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第八章 多元函数微分法及其应用

Chapter8 Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables and Its Application

8.1多元函数的基本概念(The Basic Concepts of Functions of Several Variables ) 定义1 设D 是2R 的一个非空子集,称映射:f D R →为定义在D 上的二元函数,通常记为()(),,,z f x y x y D =∈或(),z f P P D =∈。其中点集D 称为该函数的定义域,x 、y 称为自变量,z 称为因变量。

Definition 1 Let D be a nonempty subset of 2R ,we call the mapping :f D R → the function of two variables defined on ,usually denoted by ()(),,,z f x y x y D =∈,or (),z f P P D =∈.The set D is called the domain of the function .We call x and y the independent variables and z the dependent variable.

定义2 设二元函数()(),f P f x y =的定义域为D ,()000,P x y 是D 的聚点。如果存在常数A ,对于任意给定的正数ε,总存在正数δ,使得当点()()0

0,,P x y D U P δ∈⋂,都有 ()(),f P A f x y A ε-=-<成立,那么就称常数A 为函数(),f x y 当()()00,,x y x y →时的极限,记作


()00,,lim ,x y x y f x y A →=或()()()()00,,,f x y A x y x y →→, 也记作()0lim P P f P A →=或()()0f P A P P →→。

Definition 2 Let D be the domain of the function ()(),f P f x y = of two variables, ()000,P x y be a point of accumulation of D.If there exists a constant A, such that, for each 0ε> there is a corresponding 0δ> such that ()(),f P A f x y A ε-=-<,provided that ()()0

0,,P x y D U P δ∈⋂, then we call the constant A the limit of (),f x y as ()()00,,x y x y →. 定义3 设二元函数()(),f P f x y =的定义域为D ,()000,P x y 是D 的聚点,且0P D ∈。如果()()()()0000,,lim ,,x y x y f x y f x y →=,则称函数(),f x y 在点()000,P x y 连续。

Definition 3 Let D be the domain of the function ()(),f P f x y =of two variables, ()000,P x y be a point of accumulation of D and 0P D ∈. If

()()()()0000,,lim ,,x y x y f x y f x y →=,

then we say that (),f x y is continuous at the point ()000,P x y .

定义4 设二元函数()(),f P f x y =的定义域为D ,()000,P x y 是D 的聚点。

如果函数(),f x y 在点()000,P x y 不连续,则称()000,P x y 为函数(),f x y 的间断点。

Definition 4 Let D be the domain of the function ()(),f P f x y =of two variables , ()000,P x y be a point of accumulation of D. If (),f x y is not continuous at ()000,P x y , then we say that ()000,P x y is a discontinuity point of (),f x y .

性质1(有界性与最大值最小值定理)在有界闭区域D 上的多元留恋许函数f ,必定在D 上有界且一定能取得它的最大值和最小值。

Property 1 (Boundedness and max-min theorem) Let f be a continuous function of several variables on a closed region D, then f has an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum on the region. In particular, f must be bounded on the region.

性质2 (介值定理)在有界闭区域D 上的多元连续函数f ,必定在D 上取得界于最大值M 与最小值m 之间的任何值。

Property 2 (Intermediate Value Theorem) Let f be a continuous function of several variables on a closed region D, then f can obtain any number between its absolute maximum M and its absolute minimum m.

8.2偏导数(Partial Derivative )

定义 设函数(),f x y 是关于,x y 的二元函数,如果y 固定为常数0y y =,则()0,f x y 是关于x 的一元函数。它在0x x =的导数叫做(),f x y 在关于x 的偏导数,记作()00,x f x y 。即


0000000,,,lim x x f x x y f x y f x y x ∆→+∆-=∆

类似地,(),f x y 在()00,x y 关于y 的偏导数,记作()00,y f x y ,由


0000000,,,lim y x f x y y f x y f x y y ∆→+∆-=∆所给出。

Definition Suppose that (),f x y is a function of two variables x and y . If y is held constant , say 0y y =, then ()0,f x y is a function of the single variable x .Its derivative at 0x x =is called the partial derivative of (),f x y with respect to x at 0x x =and is denoted by ()00,x f x y . Thus


0000000,,,lim x x f x x y f x y f x y x ∆→+∆-=∆.

Similarly, the partial derivative of (),f x y with respect to y at ()00,x y ,and is denoted by
