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Previous image in the ad often ignored in the analysis of advertising discourse, or to separate a single mode of discourse, or the image as to build the meaning of language symbols and text to analyze the linguistic sign as a whole.

A more comprehensive multi-modal study of discourse, in-depth greater impact (2 ) Baldry (2000) editor of the " era of distance education, multi-mode and multi-media book brings together the International Conference on the University of Pavia in 1994 20 research papers in 1999, the nature and function of the different technologies in a multimedia environment (such as PC, TV, video and telephone ) were discussed, including the integrated use of a range of different educational backgrounds - Remote learning.

The main purpose is for students faced with a new way of learning English - the electronic media, its contribution to multi- modal discourse around theory and practical application to classroom teaching, education and research in print and electronic text. Unworth (2001), the basic theoretical knowledge of the major textbooks, teachers must have the vision and discourse grammar, computer-based text in school, to solve these two requirements for electronic text and images in the Teaching of Literacy emerging format requirements for the teaching of multimedia information age provided for convenience.

Ventola, Charles, and Kaltenbacher (2004) “Multimodal Discourse Perspective on " for today's multi-modal research and theory building has opened up several streets, with particular emphasis on multi-modal discourse theory and methodological issues ( mode level, the pattern symbolic resources, multi-modal discourse corpus annotation ). In addition, a series of multi-modal discourse is widely applied to various fields such as mathematics, entertainment, education, museum design, medicine, and translation.

Halloran, (2004) editor of the “multi-modal discourse analysis," the book brings together cutting-edge research generated by the symbolic mode of communication between two or more multi-modal text and discourse. Such as: language, dynamic and static visual images, architecture and three-dimensional objects, electronic media. The methodological framework of the current system functions used to analyze the significance of how a series of case studies.

Journal debris scattered literature: Mr. Zammit ideology and technology: two CD-ROM courses, visual and textual analysis ", Jewitt 's " shift from paper page to screen: School of English multi- modal transformation, Royce " TESOL classroom in the multi-modal." Multi- modal discourse on teaching many other areas of slightly less relative. We can see, this study will make due contributions to linguistics and rich contemporary linguistic theories.

First, because we currently know very little about the multi-modal symbols can express the meaning of language, there is an urgent need to study it. The second is With the advent of the digital information age, multi-modal, such as, image, visual technology, more and more to highlight in the modern era of its important position in many communication model, we need more language theory to analyze the image of this communication mode.

International multi- modal discourse analysis study just as the bud of the bud, their research is moving in the interdisciplinary and the development of a more scientific direction. Relative to the late start of our multi- modal study of discourse, the author in Chinese journals online first "multi- modal discourse” for keywords within the range of core journals from 1999 to 2008 during the year search, found a total of 12 papers. This discourse analysis community starts before the official of the academic study of the multi-modal discourse.

2. Significance of the Present Study

With the progress of the times and technology, advertising is everywhere and people will encounter a variety of media to convey advertising. As Schroder said, "Advertising has been accompanied around us, whenever we open a newspaper, magazine, or turn on the TV, or in the subway station, the building will be covered by the ads. With the social and economic development, a variety of profit for the purpose of commercial advertising is full of our eye. Therefore, the present studies have focused on commercial advertising. Due to industrialization and mass production caused by global warming, soil erosion, air pollution and a series of social problems, public service advertising in modern society has played an increasingly significant role in the social issues of common concern by the public. For most of the studies of the public service ads are starting from a sociological or aesthetic point of view. With the network, which is the emergence of new media, it is easy for people to obtain information or to exchange more and more to show its important position. The language of advertising is changing, with diverse shapes. As a specific genre of advertising - public service ads, is serving the public, so that we cannot ignore the multi-modal discourse of the public service ads. With the advent of science and technology information age, the advertising discourse showing the expression of a variety of forms such as pictures, animations, sounds, colors, etc. to construct meaning. Most of the Analysis of advertising discourse in the text focuses on vocabulary, grammar, style, and rhetorical features. These are not beyond the study of the text. Comprehension of abstract symbols of written language and the difference of expression for audience is so important that advertising messages cannot be vivid, accurately convey. Image language can compensate for its inadequacies. Kress noted that " we live in this day and age where is launching a new round of competition of the means of communication, is about to language as a writing tool, or the image as a writing tool, and this new means of communication, especially in the extensive use of images of modern advertising is particularly evident. Gold pointed out that "Advertising is a persuasive or dominant communicative activity, where the image of linguistic signs plays an important role in the persuasion process, as one of the primary means of interaction significance.

Charles Forceville in sales on Hermeren (1999) written in English: Advertising Language " Book Review had to say,... the people of course have to admit that modern advertising and advertising signs effect so deeply dependent on the relationship between ' text and images ', and even almost the means of text has some unsatisfactory Thus, the multi-modal discourse has been prevalent in advertising English, this is an indisputable fact.”

In addition, since the American linguist Harris in the early 1950s, discourse analysis’sxd (discourse analysis), researchers, discourse analysts around the world has made great efforts to put forward a variety of discourse analysis theory and methods through the analysis of a large number of examples, anatomical relationship between the internal rules of the Discourse and the discourse and ideology and cognitive mode. " "However, these theories and methods are basically the language of study, namely the relationship between language system and semantic structure itself and its socio-cultural and psychological cognitive, neglect, such as images, sound, color, animation the other meaning manifestation of this discourse analysis with greater limitations. "

It rise in the West in the 1990s, multi-modal discourse analysis (multi-modal discourse analysis), you can greatly help people to overcome these limitations. Kress and & van Leeuwen (1996), to systemic functional linguistics theory, based on the framework of the analysis of visual images syntax for multi-modal discourse analysis provides a theoretical basis and methods of analysis. Kress and & Leeuwen, pointed out that " the visual structure is not just a form, which semantically is also very important ". They believe that the description language to describe the image, according to the image’s own way ".


First, multi-modal discourse analysis theory applied to the study of public service ads, where public service ads provide a new perspective for future research: from linguistic theory, the discourse, which new research applied to the field of will help expand the multi-modal discourse analysis theory with impacts and ranges of applications. Discourse analysis research has injected new vitality. We analyzed not only the language of discourse, but also multi-modal discourse, multi- semiotic discourse. Second, the successful stories of foreign public service ads could help the domestic advertising to get some valuable experience and benefit for it so as to create better public service ads. The results may guide the creation of ad designers and the revelatory role of primary English teaching textbooks.


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