associated with the establishment of influence. Most people take the first bid to be a good idea.To some extent first bid is more influential than responsive bid. The first bid confines the bargaining into a special frame of the first bid so as to reach a more favorable agreementA disadvantage is that when a party hears another party’s opening bid, they can then make some final adjustment in their own thinking. A new element of information is provided about regarding a party’s starting point, providing modification to their own bidding to gain fresh advantage.Another disadvantage is that others may try to concentrate onattacking our bid, trying to drive us down and down without giving us any information about their own position.15、What’s the basic principle that govern concessions in bargain stage?A: The basic principles that govern concessions in bargaining are:①A concession by one party must be matched by a concession ofthe other party②It’s better for the pace of concession to be as little as possibleand the frequency of concession to be slow. What’s more the pace of concession must be similar as between the two parties.③A party should trade their concessions to their own advantage,doing their best to give the other party plenty of satisfaction even if concessions are small④A party must help the other party to see each of theirconcessions as being significant⑤Move at a measured pace towards the projected settlementpoint⑥Reserve concessions until they are needed.16、How do you break the impasse?A: In general, there are nine ways to break the impasse:①keep it fluid②seeking easy escape routes③use time breaks either as recesses within a particularnegotiation meeting or as breaks between meetings④look to bringing in third party arbitrators or even third partychairmen to control further negotiation.⑤to move out of the negotiating arena into some ambience inwhich informal discussion can take place⑥to make some changes on the team⑦bring in the bosses from back home⑧to insist on argument⑨never compromise17、What are the characteristics of the final offer toward the settlement?A: Characteristics of the final offer are:1)It should not be made too soon2)It must be big enough to symbolize closure3)Negotiating to our advantage demand the last halfpenny4)give him that satisfaction18、what time do we use the recess during negotiation?A: We can use the recess during negotiation in the following time:①at the end of a phase in the negotiations;②before issue identification;③when nearing an impasse;④team maintenance needs;⑤breaking a trough.19、What is the recommended procedure to get a recess?A: They are following:⑥state the need for a recess;⑦summarize and look forward;⑧agree on the duration of the recess;⑨avoid fresh issues.20、What are the evaluation standards of business negotiation? A:1)Realization degree of the business negotiation objectives;2)Negotiating efficiency;3)The personal relationship after negotiatingTo sum up , a successful negotiation must be one in which both sides’ needs are met.21、How do we restart the meeting after recess?A:1)A few moments of ice-breaking, as we again attune ourwavelengths;2)Re-state the progress made on agreed plan;3)Confirm rest of agreed plan or suggest/agree changes to it;4)Re-opening statements, defining positions and interests as theyare now perceived and paving the way to further creative development.22 what are the steps of business negotiation summaryA:1) review the negotiating process and go over the minute2) analyze and evaluate the negotiating3) give suggestions of improvement4) write the summary report23、How do you deal with the difficult people and difficult situation?A: In general, there are seven things one needs to do in dealing with the difficult people and difficult situation.①developing self-control②accurate diagnosis③knowing one’s core values④appropriate anger management⑤role selection⑥doing the unexpected⑦resiliency24、What kind of benefits would conflict lead to?A: if dealt with effectively, conflicts can lead to the following benefits:①conflicts can provide new information about a situation;②conflicts can bring a problem into the open where it can bedealt with;③conflicts can provide a new perspective on a situation;④conflicts can produce new ideas or new approaches to solvingproblems, if creativity is used;⑤conflicts can lead to a better understanding of oneself, andone’s motivations, goals and behavior sIn short, an effectively managed conflict can be a learning and growing experience.。
商务谈判期末试题及答案第一部分:试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 商务谈判是指在商业活动中,双方通过协商、议定等方式达成共识的一种交流方式。
以下哪个选项最准确地描述了商务谈判的特点?A. 商务谈判是一种单向交流方式,一方主导对话并做出决策。
B. 商务谈判是一种多向交流方式,所有参与方都能做出决策。
C. 商务谈判是一种双向交流方式,各方通过协商和讨论达成共识。
D. 商务谈判是一种无需交流和讨论的方式,双方直接签订合同。
2. 在商务谈判中,以下哪个因素对于谈判的成功起到最关键的作用?A. 谈判双方的文化背景B. 谈判双方的权力和地位C. 谈判双方的交流技巧D. 谈判双方的谈判目标和利益3. 商务谈判中的时间管理非常重要,以下哪个策略是有效控制谈判时间的方法?A. 提前制定详细的谈判议程B. 在谈判过程中频繁打断对方发言C. 不关注谈判进展的时间D. 延长每个议题的讨论时间4. 在商务谈判中,以下哪个角色负责主持和引导谈判过程?A. 首席执行官(CEO)B. 律师C. 谈判代表D. 顾问5. 在商务谈判中,以下哪个因素可能会导致谈判破裂?A. 双方谈判态度友好B. 双方谈判代表个人利益冲突C. 双方谈判目标一致D. 双方谈判代表具备谈判技巧6. 商务谈判的最终目标是达成合作协议或协议书。
以下哪个选项描述了商务谈判协议的特点?A. 商务谈判协议是双方的最终决策结果,具有法律约束力。
B. 商务谈判协议是双方合作的开端,不具有法律约束力。
C. 商务谈判协议是商业活动中的一种形式,不受法律保护。
D. 商务谈判协议是双方意向的表达,具有法律约束力。
7. 在商务谈判中,以下哪个策略可能有助于提高谈判的效果?A. 通过威胁和恐吓来实现自己的谈判目标B. 采用开放性的问题提问方式C. 不主动提出对方的利益和需求D. 拒绝与对方妥协和让步8. 在商务谈判中,以下哪个选项描述了培养良好谈判氛围的最佳做法?A. 不理会对方的观点和意见B. 对对方提出的问题进行反驳和批评C. 善于倾听和尊重对方的意见D. 只关注自己的权益和利益9. 在商务谈判中,以下哪个策略是重要的谈判技巧?A. 直接指出对方错误的观点B. 依靠权力和地位来影响对方C. 寻求共同利益和解决方案D. 只关注自己的利益和需求10. 商务谈判中,以下哪个选项描述了在谈判过程中建立信任的重要性?A. 建立信任有助于提高谈判效果和达成协议B. 信任在商务谈判中并不重要C. 信任对于商务谈判没有实际作用D. 信任只是一种情感上的需求,与谈判无关。
《国际商务谈判》期末考试试卷附答案一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)1.谈判人员具备了“T”形知识结构,这表明谈判人员是( )A.技术专家B.商务专家C.全能型专家D.法律专家2.先报有较大虚头的价格,然后适时压低价格。
这种报价术被称为( )A.西欧式报价术B.日本式报价术C.北美式报价术D.阿拉伯式报价术3.讲究节俭,反对浪费,把浪费看成是“罪恶”的是( )A.中国人B.德国人C.韩国人D.意大利人4.随时准备为达成协议而让步,希望通过谈判签订一个皆大欢喜的协议。
这种谈判被称为( )A.软式谈判B.硬式谈判C.原则型谈判D.价值型谈判5.一个谈判小组组长最佳的领导效益为( )A.3~4人B.3~5人C.3~6人D.3~7人6.如果是1个小时的谈判,精力量旺盛的阶段只有最初的( )A.3~5分钟B.4~6分钟C.5~8分钟D.6~9分钟7.谈判中,强调“一时多用”的是( )A.瑞士人B.中东人C.德国人D.北美人8.下列选项中,不属于合同风险的是( )A.交货风险B.质量风险C.数量风险D.会计风险9.与阿拉伯商人接触时不能赠送酒类礼品,因为饮酒在阿拉伯国家是被严格禁止的。
这突出反映的是商务谈判影响因素中的( )A.政治状况因素B.法律制度因素C.商业习惯因素D.社会习俗因素10.在买卖做成之后,会举行一个长时间的宴会,请对方洗蒸气浴的是( )A.中国人B.日本人C.韩国人D.芬兰人11.“按照贵方要求,我们的观点不是已经阐述清楚了吗?”这种商务谈判的发问类型属于( )A.借助式发问B.探索式发问C.强调式发问D.澄清式发问12.下列选项中,不属于应对利率风险的技术手段是( )A.利用远期交易B.利用平衡法C.利用期权交易D.利用利率期货市场13.在商务谈判中贯彻“有理、有利、有节”的方针。
这体现的是商务谈判的( )A.平等互利原则B.灵活机动原则C.友好协商原则D.依法办事原则14.国际商务谈判策略制定的第四步是( )A.寻找关键问题B.确定具体目标C.形成假设性方法D.形成具体谈判策略15.下列各项中,不属于善言灵巧的谈判对手的性格特征是( )A.乐于交际B.容易激动C.善于表达D.处世机灵16.眉毛上耸,表示此人处于( )A.愤怒状态B.困窘状态C.戒备状态D.惊喜状态17.商务谈判中必须要实现的目标被称为( )A.最低目标B.实际需求目标C.可接受目标D.最优期望目标18.在执行合同过程中双方对合同条款理解不同而导致的僵局被称为( )A.初期僵局B.执行期僵局C.协议期僵局D.中期僵局19.“贵方某先生的问题提得很好,我曾经在某一份资料上看过有关这一问题的记载,就记忆所及,大概是……”。
国际商务谈判一、单项选择题1 .在技术条款谈判中,起“润滑剂”作用的人员是( B )A.商务人员B. 翻译人员C.金融人员D. 法律人员2. 双方首次进行谈判时,首要任务是( C )A.创设热情洋溢的气氛B.创造严肃、凝重的气氛C.消除和淡化双方的陌生感D.营造和睦友好的气氛3. 开局阶段奠定谈判成功基础的关键是___C_____。
A.反复磋商B.合理的报价C.良好的谈判气氛D.确定谈判目标4. 进行较为陌生且缺少经验的谈判,宜采取( B )A.坚定让步方式B.等额让步方式C.差额让步方式D.明确让步方式5. 谈判中的关键阶段是( A )A. 磋商阶段B.报价阶段C. 开局阶段D.成交阶段6. 能够控制谈判方向的技巧是( C )A. 听B.答C.问D.看7. 谈判中,双方互赠礼品时,西方人较为重视礼物的意义和(D)A.礼物价值B.礼物包装C.礼物类型D.感情价值8. 谈判中,作为卖方,报价起点__ B ____。
A. 要低B. 既要高又要接近理想报价C.既要低又要接近理想报价D. 要高9. 从总体上讲,商务谈判的信息在谈判中___D _____。
A. 直接决定谈判的成败B. 间接作用C. 无作用D. 成为控制谈判过程的手段10. 谈判中讨价还价集中体现在什么行为中? ( C )A.问B. 叙C.辩D.答11.僵局最为纷繁多变的谈判阶段是( C )A.准备期B.初期C.中期D.后期12. 国际上最隆重与正式的宴请方式是( C )A.酒会B.茶会C.宴会D. 冷餐招待会13. 同外商初次交往时,喜欢先进行个人直接面谈,而不喜欢通过书信结交的是( A )A. 日本人B. 美国人C.英国人D.法国人14. 在商务谈判中,要想做到说服对方,应当___C____。
A、以在必要时采取强硬手段B、使对方明白已方从谈判中获利很小C、寻找双方利益的一致性D、使对方明白其从谈判中获利很大15.在国际商务活动中,一旦发生纠纷并诉诸法律,其法律适用问题将涉及到( D ) A.买方国家B.卖方国家C.第三方国家D.不同国家之间16.符合谈判让步原则的做法是( C )A.作同等让步B.让步幅度要大C.在重要问题上不要轻易让步 D.让步节奏要快17.在待客时,如果自己抽烟而不向客人敬烟,有此种习俗的谈判者是(B ) A.泰国人B.日本人C.马来西亚人D.韩国人18. 讲究节俭,反对浪费,把浪费看成是"罪恶"的是___ C____。
国际商务期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际商务是指:A. 国内贸易B. 跨国贸易C. 国际贸易D. 国际投资2. 跨国公司通常是指:A. 拥有海外子公司的公司B. 只在本国运营的公司C. 只做出口贸易的公司D. 只做进口贸易的公司3. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是文化差异的影响因素?A. 语言B. 宗教C. 教育水平D. 法律体系4. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是贸易壁垒?A. 关税B. 配额C. 反倾销税D. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)5. 以下哪个不是国际商务谈判的特点?A. 需要考虑文化差异B. 需要考虑法律法规C. 只关注价格因素D. 需要考虑政治风险6. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是风险管理的策略?A. 风险规避B. 风险转移C. 风险接受D. 风险增加7. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是市场进入策略?A. 出口B. 合资C. 独资D. 进口8. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是国际支付方式?A. 信用证B. 汇票C. 支票D. 现金交易9. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是国际物流的特点?A. 跨国性B. 复杂性C. 单一性D. 时效性10. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是国际市场营销的策略?A. 产品策略B. 价格策略C. 渠道策略D. 质量策略二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述国际商务与国内商务的主要区别。
2. 描述国际商务谈判中文化差异对谈判的影响。
3. 解释什么是国际市场营销的4P策略。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你是一家跨国公司的市场部经理,公司计划进入一个新的国际市场。
2. 某国际公司在海外运营时遇到了当地政府的贸易壁垒,导致产品无法顺利进入市场。
国际商务期末考试答案一、选择题1. C2. A3. C4. D5. C6. D7. D8. D9. C10. D二、简答题1. 国际商务与国内商务的主要区别在于国际商务涉及跨国界,需要考虑不同国家的法律法规、文化差异、政治风险以及汇率变动等因素。
国际商务谈判 简答题
1..答:(1)制定谈判计划(plan) (2)建立关系(relationship) (3)达成使双方都能接受的协议(agreement) (4)协议的履行与关系维持(maintenance)
2. 答:(1)最高目标(2)实际需求目标(3)可接受目标(4)最低目标。
1. 如此安排谈判人员理论上会导致什么样的后果?
1. 下列哪个不是商务谈判的基本原则?
A. 诚实信守
B. 合作共赢
C. 软硬兼施
D. 单方面破坏
2. 在商务谈判中,以下哪种心态是不利于谈判成功的?
A. 积极乐观
B. 急功近利
C. 灵活应对
D. 坚守原则
3. 下面哪个不是商务谈判中的经典交锋技巧?
A. 大局观
B. 小动作
C. 天花乱坠
D. 实事求是
4. 在商务谈判中,以下哪种方法是不恰当的?
A. 听取对方意见
B. 不听对方解释
C. 追求共同利益
D. 独断专行
1. 商务谈判的基本原则是什么?请简要阐述。
2. 请列举并介绍商务谈判中常见的几种谈判技巧。
3. 在商务谈判中,如何处理对手的不同意见或争执?
4. 商务谈判中的“BATNA”原则是什么意思?如何运用它来提升谈判策略?
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南通大学卖书买书换书联系我们微信公众号ntu-ershou 二手书交易中心传递旧书分享知识资源有限服务无限1 What’s about business negotiationA :Generally speaking: Negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we needSo we defies “negotiation” an activity between two or more parties who confer together in order to reach a satisfying purpose ”2、What are the fundamental elements of negotiation?A: The Fundamental Elements of Negotiation are Negotiator, Negotiating topic and Negotiating background.Negotiator: Those who are engaged in negotiation.On-table/off-table negotiatorNegotiating topic: Specific problems that should be discussedTopic should be common interestNegotiating background: Objective condition of negotiationEnvironment/organization/staff background 3、Please explain the features, disadvantage and advantage of soft negotiation, hard and principled negotiation respectively? A:①soft negotiation:Features: 1、To consider opponent as friend, emphasis to build mutual good relations ,strengthen mutual understanding and Friendly consultations2、The power of one party is inferior toanother’s;or both parties had been making friends for many years; to take effort to pursue the long-term of interestsAdvantage: Easy to approach agreement ,high efficiency, maintain and strengthen the bilateral relationDisadvantage: Blindly compromise and concessions to give the opponent opportunity②hard negotiation:Features:To consider the opponent as enemy ,pay more attention to the stand position rather than interests gain, focus to willpower test so as to impose self position on the other.Advantage: much more pressure imposed on theopponent ,to promote the agreementDisadvantage:Easy to cause deadlock and lead to failure of performing agreement and maintaining the long-term cooperation.③principled negotiation:Features: To negotiate based on equalityAdvantage: To separate the people from the problemDisadvantage: To insist on using objective criteria4. Please explain the three stages of business negotiation?A:The three Stages of business negotiation are Pre-negotiation, Face-to-face negotiation and Post-negotiation.The pre-negotiantion stage:.environmental factors and information collection are two main task during this stage.The Face-to-face negotiation stage:1)Introducing team members2)Discussing agenda3)five phase will proceed:• A exploration B bidding C bargainingD settling & ratifyThe Post-negotiation stage:In a word, the main thing at this phase is to review and confirm the agreement and result of talks on each issue so that no ambiguity of understanding exists. Also wrapping up includes follow-up work for future.5.what are the approaches you can use to attract attentionA:⏹①arouse curiosity by asking a question related to yourtalk⏹② say something humorous⏹③ start off with an interesting news item⏹④ begin with a specific illustration or case, which tends tolend an air of seriousness and reality to your talk⏹⑤ open with the impact of a profound quotation⏹⑥show a visual illustration of your main points, whichcan be either a chart, picture or item related to your talk⏹⑦ open with a simple explanation of how your topic affectsthe common interests of the listeners⏹⑧ start off with a shocking statement⏹⑨ casually comment on something that has just happenedor been said at the meeting if it ties into your presentation 6.What are the alternatives that you may use on how to answer when questioned?A:① Leaving the other person with the assumption that he hasbeen answered②Answering incompletely.③ Answering inaccurately.④Leaving the other person without the desire to pursue thequestioning process further.7、What kind of requirements must be needed for the chief negotiator?A: Generally speaking the chief negotiator must meet the following requirements:①He must exercise a high degree of self-control and keep theteam on track under trying circumstances.②The chief negotiator should be able to use the specialization ofeach member to its maximum advantage.③The chief negotiator’s greatest skill is the ability to deal withpressure from a variety of directions.④Candidates for chief negotiator should also be technicallyastute with regard to both the company’s products and modern day information technology.8、What are the advantage for individual negotiation ?A: The advantages of a single negotiator might be:①to prevent the opposer from aiming questions at theweaker members of the team or creating disagreementamong team members;②to prevent from placing complete responsibility on oneperson;③to prevent the weakening of stated positions throughdifferences of opinion between team membersto avoid making on-the-spot decisions.9. What are the disadvantage and advantage for teamnegotiation respectivelya team might be best because①it would use a number of people with different technicalbackgrounds who can correct misstatements of fact;② it enables a pooling of judgments and planning in advance;③ it presents the other side with a large opposition.But with a big team, it is rather difficult to control and the weak member is very easy to pick out by the other party and they will attack individually. Many members in a team will interfere with the negotiation efficiency. So keep the negotiation team as small as possible. And this will result in a favorable position in the negotiation.10、What are the desirable target, acceptable target and bottom target?A: The desirable target is what we wish to attain but in reality rarely reach. It serves two purposes in negotiations:setting a potential goal for negotiators to strive for and leaving room for bargaining in negotiations.The acceptable target is what we make all efforts to achieve. If we take advantage of their power and strength, and manage the negotiations skillfully, the acceptable target is attainable and very often can be gained.The bottom target is what we will defend and safeguard with all our might. Unless the bottom target is met, we would block further discussion and announce failure of negotiations. In other words, we would never give up the targets or benefits and there is no room to bargain.11·12、What are the advantages and disadvantages for host venue, guest venue?A: The general rule that you do better at home is not surprising. Scientific research indicates that you will do best in a negotiation when you are at your home office and the other party is in unfamiliar territory.The host venue has the following advantages:①it enables you to get the approval that may be necessary onproblems that you did not anticipate;②it prevents the other side from concluding the negotiationprematurely and leaving, which he might do if he is in hisown office;③you can take care of other matters and have your ownfacilities available while you are handling the negotiation;④it gives you the psychological advantage of having the otherside come to you;⑤it saves you money and traveling time.The guest venue has the following advantages:①you can devote your full time to the negotiation without thedistractions and interruptions that your office may produce;②you can withhold information, stating that it is notimmediately available;③you might have the option of going over your opposer’s head tosomeone in his higher management;④the burden of preparation is on the opposer and he is not freefrom other duties.13、Why do we should set the “ highest ” defensible bidding as seller?A: The opening bid needs to be “the highest” because:①The opening bid sets a limit beyond which we cannot desire.Once made, we cannot normally put in a higher bid at a later stage②Our first bid influences others in their valuation of our offer③A high bid gives scope for manoeuvre during the laterbargaining phases④The opening bid has a real influence on the final settlementlevel. The higher we set the more we shall achieveThe opening bid needs to be high. At the same time it must be defensible.The bidding side should not only seek to his own advantage but also take the acceptable possibility of the other side into consideration14、Please explain the advantage and disadvantage of the first bid.A: The advantages are associated with the establishment of influence. Most people take the first bid to be a good idea.To some extent first bid is more influential than responsive bid. The first bid confines the bargaining into a special frame of the first bid so as to reach a more favorable agreementA disadvantage is that when a party hears another party’s opening bid, they can then make some final adjustment in their own thinking. A new element of information is provided about regarding a party’s starting point, providing modification to their own bidding to gain fresh advantage.Another disadvantage is that others may try to concentrate onattacking our bid, trying to drive us down and down without giving us any information about their own position.15、What’s the basic principle that govern concessions in bargain stage?A: The basic principles that govern concessions in bargaining are:①A concession by one party must be matched by a concession ofthe other party②It’s better for the pace of concession to be as little as possibleand the frequency of concession to be slow. What’s more the pace of concession must be similar as between the two parties.③A party should trade their concessions to their own advantage,doing their best to give the other party plenty of satisfaction even if concessions are small④A party must help the other party to see each of theirconcessions as being significant⑤Move at a measured pace towards the projected settlementpoint⑥Reserve concessions until they are needed.16、How do you break the impasse?A: In general, there are nine ways to break the impasse:①keep it fluid②seeking easy escape routes③use time breaks either as recesses within a particularnegotiation meeting or as breaks between meetings④look to bringing in third party arbitrators or even third partychairmen to control further negotiation.⑤to move out of the negotiating arena into some ambience inwhich informal discussion can take place⑥to make some changes on the team⑦bring in the bosses from back home⑧to insist on argument⑨never compromise17、What are the characteristics of the final offer toward the settlement?A: Characteristics of the final offer are:1)It should not be made too soon2)It must be big enough to symbolize closure3)Negotiating to our advantage demand the last halfpenny4)give him that satisfaction18、what time do we use the recess during negotiation?A: We can use the recess during negotiation in the following time:①at the end of a phase in the negotiations;②before issue identification;③when nearing an impasse;④team maintenance needs;⑤breaking a trough.19、What is the recommended procedure to get a recess?A: They are following:⑥state the need for a recess;⑦summarize and look forward;⑧agree on the duration of the recess;⑨avoid fresh issues.20、What are the evaluation standards of business negotiation? A:1)Realization degree of the business negotiation objectives;2)Negotiating efficiency;3)The personal relationship after negotiatingTo sum up , a successful negotiation must be one in which both sides’ needs are met.21、How do we restart the meeting after recess?A:1)A few moments of ice-breaking, as we again attune ourwavelengths;2)Re-state the progress made on agreed plan;3)Confirm rest of agreed plan or suggest/agree changes to it;4)Re-opening statements, defining positions and interests as theyare now perceived and paving the way to further creative development.22 what are the steps of business negotiation summaryA:1) review the negotiating process and go over the minute2) analyze and evaluate the negotiating3) give suggestions of improvement4) write the summary report23、How do you deal with the difficult people and difficult situation?A: In general, there are seven things one needs to do in dealing with the difficult people and difficult situation.①developing self-control②accurate diagnosis③knowing one’s core values④appropriate anger management⑤role selection⑥doing the unexpected⑦resiliency24、What kind of benefits would conflict lead to?A: if dealt with effectively, conflicts can lead to the following benefits:①conflicts can provide new information about a situation;②conflicts can bring a problem into the open where it can bedealt with;③conflicts can provide a new perspective on a situation;④conflicts can produce new ideas or new approaches to solvingproblems, if creativity is used;⑤conflicts can lead to a better understanding of oneself, andone’s motivations, goals and behavior sIn short, an effectively managed conflict can be a learning and growing experience.。