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Class_______ Name_______ No._______

请认真、细心、漂亮地默写!Do your best!

一、写出下列英语: (80%)

1. 节日 festival

2. 假日 holiday

3. 海滩 beach

4. 九月 September

5. 第五 fifth

6. 复活节 Easter

7. 门铃 doorbell 8.镜子 mirror 9. 滑板 skateboard

10. 流行的 popular

11.公共标志 public signs 12.在八月 in August

13.一个耳机 an earphone 14. 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses

15. 一卷胶卷 a roll of film 16. 刚才_ just now

17. 国庆日 National Day 18. 儿童节_ Children’s Day

19. 体育运动日_Sports Day_ 20. 元旦 New Year’s Day

21. 打水龙头_turn on the tap 22. 发出喧闹声_ make noise_

23. 今天下午 this afternoon 24在十二月十八日on the 18th of December

25. 开窗 open the window26.上课前__before class

27. 上个周末 last weekend 28.脱下 _take off_______

29. 拔胡萝卜_pull up carrots 30.保持安静__ keep quiet___

31. 散步_ take a walk____ 32.给奶牛挤奶__milk cows__

33. 收集鸡蛋__collect eggs__ 34.吹灭蜡烛 blow out the candles

35. 举行生日聚会_have a birthday party

36. 观看跑步比赛_watch a running race_

37.寻找她的照相机_look for her camera 38.参观一个农场_ visit a farm

39. 乘公共汽车去游泳 go swimming by bus__

40. 怎么做饭 how to cook rice

41. 赏月_ watch the moon___ 42.拜访亲戚朋友 visit relatives and friends

43. 装扮 _dress up_____ 44.做南瓜灯笼 make pumpkin lanterns 45. 拍照 take a photo 46.一个给爷爷的钱包 a wallet for Grandpa


1.the boy in the green sweater 穿绿毛衣的男孩

2.be back home from the zoo 从动物园回到家

3.spend time with their family and friends 与家人和朋友共度美好时光

4.under the pear tree over there 在那边的梨树下面

5.talk about dragon boat races in China on the Internet 在网上讨论中国的龙舟赛

6.the names of some of the things in the sitting-room 客厅里一部分东西的名字

7.ask Jack some questions about Halloween 问杰克一些关于万圣节的问题

8.do a survey on the birthday of your classmates 做一个你同学的生日的调查

9.a photo of Wang Fang and her group members 一张王芳和她组员的照片

10.look at Jim’s Christmas presents from his friends 看吉姆朋友送给他的圣诞礼物三.写出下列词的适当形式(10%)

1.am (过去式) was

2.his(复数) their

3.see(过去式) saw

4.family(复数) families

5.go(过去式) went

6.we(宾格) us

7.watch(复数) watches 8.up(反义词) down

9.twenty(序数字) twentieth st(反义词) next
