


Listen to the following passage. As you listen, fill in each blank with a proper word you hear from the text.

1 As you ____________(1) the Tower of London, the first thing you see is a beautiful bridgewith two towers. Many foreign visitors think this is the ___________________(2), others think it is London Bridge–the same London Bridge that, according to the old song “___________________”(3). In fact, it is Tower Bridge, which _______________(4) in the year 1894. The two towers of Tower Bridge ______________(5) the machinery that raises the bridge up on each side to allow ships to pass through.

正确答案: approach Tower of London is falling down was completed contain


Listen to the following passage. As you listen, fill in each blank with a proper word you hear from the text.

1 Counseling is a (1)_______ in which the counselor listens with complete concentration to students, in a non-judgmental, warm way. And because the counselor is a (2)_______, he can, by the questions asked or the reflections made, (3)_______ students to see things in a (4)_________ way, and to (5)________ them in making appropriate changes

正确答案: process stranger enable different support


北京外国语大学学校简介 北京外国语大学学校简介 北京外国语大学座落在北京市海淀区西三环北路,总占地面积49.2万平方米,其中本部(东西两院)占地32.4万平方米;学校本部 房屋建筑面积37.35万平方米。 北京外国语大学是教育部直属、国家首批“211工程”建设的全 国重点大学之一,是目前我国高等院校中历史悠久、教授语种最多、办学层次齐全的外国语大学。 学校前身是1941年成立于延安的中国抗日军政大学三分校俄文 大队,后发展为延安外国语学校,建校始隶属于党中央领导。新中 国成立后,学校归外交部领导,1954年更名为北京外国语学院,1959年与北京俄语学院合并组建新的北京外国语学院。1980年后直 属国家教育部领导,1994年正式更名为北京外国语大学。 学校开设56个本科专业,具有文学、法学、经济学、管理学、 工学学士学位授予权。北京外国语大学有1个一级学科博士学位授 予权(涵盖43国语言,11个二级学科);9个二级学科博士学位授权点;15个二级学科硕士学位授权点;6个专业有权接收在职人员以研 究生毕业同等学历申请硕士学位;新增2个专业学位授权点,即翻译(口译和笔译)和汉语国际教育;1个外国语言文学博士后流动站(2007年出站3人,进站8人,在站18人)。4个国家重点学科,即英语语言文学、德语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、日语语 言文学(培育)。北京市重点学科4个,即俄语语言文学、阿拉伯语 语言文学、日语语言文学、比较文学与跨文化研究。 2007年,在教育部和财政部联合实施的“高等学校本科教学质 量与教学改革工程”中,北外有10个项目入选:国际商学院“跨国 经济管理人才培养试验区”被列为教育部人才培养模式创新实验区; 英语、德语两个一类特色专业点被批准为教育部第二批高等学校特


[00:00.00]Lesson Fifteen[00:02.69]Section One:[00:04.73]Dialogue [00:05.77]Dialogue 1:[00:09.17]--What flights are there from London to Vienna tomorrow? [00:11.91]--If you'd like to take a seat, I'll find out for you.[00:14.08]--I'd like to travel first class, please. [00:15.70]--BEA Flight BE 502 takes off from Heathrow at 0925, and flies direct. [00:22.26]--What time have I got to get there? [00:24.63]--You'll have to be at West London Air Terminal by 0810 at the latest. [00:30.01]Dialogue 2:[00:33.88]--Another piece of meat pie?[00:35.71]--No, thanks, really. I'm on a diet. [00:38.06]--Please do. You've hardly eaten anything.[00:40.20]--It's delicious, but I don' think I ought to. [00:44.33]Dialogue 3:[00:48.64]--How about a nice cup of tea before you go?[00:50.73]--Yes, I'd love one. [00:52.01]--How doyou like it?[00:52.98]--A strong one with three spoons for me, please, [00:56.66]Dialogue 4:[01:01.15]--What are you going to have to drink?[01:04.55]--I'd like something cool. [01:06.48]--Would you care for some cake?[01:08.13]--Yes, I'll try a piece of cheese cake. [01:10.09]--It certainly looks tempting. I wouldn't mind some myself. [01:16.20]Dialogue 5:[01:20.64]--Have you chosen something, sir?[01:23.33]--Yes, I think I'll have the curry, please.[01:26.33]--What would you like afterwards?[01:28.16]--I'd like some fruit if you have any. [01:33.07]Dialogue 6:[01:36.16]--Would you like a cigarette?[01:38.93]--No, thanks. I'm trying to cut down. [01:40.88]--Go on. I owe you one from yesterday.[01:43.68]--OK, but next time you must have one of mine. [01:49.56]Dialogue 7:[01:53.63]--I wonder if you could help me---I'm looking for a room. [01:56.56]--I have got a vacancy, yes.[01:58.60]--What sort of price are you asking? [02:00.35]--Eight pounds fifty a week excluding laundry.[02:03.12]--Would it be convenient to see the room? [02:04.81]---Can you call back later? We're right in the middle of lunch. [02:11.58]Dialogue 8:[02:13.75]--Will Dr. Black be able to see me at about 9.15 tomorrow? [02:18.19]--Sorry, but he's fully booked till eleven unless there's a cancellaion. [02:21.14]--Would ten to one be convenient?[02:22.92]--Yes, he's free then. [02:27.88]Dialogue 9:[02:30.78]---Can you fix me up with a part-time job?[02:32.79]--Anything in particular that appeals to you?[02:35.09]--I was rather hoping to find something in a school.[02:37.68]--Have you done that kind of thing before?[02:39.53]--Yes, I was doing the same job last summer.[02:41.78]--I might be able to help you, but I'd need references. [02:51.15]Section Two:[02:53.43]A. Quick Lunch:[02:56.80]Waitress: A table for one, sir?[02:58.57]Mr. Radford: Yes, please.[02:59.54]Waitress: Are you having the set lunch?[03:01.11]Mr. Radford: Yes.[03:01.92]Waitress: What would you like to start with?[03:03.35]Mr. Radford: What's the soup of the day?[03:04.76]Waitress: Mushroom.[03:05.73]Mr. Radford: Yes, please. I'll have that.[03:07.12]Waitress: And for your main course? [03:08.81]Mr. Radford: The plaice, I think, and apple tart to follow.[03:11.48]Waitress: Would you like something to drink with your meal[03:13.88]Mr. Radford: Yes. A lager please.03:16.05]Waitress: Thank you.[03:20.28]B Dinner:[03:24.17]Waiter: Good afternoon.[03:26.32]Mr. Blackmore: Good afternoon. I have a table for two under the name of Blackmore.[03:29.58]Waiter: Yes, sir. Would you like to come this way?[03:32.40]Mr. Blackmore: Thank you.[03:33.29]Waiter: Can I take your coat, madam?[03:35.01]Mrs. Blackmore: Thank you. [03:35.90]Waiter: Will this table do for you?[03:38.12]Mr. Blaclcmore: That will be fine, thanks. [03:39.12]Waiter: Would you like a drink before your meal?[03:41.36]Mrs. Blaclcmore: Yes. A dry sherry, please. [03:43.32]Mr. Blackmore: Half of bitter for me.[03:44.76]Waiter: Are you ready to order? [03:47.55]Mr. Blackmore: Yes, I think so.[03:49.02]Waiter: What would you like for starters, madam? [03:50.77]Mrs. Blackmore: I can't decide. What do you recommend? []Waiter: Well, the prawns are always popular. The pate is very good...[]Mrs. Blackmore: The prawns then please, for me.[03:59.37]Waiter: And for you, sir?[04:00.15]Mr. Blackmore: I think Vii try the soup. [04:01.64]Waiter: Very good, sir. And to follow?[04:04.38]Mrs. Blackmore: Rack of lamb, I think. [04:06.58]Waiter: And for you, sir?[04:08.72]Mr. Blackmore: I'll have the steak. [04:10.34]Waiter: How would you like your steak done, sir?[04:12.72]Mr. Blackmore: Medium rare, please. [04:13.92]Waiter: Thank you. Would you like to see the wine list?[03]Mr. Blackmore: Do you have a house wine? [04:19.04]Waiter: Yes, sir. Red or white?[04:21.34]Mr. Blackmore: Do you have half bottles or half carafes? [04:23.98]Waiter: Yes, sir.[04:24.58]Mr. Blackmore: One of each then, please. [04:29.12]C. Interview: [04:33.30]Reporter: Now, Susan. You've had a few minutes to rest. [04:37.64]Can you tell us something about yourself?. How old are you and what do you do? [04:41.53]Susan: I'm twenty-two and I'm a bus conductress. [04:44.06]Reporter: A bus conductress! So you're used to collecting money.Who taught you to cycle? [04:50.70]Susan: Nobody. I taught myself. I've been cycling since I was five. [04:54.85]Reporter: And who bought that beautiful racing cycle for you? [04:58.04]Susan: I bought it myself. I worked over-time. [05:00.44]Reporter: Good for you! And what are you going to do now? [05:03.26]Susan: Now? If you mean this minute, I'm going to have a long hot bath. [05:07.86]Reporter: You must need to relax. Again, congratulations. [05:11.70]That was Susan James, winner of this year's London to Brighton cycle race. [05:21.08]D. Why can't I do what I like? [05:26.72]I hope I never grow old! My grandfather lives with us and he's making my life a misery. [05:34.85]When I was small he was kind and cheerful. [05:38.37]But now he's always complaining and criticising. [05:42.29]I mustn't interrupt when he's talking. It's rude. [05:45.32]He doesn't like my clothes. 'Nice girls'don't dress like that. [05:50.28]I shouldn't wear make-up. 'Natural beauty is best. [05:54.65]Sometimes he interferes with my homework. [05:57.91]When I was young we used to do maths differently,he says. [06:02.87]Honestly, he's so old he doesn't know anything. [06:06.69]But that doesn't stop him criticising me. [06:09.67]He doesn't like my friends or my favorite records. [06:12.96]'You're making too much noise,' he calls. 'I can't get to sleep. [06:17.74]When he's not complaining he's asking questions. 'Where are you going? Where have you been? [06:24.30]Why aren't you helping your mother?' He thinks Ym six, not sixteen. [06:29.60]Anyway, why can't I do what I like? It's my life, not his. [06:40.62]Section Three:[06:44.31]Dictation.[06:47.86]Philip is a very interesting boy. He is clever but he doesn't like school.[07:01.52]He hates study ing but he is very keen on learning new practical skills.[07:11.68]In his spare time he often repairs motorbikes.


创建“北外WE圈”品牌, 探索互联网思维与学生工作的融合之路 互联网正日益深刻地改变着当代人的思维观念和行为方式,而这种影响在青年学生群体中尤为明显。北京外国语大学自2014年4月正式成立“歆媒体”网络创意文化工作室(以下简称“歆媒体”),组建学生运营团队,在学工部指导下,重点建设“北外WE圈”微信公众平台,在正式上线15个月内,积累关注用户 20000余人,发布内容1000余条,登顶南方周末“中国高校微信排行榜”校媒排行榜。“歆媒体”积极开辟学校网络思想政治教育工作阵地,有效促进了互联网思维与高校学生工作的融合之路。 一、多方合力多重保障,搭建学生创新团队 (一)探索创新管理模式,营造团队内部创新文化 创新管理模式,打造高质量运营团队。“歆媒体”由学生自主管理运营,由来自不同院系、年级的约30名成员构成,在选拔成员时,注重兴趣和能力导向,团队成员均是对互联网、计算机感兴趣,有自主学习探知意愿的同学。团队内部采用项目管理制,成员根据兴趣特长选择参与不同项目。不同于一般的学生社团,“歆媒体” 有一套较为严谨的考核和奖励管理机制,每月均要评选“每月之星”,给予荣誉和物质奖励,定期开展丰富多彩的团队建设拓展活动,有效提升团队成员的积极性和创造力。 营造创新团队文化氛围,鼓励创新型思维方式。团队坚持“no zuo no die”的核心文化,坚持用精益求精的态度对待每一个网络应用、每一篇网络文章,团队成立一年多以来,新项目、新应用、新功能的开发从未停止,不仅推出了多种受到师生欢迎的校园网络文化产品,还积极申报学校创新创业项目并通过答辩。“歆媒体”重视每

位成员的个体发展,积极打造学习型、创新型队伍。团队注重内部技能分享和互换,开辟“阅览角”供成员学习,每学期平均购置15本书籍,举办5次关于素材写作、平面设计、视频剪辑、摄影技术等实用技能的讲座,每月组织针对互联网思维、调研与数据处理等主题的研讨沙龙,推荐团队优秀成员参加专业技能课程的系统学习。 (二)优化顶层设计,强化外部保障 重视网络育人、提供条件保障是基础。学校高度重视互联网思想政治教育工作,把营造清朗校园网络空间、推进网络思想政治教育摆在学校综合改革的重要位置上。在“歆媒体”网络创意文化工作室成立前后,主管校领导多次就具体事宜进行调研,听取初创团队的想法,针对管理模式、资金使用、资源统筹等方面提供意见指导。同时学校积极支持“歆媒体”的建设,加大资金投入,争取经费保障,提供办公空间和硬件设施,为后期平台建设工作的顺利开展奠定坚实基础。 协调多方参与、形成强大合力是关键。在支持“歆媒体”打造网络平台的过程中,学校坚持“开放共享”的互联网思维,引导各部门、院系、学生组织等主动参与到平台的宣传和使用中,共同搭建起宣传网络新文化、传播网络正能量的平台。在学校的“十佳班集体”评选、就业力大赛、毕业生系列教育、军训、校庆等重点工作中,各部门积极广泛地应用“北外WE圈”平台,在增强各项教育工作的针对性、实效性的同时,也对网络宣教平台起到很好的推广作用。 二、成功转换话语体系,优质平台聚合多重功能 2014 年6月9日,“歆媒体”推出的“北外WE圈”1.0版正式上线,截至2015年10月初,在没有使用行政力量推广的情况下,“北外WE圈”已有关注用户 20356人,发布内容1125条,其中135条原创精品内容阅读量超过5000人次,多次进入“南方周末数据实验


北外《公共法语》第2章第15课第2章语法及词汇 第十五课 LE?ON QUINZE I.语法 疑问词小结 a.qui: 疑问代词,指人,永远不能省音 Qui est dans le bureau? Avec qui travaillez-vous? A qui s’adresse-t-il? b.qu’est-ce qui : 对指物的主语提问 Les livres sont sur la table. Qu’est-ce qui est sur la table? Qui est dans le bureau? Qui fait ?a ? Qu’est-ce qui se passe ? c.que : 疑问代词,指物,碰到以元音或哑音h开头的单词可以省音 Que faites-vous comme travail ? Que veux-tu savoir ? d.quoi : 是que 的重读词形,用作介词的宾语,只能指物 Il parle de son travail. De quoi parle-t-il ? Il parle de ses parents. De qui parle-t-il ? e.quel, quelle ; quels , quelles 疑问形容词,什么样的,哪一类的 Quel est cet arbre ? Quel temps fait-il ? Quel film aimes-tu ?

Quels films aimes-tu? Quelles fleurs Marie aime-t-elle ? f. quand : 疑问副词,何时 Quand le train arrive-t-il ? Quelle heure est-il ? g. où :疑问副词,何地 Où habitez-vous ? D’où venez-vous ? h. comment 疑问副词, 如何,怎样 commet +inf. Je ne sais pas comment faire. Comment savez-vous ?a ? Comment s’écrit votre nom ? i. combien : 疑问副词,多少 Combien ?a fait ? Combien d’argent avez-vous ? j. pourquoi : 疑问副词,为什么 - Pourquoi tu es en retard ? - Parce qu’il y a partout des embouteillages. II.Lexique 2.1Noms Londres 伦敦le congé假期 un examen [εgzamε ] 考试les vacances n.f pl 假期la fin 末尾,终端le sujet 主题paresseux , se n. adj. 懒人,懒惰的serveur, se 服务员 l’éco le primaire(secondaire)小(中)学le ch?mage 失业 le lieu 地方une enquête 调查 élève 中小学生la grève 罢工 la note 分数,注解la queue 尾巴,队伍 l’attention n.f 当心le résultat 结果 la terre 土地,地球le café咖啡店,咖啡la campagne 农村le message[mesa ] 便条


经济学基础自测3题库(北外) 单选题 1. 假定两个人一天可以生产60单位产品,4个人一天可以生产100单位产品,那么:B A、AVC是下降的 B、AVC是上升的 C、MP>AP D、MP是40单位 2. 当何种情况时,厂商如果要使成本最低,应当停止营业:C A、AC<AR B、P<AFC C、AR<AVC D、MR<MC 3. 假设2个人一天能生产10个零部件,3个人一天能生产24个零部件,则:D A、劳动的边际产量上升 B、平均可变成本下降 C、边际成本下降 D、以上说法都正确 4. 在经济学中,短期和长期的划分标准是:D A、是否可以调整产量 B、是否可以调整产品价格 C、时间长短 D、是否可以调整全部生产要素的数量 5. 从原点出发与TC曲线相切的直线的斜率是:D

A、AC的最低点 B、等于MC C、是AVC和AFC之和 D、上述答案都成立 6. 随着产量的增加,平均固定成本:C A、固定不变 B、先下将后上升 C、不断下降 D、决定一个企业的关门点 7. 在经济学中,生产的机会成本等于:D A、显性成本+隐性成本 B、社会成本+显性成本 C、会计成本+隐性成本 D、A和C都对 8. LAC曲线(A ) A、当LMC < LAC时下降,而当LMC > LAC时上升 B、通过LMC曲线的最低点 C、随LMC曲线下降而下降 D、随LMC曲线上升而上升 9. MC曲线是由何种曲线的斜率决定的:D A、TFC曲线的斜率 B、TVC曲线的斜率 C、TC曲线的斜率 D、既是TC曲线的斜率也是TVC曲线的斜率

10. 在完全竞争条件下,当产量达到下列哪一点时,利润极大?(A) A、P=MC B、P=AVC C、AVC=MC D、ATC=MC 是非题 11. MC曲线必定会分别与AC曲线相交于AC曲线的最低点,与AVC曲线相交于AVC曲线的最低点。A A、对 B、错 12. 企业生产的显性成本是厂商在要素市场上购买或者租用他人所拥有的生产要素的实际支出。A A、对 B、错 13. 在长期中不存在可变成本。B A、对 B、错 14. 长期边际成本是短期成本的包络线。B A、对 B、错 15. 长期总成本LTC是长期中在每一个产量水平上通过选择最优的生产规模所能达到的最低总成本。A A、对 B、错 16. 边际成本MC和边际产量MP两者的变动方向是相反的。A A、对 B、错 17. 产出增加时,总成本亦上升,即为规模不经济。B A、对 B、错


北京外国语大学把迎新工作做到新生的心 坎上 北京外国语大学把迎新工作做到新生的心坎上 9月6日,北京外国语大学近2300名2016级新生入校报到。为提高新生报到的入学体验,该校在精细化上下功夫,进行了充分的前期准备,把迎新工作做到了新生心坎上。 暑假启动互联网迎新 早在暑假里,该校就借助“北外WE圈”微信平台、“数字北外”等互联网平台,启动了迎新服务,为新生提前勾绘出大学学习生活的蓝图。“北外WE圈”扮演了“北外客服”的角色,及时回答新生关于在北外学习、生活方面的提问;通过“北外720度全景漫游地图”、“北外关键词puzzle”等高人气的线上互动内容,帮助新生在有趣的互动中认识学校、融入校园。在“数字北外”平台,新生通过预注册程序,最大可能地减少新生在迎新日需要办理的手续和排队等待的时间。 迎新当天创新采用“一站式”报到模式 在迎新报到日当天,该校创新采用了“一站式”报到模式,整合学校各部门和院系,将新生所有报到手续全部集中于体育馆二层办理,新生可在场地内一次性完成到院系注册报到、绿色通道办理、校园一卡通业务、体检费用支付等手续。同时,为培养新生自立的意识与能力,特意在体育馆前树立起大大的海报,鼓励

新生独立完成报到手续,为家长专门开辟休息等待区。有新生家长说:“看着孩子一个人整理好手中的材料,独自去办理入学手续,感觉到孩子真正长大了,我们很放心。” 设立教授咨询台给迎新注入更多教育内涵 在各院系迎新报到处,该校各院系还安排了专业教授为前来报到的新生提供关于学习计划、大学生活规划等方面的咨询建议。在英语学院的迎新柜台前,院长张剑细心地为新生解答疑惑,他说:“新生入学后对很多学业方面的问题好奇而又困惑,老师指导不仅可以给予学业上的指导,还可以让新生感受到北外这个大家庭的温暖。”


[00:00.00]Lesson Fourteen [00:02.51]Section One:[00:04.73]Dialogue[00:06.30]Dialogue 1[00:09.61]--I want to fly to Geneva on or about the first.[00:13.06]--I'll just see what there is.[00:14.45]--I want to go economy, and I'd prefer the morning. [00:17.08]--Lufthansa Flight LH 203 leaves at 0920.[00:22.23]--What time do I have to be there? [00:23.98]--The coach leaves for the airport at 0815. [00:28.68]Dialogue 2:00:31.56]--You must have some more chicken.[00:33.04]--No, thanks. I'm supposed to be slimming.[00:35.92]--Can't I tempt you?[00:37.02]--Well, maybe I could manage a very small piece. [00:43.86]Dialogue 3:[00:47.07]--I expect you could do with a cup of tea, couldn't you?[00:49.37]--I'd rather have a cup of coffee, if you don't mind.[00:50.78]--Milk and sugar?[00:52.82]--A milky one without sugar, please. [00:57.52]Dialogue 4:[01:00.97]--What would you like to drink?[01:02.69]--A black coffee for me, please.[01:04.91]--How about something to eat?[01:06.93]--Yes, I'd love a portion of that strawberry tart.[01:09.75]--Right. I'll see if I can catch the waitress's eye. [01:16.98]Dialogue 5:[01:19.20]--Can I take your order, sir?[01:21.45]--Yes. I'd like to try the steak, please. [01:24.56]--And to follow?[01:26.18]--Ice-cream, please. [01:30.62]Dialogue 6:[01:34.67]--Can I help you, madam?[01:38.14]--Is there a bank at this hotel? [01:39.87]--Yes, madam, the International Bank has an office on the ground floor of the hotel.[01:43.50]--Is it open yet?[01:45.04]--Yes, madam, the bank is open from Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. tiff 3.00 p.m.[01:49.90]--Thank you. [01:53.63]Dialogue 7:[01:58.00]--Can I still get breakfast in the brasserie? [02:00.16]--Yes, sir, if you hurry you can just make it--breakfast is served until 10.30. [02:05.26]Dialogue 8:[02:07.40]--How soon do I have to leave my room? [02:11.47]--Normally it's by 12 noon on the day of your departure. [02:14.19]--Well, you see, my plane doesn't go till half past five tomorrow afternoon. [02:17.77]--I see. Which room is it, madam?[02:20.09]--Room 577--the name is Browning. [02:22.97]--Ah yes, Mrs. Browning. You may keep the room till 3 p.m. if you wish. [02:26.96]--Oh, that's nice. Thank you very much. [02:31.01]Section Two:[02:34.04]A. Telephone Conversations: [02:37.49]Conversation 1:[02:41.49]Mrs. Henderson has just answered the telephone.[02:43.76]Frank wasn't in so she had to take a message for him.[02:47.63]Listen to the conversation and look at the message she wrote.[02:52.23]Julie: 789 6443. Who's calling, please?[02:57.24]Paul: Paul Clark here. Can I speak to Mr. Henderson, please?[03:00.51]Julie: Sorry, he's out at the moment. Can I take a message? [03:03.61]Paul: Yes, please. Could you tell him that his car will be ready by 6 p.m. on Thursday? [03:08.66]Julie: Yes, of course. I'll do that. What's your number, in case he wants to ring you? [03:13.38]Paul: 2748 double 53.[03:16.26]Julie: (repeating) 2... 7...4, 8... double 5...3. Thank you. Goodbye. [03:24.88]Conversation 2: [03:28.56]Male: 268 7435. Who's calling?[03:32.74]Female: This is Helen Adams. Could I speak to my husband? [03:36.50]Male: Sorry, Mr. Adams is out. Can I take a message?[03:40.16]Female: Could you tell him that my mother is arriving on Thursday? At about 1 p.m.[03:45.31]Male: Right, Mrs. Adams. I'll do that. Where are you, in case he wants to ring you?[03:51.00]Female: I'm not at home. The number here is 773 3298. [03:57.27]Male: (repeating the number) 773 3298. Thank you. Goodbye. [04:04.51]Conversation 3:[04:08.63]Female: 575 4661. Who's calling, please? [04:15.58]Male: This is Mr. Jones from the Daily Star. I'd like to talk to Mr.Henderson.[04:20.21]Female: Sorry, I'm afraid he isn't in. Can I take a message?[04:23.55]Male: Yes... Please tell him that the advertisement will definitely be in Friday's paper. That's Friday, the 13th of thismonth.[04:30.73]Female: Certainly, Mr. Jones. What's the phone number, in case he has forgotten.[04:36.06]Male: My number? (astounded) The number of the Daily Star?[04:40.06]Everyone knows it. (chanting) 123 4567. [04:45.05]Female: (laughing and repeating) 1-2-3 4-5-6-7. Thank you,Mr. Jones.[04:54.66]B. Shopping: [04:59.02]Shopkeeper: Yes, Mrs. Davies? What could we do for you today?[05:02.16]Mrs. Davies: I want to order some foods.[05:03.86]Shopkeeper: Well, I thought that might be the reason you came here, Mrs. Davies. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.[05:07.25]Mrs. Davies: But I want rather a lot, so you'll have to deliver it. [05:10.75]Shopkeeper: That's perfectly all right. You just order whatever you like and we'll send it straight round to your house this afternoon.[05:17.15]Mrs. Davies: Right. Well, first of all I want two boxes of baked beans. [05:22.06]Shopkeeper: You mean two tins?[]Mrs. Davies: No, I mean two boxes. Two boxes of tins of baked beans.[05:2]Shopkeeper: But each box contains forty-eight tins. Are you really sure you want so many? I mean, it would take a long time to eat so many.[]Mrs. Davies: Who said anything about eating them? I'm saving them. [05:39.70]Shopkeeper: Saving them?[05:40.77]Mrs. Davies: Yes, for the war.[05:42.23]Shopkeeper: War? Are we going to have a war?[05:44.01]Mrs. Davies: You never know. I'm not taking any chances. I read the papers. You're not going to catch me stuck in the house without a thing to eat.[05:52.13]So put down two boxes of baked beans,will you?[05:56.08]And three boxes of rice,[05:58.58]five boxes of spaghetti and you'd better send me a hundred tins of tomato sauce to go with it. Have you got that?[06:06.58]Shopkeeper: Yes, two boxes of baked beans, three boxes of rice,five boxes of spaghetti and a hundred tins of tomato sauce.[06:13.89]But I'm not sure we have all these things in stock. I mean not that amount.[06:17.76]Mrs. Davies: How soon can you get them, then?[06:]Shopkeeper: Well, within the next few days. I don't suppose you'll be needing them before then, will you?[06:18.51]Mrs. Davies: You never can tell. It's touch and go. I was watching the nice man on the television last night.[06:25.27]You know, the one with the nice teeth. Lovely smile he's got. [06:29.77]And he said, 'Well, you never can tell.' And that set me thinking, you see. [06:35.30]Anyway, you just deliver them as soon as you can. I shan't be going out again after today. [06:41.02]Now ... now what else? Ah yes, tea and sugar.[06:45.91]I'd better have a couple of boxes of each of those.[06:49.17]No ... no make if four of sugar. I've got a sweet tooth. [06:52.94]Shopkeeper: So two boxes of tea and four boxes of sugar. Anything else? [06:56.75]It doesn't sound a very interesting diet. How about half a dozen boxes of tinned fish? [07:02.08]Mrs. Davies: Fish? No, can't stand fish. Oh, but that reminds me,eight boxes of cat food. [0]Shopkeeper: Cat food?[]Mrs. Davies: Yes. Not for me. You don't think I'm going to sit there on my own, do you?[07:18.20]Section Three:[07:20.73]Spot Dictation.[07:22.72]Spot Dictation 1: [07:26.66]A (sailor) once went into (a pub.) in a very dark street in (Liverpool).[07:32.51]He got (very drunk) there and staggered out (around 1 1 p.m.).[07:38.65]Around (midnight), one of his friends found him (on his hands and knees) in the gutter.[07:42.88]"What are you doing (there)?" he inquired. "Vm looking for (my wallet).[07:47.17]I think I lost it in that dark street (down there)," he said.[07:50.82]"Well, if you lost it (in that street), why are you looking for it (here)?" the friend (demanded).[07:55.42]The sailor thought for a moment. Because (the light) is better here," he answered. [08:02.87]Spot Dictation 2:[08:06.50]A famous (855)-year-old (millionaire) once gave a lecture at (an American university).[08:12.51]"Ym going to tell you how to live (a long, healthy life) and how to get (very rich at the same time)," he announced.[08:18.51]"The (secret) is very (simple)." "All you have to do is (avoid bad habits) like (drinking) and (smoking).[08:25.57]But you have to (get up early) every morning, (work) at least (10 hours) a day and (save every) penny, as well," he said.[08:33.27]A young man in (the audience) stood up. "My father did (all those things) and yet he died (a very poor man) at the age of only (39).[08:40.85]How do you (explain that)?" he asked. The millionaire thought (for a moment).
