美国大学英语写作:Chapter 13_对比和比较[优质ppt]

英语写作-对⽐⽐较讲课讲稿英语写作-对⽐⽐较Writing A Comparison / Contrast ParagraphAIMS:ordering material using the point-by-point method or the block methodimproving coherence by using transitional phrases common to comparison/contrast writing taking a step-by-step approach to create comparison/ contrast paragraphsstudying model paragraphs to create comparison/ contrast paragraphsComparison shows similarities between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations.Contrast points out the differences between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations.Two Basic Methods for Organizing Comparison / Contrast Paragraphs1. If you let A and B stand for the two things (subjects) being compared, then you can use the block method in which you tell all about A, then tell all about B. Thus you discuss A in a block and B in a block.2. If you let A and B stand for the two things (subjects) being compared, then you compare them point by point. Every time you say something about A, you also say something about B – right in the same sentence or in the sentence immediately following.The Topic SentenceYour topic sentence should identify both items (subjects) to be compared or contrasted and tell the reader exactly what you are going to say about these items (attitude).e.g., (poor) Our pup, Tuffy is different from our cat, Hector.(good) The difference in temperament between our pup, Tuffy, and our cat, Hector, is a constant source of amusement.The BodyOnce you have decided on a good topic sentence, list all the points of comparison/ contrast that you can think of. Next, reviewthe list and eliminate any points, which are irrelevant or unimportant. Now, organize your details in a logical sequence, and begin your rough draft.The ConclusionThe most effective conclusion for a comparison/contrast paragraph is usually a final sentence, which reinforces the controlling idea.e.g., If you could see Tuffy and Hector together, you could scarcely help laughing at the contrast between these two household playmates.A Good Example of the Block Method:Students who have Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith are immediately aware of the difference in the lecturing manner of each teacher. Mr. Jones has a pleasant voice, which helps hold the interest of the students. He pronounces clearly in a rhythmic pattern emphasizing key words. His moderate tone and inflected words make his lectures interesting. Mr. Jones also adds humour to his subject, and hewel comes questions from students who don’t understand the material. He takes his time and explains slowly. He tries to make sure that his students understand a concept before he moves on to something new, and he is very enthusiastic about his subject. Mr. Smith, on the other hand, has a different tone, pronunciation, expression and attitude from Mr. Jones. He has a booming voice, which commands rather than teaches, and sometimes it is hard to understand because he runs his words together. His lectures are not as interesting as those of Mr. Jones, either, because Mr. Smith speaks in a boring monotone. He also hates to be interrupted; feeling that he must cover everything. Mr. Smith teaches every class in a serious, determined mood. Thus, as the above points illustrate, the lectures of Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith are quite different.A Good Example of the Point-by-Point Method:Students who have Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones are immediately aware of the difference in the lecturing manner of each teacher. Mr. Jones has a pleasant voice, which helps hold the interest of the students. Mr. Smith, however, has a booming voice, which commands rather than teaches. Mr. Jones pronounces clearly in a rhythmic pattern emphasizing key words. On the other hand, Mr. Smith mumbles, running his words together. The moderate tone and inflected words of Mr. Jones make his lectures more interesting than those of Mr. Smith, who speaks in a boring monotone. Mr. Jones also adds humour to the subject, whereas Mr. Smith is always serious about each lesson. Mr. Jones welcomes questions from students who don’t understand the material, as compared to Mr. Smith who hates to be interrupted. Mr. Jones takes his time and explains slowly, whereas Mr. Smith rushes through each lesson. Mr. Jones is very enthusiastic about his subject: he tries to make sure everyone understands a concept before he moves on to something new. Mr. Smith, however, is always in a determined mood; he feels that he must cover everything. Each teacher has a different voice, tone, pronunciation, expression, and attitude: and as a result, their lectures are quite different. COMPARE AND CONTRAST Key Wordscomparison:like similar as same in the same way too bothmost important have in common the same as similarly as well as。

With comparison and contrast, the purpose is not just to point out similarities and differences or advantages and disadvantages
present information about something unfamiliar by comparing it with something familiar; show the superiority of one thing by contrasting it with another; show the similarities or differences of two things to help the reader evaluate them
A comparison paragraph focuses on similarities, while a contrast paragraph on differences.
To compare is to bring out the between two thingssimilar来自tisCONTRAST
To contrast, which is a form of comparison,is to emphasize the differencs between two things.
In writing a comparison and contrast essay,you may emphasize either the similarities or the differences between the two subjects,or if you like,you may include in your essay both the similarities and differences. No matter what you may emphasize in your essay,remember you should make a point in your essay,that is,there should be a purpose for making the comparison and the contrast.

The Blackwell book store in the Oxford university
Students ----
struggle hard day and night
pass the CEE
their final scores decide what kind of universities they are admitted by.
Top 100 universities in the world
BEA Confidential. | 20
Mode of education China
EmphasБайду номын сангаасs
Passive learning
In China :
learn some certain courses during all the academic years can choose 2 courses they are interested in in one semester get suggestions from Senior students or lectures. In America : choose whatever they like in the first two years have school counselors to recommend some good
Credit system
China & American That is quite the same:

对比和比较英语写作文模板英文回答:Comparison and Contrast of English Essay Writing Templates。
Essay writing is a crucial skill in English language learning. It enables learners to express their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge effectively in written form. To help students structure their essays, teachers often provide templates or frameworks that guide them in organizing and developing their ideas. This essay will compare and contrast two common English essay writing templates: the five-paragraph essay and the three-part essay.Five-Paragraph Essay Template。
The five-paragraph essay template is a widely usedstructure in English writing. It consists of five distinct paragraphs:1. Introduction: This paragraph introduces the topic of the essay, provides a brief overview of the main points, and includes a thesis statement that states the main argument or claim.2. Body Paragraph 1: This paragraph presents the first supporting point for the thesis statement, providing evidence, examples, or explanations.3. Body Paragraph 2: This paragraph presents the second supporting point for the thesis statement, providingfurther evidence, examples, or explanations.4. Body Paragraph 3: This paragraph presents the third and final supporting point for the thesis statement, providing additional evidence, examples, or explanations.5. Conclusion: This paragraph restates the thesis statement, summarizes the main points, and provides aconcluding statement that reinforces the essay's argument.Three-Part Essay Template。

Methods of Development
1).Whole-to-Whole, or Block to Block Book, Film
3).Point by Point AB
1). Whole-to-Whole, or Block to Block
However, comparison and contrast often appear together, because people generally like to compare two things that are similar in certain ways and different in others.
• In this structure, you say everything about one item, then everything about the other.
• For instance, say everything about the characters, settings and plots for the book then everything about the characters, settings and plots for the film.
• Whole-to-Whole comparison and contrast uses a separate section or paragraph for each item you’re discussing.
• The points in eacand they should be explained in the same order (for instance, you might discuss characters, settings, and plots for both, and in that order for both).

Comparative Analysis of English Essays: A Linguistic and Cultural PerspectiveIn the realm of academic writing, English essays stand as a significant marker of intellectual prowess and linguistic proficiency. When comparing and contrasting English essays, it becomes evident that they are not merely vessels for ideas but also cultural and linguistic landscapes reflecting the unique characteristics of their authors. This essay aims to delve into the nuances of comparative analysis in English essays, highlighting their differences and similarities from a linguistic and cultural perspective.Linguistically, English essays display a range of variations in vocabulary, sentence structure, and tone. For instance, essays written by native English speakers tend to exhibit a greater degree of complexity in sentence structure, making use of advanced grammar and a richer vocabulary. On the other hand, essays written by non-native speakers may show a reliance on simpler sentence structures and a more limited vocabulary, reflecting the influence of their native language and cultural background. However, itis noteworthy that even non-native speakers can achieve a high level of linguistic proficiency in English essays with sufficient practice and exposure.Cultural differences also play a pivotal role in the comparative analysis of English essays. Essays written by authors from different cultures often reflect their unique worldviews, values, and beliefs. For instance, essays from Western cultures may emphasize logic, rationality, and objectivity, while essays from Eastern cultures may prioritize harmony, subjectivity, and contextual understanding. These cultural differences can significantly influence the way authors approach their topics, organize their arguments, and convey their ideas.Despite these differences, there are also significant similarities in English essays across cultures. Firstly, English essays, regardless of their cultural background, aim to convey clear and coherent arguments supported by evidence and analysis. Secondly, they all require a high degree of organization and coherence, ensuring that the reader can follow the argument from beginning to end. Lastly, English essays share a common goal of promotingcritical thinking and intellectual growth, encouraging authors to explore and evaluate ideas from multiple perspectives.In conclusion, the comparative analysis of English essays offers a fascinating glimpse into the intersectionof language, culture, and intellectual pursuits. Whilethere are significant differences in linguistic proficiency and cultural perspectives across essays, they also share common goals and standards of academic writing. Understanding these differences and similarities is crucial for effective cross-cultural communication and intellectual exchange.**英语作文对比与评析:语言与文化的双重视角**在学术写作领域,英语作文作为一种重要的思想表达和语言能力的体现,具有显著的地位。
comparison and contrast对比 英文写作[优质PPT]
![comparison and contrast对比 英文写作[优质PPT]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5b9b1e18561252d380eb6ee0.png)
Lecture Focus
• Definitions of Comparison and Contrast • Basic Features
– Select your topics – Set your purpose – Organize your ideas – Develop cohesion &riting
Step 1: Brainstorming
Activity 1: Group Discussion
Please work with your fellow students to find out everything that you know about KFC and McDonald’s.
When a writer is comparing, he is pointing out the similarities that exist between subjects or items (such as persons, things, or ideas).
When a writer is contrasting, he is pointing out the differences between subjects or items, even the two different aspects of the same subject (e.g., the advantages vs. the disadvantages of a personal computer).
buying a car vs. leasing a car oranges and bananas Shakespeare and Lu Xun a musician and an architect male and female attitudes about marriage

美国学生与你的生活进行比较英语作文Comparison between American Students and My LifeAs an international student studying in the United States, I have had the opportunity to interact with and observe American students in various aspects of their daily lives. In this essay, I will compare the lifestyles, academic experiences, and social interactions of American students with my own.First and foremost, American students lead a very different lifestyle compared to students in my home country. They are often involved in numerous extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and volunteer work. These activities not only help them build a strong resume but also provide valuable experiences and opportunities for personal growth. On the other hand, students in my country are more focused on academics and often do not have as many opportunities for extracurricular involvement.In terms of academics, American students have a more flexible and interdisciplinary approach to learning. They have the freedom to choose their own courses and often have the opportunity to explore different subjects before declaring a major. Additionally, the emphasis on critical thinking, creativity,and collaboration in the American education system is significantly different from the more rote-learning approach in my home country.Socially, American students are very outgoing andopen-minded. They are always eager to meet new people, make friends, and engage in social activities. They have a strong sense of community and often participate in events such as parties, game nights, and study groups. In contrast, students in my country tend to be more reserved and usually stick to socializing with their close circle of friends.Despite these differences, I have found that there are also many similarities between American students and myself. We all share a desire to succeed academically, pursue our passions, and make a positive impact on the world. We all face challenges and obstacles in our lives, but we strive to overcome them with determination and resilience. Ultimately, the experiences and interactions with American students have enriched my life and broadened my perspective on the world.In conclusion, the comparison between American students and my own life has highlighted the diverse yet interconnected nature of our experiences. While there are certainly differences in our lifestyles, academic experiences, and social interactions,there are also many similarities that unite us as students navigating the challenges and opportunities of higher education. Through this comparison, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the unique experiences and perspectives of American students and have recognized the common humanity that binds us all together.。

Can you find connecting words to show contrast?
Can you find connecting words to show comparison?
B. Although there are a number of similarities, there are several differences between fast and home cooked meals. The first difference is that fast food is generally more fattening since oil is frequently used in the cooking process. In contrast, the fat content can be controlled in home cooking. Another important difference is the amount of time that each takes. Fast food is obviously quick since menus are limited and a
meals also can be reasonable especially if ingredients are carefully considered for the cost. Thirdly, both fast food and home cooked meals can be delicious. We know that many people enjoy the taste of fast food because it is popular around the world. Likewise, home cooked meals can certainly be yummy if they are prepared just as you like them.

Chinese Higher Education
--统计 陈翠云 马蔷
Students : are usually leisure after class
are busy with preparing the final exam in the end of the semester
American students
Ø much more busier in daily study Øhave to finish their reading, do experiment and write thesis(论文) Ø no paper examinations but a big assignment, thesis and practice examination.
The college of china limited area
The college of the America a small society.
The Blackwell book store in the Oxford university
American Higher Education
·学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干, 是为一个目标去 战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折
Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard, Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal
பைடு நூலகம்
Credit system
China & American That is quite the same: The everyday expressions The middle exam The final exam

对比类大学英语作文English:When comparing liberal arts colleges and comprehensive universities, several key differences emerge. Liberal arts colleges typically offer smaller class sizes and a more intimate learning environment, allowing for closer interaction between students and professors. This fosters a sense of community and enables students to receive more personalized attention and mentorship. In contrast, comprehensive universities tend to have larger class sizes and a more diverse arrayof academic programs and resources. While this can provide students with a broader range of options and opportunities for interdisciplinary study, it may also result in less individualized attention from faculty. Additionally, liberal arts colleges often prioritize a well-rounded education, emphasizing critical thinking, communication skills, and a broad base of knowledge across various disciplines. On the other hand, comprehensive universities may place greater emphasis on specialized training and professional preparation for specific careers or fields. Ultimately, the choice between a liberal arts college and a comprehensive universitydepends on factors such as academic interests, learning preferences, and career goals.中文翻译:在比较文理学院和综合性大学时,会出现几个关键的区别。

中美学生生活对比In the vast landscape of education, the experiences of students from different cultures often vary significantly. This essay aims to compare and contrast the lives of American students with mine, highlighting the differences and similarities in our academic, extracurricular, and personal pursuits.Firstly, let's delve into the academic sphere. American education systems, particularly at the higher levels, often emphasize critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and innovative problem-solving. This is reflected in the curricula, which encourage students to engage with complex issues, question assumptions, and seek original solutions. In contrast, the Chinese education system tends to focus more on knowledge accumulation and test-taking skills. While there is a growing emphasis on critical thinking, the traditional focus on mastering textbooks and passing exams remains.Extracurricular activities also exhibit distinct characteristics. American students often have a wide array of clubs and organizations to choose from, ranging fromsports teams to academic clubs and social organizations. These provide ample opportunities for students to pursue their passions, develop leadership skills, and build social networks. By contrast, while extracurricular activities are also prevalent in China, they tend to be more focused on academic competitions and preparation for future professions.In terms of personal pursuits, American students often enjoy a greater degree of freedom and choice. They are encouraged to explore their interests, whether it be through hobbies, travel, or part-time work. This fosters a culture of independence and self-discovery. By contrast, Chinese students, while also having interests and hobbies, often face greater pressure to prioritize academic success, which can sometimes limit their opportunities for personal growth and exploration.However, despite these differences, there are also significant similarities. Both American and Chinese students share a common goal of achieving academic excellence and preparing for future careers. We both strive to master new knowledge, develop critical thinking skills,and cultivate leadership qualities. Furthermore, we both face challenges and pressures, whether it be exam stress, career uncertainty, or the pursuit of personal goals.In conclusion, while there are numerous differences in the lives of American students and mine, there are also many similarities. Both systems have their strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to recognize and appreciate the diversity of educational experiences worldwide. Bydoing so, we can gain a broader perspective, enhance our understanding of other cultures, and ultimately, grow as individuals and as global citizens.**中美学生生活对比**在教育的广阔天地中,来自不同文化背景的学生的经历往往大相径庭。

英语写作比较和对比范文Title: The Beauty of Contrast: Comparing Traditionaland Modern Forms of Art.Art, in its various forms, has always been a reflection of society, culture, and the times. The evolution of art over the centuries has been fascinating, with each period leaving its unique imprint on the canvas. This essay aimsto compare and contrast traditional and modern forms of art, exploring the differences and similarities that define them.Traditional Art.Traditional art, often rooted in historical andcultural contexts, has a sense of permanence and stability. It is often associated with specific geographical regions, reflecting the values, beliefs, and aesthetics of aparticular community or era. Traditional artists often draw inspiration from nature, mythology, and religious texts, creating works that are both visually appealing and deeplysymbolic.The techniques used in traditional art are often well-established and passed down through generations. These techniques, whether it be painting, sculpture, or embroidery, require years of practice and mastery. The finished works are often highly detailed, with every stroke, line, and color carrying deep meaning and symbolism.Modern Art.In contrast, modern art is often associated with innovation, experimentation, and a rejection of traditional norms. It emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, challenging the established artistic canons and pushing the boundaries of what was considered acceptable in art.Modern artists explored new mediums, techniques, and subject matter, often focusing on abstract or non-representational forms. They aimed to express their feelings, thoughts, and ideas through their works, rather than simply creating visually appealing images. Thefinished works are often jarring, unexpected, and thought-provoking.Comparison and Contrast.While traditional and modern art might seem vastly different at first glance, they share certain fundamental principles. Both forms of art aim to communicate a message or evoke a feeling in the viewer. They both require creativity, skill, and dedication to create meaningful works.However, the methods and means through which they achieve these goals are vastly different. Traditional art relies on established techniques and subject matter, while modern art pushes the boundaries of what is considered acceptable. Traditional art is often rooted in history and culture, while modern art is often experimental and innovative.The reception of these two forms of art also differs. Traditional art is often admired and appreciated for itscraftsmanship and historical significance, while modern art can be polarizing, with some finding it confusing or even offensive.Conclusion.In conclusion, traditional and modern art are twodistinct yet complementary forms of expression. They each have their unique strengths and weaknesses, and their differences reflect the changing times and societal values. By comparing and contrasting these two forms of art, wegain a deeper understanding of not only the art itself but also the cultures and values that shaped them.The beauty of art lies in its ability to evoke feelings, thoughts, and ideas in the viewer. Whether it is theintricate detailing of a traditional painting or theabstract expressions of a modern sculpture, art has the power to move us in profound ways. By embracing both traditional and modern forms of art, we open ourselves to a richer, more diverse, and ultimately more fulfillingartistic experience.。

对比比较英语作文写作模板Comparison and Contrast English Composition Writing Template。
When it comes to writing an English composition, there are various ways to approach the task. One of the most effective methods is through the use of comparison and contrast. This technique allows the writer to explore the similarities and differences between two or more subjects, providing a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. In this article, we will discuss the key components of a comparison and contrast English composition writing template.Introduction:The introduction sets the stage for the rest of the composition. It should provide a brief overview of the subjects being compared and contrasted, as well as a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points of the composition. The introduction should also grab the reader's attention and make them interested in the topic.Body Paragraphs:The body paragraphs of a comparison and contrast English composition should focus on the similarities and differences between the subjects. Each paragraph should address a specific point of comparison or contrast, and provide evidence to support the writer's claims. It is important to use clear and concise language, and to organize the information in a logical manner. Additionally, the writer should use transition words and phrases to guide the reader through the composition and make connections between the different points being discussed.Conclusion:The conclusion of a comparison and contrast English composition should summarize the main points of the composition and restate the thesis statement. It should also provide some insight or reflection on the significance of the comparisons and contrasts that weremade. The conclusion should leave the reader with a sense of closure and a deeper understanding of the topic.Example:To illustrate this template, let's consider an example of a comparison and contrast English composition. Suppose we are comparing and contrasting the benefits of living in a city versus living in the countryside. The introduction would provide a brief overview of the topic and a thesis statement outlining the main points of the composition. The body paragraphs would then focus on specific aspects of city and countryside living, such as cost of living, access to amenities, and quality of life. Each paragraph would provide evidence to support the writer's claims, and use transition words and phrases to guide the reader through the composition. Finally, the conclusion would summarize the main points of the composition and provide some insight into the significance of the comparisons and contrasts that were made.In conclusion, a comparison and contrast English composition writing template is a useful tool for exploring the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. By following the key components outlined in this article, writers can create effective and engaging compositions that provide a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. Whether comparing and contrasting different cultures, historical events, or literary works, this template can be applied to a wide range of topics and subjects.。

Some believe that…
What’s more, we can …as well as … Besides, it’s …, which …
On the other hand, …of the students think…
在大城市生活的白领一族们,工作日中总是被大量的的工作任务、人际关系所裹挟,常常因为七七八八的事情压得我们透不过来气。 实际上,不管是工作还是生活,帮助我们取得成功的并非是意志,而是行动。 以至于很多人会在失落时忘却,时常违背了自己少年时期的志向。 总是自认为通情练达,自认为精明。 从前的我们多单纯,多纯粹。 而现在,丢弃了单纯与纯粹的我们,也总算是看透了,想穿了。 但也正因为如此,逐渐就变成了少年时间的自己最憎恨的那种人。
Some think that they prefer to stay at home. In their views there are 2 reasons as follows: in the first place,they say it’s both convenient and comfortable. What’s more,they can set aside money for other purposes. Furthermore, in the second place,they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world.
要 如何算是一篇好文章?
点 全
1.覆盖了所有的要点 2. 应用了较多的语法结构

美国学生与你的生活进行比较英语作文American students and Your Life: A ComparisonIntroduction:As students, we are constantly surrounded by different cultures and traditions, and it is interesting to compare our own lives with those of students in other countries. In this essay, we will compare the lives of American students with our own, focusing on various aspects such as education, lifestyle, and social activities.Education:One of the biggest differences between American students and us is the education system. In the United States, students have a more flexible curriculum, with a wide range of elective courses available. They also have the option to choose their major in college, giving them greater control over their academic path.In comparison, our education system is more structured, with a set curriculum and fewer elective courses. Our choice of major is often determined by our performance in high school exams, rather than our personal interests.Lifestyle:American students lead a more independent lifestyle compared to us. Many of them move away from home to attend college and live on campus or in shared accommodation. They are responsible for managing their own finances, cooking their own meals, and doing their own laundry.On the other hand, most of us students in our country still live with our families while studying. Our parents often provide for us financially, and we rely on them for meals and other household chores. This can create a more sheltered and dependent lifestyle compared to American students.Social Activities:American students are known for their vibrant social life, with a wide range of clubs, societies, and events on campus. They have opportunities to participate in sports, music, drama, and other extracurricular activities, which helps them develop social skills and build a network of friends.In comparison, our social life revolves more around family and close friends. While we also have clubs and societies in our schools, the emphasis is more on academics and less onextracurricular activities. This can limit our exposure to new experiences and perspectives.Conclusion:In conclusion, there are significant differences between the lives of American students and ourselves. While American students enjoy more flexibility in their education, independence in their lifestyle, and a vibrant social life, we have a more structured education system, a more sheltered lifestyle, and a focus on academics over extracurricular activities.By comparing our lives with those of American students, we can learn from each other and gain a better understanding of different cultures and traditions. It is important to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of both systems and strive to create a balanced approach to education, lifestyle, and social activities in our own lives.。

美国学生与你的生活进行比较英语作文Comparing American Students to Your LifeWhen it comes to comparing American students to our own lives, there are a number of differences that we can consider. From the way they study to the way they spend their leisure time, there are a variety of aspects in which American students differ from students in other countries. In this essay, we will delve into the differences between American students and how they may contrast with our own experiences.One notable difference between American students and students from other countries is their educational system. In the United States, students typically attend school from a young age, starting with kindergarten and progressing through to their high school graduation. They have a diverse range of subjects to study, including mathematics, science, English, and social studies. American students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and clubs, which help to develop their interests and social skills.In contrast, students in other countries may have a more rigid education system, with a focus on academic subjects and less emphasis on extracurricular activities. For example, in someAsian countries, students may spend long hours studying and preparing for exams, resulting in less time for hobbies and socializing. This can lead to more pressure and stress for students in these countries compared to their counterparts in the United States.Another difference between American students and students from other countries is their social lives. American students are known for their diverse friendships and social circles, often interacting with classmates from different backgrounds and cultures. They may attend parties, events, and social gatherings with their peers, creating a vibrant and dynamic social scene.On the other hand, students in other countries may have more limited social interactions, often sticking to close-knit groups of friends from their school or neighborhood. This can result in a more insular social life, with fewer opportunities to meet new people and experience different cultures.In terms of leisure time, American students have a wide range of activities to choose from. They may spend their weekends hiking, going to the beach, shopping, or attending concerts and movies. American students also enjoy spendingtime with their families, going on vacations, and participating in community events.In contrast, students in other countries may have fewer options for leisure activities, depending on their location and resources. They may spend their weekends helping out with household chores, studying for exams, or simply relaxing at home. This can lead to a more limited range of experiences and opportunities for personal growth compared to American students.Overall, there are a number of differences between American students and students from other countries that can impact their educational, social, and leisure experiences. By considering these differences, we can gain a better understanding of the unique aspects of American student life and how it compares to our own.。

英语写作-对⽐⽐较Writing A Comparison / Contrast ParagraphAIMS:ordering material using the point-by-point method or the block methodimproving coherence by using transitional phrases common to comparison/contrast writing taking a step-by-step approach to create comparison/ contrast paragraphsstudying model paragraphs to create comparison/ contrast paragraphsComparison shows similarities between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations.Contrast points out the differences between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations.Two Basic Methods for Organizing Comparison / Contrast Paragraphs1. If you let A and B stand for the two things (subjects) being compared, then you can use the block method in which you tell all about A, then tell all about B. Thus you discuss A in a block and B in a block.2. If you let A and B stand for the two things (subjects) being compared, then you compare them point by point. Every time you say something about A, you also say something about B – right in the same sentence or in the sentence immediately following.The Topic SentenceYour topic sentence should identify both items (subjects) to be compared or contrasted and tell the reader exactly what you are going to say about these items (attitude).e.g., (poor) Our pup, Tuffy is different from our cat, Hector.(good) The difference in temperament between our pup, Tuffy, and our cat, Hector, is a constant source of amusement.The BodyOnce you have decided on a good topic sentence, list all the points of comparison/ contrast that you can think of. Next, review the list and eliminate any points, which are irrelevant or unimportant. Now, organize your details in a logical sequence, and begin your rough draft.The ConclusionThe most effective conclusion for a comparison/contrast paragraph is usually a final sentence, which reinforces the controlling idea.e.g., If you could see Tuffy and Hector together, you could scarcely help laughing at the contrast between these two household playmates.A Good Example of the Block Method:Students who have Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith are immediately aware of the difference in the lecturing manner of each teacher. Mr. Jones has a pleasant voice, which helps hold the interest of the students. He pronounces clearly in a rhythmic pattern emphasizing key words. His moderate tone and inflected words make his lectures interesting. Mr. Jones also adds humour to his subject, and hewel comes questions from students who don’t understand the material. He takes his time and explains slowly. He tries to make sure that his students understand a concept before he moves on to something new, and he is very enthusiastic about his subject. Mr. Smith, on the other hand, has a different tone, pronunciation, expression and attitude from Mr. Jones. He has a booming voice, which commands rather than teaches, and sometimes it is hard to understand because he runs his words together. His lectures are not as interesting as those of Mr. Jones, either, because Mr. Smith speaks in a boring monotone. He also hates to be interrupted; feeling that he must cover everything. Mr. Smith teaches every class in a serious, determined mood. Thus, as the above points illustrate, the lectures of Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith are quite different.A Good Example of the Point-by-Point Method:Students who have Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones are immediately aware of the difference in the lecturing manner of each teacher. Mr. Jones has a pleasant voice, which helps hold the interest of the students. Mr. Smith, however, has a booming voice, which commands rather than teaches. Mr. Jones pronounces clearly in a rhythmic pattern emphasizing key words. On the other hand, Mr. Smith mumbles, running his words together. The moderate tone and inflected words of Mr. Jones make his lectures more interesting than those of Mr. Smith, who speaks in a boring monotone. Mr. Jones also adds humour to the subject, whereas Mr. Smith is always serious about each lesson. Mr. Jones welcomes questions from students who don’t understand the material, as compared to Mr. Smith who hates to be interrupted. Mr. Jones takes his time and explains slowly, whereas Mr. Smith rushes through each lesson. Mr. Jones is very enthusiastic about his subject: he tries to make sure everyone understands a concept before he moves on to something new. Mr. Smith, however, is always in a determined mood; he feels that he must cover everything. Each teacher has a different voice, tone, pronunciation, expression, and attitude: and as a result, their lectures are quite different.COMPARE AND CONTRAST Key Wordscomparison:like similar as same in the same way too bothmost important have in common the same as similarly as well ascontrast:although yet whereas however but while differ instead unlessunlike on the contrary contrary to even though on the other handthe reverseWhen you compare one subject to another, you show how the two are alike, or similar.Example: The dog, like the cat, is a household pet.When you contrast two subjects, you show how they are different.Example: The dog, unlike the cat, is dependent on its master.Sometimes, both comparison and contrast are used in the same sentence.Example: Both the dog and the cat make good household pets, but adog requires more attention than a cat.ExerciseRead the paragraphs and answer the questions below. Thousands of years ago the Native people of North America had to build houses that fit their life. One kind of house was a tipi. The Plains people lived in tipis. Tipis were easy to put up and take down. In fact, it only took about half an hour to set them up. This was perfect for the Plains people who spent their time hunting and following herds of animals.The Inuit, who lived in the cold Arctic region, spent part of the year living in igloos. Igloos were temporary homes like tipis. However, they were built for the cold winter months, whereas a tipi could be used year round. Both tipis and igloos had one main room that the family lived in and were usually made for a single family. Tipis and igloos were made of very different materials. Igloos were made from blocks of snow stacked on top of each other, while tipis were made from buffalo hide, tree bark, or grass. The shape of tipis and igloos was also different. Tipis were cone-shaped, using three or four poles for support. In contrast, igloos were dome-shaped.1. Is this paragraph comparing and contrasting two things?Yes No2. If no, how do you know it is not a compare and contrast paragraph?3. If yes, what two things are being compared?4. Circle the key words in the paragraph that show that the author was comparing and contrasting information.~~ In-class exercise: Using Comparison/Contrast ~~To get some practice using comparison/contrast as a rhetorical technique, prepare to write acomparison/contrast paragraph(s) based on one of the following topics (or come up with one you like better):High school and CollegeRaising a pet and raising a childTwo career choices or majors you're contemplatingTwo colleges you've considered attendingTwo jobs you've hadTwo books you've read, or two movies you've seenTwo close friendsTwo teachersOnce you decide on your subject, follow the three steps below to help you practice using this technique.STEP 1: Establish categories to focus your analysis.For example, if you're comparing colleges, your categories might be curriculum, price, location, and social life.Brainstorm and then decide upon several appropriate categories for your topic which will focus how you look at each subject. List them below:STEP 2: Brainstorm raw material by applying these categories to questions about your subject.Based on the categories you arrived at above, ask what is similar and what is different about the two subjects. Write down everything you can think of—you can rearrange it later.Comparisons (similarities) between___________________and _______________________. (differences) between _____________________and _______________________. 3: Assemble your analysis.Now examine the points you made and compile your raw material into paragraphs by using one or both of the methods described in Chapter Six (pp. 339-341). Write a topic sentence to focus yourcomparison/contrast; it should state your subjects and the assertion you want to make about them as a result of your analysis. After you write your topic sentence, write the paragraph(s) below. Attach extra paper if you run out of room. If you think it will help you get a clearer idea how to assemble your work, view a completed sample.。

美国学生与你的生活进行比较英语作文Comparing American Students with Your LifeIntroduction:Living in a diverse world, we come across people from different backgrounds, cultures, and countries in our daily lives. One group of people with whom we often interact are American students. Comparing our lives with theirs can be an interesting exercise to understand the similarities and differences between us. In this essay, we will explore various aspects of American students' lives and compare them with our own.Education System:One of the key aspects that differentiate American students from those in many other countries is the education system. In the U.S., students go through a 12-year compulsory education program, followed by higher education at universities or colleges. This system allows for a wide range of opportunities and flexibility in choosing subjects and courses of study. In contrast, in some countries, students have a more structured and rigid curriculum that limits their choices.Extracurricular Activities:American students are known for their active participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and volunteer work. These activities not only help them develop various skills but also provide a well-rounded education. In comparison, some students in other countries may not have as many opportunities or resources to engage in such activities due to cultural or economic constraints.Social Life:American students are often portrayed as outgoing, friendly, and social individuals who enjoy spending time with friends and participating in social events. They value interpersonal relationships and are open to making new friends from diverse backgrounds. In contrast, students in some cultures may be more reserved or shy in social settings and may not be as open to forging new friendships with strangers.Technology and Innovation:American students are exposed to cutting-edge technology and innovation in their daily lives. From using smartphones and social media to participating in hackathons and robotics competitions, they are constantly at the forefront of technological advancements. This exposure helps them develop skills that are in demand in the modern workforce. In comparison,students in some countries may not have the same level of access to technology or may lag behind in innovation.Work-Life Balance:American students are often encouraged to maintain a healthy work-life balance, where they prioritize both their academic success and personal well-being. They are taught to manage their time effectively and avoid burnout by engaging in activities that bring them joy and relaxation. In contrast, students in some cultures may face pressure to excel academically at the expense of their mental and physical health.Conclusion:In conclusion, comparing American students with our own lives can provide valuable insights into the differences and similarities that exist between us. By understanding the unique characteristics of American students, we can appreciate the diversity and richness of experiences that shape our world. Ultimately, these comparisons can help us learn from each other and strive towards a more inclusive and interconnected global community.。
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• For instance, say everything about the characters, settings and plots for the book then everything about the characters, settings and plots for the film.
• In this structure, you explain all the similarities about the items being compared and then you explain all the differences.
Methods of Development
1).Whole-to-Whole, or Block to Block Book, Film
3).Point by Point
1). Whole-to-Whole, or Block to Block
• Whole-to-Whole comparison and contrast uses a separate section or paragraph for each item you’re discussing.
• The points in each of the sections should be the same and they should be explained in the same order (for instance, you might discuss characters, settings, and plots for both, and in that order for both).
• Similarities-to-Differences comparison and contrast uses a separate section or paragraph for similarities and differences.
• In other words, the body of your paper would have two large sections: one for similarities, and another for differences.
However, comparison and contrast often appear together, because people generally like to compare two things that are similar in certain ways and different in others.
Comparison shows how persons, places, and things that are usually considered very different are alike in some ways.
Contrast shows how persons, places, and things that are often considered very much alike are different in some ways.
The purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to analyze the differences and/or the similarities of two distinct subjects. A good compare/contrast essay doesn’t only point out how the subjects are similar or different (or even both!). It uses those points to make a meaningful argument about the subjects. While it can be a little intimidating to approach this type of essay at first, with a little work and practice, you can write a great compare-and-contrast
Chapter13DefintionComparison & Contrast is a common method of development that involves focusing on similarities and differences ——or more likely on one or the other——in order to make a point.
3). Point by Point
• For instance, you might explain that the characters and plots were similar in both the book and film in one section.
• In the next section, you could explain that the settings were different. The book took place during the summer while the film took place during the winter.