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Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998


1.She used to be so quiet,but now she's really coming out of her shell and (chat)to everyone.

can see an object moving in the (distant).

was very (impress)by her performance in the exam.

4. The small village (surround)by the mountains looks beautiful.

university held a very (impress)opening ceremony and all the students were very happy.

(mix)of things consists of several different things together.

are (extreme)difficult to predict.

color black is (tradition),associated with mourning.

job will take (approximate)three weeks.

10Among my pen pals,two are (Canada).

live in a cottage, (surround)by tall trees.

population of China is increasing (rapid).

often sit in the shade, (chat)about our past.

weather (permit),we will go for a picnic tomorrow.

income is (slight)over five thousand dollars a month.

were surprised at the fact this rich country should have so many people going hungry.

brother has a gift playing music.

managed (settle)down and began our lessons.

caught sight some sheep eating grass.

20. I went to his farm,was heavy with fruit trees.

farm has area of twenty square kilometres, which is in charge of Mr Green. thought we’ll go for a holiday next Sunday excited us.

are delighted to get the news our tam won the game.

(mix)tastes terrible.

(appear)of my hometown has changed beyond recognition.

watched the train disappear in the (distant).

was frost on the ground, (confirm)that autumn had arrived.

(impress)things during your trip across Canada.

(locate)of the city is very important.

have a good friend (call)Mike.


madeanewdiscoverybyobservingthechimp (behave).

'm in (support)ofyourview.

mysweetmemoriescame (crowd)in. isan (entertain)parknearmyhome.

spentthewholeafternoon (argue)about theproblem.

bookwas (intend)forchildrenundersix.

herageinto (consider), sheshould resign from her position.

not (deliver)aspeechatthemeeting

wasfreefrom (sick)andlivedahappylife.

isa (devote) friendandyoucanrelyon him.

11. (devote)to her carer,she had no time to relax herself.

12. a young boy,Tom was fond playing with his friends.

teacher encouraged us (take)part in social activities.

14. (found)in 1980,our school is famous for its excellent teaching facilities. mother loves her (educate)career.

is one of the (lead) who advocate protecting the environment. waspermitted (join) usinthepicnic.

of time, mymotherleads busy life.

19. (follow)theirteacher,thechildrenwalked alongthebankoftheriver.

20. Hefoundaplace helivedpeacefully.

strange (behave) caughtmyattention.


askedforourteacher's (permit)before settinguptheclub.

teacher's (inspire) mademecheerup.

airpollutionhasbecome concernfor public.

boyandgirl (have)anumbrella.

27. I came my neighour chance when I spent my holiday on the beach.

28. madeherpopularwasherwisdomandkindness.

takeninto (consider),weleftforthe airport.

book (intend)forchildrensellswell.

31. A medical team (consist)of three doctors was sent to the disaster area. BOOK 4 UNIT 2

some poor African areas,many children died of (hungry)every year.

basic needs of the world population should be (satisfy)first.

rapid (expand)of cities can cause social and economic problems.

were told to keep all our sports (equip)in the lockers downstairs.

people there enjoy complete (free)of speech.

many (discover), atomic power can be used for good or evil.

made some (comment)about my dress,and then carried on reading his book. returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else's (occupy).
