



美国面签常见问题总结(附中英文简历)(推荐5篇)第一篇:美国面签常见问题总结(附中英文简历)美国面签问题总结1、赴美目的?你这次去美国做什么?What are you going to do in USA? What will you do in USA? What kinds of activities you will take part in during your stay in USA? 你这次去美国有什么目的?What’s your purpose of traveling(visiting or going)to USA? What’s your purpose of this winter camp? Why you want to attend this winter camp? 参考答案:熟练口语;I would like to practise(exercise)my oral English.参加冬令营;I’m very interested in all(different)kinds of activities of this winter camp.学习美式英语;I want to study American English 参观美国名校、感受名校氛围;I am very happy to visit American famous colleges and experience the studying atmosphere.游览美国名胜风景;I would like to enjoy wonderful sightseeing of America.体验美国教育环境;To experience American educational environment 与美国同龄人交流;(文化、音乐、娱乐、生活、学习etc)To communicate with American peers in many aspects such as culture, music, entertainment, life style and studying as well.让美国朋友进一步认识、了解中国。



签证官问的问题一般会从以下几个方面去问:一. 针对学业与专业背景的问题(主要是考察学生身份的真实性)1.Why do you want to go to the US?2.Which schoo I (uni versity) will you study in? What will be your major? What degree are you going to pursue?3.How many universities have you applied? Did you apply any universities in China? How many schools accepted you? How many schools gave you admissi ons?4.Why do you choose XXX Uni versity? Why this major? and so on.二. 是否具有移民倾向的问题(主要通过考察学生的归国计划这样的问题来判断申请者是否具有移民倾向)1.Why do you want to continue your study in the US rather than in other coun tries?2.Why do you want to study in the US at this time?3.Many universities in China provide the equal opportunity for study in your major. Why did you only apply the US uni versities?4.Your curre nt job and life is won derful. Why do you still want to study in the US?5.What ' s your career plan in the future (after graduation)? Where do you plan to find a job? What kind of job do you want to do? Why?6.Are you sure you will come back to China after finishing your stud y? Please give me three reas ons.三. 针对资金是否充分的问题(主要考察学生是否有能力完成在美国的学业)1.Did you get scholarship from the uni versity?2.How will you support your study and liv ing in the Un ited States?3.You did not get the full scholarship from the university. How would you pay the rest of the expe nses?4.What ' s your curre nt in come?5.what do ur pare nts do?6.What ' s your pare nts ' in come?7.Do you have sav ing bank acco unt?8.Why did your deposit in crease so much rece ntly?9.How many houses do u have?四. 一些其他有备无患的问题(完全凭签证官个人喜好而问)1.How long did you prepare for today ' s in terview?2.Did you participate in any visa-interview training program?3.Whe n are you going to en ter the Un ited States?4.As to your major, do you know which school is the most famous one?5.What do you like and dislike the United States most? What do you like and dislike Chi na most?6.What do you thi nk is your biggest adva ntage? What do you think is your biggest disadva ntage?7.How old are you? Where is your hometow n?8.What ' s dnobby? What do u do in ur spare time?请一定要注意,每个签证官都是中国通,有可能他的国语讲的逼你还要流利。





(一) 学校:通过对申请者学校的了解,可以知道申请者是来自于名校还是不是很出名的学校。



这个阶段可能会问到类似问题:1. What school do you from?/Are you from XXXX University?2. Are you a top student in your school? What about your ranking in your class?(二) 专业:这个是签证官肯定会问到的问题。



这个阶段可能会问到类似问题:1. What is the difficult class do you have?2. what was your major?3. What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?4. What have you done in your research?5. What is your academic background?(三) 工作:通过对申请者的工作经历,可以知道申请者的工作是否专业对口,以及工作经验对于申请的专业是否起到相辅相成的作用。

这个阶段可能会问到类似问题:1. What/where are you working now?2. What have you Done after you graduated from university?3. What is your current project in your company? What are youresponsible for in your present post?4. How many years have your worked?5. Why did you choose your present job?二、选校问题:在选校问题上签证官更关注的是出国的必要性,也就是出国留学的动机。


(1)回答问题时用英语,语速可放慢。 如果太快,签证官认为您的英语很好,也因

84) Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why?
• 3. 亲属问题 • 23) Do you want your wife to go with you? • 34) Do you have any relatives in the

104) Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?

105) what kind of computer do you have?

106) what is your favorite color?

2. 复杂个人问题

42) What do you think of the *** (a question VO is interested to
United States?
• 35) What do your parents do? • 68) Have you any relatives in US? • 72) Do you have sisters or brothers? • 80) What is your favorite American movie? • 83) Do you have a girlfriend? Where is



Frequently Asked Questions by US Visa Interviewers1.Can you please state the purpose of your visit to the United States?2.How long do you plan to stay in the United States?3.Have you ever visited the United States before? If yes, how long was your previous stay?4.Do you have relatives or friends residing in the United States? If yes, please provide their names and relationship to you.5.What is your current occupation?6.What is your monthly income, and what is the source of your income?7.Have you made any prior arrangements for accommodations in the United States?8.Have you booked your return tickets or do you have a specific date of return?9.What is the purpose of your visit to [specific city/destination] in the United States?10.Are you traveling alone or with someone else? If with someone else, please provide their details.11.What ties do you have to your home country that will ensure your return after your visit to the United States?12.Do you own any property, land, or business in your home country?13.Are you married? If yes, what does your spouse do for a living? Are they accompanying you on this trip?14.Do you have any children? If yes, are they accompanying you on this trip?15.What is your educational background?16.Are you currently enrolled in any educational institution? If yes, please provide details.17.Have you ever been refused a visa to enter the United States before? If yes, please provide the details.18.Have you ever been refused entry or deported from any other country?19.Have you ever been involved in any criminal activities, or do you have any convictions?20.Are you traveling for any specific event or conference? If yes, pleaseprovide details.21.What is your intended mode of travel within the United States?22.Do you have any health insurance coverage for your trip to the UnitedStates?23.Are you carrying any large sums of money or valuable items with you?24.Can you provide your travel itinerary for the duration of your stay inthe United States?25.Is there anything else you would like to add or clarify regarding yourvisa application?Please note that these are common questions asked by US visa interviewers, and the specific questions you are asked may vary based on your individual circumstances and the type of visa you are applying for.。



签证面试必答的英语问题【世贸人才网:国际贸易人才门户更新时间: 2008-12-17 】【来源:世贸人才网】参与学校和社区的活动,深入了解美国文化,增进与美国人民的友谊。

4) Are you going to study in USA5) When/where did you get your BS/MS(Bachelor/Master Degree)1998 河南师范大学2007 华东师范大学6) What/where are you studying now密执安州,密歇根大学7) How long will you study in USAHalf a year8) Have you any scholarshipYes, China scholarship c will sponsor me 1thousand dollar every month.9) What do you want to study in USA运动、营养、激素对2型糖尿病性骨质疏松的影响Different sports and nourishmentMechanical, dietary, and hormonal parameters to prevent diabetic osteoporosis in type 2 diabetic women10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD艺术体操运动人体科学,不同运动方式对大鼠骨生化指标的影响运动人体科学,机械、饮食和激素等变量在预防2型糖尿病女性骨质疏松中的作用Mechanical, dietary, and hormonal parameters to prevent diabetic osteoporosis in type 2 diabetic women11) What is your purpose for the visaStudy,通过联合培养项目完成博士论文,12) What is your academic background运动员经历,对运动对身心的影响有直接的体会,从而提出有实践意义的研究课题;在运动对骨代谢指标的影响方面,有一定的研究积累,发表了相关论文。





面试问答1. 请介绍一下你自己。





2. 为什么选择留学?为什么选择这个___?留学能够为我提供更广阔的学术资源和国际化的教育环境,有助于提升我的学术水平和专业能力。




3. 你的研究计划和研究兴趣是什么?我计划在留学期间深入研究[你的专业]相关的知识和理论,提升自己的专业水平。




4. 你对留学生活有哪些期望和准备?我期望留学生活能够给我提供一个更开阔的视野和研究机会,让我结识来自不同国家和背景的同学们,丰富自己的人际关系和社交圈子。







LT美国签证问答辅导 中英文版-2012

LT美国签证问答辅导  中英文版-2012

EF海外游学部美国签证问答辅导EF面签辅导5步曲:DressMaterialsTimingMoodQAQuestions lists1、What’s your name?你的姓名?2、How old are you?你的年龄?3、Wh at’s your nationality?你的国籍?4、In which school do you study now?你目前就读的学校?5、What are you doing right now?你现在从事什么事情?6、Why do you want to go to USA?为何想去美国?7、Would you like to go to USA for further education? What is your grade now?你想去美国进一步深造吗?你目前就读几年级?8、Where is your home address?你的家庭住址?9、What is your parents’ job? Do you know their salary?你的父母从事何种职业?他们的薪资情况?10、Where will you go? Which city? Which course center?你在美国将去那些地方?包括那些城市?在那个课程中心?11、How long will you stay in USA? Where?你将在美国待多久?在美国的那些地方?12、How about the schedule?请描述一下你的行程?13、When will you arrive in USA? When will you leave?你将何时抵达美国?你将何时离开?14、What will you do during this 2 weeks?在美国的这段时间你将干点什么?15、How many English lessons do you have in the course? How is the programorganized per week?你将会有多少英语课?(每周)此次游学活动是如何组织的?16、Do you know which company organizes the program?你知道此次游学活动的主办单位是哪家吗?17、How do you know EF?你是如何知道EF的?18、Do you known how much your parents will pay for the program?你知道此次游学活动的费用是多少吗?19、The course is very expensive program, do you think your parents can afford it?此课程费用不低,你认为你的父母承担的起吗?20、Why do you join the program?你为何选择参加此次游学课程?21、Are your parents in USA, do you have relatives in USA?你的父母或亲属目前有在美国吗?22、Which countries have you been? What is the purpose of these trips?你去过哪些国家?去那些国家的目的是什么?(去那些国家干吗?)23、Have you applied other foreign countries before? Which countries? Have yougot the visa?你有否申请过其他国家?申请过哪些国家?你有否获得这些国家的签证?24、Have you applied USA visa before? Which type of the visa?你有否申请过美国签证?哪一个类型的签证?25、Why you replace your passport?你为何更换你的护照?26、What do you want to do when you finish you senior high school education?当你高中毕业后你对你的将来有何打算?27、Which kind of major will you choose?高中毕业后你将选择何种专业?28、Do you want to continue you education overseas? Which country?你是否有打算出国深造?打算去那个国家深造?29、Do you like learning English?喜欢学习英语吗?30、How about you English Level?你的英语水平如何?面签辅导总结:1、请注意着装,需穿着整洁大方服装(校服最好);举止大方有礼貌,主动向签证官问好,回答问题要正视签证官,不用害怕;如果难以用英语沟通,请礼貌地告诉对方你希望用中文交谈。



美国签证英语问答问题汇总1. What will you study in the United States <abroad>?Mechanical Engineering in XXXUniversity.2. What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? How can itexplain?My major is Mechanical Engineering. My specialty is ##X Mechanics.3. Can you say something about it? What is it all about? What is it for?Mechanics can set up the constitutive theory of materials and simulate thepracticalproblem. It has played an important role in mechanical, civil engineering and materialscience. It have emerged huge prospects in the interrelated science and engineering.4. How can it be used?It can be used to simulate the process of engineering problems, to design thenew advanced materials, to set up the new standard with the new mechanics theory. Some advanced engineers will employ the mechanics theory to solve somedifficult problems in Mechanical Engineering.5. Can it be used on weapons?No, it is just basic theoretical research.6. What will you do in USA? What is your purpose to USA? Why do you go toUniversity of##X? What are you going to do in the United States?I will pursue PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering in XXXUniversity from fall2002 to fall 2007.7. Are you going to study in USA?Yes. I will pursue PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering in XXXUniversity.8. What degree will you pursue?Doctor of Philosophy.9. When/where did you get your BS/MS?I got my Bachelor degree in ####X in Dept. of Mechanical Engineeringin XXXUniv. and Master degree in #### in Department of #### in ## University.10. What do you do with your Master work?In the first academic year I finished the course study. In the later two yearsI started my thesis--the interdisciplinary.11. What are you doing now? Are you a student or are you working?When did you start your work there?In ##X after my obtaining M.E., I worked at the Dept. of ##X in XXXUniversity. In the first two years, I was a TA for the course of ##X.From ## to now I was a lecturer.12. What are you working on? What have you been doing after graduation? What are you doing recently? What are you responsible for in your present post?I mainly took the teaching, research and management work according to the contractwith XXXXUniversity in the last N years.13. How long will you study in USA?About five years. I will study hard to get my PHD as early as possible.14. Have you any scholarship?Yes. As you can see on my I20, the department offered me a RA position.It's full financial support including a tuition waiver and yearly stipend of####X us dollars, and health insurance, which can be renewable for a total of 5 years.15. What do you want to study in USA?Mechanical Engineering, my favorite and former major.16. What do you do with your work for PhD?I will take the academic courses for the first year, and then conduct dissertationresearch in the area for the following years. At the same time I do research assistant job and finish the thesis at last.17. What is your purpose for the visa?I need a F-one visa in order to study for my PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering in XXXUniversity. I plan to finish my study in five yearsand then come back to China.18. What is your academic background? What is your background in ME?I have got Bachelor degree in XXXUniv. The major coursesintensified my engineering training and practical manipulating abilities.In the diploma thesis I designed a quartz cutting machine. I have got Master degree in ##X. XXXUniversity has employed me for N years since ####. According to the contract I had taken the teaching job, participated in researchprojects and management. Here are my published papers.19. How do you know this Univ.?I know it from the US news and Peterson website for its good reputationand GraduateSchool ranks. The university ranks in top fifty around the world. His mechanics program ranks in top 5.20. What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?Upon completion of my study, I will come back to China and seek a positionin XXXUniversity. XXXUniv. lack the faculties who engage in this mechanics, which is ####. The ##X department just plans to build a new mechanics laboratory five years later. Our central laboratory has no young professor now. They need PhDs who engages in ##X mechanics. Because I have completely finished my contract job, they all support me to pursue PhD abroad. My dream is to be a professor in China top University such as ##X. There is my support letter. They will employ me when I gain the PhD.21. What will be your salary then?At least about RMB ten thousands yuan a month.22. How much can a professor earn?As far as I know, a professor in ##X have usually earned a salary offifteen thousands RMB per month now and their salary will be gradually rising later.23. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?First, PhD holders from the USA are much easier to posses an academic position with high salary in China top universities such as ##X. I will havea bright future in China. Second, in my major research direction, many Chinese top universities have just started this research while USA universities have achieved a quite advance. My career objective determines that it is a betterchoice for me to come back to China. Third, my long-range objective isto become a professor in China top universities such as ##X.24. Why won't you stay in USA?My main purpose in USA is only to pursue the PhD degree. First, PhD holders from the USA are much easier to posses an academic position with high salary in China top universities such as ##X. I will have a bright future in China. Second, my career objective determines that it is a better choice for meto come back to China because Chinese universities will run after the USA advance in the direction -## mechanics. My long-range objective isto become a professor in China top universities such as ##X. Third, I haveto come back and reunited with my family member.25. Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?Really? As I know, during the recent years, more and more students come back after they finished their study. For me, I will definitely return back. If reallyso, I think, when 90% Chinese students didn't come back, I will have more opportunity to realize my career dream quickly.26. Can you promise that you will not be attracted?Sure. China is my home. But as for my major, you see, it is a practical major. My career objective also determines that it is a better choice for meto come back to China. Many Chinese top universities have just startedthis research. This can give me easy chance to achieve my long-range objective -- to become a professor in ##X.27. Why do you choose this Univ.?First, the Graduate program of the Department fits my interest very well.The experimental condition of the University of XXX is very good.It is quite flexible, based on the research interests of the faculty member. Second, There have a good academic atmosphere and good reputation.The program is among the top of a few PhD programs in mechanical engineering in USA. Besides, I like the weather and environment of##X, not as heavy polluted air, windy and sandy as Beijing.28. Why do you like your major? Why do you want to study this major?I love the ##X Mechanics. It is both academically complex andwidely used. I always feel it fascinating. I love the problem-driven research originating from the real practice. I like to spend a lot of time to handlethe experimental problem. In fact, it is promising in china. My strong practice background assures me excellent in this area.29. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose US while not Japan or Canada?Why are you going to USA?A Ph.D. degree from USA will help me to achieve my career goalmore easily. I would like to become a professor of XXXUniv. T o my major direction, USA leaded in a quite advance. T o me, studying abroad for aperiod of time helps me to be more open-minded. And I will have a more promising future after I return back from USA.30. Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?My N years of working experience at XXXUniversity tell me. I realizedwhat I have learned is far from enough and must be updated. The Universityof XXX is full of competence and challenge to me. A Ph.D. degree abroadis important and useful for my goal to be a professor later in XXXUniv.And if you want to be a professor in ##X, it is necessary to hold a PHD degree first. I am in the golden time of my life to pursue Ph.D. after N-year working.31. Why do you want to study Mechanical Engineering for PHD in USA?My working experience tells me. ##X Mechanics is an importantbranch in the field of Mechanical Engineering. What I have learnedneeds updated. USA has the advanced science and technology and the most active research environment in the world.32. Why do you want to study Mechanical Engineering for PHD in University of XXX?The Mechanical Engineering of the University of XXX is rather outstanding. In my favorite research direction, He has the strong facultiesand equipment and rank the top 5 in the world.33. Why not a Ph.D. degree in China?Almost top universities in China such as ##X and Beijing have not my favorite research direction. But the USA has the strongest in the world. Soit's quite reasonable for me to peruse my Ph.D. degree in the United States. 34. Many universities in the China offer first-rate graduate programs in ME, why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?Because they have not my favorite major direction-- ##X mechanics. And they just started to found this research direction. The Mechanical Engineering of UA can afford the best education conditions. It can offer more promising future to realize my dream-a professor of ##X.35. Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.? Why can you get RA? Why this university gave you the aid <funding>?My excellent academic records and strong research backgroundsbecause I have the N-years working experiences in ##X.36. What if you do not have financial award for the following years?The department told me, if I remain in good academic records, they would renew my award of full financial support. I am an industrial student, andI don't think I'll encounter any problem in receiving such financial support. And just if I haven't financial aid in the second year, my personal savingat that time will be enough to pay the year expense.37. What's the difference between your current major and the major in USA? Now I major in Solid Mechanics at XXXUniversity, and I'll continue tostudy in this area at the University of XXX. I don't think there are differencesbetween the two. They are the same. Both are in the field of mechanical engineering.38. Are you going to be teaching?Yes, if they give me a TA position I will be going to be teaching for I have engaged in the teaching job in ##X for N years and have no problem to do TAjob.If I have got the PHD degree form USA, I will continue to engage in the teaching job.39. Why are you going to be teaching?I had the same experience for N years when I was employed in XXXUniversity.I love teaching and research job and want to become a professor of ##X. I have deep feeling about it and decide to devote my whole life to it.40. What will you do if you cannot find a position in XXXUniversity?But if so, I will seek the same position in Chinese other top Universities such Beijing, Shanghai universities. I think, with my N-year working experience in ##X and the PhD degree from USA, I can easily realize my dream. In this February I visited several top university in Shanghai. I talked with theirDeans of Mechanics department. They all eagerly require the PhD abroadto fill the vacuum of the teaching faculies.41. Why did you choose your present job? What's your dream? XXXUniversity is the top one in China for its scientific research;my dream is to become a professor of XXXUniversity with highsalary and academic position in China. Having the working experiencein ##X can achieve my dream more easily.42. Why have you quit your job?The reason is that my contract with ##X has expired in this Aug.They need more high-lever faculties who possessed the PHD degree,when ##X is poised to become a world-class university in the 21st century.Our department all supports me to pursue a PhD abroad. When the contract expired, they cannot give me a teaching job if I do not have a PHD degree.43. Why do you pursue the PhD after the N years?The time of my contract with ##X is N years. I don't want to break the contract because I am very honest and loyal to my job. I have completely finished my contract job. My major direction also decided me to workfor a long time for it's the real practice from the engineering. After theN year working I have to replenish my knowledge.44. Which is your favorite restaurant <cafe>? What food do you like to eat? Chinese restaurant and Chinese traditional food such as Jiaozi, Beijing mixed-stew noodles and rice.45. When and where did you take the GRE test? How much is your GRE score?I have taken GRE in 10/8/2001<October eight, two thousand one>, Computerized test, Beijing. The Score is #### <v##X, a##X, Q##X>.46. When did you take the TOEFL test? How much is your TOEFL score?I have taken TOEFL in 10/20/2001<October twenty, two thousand one>, paper-based test, Beijing. The score is ##X and TWE is X.X.47. Where are your parents? Where are you from? Where is your hometown? Have you got any brothers or sisters?My parents worked and lived in ##X. I also come from ##X and ##Xis my hometown. I have a brother of twenty-two years old. They work ina big farm. My father and mother are teachers of a middleschool and my brother is a worker.48. Can you talk something about the course ##X?Seeing transcripts and some information on graduate program bulletin.49. Where do you live? In the dormitory of college.50. How many universities do you apply? Which? Any other school admits you? So how many universities accept you?Total there are eight. They are U.##X, DrexelU., U. Michigan,VT, RPI, IIT, NorthwesternU., and CMU.Six had admitted me. U.##X, DrexelU., U. Michigan, VT, RPI, IIT.51. Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else?As far as I know, USA has the best direction of my major,which is ## mechanics. It mainly researches the ##X response with the high ##X rate.52. What kind of good things do you know about America?It's the advanced science and technology and the most activeresearch environment in the world, which is worthily studied by China.53. What is your favorite animal? And why?I have no favorite animal now. But if I have time, I would like to have adog. Dog is honest.54. What is your best/worst quality?My best quality is the honest. My worst quality is that I consider manythings too detailed and cost too much time.55. What do you do in your spare time? What's your funny?Except the requisite released time, I will probably spend part ofspare time to continue the study. Maybe I am going to swimming and mountain climbing. I love these very much.56. What is your favorite American movie?The cartoon movie "Micky mouse and Tom Cat"57. What is the thing you like best in America, the thing you like best in China?It's the advanced science and technology and the most activeresearch environment in the world. The Chinese history and landscape of the scenic spot.58. What is the thing you don't like most in China?Each nation has its best and worst. I love my country. ButChina have much populations. When you go to anywhere, you can see the person everywhere.59. Do you have a girlfriend? How old are she? Where is she?Thought it's private, I can tell you some of her information.Yes, I have a girlfriend since I recognized her four years ago.She was ## years old. Yes, she is a manager of ##X Co. Ltd..60. Are you sure your girlfriend will keep relation with you during your graduate study?Yes, because we love each other deeply in the last four yearsand we will get married in this August.61. Oh, you will not come back to China after you graduate, right?I will come back to China, to my home country. To the detailI will return back to XXXUniversity.62. Do you want your wife to go with you?Yes, I strongly want her go with me. But she had her enterprise inBeijing and usually kept very busy in her job. She cannot live withme all the time. I wish we could live together in her convenient time for we love each other.63. How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in New Oriental?Oh, for I was very busy in the work recently, I almost haveno time to prepare my visa interview. Does New Oriental have theVisa interview class? I haven't heard about it.64. If you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?Oh, the relative ##X mechanics course includesA mechanics,B mechanics, andC mechanics.65. Can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living? Yes, my topic can be used to enhance the property of automobileand high-building, which saves people life in the accidence.66. What kind of works you will do for this assistantship? What's your duty asa RA?I will do the research assistant work. The duty is to do the experimental work on the lab according to the direction of advisor.67. Is your transcript original?Yes, you can see it in the stamped status and not opened.68. How long have you been in Beijing?Since Sep. 1994, when I started my Master graduate study in ##X,to now I have worked for N years in ##X, it has been eight years in whole.69. Why did you live in Beijing?Because I worked in ##X.70. Where is your HUKOU?My registered permanent residence is in Beijing71. Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why?Chinese former leader, Deng Xiaoping. It is he who leaded ourChinese people to enter prosperity and earn more money than before. 72. Is the University of XXX the first university to give you the offer? Yes. My research interesting and background can fit well withtheirs. So they give me the RA offer in the mid-April.73. Have you business card? Do you have a name card?Yes, here you are. Some of my basic information was shown on it.74. Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?No, I am used to drink my hometown green tea, which can makeme clear in thinking about questions.75. Would you like to accept the yellow card and go to window 10? Yes, of course。



英国面签时签证官所提问题大全**出国的原因及目的**1. 去英国做什么?What will you do in UK?2. 为什么选择英国?Why do you select UK?3. 在选择英国之前是否考虑过其它国家?或是否和其它国家进行过比较?Before you select UK, did you consider other country? Or if you have a comparison with other country?4. 你认为英国与其它国家相比有什么优势吗?或和其它国家比较过什么?Do you think what’s the advantage of UK comparing with other country? What do you compare UK with other countries?5. 你是什么时候开始有出国打算的?When do you plan to go abroad?6. 你是什么时候决定去英国的?When did you decide to go to UK?7. 难道有什么重大的变故使你产生出国的念头吗?Is there any important accident that make you have the idea of going abroad?8. 你为什么要出国读书?Why do you study abroad?9. 你对英国了解吗?Do you know UK?10. 你在英国有亲属或朋友吗?Do you have relatives and/or friends?11. 有人向你介绍过英国吗?Is there anyone who tell you something about UK to you?12. 你听说过什么人去英国留学吗?Do you hear of someone who study at UK?13. 你准备什么时候到达英国?When will you arrive in UK?Why will you arrive in UK in August? **学校情况及学习计划** 1. 你怎么知道的这所学校?How do know the university?2. 你是怎样申请的?How did you make your application?3. 你是否还知道其它学校?Do you know other universities?4. 你在选择这个学校时是否和其它学校比较过?Did you compare the university with others?5. 比较过什么?What did you compare?6. 你的学习计划?What’s your study plan?7. 你为什么不在国内读硕士?Why don’t you get a master degree at your domestic univer sity?8. 你在英国停留多长时间?(说出你应在英国停留的具体几年几个月)How long will you stay in UK?9. 你语言课程的学习内容是什么?每周的学费和课时数?10. 你每天只有4个小时的语言课程,你认为够用吗?11. 学校会组织一些什么样的活动哪?12. 听说读写都学什么内容?13. 你将学习多长时间的语言课程?我不相信你在读完语言课程之后能达到预科或A-level 或者研究生的入学要求?14. 什么是IELTS 考试?[际英语水平测试系统,(International English Language Testing System)]15.IELTS 考试分几个部分?(个部分:听,说,读,写。



面试评估以及使馆签证问题问答准备中英法第一部分个人情况 - Part one Personal Information (female case)1. Informations personnelles (féminin)问:您能做一下自我介绍吗?您可以和我说一下您的个人情况吗?法:Pouvez-vous vous présenter ? Pouvez-vous me parler un peu de vous ?英:Would you please introduce yourself ?答:我叫xxx,我今年xx 岁,我是xxx 人,我是单身。



法:Je m’appelle xxx, je viens de xxx, je suis célibataire, Je suis employée dans une entreprise, nous somme trois dans ma famille : mes parents et moi.英:My name is xxx. I am xx. I come from xx x. I’m single. I’m an employee in a company. There’re three members in my family, my parents and I.答:我叫杨红。


法:Je m’appelle Yang Dan, mon nom est Yang, mon prénom est Dan.英: My name is Yang Dan. My family name is Yang. My given name is Dan.问:您是哪年出生的?您是哪天出生的?您今年几岁?法:Quelle année êtes-vous née ? Quelle est votre date de naissance ? Quel age avez-vous ? Quel est votre age ?英:In which year were you born? When were you born? What’s your birth date? How old are you?答:我是1977年出生的。



工作签证英语口语1. 嘿,想拿工作签证呀,英语口语可得好好整一整呢!就像你要去一个新的游戏世界,语言就是你的魔法咒语。

比如说,在面试的时候,人家问你“Can you describe your previous work experience?”(你能描述一下你之前的工作经验吗?)你要是磕磕巴巴,那可就像游戏里还没出新手村就被大boss给灭了,多可惜呀!2. 工作签证英语口语可重要啦,兄弟!你要是去国外工作,那英语口语就像你的护照一样,是你的通行证。

我有个朋友去美国申请工作签证,面试官问他“Why do you want to work in the United States?”(你为什么想在美国工作?)他当时紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁,回答得乱七八糟的。


3. 哟呵,工作签证的英语口语,这可是个大事儿啊!你就想啊,这就跟你去参加一场超级重要的音乐会,英语口语就是你的乐器,得演奏得完美才行。

比如说你在和雇主交流的时候,他说“We are interested in your skills. Can you show us how you can contribute to our company?”(我们对你的技能感兴趣。


4. 工作签证的英语口语是打开新机会大门的钥匙呢,亲!你想象一下,你站在那扇大门前,门里面是超棒的工作和生活,而英语就是那把钥匙。

我认识一个姐姐,她去英国申请工作签证,在英语测试的时候,被问到“Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.”(告诉我你的优点和缺点。


5. 哎呀,工作签证英语口语这事儿可不能小瞧啊!它就像是你在异国职场战场上的武器。

假如你在和未来同事聊天的时候,人家说“How do you handle stress at work?”(你如何应对工作中的压力?)你要是能像个勇士一样,用流利的英语回答,那你就像手握宝剑,在战场上勇往直前啦。




Part 1 Visa for What1) What will you study in theUnited States?2) What will you do inUSA?3) What do you want to study inUSA?I will study Accounting at ** University. It’s located in *州名*.4) Are you going to study inUSA?Yes, I will study Accounting at ** University. It’s located in *州名*.5) What is your purpose for the visa?I want to pursue a Master Degree in Accounting at ** University. It’s located in *州名*.6) What will you do if you don’t get this visa?Well, I think you are so kind and you will give me the visa. But if you fail me, I’m sure I will try for another time. I really want to be educated there and one time failur e won’t make me give up.(黑体部分为回答时应加重音以示强调的单词)7) How long will you study inUSA?It will take around two years.Why does the I-20 say the program is around 36 months?That’s the duration of my program. It can be finished in 24 months if I take courses in the summer semester. Actually, my advisor told me that most students can make it within 2 years.8) What will you study in this major? What courses?I will take courses like Corporate Accounting, Cost Accounting, Auditing, Income taxation, Accounting Information System, and other related courses. I will also take some business related courses, such as financial management, and marketing, Which course do you think is the most difficult one?I think Accounting Information System is the most difficult one, according to those who have taken it. But I will work hard on it, no matter how difficult it is.横线部分随便填个课名就行了,因为这个原因可以以不变应万变。



美国留学签证面试官常问的问题第一类:为什么选择美国留学而不在国内读书或工作的考察1、why do you want to study in America?2、What is your purpose for the Visa?3、Why do you want to go to America for further study?4、When will you enter USA?第二类:为什么选择这所学校1、why did you choose this school?2、How do you know about this school?3、Why is it the best school for you?4、What is your plan major?第三类:考察学生的学术背景,工作背景及英语语言成绩等1、what are your test scores (GRE,GMAT,SAT,TOEFL,IELTS)?2、What is your academic background?3、What is your GPA and your overall performance as a student in the past?4、Do you have any work experience?第四类:询问学生怎么支付在国外的花销1、how are you funding the entire duration of your expenses in America?2、Who will be your sponsor?3、Do you have received any scholarship from this school?4、Do you have a bank statement?第五类:主要询问你的归国计划1、After your graduate, will you return home or will you stay in the United States?2、What is your dream job?3、Do you have any relative in the United States?4、What is the plan after graduation.看过“美国留学签证面试官常问的问题”。



签证常见问题Q1:What type of visa will you apply?I want to apply F-1 student VISAQ2: What are you going to do in USA? / What’s your purpose to USA? / Why do you want to apply the US visa? 你为什么去美国?/你去美国的目的?/你为什么要申请美国签证?A:To get the English training in…..Q3: Do you have any friend or relative in US? 你在美国有朋友或亲戚吗?A:Q4: How do you know this university? / From what ways do you know the university?Q5:Where is the university?这所学校在哪里A:Q6:What are you doing now? / What’s your academic background?你现在是做什么的?你的学术背景是什么?A:Q7:Why do you want to study in USA? 你为什么要去美国学习呢?A: 我们的培训是为了提高我们的英文水平、学习TEFL/TESOL和相关教育方法。


Our training is to improve our English and will also focus on TEFL/TESOL and related teaching methodologies. The training will include classroom lectures, case studies, discussions, and site visits.Q8: What major will you study in America?你在美国学习什么专业呢?A: 答案同7Q9:Do you have TOEFL score?你有托福成绩吗?A:(根据个人情况作答)Q10:How many years have you studied English?你已经学习英语有多少年了?A:(根据个人情况作答)Q11:What’s your tuition? / How much is your tuition fee? 你的学费是多少?A: Tuition and fee is nearly 10 thousand US Dollars.学费是差不多1万美元。



赴美使馆签证面试注意的问题与答话:1.Good morning, officer . ( Good morning, visa officer. )2.O: I would like to see your ID Card. (身份证)( Please show me ) your Student ID.(学生证)your Permanent Residence Booklet.(户口本)y our bankbook / deposit book. (存折)S: Here you are.3.O: Could you show me your family picture ? S: Sure, here it is.4.O: Can you tell me the time you will stay in America ?S: From 7 Feb. to 18 Feb.2011, twelve days.5.O: Who invited you there?S: Mr. Lloyd Graham, Superintendent of La Porte Independent School District.6.O: Where are you going to stay in America?S: In homestay family in Houston, in hotels out of Houston.7.O: Do you have any relatives or friends in America?S: No, I don’t have any.8.O: Have you ever been to the United States?S: No , I haven’t. / Y es , I have.(如实回答)O: Any other foreign countries ?S: No, none. /Y es,Japan、Australia…. (根据事实回答)9.O: Have you applied for your passport for America visaed before ?/Have you been rejected (被拒签)?S: No, never.(如实回答)10.O: Have you ever joined the army ? S: No, I haven’t.11.O: Can you say something about your family ?S: OK. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. My father is works in a company/….My mother is a worker. / teacher /…I study in Tianjin Nankai High School .12. O: What grade are you in? What do you study in your school?S: I’m in Grade 10/11. We study Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry, art, music and computer.(如实回答)1.O: What are you going to America for ?S: To learn something about American culture and education system.2.O: What are you going to do there?S: 按行程表说3.O: Which city are you going S: New Y ork, Washinton,Philadelphia, Houston, La Porte, Los Angeles.4.O: Which school are you going? S: La Porte High School.5.O: What’s the relation between you and La Porte High School?S: We have friendly relationship.6.O: Do you plan to stay /remain in America this time ?S: No, I don’t. I have my study here.7.O: Who is your leading teacher?S:Thank you. Goodbye, sir /madam .。



签证一般常问到的问题一、学习方面1. What will you study in the United States? 你要在美国学习什么?I will study engineering management in university of Michigan, flint in flint Michigan.2. What is your major? What do you want to study in USA? 你的专业是什么?你想在美国学习什么?My major is engineering management.3. What will you do in USA? 你要在美国做什么?I want to complete my university education and get a Bachelor’s degree.4. Are you going to study in USA? 你是不是要去美国学习?Yes, absolutely.5. How long will you study in USA? 你要在美国学习多久?About ???? months.6. When did you get your high school graduation certificate? 你什么时候取得了高中毕业证?I graduated in June 2008 and got the graduation certificate.7. How do you know this University? 你是怎么知道这个大学的?I knew this school on my friend’s recommendation. I have some friends studying in Mi chigan.8. Why do you choose this University? 你为什么会选择这个学校?After I heard about this school from my friend, I researched about it and found that this is one of the most beautiful universities in America and has been ranked in USnews “America’s best colleges 2008”. Also, it has small class size and has a strong academic research in ???.1校园安全,环境优美2传媒专业教育质量高,有很好的学术声誉3 比起被动学习,我更喜欢主动参与,通过网络,我了解到它能提供给我这样的学习氛围9. How much do you know about this university? 你对这个学校了解多少?The Heidelberg University was founded in 1850, which was a public university located in fli nt, michigan State. It is closed to the Erie Lake and has a peaceful environment likethe northern part ofchina. Heidelberg University is one of the most beautiful universities in Americaand has a strong academic research in computer science. Also, heidelberg is ranked tier one #37 among north western universities by USnews.10. Why do you want go to the United States for further study? 你为什么想去美国继续你的学业?- I can get a better job in china when I come back.In this age of globalization, china needs more internationalized talents and I thought study abroad is very special experience to open my mind and become more qualified personnel helpful to the country's development.Also, through many people return from overseas, I understand the difference between theChina-US educations. America is known as the business related industry like accounting, and this major has a long history, therefore accounting major is more mature than the others, and America has a strong accounting research capability and deep international atmosphere.11. For how many institutions/universities have you applied, and what are they? Any other school admits you? 你申请了多少所学校,他们都是什么学校?还有别的学校录取你吗?One, university of Michigan, flint, because I believe I can get their offer.12. Did you apply for school offer or visa by yourself or by the agent? 你是自己申请学校和签证的还是有代理人帮你?No. I did research work about school and completed all other application process by myself.13. Do you know which school is the best in your major? 你知道你的专业领域里最好的大学是什么吗?As I know, ?????? is the best one in US.(by US News and World Report 2009)14. What will you study in this major? What courses? 你将要在美国学习什么专业?都要学习什么课程?I will study engineering management. But for the detailed information about the cours e, I will be advised by my advisor after I get there.15. Why do you like your major? 你为什么喜欢这个专业?When I working at a company, I’ve done some accounting related work and found th at I’m good at numbers and accounting job. Also, my mother was accountant.At the same time, I believe that in china, at the immature stage of the development of the ac counting industry has bright prospects and a broad space, accountant is a high-income sector. That the reasons why I like this major.16. What’s the difference between your major here and the major in USA? 你这个专业在中国和美国有什么区别?The accounting in the United States has a long history and more mature than in China. So I want to go to America for my further study. But for my career development, the developing environment has more potential to work with and is more suitable for my future with my American Education background in accounting.17. When did you take the TOEFL/GRE test? 你什么时候参加了托福或者雅思考试?如果没有,你为什么没有考托福和雅思?No. I didn’t get enough time to apply for the test since school application deadline is approaching. More importantly, admission officer of Heidelberg said they would like t o offer me language program.18. What score did you get in TOEFL/GRE test? 你的托福和雅思考了多少分?I didn’t take XXX test.19. Why don’t go on your fu rther study in China? 你为什么不在中国完成学业?In this age of globalization, china needs more internationalized talents and I thought study abroad is very special experience to open my mind and become more qualified personnel helpful to the country's development.Also, through many people return from overseas, I understand the difference between the China-US educations. America is known as the business related industry like accounting, and this major has a long history. Because this, it is more mature than the others, and America has a strong accounting research capability and deep international atmosphere.20. Do you have any scholarship? 你有奖学金吗?Yes, I do, 8000 dollars per year.21. Are you student now? 你现在是学生吗?No. (xxxxxx)二、回国计划方面22. What will you do after graduation? What kind of job can you find in the future? 你毕业后准备做什么?未来你想从事什么样的职业?I want to come back to china to find an accounting job. Then accumulate sufficient experience to set up my own company that is my dream.23. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? 给我三个理由让我相信你会回国(1) Accounting industry in china is immature, so there is more opportunity for me. Espec ially, I have American Education background; this will help me finding a job which is much better than in US.(2) My family and friends all live in china, and since I’m the only child of the family, my parents need me more for home care.24. You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why don’t you want to earn more? Why you come back to China instead of finding a job in America?从事相同的职业在美国可以赚到更多的钱,为什么你不想赚更多的钱?你为什么要回中国而不是在美国找工作?1. China's accounting industry development is so fast, and the society urgent need the talents who are both familiar with the mainland market and has the background of the operation of international professionals, I think I can highlight the strengths and achieve abetter development here than in US if I come back to china after finishing my study.2 My family and friends all live in china, and since I’m the only child of the family, my parents need me more for home care.25. Why do you think you can find a good job in China after you finish your study in USA? 你凭什么认为当你在美国完成学业后你可以在中国找到一份好工作?According to the survey it shows that with the booming in China's accounting industry development, and the society urgent need the talents who are both familiar with the mainland market and has the background of the operation of international professionals, I think I can highlight the strengths and achieve a better development if I come back to china after finishing my study.根据调查显示随着中国传媒业的蓬勃发展,急需大量既熟悉内地市场,又具有国际化运作背景的专业人才,我认为回国发展更可以突出的我长处,得到更好的发展。



(1) 询问学习目的What's your purpose or what will you do in the US?I am seeking the Master degree of petroleum engineering in Texas A&M university. What do you intend to do in the United States?Why do you want to go to the US?(2) 选择这所学校的原因Which university do you plan to attend?Why did you choose the school?What do you think of ...university?3) 学习的期限How long do you plan to stay in America?How long will you stay in US?When are you going to enter US?(4) 申请几所学校How many schools did you apply for?(5) 专业及主攻方向Why do you choose this major?Which major?Which degree will you pursue in America?What will you study in the United States?What is your major?In what aspect of your major will you study?What will you do in US?Why did you choose...as your major?Please explain in detail why you chose... university in academic standards。

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1,Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed? 你已经准备好面签了么Yes,please 是的请开始吧2,Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it ? 这是你得签证申请表么你都懂了并且签字了么Yes this is my application form, I sign it by myself. 是的这是我的申请表格我自己签字的3,And how long ? What is the maximum time you wish to stay there? 你希望在那待多长时间最多About one year. 大概一年4,Are you traveling along or with someone else? 还有其他人和你一起去么No 没有5,Do you know anyone at all in the UK. 你在A国有认识人么Yes, my sister and her hu**and study in the UK. 是的我姐姐和姐夫在A国6,Is any of your family outside China now/? If so, who are they and where?你家庭的其他成员现在有不再中国的么如果有现在在哪Yes,my sister and her hu**and study in the UK, 是的我姐姐和姐夫在A7,Do you know anyone who intends to study in the UK. 你知道都谁想去A国读书吗Yes, many students in China want to study in the UK. 是的许多中国学生都想去8,Do you know anyone you know refused a visa to go to the U k. 你知道谁想去A国的被拒签了么No 没有9,Are you one of any political parties in China> 你是中国共产党员吗No , I am not. 不我不是10,Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country? 你是否之前申请过其他国家的签证呢No I have not. 不没有11,Is this your first tine applying for a visa? 这是你的第一次申请签证吗Yes, it is the first time .是的第一次12,Is this the first time going out of the China / 这是你第一次离开中国么Yes, It is the first time.是的13,Why do you want to go to the UK.? 为什么选择ABecause of it’s excellence in higher education. and warm welcome to international students 因为他们很好的很高的教育水平并且欢迎国际的留学生。

14,What will you do in the UK. 你在英国准备做什么I want to improve my English, and get my academic degree. 我想提高我的英文水平,获得学士学位15,Why do you intend to study in the UK rather than China? 为什么想要去英国留学而不是留在中国呢In my speciality, UK has more advanced technology than China. 按我的专业来说英国比中国有更先进的技术16, What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK.在英国你想获得什么学位呢Master of Science. 科学硕士17,Do you think UK has some more advantage than other countries?你认为英国比其他国家更有有优势吗I will only spend one year to get my master degree. You know, Short time means short money.我只是想花费一年拿到硕士学位你知道时间越短花的钱越少18,When you have the idea to go abroad to study ? 你什么时候开始有的出国学习的想法的july, last year, when I graduated .去年我毕业的时候19Do you know about UK? 你知道英国么From the internet, I know a lot of habits and some customs about UK. I believe during this one year study , I will know more about it.从英特网上我知道很多英国人的风俗和习惯,我相信在我一年的学习期间我会学习的更多20,When will you arrive in UK. 你打算什么时候去英国About a week before term begins. 新学期开始前的一周出国目的1,what is your future plan? What will you do after graduation? 你未来的计划是什么你毕业之后想做什么I will come back to China, and devoted myself to developing food industries of China.我将会回到中国,献身于发展中国食品工业2,Wold you come back after graduation? 你别用之后会回来么Yes indeed. 是的的确是3,what degree do you intend to achieve after graduation? 你毕业时候你想拿到什么学位呢Master of Science.科学硕士4,will you want to settle in the UK? 你想定居在英国么No, I will not. 不不会5,After graduation, will you plan to find a job in the UK? 打算在英国工作吗?No,No, I will not. Although China is a developing country, it is more potential and challenging than other countries. China will give me more chances to succeed.. So to come back to China is advisable choice for me .不我不会尽管中国是个发展中国家,比起其他国家还有很多潜在的挑战,中国将会给我更多的成功的机会,所以我回到中国是个明智的选择6,In the UK, you will earn much money than in China. Then why do you say you will come back to China? 既然你在英国接受的教育,留在英国工作一段时间来增加工作经验对你更有利,你说对吗?就我所知,你所学的专业在英国更为发达,你为什么不留下来那?Money is important, In China the emotion to parents is more important than money. My parents are in China. I will definitely come back and am responsible for looking after them when they get old.钱很重要,在中国父母的感情比钱更重要,我父母都在中国我一定会回到中国当他们年迈的时候有责任区照顾他们7,If a company wants to hire you after graduation, would you come? 如果在毕业后有单位想雇佣你你愿意吗No, if a company in UK wants to hire me ,a better company in China also will hire me .So,it is the same.如果英国的公司想要雇用我的话,我想在中国将会有更好的公司在等着我8,What do you think your future position after your study? 你准备找什么样的工作?I want to be the administrator of a food company. In the UK, I will learn how to combine the food knowledge with the management skills.我想做食品公司的管理者,在英国我将学习怎样结合食品知识和管理技能。

9,And what do you think your future salary? 你预期的年薪是多少??About annual income RMB50-80,000 after graduation. 大概是5-8万学习情况。

1,Where will you study ? 你想要去哪学习Nottingham2,How did you know this University? 你知道这个学校么From the internet.3,How much do you know this University?有关这个学校你知道多少I know this university is welcome to Chinese students and has high reputation in teaching and research. 我知道这个学校欢迎中国学生,在教学和研究方面有着很好的声誉What is more ,it rates the first place in Food Sciences in UK. 而且这是英国食品科学最好的学校4,Which subject will you study /?what is your proposed course?你想要学习什么专业呢Msc in Food Production Management. 食品生产管理硕士5, Which course will you study? what is the course arrangement? How much do you know about your course?你想学习什么课程,课程管理什么你怎么知道你的课程安排的呢The course combines the Food Sciences with the management operations. Therefore, I will study some knowledge about Food Sciences such as Food Factory operation, Food flavor ,Food Commodities, And some knowledge about management such as, management quality, marketing& logistics, managing Operations& Change. And in the autumn semester, after industrial placement a dissertation will be submitted.本课程结合了管理业务的食品科学。
