
法律英语练习题答案1. 选择题:Which of the following is the correct translation of "plaintiff" in legal English?A. 被告B. 原告C. 证人D. 律师答案:B. 原告2. 填空题:In legal English, "contract" refers to an agreement with a legal binding force, which is usually established by the mutual consent of the parties involved. The term "contract" can also be referred to as a(n) ______.答案:agreement3. 判断题:The term "tort" in legal English refers to a civil wrong that can be compensated by monetary damages.- True- False答案:True4. 简答题:What is the difference between "statute" and "common law" in legal English?答案:In legal English, "statute" refers to a law enactedby a legislative body, whereas "common law" refers to the body of law derived from judicial decisions of courts and similar tribunals.5. 翻译题:请将以下句子翻译成英文。

1. To discuss the differences between the civil law system and the common law system.ⅠThe original places are different. The civil law system originated in ancient Rome, and the commonlaw system originated in England.ⅡThe main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the main traditional source of thecivil law is legislation.ⅢThe civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the common law system pays moreattention to procedural rules.ⅣThe classification of law is different. The civil law is separated into public law and private law, thecommon law is separated into common law and equity.ⅤSince theory and doctrines is important in legal education of civil law system, professor plays animportant role in legal education. on the contrary, cases is the main source of common law, thus thejudge's decision is more important.ⅥThe civil procedure is Adversary system (对抗式诉讼),in common law system ,judges take arelatively passive role. Inquisitorial system(纠问式诉讼), in civil law countries , judges have the powerto investigate the case and inquire the parties and the witnesses.2. To discuss the main differences between American and Chinese law school teaching.ⅠLaw is an undergraduate degree in the china, while in the us is postgraduate degree. ⅡThe teaching methodIn USA, the teaching method is case method or Socratic method, students instead of theprofessors play an active role in the class.In China, the professor exposes the law to his students, who take notes and do not intervene inclass.ⅢCases vs. DoctrinesIn the USA, students' textbook contains lots of cases and decisions made by the judges.In China, The textbook involves many doctrines, concepts and theories.3.To discuss the main features of the American court systemThere are fifty-two court systems in the U.S. each state has its own system of courts, one for theDistrict of Columbia and a federal system.In the state court systems, court structures vary from state to state. But they all exhibit ahierarchical structure; decisions of lower courts may be reviewed by higher courts. A state systemincludes:1) Trial courts of inferior jurisdiction2) trial courts of general jurisdiction3) appellate courtsThe trial courts of inferior jurisdiction hear civil litigations involving small amounts of money andminor violations of the criminal law. While the trial courts of general jurisdiction can hear all kinds ofcases.Every case should first be heard at the trial court. Then it can be appealed to the appellate court.Every state has its court of last resort.The structure of the federal system is similar. There are three levels of courts:(1) U.S. district courts(2) U.S. courts of appeals(3) the United States Supreme Court. Not like the other courts in federal systems which arecreated by congress, the Supreme Court is created by Constitution. There are a few specializedfederal courts4.To discuss the significance of jurisdiction.First, it can enable the participants to institute a legal proceeding in a specific way.Next, it makes justice understand the whole case easily. It is convenient for the parties take part in6/ 1the litigation.Finally, save legal resources and smooth the legal proceedings.5. To discuss the main characteristics of case law.it can ensure the consistence of decisions .Known also as the principle of stare dicisis. Past judicial decisions are formally and generallybinding for similar cases.Some precedents have greater weight than others. The weight of precedent is affected by theranking of court that decided it.Once a prior decision has been overruled, it continues to bind the particular parties; it is no longerauthoritative to the subsequent cases.a court is not bound to follow another state's precedents, but it will consider the outstatedecisions and, if their reasoning is persuasive, it can make use of them.6. To discuss the significance of case Marbury vs. Madison.it is a landmark case in the United States. It formed the basis for the exercise of judicial review.In this case, Chief Justice Marshall ruled that the Supreme Court could not grant relief to theplaintiff Marbury because it did not has the jurisdiction of the case. This satisfied the immediateconcerns of the Republicans and sidestepped the controversy, but the great significance of the caselay in the Court's assumption that it has the final authority to determine whether any act isconstitutional., thus, profoundly enhancing the Court's authority.the case was the first strong pronouncement of the principle of judicial review, which is the powerof the Court to examine legislation and other acts of Congress.In a word, the case established the principle of judicial review , which has been a permanent andindispensable feature of United States constitutional system.So the constitutional scholars, by consensus, regard the case as the most important case theSupreme Court ever has decided.7. The main differences between substantive law and procedural law. Procedural law define the form and method by which legal rights are enforced. While substantivelaw define the legal rights themselves.The differences are as follows:ⅠThey contain different rules and substances.Substantive law provides for the rules about duties or rights. While procedural law sets rules aboutform or method.ⅡAlthough “pure”substantive rules and “pure”procedural rules exist, many rules are a mixture ofboth substance and procedure. Some rules seem to be procedural are adopted for substantivereasons; likewise, some rules seem to be substantive are adopted for procedural reasons. Ⅲprocedural law generally have more efficiency considerations.8. Whether the death penalty should be abolished in America.The Court points out that the use of the death penalty has a long history of acceptance both in theUS and in England , and it is apparent from the Constitution that the existence of capital punishmentwas accepted by the Framers. In the mean time we should assure that death penalty will not bewantonly imposed.it can be justified from the following grounds:(i) as a means of retribution against severe crimes(ii) as a deterrent to others;(iii) to prevent the criminal from re-offending;(iv) it's cheaper than keeping people in prison. It is not humanitarian . Opponents may argue:(i) killing someone is always wrong, and two wrongs can never make a right; 6/ 2(v) mistakes are bound to happen, if you kill someone innocent , you can never correct this wrong .9. To discuss the importance of Miranda warningMiranda warning is a warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminalsuspects in police custody before they are interrogated to inform them about their constitutional rightsIt includes the right toremain silent; being clearly informed of that anything the person says will beused against that person in court; the right to consult with an attorney and to have that attorneypresent during questioning, if he or she is indigent, an attorney will be provided at no cost to representher or him.1.Miranda warning guarantees the constitutional rights of suspects during the criminalinvestigation. Those rights are mainly from the fifth and sixth amendments. 2.Due to this warning , suspects are well aware of their rights ,therefore, they can prevent thepolice from harming their legal rights.3.Miranda warning also help the suspects understand that he does not havethe responsibility toself-incriminate.4.It guarantees that an indigent suspect has access to the help of an attorney. In this sense,whether the suspects are poor or not, they will receive equitable treatment. 10. To discuss the function of voir direThe voir dire is the process used to select a jury.The prospective jurors are questioned about their backgrounds and potential biases before beingchosen into a jury. The function is to select a jury acceptable to both sides. Jurors are excluded by twomethods: peremptory challenge: exclude a juror without having to specify a reason.and the challenge for cause.: we must demonstrate that the individual cannot be impartial orcannot handle the responsibility of making a rational decision.Jurors can be excluded by these reasons:1)have already formed an opinion about the guilt or innocence of the accused;2)are related to any of the parties or legal actors in the case;3)are physically or mentally impaired to the extent that the impairment will interfere with theirdecision-making process or4) are considered to be incapable of remaining impartial until the case is presented.11. To discuss what the appellate courts focus on and whether it is properAppellate courts review the action of the lower judicial tribunals. Actually, the scope of judicialreview is relatively narrow; it does not retry the case on the merits, and it does not substitute its idea ofjustice for those of the trial court; what it does is to review the record of the proceedings to determinewhether the lower court committed error on its procedure or in applying the substantive law to the factsof the case.They will only look at such documents: the pleadings, the transcript of testimony, the exhibitsentered into trial and the trial court's decisions. No additional testimony is taken. No new evidence issubmitted.In most states, there are two kinds of appellate court, the intermediate appellate court and thecourt of last resort. If everyone appeals their cases to a higher court, the appellate courts'workload will be tremendous, therefore, it is necessary to set up an intermediate appellate court.In my opinion, it is necessary to restrict the scope of judicial review. If the appellate courts retryevery case, it would be a waste of judicial resources and make them unable to give their full attentionto the novel and socially important controversies.12. What's the differences between the torts and crimes? ⅠNatureA crime is considered to be a wrong against the whole society, whereas a tort is a wrong againstan individual.6/ 3ⅡThe persons who actually prosecute the case.When crimes occur, State prosecutors/district attorneys. For tort claims, the injured party willprosecute the case. ⅢPunishmentsOne who commits a crime may be subject to such punishments as death penalty, imprisonment,forfeiture and fines. Except for fines, the above remedies are not available in tort law; compensatorydamages and punitive damages are the most common punishments. However, some acts or omissions may be both criminal offenses and tortious ones. For instance, ifone individual intentionally punches somebody, a crime may be committed, and the injured party willsue the defendant in a civil action.13. To discuss the process of the creation of case lawAs the name “case law”suggests, a collection of particular decisions, generate rules of generalapplication, namely case law.From the point of view of parties to a lawsuit, what matters is the immediate outcome. However, inthe view of judges, lawyers, the decisions take on broader perspective. Later judges will look to prior,similar decisions.It is a feature of the common law system that past judicial decisions are formally and generallybinding for the disposition of similar present controversies. However, if a former decision has beenoverruled by a higher court, it is no longer authoritative to subsequent cases.A series of decisions of former cases does not of course in itself constitute a system of law. Butrules of law arise sooner or later out of such decisions. When such rules are taken as normative forfuture disputes, we have a legal system of precedent.There is also another factor affecting this process: sense of justice requires that all men aretreated alike in like circumstances.14. To discuss the differences between the binding precedents and persuasive precedentsBinding precedent is the precedent that a court must follow (it is law). There are two requirementsmust be met: these former decisions are in the same jurisdiction as that court. And the courts whichrendered these decisions are in the same level as that court or higher.In contrast, persuasive precedent is precedent that a court need not follow (it is not law, maybe persuasive because it suggests a line of reasoning and can be made use of as guidance andjustification). All prior judicial decisions outside of that court's jurisdiction or from a lower court areconsidered to be persuasive only.15. To discuss the different roles of judge and attorneys in courtFirst of all, judges have authority to decide questions of law and fact in civil law system and onlyquestion of law in common law system. Attorneys only have right to show their evidence to convincethe judges, but can't decide cases at last.Second, the status is different. Judges have educational background, experiences and power todecide cases finally. So judges are more respectable and get more honor in court. Attorneys are legalpractitioner, only can advise judge and jury how to decide cases. So they are inferior to judges incourt.16. To discuss whether it is reasonable to choose common people as jurorsIt is reasonable to choose common people as jurors.With the participation of common people, the trial will become more impartial, because it's moredifficult to bribe the jurors than the judges.We can avoid the professional prejudice of the judges in the trial, which is formed in the long-termadjudication.It also reflects the democratization in the judicial system.But common people may be too emotional and sensitive. These will affect their judgments about a6/ 4specific case.Compared with experts, they are easier to be misled by lawyers.17. To discuss the differences between motive and intentMotive and intent have different legal meanings.ⅠMotive is the cause or reason that moves the will and induces action. It represents the stimulus forbehavior. Intent relates to the state of mind at the time of the commission of the unlawful act.Ⅱthe prosecutor is not required to prove the defendant's motive for behavior and the failure to do sodoes not mean the jury will vote for acquittal.And failures to establish an unlawful intent almost certainly result in acquittal.Ⅲthe motive may help to establish a justifiable reason for the illegal behavior. But a good motive doesnot necessarily acquit the suspect.18. To discuss the significance of the case Furman vs. GeorgiaIt is a mile stone in American history of death penalty. Before this case, capital punishment waswidely accepted. After this case, roughly two-thirds of the states promptly redrafted their capitalsentencing statutes.As the justice Marshall pointed out, the burden of capital punishment falls upon the poor, theunderprivileged people, who are least able to voice their complaint. After this case, situation haschanged; it is a big stride towards equity.As we all know, death penalty differs from other punishments because of its severity and it isirrevocable.Although the U.S. did not abolish the death penalty, this case makes the capital punishmentimposed in a strict way.The death penalty can no longer be imposed in an arbitrary or capricious manner.19. To discuss the importance of due process in criminal procedure.Due process means that accused person in criminal cases must be accorded certain rights and theywill be tried according to legal procedures.Importance:1.it is based on such a premise that freedom is so valuable, we must protect it from illegal invasion.2. protect the defendants against having to self-incriminate, being subjected to double jeopardy.Guarantee the trial is evenhanded to a large extent.3. as we know, it is better to free guilty persons than to convict innocent ones. Safeguarding the rightsof the citizenry.4. it's helpful to establish an elaborate legal system in order to minimize wrongful results.5.place limitations on government's power to investigate and apprehend persons suspected ofcommitting crimes.20. To discuss the difference between information, complaint and indictment.the bill of information is an accusation presented directly by the prosecutor without a grand juryindictment. . If the magistrate accepts the information, the defendant is bound over for trial.The complaint, a legal document in which the plaintiff gives the facts and reasons for the suit..An indictment is a formal accusation that identifies the specific charges against a suspect.Difference:Compared with information, complaint is often associated with misdemeanor criminal chargespresented by the prosecutor without the grand jury process.2. Both information and complaint are presented by prosecutors, who file a charging documentdirectly with the court, while indictment must be made by grand jury.21. To discuss the difference between verdict , judgment and sentencingFirst of all, verdict is used to solve substantive issues; judgment can solve both substantive andprocedural issues.6/ 5second,in one case, there is only one judgment , but maybe many verdicts, besides, judgment can only be rendered in written, however, written and oral verdict are bothappropriate.if the accused is found guilty, the sentencing stage follows.22. to explain the difference between the proof by preponderance of evidence and proofbeyond a reasonable doubtPreponderance of evidence is based on all of the evidence presented. On this standard, we mayestablish such belief that it is more likely than not that the individual has committed a crime.This standard is used in some jurisdictions for preliminary hearing and issuance of information.However, proof beyond a reasonable doubt considers all evidence. On this standard, we believethat the individual is clearly guilty; we can use the evidence to convict a suspect.23. To discuss the main characteristics of adversary system1. requires the parties to begin the lawsuit, define the issues, develop proof in support of theirpositions, present that proof to a court.2.the parties try to present their evidence in the best possible light and the opponent's evidence inthe worst possible light.3.this system assumes that parties will develop and present their cases more efficiently than apublic agent with no interest in the outcome.wyers act as advocates for the parties.5.it also assumes that the financial resources available to each side are relatively equal.6.the judge's role is reactive. He play a limited, nonintrusive role in the investigation and litigation.Defect:7.but the parties may tend to mislead the judge8.different lawyers have different competence.24. To discuss a lawyer's work before actually filing a complaintThe “client,”when he first comes to a lawyer, does not have a case; he has a problem. Thelawyer's first task is to ascertain “the facts.”This task is crucial, and it is not as easy as it sounds, evenin simple situations. Clients are prone to misunderstanding, misimpression, and faulty recollection.Sometimes clients lie, and even when they aim at the truth.Next, you will need to determine if these facts state a claim under the applicable law. In manyinstances, the existence of a legal violation will be clear. But in other cases, it is not.At last, if you are satisfied that the facts can be proved, and they constitute a legal violation ,youwill now have to determine in what court you will “bring your action.”6/ 6。

1. Bill of Rightsa. Domestic federal legislation.b. Legal protection against interference of rights by private individuals.c. A popular name given to the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution.d. The federal constitutional provision which grants rights to state governments.2. Standinga. Abbreviation of “notwithstanding”b. The ability to bring a lawsuit because of a party’s actual injury for which the court can provide aremedy.c. The ripeness of a case or controversy.d. The status of a person, group, or organization appearing as a “friend of the court.”3. Considerationa. Process of judicial deliberation before rendering a decision in a contested case.b. The lengthy recitals of “boilerplate” language appearing i n many contracts.c. The inducement to enter a contract, and a necessary element to prove the validity of a contract.d. The detrimental reliance of an offeree.4. Promissory Estoppela. A failure to prosecute a civil or criminal action.b. Power to make an offer to the public rather than a specific individual.c. Equitable doctrine recognized as substitute for consideration in some cases.d. Ability of an agent to bind a principal in matters beyond the scope pf agency.5. Punitive Damagesa. Damages to compensate for injury .b. Civil damages meant to punish the wrongdoer for causing injury.c. “Nominal” or minimal damages.d. Non-monetary damages, such as an injunction (injunctive relief) or” specific injunction (injunctive relief) or “specific performance” of a contract obligation.6. When airplanes fly over your home, are your property rights violated?a. No, never.b. Normally, no, unless the flights are low and frequent.c. Yes, because you own all the air above your home, into outer space.d. Normally, no, based on your right to quiet use and enjoyment of the property.7. Venuea. The street or avenue where a courthouse can often be found.b. Diversity of citizenship.c. The dates of a trial.d. The location of a trial.8. Depositiona. A tool of discovery used before trial.b. Statements made by a witness on the witness stand during trial (also known as “trial testimony”).c. The position a defendant is placed in while waiting for a trial.d. The court’s resolution of a case.9. Generally speaking, a limited partnership may be dissolved by which of the following events or occurrences?a. By the filing of a certificate of limited partnership.b. By a relocation of the partnership.c. By the marriage of a limited partner.d. By the bankruptcy of a general partner.10. A corporation is a legal entity:a. created by the local government.b. created and recognized by an entrepreneurial agency.c. managed internally by the federal government.d. created and recognized by state law in most cases.11. Jurisdictiona. A geographic area, used primarily for determining eligibility to vote.b. The presence of a defendant in a state where he or she can be served with a summons or a subpoena.c. The power of the executive branch to enforce the judgments of the courts.d. The power and authority of a court or other body to render judgment in a case.12.Paralegala. A secondary source of law.b. A lawyer’s assistant.c. One who holds an advanced law degree.d. A law student.13. Kirby Construction Co. in preparing its bid for the construction a new hospital received a quotation of $120,000 from Kat’s Interiors Inc.who offered to do the kitchen work in the new hospital.This bid was $30,000 lower than Kirby’s next lowest bid for the kitchen work.As a result,Kirby lowered his bid by $20,000 before submitting it to the hospital board.After Kirby was awarded the construction bid,and had accepted Kat's offer, Kat’s president discovered that in his preparation of the quotation he had overlooked some subsidiary kitchen installments required by the plans.Immediately thereafter, Kat’s Interiors brings suit for rescission of the contract.They should(A)succeed,because of the unilateral mistake(B)not succeed,unless Kirby knew or should have known of Kat's error(C)succeed,because the mistake was an essential element of the bargain(D)not succeed,since the computation mistake was antecedent to acceptance of the bid14. In disputes over whether a partnership exists, which of the following is NOT considered to be an essential element?(A) An equal right in the management of the business.(B) The sharing of profits or losses.(C) The consultation on business strategy.(D) Joint ownership in the business.15. This jurisdiction makes suicide a crime. Jilly, a day trader, is despondent over a failed marriage and catastrophic financial losses during the recent 2,000 point drop in the Nasdaq stock exchange. Jilly went up to the roof of her fourth story apartment building and decided to jump off. She landed on top of two pedestrians, Alex and Jean Pietro, who cushioned her fall and saved her life. Unfortunately, Alex and Jean Pietro were seriously injured when Jilly crashed on top of them.Jilly is guilty of(A) battery(B) attempted murder(C) attempted manslaughter(D) reckless endangerment16. The Commonwealth of Delmarva has passed a law that provides that only residents of Delmarva who are citizens of the United States can own agricultural land in the state. Delp, a citizen of the United States who resides in the neighboring state of Agoura, has contracted with Barerra to purchase the latter’s farm which is located in Delmarva. Barrera, who is a resident of Delmarva, has been informed by his attorney that his sales agreement with Delp is null and void under state law.Which of the following is the best constitutional argument to contest the validity of the Delmarva statute?(A) The Contract Clause prohibition against a state from enacting any law that will impair the obligation of contracts.(B) The Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.(C) The Privileges and Immunities Clause under Article IV, Section 2.(D) The national property power provision under Article IV, Section 3.17. Alice is sitting on her front porch watching her husband Bruce,who is mowing the lawn.Carl,who hates Bruce but is a friend of Alice’s,whose presence is knownto him,draws a pistol and threatens to kill Bruce.Alice,who is pregnant,Suffers severe emotional distress as a result of the trauma and soon afterwards has a miscarriage.In an action by Alice against Carl for mental anguish resulting in her miscarriage,Alice will(A)lose,because Carl did not know that Alice was pregnant(B)win,because it is highly probable that Carl’s extreme and outrageous conduct would cause emotional distress to Alice(C)lose,because Carl's actions were directed against Bruce,so only Bruce may recover for emotional distress(D)win,because she is Bruce's wife18. Clyde Cooch, a prominent judge, lived next door to Lester Biggs.Recently Judge Cooch had sentenced Lester Biggs' son, Dopey, to six months in prison on a narcotics charge.One afternoon while judge Cooch was mowing his lawn,Lester decided to avenge his son's conviction.Lester set up his water sprinkler behind some shrubbery separating their adjoining properties.As the judge was mowing his lawn and came within reach of the water sprinkler, Lester turned on the sprinkling device,and doused the judge with water.Judge Cooch would be able to recover against Lester for which of the followingtort(s):(A) negligence(B) battery(C) assault and battery(D) battery and trespass19. Cassie and her four-year-old son,Noah,were Christmas shopping at F.A.O. Schwartz Toy Store in midtown Manhattan.F.A.O. Schwartz,which operates one ofNew York's largest retail toy stores,sells a complete array of toys,games,dolls,hobbies and crafts.The iterns were displayed on a variety of tables and shelves which were easily accessible to the customers.While Cassie was walking down one of the aisles,her attention became focused on a "Howdy Doody” doll that was prominently exhibited on an overhead display shelf.When Cassie approached the doll display, she reached up to grab the "Howdy Doody" doll.As she did so, Cassie failed to see a “Buffalo Bob” doll lying on the floor.She tripped over the doll and fell down, fracturing her hip.If Cassie asserts a claim against F.A.O. Schwartz for her injuries,will the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur be applicable on the issue of the toy store's liability?(A)Yes,because Cassie was a business invitee on the premises of the toy store.(B)Yes,because F.A.O. Schwarfz was in control of the premises at the time of the accident.(C)No, because the "Buffalo Bob" doll may have been dislodged by another customer.(D)No,unless the “Buffalo Bob” doll had been displayed on the edge of the shelf in a negligent manner by one of F.A.O. Schwartz's employees.20. Amos is the owner in fee simple of Blackacre. a 7-acre tract, on which he maintains a dwelling house for himself and his family.Adjoining Blackacre is Whiteacre,a 10-acre tract,owned by Andy.In order to gain access to the highway, Amos has an easement to cross over Whiteacre.Amos has recently purchased Greenacre,a 12-acre tract,which abuts Whiteacre but is not appurtenant to Blackacre. Amos has begun constructing a farmhouse on Greenacre and is using the existing easement (across Whiteacre) to gain access to the 12-acre tract.Amos has never received permission from Andy to use the road across Whiteacre to gain access to Greenacre.In an appropriate action by Andy to enjoin Amos from using the existing easement to gain access to Greenacre,the plaintiff will most likely(A)succeed,because Amos is making use of the servient tenement beyond the scope and extent of the easement as it was originally created(B)succeed,because Amos has no right to use the servient tenement in connection with a tract of land which is not part of the dominant tenement(C)not succeed,because Amos has an easement by necessity(D)not succeed,because Amos has a right to use the easement in a manner not inconsistent with the rights of the owner of the servient tenement。
F4 ACCA 2015 最新真题(有答案)

1.Which TWO of the following are used to distinguish between terms andrepresentation?A.The timing of the statementB.The importance that the buyer attached to the statementC.Whether the buyer had any specialist knowledgeD.Whether the statement was added to a later written agreement2. A judge is hearing a case which involves the interpretation of legislation that wasenacted before the Human Rights Act 1998(HRA 1998)was passed .There is a previous interpretation of this legislation but that interpretation is now incompatible with the HRA1998.Which action should the judge take?A.Declare the old legislation invalidB.Follow the previous interpretationC.Refer the matter to the Supreme CourtD.Create a new interpretation that is compatible with HRA19983.Which of the following in relation to the creditor of an ordinary partnership is true?A.They can sue one partner and if there is still money outstanding, they can sue theother partners for the remainderB.They must sue one partner only for the whole debtC.They must sue all partners for an equal share of the debtD.They can only sue the partner who entered into the contract on behalf of thepartnership4.What is the liability of the members in a limited liability partnership for thepartnership’s debts?A.All the members are jointly liability to creditors for partnership debtsB.The members’ liability is limited to the amount of capacity they have investedC.At least one member has unlimited liability to creditors for partnership debts5.Which of the following is able to convert to a public company?A. A private company with share capital of £50000B. A company limited by guaranteeC.An unlimited company6.Which of the following are required procedure in order for a company to commence amember’s voluntary liquidation?7.Which TWO of the following statements about remedies in contract law are correct?A. Equitable remedies are only available at the discretion of the courtB. The aim of an injunction is to restore the parties to their exact pre-contractual position (Rescission才是)C. Rescission is a common law remedy (是equity)D. Specific performance requires someone to complete their part of the contract8.For each of the following decision regarding a company auditor, is an ordinaryresolution or a special resolution required?9.In March Pushpa was hired to be a tour guide for five weeks in July. However in May,the tour company contact Pushpa to cancel the agreement. Which statement is NOT correct as to Pushpa’s rights on hearing of the cancellation in May?A. She must accept the cancellation and claim damagesB. She may treat the contract as valid, complete her side of the bargain and then sue for damagesC. She may treat the contract as discharged and sue for damages immediately10.Which of the following is NOT an allowable use of the share premium account?A. To write off the expense of issuing bonus sharesB. To write off the commissions paid on bonus shares issuedC. To write off any discount on bonus shares issuedD. To issue fully paid-up bonus shares11.Which TWO of the following are requirements of the postal rule in contract law?A. The use of postal acceptance must be in the contemplation of both partiesB. The offer must have been made via the postC. The offeree has stated that the post is the prescribed method of acceptanceD. The letter of acceptance must be correctly addressed12.Under the Insolvency Act 1986, which TWO of the following are the possible groundson which a petition for a compulsory winding up order can be made?A. A public company has not been issued with a trading certificate within one year of incorporationB. A director has breached a statutory dutyC. A company has not commenced business within one year of being incorporatedD. A minority shareholder has been unfairly treated13.In the event that the shareholders wish to remove a director, what type of resolution isrequired?A. Ordinary resolutionB. Written resolutionC. Special resolution14.Are each of the following attributes of criminal law or civil law?15.For each of the following, is it a ground on which a compulsory winding up order maybe granted?16.Otis goes on an activity weekend and decides to do a bungee jump. Before taking partin the jump. Otis signs a waiver of liability stating that the organizers of the weekendare not responsible for any injury to Otis. Unfortunately in making the jump Otis breaks his ankle. Which of the following defences could be used by the organizers in any claim by Otis for negligence?A. Volenti non fit injuriaB. Novus actus interveniensC. Contributory negligenceD. Res ipsa loquitur17.For each of the following contractual terms, is it a condition or a warranty that is beingdescribed?18.Are each of the following statement regarding the distribution of dividends true orfalse?19.A client mentions to his accountant, who was preparing the client’s account, that hehas also done some work ‘cash in hand’This work is not accounted for in the company’s books. Which liability would the accountant avoid by disclosing the tax evasion to the National Crime Agency?A. Fraudulent tradingB. Market abuseC. Insider dealingD. Money laundering20.Ashraf was employed by Theta Ltd. In the last few weeks Theta Ltd has asked Ashrafto take abnormal risks in the way he works in order to be more efficient. In every situation, Ashraf has refused and relations with the management have deteriorated to such an extent that Ashraf has now resigned. In what manner has Ashraf left his employment?A. He has been unfairly dismissedB. He has been constructively dismissedC. He has been summarily dismissedD. He has not been dismissed21.Which of the following would be used as a method of determining if an individual wasan employee or self employed?A. Vicarious testB. The multiple(economic reality)testC. Contractual test22.Which of the following is correct in relation to limited companies?A. Both private limited companies and public limited companies can be established with a sole directorB. Both private limited companies and public limited companies must appoint a company secretaryC. Both private limited companies and public limited companies can be established with a sole member23.A business makes use of employees and self-employed contractors. Do each of thefollowing statements apply to an employee or a self-employed individual?24.Which of the following decision can be taken in a general meeting by the passing of anordinary resolution?A. Change the company’s nameB. Amend the company’s articles of associationC. Authorise an increase in share capital25.Which of the following statements correctly describes private law?A. It is concerned with the law enforced between individualsB. It is solely concerned with business relationshipsC. It relates to state action against individuals26.Niall is providing services for Gamma plc. The contract between Niall and Gamma plcfor the provision of these services contains the following two clauses:⑴Niall is permitted to provide substitute⑵The work must be carried out at Gamma plc’s premises using its computersIn deciding whether Niall is an employee of Gamma plc, does each of the above clauses indicate a contract of service or a contract for services?27.For each of the following types of contract must they be in writing?28.A director of a company has received information from a debtor that the debtor can nolonger pay in full when asked by the auditor about the value of debtors, the debtor says that he has not received any information that would lead to the need to write down the value of debtors. Which of the following statements is correct in respect of the facts above?A. The director has committed the offence of providing misleading information to an auditorB. This is an example of fraudulent trading on behalf of the directorC. This is an example of wrongful trading on behalf of the directorD. The director has committed no offence as it is the duty of an auditor to find out such information29.BackgroundWaddell is based in Manchester and faxed an offer to Xavier in Houston making an offer to sell goods to him. Xavier immediately faxed back and accept the offer. Even though the fax was received in Waddell’s office during normal business hours, she did not read it. Waddell, having no knowledge that Xavier had sent a fax then received a letter from Yaull offering to buy Waddell’s goods. The letter stated that if he did not hear anything, Yaull would assume the goods were his.Waddell, not agreeing with the tone of Yaull’s letter, instead offered to sell the goods to Zang. Zang posted a letter of acceptance which Waddell did not receive. Waddell had never indicated to Zang that post was an accepted made of communications as past negotiations have always taken place face-to-face.Task-1Is there a contract between Waddell and Xavier, and for what reason?A.No,because acceptance has to be effectively communicated and Waddell did notread the acceptanceB.No,because acceptance by fax is not recognized in the law of contractC.Yes,because even though the fax has not been read, effective communication ofacceptance has taken placeD.Yes,because Waddell has made an offer to Xavier and is obliged to sell to himTask-2Is there a contract between Waddell and Yaull, and for what reason?A.Yes,because Yaull has offered to buy the goods and Waddell is obliged to acceptB.Yes,because Waddell has effectively accepted the offerC.No,because Waddell had not made an offer to YaullD.No,because silence cannot be effective acceptanceTask-3Is there a contract between Waddell and Zang,and for what reason?A.Yes,because Waddell has not withdrawn the offer so it can be accepted at any timeB.No,because acceptance must be communicated and Waddell did not receive theletterC.Yes,because acceptance by post takes place immediately the letter is postedD.No,because acceptance by post was not a reasonable method of communication inthis situation30.BackgroundJohn, Fran and Stan have purchased an off –the –shelf company, XYZ Ltd, from their solicitor. Their solicitor has advised them to change the name to make it more meaningful in relation to their film production business. The solicitor has also advised them to consider which of the company’s articles of association require changing?Task-1Which of the following CANNOT be changed, in relation to the company‘s articles of association?A.The procedure for declaring dividendsB.The requirement for the company’s shares to be fully paid-up at the time they areissuedC.The name of the companyD.The procedure for changing the company’s articlesTask-2Jan, Fran and Stan pass a shareholder resolution to change the company name to Films-4-Us Ltd at a general meeting convened for that purpose. Which TWO of the following statements are true?A.They had to wait 14 days before the general meeting could be heldB.The meeting had to be called in the name of XYZ LtdC.They had to notify the Registrar of Companies within 21 days of passing theresolutionD. A 75% majority vote was needed for this resolution31.BackgroundKatia has purchased 100 preference shares in ZZZ Ltd, each with a nominal value of gdp100. She does not have ordinary shares or debentures in the comoany. ZZZ Ltd has adopted the model articles of association.Lenny has purchased 100 debentures in ZZZ Ltd, each with a nominal value of gdp100. He does not own any shares in the company.Task-1Which TWO of the following benefits will Katia normally be entitled to?A.The right to vote at general meetings of shareholdersB. A right to receive a fixed dividendC.Repayment before ordinary shareholders on liquidationD.Payment of dividends before debentures’ interestTask-2Which of the following benefits will Lenny NOT be entitled to?A.Payment regardless of financial performanceB. A right to vote at general meeting of shareholdersC. A right to a fixed returnD.Payment of return before shareholders interest32.BackgroundBill, Fazil and Jill are the three directors of a company, Cheer Ltd, which supplies a huge range of products and equipment for parties. Although he has never been appointed as managing director, Bill often makes the day-to-day decisions needed for running Cheer Ltd, since he is most often based in the office. However, Cheer Ltd’s articles of association stipulate that all three directors are needed to constitute a quorum.Fazil is the sales and marketing manager and Jill works as the company secretary.The following contracts have been made in Cheer Ltd’s name.(1)Jill has negotiated a discount in Cheer Ltd’s name on some new office furniture. She pays for this furniture using Cheer Ltd’s bank account and sends the company lorry to collect the furniture, but installs it at her home address(2)It had been agreed by the company to diversify the business into selling party goods. However, when Bill’s negotiations for this new contract failed. Bill took it upon himself to negotiate a supplier of beauty products instead. Jill and Fazil were aware of Bill’s negotiations for the beauty products but did nothing to stop him from placing a large order.Task-1Which TWO of the following types of directors have the power to bind the company into contracts?A.The board of directorsB.De facto directorsC.Non-executive directorsD.Executive directorsTask-2For each of the contract, indicates whether or not Cheer Ltd will be liable.Task-3In relation to directors’ duties, which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Bill has acted outside his powersB.Jill has allowed her interests to conflict with those of the companyC.Jill has failed to promote the success of the companyD.Bill has failed to exercise independent judgment33.BackgroundAmit is employed by STU&Co which is a firm of accountants and the auditors of XYZ plc. As part of his work, he discovers that there is a danger that XYZ plc may become insolvent within a few months.The next day, whilst at the golf club, Amit tells his friends Burton and Chen that XYZ plc made a significant financial loss in the previous year.Subsequently, Burton tells his stockbroker to dispose of all shares in XYZ plc. He also went home and told his wife the details of the conservation. She subsequently told her brother, Fred to sell his shares in XYZ plc.Chen had already spoken to his stockbroker about selling his shares in XYZ plc before going to the golf club. When he gets home he disposes of his shares in XYZ plc via the internet.Task-1In terms of the law relating to insider dealing, are each of the following people insiders?A.BurtonB.FredTask-2Which insider dealing offences have been committed by Amit and Burton?Amit:(1)Dealing Only (2)Disclosure Only (3)Both Dealing and DisclosureBurton:(1)Dealing Only (2)Disclosure Only (3)Both Dealing and DisclosureTask-3Which TWO of the following could be used as defence by Chen if he is prosecuted with offences relating to insider dealing?A.He did not disclose the information to anybody elseB.He did not expect to avoid a loss or make a profitC.The disclosure made by Amit was too vague to act uponD.He would have done the same thing even without the information。

15年专四真题15年专四真题PART IV GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY51. When you have finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back on the shelf, ___C___?A. don’t youB. do youC. will youD. won’t you52. Mary is ___A___ hardworking than her sister, but she failed in the exam.A. no lessB. no moreC. not lessD. not so53. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? 答案:DA. Only one out of six were present at the meeting.B. Ten dollars was stolen from the cash register.C. Either my sister or my brother is wrong.D. Five miles seem like a long walk to me.54. Which of the italicized parts expresses a future tense? 答案:BA. My friend teaches chemistry in a school.B. I’ll give it to you after I return.C. What is the matter with you?D. London stands on the River Thames.55. It is not so much the language __D____ the cultural background that makes the film difficult to understand.A. ButB. NorC. LikeD. as56. There is no doubt ___B___ the committee has made the right decision on the housing project.A. WhyB. ThatC. WhetherD. when57. All the President’s Men ___A___ one of the important books for scholars who study the Watergate Scandal.A. remainsB. RemainedC. Remain,,,,,D. is remaining58. If you explained the situation to your lawyer, he ___C___ able to advise you much better than I can.A. will be......B. wasC. would beD. were59. Which of the following is a stative verb (静态动词)? 答案:DA. DrinkB. CloseC. RainD. Belong60. Which of the following italicized parts indicates a subject-verb relation? 答案: CA. The man has a large family to support.B. She had no wish to quarrel with her brother.C. He was the last guest to leave.D. Mary needs a friend to talk to.61. The fol lowing are all correct responses to “Who told the news to the teacher?” EXCEPT __B____?A. Bob did itB. Bob did soC. Bob did thatD. Bob did.62. Which of the following is INCORRECT? 答案:DA. Another two girlsB. Few wordsC. This wordD. A bit of flowers63. Which of the following italicized words does NOT indicate willingness? 答案: BA. What will you do when you graduate?B. They will be home by now.C. Who will go with me?D. Why will you go there alone?64. When one has good health, __C____ should feel fortunateA.youB. SheC. heD. we65. There __D____ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.A. to beB. to have beenD. being66. Two of her brothers were __A__ during the Second World War.A. called upB. called onC. called forD. called out67. Bottles from this region sell __C____ at about $50 a case.A. EntirelyB. TotallyC. WholesaleD. together68. The product contains no __B____ colours, flavours, or preservatives.A. FakeB. ArtificialC. FalseD. wrong69. Davis accepted the defeat in the semi-final with good grace. The underlined part is closest in meaning to ___C___.A. CheerfullyB. WholeheartedlyC. PolitelyD. quietly70. __C____ and business leaders were delighted at the decision to hold the national motor fair in the city.A. CivilB. CivilizedC. Civilian71. The city council is planning a huge road-building programme to ease congestion. The underlined part means __B____.A. CalmB. relieveC. comfortD. still72. His unfortunate appearance was offset by an attractive personality. The underlined part means all the following EXCEPT ___A___.A. improvedB. made up forC. balancedD. compensated for73. The doctor said that the gash in his check required stitches. The underlined part means __D____.A. LumpB. DepressionC. swellingD. Cut74. During the economic crisis, they had to cut back production and ___A___ workers.A. lay offB. lay into C . lay down D. lay aside75. The university consistently receives a high __C____ for the quality of its teaching and research.A. StandardB. EvaluationC. RatingD. comment76. To mark its one hundredth anniversary, the university held a series of activities including conferences, film shows, etc. The underlined part means __B____.A. SignifyB. CelebrateC. SymbolizeD. suggest77. His fertile mind keeps turning out new ideas. The underlined part means __C____.A. AbundantB. UnbelievableC. productiveD. generative78. The local news paper has a ___B___ of 100,000 copies a day.A. spreadB. circulationC. motionD. Flow79. These issues were discussed at length during the meeting. The underlined part means ___D___.A. eventuallyB. subsequentlyC. lastlyD. fully80. A couple of young people were giving out leaflets in front of the department store. The underlined part means ___A___. A. distributing B. handling C. dividing D. arrangin。

法律英语阅读试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. Which of the following is not a legal term?A. PlaintiffB. DefendantC. LitigationD. Transaction答案:D2. In a contract, what does the term "consideration" refer to?A. The written documentB. The price paid for goodsC. The legal reason for the contractD. The signature of the parties答案:C3. What is the term for a legal document that sets out the terms and conditions of a contract?A. DeedB. AgreementC. ContractD. Covenant答案:C4. In legal context, what does "pro se" mean?A. On behalf of oneselfB. On behalf of the courtC. On behalf of the defendantD. On behalf of the plaintiff答案:A5. Which of the following is not a type of legal action?A. TortB. ContractC. CriminalD. Inquiry答案:D二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The party who initiates a lawsuit is called the ________. 答案:Plaintiff2. A ________ is a legal claim made by one party against another for a wrong done.答案:Tort3. The ________ is the party against whom a lawsuit is filed. 答案:Defendant4. A ________ is a formal written statement of the facts and law that form the basis of a lawsuit.答案:Complaint5. A ________ is a legal document that provides proof of atransaction.答案:Deed三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. Define "due process" in the context of law.答案:Due process refers to the fundamental, constitutional right to fair legal proceedings where all parties have the opportunity to present their case, evidence, and arguments.2. Explain the concept of "good faith" in contracts.答案:Good faith in contracts means that both parties must act honestly and not deceive or mislead each other. It implies a duty to act fairly and reasonably in the performance of contractual obligations.3. What is the difference between a "statute" and a "regulation"?答案:A statute is a law enacted by a legislative body, such as a parliament or congress. A regulation, on the other hand, is a rule or directive issued by an executive or administrative agency to implement, interpret, or make specific the provisions of a statute.4. Describe the role of a "mediator" in a dispute resolution process.答案:A mediator is a neutral third party who facilitates communication between disputing parties to help them reach amutually acceptable resolution. The mediator does not impose a decision but assists in finding common ground and exploring potential solutions.四、阅读理解题(每题10分,共20分)Read the following legal document excerpt and answer the questions.Excerpt:"The parties agree that the terms of this contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be resolved byarbitration in New York City, in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association."1. According to the excerpt, which state's laws will govern the contract?答案:The laws of the State of New York.2. What method of dispute resolution is specified in the contract?答案:Arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.五、翻译题(每题10分,共20分)1. 请将以下法律英语句子翻译成中文:"The parties agree to settle any disputes arising out of or relating to this agreement through negotiation or mediation."答案:双方同意通过谈判或调解解决因本协议引起的任何争议。

法律英语试题与答案一、单项选择题(每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意)1、根据《国务院关于全面推进依法行政实施纲要》,下列不属于依法行政的基本原则的是( )A.依法行政必须坚持党的领导.人民当家作主和依法治国三者的有机统一B.必须把维护政府利益作为政府工作的出发点C.必须维护宪法权威,确保法制统一和政令畅通D.必须把发展作为执政兴国的第一要务,坚持以人为本和全面.协调.可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展2、下面选项中不属于全面推进依法行政,实现建设法治政府目标的是()A.中央政府和地方政府之间.政府各部门之间的职能和权限比较明确B.行为规范.运转协调.公正透明.廉洁高效的行政管理体制基本形成。
此时,应如何处理本案?( )A.撤销一审判决,并撤销拘留决定,判令公安局赔偿叶某的损失B.撤销一审判决,并确认拘留决定违法,就赔偿问题进行调解,如调解不成,将全案发回重审C.撤销一审判决,并确认拘留决定违法,就赔偿问题进行调解,如调解不成,将行政赔偿案件发回重审D.撤销一审判决,并撤销拘留决定,就赔偿问题进行调解,如调解不成,告知叶某就赔偿问题另行起诉4、根据我国《国家赔偿法》的规定,行政赔偿的主体是()A.实施了违法侵权行为的公务员B.实施了违法侵权行为的公务员所在的行政机关C.国家D.实施了违法侵权行为的公务员及其所在机关5、1995年8月5日上午,田某和朋友在家喝完酒后骑车去商场买东西,从商场出来后,听见有人说:“你车胎没气了。

1. 题目一:法律英语翻译题目内容:将以下英语句子翻译成中文:“The defendant was found guilty of theft and sentenced to two years in prison.”解析:这道题目主要考察考生对法律英语的翻译和理解能力。
”2. 题目二:刑法应用与刑事辩护题目内容:张某因故意杀人罪被控告。
3. 题目三:民事诉讼案例分析题目内容:小明购买了一台手机,并签订了服务合同,但手机故障频发,商家未能及时解决问题。
法律英语课后练习题含答案 (2)

法律英语课后练习题含答案第一部分词汇练习1.Defendant (被告人)是指一名被控犯罪的人。
2.Accomplice (同谋者)是指协助犯罪的人。
3.Conspiracy (阴谋)是指两个或两个以上的人为了进行非法行为而达成的协议。
4.Indictment (起诉书)是指检察官起诉犯罪嫌疑人的文件。
5.Arrgnment (传讯)是指被告人在法庭上听取指控并回答是否有罪的过程。
6.Plea bargn (认罪协议)是指被告人同意认罪以换取更轻的刑罚的协议。
7.Verdict (判决)是指陪审团对案件的结论。
8.Appeal (上诉)是指对一项判决不满意并请求更高级别法院重新审判的过程。
第二部分语法练习1.使用适当的时态填空:a.The defendant was being questioned by the police when hislawyer arrived.b.The prosecution will present its case tomorrow.c.The judge has already made his decision in this case.2.使用适当的介词填空:a.The lawyer was confident in his client’s innocence.b.The defendant was charged with murder.c.The prosecution presented strong evidence agnst thedefendant.3.选择合适的词填空:a.The defense attorney argued that the prosecution did nothave ____ (sufficient / efficient) evidence to prove their case.b.The judge declared a ____ (mistrial / mistrust) due to jurymisconduct.c.The defendant decided to plead guilty in exchange for a ____(lighter / lighter) sentence.第三部分阅读理解For many years, a defendant’s right to a speedy trial has been an important part of the American legal system. This right is guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution, which states that。

法律英语模拟试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. Which of the following is NOT a legal document?A. ContractB. WillC. DeedD. Memo2. The term "pro se" refers to a person who represents themselves in a legal matter without the assistance of an attorney. What is the equivalent term in Latin?A. Per seB. Ex parteC. Pro seD. Ad hoc3. In legal terms, "res ipsa loquitur" means:A. The thing speaks for itself.B. The case is closed.C. The matter is settled.D. The evidence is clear.4. What is the term for a legal principle that allows a court to consider the facts of a case to determine the law?A. Stare decisisB. PrecedentC. Judicial noticeD. Fact-finding5. Which of the following is NOT a type of legal system?A. Common lawB. Civil lawC. Religious lawD. Equitable law6. The phrase "habeas corpus" is used to challenge:A. The legality of detention.B. The validity of a contract.C. The jurisdiction of a court.D. The admissibility of evidence.7. The term "actus reus" in criminal law refers to:A. The guilty mind.B. The guilty act.C. The motive for the crime.D. The opportunity for the crime.8. In the context of a legal dispute, "burden of proof" refers to:A. The responsibility to prove a claim or defense.B. The responsibility to pay legal fees.C. The responsibility to provide evidence.D. The responsibility to show up in court.9. "Caveat emptor" is a legal principle that means:A. Let the buyer beware.B. Let the seller beware.C. The contract is void.D. The transaction is complete.10. The term "precedent" in legal terms means:A. A legal principle or rule established in a previous legal case.B. A legal document that sets a standard.C. A legal agreement between parties.D. A legal decision that is final.二、填空题(每题1分,共5分)11. A legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sale is called a(n) ______.12. The legal principle that states that a person is innocent until proven guilty is known as ______.13. The term "eminent domain" refers to the power of the state to take private property for ______.14. In legal terms, "estoppel" is a principle that prevents a person from denying the truth of a previous ______.15. A "plea bargain" is an agreement in a criminal case where the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a ______.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. Define the term "due process" in the context of legal proceedings.17. Explain the concept of "joint and several liability" in the context of a legal claim.18. What is the purpose of a "cease and desist" letter in legal disputes?19. Describe the role of a "guardian ad litem" in a legal case involving a minor.四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)20. A company is being sued for copyright infringement. The company claims that they were not aware of the infringement and that it was an honest mistake. Discuss the possible defenses the company might raise and the likelihood of their success.21. A landlord is suing a tenant for unpaid rent. The tenant claims that the apartment was uninhabitable due to a leaking roof and poor heating. Analyze the tenant's potential defenses and the possible outcomes of the case.五、论述题(15分)22. Discuss the importance of understanding legal English in the context of international business transactions. Include examples of common legal terms and their implications in contracts.答案:一、选择题1-5: D C A D C6-10: A B B A A二、填空题11. Contract12. Presumption of innocence13. public use14. representation15. reduced sentence三、简答题16. Due process refers to the fundamental, constitutionalright of all individuals to receive fair treatment by the justice system. It includes the right to notice, the right to be heard, and the right to a fair and impartial tribunal. 17. Joint and several liability means that in a legal claim, each party responsible for the harm caused can be held liable for the entire amount of the damages, regardless of their individual contribution to the harm.18. A cease and desist letter is a formal warning sent by one party to another, demanding that the recipient stop an。

法律英语试卷试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a legal term?A. ContractB. TortC. EquityD. Agreement2. The term "pro se" refers to a person who represents themselves in a legal proceeding without the assistance of an attorney. True or False?3. What does the abbreviation "LLC" stand for in the context of business law?A. Limited Liability CompanyB. Large Legal ContractC. Local Legal CouncilD. Legal Liability Certificate4. Which of the following is a type of legal document?A. MemorandumB. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)C. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B5. The principle of "stare decisis" is most closely associated with which legal system?A. Civil lawB. Common lawC. Religious lawD. International law6. What is the term for the legal process of resolving disputes outside the court system?A. LitigationB. MediationC. ArbitrationD. Negotiation7. In the context of intellectual property law, "patent" refers to:A. A right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an inventionB. A document that grants ownership of a work of literature or artC. A legal document that protects a brand name or logoD. A license to practice a profession8. Which of the following is a fundamental principle of criminal law?A. Presumption of innocenceB. Right to a fair trialC. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B9. The term "precedent" in legal English refers to:A. A legal principle or rule established in a previous case that is binding in courtB. A document that outlines the facts of a caseC. A legal agreement between partiesD. A formal request for a court to review a case10. What does the term "actus reus" mean in criminal law?A. The guilty mindB. The wrongful actC. The criminal intentD. The legal defense二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. In legal English, "due process" refers to the fundamental legal rights that must be observed to ensure a fair trial.- The term "due process" is derived from the Latin phrase "due process of law."12. A "writ" is a formal written order issued by a court, typically directed to someone other than the parties in a case.- An example of a writ is a "writ of _habeas corpus_."13. The term "negligence" in tort law refers to the failure to exercise the degree of care that a reasonable person would exercise in the same situation to prevent harm to others.- In order to establish negligence, a plaintiff must prove the defendant's duty of care, breach of that duty, causation, and _damages_.14. "Probate" is the legal process by which a will is proved to be valid or invalid.- The court that oversees probate proceedings is known as the _probate court_.15. "Jurisdiction" refers to the authority of a court to hear and decide cases.- There are different types of jurisdiction, including_personal jurisdiction_, subject matter jurisdiction, and territorial jurisdiction.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. Define "actus reus" and "mens rea" in the context of criminal law.17. Explain the concept of "joint and several liability" in tort law.18. What is the difference between "specific performance" and "damages" as remedies in contract law?19. Describe the process of "discovery" in civil litigation.四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)20. Case Study: A company has been accused of patent infringement. The company argues that they were not aware of the patent and therefore should not be held liable. Discuss the legal principles that may apply to this case and the possible outcomes.21. Case Study: A tenant has been evicted from their apartment without proper notice. The tenant claims that the eviction was unlawful. Analyze the relevant legal provisions and discuss the tenant's potential remedies.五、论述题(共20分)22. Discuss the role of language in legal interpretation and the challenges it presents. Provide examples to support your argument.参考答案:一、选择题1-5: D T A B B6-10: B C A B B二、填空题11. "due process of law"。

Part One:普通法律英语部分I.Match each of the following numbered definitions with the correct term in the list below, Write the letter of your choice in the answer column.Exercise 1A. defendant F. adjudicateB. allegation G. reviewC. case law H. plaintiffD. law I. Common LawE. statutory law J. Jurist( )1. Judicial re examination of the proceedings of a court or other body; a reconsideration by the same court or body of its former decision. ( )2. Rules of conduct applicable to all people and enforceable in court.( )3. To decide a matter by legal means; for example, court, mediation, arbitration.( )4. The party being sued or tried in either civil or criminal action. ( )5. The major source of law in the U. S. A. or the U K; based on old English Law.( )w established by Congress, stare legislatures or any other law making bodies.( )7.A person who has a substantial knowledge of law and who has written extensively on legal matters; for example, judges, professors, and so on. ( )8. The party who initiates an action at law (law suit).( )9. Law based on court decisions.( )10. A statement or charge made in a pleading which one intends to prove by legal evidence.Exercise 2A executive branch F devolutionB. federal G. defamationC. legislation H. legislative branchD. confederation I. allegationE. judicial branch J. constitution( )11. Laws or written rules which are passed by Parliament and implemented by the courts.( )12. The government department that is responsible for determining the constitutionality of legislative and executive actions, and adjudicating rights and duties of others involved in disputes. It interprets and applies the Law.( )13.A written document defining fundamental legal principle for governance of the people. It may include grants of power and limitations of power.( )14.Passing of power to govern or to make decisions from a central authority to a local authority.( )15.The government department that is responsible for carrying laws into effect.( )16.Group of independent states or organizations working together for common aims.( )17.The government department that is responsible for enacting statutory laws.( )18.Refers to the U. S government and its activities. The United States is a federation of 50 sovereign states.( )19.In pleading, an assertion of fact; the statement of the issue which the contributing party is prepared to prove.( )20.False statement, either oral or written, which tends to injure the reputation of the victim. It may be civil as well as criminal.Exercise 3A.separate property F. adulteryB.bigamy G. beneficiaryC.custody H. separationD.heir I. necessariesE.nonsupport J. guardian( )21. A situation in which parties are not living together but otherwise have legal duties of husband and wife.( )22. The care and possession of minor children of a marriage during a divorce proceeding and after divorce is final.( )23. Property owned By either spouse before marriage or acquired during marriage by gift or inheritance.( )24. A person appointed by the court to supervise and take care of another.( )25. Failure to contribute money, in accordance with one's ability, to the maintenance of a parent as required by law.( )26. Goods and services ordinarily required by and appropriate to an incompetent person's station in life, yet not available or provided by parent or guardian.( )27. The crime of being married to two or more persons at the same time.( )28. Sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than the offender's spouse.( )29. Anyone who has a legal right to inherit the property of another. ( )30. Anyone who benefits under the terms of a will.Exercise 4A. proprietor F. dividendsB. limited partner G. general partnerC. dissolution H. proxyD. quorum I. liquidationE. merger J. subsidiary( )31. A person who conducts the business of a partnership and has unlimited Liability.( )32. A person who is the sole owner of a business.( )33. A company owned (by a majority of shares or interest) and controlled by another company.( )34. A combination of two or more corporations whereby one remains a legal entity and the other is absorbed.( )35. A person who invests capital and shares in the profits of the partnership but whose liability and share of profits are limited by the amount invested.( )36. The sale and/or distribution of the assets of a business to settle its accounts with creditor and/or stockholders.( )37. The termination of the existence of a legal entity, such as a partnership or a corporation.( )38. A portion of corporate profits divided among the share-holders, in cash and/or stock.( )39. The number of members who must be present at a meeting for business to be transacted; a majority.( )40. The authorization for another to act for a shareholder at a meeting; also, the paper granting the authority.。

法律英语试题库及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the correct translation of "plaintiff" in legal English?A. 被告B. 原告C. 证人D. 律师答案:B2. The term "due diligence" in legal context typically refers to:A. 尽职调查B. 尽责调查C. 尽职尽责调查D. 尽职尽责尽责调查答案:A3. In legal English, "contract" is often used to refer to:A. 合同B. 契约C. 协议D. 协议书答案:A4. The phrase "in consideration of" is commonly used in legal documents to mean:A. 鉴于B. 考虑到C. 由于D. 因为答案:B5. Which of the following is not a type of intellectual property?A. 商标B. 专利C. 版权D. 商业秘密答案:D6. The term "tort" in legal English refers to:A. 侵权行为B. 犯罪行为C. 合同违约D. 民事纠纷答案:A7. "Jurisdiction" in legal English means:A. 管辖权B. 审判权C. 执行权D. 立法权答案:A8. The abbreviation "LLC" stands for:A. Limited Liability CompanyB. Limited Legal CompanyC. Legal Liability CompanyD. Legal Limited Company答案:A9. "Probate" in legal English refers to the process of:A. 遗嘱认证B. 遗嘱执行C. 遗嘱公证D. 遗嘱登记答案:A10. "Statute" in legal English is used to denote:A. 法规B. 法律C. 法令D. 条例答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The legal term for a formal written statement submitted toa court is a(n) _____________.答案:brief2. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a contract.答案:agreement3. The process of challenging the validity of a will is known as _____________.答案:contest4. A(n) _____________ is a legal professional who represents clients in court.答案:attorney5. The term _____________ refers to the legal principle that no one may profit from their own wrongdoing.答案:unclean hands6. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that grants a person the authority to act on behalf of another.答案:power of attorney7. The legal term for a formal written request to a court is a(n) _____________.答案:petition8. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that provides evidence of a debt.答案:promissory note9. The legal term for a formal written order from a court is a(n) _____________.答案:decree10. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sale of real estate.答案:deed三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "lien" in legal English refers to a legal claim on property to secure the payment of a debt. (对/错)答案:对2. "Negligence" in legal English means the failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm to another. (对/错)答案:对3. "Indemnity" in legal English refers to the right to be compensated for a loss or damage suffered. (对/错)答案:对4. A "writ" is a legal document issued by a court that ordersa person to do or refrain from doing a specific act. (对/错) 答案:对5. "Affidavit" in legal English is a written statement of facts voluntarily made by a person under oath. (对/错)答案:对6. "Misdemeanor" in legal English refers to a less serious crime than a felony. (对/错)答案:对7. "Arbitration" is a form of alternative dispute resolution where a neutral third party makes a binding decision. (对/错) 答案:对8. "Eminent domain" refers to the power of the government to take private property for public use without compensation. (对/错)答案:错9. "Venue" in legal English refers to the geographical location where a legal action is brought. (对/错)答案:对10. "Custody" in。

法律英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题,满分20分)1. Which of the following is not a legal term?A. PlaintiffB. DefendantC. LitigationD. Negotiation答案:D2. In legal English, "due process" refers to:A. A fair and just legal procedureB. A quick legal procedureC. A legal procedure without any delayD. A legal procedure with minimal paperwork答案:A3. The term "precedent" in law means:A. A previous case that sets a legal principleB. A document that records a legal decisionC. A legal principle that is not bindingD. A case that is not relevant to current legal issues 答案:A4. Which of the following is not a type of contract?A. Sales contractB. Employment contractC. Marriage contractD. Insurance contract答案:C5. "Tort" in legal English refers to:A. A civil wrongB. A criminal actC. A legal documentD. A legal remedy答案:A6. "Probate" is the legal process of:A. Dividing an estate after deathB. Filing a lawsuitC. Registering a trademarkD. Drafting a will答案:A7. "Jurisdiction" in law refers to:A. The authority to make legal decisionsB. The location of a courtC. The type of law being appliedD. The legal profession答案:A8. "Affidavit" is a legal document that:A. Is signed by a judgeB. Is a sworn statement of factsC. Is a request for a court orderD. Is a legal opinion答案:B9. "Statute" is a type of law that is:A. Created by judgesB. Passed by a legislative bodyC. Based on common lawD. Enforced by the executive branch答案:B10. "Moot" in legal context means:A. Unimportant or irrelevantB. A legal argumentC. A type of lawsuitD. A legal document答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共5题,满分10分)1. A legal dispute that is not resolved by negotiation or mediation may proceed to ________.答案:litigation2. The ________ of a contract is the formal agreement between parties.答案:execution3. A ________ is a person who has been granted the authorityto act on behalf of another.答案:agent4. The ________ is the highest court in many legal systems.答案:supreme court5. A ________ is a legal document that outlines the terms ofa contract.答案:deed三、阅读理解题(每题3分,共3题,满分9分)阅读以下段落,并回答问题。

(北航2010翻译硕士)A.始于出生,终于死亡B•始于10周岁,终于死亡C•始于18周岁,终于死亡 D.始于18周岁,终于80周岁【解析】民法通则第9条规定:“公民从出生时起到死亡时止,具有民事权利能力,依法享有民事权利,承担民事义务。

法律英语试题答案1调卷令certiorari 2遵循先例:stare decisis 3法系legal family 4大陆法civil law管辖权jurisdiction 地区法院District court 巡回法院circuit court 治安法庭Justice court社会主义法socialist law 众议院House of representative 行使exercise1司法审查judicial review 起诉资格standing 事实上的损害injury in fact行政协定executive decision共同决议common decision 分权separation of powers制衡checks and balances 成熟原则ripeness 招标bids 宪法constitution1刑法criminal law 轻微违法misdemeanor 报税单bill of entry 主观上的过错mental fault 非预谋杀人manslaughter 抢劫robbery 加重的aggravate 绑架kidnapping 盗劫larceny伪证罪perjury1the county is the subdivision 2the doctrine ---the maxim 3the federal entity4the enforcement of a claim5statutes or codes 6tradition custom,and precedent 7commom people ,versus legislation8stare decisis , Latin9legal relationships /legal concept 10judicial branch /judicial dictatorships 1in the precess of a court ascertaining2than to statutory interpretation3dose not have the ''prolixity"/dose not provide a ready solution4congress though its "power of the purse" /power as commander -in- chief5c hecks and balances provided for in the constitution6and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures7has no standing to challenge 8the policy of elimination of racial discriminationIn places of accommodation/and ending the badges of servitude1it is punishable by sanctions 2Most crimes or identified in statutes3punished through imposition penalities 4violation of a misdemeanor5which were committed before that /enactment of the law 6grand a criminal prosecution7as well as its substantive law 8crimes classified as felonies include murder9 authorized federal jurisdiction10one can be held criminally liable 1 it is to tell the defendant that2In US jurisprudence, however 3the right to trial by grand jury/protection against government tyranny 4 The prosecution at trial has the duty 5against arbitrary imposition of the capital punishment 6in an entirely different punishment/prosecution and conviction7 privilege against self-incrimination8a common assumption abou t the nature of criminality 9"unreasonable" government searches and seizures is stated10criminal procedure is "adversarial" 1 single issue of law 2dismissed or a defense was lost3state a claim generally 4adequately represent the interests 5"fairness hearing" 6(the "plaintiff")to file suit in 7violatio n criminal law8applying substantive law to real disputes 9 on part is entitled to judgment10common law remedy/ equitable remedies。

Answer the following questions according to the texts that you have learned this semester.1. What’s the paralegal; explain the role of the paralegal in thelegal environment?2. Describe the purpose of a petition for writ of certiorari.3. Explain how the concept of precedent or stare decisis operatestoday.4. Identify the categories of primary and secondary legal researchsources.5. Describe some of the major ethical rules that govern legalprofessionals.TranslationThe main features of the Anglo-American civil trial developed in the practice of the English common law courts in medieval and early modern times, as a consequence of the jury system, in which panels of lay persons were used to decide cases. Legal professionals—judges and lawyers—operated the initial pleading stage of the procedure, which was meant to identify and to narrow the dispute between the parties. If the dispute turned on a matter of law—that is, on a question such aswhether the complaint stated a legally actionable claim, or whether some particular legal rule governed—the professional judges decided the case on the pleadings. If, however, the pleadings established that the case turned on a question of fact, the case was sent for resolution at trial by a jury composed of citizens untrained in the law. So tight was the linkage between trial and jury that there was in fact no such thing as nonjury trial at common law. In any case involving a disputed issue of fact, bench trial was unknown until the later nineteenth century. In the early days of the jury system, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, jurors were drawn from the close vicinity of the events giving rise to the dispute, in the expectation that the jurors would have knowledge of the events, or if not, that the jurors would be able to investigate the matter on their own in advance of the trial. Medieval jurors came to court mostly to speak rather than to listen—not to hear evidence, but to report a verdict that they had agreed upon in advance. Across the later Middle Ages, the jury ceased to function in this way for complex reasons, including cataclysmic demographic dislocations following the Black Death of the 1340s and the effects of urbanization in producing more impersonal social relations. Byearly modern times, jurors were no longer expected to come to court knowing the facts. The trial changed character and became an instructional proceeding to inform these lay judges about the matter they were being asked to decide.The physical control of a thing by a person is what is normally known as possession, and if the idea of possession had remained wedded to physical control, the position would have been simple enough. But the widening sphere of legal activity made it necessary to attribute to persons who were not actually in physical control some or all of the advantages enjoyed by persons who were.There are three possible situations at law:(a) A person can have physical control without legal possession, as in the case of a porter carrying a traveler’s suitcase in a station.(b)A person can have possession and its advantages without actual physical control, e.g. a person may have books at home which are still in his possession even when he is away on holiday.(c) A person can have both physical control and possession, e.g. a watch in his pocket or a lien in his hand.Possession, therefore, has acquired a technical legal meaning, and the separation of possession from physical control has given the concept a high degree of flexibility.The old theory of possession, derived from the Roman Law, relies upon (a) corpus, i.e. physical control, and (b) animus, i.e. the intention to exclude others. But although these concepts help in deciding possession, they do not provide the complete answer. In fact, English law has never worked out a completely logical and exhaustive definition of possession. The handing over of a key may be sufficient by itself to pass the possession of the contents of a room or box if it provides the effective means of control over the goods.。
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Answer the following questions according to the texts that you have learned this semester.
1. What’s the paralegal; explain the role of the paralegal in the
legal environment?
2. Describe the purpose of a petition for writ of certiorari.
3. Explain how the concept of precedent or stare decisis operates
4. Identify the categories of primary and secondary legal research
5. Describe some of the major ethical rules that govern legal
The main features of the Anglo-American civil trial developed in the practice of the English common law courts in medieval and early modern times, as a consequence of the jury system, in which panels of lay persons were used to decide cases. Legal professionals—judges and lawyers—operated the initial pleading stage of the procedure, which was meant to identify and to narrow the dispute between the parties. If the dispute turned on a matter of law—that is, on a question such as
whether the complaint stated a legally actionable claim, or whether some particular legal rule governed—the professional judges decided the case on the pleadings. If, however, the pleadings established that the case turned on a question of fact, the case was sent for resolution at trial by a jury composed of citizens untrained in the law. So tight was the linkage between trial and jury that there was in fact no such thing as nonjury trial at common law. In any case involving a disputed issue of fact, bench trial was unknown until the later nineteenth century. In the early days of the jury system, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, jurors were drawn from the close vicinity of the events giving rise to the dispute, in the expectation that the jurors would have knowledge of the events, or if not, that the jurors would be able to investigate the matter on their own in advance of the trial. Medieval jurors came to court mostly to speak rather than to listen—not to hear evidence, but to report a verdict that they had agreed upon in advance. Across the later Middle Ages, the jury ceased to function in this way for complex reasons, including cataclysmic demographic dislocations following the Black Death of the 1340s and the effects of urbanization in producing more impersonal social relations. By
early modern times, jurors were no longer expected to come to court knowing the facts. The trial changed character and became an instructional proceeding to inform these lay judges about the matter they were being asked to decide.
The physical control of a thing by a person is what is normally known as possession, and if the idea of possession had remained wedded to physical control, the position would have been simple enough. But the widening sphere of legal activity made it necessary to attribute to persons who were not actually in physical control some or all of the advantages enjoyed by persons who were.
There are three possible situations at law:
(a) A person can have physical control without legal possession, as in the case of a porter carrying a traveler’s suitcase in a station.
(b)A person can have possession and its advantages without actual physical control, e.g. a person may have books at home which are still in his possession even when he is away on holiday.
(c) A person can have both physical control and possession, e.g. a watch in his pocket or a lien in his hand.
Possession, therefore, has acquired a technical legal meaning, and the separation of possession from physical control has given the concept a high degree of flexibility.
The old theory of possession, derived from the Roman Law, relies upon (a) corpus, i.e. physical control, and (b) animus, i.e. the intention to exclude others. But although these concepts help in deciding possession, they do not provide the complete answer. In fact, English law has never worked out a completely logical and exhaustive definition of possession. The handing over of a key may be sufficient by itself to pass the possession of the contents of a room or box if it provides the effective means of control over the goods.。