re fra c tio n
O p tic a l illu s io n (visibility 错觉) Low
Easy to hide food
Complicated geologic structure
Turbid water Winding gully Variety of fish
•man-made satellite •Test vehicle(试验 飞行器)
Human beings: Some type of relationship between UFO and uncharted territory in human brains
Aircrafts of high civilized life
Have you ever imaged the appearances of aliens?
natural phenomenon:
Mistake … for …:
• a s tro n o m ic a l phenom ena
•a tm o s p h e ric phenom enon •E a rth q u a k e lig h t • a tm o s p 外星球 h e re tu Exoplanet : rb u le n c e Aircraft
1. The loss of the Titanic
•Sailed for New York from Southampton •Hit an iceberg (North Atlantic) •10th April, 1912
1. A tta c k e d b y a lie n 2. A g h o s t S h ip 3. T h e c u rs e o f th e d ia m o n d -H e a rt o f O c e a n (海洋之心) 4. T h e c o n s p ira c y o f W h ite S ta r L in e (英国白星航运公司)
玛雅人的祭祀仪式十分隆重,包括献 祭、舞蹈、音乐和祈祷等环节。他们 认为通过祭祀可以与神灵沟通,获得 神灵的庇护和指引。
玛雅人认为死亡并不是生命的终结, 而是另一种形式的存在。他们相信死 者的灵魂会进入另一个世界,继续生 活并保佑着生者。因此,他们对死者 进行精心的安葬和祭祀。
玛雅人使用象形文字进行书写,这种文字既具有表意功能,又具有表音功能。玛雅人的文 献记录了他们的历史、宗教、天文和数学知识。
玛雅人的艺术风格独特,他们擅长雕刻和绘画。在玛雅遗址中,可以看到精美的石雕、壁 画和陶器。
玛雅文明在公元800年左右突然 消失,原因至今成谜。可能的解 释包括自然灾害、战争、疾病等
考古学家在玛雅遗址中发现了大 量被遗弃的建筑和艺术品,表明
玛雅文明的消失导致其文化传承 中断,许多重要的历史、文化和
• Did the solar sun take a rocket to the earth and meet the Mayans? Why? If this is not the case ,this anaglyph actually wants to tell us what? Did the Mayans invent a rocket? How did they make it ?
• The mayan crystal skull has three secrets.The first ,it can stimulate our brain.The second is that it can break out some sound.The last is its material of high rigidity crystal.These strange features are introduced in detail by following Chinese paragraph. • 玛雅水晶头颅有三大秘密:1它能刺激人的 大脑;2头颅会发出神秘的声音;3水晶的 硬度极大(制作过程是水晶碎成小块—— 当代人无法复制)
(玛雅人笃信宗教, 文化生活均富于宗教 色彩。)
羽 蛇 神
• They worship helios, rain god, god of death, Mars, grain, god of corn du,etc.Apollo occupies above the gods, revered as god incarnate. In addition, line ancestor worship, believe in the immortality of the soul. The mayan countries JianGuan religious affairs. The capital for religious center.
保持大自然的生态平衡的规矩、并且在当时已 经实行了火葬的殡葬仪式,对于减少疾病的传 播和减轻环境的污染都有着不可估量的贡献。 正由于上述诸多因素的存在,从而使马雅人能 够在一个相当长的时期内,能在自然环境恶劣 的不利条件下,能够依靠自己的优势实现了兴 旺发达的局面。
思索之三 马雅人何以衰败的?
玛雅陶塑人像中大多表现贵族,但也有普通 人的形象。这个坐姿男像两腿间放一件装果实的 盘,一手拢于嘴边似在吆喝,可能是一个卖水果 的小贩,这种生趣盎然的作品为一般古代文明所 罕见。“同源说”是在中国和墨西哥学者中普遍 存在的观点:远古时代白令海峡仍为陆地覆盖, 一些亚洲人通过白令海峡到达美洲,创造出堪与 亚洲文明相提并论的玛雅文明。上海博物馆的专 家从即将在沪展出的文物中,给我们指出了一些 玛雅与中华两种文明“同源”关系的蛛丝马迹, 这也是本次展览的最大看点。
(思索的面容)这种眉头紧锁、略带愁苦、 “我思故我在”般哲学冷静的思索的面容在玛 雅艺术中多次出现。从人种学上来看,玛雅人 和中国人都有明显的蒙古人种的独有特征,而 且研究证明玛雅人与中国人的掌纹线极为近似。
(羽蛇纹彩绘锅)玛雅文化中的羽蛇神形 象与中国人发明的牛头鹿角、蛇身鱼鳞、虎爪 长须、可以腾云驾雾的龙有些相像。玛雅壁画 上的羽蛇头像、玛雅祭司所持双头棍上的蛇头 雕刻也接近龙头的造型。除此以外,羽蛇神和 中国龙崇拜都与祈雨有关。现在仍有近200万 玛雅人生活在祖先的土地上,他们虽然沿袭了 祖先的某些风俗习惯,但在现代文明的巨大冲 击下,他们对自己的历史和文化已经所知无多, 玛雅人曾有过的灿烂辉煌就此戛然而止。
思索之四 马雅人是如何无影无踪的?
secrets of the maya文章翻译
![secrets of the maya文章翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f2908a74b80d6c85ec3a87c24028915f804d8496.png)
secrets of the maya文章翻译摘要:I.玛雅文明的简介A.玛雅文明的起源和发展B.玛雅文明的主要成就和特点II.玛雅文明的神秘之处A.玛雅日历和天文知识B.玛雅文明的消失之谜C.玛雅文明的预言和迷信III.玛雅文明的遗产A.玛雅文明的建筑和艺术B.玛雅文明的语言和文化C.玛雅文明的当代影响和意义IV.玛雅文明的未来展望A.玛雅文明的研究和保护B.玛雅文明的文化复兴和发展C.玛雅文明对人类未来的启示正文:玛雅文明,是古代位于墨西哥、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、萨尔瓦多和伯利兹国家的雨林文明的代表,以其先进的科学、艺术和建筑而闻名。
religion 玛雅宗教
Religion interwinds culture life. The capital of a city-state is also the center of religions.
Mayan have great faith in religion.
They worship helios, rain god, god of deat啊h, god of grain, Mars, god of corn etc. [ 太阳神、 雨神、五谷神、死神、 战神、玉米神等]。
calendar 玛雅历法
Primary life But Accurate math,astro啊nomy,calendar
玛雅之谜,是我们这个星球 上 所发生过的最不可思议的重大事件 之一。
1200多年前,在中美洲现今危地 马拉地区,出现过一个先进的古代 社会——玛雅。他们的文化曾与四 大文明古国相辉映;
他们的数学体系被称为“人类 最伟大的智 慧成就”;他们的太阳 历比欧洲人的凯撒历要正确得多; 他们建造过100多座城市和不少巍峨 的 金字塔,寺院.
令人难以置信的是,这样一个 盛极一时的古代文明社会 ,在公元 8世纪中叶,却突然土崩瓦解,神2 秘 地消失于世.
在热带雨林建造世界最大的超文明金字塔,所需的巨 石必须从10里以外的地方搬运过来,并再切成块状,那 么建造金字塔的巨石从何而来,又是如何搬运的呢?
玛雅人会制造车轮,但不使用车轮,也禁止金属用 做实际用途,他们认为金属和武器有关,可能导致战争, 因此金属只允许用于农业、寺院建筑以及仪式上的祭器。 那么他们建造巨石建筑,既不用车轮,也不用家畜,更 不用金属,难道真的只用人力吗?在金字塔附近,并没 有道路或水路供运输,但有大型的平坦的广场,因此使 人怀疑玛雅人是否曾受到外星人的帮助。
一 年 260 天 不 分 月
• 干旱说 • 砍伐森林说 • 生态危机说 • 等级划分说 • 内战说
12层 每层九十一级石阶 总台阶364+1=365级 代表一年的天数 春分秋分 光影投射 羽蛇神影像从塔顶趴下
太阳历 太阴历
玛雅人测出一年是365.2420天 现代观测一年是365.2422天
即金星历,一年584天 现代观测为一年583.92天
公元一世纪初年,耶稣降生于伯利恒,其母是圣母玛利亚。耶稣 是上帝的独生子,30岁时,开始在巴勒斯坦地区传教,渐渐成为当 地人的精神和道德领袖。
据《圣经·新约》记载:耶稣在十字架上被钉死后,门徒四散逃 亡,尸体无人收殓。幸好“有一个人名叫约瑟 是个义士,为人善 良公义……这人去见彼拉多,求耶稣的身体。就取下来用细麻布裹 好,安放在石头凿成的坟墓里。”想不到第三天,耶稣神奇地复活 了,墓穴洞开,不见了踪影。他的门徒彼得听闻此事,连忙“跑到 坟墓前 低头往里看,见细麻布独在一处,就回去了,心里希奇所 成的事。” ——这便是西方复活节的由来。
人体自燃或人体自焚描述的是 一种超常现象,即人体可在没 有与任何火源接触下,体内突 然起火,甚至可以烧化为灰烬, 但周围的东西(包括可燃物体) 却可以不被烧掉。不过,这现 象的存在性和科学性却引起不 少争议。试图解释这一现象的 观点,引援历史上和现代也可 能发生的一些个案,认为造成 人体自燃的原因包括球状闪电 引起、静电引起、灯芯效应等
1985年,人们在纽芬兰附近海域发现了沉没的泰坦尼克号残骸。紧 接着,探索者们利用各种先进技术,甚至潜入冰冷黑暗的深海,企图揭 示泰坦尼克号沉没的原因。然而,潜入水中的人只能看到泰坦尼克号的 外观,却无法探查由于冰山撞击造成的“创伤”,因为轮船的裂缝已被 厚厚的泥沙深深掩埋起来了。这个状况一直到1996年才得以改变。该年 8月,一支由几个国家潜水专家、造船专家及海洋学家组成的国际考察 队深入实地进行了探测。不探则已,一探惊人。一个全新的说法打破了 著名电影《泰坦尼克号》广为人们所接受的剧情。在这部电影里,这艘 近275米的豪华客轮,被迎面漂来的冰山撞开了约92米长的裂缝后,船 舱进水,很快沉没在纽芬兰附近海域。然而这次探测的结果表明,泰坦 尼克号并不是被迎面漂来的大冰山撞开一个大裂口而沉没的。他们的声 波探测仪找到了船的“伤口”。“伤口”并不是92米那么长,而是有6 处小“伤口”,总的损坏面积仅有3.7㎡—4㎡。
The Mystery of Pyramid
• Egyptian pyramids • The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt(埃 及).
• There are many things of the Egyptian pyramids that surprise us . One of them is the structure of it . • Pyramids were constructed wholly of stone which are very big and heavy.
• 1980年9月8日,相当于泰 坦尼克号两倍大小的巨轮德 拜夏尔号装载着15万吨铁矿 石,来到了距离日本冲绳海 岸200海里的地方。这时, 船遇上了飓风。但船长对此 并不担心,他通过广播告诉 人们:他们将晚些时候到达 港口,最多不过几天而已。 岸上的人们在接到了船长发 出的最后一条消息(我们正 在与每小时100公里的狂风 和9米高的巨浪搏斗)后, 德拜夏尔号及全体船员便失 踪了,消失得无影无踪。
海风号失踪八年再现 1981年8 月,一艘名叫海风号的英国游船 在“魔鬼三角”——百慕大海区 突然失踪,当时船上六人骤然不 见了踪影。不料,时过八年,这 艘船在百慕大原海区又奇迹般地 出现了!船上六人安然无恙。这 六个人共同的特点就是当时已失 去了感觉,对已逝去的八年时光 他们毫无觉察,并以为仅仅是过 了一霎间。当调查人员反复告诉 他们已经过去了八年,最后他们 才勉强接受这个事实,当问他们 当时都做了些什么事时,他们无 话以对,因为他们只感觉过了一 会儿,似乎什么也没干。
《玛雅文明的未解之谜》 说课稿
![《玛雅文明的未解之谜》 说课稿](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/214abb8e27fff705cc1755270722192e45365896.png)
通过对玛雅文明的研究,我们 可以了解到人类的历史、宗教、 艺术和科技等很多方面,得到 了很多启示和提示。
对神秘玛雅人的思考和 感悟
通过探索玛雅人的历史、文化 和谜团,我们可以更好地思考 和感悟人类文明的变迁和未来。
玛雅文明的社会结构是由贵族、平民和奴隶 组成的。他们有强大的君主政治和统治阶级。
玛雅文明最大的谜团之一是它的消失。研究 者们已经提出了很多假说,但尚未找到确凿 的证据。
玛雅人将他们的宗教信仰和历 史图像描绘在壁画、陶器、石 碑和雕塑上。
玛雅人创造了一种独特和复杂 的表意文字,可以记录他们的 宗教信仰、历史、传说和科学 知识。
欢迎来到这个神秘而有趣的旅程。在这个课件中,我们将通过探索玛雅文明 的历史、文化和未解之谜,来了解这个古老文明的神秘魅力。
玛雅人是墨西哥和中美洲地区的一群印第安 人,他们创造了一种复杂的文明。
玛雅人有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化,与古 埃及、古希腊和古罗马文明齐名。
玛雅人建造了神殿、金字塔、 屋顶亭和其他公共建筑。他们 的建筑风格是独特而富有特色 的。
玛雅人使用一种基于20的数字系统和特殊符号的计算方法进行数学和天文学研 究。
玛雅历法和计算方法在现代的应用领域中仍有广泛的影响,例如天文学、数学和 历法研究。
玛雅人创造了一个长达5000 年的大循环历法,也被称为 长期计。
Thank you!
刘立 Shirley 2011411057
15 400+1 20 Nhomakorabea+
This is a imagination picture in spiritual civilization period .
This is a timing tool.
Macross universe rocket design(超时空宇宙火箭设计图)
Maya civilization
刘立 Shirley 2011411057
The Maya is a Mesoamerican (中美洲) civilization .
The Maya lived in the eastern one third of Mesoamerica, mainly on the Yucatan Peninsula(尤 卡坦半岛). They are a group of related Native American tribes who have the same linguistic organization.
The Mayan Civilization Time Line
a. b. c. The Pre-Classic Period : 2000 B.C.250 A.D. The Classic Period : 250 A.D.-900 A.D. The Post-Classic Period :900 A.D.1500 A.D.
The causes of the collapse(崩溃) of Maya civilization
Until now, almost the whole of the Mayan civilization is covered with a layer of mystery, just like refusing us to analysis it. Indeed, on ninth Century, the Maya death hypotheses(假 设) emerge in an endless stream(层出不穷), such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and so on natural disasters; plague(瘟疫), collective poisoning and so on infectious diseases(传染病) . Despite all the hypothesis of public opinions are divergent , but none of the hypothesis has sufficient evidence to be believed.
Mayan 玛雅文明 英文ppt
![Mayan 玛雅文明 英文ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/df4132f87c1cfad6195fa7bd.png)
calendar 玛雅历法
Complex calendar system
the Tzolkin卓金历 260 days a cycle ?
太阴历 6 months a cycle the lunar calendar 阴月历 29 or 30 days a cycle the solar calendar啊太阳历 365 days a cycle
calendar 玛雅历法
[地球年] Now 365.2422 days, Mayan 365.2420 days。
[金星年] The time th啊at Venus turn a round at the sun. Now 584 days Mayan 583.92 days
calendar 玛雅历法
Primary life But Accurate math,astro啊nomy,calendar
Mystery relic 玛雅神秘文物
Mystery relic 玛雅神秘文物
பைடு நூலகம்
character 玛雅文字
A set of syllabic glyphs, each chracter contains four syllabaries. somewhat similar in function to modern Japanese writing.
Present by : Della Ann Blinda Susan
For thousands of years,Southeast Mexicoand Central Americasheltered the Maya cultureone of humanity richestand most original.Here without metal toolsor the wheel,the Maya built majestic cities.In nearby caves, descendants of the ancient Mayas pray to the gods. They have worshiped for more than 1 00 generations.Many of the citieswere abandonedinthe later ninthand early tenth century . Since that time the foresthas been the god guardianof the mystery of the Maya. Today, these ruinsare the inheritanceof the Maya people.“The drawing glyphyou asked me for is finished.”“Well, let's go seewhat the expertsin writing can tell us.”“You know what my ancestors wrotewith this glyph?”“Interesting question.”“That's been a mysteryfor hundreds of years .”“You're very muchinterested in our work.”“Yes!”“Principally,we archaeologistsare dedicatedto digging up the pastto save the mysteryof the Maya ,like a puzzlethat is solved piece by piece. ”“Only here in Chichen?”“No, no. We've been working in different sites,here, there. We've been studyingfor more than a hundred years . ”During the early 19th centuryreports of ancient monumentshidden in the junglecirculated round the world. Explorer who occasionally cameacross these ruinstried to explaintheir mysterious presencewith fantastic theories.Stories of these lost citiesattracted North AmericanJohn Lloyd Stephen ,an explorer who had publishedbooks about his travels . In 1 839, Stephensorganizedan expeditionto Central Americaaccompanied by the talentedEnglish artist, FrederickCasey Wood .He wrote the respecthe came to reel towardthe people who guided him ,and of the surpriseat what he found .He recorded all the detailsof his explorationswith great elegance.For the first timewe came to a buildingconstructedlong before the Europeansknew of the existenceof this continent.“l was filledwith amazement and admirationfor the beauty and solidityof the architecture. Here was a true palacewith royal apartmentssurroundedby magnificent courtyards.The walls and pillarswere richly ornamentedwith reliefs and figuresso beautifully createdthat it was easy to seethe artistic abilityof the Maya people.”With the aid of a camera-Lucinda -Casey Wood made many drawings.“Historians say Americawas peopled by savages ,but savages never rainedthese structures .Savages never carvedthese stones.”“Their accomplishmentswere worthyto stand beside those of Egypt,Greece and Rome.''In 1841, Stephenpublished his bookillustrated by Casey Woodand contributedimportant informationtoward the knowledgeof the Maya cities.Stephen recognizedthe native origins of the ruinsand admired the beautyof the cities.Alfred 矛德斯雷was one of the firstto study the ancient Maya citieswith a scientific approach矛德斯雷drew derailed plansand made sketchesof the monuments. In this mannerhe established a basefor laterarchaeological study.He carefully analyzedthe sculptured motifswhich decorated the wallsof the buildings. His attention was caughtby the frequent representationof the serpentThe molds of reliefand glyph which he madeenabled the studyof the inscriptions.“The best of my toolswas the camera. The dry gelatin negativehad just been inventedand this enabledphotographers to workin previouslyinaccessible places.”The major contributionof him was his photographswhich have since been used inthe restoration and preservationof many objectsbelieved tohave been lostto erosion, vandalism and theft.Some of the monumentsphotographed by him reveal the richness of designcarved in stone.For many years, it was thought that these carvingrepresented gods and priestsand that the glyphwere concerned onlywith the calendar. Much later, we came to knowtheir real significance.Some of these designswere also foundin the Maya bookswe call codices. Only four of thesehave survived.“They contain glyph ”.“We must send yoursaway for deciphering.”Most of the knowledgewe have of ancient Maya lifecomes from the writings ofa Franciscan 戴果狄兰达monk who came to Yucatanin 1 549.He used to observe the Mayaand noted their use of glyph,and latertriedto translate them into Spanish.In his writings, he established the basefor deciphering the glyphswhich were a mixtureof syllables and words.“They wrote in their booksabout their sciences.The sciences they taughtwere the countingof days, months and yearsfestivals and ceremoniescures for illnessand the art of readingand writing. We found a great numberof such books. Since they contained nothingbut the words of the devilwe burned them allwhich caused them much grief.”In his attempt to convertthe Maya to Christianity , he destroyedtheir religious possessionsburning many of the codices.“What happened to the writingif the books were destroyed?”“Fortunately, the Mayawrote not only in bookswe find writingon their stone monumentsand on potteryas on this platefound in the Yucatan area.It’s a passagefrom thea Maya legend.”The glyphwritingwas forgotten after the burningof the codices .50 years after 矛德斯雷photoswere published ,they were also used by scholarsto study the glyphand inspired many expeditionsto the region.As the first glyph were decodedit was believed that all thetexts were religious in natureconcernedwith the passage of timeand the observationof the stars. It was thoughtthe Maya were peaceful peopleliving in harmony with naturescattered in the jungle.In 1946, a discovery was madewhich cast more lighton the mystery of the Maya .The theories were aboutto dramatically change.l spent more than two years in the regionwith the Lacandon lndianfilming their daily life. l noted thatfrom time to timethe men would disappearfor a couple of day. They were making a pilgrimageto a templebut it was impossibleto follow them,so l gave them shotgunswith a smell amount powderand left for a month two. When l return they said:'' We like your guns,but we're out of powder'' . So l said''l'll give you more powder''if you'll show me more temples.”I will never forgetbeing guided to Bon Parker .They looked to the templeswith much reverence , conducting a ceremonyas we arrived at each one.As my eyes was becoming accustomedto the dim lamplight. l saw that each roomwas painted with fresh clothes that showed a fileof Maya chiefs in full regalia.These paintingschanged many of ideaswhich were held about the Maya. Never before had we seen scenesof battle, slavery and torturepainted of the Maya themselves.Ah, here's the response.So rapidly?Yes. Let's see what it says.''This is a glyph of fire,and this is a rodent''Haleb''in Mayaor 'tepescuintle' ,''but we can't knowthe full meaningwithout the missing portion.''That translation looked easy, but is was the work of peopleof many countriesover many years.The first clue to the Mayawriting was the numbers. The Maya established their unitsbased on man's 20 digits. They were oneof only four civilizationsto develop the concept of zero.Numbers were putin different positions.Dots were worth one,One, two, three, fourand five was a bar .1 5 is three bars.1 9 is three bars and four dots.20 is one dotin a higher positionwith a shell for zero below.A dotabove with a dot belowis 21. A dot above with a bar belowis 25. Two dots abovemeans two 20s, or 40. A bar in the upped positionmeans five 20s-1 00. A dot with two zeros belowis 400. A dot with three zeros belowis 8,000. 8,421.The Mayawere great mathematiciansand astronomers. They calculated the lengthof the solar yearwith an errorof only 23 seconds,the cycle of Venuswith a margin of errorof only one day in 6,000 years. Some of the buildingsof Chichenltzawere so constructedas to markthe equinox and solstices.They also knew the cycleof Mars, Jupiterand Saturnand were able to calculateeclipses of the sun33 years ahead.All this was recordedin their booksand fortunately on stone, tooIn 1921the decoding of the tabletof 96 glyphs at Palenque began.By 1 935, Enrique Palacioshad accomplished the decipheringof the first few. Eric Thomson solved othersin 1944, while the linguistYuri Knorosofdiscovered phoneticsin the Maya writing. By 1 958, half the glyphscould be read .In the '60s, Heinrich Berlinand Tatiana Proskovriokoff. In the '70s Linda Scheleand Floyd Lounsburywith Peter Mathewsdiscovered title glyphsof the royal family. Finally, in 1 990the whole panel could be readThe panel told the historyof royal family of Palenquetheir wars, andthe transmissionof power to young kings.Among these was Pacaell ruler of Pelenkui king from age of 12 and governing until 80. It was ceremony such as sticks which recorded on the stone in other Maya cities.Pelenkui was studied intensively by the Mexican national institute of anthropology and history. In 1949, the Mexican archeologist Albet Tuodus decided to investigated the temple of the descriptions, to see if it had been built on top of another building.Tudous noticed the wall of the temple did not finished at the floor, appear to continue blow. Intried he discovered that one of the huge stone slabs had flogs which able to be moved.As the slabs moved the narrow opening was revealed. A secret passage way.As we cleared the passage, several steps appeared. I immediately to follow these steps to its end, in spite the exhaustingDuring the next three years, the workfor slowly. Four hundred tons of rubble was removed by hand.By the end of the first season, we had not found a single clue.I image that these steps had been deliberately sealed to conceal their original purpose. But I have no idea what its purpose was.In 1952, when working deeply site the pyramid, we found a room seemsto have no exit.The floor was complete covered by a slabs cards stone. This slab was supported by enhanced blog with gard reliefs.Extraordinary.As the stone was liftedcentimeter by centimetermy excitement grew. A smaller lidwas hidden beneathWe had discoveredthe tomb of a kingthe first to be discoveredin a Maya pyramid. The buried king was Pacal.The scene carved on the lidof the sarcophagusdescribedthe descent of the kingon his journeyto the world of the dead. The Maya still worship the godsof the underworld Xibalba:the place of fright.When the sun slidesbelow the horizonthe sun god ltzamnabecomes jaguargod of the underworld,which has nine levelseach with its respective god. The sky has 1 3 levels.The earth is flat and ruledby Chacs, gods of rainThe physical and supernaturalworlds are interwoven.The workof archaeologists, epigraphsand scientists continues.The archaeologists use the latesttechnological advancesto assemble the jigsaw puzzleof the ancient civilization.The remains of buildingsfrom thousands of years agocan be tracedand maps of them producedwith the help of computers.“There are many siteswhich have been studied. And contrary to what wasthought for a long timethese were not onlyceremonialcenters,but real citiessome enormousand densely populated. Look, let me show you.”The Maya built many huge citiessome with populationsof about 40,000 inhabitantsruled by supreme governorthe divine Ahau. The buildingswere brilliantly coloredand covered with symbols.These marvelous citieswere abandoned . In the ninthand tenth centuries. Why, remains a mystery?The culture of the ancient Mayabuilders of the majestic citiesdisappeared.But the Maya culture, knowledgeand artistry is still presentin the life of today's Maya ,who links the past ,the present and the future.。
Mystery of the Maya civilization
Summary of the Maya
Maya was born on 3113 BC, living in Central America ancient Indians, in the year after about 750 years mysteriously disappears. The Maya people mainly lived in today's Peden (佩登 省 ) and Northern Yucatan (北犹加敦) bushes clouds in low-lying areas. Kolumb in 1492 sailed the seas and discovered the new continent of America on which only a backward nation lived, a brilliant and splendid Maya Empire already had had never been heard of since.
For example, 6500 buildings in recently started mining city sites have been found. Moreover, the famous urban extend 42 ways from all sides, leading to the other Mayan city such as JQ(吉 强) and Drew(德鲁姆) . Presumably , here are about millions of Maya Living in the area . According to the indigenous oral: ancestor was the great sage(大贤 者), most of Pyramid is the ancestral relic(遗物), ancestors lived with nature and life and did not kill the animal, also did not raise livestock(家畜), biological in nature, all retained their ecological.
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Highly spiritual Maya
Yucatan Peninsula(犹加坦半岛 ) as the center, one hundred and fiftysix thousand square kilometers around the jungle and mountain, spread the Mayan Pyramid. The Pyramid, in the face of human in 20th century, shows the mystical teachings(教义) that we have been opinionated(自以为是) and long-term exploring. Up to now, in the secret forest Maya monuments also continued to been found , their size exceeds(超过) the modern surface judgment.
Gu Lu Khan Pyramid main temple, from four thirty to one eight at the half, can observe the sun, especially in March September 21and 23 of the vernal equinox autumnal equinox(春分秋分), also can record the track(轨道). These two days in Pyramid appeared on the unbelievable light and shadow of graphics(图形). Twilight sun(夕阳) light in the nine section of the Pyramid, there were seven isosceles triangular(等腰三角形) band, band at one end, just to Pyramid on the table(土台) the serpent „s head(巨蛇的 头).
Mystery of the Maya civilization
Summary of the Maya
Maya was born on 3113 BC, living in Central America ancient Indians, in the year after about 750 years mysteriously disappears. The Maya people mainly lived in today's Peden (佩登 省 ) and Northern Yucatan (北犹加敦) bushes clouds in low-lying areas. Kolumb in 1492 sailed the seas and discovered the new continent of America on which only a backward nation lived, a brilliant and splendid Maya Empire already had had never been heard of since.
This is a timing tool.
In 600 BC, “Ma Yazhi bead” (马雅之珠)Carle started developing from the jungle, but there was not modeling complicated decoration and public buildings. 300 years later, this pearl(珍珠) emit bright light, not only appeared on behalf of civilization of the altar(祭坛), and take the jadeite(翡翠) and shells for the currency trading.
The jungle Temple
Why did Maya build St. in the jungle ? In the Mayan culture launched region is extremely broad, covering an area of about three hundred thousand square kilometers. This area is full of tropical rainforest, wet and heat, almost became the most popular local epidemics, and full of terrible beasts.
The Maya civilization but also from the original rural, progressive civilization of height, big temple inherited the omega-3, Dior (迪奥) architectural heritage(建筑遗产).
The general culture of the development choice of riverbank fertile soil, and the Mayan culture is in the environment like a hell construction of bright city. The first mystery is that why the Mayan hide themselves and in the darkness build magnificent rockhewn city group?
The two marks –a point and a crossare the foundation of computer today
The causes of the collapse(崩溃) of Maya civilization
Until now, almost the whole of the Mayan civilization is covered with a layer of mystery, just like refusing us to analysis it. Indeed, on ninth Century, the Maya death hypotheses(假 设) emerge in an endless stream(层出不穷), such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and so on natural disasters; plague(瘟疫), collective poisoning and so on infectious diseases(传染病) . Despite all the hypothesis of public opinions are divergent , but none of the hypothesis has sufficient evidence to be believed.
For example, 6500 buildings in recently started mining city sites have been found. Moreover, the famous urban extend 42 ways from all sides, leading to the other Mayan city such as JQ(吉 强) and Drew(德鲁姆) . Presumably , here are about millions of Maya Living in the area . According to the indigenous oral: ancestor was the great sage(大贤 者), most of Pyramid is the ancestral relic(遗物), ancestors lived with nature and life and did not kill the animal, also did not raise livestock(家畜), biological in nature, all retained their ecological.
This is a imagination picture in spiritual civilization period .
Amazing mathematical and science and technology
The ancient Maya mathematics and astronomy is surprising, the world„s earliest nation inventing “ 0” is Maya, this is one thousand years before Arabia caravan(阿拉伯商队) acrossing the Middle Eastern desert spread the concept from India. The Greeks must start with a letter to write numbers; the Romans use digital, but only with clumsy graphic mode(笨拙 的图解方式) with four digits to represent ( for VIII ); while the Mayan people only use three symbols -- a point, a cross, a shell symbol representing zero -- to express any numeric computation(数字计算法), is really incredihe development process