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Para. 1 For an instant they reminded me of newly-married couples, but I knew bytthheeaaggeeoofftthheeiirrkkiiddsstthhaatttthheeyyccoouullddnn't'tppoossssiibbllyybbee..
his home? ④ What did “I” react to the man's answer and do afterwards?
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)
1. Interpretation of given information首句解读: Para. 2 The man suddenly stopped smiling and looked me straight in the eye. With forcefulness that burned right into my soul, he told me something that left me a different person.
我们可以通过架构小说人物的信息,通过细节描写,展现人物年龄、性别、状态、 动作、表情等的特点,让人物更形象,文章更有血有肉,厚实感人。比如第一段中 女人的哭,不仅有为生活艰难而情绪宣泄的痛哭,更有感动和感激的哭。不同年龄 的人、不同性别的人和处于不同情境中的人都会有不一样的哭。在描写时,加上哭 的声音、表情或动作就可以让人物更有区分度。那么,如何描绘一个长期压抑沮丧 突然得以宣泄的中年女人的哭呢?让我们一起来学习哭的各种表达。
Characters Actions Feelings
I; a friend; the man; his family smile; gaze; hug softly; satisfied; passionate
Tip: 将10个下划线词当成下棋的棋子,将它们摆 一摆,看看他们在续写故事中的几种情节发展的
① How long have you been married and how long have you
been away from your home? ② What was “my” reaction to the man's answers?
Information ③ How long had “I” expected the man had been away from
Idea 1:
Came up
was astonished
flashed me his wonderful smile again, shook my hand
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu“I”
The newlymarried couple
Interpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读
1. Interpretation of given information首句解读: Para. 2 The man suddenly stopped smiling and looked me straight in the eye. With forcefulness that burned right into my soul, he told me something that left me a different person.
Tip 1: Use reverse thinking (逆向思维) skill
Tip 2: Using the G—N stratedy
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读 (G-N策略)
1. Interpretation of given information首句解读: Para. 1 For an instant they reminded me of newly-married couples, but I knew by the age of their kids that they couldn't possibly be.
New Information
1.What did the man do and say to “me”? 2.What's “my” reaction? 3.What did “I” plan to do? 4.What about “my” friend's reaction?
Interpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)
1. Interpretation of given information首句解读: Para. 1 For an instant they reminded me of newly-married couples, but I knew by the age of their kids that they couldn't possibly be.
Para. 2 The man suddenly stopped smiling and looked me straight in the eye. With forcefulness that burned right into my soul, he told me something that left me a different person.
Characters I; a friend; the man; his family Actions smile; gaze; hug
Feelings softly; satisfied; passionate
Reading the first sentences of the two continued paragraphs for creation.
Decide to Love
Interpretation of the Text 文本解读
A story
Interpretation of the Text 文本解读 (Who)
Reading for the relationship of the characters
1.First he waved to his youngest son (maybe about
Information six years old) as he laid down his bags(P. ara.3)
2. The man said, “Hi, baby girl!” as he gently took the child from her mother(.Para. 5)
戏剧中,肢体语言成为了演员塑造人物形象、表达角色思想情感的一个非常 重要的途径。演员能够通过一系列肢体语言的合理运用 ,使肢体表现和内心
情感有机的Pa结ra合.4,:从T而h塑en造th出e完m整a的n 、st鲜oo明d的u、p,具ga有z独ed特i性n 格th魅e 力ey的es人物形 象。文学创of作h中is,o作ld家es通t s过o对n 人(m物a肢yb体e语n言in等e 描or写te,n使) a作n品d 中w的hi人le物血肉丰 满 “,内厚容实的感丰cu人 富p, 性pi增 ”ng强 。h叙 所is述 谓s的“on画内's面容fa的感c丰。e 富我in性们h”高is,考ha就读n是后ds要续求写续的写评部分分原详则细之、一生是动
Idea 2:
Came up
couldn't help sighing
reflecting on my insipid marriage
The newlymarried couple
The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能: 之动作神态:肢体语言篇
地描述情景、态度和感情等。上面这一段文字情节完整,但是存在着信息量 不够,表达干瘪的缺点,无法准确传达故事类文章的情感因素。
The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能: 之动作神态:肢体语言篇
词的积累: 名词:hug, kiss, smile 动词:wave, miss, hug, squirm, kiss, mouth, beam 形容词:long, loving, tender, satisfied, passionate 副词:shyly, softly, excitedly, gently, instantly, simply, silently
A man
Interpretation of the Text 文本解读
Reading for the plot developments.
Life-changing experience
Interpretation of the Text 文本解读
Reading for the plot developments.
2. They gave each other a long, loving hug. 3. His son smiled somewhat shyly, and replied softly, “Met,oo, Dad!” 4. Then the man stood up, gazed in the eyes of his oldest son and while cupping his son's face in his hands said, “……”
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读
2. Interpretation of underlined words下划线词解读:
I; a friend; the man; his family; hug; softly; gaze; love; satisfied
I had one of those life-changing experiences.
Information It occurred merely two feet away from me.
(para 1)
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)
Witnessing the family love
Tip: Pay more attention to the use of v.s,
adj.s & adv. s. to describe love.
Reading the underlined words for creation
10 underlined words: I; a friend; the man; his family; hug; softly; gaze; love; satisfied
5. A baby girl was squirming(扭动) excitedly in her mother's arms,
II.词块和句的积累 1. gave … a long, loving hug; smile somewhat shyly; reply softly;
gaze in the eyes of; cup one's face in one's hands; hug a most loving; tender hug; squirm(扭动) excitedly in one's arms; never taking her little eyes off the wonderful sight of …;
his home? ④ What did “I” react to the man's answer and do afterwards?
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)
1. Interpretation of given information首句解读: Para. 2 The man suddenly stopped smiling and looked me straight in the eye. With forcefulness that burned right into my soul, he told me something that left me a different person.
我们可以通过架构小说人物的信息,通过细节描写,展现人物年龄、性别、状态、 动作、表情等的特点,让人物更形象,文章更有血有肉,厚实感人。比如第一段中 女人的哭,不仅有为生活艰难而情绪宣泄的痛哭,更有感动和感激的哭。不同年龄 的人、不同性别的人和处于不同情境中的人都会有不一样的哭。在描写时,加上哭 的声音、表情或动作就可以让人物更有区分度。那么,如何描绘一个长期压抑沮丧 突然得以宣泄的中年女人的哭呢?让我们一起来学习哭的各种表达。
Characters Actions Feelings
I; a friend; the man; his family smile; gaze; hug softly; satisfied; passionate
Tip: 将10个下划线词当成下棋的棋子,将它们摆 一摆,看看他们在续写故事中的几种情节发展的
① How long have you been married and how long have you
been away from your home? ② What was “my” reaction to the man's answers?
Information ③ How long had “I” expected the man had been away from
Idea 1:
Came up
was astonished
flashed me his wonderful smile again, shook my hand
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu“I”
The newlymarried couple
Interpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读
1. Interpretation of given information首句解读: Para. 2 The man suddenly stopped smiling and looked me straight in the eye. With forcefulness that burned right into my soul, he told me something that left me a different person.
Tip 1: Use reverse thinking (逆向思维) skill
Tip 2: Using the G—N stratedy
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读 (G-N策略)
1. Interpretation of given information首句解读: Para. 1 For an instant they reminded me of newly-married couples, but I knew by the age of their kids that they couldn't possibly be.
New Information
1.What did the man do and say to “me”? 2.What's “my” reaction? 3.What did “I” plan to do? 4.What about “my” friend's reaction?
Interpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)
1. Interpretation of given information首句解读: Para. 1 For an instant they reminded me of newly-married couples, but I knew by the age of their kids that they couldn't possibly be.
Para. 2 The man suddenly stopped smiling and looked me straight in the eye. With forcefulness that burned right into my soul, he told me something that left me a different person.
Characters I; a friend; the man; his family Actions smile; gaze; hug
Feelings softly; satisfied; passionate
Reading the first sentences of the two continued paragraphs for creation.
Decide to Love
Interpretation of the Text 文本解读
A story
Interpretation of the Text 文本解读 (Who)
Reading for the relationship of the characters
1.First he waved to his youngest son (maybe about
Information six years old) as he laid down his bags(P. ara.3)
2. The man said, “Hi, baby girl!” as he gently took the child from her mother(.Para. 5)
戏剧中,肢体语言成为了演员塑造人物形象、表达角色思想情感的一个非常 重要的途径。演员能够通过一系列肢体语言的合理运用 ,使肢体表现和内心
情感有机的Pa结ra合.4,:从T而h塑en造th出e完m整a的n 、st鲜oo明d的u、p,具ga有z独ed特i性n 格th魅e 力ey的es人物形 象。文学创of作h中is,o作ld家es通t s过o对n 人(m物a肢yb体e语n言in等e 描or写te,n使) a作n品d 中w的hi人le物血肉丰 满 “,内厚容实的感丰cu人 富p, 性pi增 ”ng强 。h叙 所is述 谓s的“on画内's面容fa的感c丰。e 富我in性们h”高is,考ha就读n是后ds要续求写续的写评部分分原详则细之、一生是动
Idea 2:
Came up
couldn't help sighing
reflecting on my insipid marriage
The newlymarried couple
The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能: 之动作神态:肢体语言篇
地描述情景、态度和感情等。上面这一段文字情节完整,但是存在着信息量 不够,表达干瘪的缺点,无法准确传达故事类文章的情感因素。
The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能: 之动作神态:肢体语言篇
词的积累: 名词:hug, kiss, smile 动词:wave, miss, hug, squirm, kiss, mouth, beam 形容词:long, loving, tender, satisfied, passionate 副词:shyly, softly, excitedly, gently, instantly, simply, silently
A man
Interpretation of the Text 文本解读
Reading for the plot developments.
Life-changing experience
Interpretation of the Text 文本解读
Reading for the plot developments.
2. They gave each other a long, loving hug. 3. His son smiled somewhat shyly, and replied softly, “Met,oo, Dad!” 4. Then the man stood up, gazed in the eyes of his oldest son and while cupping his son's face in his hands said, “……”
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读
2. Interpretation of underlined words下划线词解读:
I; a friend; the man; his family; hug; softly; gaze; love; satisfied
I had one of those life-changing experiences.
Information It occurred merely two feet away from me.
(para 1)
Interpretation of underlined words and given information 划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)
Witnessing the family love
Tip: Pay more attention to the use of v.s,
adj.s & adv. s. to describe love.
Reading the underlined words for creation
10 underlined words: I; a friend; the man; his family; hug; softly; gaze; love; satisfied
5. A baby girl was squirming(扭动) excitedly in her mother's arms,
II.词块和句的积累 1. gave … a long, loving hug; smile somewhat shyly; reply softly;
gaze in the eyes of; cup one's face in one's hands; hug a most loving; tender hug; squirm(扭动) excitedly in one's arms; never taking her little eyes off the wonderful sight of …;