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te recipients — and 43 percent of those in the humanities — had no commitment for employment at the time of completion. Fewer than half of Ph.D.s are
位,一位获得教职的幸运儿也萌生退意。现在, 一个名叫“多面手博士”(Versatile Ph.D.),旨在支 持博士生寻求非传统职业的团体让这些博士生齐 聚一堂。 After a round of introductions, the participants broke into clusters to
swap stories and tips. A 32-year-old man who had studied ancient religion at Princeton wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the name of his employer, a fin
es, the past few years have seen a surge in efforts to connect Ph.D.s with gratifying employment outside academia and even to rethink the purpose of d
的灵活性,让我有时间弄清楚自己真正想做什么 事情。” Dr. Capitanios experience is far from unusual. According to a 2011 National Science Foundation survey, 35 percent of doctora
g). Now they found themselves at a gathering of a group called Versatile Ph.D. to support their pursuit of nontraditional careers. 如果碰巧偷听到他们的谈话, 或许你会惊讶
ON a recent Sunday afternoon, a monthly meeting convened around a long table in a Whole Foods cafeteria on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. As people
Here,需警惕淫秽内容)等博客上找到同道中人。 The spirit of change has even begun to take root inside the ivory tower. The University of California, Berkeley, held a Beyo
neighbor chimed in: Amen, sister. 一位与会者回忆说, 有一年她的年收入只有9000美元,日子过得很苦。 “多年的贫困生活让我精疲力竭,”她说。她的 邻座插话说:“阿门,我的姊妹。” An eavesdropper might have been surprised to
s definitely new. 尽管博士毕业生数十年来一直面临 类似的就业形势,但在过去几年,越来越多的人 尝试着把博士学位和令人满意的非学术性工作挂 起钩来,甚至开始反思博士生教育的目的。“这 个问题本身不那么新鲜,”研究生院理事会 (Council of Graduate Schools)会长黛布拉·
万分地获悉这群人有一个共同点:令人敬畏的学 术造诣。围坐在桌子四周的,是一位历史学家、 一位社会学家、一位语言学家和十几位其他领域 的学者。大多数人拥有博士学位,还有几位或即 将完成,或中途放弃。所有人都在研究生院苦读 多年,但要么是出于个人选择,要么是因为客观 环境,几乎所有人都未获得他们孜孜以求的终身
learn what the group had in common: formidable academic credentials. Sitting at the table were a historian, a sociologist, a linguist and a dozen othe
. I know that some of you are in fragile situations, she said. 最近一个星期天下午,在曼哈顿上西城一家 全食餐厅(Whole Foods)的长桌旁,一场月度会议 如期举行。待所有人坐定后,组织者拿出一袋薯 片放在桌子上,随即开始处理内部事务,比
by choice or circumstance, almost none had arrived at the promised destination of tenure-track professorships (the one who had was thinking of leavin
n monographs and tenure committees seem to allow. 卡皮塔尼奥博士的经历绝非特例。根据美国国家 科学基金会(National Science Foundation)2011年的 一项调查,35%的博士学位获得者——43%的人文 学科博士——在完成学业时没有签
nd Academia conference last spring, hosting Ph.D. speakers who have succeeded in other domains, from consulting to biotech. Similar events are planned
ance website; he talked up his job to a physicist who was finalizing her thesis. The historian, a teacher at an elite private school, advised a recent
如募集捐款,但她并没有执意要求。“我知道你 们有些人的处境不太好,”她说。 One attendee recalled scraping by on $9,000 a year. I was exhausted by years of living in poverty, she said. Her
城、芝加哥和洛杉矶在内的其他7个城市也组建了 多面手博士小组。丰富的在线资源帮助博士们把 他们的学术资历转化为个人履历,然后向非学术 类雇主推销自己的技能。这些曾经的学者可以在 《学术复苏编年史》(Chronicles of a Recovering Academic)和《前博士汇聚地》(Dr. Outta
e interview. Now he was working as an editorial associate at an academic publisher, trying to devise a long-term plan. Things were kind of desperate b
下就业意向书。有望走上追求终身教职这条路的 博士预期不到一半。许多人自愿选择另一条路径, 因为他们希望获得更高的薪水,更直接地接触世 界,而这些东西似乎是撰写专著和终身教职委员 会所不能给予的。 Though graduates have faced similar conditions for decad
2年的年轻博士名叫亚当·卡皮塔尼奥(Adam Capitanio),近三年来一直在美国东北部寻找学术 性工作,他至少已经申请了60份工作,但连一个 面试机会都没有争取到。卡皮塔尼奥目前在一家 学术性出版机构当助理编辑,正尝试着制定一项 长期计划。“在获得这份工作前,我几乎快绝望 了,”他说,“这份工作具有一定
斯图尔特(Debra Stewart)说。“但我想说,出现现 在这种反应肯定是前所未有的。” In addition to New York, Versatile Ph.D. groups have formed in at least seven other cities, including Ph
expected to land tenure-track jobs. And many voluntarily choose another path because they want higher pay or more direct engagement with the world tha
e settled in, the organizer plopped down a bag of potato chips and tackled housekeeping matters, like soliciting contributions. But she did not insist
American studies Ph.D. on where to find job postings and how to package himself. That young Ph.D., Adam Capitanio, who completed his degree in 2012,
had looked for an academic position for three years, focusing his search on the Northeast and applying for at least 60 jobs. He hadnt received a singl
iladelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles. Abundant online resources help Ph.D.s turn curricula vitae into résumés and market their skills to nonacademic em
Leabharlann Baidu
ployers. And former academics can find kindred souls at blogs like Chronicles of a Recovering Academic and Dr. Outta Here (obscenity alert). 除纽约以外, 包括费
efore I had that job, he said. This gives me some flexibility to figure out what I actually want to do. 一 轮自我介绍结束后,与会者三三两两地聚拢在一 起,互相交流求职故事和技巧。一位曾在普林斯 顿大学
r scholars. Most held doctorates; a few were either close to completion or had left before finishing. All had toiled for years in graduate school but,
(Princeton University)研究古代宗教的32岁男士, 身穿一件印有其雇主(一家财经网站)名称的T恤 衫;他向一位即将完成论文的女物理学家宣扬这 份工作的种种好处。目前在一家私立名校任教的 历史学家,给一位最近获得美国研究学位的博士 提供在哪里寻找招聘广告、如何包装自己的建议。 这位毕业于201
octoral education. The issue itself is not a new issue, said Debra Stewart, president of the Council of Graduate Schools. The response, I would say, i