夏目友人帐英文介绍 PPT




最喜爱的动漫英语作文——夏目友人帐My Favorite Anime: Natsume's Book of FriendsNatsume's Book of Friends is my all-time favorite anime. The series, based on the manga by Yuki Midorikawa, tells the story of Takashi Natsume, a high school student who can see spirits and yokai. Natsume inherits a book from his grandmother, Reiko, which contains the names of various spirits she had bound to her in her lifetime. Natsume decides to return these names to the spirits, in hopes of finding peace for both himself and the yokai.What I love most about Natsume's Book of Friends is its gentle and heartwarming storytelling. The anime explores themes of friendship, loneliness, and acceptance, all through the lens of the supernatural. The characters are beautifully written, each with their own struggles and desires. Natsume himself is a complex protagonist, torn between his desire to help the spirits and his fear of being ostracized for his abilities.The animation in Natsume's Book of Friends is stunning, with lush backgrounds and detailed character designs. The music, composed by Makoto Yoshimori, perfectly sets the mood for each scene, from the whimsical to the melancholic.But what truly sets Natsume's Book of Friends apart is its emotional depth. The relationships between the characters are portrayed with such care and nuance, making it impossible not to become invested in their journeys. Watching Natsume grow and change throughout the series is a truly moving experience.In conclusion, Natsume's Book of Friends is a masterpiece of storytelling and animation. Its beautiful art, haunting music, and heartfelt characters make it a must-watch for any anime fan. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a meaningful and emotional viewing experience.。



The impa9;s
friend account
Position in the anime industry
Xia Mu's friend account has a high reputation and influence in the anime industry.
Professional evaluation and award situation
Xia Mu's friend account has received high praise and recognition from professionals in the animation industry.
Overview of the Story of Xiamu Friend's
Story background
Set in a rural town in China
Xiamu Friend's Account tells the story of a group of friends and their experiences growing up in the 1990s
Summarize the theme content
The theme of the Xiamu Friend Account is to promote positive energy and good values, focusing on the important role of friends in people's lives.
It also helps people gain a deeper understanding of the meaning and value of friendship, as well as its impact on personal happiness and fulfillment.



"最喜爱的动漫英语作文一—平台会按目进"以下是为您生成的一篇符合您要求的英语作文:My Favorite AnimeHey everyone! Today I want to talk about my most beloved anime. It's not just any ordinary anime, but one that has truly captured my heart and soul.Let me tell you about this amazing anime called "Spirited Away". I first came across it when I was having a sleepover at my friend Lily's house. We were bored and looking for something fun to do. Lily suggested we watch an anime movie, and that's when "Spirited Away" entered our lives.As the movie started, I was immediately drawn into this strange and wonderful world. The main character, Chihiro, finds herself in a mysterious spirit realm after her parents are turned into pigs. I remember feeling so worried for her as she tried to figure out how to survive in this unfamiliar place.There was this one scene where Chihiro has to work in a bathhouse for the spirits. I was on the edge of my seat, watching as she struggled to please the demanding customers. Lily and I were both shouting at the screen, "Come on, Chihiro, you can do it!"The characters in the anime are so vivid and memorable. Haku, the mysterious boy who helps Chihiro, had me guessing about his true identity throughout the movie. And the evil witch Yubaba, she was so creepy but also strangely fascinating.Even after the movie ended, Lily and I couldn't stop talking about it. We discussed our favorite parts and what we thought might happen next if there was a sequel.To this day, whenever I think of "Spirited Away", it brings back that fun night at Lily's and the adventure we shared. It's not just an anime; it's a memory that I cherish.So, that's my favorite anime. It has given me countless hours of entertainment and a story that I'll never forget.Hope you all have a chance to watch it and fall in love with it just like I did!。


初期并没有自身的摄影和剪接部门。 直至2000年代后期才正式开设,调整 了公司的制作体制,开始能接受动画 和第二原画的统包业务。现时有4个制 作分部、2个作画分部和1个摄影、剪 接和上色共用的数码分部。 旗下制作
的经费较其他以中小型企业模式营运 的动画工作室充足。
Brain‘s Base (人称 bb社,2b社)
玲子是夏目友人帐中最为神秘的角色,关于她强大的妖力至今是一个谜。夏目的外公,玲 子的恋人至今没有在漫画中露脸,但目前已经被漫画提到。似乎是一个经常给玲子七辻屋 包子,叫玲子不要呆在树上的温和男人。
拥有高人气的角色,真名为斑, 喜欢别人称它为:猫咪老师,真 实身份是一个高级妖怪。因为夏 目在躲避妖怪的时候无意中跑入 封印着斑的结界并无意中将结界 破坏才得以解放。起初为了得到 友人帐以招财猫的形象作为他的 保镖与其在一起,可却逐渐成为 生活上于夏目相依相伴的朋友, 被夏目看作为珍贵的家人。招财 猫的形象是因为之前被封印在一 只招财猫的容器中,在夏目遇到 危险的时候会变回强大的妖怪而 将其保护。
11月1日生,AB型。笼罩着危险氛围的专业除妖人,的场一门的首领, 除妖人中的顶点存在,实力远远超过名取周一。先辈曾经用右眼和 妖怪作交易,结果没有把右眼给妖怪,所以妖怪会夺取后来每代的 场首领的右眼。自称右眼没有被夺取,但是留有可怕的伤痕(所以 咒符不只是保护,还有美化作用?)。也许是这种经历使他对待妖 怪非常冷酷,认为能利用的就充分利用,不能利用的就消灭。对夏 目和猫咪老师有很大的兴趣。不过根据漫画54话,的场静司只是做 了当家的应该做的而已,他也是很无奈的,生下来就必须和右眼的 诅咒斗争,小时候肯定也吃了不少苦,为了家族利益和人类的生产, 不得不利用妖怪们。 性格冷酷,为达目的不择手段。实力非常强大, 灵力也很高,一箭就能够重伤猫咪老师(养伤养了很久)。

2024届高三英语复习:夏目友人帐版读后续写情绪类表达品课件 (共35张PPT)

2024届高三英语复习:夏目友人帐版读后续写情绪类表达品课件 (共35张PPT)

2024届高三英语复习:夏目友人帐版读后续写情绪类表达品课件(共35张PPT)(共35张PPT)读后续写情绪表达Bless1、猫咪三三的快乐When he kissed him on the cheek, it seemed as if the baby were on top of the world. (非常开心)He trod on air for getting high mark. (踩在空气上他因得了高分而洋洋得意)When he kissed the cat on the cheek, his face beamed and his bright smile lit up the room. (眉开眼笑,笑容照亮房间)When he kissed thecat on the cheek, his eyes danced with joy and sweetness. (欢欣雀跃)adj. 感到开心的happy delighted pleased amused entertained overjoyed令人开心的delightful pleasing/pleasant amusing entertaining enjoyable joyfuladv. 开心地happily delightedly pleasantly entertaininglyn.开心happiness delight pleasure amusement entertainment joy开心的merry gay glad cheerful gorgeousadj. 感到激动的excited thrilled 令人激动的exciting thrilling n.激动excitement thrilladj. 感到满意的content satisfied 令人满意的satisfying n.满意satisfactionadj. 感到鼓舞的encouraged inspired 令人鼓舞的encouraging inspiring2、猫咪三三--眼睛闪闪眼睛闪烁着...eyes twinkled/ danced with+n.Eg:Her eyes twinkled/ danced with joy/ happiness/sweetness /pleasure 愉快excitement激动、content/ satisfaction满足、hope希望、pride 骄傲、certainty 确定、Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.听到他安全返回的消息,大家都欣喜万分。


杉田智和(Sugita Tomokazu)
• Gintama:Sakata Gintoki • (银魂:坂田银时)
樱井孝宏(Sakurai Takahiro)
• Final Fantasy:Cloud Strife • (最终幻想:克劳德) • Code Geass:Kururugi Suzaku • (反叛的鲁鲁修:枢木朱雀) • Polar Bear's Cafe:Polar Bear • (白熊咖啡厅:白熊)
冢治虫)began to create the first Japanese animation:
• Astroboy • (铁臂阿童木)
Mature Stage
• Science Fiction
• Miyazaki Hayao(宫崎骏)
• Spirited Away(千与千寻) • Kiki's Delivery Service(魔女宅急便) • Howl's Moving Castle(哈尔的移动城堡) • Castle in the Sky(天空之城) • My Neighbor Totoro(龙猫) • Princess Mononoke(幽灵公主) • The Wind Rises(起风了)
野原新之助(Nohara Shinnosuke) 矢岛晶子 (Yajima Akiko)
Voice Actors Are Monsters
• Kiki's Delivery Service
• Kiki • Ursula • They have the same
voice actor • 高山南 • (Takayama Minami)



monk :和尚,修道士,僧 侣
She is Natsume’classmat e, and know Natsume can see the devil . She is friendly with Natsume. Her ancestor is yin and yang division.
人 物 分 布 图
He is a teenage boy who can see devil since he was a little boy.
Stray:流浪,迷路 Shelter:收留 liar: 骗子
After his gentle parents‘ death,he start stray in his relatives . But all of his relatives who shelter him don’t him,because his odd behavior. Also,his classmates dislike him ,and always called him liar.
Some monsters let he learned tolerance and love
一 旦 被 爱 过 去 爱 过 就 无 法 忘 记 了
无 论 是 以 前 还 是 现 在
都 觉 得 人 类 真 可 爱
就 算 有 一 天
所 谓 的 妖 怪 会 消 失 身 影
但 是 相 逢 的 记 忆
是 绝 对 不 会 消 失 的 吧
每 个 记 忆 都 绝 对 不 会 消 失
9 ]

巳 弥 等 有 一 天 我 自 由 了



人气演员,与夏目一样能看见妖怪, 其家族以除妖盛名。能理解一些夏目 的想法,大多时候又在妖和人哪个更 重要上和夏目持对立观点。皮肤上附 有一只蜥蜴形的痣,并能活动,普通 人看不见。继承自己除妖世家的职业 背地里做着除妖的工作,现在也接受
夏目玲子的孙子,遗传了玲子能看见妖怪这种不寻常的能 力。由于被人们认为是用“妖怪”这种无稽之谈来撒谎的 怪人而疏远他,从小双亲过世又被亲戚们所排斥,让夏目 形成了安静孤僻的性格。夏目曾经一度为自己能看见妖怪 而惶恐不安,被妖怪追得四处逃窜,经常在神社里躲避; 遇到斑后,夏目的生活悄悄的开始了转折,逐渐认识了妖 怪的可爱。习惯了与妖怪接触之后的夏目却仍一直在纠结 是否该把自己能看见妖怪的事情告诉寄宿着的叔叔一家, 但夏目真正的体会到家的感觉之后,他明白这是无所谓的
《夏目友人帐》是绿川幸在漫画杂志《LaLa》上连载的一 部漫画作品(03年起在《LaLa DX》上连载,2007年10 月转至《LaLa》)。夏目贵志从祖母夏目玲子的遗物中得 到了那些契约书所做成的“友人帐”,他做出了一个重要 的决定:将玲子夺过来的妖怪们的名字一一归还。在这样 的夏目的身边,开始聚集起各种各样的妖怪们……能看到 妖怪的少年夏目贵志,与招财猫外表的妖怪猫咪老师一起, 为大家讲述一个奇异、悲伤、怀念、令人感动的怪诞故事,
感谢您的世了,友人帐的制作者,有着 极其强大的灵力,但因为能看到 妖怪而被世间不相信妖怪存在的 人称为骗子,被人欺负。玲子在 孤独中开始和妖怪亲近,但却仍 然愿意保护那些伤害过她的人类。 属于阳光系但有着悲伤往事的治 愈系少女,洒脱而率性,有些喜 欢捉弄人,有些大大咧咧的,同 时有着奇特的处事风格,用自己 的细腻心思和另一种温柔给了无 数妖怪以温暖。因此妖怪心甘情 愿的与玲子缔结契约保护玲子。 其实是个非常让人感动的少女。



Course development: In response to this need, Summer Friend Account English Speech Course was developed to provide a fun and practical way for learners to improve their English speaking ability The courseware combines summer vacation scenarios with friend accounts, allowing learners to practice their language skills in a natural and authentic context
Summer Friend Account English Speech Courseware
• Introduction • Overview of Xiamu Friend
Account • Emotions and Human Nature
in Xiamu Friend's Account • The Cultural Elements in
Summer Friend Account English Speech Course
02 03
To provide an engaging and effective platform for learning English speaking skills, with a focus on summer vacation scenarios and friend accounts



介绍夏目友人帐的作文英文Title: Exploring the World of "Natsume's Book of Friends"Natsume's Book of Friends, originally a manga series created by Yuki Midorikawa, has captivated audiences worldwide with its enchanting tale of friendship, spirits, and self-discovery. Adapted into an anime series, it has gained widespread acclaim for its unique blend of supernatural elements and heartfelt storytelling.At the heart of the story is Takashi Natsume, a young boy who can see spirits. Orphaned at a young age and passed from one distant relative to another, Natsume has alwaysfelt isolated and misunderstood due to his ability. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he inherits a mysterious book from his grandmother, Reiko Natsume, who shared his ability to see spirits. This book, known as the "Book of Friends," contains the names of powerful spirits bound by Reiko during her lifetime.Natsume's journey begins as he discovers thesignificance of the Book of Friends and his grandmother's actions. Faced with the responsibility of returning the names of the spirits to set them free, Natsume embarks on a quest to fulfill his grandmother's promise and forgegenuine connections with both spirits and humans alike.Central to Natsume's journey are the relationships he forms along the way. From his guardian, Madara (also known as Nyanko-sensei), a powerful spirit in the form of a lucky cat, to his human friends and acquaintances, each encounter teaches Natsume valuable lessons about empathy, acceptance, and the true meaning of friendship.One of the most compelling aspects of Natsume's Book of Friends is its exploration of the supernatural world. Through Natsume's encounters with various spirits, viewers are introduced to a rich tapestry of folklore and mythology, drawing inspiration from traditional Japanese legends and beliefs. From mischievous yokai to benevolent guardians, each spirit possesses its own unique story and motivations,adding depth and complexity to the narrative.Yet, amidst the supernatural intrigue, Natsume's Book of Friends remains grounded in themes of belonging andself-acceptance. As Natsume grapples with his identity as a human with the ability to see spirits, he learns to embrace his gift rather than fear it. Through his interactions with both spirits and humans, he discovers that true acceptance comes from understanding and compassion, transcending the boundaries between the two worlds he inhabits.In conclusion, Natsume's Book of Friends is a captivating exploration of friendship, identity, and the unseen world that exists beyond our own. Through its endearing characters, rich mythology, and heartfelt storytelling, it invites viewers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection, reminding us of the enduring power of empathy and acceptance in an ever-changing world.。



Also he is Natsume’classmate, and do not know Natsume can see the devil . He is friendly with Natsume.
She is Natsume’classmate monitor, and doubt about Natsume can see the devil . She is friendly with Natsume.
Until ……
Until he met the teacher cat猫咪老师 ——ban 斑
Ban 斑
A strong cat has 3 colors and powerful skills .
Natsume’s grandmother. Yuujinchou‘s owner.
He is a famous star ,also,he can see the devil and destroy devil on the side.
He is Natsume’s friend ,but he don’t know the Yuujinchou.
Natsume’classmate, do not know Natsume can see the devil . He is friendly with Natsume.
Some monsters let he learned tolerance and love
一 旦 被 爱 过 去 爱 过 就 无 法 忘 记 了
无 论 是 以 前 还 是 现 在
都 觉 得 人 类 真 可 爱



最喜爱的动漫英语作文——夏目友人帐全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Favorite Anime - Natsume's Book of FriendsIntroduction:Natsume's Book of Friends is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuki Midorikawa. The story follows the life of Takashi Natsume, a teenage boy who can see spirits and yokai, and his adventures with his friends and spirits. This anime holds a special place in my heart as it combines the elements of supernatural, friendship, and empathy.Plot Summary:The story revolves around Natsume, who inherits a mysterious book from his grandmother, Reiko. The book contains the names of spirits bound by his grandmother, and Natsume decides to free them one by one. Along the way, he befriends a powerful spirit named Madara, also known as Nyanko-sensei, who becomes his protector and guide in the spirit world.Natsume encounters various spirits and yokai, each with their own stories and desires. He learns to understand their feelings and struggles, and through his kindness and empathy, he forms bonds with both humans and spirits. Despite facing obstacles and challenges, Natsume remains determined to help those in need and protect his friends.Themes:One of the central themes of Natsume's Book of Friends is the importance of empathy and understanding. Natsume learns to see the world through the eyes of spirits and yokai, realizing that they too have feelings and desires. By showing compassion and kindness, he is able to bridge the gap between the human and spirit realms, fostering friendships and trust.Another theme is the power of friendship and connection. Natsume forms deep bonds with both humans and spirits, finding acceptance and belonging in a world that he once felt isolated from. Through his relationships, he discovers the true meaning of family and belonging, creating a sense of unity and warmth in his life.Conclusion:Natsume's Book of Friends is a beautiful and heartwarming anime that captures the essence of friendship, empathy, and understanding. It reminds us to cherish the connections we have with others, whether human or spirit, and to always approach the world with kindness and compassion. This anime has touched my heart in more ways than one, and I will always hold it dear as my favorite anime of all time.篇2Title: My Favorite Anime - Natsume's Book of FriendsIntroduction:One of my all-time favorite anime series is "Natsume's Book of Friends" (夏目友人帐). This heartwarming and touching story follows the life of Natsume Takashi, a young boy who can see spirits and yokai. He inherits a mysterious book from his grandmother that contains the names of yokai bound to serve her. Throughout the series, Natsume befriends these yokai, learns about their pasts, and helps them find peace.Main Body:The first aspect of "Natsume's Book of Friends" that I love is the beautiful artwork and animation. The illustrations are stunning, with vibrant colors and intricate details that bring theworld of yokai to life. The animation is fluid and captivating, drawing viewers into Natsume's world.Another key aspect of the series is its characters. Natsume is a relatable and endearing protagonist, who struggles with his ability to see spirits and his fear of being ostracized because of it. As he befriends yokai and learns about their pasts, he also learns about himself and grows as a person. The supporting characters, such as the wise and protective Nyanko-sensei and thekind-hearted Tanuma, add depth to the story and help Natsume on his journey.One of the themes that resonates with me the most in "Natsume's Book of Friends" is the idea of understanding and acceptance. Through his interactions with yokai, Natsume learns to empathize with their struggles and loneliness. He sees that they are not just monsters to be feared, but beings with their own emotions and desires. This message of empathy and acceptance is powerful and relevant in today's world.Conclusion:In conclusion, "Natsume's Book of Friends" is a truly special anime that has touched my heart in many ways. From its stunning artwork and animation to its compelling characters andthemes, it is a series that I hold dear. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a heartfelt and thought-provoking story.篇3Title: My Favorite Anime - Natsume's Book of FriendsNatsume's Book of Friends is a heartwarming and touching anime that has captured my heart ever since I first watched it. The story revolves around a young boy named Takashi Natsume, who has the ability to see spirits and yokai. He inherits a book from his grandmother, Reiko, which contains the names of yokai she had defeated and bound to her will. Natsume decides to return the names to the yokai, bringing them peace and closure.One of the aspects that I love most about Natsume's Book of Friends is the incredible character development. Natsume starts off as a lonely and misunderstood boy, but as the series progresses, he learns to open up to others and form deep friendships with both humans and yokai. Through his interactions with the various spirits, he discovers compassion, empathy, and the importance of connecting with others.The relationships Natsume forms with the yokai are especially heartwarming. Despite their otherworldly appearances and abilities, the yokai display a wide range of emotions andpersonalities, making them incredibly relatable and endearing. Each episode tells a new story about a different yokai, shedding light on their struggles, desires, and regrets. The beautiful animation and soundtrack further enhance the emotional impact of these stories, creating a truly immersive viewing experience.Another aspect that I appreciate about Natsume's Book of Friends is its themes of acceptance, forgiveness, and understanding. The anime explores the complexities of human relationships and the importance of listening to others, even those who are different from us. It teaches valuable lessons about empathy, kindness, and the power of opening one's heart to others.In conclusion, Natsume's Book of Friends is a gem of an anime that holds a special place in my heart. Its poignant storytelling, lovable characters, and powerful themes make it a truly unforgettable experience. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a heartfelt and thought-provoking series that will leave a lasting impact.。



も会 うい ひた とい り人 じが ゃあ なれ いば こ、 とき 。っ と 、
ご い ま し た 。
あ り が と う
ニャンコ先生:妖怪、招き猫の姿。好きな食べ物 はエビ、イカ、酒。趣味はったこ とにより封印から解放された。本名を「斑(まだ ら)」といい、本来は大きな白い獣の姿をしてい る。上级の强力な妖らしく、人间に化ける能力も 有している。
斑本来さを持っているの に、优美な外観封入され た一匹の招き猫の中で、 いつもはあれを使って並 べられていた奇怪な笑颜 の招き猫イボイボヘッド が登場している。夏目と 約束どおり、もし彼が死 んだ友人帐を受けることができる。 今は、夏目のボディーとして夏目 と一绪にに暮している。
お は よみ うな ごさ ざん い, ま す
夏目友人帳は夏目貴志 はおばあさん——夏目 レイコからの遺品中に 契約書を 作った 「友 人帳」を得ましたし、 同様に彼も夏目レイコ と同じような人々の目 の前には現れていない 「友人帳」を見ること ができるものです。 することもなく、玲子と見たようにして周りに背を向けた一人と して、いじめなどと呼んで「嘘つき」だった。でも、レイコの血 統を唯一相続した彼は、重要な決定は玲子奪った妖怪たちの名前 を一つ一つ返します。このような夏目的のそばに、様々な妖怪た ちが集まりはじめから…。妖怪を見ることができるの少年夏目貴 志は、招き猫のような容姿の妖怪ニャンコ先生と一绪に、みんな のための異様な、悲しみ、懐かしさに感动したグロテスクストー リーを述べます。
小さい顷よりその能力 ゆえに亲戚や周囲の人间から 気味悪がられ、疎まれていた。 このため亲戚中をたらい回し にされていたが、藤原夫妻に 引き取られた现在は落ち着き、 友人にも恵まれるようになっ てきている。その生活を守る 为に、今は妖を见る事が出来 ると言う事を周囲の人には秘 密にしている。



最喜爱的动漫英语作文——夏目友人帐One of my favorite anime series is Natsume's Book of Friends, also known as Natsume Yuujinchou in Japanese. This series has captured my heart with its beautiful storytelling,well-developed characters, and enchanting animation.Natsume's Book of Friends follows the story of Takashi Natsume, a teenage boy who has the ability to see spirits. Upon inheriting a mysterious book from his deceased grandmother, Natsume discovers that the book contains the names of spirits bound to his grandmother through a contract. With the help of his eccentric and powerful bodyguard spirit, Madara (Nyanko-sensei), Natsume sets out on a journey to return the names of spirits to their rightful owners and free them from their contracts. Along the way, Natsume forms bonds with both spirits and humans, learning more about himself and the world around him.One of the aspects that I love most about Natsume's Book of Friends is the theme of loneliness and connection. Many of the spirits that Natsume encounters are isolated and misunderstood beings, seeking solace and companionship. Through Natsume's kindness and empathy, these spirits find healing and closure, emphasizing the importance of understanding and acceptance.The character development in the series is also exceptional. Natsume's growth from a lonely and reserved boy to a caring and courageous individual is a joy to witness. His relationships with characters such as Nyanko-sensei, his foster parents, and his human friends deepen over time, highlighting the power of friendship and love.Overall, Natsume's Book of Friends is a heartfelt and captivating anime that explores themes of empathy, connection, and personal growth. Its beautiful animation, haunting soundtrack, and compelling storytelling make it a must-watch for fans of supernatural and slice-of-life genres. I highly recommend this series to anyone looking for a touching and meaningful anime experience.。

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