Belimo PICCV压力独立阀门(型号)商品说明书
P 10410 - 09/14 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .Belimo Pressure Independent Valve Flow Verification and CommissioningFigure APIVs are very different from pressure dependent control valves (standard control valves). Pressure variations in the system do not affect flow through the PIV. PIVs do not require additional flow regulating devices (e.g. – circuit setters and automatic flow limiting devices). This makes the Testing and Balancing (TAB)/Commissioning process much different from standard control valves. This document details the flow verification and commissioning procedures for a Pressure Independent Valve (PIV). These procedures are not mandatory to ensure proper operation of PIV.When using PIV, Electronic Pressure Independent Valve (EPIV), or Energy Valve (EV), flow verification can be performed using the valve’s built-in flow sensor and a hand-held tool (ZTH US) that connects to the valve. However, if independent verification is required, the use of 3 P/T ports is recommended.NOTE: When using mechanical PIVs, Pressure Independent Characterized Control Valves (PICCV), it is essential that the mechanical contractor install three (3) independent pressure/temperature ports (P/T ports) if the PICCV is not supplied with integrated ports. For P/T port locations, refer to Figure A in this document.External P/T ports allow for independent verification of proper PIV operation and these ports allow for future comprehensive troubleshooting and diagnosis.For proper and accurate flow verification of mechanical PIV, it isessential that the mechanical contractor install P/T ports as shown in Figure A. Some PIVs may be ordered with integrated P/T ports.•P/T port #1 and P/T port #2 are used to measure the pressure and temperature drop across the cooling or heating coil. This information in combination with the coil flow curves can be used to calculate flow and delta T.•P/T port #2 and P/T port #3 are used to measure pressure drop across the PIV. PIVs must have 5 – 50 psid (11.5 ft – 115 ft H 2O) (or per manufacturer’s specification) pressure drop across the valve only. PIVs must be commanded to design flow position via analog or BMS (Building Management System) signal. Do not manually open the valve with the override handle to check for design flow or pressure. The required operating pressure drop range is necessary to ensure pressure independent operation of the PIV.P141-9/14-Subjecttochange.©BelimoAircontrols(USA),Inc. Belimo Pressure Independent Valve Flow Verification and CommissioningMechanical PIV Pre-Flow Verification Checklist• Verify that system is purged of air and filled to proper pressure.• Verify that each PIV has the manufacturer’s required operatingpressure drop range across P/T ports 2 and 3 (Figure A).• Verify proper pump operation per manufacturer’s specifications.• Verify proper supply water temperature is available and is at designtemperature.• Proper air filter maintenance has been completed.• Fan belts are in proper working order.• Heat transfer devices (coils) are clean.• Strainers are clean.• All manual shutoff valves are open.• All bypass valves are closed.• No automatic or manual balancing valves exist. If they do exist,they must be set fully open and locked not interfere withthe pressure independency function of the PIV.Electronic PIV Pre-Flow Verification Checklist• Verify that system is purged of air and filled to proper pressure.• Verify that each electronic PIV is set to pressure independent/flow control mode.• If the PIV is an Energy Valve, the Delta T Manager™ must bedisabled during the flow verification and commissioning procedure.• Verify that each PIV has the manufacturer’s required operatingpressure drop range across P/T ports 2 and 3 (Figure B).• Verify proper pump operation per manufacturer’s specifications.• Verify proper supply water temperature is available and is at designtemperature.• Proper air filter maintenance has been completed.• Fan belts are in proper working order.• Heat transfer devices (coils) are clean.• Strainers are clean.• All manual shutoff valves are open.• All bypass valves are closed.• A flow verification tool is available (ZTH US).• No automatic or manual balancing valves exist. If they do exist,they must be set fully open and locked to not interfere with thepressure independency function of the PIV.Figure BDRAINBELIMO EPIV or Energy Valve (TYP.)P 10410 - 09/14 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .2. Ensure that water is at design temperature.3. Ensure that terminal airflow is at design flow rate (cfm).4. Command open the PIV via analog or BMS control signal to maximum design flow position. Do not manually open the PIV.5. Reference approved engineering document containing design water temperature drop/rise for design conditions.6. Measure water temperature differential of coil by using P/T ports #1 and #2 as referenced in Figure A.7.Measured temperature differential should be equal to designed water temperature differential as shown on the coil manufacturer or engineering documents.Procedure #4 (Terminal Level Verification) – Coil ∆P (Delta P) MethodVerification for PIV Cooling/Heating 1. Verify that the system is in proper working order. Depending on the valves used, check the items listed for PIV Pre-Flow Verification Checklists.2. Command open the PIV via analog or BMS control signal to maximum design flow position. Do not manually open the PIV.3.Reference approved engineering document containing design coil water pressure drop for design flow conditions (usually expressed in ft. of water). This value will be for the heating/cooling coil associated with corresponding PIV.4. Measure coil ∆P by using P/T ports #1 and #2 as referenced in Figure A.5.Formula to calculate flow is:Actual GPM = Design GPM x √(Measured Coil ∆P/Design Coil ∆P) NOTE: Coil ∆P and design ∆P expressed in feet of water.Procedure #5 (Terminal Level Verification) – Electronic Coil Flow (EPIV/EV) MethodVerification for electronic PIV Cooling/Heating 1. Verify that System is in proper working order. Depending on the valves used, check the items listed for Electronic PIV Pre-Flow Verification Checklists.2. Command open the electronic PIV via analog or BMS controlsignal to maximum design flow position. Do not manually open the electronic PIV.3. Reference approved engineering document containing design coil water flow in GPM for the coil.4.Verify flow by connecting the valve to the handheld tool or computer software.For additional information pertaining to the flow verification and commissioning, visit these organizations websites that promote the certification and continuing education of industry professionals in the Test and Balance discipline.NEBB - National Environmental Balancing Bureau, TABB - Testing Adjusting Balancing Bureau, Procedure #1 (System Verification) – Total System Flow MethodVerification for PIV Cooling/Heating 1. Verify that the system is in proper working order. Depending on the valves used, check the items listed for PIV Pre-Flow Verification Checklists.2. If diversity factor = 100%, command open all PIV via the BMS system. Systems with less than 100% diversity need to have a percentage of valves closed to match design diversity.3.Ensure that pumps are either manually commanded to sufficient speed to provide proper pressure drop across all valves orif pumps are under DDC pressure control ensure ∆P setpoint is sufficient to provide the above conditions.4.Verify total system flow in main return line is at system design flow rate using one of the following methods:• Orifice • Venturi• Electronic flow meter • System-level Flow Device5. Decrease the pump speed (or decrease ∆P setpoint if under control) until a measureable flow decrease occurs.6.Increase pump speed (or increase ∆P setpoint if under control) slowly until design flow is reestablished. Make note of the resulting ∆P . This will be the maximum system ∆P operating setpoint.NOTE: If total flow does not match design flow then troubleshooting must be completed to determine cause. This may involve verifying flows at the terminal level.Procedure #2 (Terminal Level Verification) – Air Delta T MethodVerification for PIV Heating 1. Verify that the system is in proper working order. Depending on the valves used, check the items listed for PIV Pre-Flow Verification Checklists.2. Ensure that water is at design temperature.3. Ensure that terminal airflow is at design airflow rate (cfm).4. Command open the PIV via analog or BMS control signal to maximum design flow position. Do not manually open the PIV.5. Reference approved engineering document containing design air temperature drop/rise for design conditions.6. Measure coil inlet air temperature and coil discharge air temperature.7.Difference between coil inlet air reading (EAT) and coil discharge air reading (LAT) should equal or exceed design air delta T as shown on the contract documents.Procedure #3 (Terminal Level Verification) – Water Delta T MethodVerification for PIV Heating 1.Verify that the system is in proper working order. Depending on the valves used, check the items listed for PIV Pre-Flow Verification Checklists.Belimo Pressure Independent Valve Flow Verification and Commissioning。
pcs v sp apl库阀门功能块vlvl使用入门
PCS 7 V7.1 SP1 APL库阀门功能块VlvL使用入门1. APL库介绍PCS 7 V7.1 SP1为西门子最新一代DCS控制平台,为满足不同行业、不同用户的控制要求,其提供了丰富的控制功能库。
功能库有PCS 7 AP Library V71、PCS 7 BasisLibrary V71和PCS 7 Library V71。
PCS 7 AP Library(本文将缩写为APL)为高级过程库(非先进过程控制),为V7.1以上版本所提供的全新功能库,其在原有基本控制算法的基础上,增加了许多新的特性,例如,功能块特性参数(Feature)定制,远程/就地模式控制,面板关联,互锁控制,辅助值显示等,可以满足不同行业、不同习惯用户的各种不同应用需求。
图1库图关于APL库的更多信息请参考开始菜单àSIMATIC àDocumentation àEnglish下的“PCS 7 – Manual for advanced process library V7.1”文档和相关在线帮助。
附加信息:PCS 7 V7.1 SP1同时提供的另外两个功能库中,PCS 7 BasisLibrary 为基本库,提供PCS 7所需的所有诊断功能块,如CPU_RT,SUBNET,OB_BEGIN 等系统块。
PCS 7Library则相当于以前版本的PCS 7 Standard Lib库,包括了原有功能库中除BasisLibrary块之外的其他所有功能块,为兼容原有版本而保留。
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1100 Highest process controlling
17 P1中apl库控制功能块pidconl使用入门 1 pidconl pcs7 v7.1 pcs 7 ap library v7.1 apl pid pidconl pidconr pidstepl pidconl pidconr pid pidstepl pidconl pidconl v7.0 pid ctrl_pid pid pidconl 2 pidconl 2 1 pidconl pidconl fb1874 cfc libraries "pcs 7 ap library v71\"blocks+templates\blocks"\control 1 pidconl 2 pidconl pcs7anin pv_out pidconl pv mv pcs7anou pv_in pid 3 pid cfc cfc os pidconl 4 pidconl 2 2 2 2 1 pidconl icon 5 pidconl pidconl e 0 r 2 2 2 6 pid sp "sp:=sp external "sp:=pv in manual mode batch pidconl pv er / 2 3 pid pidconl / cfc 7 / "mode "ok / 1 / modliop struct autmodli struct manmodli struct modliop cfc sfc modliop=1 autmodli=0 manmodli=1 2 4 pid 8 / "setpoint "ok / 2 / sp_liop struct sp_extli struct sp_intli struct sp_int struct sp_ext struct sp_liop cfc sfc sp_liop=1 sp_extli=1 sp_intli=0 sp_extli sp_intli 1 / "sp_trkext "sp:=sp external 6 man mv 2 5 pidconl apc pidconl opc advconen 1 9 "mode mode "program "ok advcomv 10 "program sp opc 20.5 pid advcomv 11 opc 60.0 pidc
阀岛 CPV10-EX-VI 紧凑型压力阀说明书
阀岛CPV10-EX-VI,紧凑性Subject to change –2019/112 Internet:/catalogue/...主要特性创新功能多样可靠性佳易于安装•立方体结构,性能出色,重量轻•坚固耐用•优化用于控制柜内安装•适用于过程阀的先导控制•流量大,结构十分紧凑•得益于每个阀片可有两个阀功能,每个阀岛最多可配备16片两位两通或两位三通阀•灵活而经济地连接2…8片阀•极佳的灵活性得益于:–多种气动功能(阀派生型)–不同的压力范围•隔离板,用于创建压力分区•盲板,用于未来扩展•阀有手控装置•安装在控制柜内时防护等级可达IP65•本安型阀岛,符合ATEX 类别2(区域1)•金属阀结构,十分坚固•使用寿命长•即可安装、已经过测试的单元•降低选型、订货、安装和调试成本•牢固地安装在墙面或H 型导轨上•复合接头板–快速替换阀模块,无需替换现有气管接口•阀装配为控制柜内安装而优化主要特性主要特性标签坚固的金属螺纹或预装配快插接头QS 丰富的阀功能、压力分区创建、盲板电接口简单:–单独接口快速安装:–用螺丝直接安装–安装在H型导轨上–通过复合接头板可靠操作:手控装置,按钮式、锁定式或封盖式阀宽–10mm配备选项阀功能•两位五通阀,单电控•两位五通阀,双电控•2x两位三通阀,常开•2x两位三通阀,常闭•2x两位三通阀,1x常开,1x常闭•2x两位三通阀,常闭,带集成背压保护•三位五通阀1)•2x两位两通阀,常闭•2x两位两通阀,1x常开,1x常闭特性单独连接•2…8个阀位,最多16个电磁线圈本安阀岛CPV10-EX-VI为本安设计,用于爆危场所,符合ATEX类别2(区域1)复合接头板复合接头板用于柜壁开口,便于在控制柜内安装,密封后,防护等级达IP65工作仅通过单独的阀连接本安电路驱动。
1)通过功能模块,不能组合复合接头板2019/11–Subject to change3Internet:/catalogue/...Subject to change –2019/114 Internet:/catalogue/...主要特性电接口单独连接,防爆CPV10-EX-VI 是一款本安型阀岛,用于区域1爆危场所(ATEX 类别2G)。
PCS7 阀块功能参数详解在PCS7的应用中,阀功能块使用非常广泛。
而新接触的人对于其众多的引脚往往无法适从下面逐一介绍::下图为流程画面中常见的阀块图标:下图为阀块的弹出面板三:FB_OPEN为阀开回讯;FB_CLOSE为阀关回讯;QCONTROL 为阀块的输出控制信号Mon.Time 是阀门的动作时间;Monitoring=On 如果勾选,表明一旦输出控制信号发出后,阀门返回信号在设定的时间内(3S)与要求的不一致,阀块右下角会出现标识不一致包括:输出开信号,返回为关信号;输出关信号,返回为开信号;开回讯和关回讯同时为1或同时为0;回讯虽然正确,但动作时间超过设定的监视时间。
-可编辑修改-报警消失后,按Reset 按钮进行复位下图为阀块的常用引脚:1. 首先对FAULT_SS进行设置:若为0,表示一旦出现阀块报警,QCONTROL 保持上一次的输出,若为1,QCONTROL 输出为安全状态即等于0)。
因此通常状况下要设为“ 0”,否则一旦回讯出现故障,阀门将置于安全状态,影响连续生产,除非很重要的场合。
2. SS_POS:决定画面上阀块的图标旁显示FO还是FC。
3. 阀块在自动方式下,AUTO_OC (1是开,0是关)与SS_POS一起决定了QCONTROL 的值。
手动方式下,MAN_OC 与SS_POS一起决定了QCONTROL 的值。
如上图中,AUTO_OC 为0,表明目的是要求阀关闭,而阀门是FO的,即得电关闭,因此决定了-可编辑修改-QCONTROL 为1(DO 卡对应通道为高电平)4. LIOP_SEL如果为1,表明强制阀块的控制方式(MODE下方的MAN 和AUTO 按钮为灰色,无法操作),至于是强制手动方式还是自动方式,取决于AUT_L。
5. 阀的颜色变化取决与QOPENED/CLOSED, 一旦出现错误信息,QOPENED/CLOSED 都为0阀颜色取决于安全位置对应的阀位。
阀门数控简单基础操作方法阀门数控(Valve Control)是一种现代化的控制技术,通过对阀门进行自动化控制,实现对流体管道中液体、气体的流量、压力等参数的调节和控制。
下面详细介绍阀门数控的基础操作方法:1. 设置阀门参数:使用阀门数控系统前,首先需要设置阀门的相关参数,如阀门类型、口径、公称压力等。
2. 控制阀门开关:阀门数控系统一般提供手动和自动两种控制方式,通过手动控制可以实现对阀门的远程开关操作,而自动控制则可以实现对阀门的定时、定量控制。
3. 监测阀门状态:阀门数控系统可以实时监测阀门的状态,包括开度、压力、温度等参数。
4. 存储和查询数据:阀门数控系统一般具备数据存储和查询功能,可以将阀门的操作记录、运行状态等数据进行存储,并且可以通过查询功能随时查看这些数据。
Ruelco MP-4 手动启动的三位一体式手动阀门操作指南说明书
“MP-4”MANUAL RELAYMODEL 1901OPERATION MANUAL OMP # 1901 08/02 Revision 0I. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONThe Ruelco “MP-4” relay is a pilot operated manual relay. It is a three (3) way, normally closed valve with a palm knob for relay position indication and manual operation. In the closed position, pneumatic or hydraulic pressure coming into the “Inlet” port is locked from the “Outlet” port by the upper shaft o-ring. The spring keeps the spool in the down or closed position. The valve is opened by manually pulling the palm knob outward, thus moving the shaft assembly upward. The detent pin is then pushed “In” to lock the relay open until a pneumatic signal is applied to the pilot cap of the relay. This pneumatic pressure acting on the piston causes the detent pin to drop “Out” of the locked position. When the relay is in the open position, it causes the middle o-ring to engage the body seal bore and the upper o-ring to disengage from the body seal bore respectively. Supply pressure at the “Inlet” port may then flow through the body to the “Outlet” port.When the pneumatic signal is removed from the pilot supply “PS”, the spring moves the shaft assembly downward. This causes the upper O-ring to disengage the body seal bore. This also allows the middle O-ring to engage the body seal bore and prevent flow into the “IN” port. With the supply pressure blocked, pressure will flow from the “OUT” port and exit through the “VENT” port. The relay may also be closed manually by pushing the palm knob inward.II. INSTALLATIONThe “MP-4” can be mounted either vertically, horizontally, panel mounted (with optional panel mount nut), or supported by piping from any of its ports. If it is supported by piping, care should be taken that the strength of the pipe fittings used is adequate to prevent the fitting from breaking off in the relay body should the relay be inadvertently struck.Proper pipe thread sealant should be used on any pipe fittings threaded into the relay ports. If stainless steel fittings are used, a sealant that will prevent galling is required. Supply gas or hydraulic fluid flowing through the relay should be free of large dirt particles. If compressed air is used, it does not have to be lubricated. If natural gas is used, it should contain as little condensate as possible. This will extend the life of the seals.If the relay is going to be installed in a location where the stem will be exposed to excessive paint, sand, drilling fluids, etc., the use of the optional stem protector is recommended. The stem protector does not affect the operation of the relay and will prevent the relay from jamming should the exposed portion of the shaft accumulate excessive trash or debris.III. DISASSEMBLY (REFER TO SPEC.SHEET 1901)Tools required are as follows:• 7/16” open end wrench or suitable adjustable wrench•1” open end wrench or suitable adjustable wrench•7/8” open end wrench or suitableadjustable wrench and flat bladescrew driver (for removal ofoptional stem protector)A. PARTIALDISASSEMBLY1. To replace the three (3) shafto-rings (Item7) and the pistonseal (Item 11), the relay doesnot have to be completelydisassembled.2. Place the 7/16” wrench onthe lock nut and rotate itclockwise while holding theknob (Item 1) until the knobis loose. Rotate the knobcounterclockwise andremove it from the shaft sub-assembly . If the optionalstem protector is installed,pull the relay knob outwarduntil the flat on the sealwasher (Item 16) is visible.Use the 7/8” wrench to rotatethe seal washer clockwiseuntil the knob is loose.Remove the knob and sealwasher simultaneously(rotate counterclockwise).3. Remove the retaining ring(Item 13) from body (Item 8)in order to remove base(Item 14).4. Push the shaft subassemblythrough the valve body andslide the spring (Item 9) offthe relay shaft.5. The seals on the shaft maynow be replaced as perinstructions given in therepair section of this manual(IV.). B. FULLDISASSEMBLY1. Follow the procedures statedunder partial disassembly. Ifthe relay is panel mounted, itis not necessary to removethe relay from the panel, butit is recommended so thatadequate inspection andcleaning of all parts may beperformed.2. Using a flat blade screwdriver, remove the RetainingRing (Item 13) from the body(Item 8)3. Remove the base (Item 14),followed by the shaftsub-assembly.4. To remove the stemprotector housing (Item 16),use the flat blade screwdriver and rotate the screws(Item 4) counterclockwise.5. The relay is now ready to becleaned and repaired.IV. REPAIR AND ASSEMBLY1. Remove the piston and shaft sealsfrom the shaft assembly.2. Using an appropriate safety solvent,clean all parts.3. Inspect the shaft assembly for anymajor damage such as burrs andnicks. Also inspect it forstraightness. Replace the shaftassembly is damaged.4. Examine the relay body and head forany damage such as burrs, nicks,etc. Replace any damaged pieces.5. Replacement seals from a Ruelcoproduct repair kit are required forproper relay performance. It isrecommended that all seals belubricated before and afterinstallation with a high qualitysilicone base grease.6. Install the piston seal onto the shaftsubassembly. NOTE: This is a cuptype seal. The inside of the cupshould be facing toward the bottomof the shaft subassembly as shown.Be sure that the inside lip of the sealis completely pushed into the pistongroove.7. Lubricate the shaft o-rings and installon the shaft subassembly.8. Lightly lubricate the large bore in therelay body.9. Slide the spring over the shaftsubassembly and slide the shaft intothe relay body.10. Lubricate the base o-ring (Item 12)and install into the valve body.11. Insert the base in the body andsecure using the retaining ring.12. If a stem protector is to be used,locate the holes in the protectorbody over the threaded holes in thehead. Insert the two (2) screws androtate them clockwise to tighten.13. Thread the lock nut over the shaftsubassembly until it reaches the lastthread. Do not tighten. Rotate theknob over the shaft thread until ittouches the lock nut. Hold the knoband turn the lock nutcounterclockwise with the 7/16”wrench until firmly tightened.14. To install the stem protector washerand the knob, thread the washer asfar down onto the shaft as possible.Screw the knob onto the exposedthreads above the washer, but donot tighten. Pull the relay shaft fullyoutward and thread the protectorwasher until it stops. NOTE: Theprotector seal should now becompletely inside the protectorhousing. Release the relay knob andallow the shaft subassembly toretract. Rotate the knob clockwiseuntil it stops. Pull the knob outwardagain and use the 7/8” wrench toturn the protector washercounterclockwise until tight.V. RECOMMENDEDMAINTENANCE Procedure and IntervalOperate Manually – Every thirty (30) days.Disassemble, inspect and lubricate – Yearlyor as required.Replace all seals – Every two (2) years oras required.。
PCS 7 V7.1 SP1 中APL库控制功能块PIDConL使用入门
PCS 7 V7.1 SP1 中APL库控制功能块PIDConL使用入门PCS 7 V7.1 SP1 APL Library control block PIDConL Getting Started摘要本文介绍了PCS7 V7.1下的PID功能块PIDConL的基本使用,包括工作模式选择、设定值处理、报警消息等。
关键词PIDConL,FB1874,PID,分程控制,串级控制Key Words PIDConL, FB1874, PID, Split-range control, Cascade ControlIA&DT Service & Support Page 2-21目录PCS 7 V7.1 SP1 中APL库控制功能块PIDConL使用入门 (1)1 PIDConL块基本特性介绍 (4)2 PIDConL块的基本使用 (5)2.1 PIDConL块调用及基本管脚介绍 (5)2.2 操作面板的基本使用 (7)2.2.1 标准面板 (7)2.2.2 参数面板 (8)2.3 如何切换操作模式 (10)2.4 如何使用外部设定值 (11)2.5 如何使用PIDConL的程序模式 (12)2.6 如何使用PIDConL的仿真功能 (15)3 PIDConL的应用 (17)3.1 分程控制 (17)3.2 串级控制 (19)IA&DT Service & Support Page 3-211 PIDConL块基本特性介绍在PCS7 V7.1版本中,PCS 7 AP Library V7.1(APL)提供了三种PID控制功能块:PIDConL、PIDConR和PIDStepL。
81853551EX 标记2适用文件3认证的产品4安全4.1安全注意事项–本设备在规定的运行条件下可应用于爆炸性气体环境 2 区。
–本设备只允许使用至少符合 ISO8573-1:2010 [7:4:4] 质量等级的压缩空气运行。
–仅使用经批准用于该防爆等级的电气控制装置 è /catalogue。
–仅使用适合该防爆等级的附件 è /catalogue。
4.3标记 X:特殊条件–将设备安装在防护等级至少为 IP54 的壳体中(根据 EN 60079-0)。
–通过卡夹 NEAU-M12-GD 或带有特殊锁的额外外壳来避免插头脱开。
–环境温度:–5 °C £ Ta £ +50 °C–用端盖封闭未使用的输入和输出。
–过压被限制为最大额定电压的 140%。
–该设备只能在污染等级不超过 2(依据 IEC 60664-1 定义)的环境中使用。
CPV10 Ex-i 防爆终端伞式阀门说明书
Terminal de válvulas CPV10 Ex-iProtección EX•El terminal CPV es especialmen-te adecuado para conceptos de instalación descentralizados.•Alto grado de robustez, dado que las válvulas son metálicas •Multipolo neumático con pasa-muros que permite la instala-ción en armario de maniobra.Estanquidad según IP65•Gran caudal con espacios de montaje muy reducidos•Hasta 16 válvulas de 3/2 vías por terminal•Válvulas con múltiples funcio-nes•Sistema de montaje e instala-ción para ahorrar tiempo •Multipolo neumáticoTerminal de válvulas CPV10 Ex-i: de seguridad intrínseca, diseñado para aplicaciones en zonas con peligro de explosión según clasificación ATEX 2 (zona 1). Ideal para el máximo caudal en espacios reducidos.Una solución única: la forma constructiva. La combinación flexible de prestaciones neumáticas, técnicas de conexión eléctrica y tipos de mon-taje versátiles.Zona Ex: ZONA 2Zona Ex: ZONA 1213.4.PSIProduct Short InformationTipoZONA 2ZONA 1CPV10/CPV14/CPV18CPV10 Ex-iN° de referencia del módulo 18200/18210/182********Tamaño de las válvulas en mm 10/14/1810Caudal en l/min 400/800/1600400Conexión eléctricaIndividual, multipolo, bus de campo Conexión individual Funciones de las válvulas2x 2/2 vías, 2x 3/2 vías, 5/2 vías, 3x de 2/2 víasmonoestable e impulso, válvula de 5/2 vías, monoestable / biestable,posición intermedia 5/3 vías,2x de 2/2 víasgenerador de vacío y válvula de 2/2vías para impulso de eyección,generador de vacío Multipolo neumáticosísíPresión de funcionamiento -0,9 ... 10 bar 0 ... 10 bar Presión de pilotaje3 ... 8 bar3 ... 8 barAccionamiento auxiliar manual pulsando, con retención, bloqueo pulsando, con retención, bloqueo Indicación por LED sínoTemperatura ambiente -5 ... +50 °C -5 ... +50 °C Clase de protección IP65IP40HomologacionesII 3G Ex nA II T4 XII 2G Ex ib IIC T5 II 3D Ex tD A22 IP54 T110 °C -5 °C < T a < 50 °C130808R e s e r v a d o e l d e r e c h o d e m o d i f i c a c i ónTerminal de válvulas CPV10 Ex-iDatos técnicos CPV Ex-i con multipolo neumáticoEl terminal de válvulas con multi-polo neumático, en sus diferen-tes variantes, simplifica la instalación de las conexiones neumáticas. En lugar de varios pasamuros y del conexionado de tubos, la instalación puede rea-lizarse con una sola perforación de pared. Con junta para protec-ción IP65, para montaje en arma-rios de maniobra cerradosCPV10 Ex-i en Zona 1/2: Termi-nal de válvulas autoprotegido (multipolo neumático) e I/Oremotas en armario de maniobraCPV10/14/18 en Zona 2: Termi-nal de válvulas con bus de campo (multipolo neumá t ico) y módulo I/= en armario.Conexiones de alimentación y tomas de tra-bajo en el multipolo neumáticoConexiones de alimentación al terminal de válvulas y tomas de trabajo en el multipolo neumáticoAplicación de CPV10 Ex-i en zonas con riesgo de explosión CPV10 Ex-i (Tipo: CPV10-Ex-VI)es un terminal de válvulas con ejecución autoprotegida para zonas con riesgo de explosión.De este modo, el terminal se instala directamente en la zona Ex con un sistema remoto I/O autoprotegido. Gracias al multi -polo neumático para armarios de maniobra, la instalación neu -mática puede efectuarse fuera del armario, simpli f icando el trabajo notablemente.Los controles adecuados son p. ej:• Siemens ET200 iSP • ABB sistema I/O S900• BARTEC 17-584F-6200• Pepperl&Fuchs IS-RPI• Stahl I.S.1. Remote I/O-System Tipo 9475• Stahl Ex-i separador Tipo 9175• Turck excom Remote-I/O-System Advertencia: Reservado el dere-cho a introducir cambios técnicos.Festo AG & Co. KGRuiter Strasse 8273734 Esslingen Tel. +49 711 347-0 Fax +49 711 347-2144*******************************。
PCS 7 V7.1 SP1 APL库阀门功能块VlvL使用入门
PCS 7 V7.1 SP1 APL库阀门功能块VlvL使用入门显示订货号1. APL库介绍PCS 7 V7.1 SP1为西门子最新一代DCS控制平台,为满足不同行业、不同用户的控制要求,其提供了丰富的控制功能库。
功能库有PCS 7 AP Library V71、PCS 7 BasisLibrary V71和PCS 7 Library V71。
PCS 7 AP Library(本文将缩写为APL)为高级过程库(非先进过程控制),为V7.1以上版本所提供的全新功能库,其在原有基本控制算法的基础上,增加了许多新的特性,例如,功能块特性参数(Feature)定制,远程/就地模式控制,面板关联,互锁控制,辅助值显示等,可以满足不同行业、不同习惯用户的各种不同应用需求。
图1库图关于APL库的更多信息请参考开始菜单→ SIMATIC → Documentation → English下的“PCS 7 –Manual for advanced process library V7.1”文档和相关在线帮助。
附加信息:PCS 7 V7.1 SP1同时提供的另外两个功能库中,PCS 7 BasisLibrary 为基本库,提供PCS 7所需的所有诊断功能块,如CPU_RT,SUBNET,OB_BEGIN等系统块。
PCS 7 Library则相当于以前版本的PCS 7 Standard Lib库,包括了原有功能库中除BasisLibrary块之外的其他所有功能块,为兼容原有版本而保留。
2 .VlvL块基本特性介绍PCS 7 V7.1 SP1中,APL库VlvL功能块主要用于控制两位(打开/关闭)阀门,可以实现阀的手动控制、自动控制、就地控制等;控制命令可以为单点的高低电平开关也可以为双点的脉冲控制开关;阀门的打开或关闭过程中可以实行安全的连锁保护控制等。
Fluke PK-VLV系列阀门使用说明书
PN 5007288July 2018 (Simplified Chinese)©2018 Fluke Corporation。
All rights reserved.All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Fluke CorporationP.O.Box 9090 Everett, WA 98206-9090 U.S.A. Fluke Europe B.V.P.O.Box 11865602 BD EindhovenThe NetherlandsООО «Флюк СИАЙЭС»125167, г.Москва, Ленинградскийпроспект дом 37,корпус 9, подъезд 4, 1 этаж1PK-VLV-ABORT-100M、PK-VLV-ISO-40M、PK-VLV-ISO-100MValves说明概述本使用说明书提供了有关 PK-VLV-ABORT-100M、PK-VLV-ISO-40M 和 PK-VLV-ISO-100M(阀门)的说明。
这些阀门的适用组合包含在最新型号的 Fluke Calibration 压力控制器的系统模式互连套件中。
对于系统模式(连接在一起用作一个控制器的两个或多个控制器),请联系 Fluke Calibration,以获取配置所有必需项目的帮助。
如何联系 Fluke Calibration要联系 Fluke Calibration,请拨打以下电话号码:•美国技术支持:1-877-355-3225•美国校准/修理:1-877-355-3225•加拿大:1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853)•欧洲:+31-40-2675-200•日本:+81-3-6714-3114•新加坡:+65-6799-5566•中国: +86-400-810-3435•巴西: +55-11-3759-7600•世界任何地区:+1-425-446-6110要查看产品信息并下载最新的手册补充,请访问 Fluke Calibration 网站。
Ruelco VC-2 速度检测阀门操作手册说明书
“VC-2”VELOCITY CHECK VALVE OPERATION MANUAL OMP # 20V2- 8/05 1.0 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONThe Ruelco VC-2 velocity checkvalve is a 2-way control valve. It isideal for line brake or process upsetdetection when using pipelineprocess pressure to operate anactuated valve. The valve is designedto operate with liquid or gas processfluids with pressures ranging from100 to 6,000 PSI. The valveincorporates a unique soft sealdesign to ensure zero leakage whilealso providing trip indication.A red indication band on the shaftindicates that the valve is in thetripped position. With the valve inthe tripped position, supply pressureis blocked from entering the “OUT”port.The valve is manually reset bypushing down on the knob. The knobis held pressed in the down positionuntil the pressure equalizes on bothsides after which the shaft stays inthat position. Pressure loss in thedownstream side of the “OUT” portcauses the valve to trip, therebyexposing a red indication band on theshaft.2.0 INSTALLATIONThe “VC-2” can be supported bypiping from the sense port in eithervertical or horizontal positions. If thevalve is mounted horizontally, it isrecommended that the small venthole in the side of the body beoriented in a downward position.This will prevent any debris fromaccumulating in the body bore.Proper pipe thread sealant should beused on any pipe fittings threadedinto the valve “OUT” port. Ifstainless steel fittings are used, asealant that will prevent galling isrequired. The supply fluid flowingthrough the valve body should befiltered and free of large particles.When the valve is mounted using the½” NPT base connection and thevalve “OUT” port is not in thedesired position after the baseconnection is adequately tightened,DO NOT loosen the base connectionto re-position the port. Instead,remove the valve and remake the ½”NPT connection.3.0DISASSEMBLY (See Spec Sheet)Tools and materials required forproper disassembly, repair andassembly are as follows:1.7/16” open end wrench.2.Locktite3.High quality silicone baselubricant.4.An appropriate safetysolvent.3.1 FULLDISASSEMBLY1.If the valve is installed in anoperating instrument system,precautions should be taken toavoid any unwanted reactions.Make sure the valve is isolatedfrom all pressure.2.Place the 7/16” wrench on thelock nut (Item 2)and rotate itclockwise while holding the knob(Item 1) until the knob is loose.Rotate the knobcounterclockwise and remove itfrom the shaft (Item 7). At thistime also remove the lock nut.3.Rotate the Cap (Item 3) counterclockwise and remove. Next,Place the knob back on the shaftand rotate until it stops. Now,pull the shaft out of the body.4.The seals on the shaft may nowbe replaced5.Next, with the 7/16” wrench,rotate the Retainer Screw (Item13) Counter clockwise andremove it from the body. Makesure you do not lose the PushRod (Item 10) or the ball (Item12).6.Remove the small o-ring (Item11) in the body.7.At this time place the Sleeve(Item 4) over the shaft. Nextplace the Knob onto the shaft.While applying pressure to theknob, hold the sleeve in placewith your thumb and fore fingerand push the shaft back into thebody.8.Remove the knob from the shaftand rotate the Cap onto the bodyin a clockwise direction. Then,place the lock nut and knob backonto the shaft. 9.The shaft should slide up anddown easily.10.Place the Ball Seal into the Body,making sure that the seal is flushwith the bottom face.11.Then put the rod into the holefollowed by the ball and finally,thread the Retainer screw back inplace. Locktite is recommendedfor the Retainer Screw threads.4.0 RECOMMENDED MANITENNACEOperate Manually – Every thirty (30)days.Disassemble, inspect and lubricate –Yearly or as required.Replace all seals – Every two (2)years or as required.。
Festo VSVA-B-T1L电压式三态电流控制阀说明书
08/11/2023 – Reservado el derecho de modificación – Festo SE & Co. KG
Conformidad PWIS Humedad relativa del aire Temperatura ambiente Conexión eléctrica
Tipo de fijación Indicación sobre el material Material de las juntas
VDMA24364-B1/B2-L 0 - 90 % -5 ... 50 °C 2 contactos 4 contactos Conector según ISO 15407-2 según ISO 5599-2 En la placa base Conforme con RoHS FPM HNBR NBR Fundición inyectada de aluminio PA Acero, galvanizado
Característica Función de las válvulas
Tipo de accionamiento Ancho
Caudal nominal normal Presión de funcionamiento Mpa Presión de funcionamiento Construcción Tipo de reposición Homologación
Tipo de protección Principio de hermetización Posición de montaje Accionamiento manual auxiliar
Tipo de control Alimentación del aire de control Sentido del flujo Superposición Indicación del estado de señal Presión de mando MPa Presión de control Consumo máximo de corriente Resistencia a la tensión de choque Grado de ensuciamiento
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PCS 7 V7.1 SP1 APL库阀门功能块VlvL使用入门1. APL库介绍PCS 7 V7.1 SP1为西门子最新一代DCS控制平台,为满足不同行业、不同用户的控制要求,其提供了丰富的控制功能库。
功能库有PCS 7 AP Library V71、PCS 7 BasisLibrary V71和PCS 7 Library V71。
PCS 7 AP Library(本文将缩写为APL)为高级过程库(非先进过程控制),为V7.1以上版本所提供的全新功能库,其在原有基本控制算法的基础上,增加了许多新的特性,例如,功能块特性参数(Feature)定制,远程/就地模式控制,面板关联,互锁控制,辅助值显示等,可以满足不同行业、不同习惯用户的各种不同应用需求。
图1库图关于APL库的更多信息请参考开始菜单àSIMATIC àDocumentation àEnglish下的“PCS 7 – Manual for advanced process library V7.1”文档和相关在线帮助。
附加信息:PCS 7 V7.1 SP1同时提供的另外两个功能库中,PCS 7 BasisLibrary为基本库,提供PCS 7所需的所有诊断功能块,如CPU_RT,SUBNET,OB_BEGIN等系统块。
PCS 7 Library则相当于以前版本的PCS 7 Standard Lib库,包括了原有功能库中除BasisLibrary块之外的其他所有功能块,为兼容原有版本而保留。
2 .VlvL块基本特性介绍PCS 7 V7.1 SP1中,APL库VlvL功能块主要用于控制两位(打开/关闭)阀门,可以实现阀的手动控制、自动控制、就地控制等;控制命令可以为单点的高低电平开关也可以为双点的脉冲控制开关;阀门的打开或关闭过程中可以实行安全的连锁保护控制等。
q 就地模式:此操作模式下,阀可通过位于“就地”的控制箱进行就地开关控制。
q 自动模式:此操作模式下,阀由程序功能块的输出来自动控制。
q 手动模式:此操作模式下,阀由操作员通过上位机面板手动控制。
q 停止运行:“停止运行”操作模式适用于所有带操作模式切换的功能块。
üSafePos = 0,阀门安全位置为关闭状态,断电时阀处于关闭状态(即“NC”阀);例如:打开阀门信号,Ctrl=1,阀得电打开;关闭阀门信号,Ctrl=0,阀断电关闭。
üSafePos = 1,阀门安全位置为打开状态,断电时阀处于打开状态(即“NO”阀)。
例如:打开阀门信号,Ctrl=0,阀断电打开;关闭阀门信号,Ctrl=1 ,阀得电关闭注:编写程序时对于阀门安全位置,在程序中只需设置SafePos,并不需要进行特别处理。
VlvL功能块面板中可以显示阀安全位置的设置:图3安全位置为0图4安全位置为13. VlvL块的基本使用3.1 功能块调用VlvL块在库里编号为FB1899,通过CFC进行调用,安装在循环中断OB(OB30-OB38)中。
如图5,在PCS 7 AP Library V71/Drivers 里找到VlvL然后拖入相应的CFC中即可。
图9 CFC中通过程序互连打开/关闭阀门图10通过程序互连打开/关闭阀门的面板附加信息:APL允许设置功能块在自动模式下的启动命令形式为单点高低电平型启动命令(仅OpenAut控制命令有效,高电平为打开命令,低电平为关闭命令)或双点脉冲型开/关命令(OpenAut为开阀命令、CloseAut为关阀命令),该特性可以通过Feature管脚bit 4位定制。
4. VlvL块的连锁保护控制功能一些复杂的阀门控制回路需要使用到连锁保护控制的功能,VlvL功能块提供了最多三种类型的连锁,对应的管脚分别为Intlock、Protect和Permit,如图11所示。
图11连锁功能4.1启动使能(许可Permit )阀门处于安全位置并准备离开安全位置时(动作时),如果条件允许(即输入Permit = 1),则允许阀门动作;如果条件不允许(输入Permit = 0)则不能动作阀门,此时如图11中“关闭”右边的按钮为灰色。
当互锁条件来时(输入Intlock = 0),阀门将进入安全位置(SafePos设置)。
互锁条件消失后(输入Intlock = 1),如果阀门处于自动或就地模式,而且动作信号存在(如OpenAut=1),则阀门将再次动作。
当互锁条件来时(输入Protect = 0),阀门将进入安全位置(SafePos设置)。
互锁条件消失后(输入Protect = 1),操作员需要通过点击面板中的复位按钮(仅在自动模式下)复位故障后,阀门方可再次动作。
此外,如果在就地模式和仿真模式下不希望使用该互锁功能,则可以通过输入参数BypProt = 1旁路互锁功能,参考上图12所示。
5. VlvL块的扩展功能5.1 控制脉冲打开/关闭阀门VlvL功能块提供两种类型的输出控制命令:单点高低电平型控制命令(Ctrl)和双点脉冲型控制命令(P_Open和P_Close)。
图13脉冲输出5.2 阀门块的仿真操作仿真功能为APL功能块提供的标准功能,用于系统调试时在反馈信号等现场条件不具备的情况下正常输出控制命令。
图14打开仿真注:打开仿真功能需要当前登录的用户具有1100号权限(Highest process controlling)5.3 VlvL块的辅助值功能附加辅助值显示用于在VlvL阀面板的标准视图中额外显示最多两个辅助值。
在CFC中的块的对象属性(I/O > 标识符)中,可指定要在面板的标准视图中为这些参数显示的文本(标识符列),如图15。
5.4 VlvL块的几个时间参数为了更好的对阀门进行实时的监控和保护,VlvL块增加了如下几个时间参数。
q MonTiStatic=3用于设置阀门打开/关闭时的静态监控时间,例如,阀门在打开/关闭状态时,如果打开/关闭反馈信号丢失超过3秒,则报警。
(该时间必须小于等于动态监控时间)q MonTiDynamic=10用于设置阀门打开/关闭时的动态监控时间,例如,点击阀门打开/关闭后如果10秒内没有阀门开/关反馈。
q WarnTiMan=5用于设置阀门手动模式下启动前的警告时间,例如,阀门点击开/关按钮后需要等待5秒才输出开/关信号。
q WarnTiAut=5用于设置阀门自动模式下启动前的警告时间,例如,阀门开/关命令来后需要等待5秒才输出开/关信号。