



慢病毒使用操作手册:1 慢病毒使用操作2 慢病毒安全使用规范3 悬浮细胞感染方法概要4 相关专业术语(详情可参考公司网站FAQ)5 细胞培养器皿的相关参数1、慢病毒使用操作手册1.1 慢病毒的储存与稀释:1.1.1 病毒的储存:用户收到病毒液后在很短时间内即使用慢病毒进行实验,可以将病毒暂时放置于4 ℃保存;如需长期保存请放置于-80℃(病毒置于冻存管,并使用封口膜封口)A.病毒可以存放于-80℃ 6个月以上;但如果病毒储存时间超过6个月,我们建议在使用前需要重新滴定病毒滴度B.反复冻融会降低病毒滴度:每次冻融会降低病毒滴度10%;因此在病毒使用过程中应仅尽量避免反复冻融,为避免反复冻融我们强烈建议客户收到病毒后按照每次的使用量进行分装。

1.1.2 病毒的稀释:用户需要稀释病毒时,请将病毒取出置于冰浴融解后,使用培养目的细胞用PBS或无血清培养基(含血清或含双抗不影响病毒感染)混匀分装后4℃保存(请尽量在三天内用完) 分装后使用。

1.2 慢病毒用于体外(In Vitro)实验:感染培养原代细胞和建系细胞1.2.1 慢病毒对各种细胞和组织的亲嗜性不同,用户使用Invabio提供的慢病毒之前可以通过查阅相关文献,了解慢病毒对您的目的细胞的亲嗜性,感染复数(MOI 值)以及在体(In Vivo)注射所需要的病毒量。

如果没有相关文献支持,可以通过感染预实验得到合适的感染复数(MOI 值)(使用24孔板检测病毒对目的细胞的亲嗜性)1.2.2 慢病毒感染目的细胞预实验1.2.2.1 慢病毒感染目的细胞预实验注意事项A.测定慢病毒对目的细胞的亲嗜性时,需要同时设置对慢病毒亲嗜性较高的细胞(HEK293T,Hela)作为平行实验的对照细胞。


C. Invabio提供的病毒单位为TU/ml, 即每毫升中含有具有生物活性的病毒颗粒数。

捷尼科比亚 慢病毒表达包装试剂盒 使用手册说明书

捷尼科比亚 慢病毒表达包装试剂盒 使用手册说明书

Lenti-Pac ™ HIV Expression Packaging KitFor optimized production of recombinant lentivirusCat. No. HPK-LvTR-20 (20 transfections) Cat. No. HPK-LvTR-40 (40 transfections)User Manual Version VGeneCopoeia, Inc.9620 Medical Center Drive, #101 Rockville, MD 20850 USA301-762-0888 or 866-360-9531***********************© 2009 GeneCopoeia, Inc.G C n p o eiae e o TMExpressway to DiscoveryUSER MANUALLenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging KitI. IntroductionII. Kit Contents and StorageIII. Additional Materials Required or RecommendedIV. Getting StartedV. Lentivirus ProductionVI. Lentivirus Titer Estimation by TransductionVII. Transduction of Target Cells with LentivirusesVIII. Limited Use License and WarrantyI. IntroductionGeneCopoeia has multiple sets of over 40,000 human and mouse ORF expression clones as well as multiple sets of small hairpin RNAi (shRNA) clones against genome-wide target genes from human, mouse, rat, and other mammals in HIV-based lentiviral vector systems. HIV- (human immunodeficiency virus) based vectors are currently the most popular lentiviral-based expression systems and are very effective at transducing genes into a wide variety of dividing and non-dividing mammalian cells, both in vitro and in vivo. The lentiviral expression vectors can integrate into the genome of the target cells, resulting in the stable expression of transgenes. The GeneCopoeia third generation HIV-based lentivector systems meet Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) requirements based on the criteria published by the Centers for Disease Control.The GeneCopoeia Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging System includes an optimized lentiviral packaging plasmid mix, an eGFP positive control plasmid, a new transfection reagent, EndoFectin™optimized for virus production and TiterBoost™ reagent that further increases the titers 5-10 fold. When combined with GeneCopoeia HIV-based lentiviral constructs the results are high titers and robust expression levels. The Lenti-Pac HIV Expression Packaging System safely ensures efficient expression of recombinant transcripts in mammalian cells.A dvantages of OmicsLink™ Lentiviral ORF Expression Clones and shRNA Clones∙High efficiency of gene delivery to virtually all mammalian cell types in vitro as well in vivo∙High expression levels of delivered genes (ORF expression clones)∙High knockdown efficiency against target mRNA transcripts (shRNA clones)∙Self-inactivation and no unwanted viral replicationII. Contents and Shipping/ StorageContents and storage recommendations for the Lenti-Pac HIV Expression Packaging Kits(Cat. No. HPK-LvTR-20/HPK-LvTR-40) are provided in the following table.III. Additional Materials Required or Recommended1. GeneCopoeia GCI-L3 chemically competent cells (GeneCopoeia Cat No. STK300-10). Alternatively, Stbl3™chemically competent cells (Invitrogen Cat No. C7373-03) may be used.2. GeneCopoeia 293Ta Lentiviral packaging cell line(GeneCopoeia Cat No. Clv-PK-01). Alternatively, theHEK 293T/17 cell line (ATCC Cat No. CRL-11268) can also be used.3. H1299 cell line (ATCC Cat No.CRL-5803), or HT-1080 cell line (ATCC Cat No. CCL-121) for lentivirus titerestimation. H1299 cells are preferred over HT-1080 cells for lentivirus titration.4. DMEM with glucose, L-glutamine and sodium pyruvate (Mediatech Cat No. 10-013-CV)5. Fetal bovine serum (Thermo Scientific Cat No. SH300700.02)6. Opti-MEM® I Reduced-Serum Medium (Invitrogen Cat No. 31985-062/31985-070).7. Polybrene(Sigma-Aldrich Cat No. H9268): 10 mg/ml solution dissolved in 150 mM NaCl and sterile-filtered.Store usable aliquots at -20o C. Working stock can be stored at 4o C for up to two months.8. Crystal Violet (Sigma-Aldrich Cat No. C3886): 0.5% (W/V) solution dissolved in 25% methanol.9. Penicillin-Streptomycin for mammalian cell culture (Sigma-Aldrich Cat No. P4333)10. Antibiotics for selecting stably transduced cells: puromycin (Invivogen Cat No. ant-pr-1/ant-pr-5), hygromycinB (Invivogen Cat No. ant-hm-1/ant-hm-5), Neomycin (G-418) (Invivogen Cat No. ant-gn-1/ant-gn-5)11. BD Falcon® 5-ml or 14-ml Tubes (BD Falcon Cat No. 352053/352059).IV. Getting StartedUpon receipt of a new lentiviral expression plasmid, it is recommended to transform the plasmid into GeneCopoeia GCI-L3 Chemically Competent E. coli Cells (GeneCopoeia Cat No. STK300-10), or any Stbl3™-equivalent competent cell strain, and to prepare plasmid DNA with a proven plasmid DNA purification method. GeneCopoeia lentiviral ORF expression or shRNA constructs contain the ampicillin resistance gene.Quality of plasmidIt is critical to use plasmid of the highest quality. Determine the DNA concentration by reading the absorption at 260 nm. DNA purity is measured by using the 260 nm / 280 nm ratio (the ratio should be in the range of 1.8 to 2.0). Check the integrity of the plasmid by agarose gel electrophoresis.Condition of cellsAlways use healthy cells that are well maintained and passaged regularly. Make sure the culture is free from bacteria, fungi, or Mycoplasma contamination. If the cells are from a recent liquid nitrogen stock, passage the cells at least 2 times before transfection.V. Lentivirus ProductionThe GeneCopoeia HIV-Based Lentiviral Expression System is a modified version of the third generation self-inactivating (SIN) lentiviral vector system which incorporates enhanced bio-safety features and is optimized for production of high viral titers. In this system, recombinant lentiviral particles are generated by co-transfecting an HIV-based lentiviral expression plasmid together with the GeneCopoeia Lenti-Pac HIV Expression Packaging Kit into GeneCopoeia 293Ta lentiviral packaging cells (GeneCopoeia Cat No. CLv-PK-01).The lentiviral ORF/shRNA expression plasmid (lentiviral transfer vector) contains the elements required for packaging, transduction and stable integration of the viral expression construct into genomic DNA leading to expression of the ORF or shRNA hairpin. However, it lacks the elements essential for transcription and packaging of an RNA copy of the ORF/shRNA expression plasmid into recombinant pseudoviral particles. These elements are provided by the Lenti-Pac HIV packaging mix, an optimized mixture of plasmids that express the structural, regulatory, and replication genes required to produce lentivirus. See figure 1 below for schematics of this process. The lentivirus generated with this system is pseudotyped with vesicular stomatitis virus-G protein (VSV-G) which exhibits wide cell tropism and generates high titers.In addition to Lenti-Pac HIV packaging mix, this kit also includes a positive control lentiviral transfer vector that expresses the eGFP protein, EndoFectin Lenti Reagent (Cat No. EFL1001-01), and TiterBoost reagent. The EndoFectin Lenti transfection reagent is optimized for transferring plasmids into packaging cells. It guarantees higher transfection efficiency and lower cell toxicity compared to other commercially available transfection reagents. The unique TiterBoost reagent from GeneCopoeia enhances the production of lentivirus particles.Figure 1. Schematics of Lentivirus production and infection of target cellsThe following procedure provides optimized steps for lentivirus production in 293Ta packaging cells. The yield of recombinant lentiviral particles typically produced under these optimized conditions is 10 ml of 1–10 x107 infection units (ifu) per ml of un-concentrated supernatant from one 10-cm culture dish for eGFP or mCherry positive controls. This amount of pseudoviral particles is generally sufficient to infect 1–10 x108 target cells at a MOI (multiplicity of infection) equal to 1. The titers of lentivirus decrease as the size of insert increases. Actual lentivirus titers for your gene of interest will vary accordingly.Caution: Following this protocol results in the production of pseudoviral particles capable of infecting mammalian cells. The recommended guidelines for working with BSL-2 safety class must be adhered to.1. Plate packaging cellsTwo days before transfection, plate 1.3–1.5 x106of the GeneCopoeia 293Ta lentiviral packaging cells or comparable cells in a 10-cm dish in 10 ml of DMEM supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum so that the cells are 70–80% confluent at the moment of transfection. Incubate the cells at 37°C with 5% CO2.Note: Plating the packaging cells 2 days prior to transfection significantly increases the titer of lentivirus.Use heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum for lentivirus production. Heat-inactivated serum can be purchased from other vendors or prepared by incubating thawed serum for 30 minutes at 56°C with gentle shaking.2. Prepare DNA/EndoFectin Lenti complexIn a sterile polypropylene tube, dilute 2.5 µg of lentiviral ORF/shRNA expression plasmid and 5.0 µl (0.5 µg/µl) of Lenti-Pac HIV mix into 200 µl of Opti-MEM® I (Invitrogen). In a separate tube, dilute 15 µl of EndoFectin Lenti into 200 µl of Opti-MEM I. Add diluted EndoFectin Lenti reagent drop-wise to the DNA solution while gently vortexing the DNA-containing tube. Do not reverse the addition sequence. Use round-bottom polypropylene tubes such as Falcon® 5-ml or 14-ml tubes (BD) for larger volumes. Incubate the mixture for 10–25 minutes atroom temperature to allow the DNA-EndoFectin complex to form.Note: The DNA-EndoFectin complex must be formed in the absence of proteins even though the complex is able to transfect cells in the presence of proteins such as 10% serum. Opti-MEM I is recommended for diluting both DNA and EndoFectin Lenti reagent. Serum-free DMEM can be used in place of Opti-MEM I but the transfection efficiency will be compromised. The ratio of 3.0 µl of EndoFectin Lenti per 1 µg of plasmid has been found to be optimal. Increasing the ratio does not further improve transfection efficiency.3. Transfect packaging cellsAdd the DNA-EndoFectin Lenti complex directly to each dish and gently swirl the dish to distribute the complex.Incubate the cells in a CO2 incubator at 37°C overnight (8–14 hours). Replace the overnight culture medium with fresh DMEM medium supplemented with 2–5% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and penicillin-streptomycin. Add 1/500 volume of the TiterBoost reagent to the culture medium and continue incubation in the CO2 incubator at 37°C.Note:a. Replace the culture medium that contains the DNA-EndoFectin Lenti complex within 16 hours post-transfection.b. TiterBoost reagent at working concentration (1×) typically boosts the titer of lentivirus products 5-10 fold.This reagent is readily removed during commonly used lentivirus concentration/purification procedures such as ultracentrifugation, ultrafiltration and other chromatographic methods. If crude lentiviral particles are used directly to transduce target cells, the volume of lentiviral particles should not exceed 1/10 of that of culture medium; otherwise some adverse effects may occur. TiterBoost at 1/20× or lower concentrations has negligible effects on commonly used mammalian cell lines. It's advised to test the effects of TiterBoost on your target cells beforehand if large volumes of crude lentiviral particles are used.4. Harvest lentivirusCollect the pseudovirus-containing culture medium in sterile capped tubes 48 hours post transfection and centrifuge the tubes at 500 x g for 10 minutes to get rid of cell debris. Following centrifugation, filter the supernatant through 0.45 µm polyethersulfone (PES) low protein-binding filters.Note:a. Peak virus production is normally achieved 24–48 hours post transfection. Alternatively, lentivirus-containing medium may be collected multiple times at 36, 48 and 60 hours post-transfection. Lentiviral containing supernatants should be replaced with fresh DMEM supplemented with 2–5% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, penicillin-streptomycin and TiterBoost reagent.b. Do not use nitrocellulose filters as nitrocellulose is known to bind lentivirus and reduce titers.The supernatant containing lentiviral particles can be used directly to determine the titer and to transduce target cells in vitro as long as the target cells can survive in conditioned medium. Lentiviral stocks should be aliquoted and stored at -80°C. Expect significant loss of viral titer with each freeze/thaw cycle.VI. Lentivirus Titer Estimation by TransductionAt this point it is recommended that the pseudoviral stock is titered to ensure it is viable and to test what fraction of target cells can be transduced. This enables the number of copies of viral construct per target cell to be controlled. There are several methods to determine the titer of pseudovirus stock. The procedure below is based on the transduction of H1299 or HT-1080 cells. Different cells can also be used but titers may vary up to several orders of magnitude.Day 1: Plate H1299 or HT-1080 cells1. Plate ~5 x 104 of the H1299 or HT-1080 cells per well in a 24-well plate 24 hours prior to viral infection. Use 0.5 ml of DMEM supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and penicillin-streptomycin for each well. Incubate the cells at 37°C with 5% CO2 overnight.Day 2: Transduce H1299 or HT-1080 cells2. Dilute Polybrene to 10 µg/ml with DMEM containing 5% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and penicillin-streptomycin.3. Remove old culture medium from each well. Add 0.25 ml of Polybrene (from Step 2). The final concentration of Polybrene will be 5 µg/ml after adding diluted lentivirus. For each pseudoviral stock, use five wells.3a. For lentivirus containing a fluorescent marker and to be analyzed with flow cytometry (step 5a): Infect H1299 or HT-1080 cells by adding 0.1 μl of lentivirus (10 μl of 100-fold diluted viral stock) into the first well, 0.5 μl of lentivirus (50 μl of 100-fold diluted viral stock) into the second well, 2.0 μl into the third well, 10 μl into the fourth well, and 50 μl into the fifth well. Add appropriate amount of DMEM containing 5% heat-inactivated serum and penicillin-streptomycin so that the final volume reaches 0.5 ml per well.3b. For lentivirus to be analyzed by drug selection and colony counting (step 5b-10): Infect H1299 or HT-1080 cells by adding 0.001 μl of lentivirus (10 μl of 10,000-fold diluted viral stock) into the first well, 0.01 μl of lentivirus (10 μl of 1,000-fold diluted viral stock) into the second well, 0.1 μl of lentivirus (10 μl of 100-fold diluted viral stock) into the third well, 0.5 μl of lentivirus (50 μl of 100-fold diluted viral stock) into the fourth well, and 2.0 μl into the fifth well. Add appropriate amount of DMEM containing 5% heat-inactivated serum and penicillin-streptomycin so that the final volume reaches 0.5 ml per well.Place the plates for 2 hours at 4-8°C; then transfer the plates to a 37°C incubator with 5% CO2 and incubate cells overnight.Note:a. Dilute lentivirus with only culture medium. Do not use water or other buffers.b. The optimal concentration of Polybrene depends on cell type and may need to be empirically determined,but is usually in the range of 2–10 µg/ml. Prepare enough for an extra well as a negative control.c. Excessive exposure to Polybrene (>12 hr) can be toxic to some cells.Day 3: Replace medium/split cell culture4. Trysinize and transfer the cells to 6-well plates (each 6-well plate will be used for one lentivirus with one control well of non-transduced cells). Incubate in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and penicillin-streptomycin for additional 48 hours.Day 5: Determine titer by fluorescence analysis (step 5a) or drug selection (5b)5a. The fraction of eGFP fluorescent cells can be counted by FACS (fluorescent activated cell sorting). Alternatively the eGFP fluorescence may be visualized under a fluorescent microscope. Normally 10 random fields of view are used to estimate the overall fraction of fluorescing cells in each well. The cells are then trypsinized, suspended with complete DMEM, and the total number of cells in each well is determined by using a hemocytometer. The averaged fraction of fluorescent cells is multiplied by the corresponding total cell numbers, then divided by the actual volume of added lentivirus supernatant (in ml, e.g. 0.1 μl equals 10–4 ml) to determine the titer of the pseudovirus in the supernatant.5b. For HT-1080 or H1299 cells transduced with lentiviral stocks lacking a fluorescent marker, replace the old medium with fresh complete DMEM containing an appropriate selection drug. (Note: The concentration of the selection drug should be determined empirically beforehand.) Then follow steps 6–10 below:Days 6-14: Select stably transduced cells and count colonies (continued from step 5b)6. Replace medium with fresh complete medium containing the appropriate selection drug every 3–4 days until drug-resistant colonies become visible (generally 7–14 days after selection). There should not be any colonies in the mock well control.7. Remove medium and wash dishes twice with cold PBS.8. Add enough 10% formalin to cover each dish. Incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature to fix the cells.9. Decant 10% formalin, add 0.5% crystal violet and incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature.10. Remove the crystal violet solution and wash the dishes with tap water until there is no background staining. Count the blue colonies and calculate the titer of lentiviral stock.Note:Viral titers determined by drug selection/colony counting are significantly lower than those determined by FACS.VII. Transduction of Target Cells with LentivirusesThe transduction efficiency depends upon the target cells and experimental procedure. It is recommended that the titrated pseudoviral stock containing the positive control eGFP is used to determine the concentration of pseudoviral particles required for the desired MOI of the target cells. After these test transductions are performed, it should be possible to determine the optimum concentration of pseudoviral particles for transduction based on eGFP fluorescence.Day 1: Plate cells1. Plate 2–10 x 104 of the target cells per well in a 24-well plate 24 hours prior to viral infection. Use 0.5 ml of DMEM supplemented with 5% heat-inactivated serum and penicillin-streptomycin for each well. Incubate the cells at 37°C with 5% CO2 overnight.Day 2: Transduce target cells2. For each well, prepare 0.5 ml of virus suspension diluted in complete medium with Polybrene at a final concentration of 5–8 µg/ml.Note:Use several dilutions of pseudoviral stock (0.1 μl to 100 μl). In addition, we recommend including a transduction with the eGFP control and other appropriate positive and negative controls. Mix the virus with the medium gently by rotation or inversion. Do not vortex.3. Infect the target cells by removing the old culture medium and replacing it with 0.5 ml of diluted viral supernatant. For one well (mock well control), add 0.5 ml of complete DMEM with Polybrene. Place the plates in a 37°C incubator with 5% CO2 and incubate cells overnight. (Optional: Place the plates for 2 hours at 4-8°C; then transfer the plates to a 37°C incubator with 5% CO2 and incubate cells overnight.)Note:Incubating cells with lentivirus for 2 hours at low temperatures can significantly increase the transduction efficiency. But it may be omitted if the cells cannot tolerate low temperatures.Day 3: Replace medium/Split cell culture4. Remove the culture medium and replace with 0.5 ml of complete medium (without Polybrene). Or split the cells 1:3 to 1:5 depending on the type of cells, and continue incubating for 48 hours in DMEM.Day 5: Analyze transduced cells or start drug selection of stably transduced cells5a. The infected target cells can be analyzed for transient expression of transgenes using an appropriate biological assay. If you have used an internal eGFP control, determine the percentage of infected cells by counting fluorescing cells by flow cytometry or with a fluorescent microscope.5b. To select stably transduced cells, replace old medium with fresh complete medium containing the appropriate selection drug every 3–4 days until drug-resistant colonies become visible (generally 7–14 days after selection).VIII. Limited Use License and WarrantyLimited Use LicenseFollow ing terms and conditions apply to use of all OmicsLink™ ORF Expression Clones in all lentiviral vectors and Packaging Kit (the Product). If the terms and conditions are not acceptable, the Product in its entirety must be returned to GeneCopoeia within 5 calendar days. A limited End-User license is granted to the purchaser of the Product. The Product shall be used by the purchaser for internal research purposes only. The Product is expressly not designed, intended, or warranted for use in humans or for therapeutic or diagnostic use. The Product must not be resold, repackaged or modified for resale, or used to manufacture commercial products without prior written consent from GeneCopoeia. This Product should be used in accordance with the NIH guidelines developed for recombinant DNA and genetic research. Use of any part of the Product constitutes acceptance of the above terms.Limited WarrantyGeneCopoeia warrants that the Product meets the specifications described in the accompanying Product Datasheet. If it is proven to the satisfaction of GeneCopoeia that the Product fails to meet these specifications, GeneCopoeia will replace the Product. In the event a replacement cannot be provided, GeneCopoeia will provide the purchaser with a refund. This limited warranty shall not extend to anyone other than the original purchaser of the Product. Notice of nonconforming products must be made to GeneCopoeia within 30 days of receipt of the Product. GeneCopoe ia’s liability is expressly limited to replacement of Product or a refund limited to the actual purchase price. GeneCopoeia’s liability does not extend to any damages arising from use or improper use of the Product, or losses associated with the use of additional materials or reagents. This limited warranty is the sole and exclusive warranty. GeneCopoeia does not provide any other warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including the merchantability or fitness of the Product for a particular purpose.GeneCopoeia is committed to providing our customers with high-quality products. If you should have any questions or concerns about any GeneCopoeia products, please contact us at (301)-762-0888.© 2009, GeneCopoeia, Inc.GeneCopoeia, Inc.9620 Medical Center Drive, #101Rockville, Maryland 20850Tel: 301-762-0888 Fax: 301-762-8333Email:***********************Web: GeneCopoeia Products are for Research Use Only Copyright © 2009 GeneCopoeia, Inc.。



慢病毒载体构建及包装操作手册目录慢病毒收到后的注意事项一、整体实验流程二、实验材料三、慢病毒包装和浓缩四、感染目的细胞附1. 汉恒生物慢病毒质粒列表附2. 慢病毒滴度测定方法简介附3. 慢病毒MOI感染参数附4. 汉恒生物各病毒载体感染目的细胞比较附5. 实验室病毒操作应急预案慢病毒安全使用和注意事项➢慢病毒安全使用注意事项(*非常重要!!!*)1)慢病毒相关实验请在生物安全柜(BL-2级别)内操作。








➢慢病毒收到后的注意事项1)慢病毒的储存用户收到病毒液后如在短期内使用慢病毒进行实验,可以将病毒暂时放置于4 ℃保存(尽量一周内用完);如需长期保存请分装后放置于-80℃。

注:a.反复冻融会降低病毒滴度(每次冻融会降低病毒滴度10%-50%);在病毒使用过程中应尽量避免反复冻融,所以我们前期对病毒进行了分装(200 l/tube),收到后直接放置-80℃保存即可。



一、整体实验流程二、实验材料(一)慢病毒载体、包装细胞和菌株该病毒包装系统为三质粒系统,组成为psPAX2, pMD2.G, pHBLV TM系列质粒。




Clontech-Lenti-X™ Lentiviral Expression Systems User ManualProtocol No.PT5135-1慢病毒包装操作说明A.用Lenti-X HTX Packaging System生产慢病毒悬浮物为了获得最高效价的病毒悬液,用Lenti-X 293T细胞系,严格尊守以下说明,尤其尊守(1)培养体系和培养量(2)DNA的量和转染质量(3)无四环素血清(4)孵育时间。








2.充分混均Xfect Polymer。

3.每个转染样品需准备两个离心管,按顺序添加如下试剂Tube 1(Plasmid DNA) Tube 2(Polymer)557µlXfectReaction Buffer592.5µl Xfect ReactionBuffer36µl Lenti-X HTX Packaging Mix7.5µl Xfect Polymer7µl Lenti-X Vector DNA(1µg/µl)600µl 总量600µl 总量注意:Xfect Polymer不要在室温下搁置长于30min4.充分混均每个管5.把Tube2添加到Tube1中,中速涡旋10秒。

上海吉玛制药技术 吉玛重组慢病毒 说明书

上海吉玛制药技术 吉玛重组慢病毒 说明书
1、 通常在转移载体中最大能够插入多大的目的基因序列? 基于 HIV 基因骨架的原因,通常插入的目的基因序列要小于 4kb, 否则会影响病毒滴度甚至基因表达。
2、 Lentivirus 对目的细胞的感染效率很低,如何提高病毒的感染效率? 一般,我们通过提高 MOI 值来提高病毒的转染效率,必要时以在 培养基中加入 Polybrene(4-8µg/ml)来提高病毒的感染效率。同时, 目的细胞良好的生长状态是获得正常感染效率的保证。
同实验室测得滴度数值会有所差异(1~5 倍),但基本不会影响正常实验 流程; (3)病毒滴度(BT = TU/ml, transducing units)计算公式: TU/μl = (P × N / 100 × V) ×1/DF, P = % GFP+ cells, N = 转染时的细胞数,V =每孔加 入病毒稀释液体积(μl),DF =稀释因子(dilution factor)= 1 (undiluted)、 10–1 (diluted 1/10)、 10–2 (diluted 1/100)。
1、安全性 (1)删除了全部 HIV-1 的编码基因,在介导目的基因的表达时,没有任 何 HIV-1 蛋白的表达; (2)对 5’和 3’ LTR 分别进行了删除改造,5’LTR 缺失 U3,换上 RSV enhancer/promoter,使载体的复制不再依赖 Tat;3’LTR 删除 U3,使其不 再具有启动/增强活性,成为自灭活(self-inactivating, SIN)载体; (3)病毒包装必需的 3 个蛋白 Gag/Pol、Rev、VSV-G(代替 HIV-1 的 Env)分别独立放置在 3 个质粒上(pGag/Pol、pRev、pVSV-G),且互相 之间没有任何同源序列,大大降低了复制型慢病毒(RCL)的产生几率; (4)与 MuLV 等逆转录病毒载体相比,慢病毒载体的整合更偏向于宿主 细胞基因组的基因表达活跃区,激活沉默的原癌基因的几率可能比逆转 录病毒载体低; (5)慢病毒载体未发现有致肿瘤活性,全世界有 4 千万人感染了 HIV-1,



慢病毒包装操作流程一、材料1 细胞培养试剂试剂名称终浓度试剂品牌胎牛血清10%Invitrogen/Gibco丙酮酸钠1mM Invitrogen2 慢病毒包装试剂PEG6000溶液50%Wako3 耗材●50 mL离心管●15 mL离心管●10 cm细胞培养皿●0.45μm过滤器● 2 mL EP管二、操作流程1细胞培养1.1293T/293FT细胞的复苏1)将完全培养液从4°C中取出放置到室温预热30 min左右。

在超净台内,用吸管吸取6~7mL完全培养液至15 mL离心管中;2)快速将冻存的细胞从液氮中取出,并迅速用镊子夹住盖子放入37°C 水浴中快速晃动(水不要没到盖子),使其在1~2分钟内完全融化;3)在超净台内,用酒精棉球擦拭冻存管外壁消毒,用吸管吸取所有融化的细胞悬液至装准备好的完全培养液中,轻轻吹打混匀,使冻存液分散开(目的是让DMSO分散,降低恢复室温的DMSO对细胞造成的毒性作用)。

4)在室温条件下,250 g离心4分钟。

5)离心后,在超净台内小心倒去上清,用吸管吸取2 mL新鲜完全培养液重悬细胞至单细胞悬液,再转移已经加好培养基的培养瓶/培养皿中,写上细胞名称、日期,放置37°C、5% CO2饱和湿度培养箱内培养。








慢病毒专用转染试剂LentiFit TM使用说明书产品简介:LentiFit TM脂质体转染试剂是一种高效的阳离子脂质体转染试剂。

与其他脂质体转染试剂相比,汉恒生物独立研发的LentiFit TM脂质体转染试剂具有转染效率高,重复性好,操作简单,无明显细胞毒性,抗血清干扰等优点。

对于大多数细胞,用LentiFit TM转染后72小时内不更换培养液无明显细胞毒性。

同时,血清的存在不影响LentiFit TM的转染效率,这样可以减小无血清对细胞的损伤。

基于以上优点,LentiFit TM常用做慢病毒包装的转染试剂。

包装清单以及储存条件:试剂名货号储存条件规格有效期LentiFit TM转染试剂Let10004℃保存 1 mL12个月使用方法:1.细胞培养:以1个10 cm培养皿转染293T细胞为例,转染前一天接种细胞(20-24小时),接种细胞约3.5×106,接种体积10 mL,确保第二天转染时细胞汇合度(confluent)能达到约50%~70%。

2.在进行转染步骤前,把10 cm培养皿中的培养液更换成新鲜细胞培养液,培养液的体积为5 mL,放回培养箱中继续培养,并准备转染体系(步骤3-6)。

3. 把LentiFit TM脂质体转染试剂轻轻混匀。

4. 对于待转染的10 cm培养皿中的细胞,取一只洁净无菌离心管,加入24 µg质粒(目的质粒和辅助质粒的比例根据不同包装系统进行调整)到500 µL DMEM溶液,用枪轻轻吹打混匀。

5. 取另一只洁净无菌离心管,加入500 µL DMEM溶液,再加入40 µL LentiFit TM,用枪轻轻吹打混匀,室温放置5分钟。

6. 将步骤4与5中的质粒溶液与LentiFit TM溶液混合,用枪轻轻吹打混匀。

不可V ortex 或离心。



7. 将转染复合物逐滴加入到培养皿中,轻轻“8”字形摇晃混匀后,放回培养箱继续培养。



慢病毒包装操作说明Clontech-Lenti-X? Lentiviral Expression Systems User Manual Protocol No. PT5135-1慢病毒包装操作说明A.用Lenti-X HTX Packaging System生产慢病毒悬浮物为了获得最高效价的病毒悬液,用Lenti-X 293T细胞系,严格尊守以下说明,尤其尊守(1)培养体系和培养量(2)DNA的量和转染质量(3)无四环素血清(4)孵育时间。

所有的Xfect?转染成份,量和条件最好用Lenti-X Vectors,Lenti-X HTX 包装混合物,Lenti-X 293T细胞。







2.充分混均Xfect Polymer。

3.每个转染样品需准备两个离心管,按顺序添加如下试剂Tube 1(Plasmid DNA) Tube 2(Polymer)557μl Xfect Reaction Buffer 592.5μl Xfect Reaction Buffer 36μl Lenti-X HTX Packaging Mix 7.5μl Xfect Polymer7μl Lenti-X Vector DNA(1μg/μl)600μl 总量600μl 总量注意:Xfect Polymer 不要在室温下搁置长于30min4.充分混均每个管5.把Tube2添加到Tube1中,中速涡旋10秒。




慢病毒包装体系使用说明本说明书适用于以下产品:名称货号慢病毒包装体系KLV3501慢病毒包装体系(含293V细胞)KLV3502慢病毒包装体系(含转染试剂)KLV3503慢病毒包装体系(含293V细胞、转染试剂)KLV3504北京英茂盛业生物科技有限公司Web site:1北京英茂盛业生物科技有限公司/产品内容KLV3501KLV3502KLV3503KLV3504慢病毒载体(过表达或RNA 干扰载体任选一种) 3333辅助载体pH1 3 3 3 3 辅助载体pH2 3 3 3 3 HEK293V 细胞 3 3 Polyfect-V 转染试剂33载体采用质粒形式发货,请在收到质粒后放-20℃冻存,也可以直接转化大肠杆菌感受态进行质粒扩增。

HEK293V 细胞采用干冰或培养瓶发货。




pLV-EGFP-C 的载体图谱见下,本公司的其它慢病毒载体结构与之基本相似。

其它载体信息见本公司网站 或本说明书后面的附表。













(2)准备293FT细胞,按1:5接种于0.5ml DMEM(含10%FBS)的24孔板中,过夜培养到60%-80%细胞密度。

(3)准备DNA mixture。

按1ug PTK643-cc +0.7 ugΔNRF +0.5 ugVSVG计算相应的质粒体积。


(4)准备PEI mixture。




(6)从细胞培养皿中移去100ul培养液,之后加入上述DNA/PEI 混合液,同时左右摇摆盘子。


12小时后,换培养液(加入500ul DMEM (含10%FBS))。



(可用0.45μm syringe filter millipore过滤回收病毒上清,本次不用)(9)将病毒上清分为300ul和200ul两份,立即进行侵染实验或于-80ºC保存。






和操作要求高 倍 2
GFP 荧光计数 FACS(流式细胞 TU/ml
感染滴度 经典方法,简单、-

抗性克隆计 细胞克隆计数 TU/ml
感染滴度 克隆形成需约 2 周 低估 5~10 倍 3
Dot-blot 法 RNA dot-blot RNA/ml
Lentivirus 表达时间较长,但在一般代谢较旺盛的细胞(如 293T, BHK21 等)上,病毒感染 24hrs 后可以观察到 GFP 荧光;代谢比较缓慢 的细胞(如原代培养细胞,神经干细胞,胚胎干细胞等)GFP 蛋白表达 时间较长,感染后 72-96hrs 甚至更长时间才可以观察到 GFP 荧光。感染 后的细胞可以连续培养一周,通过观察 GFP 的表达时间和表达强度来确 定 Lentivirus 对目的细胞的感染情况。感染后期请根据细胞生长的情况对 细胞进行及时换液和传代,以保证细胞良好的生长状态。
1、安全性 (1)删除了全部 HIV-1 的编码基因,在介导目的基因的表达时,没有任 何 HIV-1 蛋白的表达; (2)对 5’和 3’ LTR 分别进行了删除改造,5’LTR 缺失 U3,换上 RSV enhancer/promoter,使载体的复制不再依赖 Tat;3’LTR 删除 U3,使其不 再具有启动/增强活性,成为自灭活(self-inactivating, SIN)载体; (3)病毒包装必需的 3 个蛋白 Gag/Pol、Rev、VSV-G(代替 HIV-1 的 Env)分别独立放置在 3 个质粒上(pGag/Pol、pRev、pVSV-G),且互相 之间没有任何同源序列,大大降低了复制型慢病毒(RCL)的产生几率; (4)与 MuLV 等逆转录病毒载体相比,慢病毒载体的整合更偏向于宿主 细胞基因组的基因表达活跃区,激活沉默的原癌基因的几率可能比逆转 录病毒载体低; (5)慢病毒载体未发现有致肿瘤活性,全世界有 4 千万人感染了 HIV-1,



















LentiPac HIV表达包装试剂盒-使用手册-130902

LentiPac HIV表达包装试剂盒-使用手册-130902

Lenti-Pac TM HIV表达包装试剂盒——优化重组慢病毒·使用手册目录1 产品概述2 试剂盒组成3 其它所需细胞及试剂4 实验前准备5 制备慢病毒颗粒6 病毒颗粒滴度检验7 以制得慢病毒颗粒感染目的细胞8 使用许可与质量保证GeneCopoeia, Inc. 广州复能基因有限公司广州高新技术产业开发区广州科学城掬泉路3号广州国际企业孵化器D区8楼邮编:510663电话:4006-020-200邮箱:sales@网址:© 2013 GeneCopoeia, Inc.1.产品概述复能基因现提供40000多套人源及小鼠源ORF表达克隆,同时提供针对人源、小鼠源、大鼠源及其他哺乳类动物染色体组靶标基因的小发夹结构RNAi(shRNA)克隆。




复能基因提供的Lenti-Pac TM HIV表达包装系统包括:优化的慢病毒包装质粒混合物、eGFP阳性对照质粒、可优化病毒产物的复能基因EndoFectin TM转染试剂、可5-10倍提高病毒滴度的复能基因TiterBoost TM滴度增强剂。


Lenti-Pac TM HIV骨架的表达包装系统可保证重组转录本在哺乳动物细胞的表达。

OmicsLink TM慢病毒ORF表达克隆和shRNA克隆的优点·从体外或体内高效转导基因至所有类型的哺乳动物细胞·ORF表达克隆转导后获得高表达水平·高效敲除靶标mRNA转录本·病毒载体自身失活,不产生其它病毒复制2.试剂盒组成试剂盒组成及推荐储存环境(表格内容参照货号Cat. No. HPK-LvTR-20/HPK-LvTR-40)3. 其它所需细胞及试剂1. GeneCopoeia GCI-L3化学感受态细胞(GeneCopoeia Cat No. STK300-10),亦可选择Stbl3™化学感受态细胞(Invitrogen Cat No. C7373-03)2. GeneCopoeia 293Ta 慢病毒包装细胞系(GeneCopoeia Cat No. Clv-PK-01),亦可选择HEK293T/17细胞系(ATCC Cat No. CRL-11268)3. H1299细胞系(ATCC Cat No. CRL-5803)或HT-1080细胞系(ATCC Cat No. CCL-121),该细胞系用于测定慢病毒滴度。



YRGene慢病毒包装试剂盒(精简版)说明书产品编号:产品规格: 个 皿产品简介:赢润生物的慢病毒包装试剂盒包括如下成分:( )优化配比的慢病毒包装辅助质粒混合物,可兼容大多数慢病毒表达载体。

( )高效率的慢病毒浓缩液,无需超速离心,也不需要价格昂贵的过滤柱,快速富集病毒粒子,其优势在于操作安全简单,对设备要求低,产毒效率高,能够快速、高效地收获高滴度病毒。

产品组成:慢病毒包装步骤:转染前,传代 细胞于 培养皿中(例如,接种 × 细胞于 培养皿中,使用完全培养基 培养),当细胞密度能够达到 即可进行转染。


转染前 小时,更换培养基,加入 新鲜的完全培养基( ),注意不要添加抗生素。


在 离心管中,分别配制 管与 管试剂( )配好后,放置 ,然后将 管缓慢加入 管,混合均匀。

室温放置 ,使得脂质体 混合物形成。


然后将混合液逐滴均匀加入 培养皿,轻微混匀。

置于 , 培养箱中培养过夜。

第三天,更换培养基,加入 的完全培养基,同样注意不要加抗生素。

转染后 后收取上清,转移至 离心管。


在 ℃离心 ,去除沉淀。

上清液用 μ 滤器过滤后转移到新的离心管中。

慢病毒浓缩:每 过滤后的病毒初始液,加入 ,每 混合一次,共进行 次。


℃, ,离心 。

去掉上清,静置管子 ,吸走残余液体。

加入无血清 充分溶解慢病毒沉淀。

病毒悬液分装成 μ 每份 保存在离心管中,速冻后储存在 ℃。


在滴定测定的前一天取 孔板,每孔接种 × 细胞。

加 到新鲜的完全培养基中,使其终浓度为 μ 。

加含有 的完全培养基 倍稀释病毒。

具体操作如下:取一个 离心管(或 孔板),加入 μ 培养基和 μ 待测病毒原液,混合均与后吸取 μ 病毒混合液至第二个离心管(或 孔板第二个孔),混合时尽量不要产生气泡,如此稀释至第八个孔(即稀释 倍)。


10.将病毒浓缩液移出,分装后保存在病毒管中,-80 ℃长期保存。取其中一支进行 病毒生物学滴度测定。
Lentivirus 滴度测定
1) 孔稀释法测定滴度
1.测定前一天,为测定滴度所需的细胞(金开瑞生物公司用的293T细胞:贴壁生长) 铺板,96孔板,每个孔加4×104 个细胞,体积为100 μl。 2.根据病毒的预期滴度,准备 7~10个无菌的Ep管。在每个管中加入90 μl的无血清培 养基。 3.取待测定的病毒原液10 μl加入到第一个管中,混匀后,取10 μl加入到第二个管中。 继续相同的操作直到最后一管。 4.选取所需的细胞孔,吸去90 μl培养基,丢弃。加入90 μl稀释好的病毒溶液。放入培 养箱培养。 5.24 小时后,加入完全培养基100 μl。小心操作,不要吹起细胞。 6.4 天后,观察荧光表达情况。荧光细胞数随稀释倍数的增加而减少。 说明: 第一个Ep管中加入10ul 病毒原液,记为1E+1 μl; 第二个Ep管中进行了第一次十倍稀释,所得病毒原液为第一个Ep中的1/10,记为1E+0 μl; 第三个Ep管中进行了第二次十倍稀释,所得病毒原液为第二个Ep中的1/10,记为1E-1 μl; 依次类推… 第七个Ep管中进行了第六次十倍稀释,所得病毒原液为第六个Ep中的1/10,记为1E-5 μl; 第八 EP 管中进行了第七次十倍稀释,所得病毒原液为第七个 Ep 中的 1/10,记为 1E-6 μl;
慢病毒系统简介 实验流程描述 实验材料 病毒包装细胞 293T 的培养 Lentivirus 病毒包装 病毒的收获及浓缩 Lentivirus 滴度测定
1)孔稀释法测定滴度 2)Real Time PCR 法测定滴度 示例:Real Time 定量 PCR 法测定 GFP-tagged 慢病毒 参考文献



慢病毒操作资料说明慢病毒操作资料说明1、Hexadimethrine bromide.pdf:这是Hexadimethrine bromide(别名Polybrene)的说明书,该试剂用于提高慢病毒的感染效率,在病毒滴度测定和病毒感染实验中均需使用;2、Lenti-X™ Concentrator.pdf:这是Lenti-X Concentrator的说明书,该试剂用于病毒粒子的浓缩纯化;3、Lenti-X™ Lentiviral Expression Systems User Manual.pdf:这是过表达慢病毒(用于基因过表达)的操作说明书4、Lenti-X™ shRNA Expression Systems User Manual.pdf:这是干扰慢病毒(用于基因干扰)的操作说明书5、pLVX-shRNA1 Vector Information.pdf:pLVX-shRNA1慢病毒干扰载体说明书6、pLVX-IRES-Neo Vector Information.pdf:pLVX-IRES-Neo 慢病毒过表达载体说明书7、慢病毒(Lentivirus)载体.pdf:慢病毒载体介绍8、Lenti-X™ Lentiviral Packaging Systems FAQs.pdf:慢病包装系统常见问题介绍9、病毒纯化-PEG6000.doc:病毒纯化方法10、病毒滴度测定-针对没有绿色荧光蛋白标记的病毒.doc:病毒滴度测定-针对没有绿色荧光蛋白标记的病毒;11、病毒滴度测定-针对有绿色荧光蛋白标记的病毒.doc:病毒滴度测定-针对有绿色荧光蛋白标记的病毒;12、Production, concentration and titration of pseudotyped HIV-1-based lentiviral vectors.pdf:慢病毒包装、纯化、滴度测定操作指南,供理论学习;13、C0508磷酸钙法细胞转染试剂盒.pdf:磷酸钙转染方法;14、慢病毒实验方法.doc:慢病毒包装报告单;15、慢病毒包装、纯化、滴度测定及感染.doc:慢病毒包装、纯化、滴度测定及感染操作指南;。

Lenti-Pac HIV 慢病毒包装试剂盒 使用手册说明书

Lenti-Pac  HIV 慢病毒包装试剂盒 使用手册说明书


GeneCopoeia Lenti-Pac™HIV慢病毒包装系统是安全性较高的第三代慢病毒包装系统,表达载体自身失活,不产生额外的慢病毒复制。














二、慢病毒使用前准备1. 实验室条件准备:确保工作台面干净整洁,并准备好所需的培养物、培养器具和试剂。

2. 慢病毒载体制备:根据实验需要,选择合适的慢病毒载体,并通过慢病毒包装系统将目标基因插入载体中。

三、慢病毒转染实验步骤1. 细胞培养:将目标细胞接种在培养皿中,并选择合适的培养基进行细胞培养。

2. 慢病毒感染:将预制的慢病毒悬液加入培养皿中,控制感染浓度和时间,以实现最佳的感染效果。

3. 筛选标记:根据实验需要,在感染后适当的时间点添加筛选标记物,如抗生素或荧光标记剂。

4. 选择和扩增:将受筛选标记影响的细胞单克隆分离,扩增和保存。

5. 验证表达:使用合适的实验方法,如western blot或PCR等,来确认目标基因的表达情况。

6. 结果分析:对实验结果进行统计学分析,并绘制适当的图表。

四、注意事项和常见问题解决方案1. 实验前应认真阅读文献,了解慢病毒的基本原理和实验操作流程。

2. 制备慢病毒载体时,应仔细验证目标基因的序列和正确插入。

3. 慢病毒感染时应注意控制感染浓度和时间,避免细胞毒性和非特异性感染。

4. 筛选标记物的选择应根据实验需要和细胞类型进行合理选择。

5. 实验过程中,注意严格遵守实验室安全和生物安全操作规范。

6. 常见问题解决方案:如遇到感染效率低或细胞毒性问题,可以尝试优化感染条件或调整细胞培养条件。



慢病毒表达载体包含了包装、转染、稳定整合所需要的遗传信息。为产生高 滴度的病毒颗粒,需要在细胞中进行病毒的包装,包装好的假病毒颗粒分泌到细 胞外的培养基中,离心取得上清液后,可以直接用于宿主细胞的感染,目的基因 进入到宿主细胞之后,经过反转录,整合到基因组,从而高水平的表达效应分子。
吉凯基因慢病毒包装系统由一个包装质粒混合物(Lenti-Easy Packaging Mix) 和一个慢病毒载体质粒(Lentiviral Vector)组成,包装质粒混合物中含有编码 HIV 病毒主要的结构蛋白的 gag 基因、编码病毒特异性的酶的 pol 基因,和编码 调节 gag 和 pol 基因表达的调节因子 rev 基因,以及提供病毒包装所需要的单纯 疱疹病毒来源的 VSVG 基因,慢病毒载体 Lentiviral Vector(图 3)中含有 HIV 的基本元件 5’LTR 和 3’LTR 以及其他辅助元件,例如 WRE (woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscriptional regulatory element)。
5.慢病毒产品优势 1)感染效率高:与传统的质粒转染相比,慢病毒感染细胞时无需转染试剂,
且转染效率高。 (参见附录:图 1. 质粒转染与慢病毒感染效率比较) 2) 感染谱更广:慢病毒可以高效的感染神经细胞、肝细胞、心肌细胞、内
皮细胞、干细胞、原代细胞等多种通常不容易转染的细胞。(参见附录:图 2. 慢 病毒可以高效感染多种细胞)
3.您还需要准备的其他实验材料 1)表达目的基因慢病毒载体质粒(详见 7.2,第 4 页) 2)慢病毒包装用 293T 细胞株 3)细胞培养基及血清 4)质粒转染试剂 5)其他常用实验耗材(如 100mm 培养皿,50ml 离心管等)



LCLAT1 Knockout Lentivirus产品简介:LCLAT1 Knockout Lentivirus (LCLAT1基因敲除慢病毒)是一种感染动物细胞后可以同时表达Cas9、目的基因sgRNA 和puromycin 抗性基因的慢病毒。

本产品用于在动物细胞中基于CRISPR/Cas9技术敲除目的基因,并且本慢病毒中sgRNA 的有效性已经通过T7EI 法的验证。



图1. 可同时表达sgRNA 、Cas9和puromycin 抗性的本慢病毒其基因序列的关键图谱信息。

用于包装本慢病毒的质粒中的sgRNA 基于碧云天研发的CRISPR/Cas9 sgRNA 快速筛选和验证体系获得,sgRNA 的有效性已经通过T7EI 法验证。

本慢病毒用于实验时,建议同时选购无任何靶向的对照慢病毒Control Knockout Lentivirus (L00015)或靶向GFP 的对照慢病毒GFP Knockout Lentivirus (L00017)。

碧云天同时提供基于CRISPR/Cas9技术的LCLAT1基因敲除的质粒(L13115 pLenti-LCLAT1-sgRNA)、慢病毒(L13116 LCLAT1 Knockout Lentivirus)、HEK293T 细胞(L13117 LCLAT1 Knockout HEK293T Cells)、HEK293T 敲除细胞的RIPA 裂解液(L13118 LCLAT1 Knockout HEK293T RIPA Lysate)、HEK293T 敲除细胞的Trizol 裂解液(L13119 LCLAT1 Knockout HEK293T Trizol Lysate)等产品,具体请在碧云天网站查询或在本产品网页点击相应产品。

碧云天生物技术/Beyotime Biotechnology 订货热线: 400-1683301或800-8283301订货e-mail :******************技术咨询: *****************网址: 碧云天网站 微信公众号保存条件:-80ºC保存,至少一年有效。

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YRGene 慢病毒包装试剂盒说明书
产品编号:LPK010 产品规格:10个10cm 皿 产品简介:
(1) 优化配比的慢病毒包装辅助质粒混合物,可兼容大多数慢病毒表达载体。

(2) 高效转染试剂(Invitrogen Lip2000原装产品分装,293T 细胞转染效率接近 100%)。

(3 )高效率的慢病毒浓缩液,无需超速离心,也不需要价格昂贵的过滤柱,快速富集病毒粒子,其优 势在于操作安全简单,对设备要求低,产毒效率高,能够快速、高效地收获高滴度病毒。

1. 转染前,传代 293FT 细胞于10cm 培养皿中(例如,接种 1 x 107
细胞于10cm 培养皿中,使用完全 培养基DMEM+10%FBS
培养),当细胞密度能够达到 90-95%即可进行转染。

Tips :培养基里面不要添加抗生素。

2. 转染前1-3小时,更换培养基,加入
7ml 新鲜的完全培养基(DMEM+10%FBS ),注意不要添加抗

3. 准备转染。

在5ml 离心管中,分别配制 A 管与B 管试剂(Tube A and Tube B )
配好后,放置5min ,然后将A 管缓慢加入B 管,混合均匀。

室温放置20min ,使得脂质体-DNA 混合物形成。

Tips :混合后可能会出现淡淡的乳白状,不会影响转染。

然后将混合液逐滴均匀加入 10cm 培养皿,轻微混匀。

37C, 5% CO ?培养箱中培养过夜。

4. 第三天,更换培养基,加入 10ml 的完全培养基,同样注意不要加抗生素。

5. 转染后48-72h 后收取上清,转移至 15ml 离心管。

Tips :上清里面含有病毒,请小心操作。

6. 3000rpm 在4C 离心15min ,去除沉淀。

7. 上清液用0.45卩m 滤器过滤后转移到新的离心管中。

1. 每10ml 过滤后的病毒初始液,加入 Concen Solution 3ml ,每20-30min 混合一次,共进行 3-5次。

2. 4C 放置过夜。

3. 4C, 3000 g,离心 45min 。

4. 去掉上清,静置管子1-2min ,吸走残余液体。

5. 加入无血清DEME 充分溶解慢病毒沉淀。

6. 病毒悬液分装成200卩l 每份,保存在离心管中,速冻后储存在
-80 C 。


在滴定测定的前一天取 48孔板,每孔接种 3X 10 293FT 细胞。

2. 加polybrene 到新鲜的完全培养基中,使其终浓度为
8卩g/ml 。

3. 加含有polybrene 的完全培养基10倍稀释病毒。

具体操作如下:取一个 1.5ml 离心管(或96孔板),
加入90卩l 培养基和10卩l 待测病毒原液,混合均与后吸取10卩l 病毒混合液至第二个离心管 (或96
孔板第二个孔),混合时尽量不要产生气泡,如此稀释至第八个孔(即稀释 105

5.转染后72h ,用荧光显微镜技术荧光细胞数量(如果观察不清晰可以先用
PBS 换液后再进行观察)。

的孔数出现N (N<10 )个带荧光的细胞,则病毒滴度为N X 10m
TU/ml (10m

1. 细胞的生长状态对于病毒包装至关重要,因此需保证良好的细胞生长状态和较少的细胞传代次数。

病毒切勿反复冻融,如果实在需要冻融,次数尽量不要超过 3次,每冻融一次大约有 10%左右的病
毒损失,应按照每次使用的病毒量来分装,保存于 -80C 。



l 毒 释 到

的48孔中,置于37C, 5% CO ?培养箱中培养过夜,16h-24h 后用新鲜的完全培养基换液。
