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Name____________ Class_____________ Marks____________


I 生活处处有色彩:(看到下列词语,你能想到哪些颜色?请写出英语单词)







A: What do you doing ? ( )

B: I is reading a book . ( )

A: Are you want to go to the movies ? ( )

B: Sure ,When do you went to go ? ( )

A: Let’s go on seven o’clock . ( )


I 词语点击:


1.Class is over .Please stop (read ) and have a rest .

2.When she meets her teachers ,she always stops __________(say) hello to them .


1.You look ___________________ (a bit of / a bit) tired .Why not stop working and take a rest ?

2.Paul knows ___________________(a bit of / a bit) French .

3.Please wait ____________________ (a little bit / a bit of ) .


1.My sister has a ________________________ coat .(new ,brown ,beautiful)

2.His father has a ________________________ car.(American, long ,black)


Three meals a day

Breakfast is the most important meal of a day . It gives us energy (能量) for a whole morning of work and study .I’d like two eggs and some milk for breakfast .

A good lunch is also helpful to us .I’d like some rice and different kinds of vegetables for lunch .Different foods have different nutrition (营养) .We need all of them to stay healthy .

Dinner is a happy meal .I can have it with Mom and Dad .But I don’t have too much because it’s not good to sleep on a full stomach .


1.____________ is the most important meal for people .

2.People need different ___________ to keep healthy .

3.It’s _________ to have too much for dinner .


_________________________________________________________ 。


Linda: Do you want to go to the _______________ ?

Nick: Sure, this video is __________ .

Linda: ___________ do you want to go ?

Nick: Let’s go at ___________ o’clock .

A. movies






( ) 1. ---What’s 2/3 and 1/4 ?

---It’s ________ .

A. 3/7

B. 2/3

C. 11/12

D. 3/4

( ) 2. It takes us an hour to drive 90 kilometers . How long will it take us to drive 360 kilometers ?

A. 4 hours .

B. 2 hours .

C. 6 hours .

D. 5 hours .

( )3.If a=3 ,b=4 ,what’s the answer to the problem a+2b+2=? The answer is_______ .

A. twenty-eight

B. twenty-eighth

C. thirteen

D. forty-nine

( ) 4. Which number will be the next one ? 3 ,9 ,27 ,81 ,________ .

A. 249

B. 247

C. 248

D. 243

( ) 5. If a=a minute ,b=a day ,c=a week ,d=an hour ,which order () is right ?

A. b>c>d>a

B. a>b>d>c

C. c>b>d>a

D. b>c>d>a

( ) 6. If it is spring in China , it is __________ in Australia .

A. spring

B. summer

C. autumn

D. winter

( ) 7. ---What color is it ?

---It’s _____ orange orange.

A. a

B. an

C. 不填

D. the

( ) 8. “make one’s hairs stand on end”means :

A. 别发脾气

B. 令人毛骨悚然

C. 镇定自若

( ) 9. “rains cats and dogs”means :

A. 下倾盆大雨

B. 未雨绸缪

( ) 10. “soft drink”means :

A. 吸收

B. 为。。。。。。干杯

C. 软饮料(不含酒精)

( ) 11. “in hot water”means :

A. 处境困难

B. 浇冷水,不赞成

C. 让人流口水


Peter felt (感到) very sorry because he forgot (忘记) to say “Happy Birthday” to his uncle yesterday. So he wrote a letter to his uncle : “My dear uncle, I’m very sorry because I forgot your birt hday. But to teach me a lesson, you’d better (最好) forget my birthday on Tuesday, tomorrow.”

( ) 12. It was _________________ birthday last Sunday.

A. Peter’s

B. Peter’s father’s

C. Peter’s uncle’s

D. Peter’s brother’s

( ) 13. Peter said_________________ to his uncle in the letter.

A. sorry

B. goodbye

C. hello


( ) 14. “Teach me a lesson” here means “_______________ ”in Chinese.

A. 给我上一课

B. 教我一招

C. 教训我一下

D. 向我表示祝贺

( ) 15. Peter wrote this letter in order to (为了) ____________________.

A. forget his birthday

B. forget his uncle’s birthday

C. remember his uncle’s birthday

D. let his uncle know Peter’s birthday


ic World ()A. 智力竞赛

2.Quiz Show ()B. 新闻

3.Outlook ()C. 新闻调查

4.News Probe()D. 实话实说

5.Clobal Cinema()E. 探索发现

6.Tell it like it is ()F. 喜剧世界

7.Exploring()G. 环球影院

8.News List()H. 希望英语杂志

9.Legal Report()I. 科技博览

10.Science Review ()J. 法制报道
