




()1.—Are you certain that Tina will take part in the competition?

—Yes,of course.She has prepared for it for a few months.




()2.—Have you decided how to solve the problem?

—No,I haven’t.I plan to discuss it with my parents this evening.

A.look at

B.deal with

C.reply to

()3.—Do you understand the passage completely?

—Yes,I do.But I don’t know the correct answer to the question.




()4.—Why did Tony get angry with you?

—Because I used his bike without his agreement.




()5.—It seems that her advice is great.

—Yeah.I think we should do as what she said just now.




()6.—Is your sister happy with her new job?

—Yes,she is.The pay is high and the company is very close to her flat.

A.pleased with

B.interested in

C.proud of

()7.—There will be no water from8:00a.m.to6:00p.m.tomorrow,will there?

—No,I plan to fill all these containers with water later.


B.make...full of

C.take...away from

()8.—What is the article about on this website?

—It is about a mind who succeeded in his business in a short time.

A.patient person

B.wise person

C.young person

()9.—Why was Mr..Brown so angry?

—Because the workers refused to obey his order.




()10.—Whom do you usually ask for help if you are sad?

—Mr.Smith.It is a pleasure to talk with him and he can always encourage me.

A.sad feeling

B.valuable chance

C.happy thing

()11.—Have you made some friends in the new city?

—Yes,I have.I trust them completely and they always offer me help whenever I’m in trouble.

A.look after

B.believe in

C.worry about

()12.—Would you like to join in the chess competition?

—Yes,I’d like to,but I am afraid that I’m not good at playing chess.

A.take part in

B.arrive in

C.set up

()13.—Does the man have the key to the meeting room?

—No,he doesn’t.I have no idea about how he got into it just now.

A.make sure

B.don’t know

C.decide on

()14.—Why did you study so hard recently without a short break?

—Because I can’t fail the exams again and I don’t want to let my parents down.




()15.—What type of books do you like to read?

—The adventure novels which can take me to an exciting world.




()16.—How long will the class meeting last?

—For about an hour.The teacher asks us to tell personal opinions about the music festival.

A.our own

B.several high

C.some valuable

()17.—Which team do you suppose will win the football game?

—The red team.There are many excellent players in the team.




()18.—Where do you plan to go on vacation?

—I haven’t made a decision.I must check the weather report first.




()19.—Will you travel abroad during the holidays?

—Yes,I will visit America with my sister next month.

A.around the world

B.to a foreign country

C.on your own

()20.—What about watching this film?It seems to be interesting.

—I have no interest in comedies.I like to watch action movies.

A.look forward to

B.am happy with

C.am not interested in


()21.If you__________something,you think that something may not be true or that it is not possible.




()22.If someone is___________,he or she shows no fear of dangerous or difficult things.




()23.—Where should I put these plates?

—Into the cupboard.But___________that they have been dry.

A.make sure

B.be careful

C.find out

()24.—Did the man kill his neighbor by accident last year?

—Yes,Because of that,he was_____________.

A.made jokes about

B.taken care of

C.sent to prison

()25.A___________is a talk someone gives in order to teach people about a particular subject,usually at a school.




()26.If you_________a person or thing to be something,you have the opinion that this is what they are.




()27.If someone looks________,his face has a lighter colour than usual,because he is ill,frightened, or shocked.




()28.—Did you go to the rock concert with your friends?

—Yes,I did.The concert was so exciting that all of the__________stood up and danced with singers on the stage.




()29.—Why do you look so excited today?

—Because it is April Fool’s Day today so I plan to____________some of my friends.

A.be happy with

B.play a joke on

C.play against

()30.—Has the boy learned those telephone numbers__________?

—Yes,he has.He is a smart boy who has a good memory.

A.in need

B.in danger

C.by heart

()31.The_________between two things is the way in which they are connected.




()32.To_______means to ask somebody in a friendly way to go somewhere or do something.




()33.Something that is_________is popular,especially for a short period of time.




()34.—I haven’t been to the Hengdian Cinema which was open recently.

—I haven’t been there______,Let’s go there together this weekend.




()35.—Hello,this is Jenny speaking.May I speak to Mr.Smith?

—I’m sorry.He is__________in Shanghai.There is an important meeting being held there.

A.on vacation

B.on business

C.in trouble



I have a strange neighbour whom I meet only in the evenings when she comes home from work.I find her strange because of a purple36which she wears every day!It doesn’t matter what clothes she wears or if the colour of her clothes37her hat because she always wears it.

When I first saw her,I couldn’t help38because the purple hat looked strange on her head. My friends and I often laugh at her behind her back.

However,as the months passed,I came to know her39our evening meetings.She was a surprisingly kind and sincere(真诚的)person.I felt40for talking behind her back.After several meetings with her,I found enough41to ask her why she always wore her hat.She told me that she wore it because it42her of her grandmother.

I was really surprised by her43because I realized what a treasure that hat must be to her. So she is not so strange now because I also have some treasured things which I44to forget and neglect(忽略),45they look strange and silly.

()36.A.scarf B.hat C.coat

()37.A.matches B.touches C.watches

()https://www.360docs.net/doc/8b12408814.html,ugh B.to laugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/8b12408814.html,ughing

()39.A.by B.during C.through

()40.A.sorry B.famous C.mad


)41.A.skill B.courage C.advantages (

)42.A.reminded B.taught C.suggested (

)43.A.answer B.decision C.excuse (

)44.A.want B.enjoy C.refuse ()45.A.but B.because C.even if


阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选择最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题1.5分)


H.G.Wells (1866~1946)

H.G.Wells,born in Kent,England,is regarded as one of

the fathers of science fiction.His great works include The Time

Machine and The War of the Worlds .Wells also wrote several

books on history,for example A Short History of the World.

Franz Kafka (1883~1924)Kafka was Czech (捷克人),but he wrote all his books in

German.Kafka preferred to communicate by letters.He wrote

hundreds of letters to his family members and friends,He had a

troubled relationship with his father that had a main influence

on his writing.His famous books are The Castle and The


Mark Twain (1835~1910)

Mark Twain was an American author and humorist.He

grew up in Hannibal,Missouri.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were written by him.

In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ,he described

the people and places along the Mississippi River.

Lewis Carroll (1832~1898)

Born in Cheshire,England,Carroll was good at Maths

when he was a child.He enjoyed telling stories to his family.

Carroll was inspired (赋予某人灵感)to write Alice’s

Adventures in Wonderland by his friend A lice Liddell.

()46.Who lived the longest among the four writers?


B.Franz Kafka.

B.Mark Twain. D.Lewis Carroll.

()47.Which of the following gives us a description of the people along the Mississippi River?

A.The Time Machine.

B.The Castle.

C.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

D.Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

()48.According to the above reading,both H.G.Wells and Lewis Carroll were ________.

A.interested in history

B.born in the 1830s.

C.fathers of science fiction

D.writers from England.

()49.From the above reading,we can learn that __________.

A.Mark Twain also wrote some books on history.

B.when Lewis Carroll was young,he did well in Maths.

C.Alice Liddell is one of the main characters in a book.

D.H.G.Wells could speak both English and German very well.


It is a good idea to make a list before you shop for food.Some people don’t like to do so because they think it may take too much time.However,there are many reasons why you should make one before you go shopping next time.

The first reason is that a shopping list helps you save time in the store.It can help you finish your shopping faster.For example,if you write fruit and vegetables you need in one column(列)and write all kinds of meat you need in another column,you won’t need to go back and forth through the store to get everything you want.

Another reason is that a shopping list helps you not forget anything.If you make a shopping list,you will be less likely to forget important things you want to buy.In this way you will never have to waste time by going back to the store to get the things you forget to buy.

A shopping list can also help keep you from buying things you don’t need.If you make a list and stick to it,it’ll be less possible for you to buy things that you don’t really need.This will save your money and may help you buy healthier food.

So although it can take you a few minutes,writing a shopping list is worth your time.

()50.Why don’t some people like to make shopping lists?

A.Because they think it takes too much time.

B.Because they do not care about saving money.

C.Because they do not know how to write a good shopping list.

D.Because they can remember what to buy without writing them down.

()51.A shopping list can help you_________.

A.not forget anything important

B.spend all your money quickly

C.buy better things in the store

D.go to the store quickly

()52.Why can a shopping list help save your money?

A.Because you won’t buy unhealthy food.

B.Because you won’t buy anything you don’t need.

C.Because you won’t go to the store every day.

D.Because you won’t always eat outside.

()53.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To describe what shopping lists are.

B.To help readers write good shopping lists.

C.To explain why some people don’t like shopping lists.

D.To show readers why shopping lists are helpful.


It’s believed that people with different star signs have different personalities.But do you know what kind of parents people under a certain star sign may become?The following describes two star signs as examples.


The Virgo person who was born between August23and September22makes an excellent parent.A Virgo mother notices everything.She is very careful about her children’s looks,and influences them greatly. She watches their manners and grades with the greatest care and trains them to help themselves.The Virgo father has the similar attitude(态度)as the Virgo mother.Both of Virgo parents are too much nagging(唠叨)and expect too much of their children.


The Capricorn mother(December22to January19)is a better parent than the Capricorn father.She is like the Virgo mother because she will teach children how to improve school work and general behaviour. The Capricorn father is too severe with his children and has no patience at all.He judges children by adult standards and thinks little about pleasure.He may lose the love of their children.

()54.The article mainly tells readers_________.

A.how star signs decide people’s personalities

B.what influences star signs have on children

C.star signs can decide what kind of parents people can be

D.why star signs make people become a certain kind of parents

()55.What is the similarity between the Virgo mother and the Capricorn mother?

A.Caring about children’s looks.

B.Teaching children how to help themselves.

C.Paying attention to children’s schoolwork.

D.Giving children little pleasure.

()56.The writer thinks Virgo parents should__________.

A.be more careful with their children

B.expect less of their children

C.spend more time on their children

D.teach their children more

()57.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Virgo parent are perfect and they have no weakness.

B.The Virgo father and the Virgo mother have opposite attitudes.

C.The Capricorn father is a better parent than the Capricorn mother.

D.It may be not easy for Capricorn father to get his children’s love.


There are no signs of little green men on Mars.But new discoveries offer a bit more hope that some forms of life existed there in the past---and perhaps is still there at present.Methane(甲烷)and water have been found on the red planet.They both show the possibility of life.

According to a new report,the Mars rover Curiosity(好奇号火星探测器)has checked some methane in the air.This kind of gas is also found in Earth’s atmosphere(大气层).It comes from animal and plant life,and from the environment itself.If there’s methane in Mar’s atmosphere,where is it from?Scientists are not sure.But it marks a big change.In September2013,Curiosity found there was almost no methane in the Martian air.Just months later,however,the rover picked up a bit of this kind of gas.

“It surprised us”,says Christopher Webster in California.He is the lead scientist for the instrument on the rover that checks methane.Webster says,“Every time we looked there was methane.But finding out what’s responsible for methane is really important.”

The discovery of water on Mars is nothing new.For about ten years,scientists have had facts that it appeared on the surface of the planet millions of years ago.But according to another new report from Curiosity,while the surface water on Mars seems to be long gone,there’s a lot more of it left than most

people realize.

But where there is(or was)water,there could be(or could have been)life.

()58.The underlined word“existed”means“________”in English.





()59.The rover has discovered________on Mars recently.





()60.What’s Webster’s main job?

A.To do some experiments.

B.To manage the instrument on the rover.

C.To search for the methane on Mars.

D.To make sure if there is water on Mars.

()61.What’s the best title of this passage?

A.The future of Mars

B.The history of Mars

C.More hope for life on Mars

D.Chances of working on Mars


Bringing a giraffe into the world is a quite difficult thing.A baby giraffe falls10feet from its mother’s womb and usually lands on its back at birth.In seconds it turns its body over

and tried to make its legs under its body.From this position it sees the world

for the first time and shakes off the birthing fluid(液体)from its eyes and

ears.Then the mother giraffe rudely makes it learn about the world for the

first time.

In the book,A View from the Zoo,Gary Richmond describes how a baby

giraffe learns its first lesson.

The mother giraffe makes her head low enough to take a quick look at

the baby giraffe.Then she stands up over the baby.She waits for about a minute,and then she starts to kick her baby hard so that it can get up.

If it doesn’t get up,the mother giraffe repeats it over and over again.As the baby giraffe gets tired after trying many times,the mother still kicks it.Finally,the baby giraffe stands for the first time on its wobbly(不稳定的)legs.Then the mother giraffe kicks it off its feet again.Why?She wants it to remember how it gets up.In the wild,baby giraffes must be able to get up as quickly as possible to stay with the family group,where there is safety.Lions and other wild animals all enjoy baby giraffes and they will eat them if the mother doesn’t teach her children to get up quickly and become alert(警觉的).

()62.Why does the baby giraffe try to make legs under its body?

A.Because it can see the world easily.

B.Because it can feel comfortable.

C.Because it can touch its mother.

D.Because it can have a good rest.

()63.What does the underlined word“it”mean in the fourth paragraph?

A.Looking at the baby giraffe.

B.Kicking the baby giraffe.

C.Feeding the baby giraffe.

D.Getting up on its legs.

()64.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The baby giraffe can get up after trying three times.

B.The mother giraffe usually pushes the baby giraffe off.

C.Lions aren’t interested in giraffes.

D.The giraffes usually live in groups.

()65.Which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the passage?

①The baby giraffe stands up.

②The baby giraffe turns its body over.

③The mother giraffe kicks her baby hard.

④The mother giraffe takes a quick look at the baby giraffe.








Teenagers may have some trouble getting along with their parents.And how(66)__________(deal) with the problem is an art.Let’s take Li Ping’s story as(67)____________example.

Li Ping had a quarrel(68)__________her mother last Saturday.After Li Ping(69)___________ (finish)her homework,her mother asked her to stay at home and spend two hours going over it.Li Ping talked back.She told her mother that she would rather stay out.“Home is the most boring place,especially (70)___________you are with me,”she shouted.Of course,that made her mother angry.(71) ____________(luck),both of them realized that they had gone too far.They chose to remain(72) ____________(silence)at once.They knew that if they continued shouting at each other,a war would break out,so they went into(73)___________(they)own rooms.

Later that day,Li Ping made a card with some(74)___________(flower)for her mother.And on the cover,she wrote,“Sorry,Mum.Mother’s love is my(75)_____________(value)treasure in the world.”That made her mother smile again.


The English writer,Richard Savage,was once very poor.In order to make a little money,he wrote the story of his life,but not many books(76)____________(sell)in the shops.Because of not(77) ____________(have)enough food,he became very ill,but after a time,with his doctor’s good care,he got (78)____________(good)again.

After a week or two,the doctor sent(79)_____________bill(账单)to Savage.However,poor Savage was too poor to pay for(80)_____________.The doctor waited for another month and sent the bill again.(81)_____________still no money came.After several(82)_____________(week)he sent it to him again.In the end he came to Savage’s house and(83)____________(ask)him for payment.He said to Savage,“You know you owe your life to me and I want(84)__________(get)thanks from you.”

“I agree that I owe my life to you,and to make sure that I don’t forget your work.I(85)_________ (give)my life to you,”said Savage.

With these words he gave him two books---The Life of Richard Savage.


一,1-5CBBAB6-10ABBCC11-15BABAB16-20ACABC 21-25BAACB26-30ACCBC31-35CBACB











to deal with;an;with;finished;when;



were sold;having;well;a;it

But;weeks;asked;to get;will give
