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小学一分钟英语故事1:灰兔脱险记Gray rabbit playing on the hillside, and found the Wolf, jackal, fox surreptitiously coming to himself, quickly, quickly into his cave in the asylum. Gray rabbit hole there are three different direction of exports, in order to in the critical condition to retreat from a security hole. Today, Wolf, jackal, fox to unite against gray rabbit, they each took a exports, gray rabbit besieged in the cave.

The Wolf with his hoarse voice, to the cave shouted, "gray rabbit you listen to, all three export our guards, you can't escape, or did you go out. Otherwise we're going to use smoky, and poured the water in!"

Gray rabbit wanted to, so has been trapped in the cave is hardly a way to, if they really with smoky, water irrigation, the situation is much worse. The rabbit a brainwave, came up with a trick. He comes to the fox at the mouth of the cave, in the hole outside desperately screaming, like a desperate after being caught shrieks. The fox is a bit puzzling, gray rabbit

with its claws to catch the opening of the gray rabbit has shrewdly retreated inside.

The Wolf and a jackal hear the shriek of gray rabbit, thought, must be a grey rabbit escape from the fox at the hole was caught by the fox. They worry that the fox caught herself after gray rabbit, all rushed to the fox, the fox to belong to an own back. Wolf, jackal, such as the fox to realize gray rabbit may be to use a diversion time, quickly returned to their respective guarded the hole continue, silly wait. Where they know, gray rabbit, while just the Wolf to the fox ran out already, hiding in a safe place.

Gray rabbit told a hedgehog, their escape through the hedgehog said: "you're so smart, how did you come up with this idea?"

Gray rabbit said: "because I know, the Wolf, jackal, fox though banded to deal with me, but they all have the nature of greed, mistrust, heterogeneous, I use it."

小学一分钟英语故事2:小乌龟找到了妈妈In a beautiful beach, the tortoise mother put himself under the egg gently with sand buried, buried look in all directions, be afraid of others know it hid eggs here. Look around there is no other animal, the tortoise mother tucked away quietly to the grass, waiting

for her baby coming out of the shell.

A crocodile climb to pick up on the beach. The tortoise mother thought: this egg rustler, dare to hurt my child. She just wanted to come forward to prevent the crocodile, but saw crocodiles swim into the river quickly. The tortoise mother cried sadly, she reluctantly left the beach.

A few days later, the crocodile climbed to wait on the beach. After a while, but little crocodile climb out from the beach. Doubt? How the small one from the beach? The tortoise mother understood: the original crocodile is oviparous, also with sand buried after mother crocodiles lay eggs. I'm wrong about their mothers. Thinking about thinking she was asleep. After a while, only small tortoise also hatched, east look west see, full of curiosity about the world before.

See around mother turtle are the crocodiles, they also want to his mother. Then ask each other: "our mother?"

Together, they climbed up the crocodile mother: "mother, you have seen our mother? Where is she?"

Mother crocodiles affectionately said: "see, your mother has a shell on his back. Good boy, you look around!"

"Thank you, mother!" The little turtle climb away happily.

A big crabs crawling around on the opposite side, followed
