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新概念青少版二册 Unit1-UnitIO 期末试卷

Name _________ Score ___________________________


一•选出你所听到的句子中所含的单词(1*10) (? ? )1 . A. see B. rice C. lesson D. pass (??

)2. A. shelf

B. dish

C. fish

D. wash (?? )3. A. seaside B. sea C. side D. said (?? )4. A. bus

B. but

C. bug

D. jug

(?? )5. A. headache B. toothache C. earache D. backache (?? )6. A. spoon B. sport C. say D. stay (?? )7. A. shampoo B. snow C. sweet D. slow (?? )8. A. haircut B. baker C. dentist D. worker (?? )9. A. meet B. nice C. walk

D. run (?? )10

A. Britai n

B. perce nt

C. breakfast

D. bring



()11. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, I do. D. Yes, I am.


A. Sure, go along the street and tur n right.

B. Yes, I am.

C. There is a pay phone on Bridge Street.

D. Thanks a lot.

()13. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she isn ' here.

C. Sorry, I can ' tell you.

D. Sorry, I don 'know where she is

()14. A. Yes, he is. B. He lives in a house near here.

C. No, he doesn '.t

D. No, he isn '. t ()15.

A. I

B. I

C. 、

D. 、

It ' between the bank and the library. 1 always go to there. Yes, it is.

Yes, there is. ()16. A. They re big. B. They re friendly.

C. Yes, I like it.

D. No, I 1 don' know.

()17. A. Yes, they are. B. The panda is smart.

C. Yes, it is.

D. No, it isn '.

()18. A. I 1 always go. B. I always go there.

C. I 1 always by bus.

D. I always go there by bus.

()19. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I like. C. No, I do.' | D. No. I like. ()20. A. She has it. B. She has breakfast at home.

C. Yes, she has.

D. Yes, she does.


三.情景反应2 *5

()21. Where is Karen?

E. She' s athe Arrivals exit.

F. She' s in the coffee bar n ext to the Arrivals exit.

G. She' s in the office.

( )22. How many visitors are there?

A. There are thousa nds of visitors.

B. There are one thousa nd visitors.

C. There are thousa nds of visitors.

()23. What are the ants doing?

A. They ' re stretching their legs.

B. They ' re breathing.

C. They ' re going to school.

( )24. How often does Lucy go to the cinema?

A. Twice a week.

B. Once a week.

C. Every day.

()25. What is Claire waiting for?

A. She ' s waiting for a taxi.

B. She ' sailing for a train.

C. She ' s waiting for a bus.


C. plays/plays/play

D. play in


( )14 -What they do on Sun days?

-They games on Sun days.

A. do/play

B. does/play

C. do/plays |

D. doin g/play

( )15 What he to do n ext weeke


A. is/goes

B. is/go

C. is/goi ng

D. are/g oing

( )16 I m going hun dreds of , of(c ourse.

A. to be/photos

B. to have/photos

C. to take/photos

D. to photo/photoes

( )17 What to do?

A. are you |

B. do you

C. are you going |

D. am I go

( )18 Her jobs her all over the world.

A. work

B. travel

C. take

D. bring

( )19 She ofte n in expe nsive hotels.

A. lives

B. stays

C. goes

D. picks up

( )20 She is sitting in a bar in Central London some frie


A. with |

B. at

C. by 1

D. beside •首字母填空。(2*10)

You re looking very e today, Annie.

My feet are s five in the morni ng.

Twen ty-two p o f people in Britai n n ever eat breakfast

We u go to school at eight o ' clock in thermo

I m going to t it easy this morning.

Have a nice q after noon.

Her life seems very g .

She is a f model.

She works with other ph .

Nina s going to make a d tomorrow.


61() A. How often do you go to the dentist? 1. She n ever goes out.

62() B. What are you doing in your room? 2. No, I m putting it on. I m cold.

63() C. Can you turn on the radio, please? 3. I m reading a book.

64() D. How ofte n does she go out for an eve

ning? 4. She usually reads book in the eve ning.

65() E. Are you tak ing off you coat? 5. Once or twice a year.

66() F. How ofte n must he take his medici ne? 6. Yes, of course.

67() G. Why are you laughi ng? 7. She usually goes to shop on foot.

68() H. What does she usually do in the eve ning? 8. They are going to the theater this eve ning.


I. What are they going to do this eve ning? 9. I m laughing because the book is funny.

70() J. How does she usually go to shop? 10. Three times a day, after meals.



Jim, Kate and Li Ming are doing the homework together. Jim r s spelli n dayf” is “ Mo
