关键词:乐购;营销环境;分析;问题;建议目录引言 (1)1 企业简介 (2)1.1 企业简介 (2)1.2 企业文化 (3)1.2.1 乐购的企业文化 (3)1.2.2 乐购的经营模式 (3)2 营销环境分析 (4)2.1 乐购超市的优势 (4)2.2 乐购超市的劣势 (4)2.3 乐购超市的机会 (5)2.4 乐购超市的竞争 (5)3 企业营销策略(活动)现状及存在问题分析 (6)3.1 人员培训不足及流失 (6)3.2 采购进货不合理 (6)3.3 顾客对促销商品存在的误解 (7)4 建议和对策 (8)4.1 针对人员问题的解决对策 (8)4.2 针对采购问题的解决策略 (8)4.3 针对促销误解的解决对策 (10)结论 (11)附录 (12)引言在本次的暑期实习当中,我在乐购超市浑南店的杂货部粮油课参与了实习工作。
作为一家“资深”的全球零售巨头,Tesco的财务造假 危机给每一家企业都拉响了警报。像Tesco这样一家在 英国的上市公司来说,不可能没有自己的内 控部门以 及严格的审计制度,但这些问题为什么没有在自查中 发现?即使经由第三方审计的财务报告中这些问题也 “隐身”了呢?
当地时间8月29日,Tesco表示在截止到当地时间8月23日 的六个月时间里,Tesco在英国市场的贸易盈利达到11亿英镑。 但是没过几天,Tesco方面更正称,预计盈利只有8.5亿英镑。 压力之下,公司前CEO彼得·戴尔斯承认有2.5亿英镑(约合人 民币25亿元)的虚增利润,旗下英国食品事业部,出现“提 早认列营收、延迟认列成本”的重大会计缺失。这个由公司 内部检举揭发的财务造假案,迅速升级为Tesco集团有史以来 遭遇的最大信誉危机。
乐购(TESCO,台湾和马来西亚译为乐购),是英国 的一家大型超级市场连锁。它目前是英国最大的零售 商,是仅次于沃尔玛(美国)、家乐福(法国)的全 球第三大超市集团。
乐购超市最早以销售食品起家,逐渐延伸至服装、电 器、客户财经服务、互联网服务、汽车保险及电信业 务。截止到2008年底,TESCO的营业额超过480亿英 镑。乐购还获得由中国红十字基金会、京华公益基金 和京华时报颁发的“乐购还获年度最佳企业公益实践 奖”,及由中国商业联合会颁发的“以及由中年度中 国绿色零售贡献奖”。
Tesco正面临全球 业务上的巨大挑战,2013年9月已退 出美国市场,同时在中国市场地位岌岌可危,其大后 方英国本部爆发的财务丑闻及其引发的犯罪调查,加 上在重大人事上的 重新安排,都让其处于被动和不利
商务翻译 英译汉 Unit 15
20世纪90年代初期,我们面临强大的竞争,制定新的 发展战略变得刻不容缓。我们当时擅长于商品买卖, 但却逐渐忽略了我们的顾客。1997年,Terry Leahy 爵士出任总裁后,向顾客提出了这样一个简单的问题: “我们究竟做错了什么?”此后,我们开始更多地关 注和致力于顾客认为重要的事情。比如,我们推出了 会员积分卡计划(Clubcard),并创建网站 ()提供网上家庭购物服务。
一、 跨文化交际与国际商务英语翻译
国际贸易意味着你将与讲不同语言生活在不同文化之中的人们有着频 繁的接触。不同文化背景的人进行交际的过程便是跨文化交际。任何不同 文化之间的交往都需要在交流时克服异国文化的障碍,达到交流沟通的目 的。众所周知,英语已成为国际商务、国际通讯和互联网的最佳媒体。作 为全球商务语言,英语以它的多样性和易变性而著称,这就导致英语以多 种形式存在并具有文化背景的多样性。英语在与其他语言的接触中成长, 成为一种混合语言而不断迅速演变,以满足文化和交际的需要。
By the early 1990s we faced strong competition and needed a new strategy. We were good at buying and selling goods but had begun to forget the customers. Sir Terry Leahy, who became Chief Executive in 1997, asked customers the simple question — “what are we doing wrong?”. We then invested in the things that matter to customers. For example, we launched our loyalty scheme Clubcard and , our internet home shopping service.
特易购 TESCO的物流体系
An environmentally friendly supply chain from end to end 端到端的环保供应链 尽可能的采购当地生长或出产的商品,包装最简化 在物流中心的建造过程中减少碳植入,在设计上做到节能 运输最优化并使用省油车辆 投资建造配送中心 大批量送货到物流中心比单独送到各家门店更节省运输成本 使用托盘化运输来加快装货和卸货的速度 整合运送而不是分小批多次运送 快速车辆周转提高了车辆利用率 回程带货
特易购(TESCO)公司成立于1932年,是英国最 大的零售公司,也是世界三大零售商之一。除了在 英国本土的691家大型购物中心外,该公司42%的 店铺分布于中欧与东南亚各国,是个国际化的超市 巨人。 TESCO超市最早以销售食品起家,逐渐延伸至服 装、电器、客户财经服务、互联网服务及电信业务。 截止到2006年2月,TESCO的营业额(52周)达 383亿英镑。
乐购作为英国市场上最大的公司,它旗下运行了四家子公司:Superstore, Extra, Metro 以及Express。
Tesco plc is the food and drink retail sector represents the major industry in the UK, providing employment for over three million people in the main production and retailing. In 2004 retail accounted for 9% of (GDP) gross domestic product (Data monitor, 2003). In latest years UK supermarkets have come under increased analysis over their management of suppliers, yet the increase of strategic supply networks has been essential part of largely supermarket strategies for the past decade.This report is provides Tesco, with emphasis on its external environment and company's analysis of resources, competence and culture strategic and the resources based on strategies.One of the largest food retailers in the world, Tesco operating about 2,319 stores and employing over 325,000 people. It provides online services through its subsidiary, . The UK largest market company where it operates under four banners of Superstore, Extra, Metro and Express. The company sells about 40,000 food products, non-food lines, clothing and other. The company's own-label products are at three levels, normal and finest, value,. As well as convenience produce, several stores have gas stations, becoming one ofBritain's largest independent petrol retailers.环境分析结构———PESTEL FRAMEWORKPolitical Factorsthe company Operating in a globalized environment. Tesco has stores around the world now operates in the Republic of Ireland, Europe , Slovakia, Poland , Czech Republic, Hungary and Turkey. It also operates in Asia in Thailand Japan Taiwan, South Korea, and Malaysia it is performance is greatly influenced by the political and legislative situation of these countries, including the (EU).For employment the government encourages retailers to provide a mix flexible job opportunities, lower-paid and locally-based jobs to highly-skilled, higher- located jobs paid and centrally- (Balchin, 1994). Moreover to meet the demand from population categories such as working parents senior citizens and Students.EconomicalFactorsTesco economic factors are of concern, because they are likely to influence demand, prices profits, and costs. One of the mainly influential factors on the economy is high unemployment levels, which decreases the effective demand for several goods. The economic factors are largely outside the control of the company, but their effects the marketing and performance can be deep. while international business is still increasing (Appendix A), and is expected to contribute better amounts to Tesco's income over the next few years, the company is still highly dependent on the market. therefore, it would be badly affected by any slowdown exposed to the market concentration risks and in the UK food market.Social/CulturalFactorspresent trends show that British customers have moved towards ‘bulk' shopping, which is due to a range of social changes. Tesco have, therefore, improved the quantity of non-food stuff available for sale.Demographic changes such as the aging of people, the female workers are increase and a decline in preparation home meal mean that UK retailers are also focusing on services and added-value products . adding, the focus is now towards; the share of the own-label in business mix, the operational improvements and supply chain , which can drive costs out of the business. National retailers are increasingly reticent to take on new suppliers (Datamonitor Report, 2003Clarke, Bennison and Guy,1994;).The type of goods and services demanded by customers is a meaning of their consequent attitudes and beliefs and social conditioning . customers are becoming more and more aware of their attitudes towards food are constantly changing and health issues. For instance to accommodate an increased demand for organic products Tesco adapting the product mix, and also the first company to allow customers to pay in cash and cheques at the checkout.Technological FactorsTechnology is a main macro-environmental changeable which has influenced the increase of several Tesco products. The new technologies benefit the company and customers satisfaction raises because services can become more personalised and shopping more convenient, goods are readily and available.The launch of the Efficient Consumer Response initiative provided the shift that is now apparent in the management of food supply chains (Datamonitor Report, 2003In 2003, there has been improved pressure on several companies and managers to admit their responsibility to society. (Johnson and Scholes, 2003)The major societal concern threatening food retailers has been environmental issues, a key region for companies to proceed in a socially responsible way. therefore, by recognizing this tendency in the broad ethical stance, the company corporate social responsibility is concerned through the ways in which an organization exceeds the minimum obligations to stakeholders particular through regulation and business governance波特的五种影响———PORTER'S FIVE FORCESThreat of New Entrants The UK grocery market is mainly dominated by competitors, including the major brands of Tesco ,Sainsbury's Safeway ,and Asda, that take a market share of 70% and small chains of Somerfield, Waitrose and Budgens with a further 10%. Over the last 30 years, Ritz (2005), the grocery market has been changed into the supermarket-dominated business. The Majority of the large chains have built their power due to operating efficiency, major marketing-mix expenditure and one-stop shopping. This power had a large impact on the small traditional shops, such as, bakers, butchers and etc. therefore, these days it possesses a strong barrier for new companies who want to enter the grocery market. For example, it becomes rather difficult for new entrants to increase sufficient capital because of large fixed costs and highly developed supply chains. in advanced technology This is also evident in huge investments done by large chains, like Tesco, for stock control systems that impact new entrants and the existing ones and checkouts . Other barriers include economies of scale achieved by Tesco.Bargaining Powerof Suppliers This force that can be influenced by major grocery chains and that fear of losing their business to the large supermarkets. Therefore, this consolidates more leading positions of stores like Tesco and Asda in negotiating better prices from suppliers that small individual chains are unable to match Ritz (2005). UK based suppliers are also threatened by the rising ability of retailers to source their products from abroad at cheaper deals. The relationship with sellers can have same effects in constraining the strategic freedom of the company and in influencing its margins. The forces of competitive rivalry have reduced the profit margins for suppliers and supermarket chains.Bargaining Power of Customers Porter M. (1980) more products that become standardized or undifferentiated, the lower the switching cost, and therefore, more power is yielded to buyers. Tesco's famous loyalty card – Club card remains the successful customer retention strategy that increases the profitability of Tesco's business. In meeting customer needs, better choices, customizing service, ensure low prices, constant flow of in-store promotions like Tesco enables brands to control and retain their customer base. In recent years the food retailing has changed due to a large demand of consumers doing the majority of their shopping in supermarkets that shows a larger need for supermarkets to sell non-food items. Also it has provided supermarkets with anew strategic expansion into new markets of banking. moreover Consumers have become more aware of the issues surrounding fairer trade and the influence of western consumers on the expectations and aspirations of Third World producers. Ethically and ecologically benign sound production of consumer produce such as coffee, tea, and cocoa is viable, and such products are widely available at the majority of large chains.Threat of Substitutes for a particular product General substitution is able to reduce demand, while there is a threat of consumers switching to the alternatives Porter M. (1980). In the grocery industry this can be seen in the form of the substitute of need or product-for-product and is further weakened by new trends, such as the way small chains of convenience stores are emerging in the industry. In this case Tesco is trying to acquire existing small-scale operations and opening Express and Metro stores in city centres and local towns Ritz (2005).3.5Bargaining Powerof Competitors The grocery environment has seen a very significant growth in the size and market dominance of the larger players, with greater store size, increased retailer concentration, and the utilisation of a range of formats, which are now prominent characteristics of the sector. As it was mentioned above, the purchasing power of the food-retailing industry is concentrated in the hands of a relatively small number of retail buyers. Operating in a mature, flat market where growth is difficult (a driver of the diversification into non-food areas), and consumers are increasingly demanding and sophisticated, large chains as Tesco are accruing large amounts of consumer information that can be used to communicate with the consumer Ritz (2005). This highly competitive market has fostered an accelerated level of development, resulting in a situation in which UK grocery retailers have had to be innovative to maintain and build market share. Such innovation can be seen in the development of a range of trading formats, in response to changes in consumer behaviour. The dominant market leaders have responded by refocusing on price and value, whilst reinforcing the added value elements of their service.。
关于乐购的市场营销的成功案例1:美国西北大学凯洛格商学院KGSM 教授、整合营销创始人唐• 舒尔茨Don schultz 曾预言:“零售商未来的成功模式只有两种,一种是沃尔玛模式,即通过提高供应链效率,挤压上下游成本,以价格和地理位五作为主要竞争力;另一种是Tesco模式,即通过时客户的了解和良好的客户关系,将客户忠诚计划作为企业的核心竞争力。
”乐购Tesco超市公司是英国最大的食品超市公司之一,该公司9 年前开始实施的忠诚计划― “俱乐部卡” Clubcard ,帮助公司将市场份额从1995年的16 %上升到了2021 年的27% ,成为英国最大的连锁超市集团。
乐购“俱乐部卡”的设计者之一,伦敦Dunnhumby 市场咨询公司主席克莱夫Clive Humby 非常骄傲地说:“俱乐部卡的大部分会员都是在忠诚计划推出伊始就成为了我们的忠诚客户,井且从一而终,他们已经和我们保持了9 年的关系。
1.1消费代金券因此,“俱乐部卡”的积分规则十分简单,客户可以从他们在乐购消费的数额中得到1 %的奖励,每隔一段时间,乐购就会将客户累计到的奖金换成“消费代金券”,邮寄到消费者家中。
这种方便实惠的积分卡吸引了很多家庭的兴趣,据乐购自己的统计,“俱乐部卡”推出的头6 个月,在没有任何广告宣传的情况下,就取得了17 %左右的“客户自发使用率”。
SWOT Analysis of Tesco in UK:Strengths;Tesco’s reputation for low cost products, can gain fair-trade cotton clothing substantial market share in the UK. Tesco’s growth in the insurance sector provides financial strength to Tesco in UK. Another important factor is the increasing growth of online sales and fair-trade cotton clothing could be included in these sales. The Brand recognition of Tesco in UK is an important strength and will help fair-trade cotton clothing.Weaknesses:The weaknesses of Tesco are that it is still largely dependent on UK for its sales, it is doubtful if it will support fair-trade cotton clothing objectives. The business model that Tesco is using is suitable for UK and not for the rest of the world. Even though Tesco sales are growing from low priced items there is fall in sale of non-essential and high priced products. If fair-trade cotton clothing are perceived as non-essential, its sales objectives will not be achieved. Tesco has suffered from bad debt, credit card arrears and household insurance claims. This is financially debilitating.Opportunities:Tesco can exercise a high degree of buying power to ensure that it has economies of scale in its fair-trade cotton clothing line. The growth opportunities n Europe and Asia provides excellent opportunities for growth. Most importantly, the growth of online sales showsexcellent opportunity for increasing the sales of Tesco.Threats:Increasing fair-trade cotton clothing prices can lead to lower sales and lower profits for Tesco. Change in consumer buying patterns n the UK because of change in technology can lead to loss of customers in UK.SWOT Analysis of Tesco in Germany:Strengths;The Tesco brand recognition gives it a good start for fair-trade cotton clothing in Germany. The Germans are known to avoid uncertainness, ambiguity and unquantifiable risk. In case of Tesco they are buying from a well recognized brand. The brand value of Tesco will work very well in Germany. Further, the global market place recogniti on of ''Retailer of the Year 2008” provides substantiation to the German customer about fair-trade cotton clothing. Weaknesses:German financial industry is very circumspect and will consider the debt of Tesco in the UK before it gives finance for store expansion for fair-trade cotton clothing in Germany. The reputation of Tesco for acquiring competing store chains may also be held against the company in Germany. Acquisition is a risky move, and Germans are averse to risk. Opportunities:Fair-trade cotton clothing in Germany has good opportunity because it has the endorsement of Tesco brand; it has the marketing channels of Tesco, andthe backing of an excellent product mix. If fair-trade cotton clothing offers a good product for money it will get a good reception in Germany.Threats:The low priced fair-trade cotton clothing could lead to price wars. In addition, there can be low profitability because of competitive moves for Tesco. Finally, international competitors like Wal-Mart could add a cotton line in Germany to compete with Tesco.BIDGET SHOING FAIR-TRADE COTTON CLOTHING LAUNCH EXPENSESUNIT FORECAST FOR THREE YEARS BY QUARTER (millions of units)2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 40.6 0.9 1.2 0.8 0.5 1 1.4 1.2 0.8 1.5 2The method of market research used for the plan is the focus group interview. There wereforty eight focus group interviews conducted of which 30 were in the UK and 18 were inGermany. Each focus group consisted of Between 12 to 15 participants. Each of these werecustomers that visited Tesco stores and showed interest in buying fair-trade cotton clothing.The customers were asked question relating to the type of clothing they would prefer topurchase from a Tesco store. There was a number of specific suggestions received from theparticipants and based on the inputs received from the focus group, the fair-trade cottonclothing line was developed.In addition, the focus group participants were asked the price they would be willing to pay forthe products. The inputs from the focus groups helped Tesco in pricing its fair-trade cottonclothing line n both the UK and Germany. Since the focus groups were conducted in thevicinity of Tesco stores, the participants were asked the location in Tesco stores that would besuitable for the display of fair-trade cotton clothing. This enabled Tesco to develop a strategyfor placing fair-trade cotton clothing n Tesco stores.The participants in the focus group interviews were asked which method of communications they preferred. There were suggestions received for the media an contents of advertising, internet advertising, advertising on social networking sites, and using e-mails. Further, suggestions were received on the types of promotions most favored by the participants. Ideas were generated relating to the sales persons of fair-trade cotton clothing. Finally, the focus groups revealed their opinions about the publicity methods that were most credible for them.References:/strategy/swot/ /strategy/swot/ > Problem Solving - /created/SWOTanalysis.htm/."/19333-what-is-a-swot-analysis-and-how-can-i-use-it -www.marketingteacher.conV."/lesson_marketing_budget.html > How-To > Reading/.../marketplansample/a/impactplan.htm -/user-friendly.../focus-groups.shtml/PDFS/focusgroups.PDFw /Students/Study Resources/.. VFocusgroups.pdf /what-are-focus-groups.htm。
(2)居民区的便利店 便利店劣势:提供的产品种类和服务不足,所以其竞争力非 常微小。
The end
Thank you!
特易购(Tesco)—— 乐购零售战略分析
张智文 王慧敏 刘洁敏 林敏如 钟凯欣
• 特易购是英国零售业的领导者 • 全球第三大零售商
• 它于1924年由杰克· 科恩开创 • 首间店铺始于英国伦敦北部。 • 除英国外, • 特易购还在其它13个国家开展业务
• 一:特易购—乐购竞争战略分析
• 二:特易购——乐购扩张战略分析
• 一:竞争对手分析 • 沃尔玛和家乐福都采取了成本领先战略。具有 规模经济、专有技术、优惠的商品供应价格、 较低的交易费用和管理费用等优势。
• 二:竞争战略选择
• 特易购的企业理念是崇信以人为本 ——“我们 的成功离不开顾客的支持和员工的努力。” • 特易购的核心理念是为顾客创造价值,从而赢 得他们终身的信任。
原因:“利基俱乐部”数据库,内容真实详细, 促销非常具有针对性,供应商十分愿意参加这样 的促销活动,提高品牌知名度,加强与消费者的 关系
一:特易购—乐购扩张战略组合 1:地理战略——弱竞争市场先布局战略 20实际90年代早期,特易购已经在英国零售业 占据了领先地位。于是他们选择海外扩张。 东欧和亚洲这样的新兴市场——这些地方缺乏 有能力的竞争对手,却隐含着强有力的增长趋势。
3.周边居民区分布 包括欣荣宏•国际商贸城的高档精品住宅小区,附近 本地居民小区,加上周边三公里内的固定人口,外 加靠近从化车站,每天的流动人口,大概在20万左 右。
那么,在传统零售行业如鱼得水的Tesco 乐购为何能在电子商务世界中也游刃有余呢?首先,作为一家经营了几十年的连锁店,Tesco乐购已经有了足够的知名度和忠诚度,这是纯粹的网上商店特别是新开网店难以比拟的优势。
在的顾客中,有79%是女性,80%是ABC1 (英国通用的社会经济分类系统,A指高级管理阶层与舆论引导者,B指中等管理阶层,C1指低级管理阶层和管理劳动力)。
二、乐购简介●乐购原先叫Hymall(hymall=happy buy mall 快乐地购物),由台湾顶新集团控股,现在乐购被英国的TESCO用1.8亿英镑收购了90%的股份,因此改名叫TESCO。
关键词:连锁超市,品类管理,消费者满意度AbstractFrom the China Chain Store & Franchise Association in 1997 from the United States "category management" concept, more and more aware of domestic supermarket chains to category management, based upon procurement and sales activities closely, and together with suppliers to develop product marketing and supply programs can effectively improve the efficiency of business operations; at the same time, suppliers are also aware that the supermarket chain to meet customer demand in an increasingly important role played by the two sides can work together to improve the efficiency of distribution of goods. In this paper, TESCO supermarket chains in China's development status, analysis of a chain supermarket category management features; in the use of category management in identifying problems, the TESCO supermarket chains trying to find a more effective implementation.Key words:Supermarket chains Category Management Consumer satisfaction目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1绪论 (1)1.1 前言 (1)1.2 课题背景 (1)1.3 课题意义 (1)2文献综述 (2)2.1品类管理的起源 (2)2.2品类管理的概念 (2)2.3品类管理的要素 (3)2.4品类管理的流程 (4)3连锁超市品类管理的现状分析 (6)3.1企业战略与品类管理不匹配 (6)3.2企业内部管理层面对品类管理没有重视 (6)3.3信息系统不完善 (7)4连锁超市品类管理的改进建议 (9)4.1高层重视品类管理 (9)4.2企业主动调整组织架构 (9)4.3利用信息系统支持品类管理 (9)4.4以消费者满意度为导向的经营理念 (10)5案例分析——Tesco连锁超市的品类管理修改方案 (11)5.1调整组织结构 (11)5.2调整陈列布局 (12)5.3品类营销策略 (13)6结束语 (14)参考文献 (15)致谢 (16)1 绪论1.1前言进入20世纪90年代以来,代表中国现代零售行业的便利超市、综合超市、大,卖场,以及各种连锁专业店(连锁药店)开始出现并从南到北发展起来。
Unit 6 Grocers Check Out 网络杂货零售商破产
Unit 6E-Grocers Check Out网络杂货零售商破产How Could a Business That Seemed a Perfect Fit for Cyber Shopping Fail toAttract Enough Customers?一个看起来非常适合网络购物却没能吸引足够客户的业务该如何运转?CHRIS TAYLOR SAN FRANCISCO The awful moment of realization came last week for 1.3 million wired households. From Boston to the Bay, Web-savvy moms and dads discovered their salad days of food delivery on demand were over. There was no option other than that dreary old hunter-gatherer ritual-going to the grocery store. 上周一百三十万户联网用户终于意识到可怕的时刻到来了。
In one week, two of America's largest online on the West Coast and on the East-abruptly shut down. They left behind at least 2,000 people without jobs, and irate customers wondering what happened to a service that of all things cyber, seemed like a sure bet. 在一个星期,美国两个最大的在线超市---在西海岸的Webvan公司和东海岸的HomeRuns公司突然关闭。
英国乐购被指为降成本用快餐车运垃圾Tesco is using its food delivery lorries to pick up rubbish from stores in an attempt to cut costs.The UK's largest retailer has stopped using waste contractors to pick up and dispose of general rubbish, including unsold food, from its 600 largest supermarkets. Instead, bags of waste are piled into metal wheeled cages lined with clear plastic. These cages are picked up by the same trucks that deliver food to the stores once they have emptied their load. The trucks drop off the rubbish at a waste centre before returning to Tesco's distribution centres to pick up more groceries and food to start the cycle again.A Tesco spokeswoman said the system, which does not involve the smaller vans that make home deliveries to customers, was more environmentally friendly. "We have recently introduced a new way of managing waste in some of our stores, which will remove 20,000 additional trips a year and reduce our carbon emissions by 4.5 tonnes a year."The spokeswoman insisted there was no risk to food hygiene: "We have high standards of hygiene and food safety, and we require all vehicles to be inspected and cleared after every trip, with additional cleaning if required, alongside regular deep cleans."However, notices posted at Tesco's recycling centre, seen by the Guardian, suggest only a quarter of the delivery fleet is sanitised or washed each week, although any driver is able to request a wash for his lorry if he feels it necessary.One source close to the process said the thin plastic used to line the cages that transport bin bags was easily damaged so that liquid from putrefying rubbish could spill on to the floor of lorries. Meanwhile store staff sometimes did not have time to sort or wrap the rubbish adequately.The source said there was not the time or resources to wash every trailer after each collection of general waste. With hundreds of Tesco stores around the country, some lorries can do several deliveries a day."I know they can't live up to the expectation of any reasonable customer," he said. "It's penny pinching and it's going to blow up because when it gets hot that smell is going to magnify 10-fold," said the source.The source said, however, that food would never touch the floor of the delivery trailer because it is packaged and transported within wheeled cages.Legally, all vehicles and containers used for transporting food must be kept clean and well-maintained to ensure food is not contaminated.A spokesperson for the Food Standards Agency said: "The law is clear. where non-food products are carried there must be suitable cleaning before foods are carried. Receptacles or containers used to transport food cannot be used to transport anything else where this might lead to contamination."It is not uncommon for supermarkets to transport dry waste, such as cardboard or plastic, from stores to recycling centres in empty grocery delivery lorries. The process is called backfilling and saves both money and fuel, so is seen as environmentally friendly.Only one other supermarket –Sainsbury's –backfills with general waste and under its system bin bags are put into large plastic crates that are washed each time before reuse. A spokesperson said: "We never have waste or recyclate on board our delivery lorries at the same time as products for sale in our stores."Marks & Spencer backfills its food trucks with food waste, but this is stored in specially designed large cardboard boxes lined with a heavy plastic.Asda, Morrisons and Waitrose all said they never transport general waste in their food lorries.Neal Austin, Morrisons' logistics and supply chain director, said: "Technically, we would have a concern about the risk of contamination given the closed environment within the trailers. More importantly, we don't believe our customers would feel comfortable knowing that the fresh food they were eating had been delivered in a lorry that a few hours earlier had been carrying waste food products."据英国《卫报》报道,英国零售连锁公司乐购(Tesco)为了降低成本,用送食品的车运超市垃圾。
理论研究091设计DESIGN英国利兹大学设计学院 李冠羽包容性设计的经济及伦理价值——基于四个案例分析RESEARCH ON ECONOMIC AND ETHICAL VALUES OF INCLUSIVE DESIGN—BASED ON FOUR CASE STUDIES引言2020年,国务院发布了《关于切实解决老年人运用智能技术困难实施方案的通知》[1],聚焦老年人普遍遭遇的“数字排除”(Digital Exclusion)问题,呼吁设计师关注老年人使用电子产品的障碍,破解老年人运用智能技术难题,以设计更加包容的数字产品,满足并适应老年人的需要。
由于包容性设计理念在我国起步较晚,推动其进行大规模的商业实践仍存在三个层面的障碍,即观念障碍(perception barriers)、技术障碍(technical barriers)以及组织障碍(organizational barriers)[6],其中,观念障碍依然是制约我国包容性设计发展最核心的问题。
英国乐购咖啡店swot分析范文英文版English:The UK's LeGou coffee shop, one of the leading cafe chains, has a number of strengths including a strong brand image, a wide variety of coffee blends and food offerings, prime locations in high-traffic areas, and a loyal customer base. However, the company also faces several weaknesses such as high competition in the coffee industry, fluctuating coffee bean prices, and dependence on a limited number of suppliers. Opportunities for LeGou coffee shop include expanding into new international markets, introducing new and innovative coffee products, and leveraging technology for improved customer experience. On the other hand, the company also needs to be aware of potential threats such as economic downturns affecting consumer spending, changing consumer preferences, and potential negative social media reputation. Overall, by leveraging its strengths and opportunities while addressing its weaknesses and threats, LeGou coffee shop can stay competitive and thrive in the coffee industry.中文翻译:英国乐购咖啡店是领先的咖啡连锁店之一,具有强大的品牌形象、多样化的咖啡和食品选择、位于高流量区域的主要位置以及忠诚的顾客群体。
TESCO案例分析之顾客忠诚计划一、About TESCO (特易购)Tesco 是英国领先的零售商,也是全球三大零售企业之一。
Tesco始创于1919年,最初的形式是Jack Cohen在市场里设立的一个小货摊。
下面是Tesco乐购中文网站上的一段历史介绍,从这段介绍我们会知道Tesco 赢在哪里:90年代初期,我们面临强大的竞争,制定新的发展战略变得刻不容缓。
1997年,Terry Leahy 爵士出任首席执行官后,向顾客提出了这样一个简单的问题:“我们究竟做错了什么?”此后,我们开始更多地关注和致力于顾客认为重要的事情。
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Management structure
S The most important and effective part of
every organization, which can help the firm to achieve their goal, is the management style they use in their business.
Tesco is the worldwide food seller; especially it is the biggest food retailers in UK, which is headquartered in Cheshunt, Great Britain with 2,318 stores and employing over 326,000 people
Internal change
S Providing machine for buyer to pay the
goods by themselves.
The managing change of Tesco
S arch & development department
S Human resource deportment
Changes affecting the organization
S The greatest changes in the Tesco
Company happened after they created the program under the name Tesco club card
External change
STESCO will be a growth company, and
develop a modern and innovative company in the world through planning the clear organizational goals and objective.
Tesco is the worldwide business and have a great concern about global warming as they focus on this climate change. It is expected that there will become 0% carbon business in 2050, reducing from 30% emissions of products the sell in 2020.
S Decrease the prices S Combined with the charity S Open the cash back credit cards
S Include more international foods. S More attractive activities to