



2017年聊城大学外国语学院809翻译与写作考研真题及详解Part ⅠTranslation (100 points)Section A: C-E Translation (50 points, 25 points each)1. 中国文化的形成和发展过程,是以各国人民为师,不断学习和创造的过程。




英国科学家李约瑟(Joseph Needham)说:“中国在公元3世纪到13世纪之间,保持着一个西方所望尘莫及的科学知识水平。

”【参考译文】Indeed, it is true that if the Chinese people had not learned many things from the surrounding countries they would never have been able to produce the splendid achievements of former days. When we look back upon history, how can we not feel profoundly grateful for the legacies of the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Greece and India? How can we not feel fondness and respect for the cultures of Europe, Africa, America and Oceania?The Chinese nation, in turn, has made unique contributions to the community of mankind. Prior to the 15th Century, China led the world in science and technology.The British scientist Joseph Needham once said, “From the third century A.D. to the 13th century A.D. China was far ahead of the west in the level of its scientific knowledge.”2. 我爱花,所以也爱养花。






首先,图表中单位是“百万”,同学们在对数字进行描述过程中要加上“million”,而且还要加“S”体现复数,比如800 millions.其次,图表数据变化中最明显特征一定要有所体现,比如本表最明显特征是城镇人口20年来持续保持上升态势,乡村人口缓慢下降,直至2012年城镇人口和乡村人口持平。




The table above clearly and graphically reveals that there are some changes taking place in the number of population both in cities and villages. It is no difficulty to see that the population in the rural areas went up significantly from 300 million in 1990 to more than 650 million, almost paralleling that in cities. On the contrary, there was a gradual fall in the number of cities’population during the same periodMany factors that contribute to this phenomenon can be summarized as follows. To begin with, with the development of science and economy, the space of urbanization has been speed up dramatically in recent years, which undoubtedly is a critical factor of this situation. In addition, more and more young person flood into big cities to pursue their dreams and realize their careersuccess. It is just this kind of trend that accelerated this phenomenon. Last but not the least, our government’s effective measures and policies are playing a significant role in the realization of such a situation.Taking all these driving factors and analysis into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that this trend will sustain for a period of time and then the urban population will someday surpass the rural population in the forthcoming years.今年英语(一)的小作文的要求是让考生给本校的校长写一封信,内容是针对提高学生身体素质提供一些自己的建议。



考研英语翻译试题真题历年考研英语翻译试题真题(一览)Section VII Chinese-English TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English. (15 points)1. 去年的好收成是由于农场管理的改进和有利的气体条件。

2. 他在科研上取得的成就要比预期的大。

3. 我们现在必须做的是把情况作一番仔细的调查。

4. 很难说哪个方案更为切实可行。

5. 昨晚如果他来了,问题也许已得到解决。

翻译Section VII: Chinese-English Translation (15 points)1. The good crop last year was due to the improvement of farm management and favorable weather condition.2. The success he has achieved in scientific research is greater than expected.3. What we must do now is to make a careful investigation of the situation.4. It’s hard to say which plan is more practicable.5. If he had come yesterday evening, the question might have been solved.Section VIII English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese. Only the underlined sentences are to be translated. (20 points)It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to university without any clear idea of what they are going to do afterwards.(1) If one considers the enormous variety of courses offered, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to his interests and abilities.(2) If a student goes to university to acquire a broader perspective of life, to enlarge his ideas and to learn to think for himself, he will undoubtedly benefit.(3) Schools often have too restricting an atmosphere, with its time tables and disciplines, to allow him much time for independent assessment of the work he is asked to do.(4) Most students would, I believe, profit by a year of such exploration of different academic studies, especially those “all rounders”with no particular interest. They should have longer time to decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look back and say, “I should like to have been an archaeologist. If I hadn’t taken a degree in Modern Languages, I shouldn’t have ended up as an interpreter, but it’s too late now. I couldn’t go back and begin all over again.”(5) There is, of course, another side to the question of how to make the best use of one’s time at university.(6) This is the case of the student who excels in a particular branch of learning.(7) He is immediately accepted by the University of his choice, and spends his three or four years becoming a specialist, emerging with a first-class Honour Degree and very little knowledge of what the rest of the world is all about.(8) It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice. Only in this way can we be sure that we are not to have, on the one hand, a band of specialists ignorant of anything outside of their own subject, and on the other hand, an ever increasing number of graduates qualified in subjects for which there is little or no demand in the working world.翻译Section VIII: English-Chinese Translation (20 points)1. 如果想一想那些为学生设置的门类繁多的课程,我们就不难发现,对一个学生来说,要选一门符合他的兴趣和能力的课程是多么困难。



2018 年上外高翻 MTI 研究生统考《汉语百科知识》考题完整版百科知识(一)选择题1.能表演“掌上舞”是古代哪位美女?(几个选项是:貂蝉,西施,赵飞燕,杨玉环)2.《史记》中“世家”是给什么人做的传?(帝王,王侯,将士,还有一个忘了。

)3.“孔雀东南飞”和___并称诗歌史上的“双壁:4.“菊月”是指哪一个月?5.“红肥绿瘦”是指什么季节?6.“司空见惯”中“司空”是指? A唐朝的一位诗人 B唐朝的一位高僧 C一个官职7.下面哪一个是武松所为?A倒拔垂杨柳 B汴京城卖刀 C醉打蒋门神8.“名花解语”是指什么?9.“程门立雪”是为了什么?A拜访 B请罪 C道谢 D拜别10.一知半解又爱炫耀的人我们通常用什么词语形容?A半截剑 B半段枪 C半面 D半瓶醋11.“七月流火”形容的是? A炎炎夏日 B夏去秋来 C春去秋来 D秋去冬来12.“汗流浃背”是为了什么?13.京剧中,性格活泼的青年女性是? A青衣 B花旦 C彩旦14. “杨柳”是? A一种植物 B两种植物 C与植物无关15“成也萧何败萧何”指的是哪位历史人物?(二)成语解释精卫填海来龙去脉初出茅庐韬光养晦斯芬克之谜2018英语专业考研备考精华资料史上最全最有效大家论坛原创基础英语英汉互译二外语言学英美文学英美文化学校真题汇总等热门必备的辅导书:基础与综合英语[基础英语] 2018英语专业考研考点精梳与精练基础英语[大家网]英语专业考研名校全真试卷基础英语 07到 10年真卷与解读下载[大家网]2018英语专业基础英语考研真题详解.圣才.2018年版[大家网]2018英语专业基础英语考研真题详解.金圣才. 2009出版[大家网]09年版.英语专业考研基础英语高分突破.吴中东.宫玉波[大家网]10年题解英语专业考研过关必备 3000词 PDF.金圣才版1[大家网]英语专业考研核心词汇.pdf.宫玉波.09版[大家网]题解英语专业考研过关必备 3000词[大家网]读者的选择阅读手册[大家网]读者的选择第 4版英文版[大家网]谈语言写作读本英汉互译:[大家网]2018英语专业英汉互译考研真题与典型题详解.圣才考研网编[大家网]星火英语专业考研名校全真试卷精解英汉互译(2018)[大家网]2018年英语专业考研名校全真题精解.英汉互译.郭棲庆.10年版重点推荐资料:点击下载!英语专业考研(最全最新!) /thread-2407892-1-1.html 基础英语汇总:各校基础英语真题资料汇总英美文学:各校英美文学真题汇总二外:英研二外资料——日语、法语、德语、俄语、西班牙语等汇总学校真题汇总:中国人民大学英语专业考研真题汇总!中国矿业大学英语专业考研资料汇总!上海外国语大学北京外语国大学资料汇总华中师范大学英语专业考研--汇总华中科技大学英语专业考研资料汇总广东外语外贸大学深圳大学的真题汇总南开大学英语专业考研真题汇总中山大学资料汇总暨南大学资料北京航空航天大学英语专业考研真题资料西安外国语大学英语专业考研真题汇总河海大学英语专业考研真题资料汇总中国海洋大学英语专业考研资料小汇武汉理工大学英语专业考研资料汇总武汉大学英语专业考研资料汇总苏州大学英语专业考研资料北京师范大学英语专业考研资料汇总西安外国语大学英语专业考研真题汇总四川大学英语专业考研真题资料汇总!2南京大学英语专业考研资料中南大学二外法语 01年到 07年真题 pdf翻译资料:全日制翻译硕士专业学位 MTI研究生入学考试指南外事翻译口译和笔译技巧.rar下载[大家网]新编当代翻译理论刘宓庆著下载[大家网]英汉翻译综合教程[大家网]西方译学理论辑要下载[大家网]英语翻译理论与实践论文集下载[大家网]外事翻译口译和笔译技巧.rar下载汉语成语典故谚语与歇后语英语翻译全国 68所院校英汉互译试卷分析英语专业考研翻译超全面的笔记~英语专业考研各大院校题型对比分析 pdf英语修辞手法经济学人文本许渊冲与翻译艺术.张智中.扫描版散文佳作 108篇汉英英汉对照报刊英语单词精华经济指标名词解释真题:基础英语汇总:各校基础英语真题资料汇总英美文学:各校英美文学真题汇总二外:英研二外资料——日语法语德语俄语西班牙语等汇总语言学方面真题:汇总中中南大学 2006年英语语言文学与文化综合知识真题四川外语学院 01-06年英语语言文学真题长安大学 2007年英语语言学真题四川外国语大学英语专业 2006年考研真题翻译真题:汇总中广外英语专业历年初试真题水平+翻译与写作武汉大学 2009综合英语汉译英真题及参考答案南京大学 2007基础英语汉译英及参考答案文本及 pdf广外 10年写作与翻译真题3上外 01-08年英汉互译真题外交学院翻译真题及答案杭州师范大学 2018年硕士生招生入学考试科目和参考书目9.天津地区院校英专考研翻译真题8.上海地区院校英专考研翻译真题7.陕西地区院校英专考研翻译真题6.江苏地区院校英专考研翻译真题5.湖北地区院校英专考研翻译真题4.广东地区院校英专考研翻译真题3.福建地区院校英专考研翻译真题[大家网]2.东北地区院校英专考研翻译真题.pdf[大家网]1.北京地区院校英专考研翻译真题.pdf[大家网]高级英语第一册第二册教材及教师用书 rar下载孙亦丽--大学英语精读学习精要--第一册第二册第三册 pdf下载【大家论坛】传播学原理 2009年版张国良全日制翻译硕士专业学位 MTI研究生入学考试指南英语专业考研名校全真试卷基础英语 07到年真卷与解读下载英语专业考研核心词汇.pdf.宫玉波.09版孙亦丽--大学英语精读学习精要--第一册第二册第三册 pdf下载高级英语第二册教材及教师用书第一册 rar下载MTI之 2018中文百科-keys(杭州小蚩尤尝鲜版)1.汉宫飞燕赵飞燕身材轻盈,有人认为是古代芭蕾的雏形。

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