欧洲专利系统及检索方法陈 荣(华东理工大学 上海 200237)摘 要 欧洲专利系统(esp@cenet)是欧洲专利组织通过互联网提供免费专利信息资源的服务门户网站,详细介绍了esp@cenet和专利的检索类型及检索方法。
关键词 欧洲专利 检索方法 简单检索 扩展检索 网络信息检索 随着我国加入W TO,科研工作者在进行科研活动的时候需要借鉴前人的经验,同时也必须学会保护自己的科研成果,不侵犯别人的知识产权。
目前检索中国专利比较权威的网站是中国知识产权网,而检索外国专利国内比较权威的网站是北京文献服务处(http:// ),但检索WPI是收费的。
1 欧洲专利系统欧洲是世界上第一部专利法———1474年威尼斯共和国专利法令的诞生地。
欧洲专利组织目前有20个成员国包括奥地利(AT)、比利时(BE)、瑞士(CH)、塞浦路斯(CY)、德国(DE)、丹麦(DK)、西班牙(ES)、芬兰(F I)、法国(F R)、土耳其(T R)、希腊共和国(G R)、爱尔兰(IE)、意大利(IT)、列支敦士登(LI)、卢森堡(L U)、摩纳哥(MC)、荷兰(N L)、葡萄牙(P T)、瑞典(SE)、英国(GB)。
二、国外法律案件查找软件概述1. WestlawWestlaw是由美国威斯特出版公司(Thomson Reuters)开发的一款全球知名的法律数据库。
2. LexisNexisLexisNexis是由美国LexisNexis公司开发的一款全球性的法律数据库。
3. Bloomberg LawBloomberg Law是由美国彭博公司(Bloomberg L.P.)开发的一款综合性的法律数据库。
Bloomberg Law具有独特的新闻资讯功能,能够为用户提供最新的法律动态。
4. HeinOnlineHeinOnline是由美国HeinOnline公司开发的一款在线法律数据库。
HeinOnline 的特色在于其丰富的历史资料,包括美国最高法院的判决书、各州法院的判决书等。
5. JustiaJustia是由美国Justia公司开发的一款免费法律数据库。
四 检索方式
2 括展检索
括展检索页面以多种检索字段列表方式给用户 提供更复杂的检索方式,例如,允许在多个检索字 段的文本提问框中输入检索项,并进行组合检索。 用户根据检索需要,除了选择快速检索(在世界范 围专利数据库中进行)外从系统提供的其它多种检 索选择中做出选择(即进入不同的数据库进行检索, 但不能进行多库整合检索),各种选择大致可分为 两类: 第一类: 1 检索近两年本国公开的专利文献 2 检索近两年欧洲专利组织成员国公开的专利文献
三 收录范围
四 JP专利数据库 该数据库提供1976年10月以来公开的日本专利的 英文文摘及题录数据,以及1980年以来公开的日本专 利的扉页.数据库按月更新,由于专利申请翻译需要 一定时间,因此,专利申请公开6个月后,英文数据才能 获得. 五 世界专利数据库(Worldwide) 1世界专利数据库的收录范围 国家及组织 文摘起始年代 全文起始年代 欧洲专利局 1978 1978 的方法
直接进入esp@cent 方法有二: 1 通过欧洲专利局的网址 /进入,该网站提供 英、法、德三种语言支持,可检索EP、 WO、JP(PAJ)及世界范围 (Worldwide)的专利文献。 2 通过通过欧洲专利局的成员国的网 页进入esp@cent,可检索其本国的专利 文献、EP、WO、JP(PAJ)及世界范围 (Worldwide)的专利文献。
二 进入esp@cent的方法
欧洲专利组织成员国网址及支持语种如下: 国家 网址 语种支持 奥地利 http:/ 德 比利时 http:/ 法、荷 塞浦路斯 http:/ 英 丹麦 http:/ 丹 芬兰 http:/ 芬 法国 http:/ 法 德国 http:/ 德 希腊 http:/ 希 爱尔兰 http:/ 英
®使用指南2012●中文版目录Table of ContentI. ®中的信息检索1. 检索的基本思想——确定检索范围->确定检索条件2. 确定检索范围2.1. 检索范围的分类2.2. 对资源的查看2.3. 确定检索范围的方式3. 通过检索条件找到文章3.1. 三种检索模式3.2. 检索语言3.3. 连接符及其应用3.4. 检索区帮助功能3.5. 限定关键词出现在特定的字段3.6. 限定时间3.7. 得到检索结果3.8. 二次检索、相似文献检索及划词检索4. 对检索结果的浏览及下载4.1. 浏览4.2. 下载文章5. 目录树检索5.1. 目录树逐层浏览5.2. 目录树标题检索5.3. 一般检索6. 获取文章6.1. 通过引证号获取文章6.2. 通过当事人名称快速检索案例6.3. 通过案卷号检索案例II. ®的特色功能1. Shepard’s引证服务2. 邮件订阅/提醒功能3. 快速检索工具I. ®法律专业数据简介®是目前世界上最大的为法律研究提供全文检索的联机服务系统之一,始建于1960年,由美国俄亥俄州律师协会发起,该州的DATA公司负责技术开发。
1968年美国MEAD公司合并了DATA 公司,成立了子公司“LEXI S-MEAD DATA中心”,1973年,正式推出法律检索服务®,提供俄亥俄州和纽约州法规案例、美国法规和一些联邦判例法的完整文本。
随着系统的不断完善,®现在的信息资源已经包括:1. 原始法律文献信息Primary Sources-美国联邦和各州的判例法——全面提供美国最近50年的判例全文,包括早期如1700年的部分判例-美国联邦和各州的立法和法律法规——包括著名的USCS美国联邦立法信息服务-英美立法和政治制度材料-全球近20个国家的立法和判例-国际公约及多个国际组织的条约和相关判例,比如欧盟的立法与判例2. 全球性二次法律文献信息Secondary Sources-约900种法律期刊评论、杂志和报告,大多可以回溯到1980年-法律专业书籍-法律重述资料(Restatements)-美国律师协会、法律继续教育相关资料(ABA,CLE materials)-Mealey法律报告和会议资料,可以追溯到1982年-Martindale-Hubbell全球律所和律师黄页;以及100多个国家的法律概要(Law Digest)-全球法律新闻-法律百科全书、辞典3. ®检索数据库的信息量目前已经高达50亿个可查文件,收录在超过40,000种资源中,并且文件数以每周950万的速度递增。
A.美国A1 专利检索&全文下载A1-1: USPTO授权专利数据库/netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html注:目前已提供PDF全文下载功能,具体方法:在text界面下点image,然后在左侧点Full document。
A1-2: USPTO专利申请数据库/netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html注:目前也已提供PDF全文下载功能,具体方法:在text界面下点image,然后在左侧点Full document。
A1-3: Google patenthttps:///注:备用,需翻墙。
A1-4: Drugfuture美国专利全文下载/uspat/us_patent.asp注:提供PDF全文下载,使用方法请参考网站说明(备用,USPTO速度更快)。
A1-5: Pat2pdf美国专利全文下载/注:提供PDF全文下载,使用方法请参考网站说明(备用,USPTO速度更快)。
A2 专利审查过程信息&法律状态A2-1: Global Dossier注:不仅提供美国专利审查过程信息查询和相关文件下载,CN、EP、JP和KR 的也包括,强大到没朋友,具体请参考《【专利圈最强福利】USPTO的全球专利案卷系统Global Dossier正式启用》。
A2-2: USPTO Public Pair系统/pair/PublicPair注:USPTO专利审查信息和法律状态查询系统(备用,由于图片验证的问题目前需翻墙)。
A2-3: USPTO Assignment database/注:美国专利转让信息查询,可以用于查询美国专利交易记录等。
A3 专利诉讼信息&裁判文书下载A3-1: Pacerhttps:///注:美国专利诉讼信息和裁判文书下载第一站,收费。
二、法律检索的基本原则1. 全面性:法律检索应涵盖所有可能涉及的法律、法规、司法解释、案例等,以确保检索结果的全面性。
2. 准确性:检索结果应与案件事实、法律依据相符,避免因检索不准确导致的误判。
3. 及时性:法律检索应关注法律法规的更新,确保检索结果符合最新的法律规范。
4. 逻辑性:检索过程中应遵循一定的逻辑顺序,以提高检索效率。
三、法律检索的途径1. 官方途径(1)中国法院网:提供全国各级法院的裁判文书、法律法规、司法解释等信息。
2. 学术途径(1)中国知网:提供法学期刊、学位论文、法律法规、案例等资源。
3. 机构途径(1)律师事务所:律师可以利用所在律所的数据库、案例库等资源进行检索。
四、法律检索的方法1. 案例检索(1)根据案件事实,在案例库中搜索相关案例,分析案例中的法律适用、判决结果等。
2. 法律法规检索(1)根据案件事实,在法律法规库中搜索相关法律、法规、司法解释。
3. 学术文献检索(1)根据案件事实,在学术文献库中搜索相关法学论文、评论等。
4. 机构资料检索(1)根据案件事实,在机构资料库中搜索相关案例、法律法规等。
检索国家范围:欧洲以及世界上70多个国家 的,超过5900万件的专利文献数据 EP US AU JP … ...
可以实现的检索:著录项目、说明书全文、 同族专利、法律状态等
两个检索系统: epoline
1、特点: 数据覆盖范围:欧洲以及世界上70多个国家和
CN1650143 A RU2004115398 A WO03050468 A1 WO03050468 B1 BR0213723 A CA2464686 A1 EP1459028 A1 JP2005512013 T
US2003106677A1 AU2002343716A1 DE02780677 T1 MXPA04004922 A
Priority P3
A1:带检索报告的专利申请公开 A2:不带检索报告的专利申请公开 A3:检索报告 B:授权专利
查找ECLA分类号 检索方法: 1、输入关键词或分类号 2、一级一级查找
最近两年内WIPO(世界知识产权组织)公开的专利文 献数据
特点: 一个检索入口 两个检索字段选项: 发明名称或文摘 申请人或发明人
特点: 一个检索入口:申请号、公开号、优先权号 Including family选项
Thank you!
公开号 申请号
EP(WO)+最多12位数字 空格代替“or” EP+四位申请年代码+最多7位 数字 WO+四位申请年代码+2位国家 代码+最多5位数字 空格代替“or” 不能进行日期范围检索 空格代替“or” 同申请日 同申请日 不能进行日期范围检索 空格代替“or”
也可以输入检索词确定分类,还可以选择特定的分类范围 添加到高级检索中进行限定检索。
检索结果列出命中的记录条数,每条记录包括专利号、专利名称、公开日等,单击专利名称, 可进一步显示专利的详细信息,
下表给出的是 w r wd od i l e数据库中可检索
到 的 P T最低 文献 量 的收录 范 围 : C
国家及组织 欧洲专 利局 法 国 德 国
英 国
文摘起始年代 l7 98 16 99 17 90
12 90
欧洲分类起始年代 17 98 10 92 l 7 87
从 19 年 中旬开始 , s@cnt 98 e p ee用户能够
检 索 欧洲 专利 组织 任何 成 员 国、欧洲 专利 局和
世界知识产权组织公开的专利的题录数据 。
ep ee数 据 库 中每 个 国家 收录 数 据 的 s@cnt
上建 ̄Tep ee @cnt s 数据库,建立e @cnt s ee p 数 据库的主要 目的是使用户便捷 、有效地获取免 费的专利信 息资源 ,提高整个 国际社会获取专
正 常情况 下 , 的专利 文 献在 公布 一周 ( 新 每 周三 公布 一 次 ) 以后 即可 增加 到 前两 个数 据库 中, 后便 可在“ r wie 世界 专利数 据 库 ) 稍 Wol d ( d ” 中检 索到 。 注意 : 只有“ r wie 世 界 专利数 据 库 ) Wol d ( d ” 才 能用“ 要 ” 摘 字段 和“ 欧洲 专利 分类 号 E L C A” 字段 检索 专利 文献 ,其 它 两个 数据 库均 不 可 。
1. 文件查询:通过查询外国国家的官方文件、法律文件、法规、法案等来了解和掌握外国法律的内容和适用范围。
2. 资料收集:通过阅读外国国家的官方出版物、学术研究成果、法律评论、判例以及相关社会科学研究报告等来获取外国法律的相关信息。
3. 国际合作:在需要查明外国法律的情况下,可以通过与外国的法律研究机构、律师事务所、学术机构等建立联系,进行信息交流、合作研究等方式来获取外国法律的信息。
4. 司法协助:如果需要查明外国法律的具体适用情况,可以通过司法协助的方式,请求外国法院提供相关的法律文件、判决书、调查报告等来提供证据。
5. 国际机构查询:借助国际上的法律机构、组织、数据库等,如国际刑警组织(INTERPOL)、联合国法律事务局(UNCITRAL)等,通过查询他们提供的法律数据库和相关资料来获得关于外国法律的信息。
有Law Society布鲁塞尔办公室讲法语的Antonella Verde⼥⼠陪同前往,出⾏就完全不成问题,乘公交车就可以直接去法院。
二、常用的法条检索工具1. 法律搜索引擎:如中国裁判文书网、中国司法网等,这些网站提供了全国各级法院的裁判文书和司法解释等资料,并且可以通过关键词搜索来查找相关信息。
2. 法律数据库:如知网、万方等,这些数据库收录了大量的法律文献和资料,并且提供了全文检索功能。
3. 法律电子书:如亚马逊Kindle电子书店、当当网等,这些电子书店提供了大量的电子版法律书籍,并且可以通过关键词搜索来查找相关信息。
三、基本的法条检索方法1. 确定检索对象:首先需要明确要查找哪个领域或者哪个问题相关的法条。
2. 确定检索关键词:根据检索对象,确定相关的关键词。
3. 选择合适的检索工具:根据需要查找的法条类型和内容,选择合适的检索工具。
4. 进行检索:在选择好合适的检索工具后,输入相关的关键词进行检索。
5. 筛选结果:在得到搜索结果后,需要对结果进行筛选和排序。
6. 分析和应用结果:最后需要对得到的搜索结果进行分析和应用。
四、高效的法条检索技巧1. 使用通配符:在输入关键词时,可以使用通配符来扩展检索范围。
案例检索技巧美国案例非美国案例案例检索技巧●我想找AMD V. INTE L终审判决的case,请问怎么找?答:进入WESTLAW后在左侧快捷区SEARCH THE DATABASES中输入ALLCASES,在terms and connectors中输入TI(AMD & INTEL),出现8个结果,最新的一个是在April 9, 2009做出的判决。
以International Commercial Arbitration Cases为例,随意检索一个case,比如我们在search一栏中输入”US”,这样就能检索所有与美国有关的案例。
比如Gilbert Street Developers, LLC v. La Quinta Homes, LLC.点击这个案件的链接,在打开的页面左侧链接中寻找“case outline”然后点击。
如westhea note之前的这一部分,是westlaw的律师在阅读原始的案例判决之后总结出来的一些简单的案例摘要,基本上是一个小的case brief。
案例的head note 十分重要,是对该案例中所涉及的法律争点的一个总结和索引。
●案例中有大段的West Headnote讲的什么东西?答:West的专业编辑(律师)将案例中附有的相关评介的每个法律点都进行了分析和归类,并且增加了可供选择的查找连接词,使读者搜寻结果准确。
1. 案例名称:欧洲委员会对反垄断违规行为的调查案件
- 摘要:该案件涉及欧洲委员会对一家全球性科技公司展开的反垄断调查。
2. 案例名称:欧盟法院针对环境保护问题的判决案件
- 摘要:该案件涉及一家欧洲国家的政府部门,被指控未能充分履行其在环境保护方面的法律义务。
3. 案例名称:欧洲人权法院对言论自由案件的裁决
- 摘要:该案件涉及一名欧洲公民因在社交媒体上发表批评政府的言论而被当局起诉的问题。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Terms and Conditions of useThe texts and information contained in the Court of Justice’s internet site are available free of charge for the purposes of public information.NB: Use of research results for statistical purposes is not advised due to the rules for dissemination: for such purposes, users are requested to consult the Annual Report of the Court of Justice of the European Union.The texts of the judgments, orders, Opinions, notices and other documents present on the site are subject to amendment. The final version of those texts is published in the Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the General Court, the European Court Reports - Staff Cases (ECR-SC) or the Official Journal of the European Union, which are the only authentic versions and take precedence in the event that there is a difference with the electronic version.The texts available on this site may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged as well as the fact that they are not authentic and are free of charge.Readers should be aware that certain parts of such information and texts might be protected under intellectual property law, in particular by copyright.Links to the pages on this site are permitted provided that:∙the browser window does not contain any information other than that of the page of the present site to which the link is made and its address;∙none of the information provided on this site is modified.IntroductionThe InfoCuria database contains all the publicly available information concerning the cases brought before the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal.InfoCuria gives access, primarily, to the documents of the Institution (principally the judgments, Opinions, orders and notices to the Official Journal of the European Union), by means of a text search or a data search.Those data concern, in particular, the dates of certain stages of the proceedings, the subject-matter of the case, the type of proceedings, the legal acts of the European Union cited in the case-law, the nationality of the parties, etc. The availability of those data may vary according to the type of proceedings and the stage (progress) of the case.List of resultsUse this menu to choose display options and sorting options different from those offered by default. Display preferences:∙the option ‘Automatic’gives a default display of the tab ‘List of results by case’, unless the criteria ‘Documents’ or ‘Text’ were used for the search, in which case the tab ‘List ofdocuments’ will display (on ly those documents meeting the search criteria will be shown);∙the option ‘List of cases’ forces display of the tab ‘List of results by case’, whatever search criteria were used;∙the option ‘List of documents’ forces display of the corresponding tab, whate ver search criteria were used.Sorting preferences:∙the option ‘Case number in descending order’ sorts the results by default by court (first Court of Justice cases, second General Court cases and third Civil Service Tribunal cases)and, within one court, by case number in descending order (the first results shown are themost recent cases);∙the option ‘Case number in ascending order’ sorts the results by default by court (Court of Justice, General Court, Civil Service Tribunal) and, within one court, by case number inascending order (the first results shown are the oldest cases);∙the option ‘Date in descending order’ sorts the results:o in the tab ‘List of results by case’, by court (Court of Justice, General Court, Civil Service Tribunal), then by date on which the case was closed, pending casesappearing first, followed by the cases with the most recent date of closure;o in the tab ‘List of documents’ by date of publication of the documents, the most recent appearing first, irrespective of the court;∙the option ‘Date in ascending order’ sorts the results:o in the tab ‘List of results by case’, by court (Court of Justice, General Court, Civil Service Tribunal), then by date on which the case was closed, the cases with the most distant date of closure appearing first, followed by pending cases;o in the tab ‘List of documents’ by date of publication of the documents, the oldest appearing first, irrespective of the court.Availability of informationIf information is not provided, this may be due to the fact that:∙it is not relevant to the case (for example: the source of a question referred for a preliminary ruling in an action for annulment);∙it is not yet available at this stage of the procedure (for example: the publication reference for the Official Journal of the European Union before publication);∙it is not yet publicly available at this stage of the procedure (for example: the name of the Judge Rapporteur in pending cases).Case StatusUse this criterion to limit the search by reference to case status.Select ‘All cases’The search will cover:∙cases pending (on-going cases, stayed cases and cases in the process of being discontinued or withdrawn);∙cases closed.Select ‘Cases closed’The search will cover:∙cases closed only.Select ‘Cases pending’The search will cover:∙cases pending only (on-going cases, stayed cases and cases in the process of being discontinued or withdrawn).CourtUse this criterion to limit the search by reference to the court: ∙Court of Justice;∙General Court;∙Civil Service Tribunal.DocumentsUse this criterion to search by type of document.By default, the search will cover all of the documents present in the database. However, the search can be limited by reference to the type of document sought and its date of publication.Select the type of document from the list accessed via the button.The following may be selected:∙Documents published in the European Court ReportsThese are judgments, orders, Advocates General's Opinions and positions of the Courts of the European Union and published or to be published in the European Court Reports or the European Court Reports - Staff Cases (ECR-SC).The text of judgments and decisions is available on the day of delivery, that of opinions of the Court on the day when they are given and that of Advocates General's Opinions andpositions on the day of their delivery by the Advocate General. Orders are not made public until ten days after they have been notified to the parties.Summaries of decisions are also available. These are not binding on the Courts of theEuropean Union and may in no way be regarded as an official interpretation of the decisions to which they refer.Finally,information on decisions of which the full text is not published in the EuropeanCourt Reports.Documents published in the European Court Reports are available in all the officiallanguages of the European Union on the day of their delivery.∙Documents not published in the European Court ReportsThese are Judgments, orders and decisions (review procedures) delivered or made since 1 May 2004 and not published in the European Court Reports.For orders, use the drop-down menu to select a specific type of order.The full text of documents not published in the European Court Reports is available, butonly in the language of the case and the language of deliberation. For some of thosedecisions, information is published in the European Court Reports (see above).∙Notices published in the OJThese are notices relating to cases brought and cases closed (adjudged or removed from the register) published in the Official Journal of the European Union since 1 January 2002.The text of notices published in the OJ is available in all official languages upon dispatch to the Publications Office of the European Union.One or more types of document may be selected from this list.It is also possible to limit the search:∙to a particular period. Enter the start and end dates in the fields ‘from’ and ‘to’ in the format shown.Example: from 01/05/2004 to 31/12/2004.∙to predetermined periods. By clicking on the relevant button, the dates corresponding to that period are automatically entered in the fields, i.e.:o last 8 days: the search covers documents dating from the last 8 days;o last month: the search covers documents dating from the past month;o last year: the search covers documents dating from the past year;o last 5 years: the search covers documents dating from the past 5 years.∙to a specific date. Enter the date required in the field ‘date’ in the format shown.Example: 15/12/2005.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection. Using the ‘Documents’ search criterion will activate, by default, in the window showing the list of results, the ‘List of documents’ tab, giving direct acce ss to the documents in question. However, it is still possible to switch to ‘List of results by case’ showing the cases in which at least onedocument is covered by the search.ECLIThis field enables searches of the decisions of the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal by their ECLI (European Case-Law Identifier).For those decisions, the ECLI is composed of the following five sections, in the following order:a)The abbreviation ‘ECLI’;b)The code ‘EU’;c)The abbreviation corresp onding to the Court: ‘C’, ‘T’ or ‘F’;d)The year of the decision, which must be entered in four figures;e)An order number, attributed sequentially by year and by Court.The sections of an ECLI are separated by a colon (‘:’).Example: The ECLI identifier ECLI:EU:C:2012:23 corresponds to the judgment in Case C-392/10 Suiker Unie.Case numberUse this field to search for a case by its number in the Register.Examples:∙C-408/01 (408th case entered in the Register in 2001 before the Court of Justice);∙T-201/04 (201st case entered in the Register in 2004 before the Court of First Instance);∙F-16/05 (16th case entered in the Register in 2005 before the Civil Service Tribunal).The case (upper case/ lower case) makes no difference:•c-408/01 = C-408/01•t-201/04 = T-201/04•f-16/05 = F-16/05It is also possible to search using a part of the number.Examples:∙122/07 (will find Case No 122 of 2007 before the Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance and the Civil Service Tribunal)∙122 (will find Case No 122 of any year before the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal)∙/07 (will find all cases brought in 2007 before the Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance and the Civil Service Tribunal)Account is not taken of the suffixe s identifying certain types of proceedings (such as “AJ” for legal aid, “DEP” for costs, “OP” for application to set aside, “P” for appeal, “PPU” for urgent preliminary ruling procedure, “R” for application for interim measures, “REC” for rectification of a judgment, “REV” for revision of a judgment, “RX” for review, “SA” for garnishee order, “TO” for third-party proceedings, etc.).Names of partiesUse this field to search with the usual name of the case. This is the simplified form of the names of the parties to the action in question.Case (upper case/lower case) and accents make no difference: commission =CommissionNB! the institutions of the European Union are identified by their abbreviated names (Commission, Council, Europol, etc.).The following may be used to refine the search:∙Special characters:o Asterisk* is a joker character which replaces from nought to an infinite number of characters and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: Alpha* will find cases involving the parties Alpha, Alpharma, Alphasteel, etc.o Underscore_ is a joker character which replaces a single obligatory character and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: Post_ will find cases in which the name of a party contains this stem plus onecharacter (Posta, Poste).o To search for an exact phrase, use inverted commas ".Example:“Trade union”∙Logical operators (Boolean operators):o AND (represented by the space between two words).Example: Commission Council Parliament will find cases in which the Commission, theCouncil and the Parliament are all parties.o OR (represented by a comma between two words).Example: Poland, Cyprus will find all documents involving Poland, or Cyprus, or both.o EXCEPT (represented by an exclamation mark before the excluded word).Example: !Commission will find cases in which the Commission is not a party to theaction.Logical operators and/or special characters may be combined.Text searchThis field allows you to search the full text of e the ‘Documents’ field to choose different types of document (by default, all types of document).The following may be used to refine the search:∙Special characters:o Asterisk* is a joker character which replaces from nought to an infinite number of characters and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: admiss* will find documents containing the words admissible, admissibility,inadmissible, inadmissibility.o Underscore_ is a joker character which replaces a single obligatory character and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: Post_ will find documents containing that stem plus one character (Posta, Poste).o To search for an exact phrase, use inverted commas ".Example:“Trade union”∙Logical operators (Boolean operators):o AND (represented by the space between two words).Example: butter cheese will find documents containing both of those wordso OR (represented by a comma between two words).Example: butter, cheese will find documents containing the word butter, or the wordcheese,or both.o EXCEPT (represented by an exclamation mark before the excluded word).Example: butter !cheese will find documents containing the word butter but not thosecontaining the word cheese.Logical operators and/or special characters may be combined.Example: ‘wild bird*’conservation will find documents containing both the exact expression wild bird(s) (singular or plural) and the word conservation.Any differences between the results from text searches in the different language versions on the site are due to the fact that documents not published in the European Court Reports are available only in some languages.A text search will activate, by default, in the window sh owing the list of results, the ‘List of documents’ tab, giving direct access to the documents in question. However, it is still possible toswitch to the ‘List of results by case’ showing the cases in which at least one document is covered by the search.Period or dateThis criterion makes it possible to search according to:∙date of delivery of the judgment or adoption of the order;∙date of delivery of the Opinion;∙date of the hearing;∙date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings;∙all types of date at the same time(date of delivery of the judgment or adoption of the order OR date of delivery of the Opinion OR date of the hearing OR date of the lodging of theapplication initiating proceedings).By default, the search covers the date of delivery of the judgment or the adoption of the order. To alter that selection, use the drop down menu.The following types of search are possible:∙for a specific period. To do this, enter the dates for the beginning and end of the period in the ‘from’ and ‘to’ fields in the format indicated.Example: from 01/05/2004 to 31/12/2004∙for set periods. By clicking on the desired button, the corresponding dates automatically appear in the fields, so that:o last 8 days;o last month;o last year;o last 5 years.∙for a specific date. To do this, enter the desired date in the ‘on’ field in the format indicated.Example: on 15/12/2005Subject-matterUse this criterion to search by subject.The subjects correspond to the legal bases (articles of the Treaties) covered by the application or request and, after delivery, by the judgment, the order, the decision (review proceedings) or the opinion of the Court of Justice.Select the subject from the list accessible via the button.One or more subjects may be selected from this list. Subjects may be selected: ∙by navigating in the classification structure;∙via the field ‘Search for a subject’ (which does not take account of either special characters or logical operators (Boolean operators) and gives all occurrences of precisely the characters entered, whether in upper or lower case or accented).After entering the term, click the button to begin the search.For example: etat will give the subjects Aides accordées par les États, Monopoles d’État à caractère commercial, États de pénurie, États d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique(ACP) and États africains et malgaches associés.NB! Where a subject concerns a number of Treaties, including the ECSC and/or EAEC Treaties (for example: ‘institutional provisions’), the search results include cases related to all those Treaties. However, subjects which relate exclusively to the ECSC and EAEC Treaties have been grouped under the terms ‘ECSC matters’ and ‘EAEC matters’.NB! If several subjects are selected, they are, by default, separated by the logical operator OR. To separate them by the logical operator AND, choose the option ‘All of the chosen values’ at the bottom of the window.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Procedure and resultUse this criterion to search by type of action or procedure and the result of the action or procedure.NB! The analysis of results may cover the outcome of different kinds of action and the same decision may produce several different results. It is therefore not advised to use this analysis for statistical purposes.Select the procedure and/or the result from the list accessed via the button.One or more types of procedure may be selected from this list.One or more types of procedure may be combined with one or more types of result.If only types of result are selected, the search will cover all procedures with the chosen results. NB! If more than one type of procedure or result is selected, they are by default separated by the logical ope rator OR. To separate them by the logical operator AND, choose the option ‘All of the chosen values’ at the bottom of the window.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.References to case-law or legislationUse this criterion to search by acts (or operative parts of acts) of European Union law cited in: ∙the grounds of the judgment or order∙the operative part of the judgment or order∙the Advocate General’s O pinionThere is a drop-down list of5 common types of citation:∙for Treaties, specify the treaty in question from the proposed list and any subdivisions (article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter).∙for Regulations, specify the order number, the year and any subdivisions (annex, article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter), or choose a specific regulation from the proposed list;∙for Directives, specify the order number, the year and any subdivisions (annex, article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter);∙for Decisions, specify the order number, the year and any subdivisions (annex, article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter);∙for Case-law, specify the court in question (Court of Justice, General Court or Civil Service Tribunal), the order number and the year, and the type of document (judgment, Opinion,order, garnishee order, third-party proceedings, opinion of the Court of Justice ordeliberation);NB! The above help will allow you to make a search on only one reference at a time and in a limited list.For a more specific or wider search, select the category ‘Other’ and enter the CELEX number(s) in the search field.Examples:∙21994A1223(01) will find documents that cite the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (1986-1994) - Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation (WTO);∙41980A0934 will find documents that cite the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980.Any subdivision of the act or provision must be entered at the end of the CELEX number after a hyphen “-”. The letters used to refer to the subdivisions are:A for article ;C for recital in the preamble to an act;L for subparagraph or for letter;N for annexe;P for paragraph;PT for point;R for rule;T for indent.Exa mple: 31977L0388-A13LBLDPT5gives access to documents citing Article 13B(d)(5) of Directive 77/388/EEC.N.B. For a rticles numbered 1 to 9,use two characters (A01, A02, ..., A09).The search in the operative part may be restricted by using codes identifying the effect of the operative part in question on the act or provision cited:∙reference for a preliminary rulingI the cited provision is interpreted;G the cited provision is validated;N the cited provision is invalidated;∙action for annulment:A the cited provision is annulled;F the cited provision is validated;M the cited provision is amended (fine reduced, annulment ‘in so far as…’ etc.);∙appeal and review:A the cited judgment or order is set aside;F the cited judgment or order is upheld;M the cited judgment or order is amended.∙indirect i nvocation(objection of illegality) (Art. 277 TFEU, Art. 241 EC, Art. 184 EEC, Art.156 EAEC, Art. 36 § 3 ECSC) :W the validity of the cited provision is confirmed;B the validity of the cited provision is not confirmed;∙others :S operation of the cited provision is suspended;R the cited judgment is revised;P the cited judgment is interpreted ;∙documents concerned by the document analysed (whatever the result) :T agreement on which an opinion of the Court of Justice is sought (Art. 218 § 11 TFEU, Art. 300 § 6 EC, Art. 228 EEC);Z provision concerned by an action for failure to fulfil obligations;X provision in respect of immediate enforcement is applied for (A rt. 83 EAEC).To refine the research, CELEX numbers may be combined with logical operators (Boolean operators):∙AND (represented by a space between two CELEX numbers).Exa mple : 31967L0548 32004L0073will find documents citing both Directive 67/548/EEC and Directive 2004/73/EC.∙OR (represented by a comma between two CELEX numbers).Exa mple : 11957E086, 11992E086, 11997E082, 12002E082, 12006E082, 12008E102will find documents citing the articles of the Treaty establishing the European Community in its successive versions relating to the abuse of a dominant position.∙EXCEPT (represented by an exclamation mark before the CELEX number to be excluded).To find out more about CELEX numbers: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/en/tools/faq.htm#1.12Systematic classification schemeUse this criterion to search using the classification scheme of the Digest of case-law, which is a systematic collection of the summaries of judgments and orders published in the European Court Reports and the European Court Reports - Staff Cases (ECR-SC).Each paragraph of a summary gives rise to one or more classification codes corresponding to the field concerned.Select the classification code from the lists accessed via the button.As a result of changes made following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the classification scheme has been completely reworked. Two lists are thus available:∙The systematic classification scheme after the Treaty of Lisbon (this is used for case-law since 2010) and∙The systematic classification scheme before the Treaty of Lisbon (this is used for case-law from 1954 to 2009)In those lists, the classification codes are presented in a tree diagram structure: when you click on a code, everything relating to it will appear and may be selected.Example: to access the code G-03.03 European arrest warrant click on G-European Union, then G-03 Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.One or more classification codes may be selected.NB! If more than one code is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on the ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ buttons at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.By default, when a code is selected in one of the two classification schemes, the search will also cover the corresponding codes in the other classification scheme. That option can be deactivated by deselecting the ‘Include earlier/new scheme’ box at the bottom of the search form.Formation of the CourtUse this criterion to search by formation of the Court.NB! Information regarding the formation of the Court is available only after the case is closed.Select the formation of the Court from the list accessed via the button.One or more formations of the Court may be selected from that list.NB! If more than one formation of the Court is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Judge RapporteurUse this criterion to search by Judge Rapporteur.NB! Information regarding the Judge Rapporteur is available only after the case is closed.Select the name of the Judge Rapporteur from the list accessed via the button.It is possible to select one or more than one Judge Rapporteur from that list.NB! If the names of more than one Judge Rapporteur is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Advocate GeneralUse this criterion to search by Advocate General.NB! Information regarding the Advocate General is available only after the case is closed.Select the name of the Advocate General from the list accessed via the button.It is possible to select one or more than one Advocate General from that list.NB! If the names of more than one Advocate General is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Source of a question referred for a preliminary rulingUse this criterion to search by country of origin of a question referred for a preliminary ruling.Select the country from the list accessed via the button.One or more countries may be selected from that list.NB! If more than one country is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR. Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Authentic languageUse this criterion to search by:∙language of the case;∙l anguage of the Advocate General’s Opinion.Select the language from the list accessed via the button.One or more languages may be selected from that list.NB! If more than one language is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR. Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the b ottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.。