关键词:Android,JAVA,SQLite,课程管理AbstractWith the development of wireless mobile devices, mobile phones have been increasingly popular, and the introduction of Android system has promoted the development of phones into a new area. Some of the world’s leading mo bile device manufacturers have also shown great enthusiasm for the exploitation of Android intelligent machines. Beside, diversified Android application programs play a significant role in people’s quick access to information and facilitation of people's life. Therefore, customers of this system are rapidly increasing In recent years. This paper outlines the architecture of Android system, its development environment and some technical implementation of Class management system on android system based on JAVA language. These technologies include the design of user interface of Class management system on android system, system calls of API, and establishment and storage of SQLite database. During the design and realization of the system, making sure the development thought of the system, at last show the design details with realize finally an a key for of detailed design with realization, and analyzed the program which relate to the system module The author will elaborate each technological point specifically in this paper. Keywords: Android,JAVA,SQLite,Class manage目录1绪论 (1)1.1项目背景及意义 (1)1.2国内外现状 (1)1.3论文组织结构 (2)2相关技术分析 (3)2.1A NDROID概述 (3)2.2A NDROID系统的四大组件 (3)2.3A NDROID中的相关技术介绍及分析 (5)2.3.1 Android系统架构研究 (5)2.3.2 Android架构分析 (6)2.3.3 Android应用程序架构 (6)2.3.4 Android运行时组件 (7)2.3.5 Android应用的构成和工作机制 (7)2.4E CLIPSE简介 (7)2.5XML简介 (8)3需求分析 (9)3.1系统需求分析 (9)3.2系统流程 (9)3.3功能模块划分 (9)3.3.1课程添加模块 (9)4系统设计 (10)4.1概要分析 (10)4.2数据库分析 (10)4.2.1 SQLite数据表设计 (10)4.3程序中的主要类 (11)4.3.1 GalleryTabActivity类和ClassListActivity类 (11)4.3.2 ClassAddActivity类和SettingActivity类 (12)4.3.3 SQLiteHelper类和SQLClassTime类 (12)5系统实现 (13)5.1程序首页面 (13)5.2课程设置实现 (13)5.3课程星期,地点实现 (14)5.4更换背景 (16)5.5设置开学日期 (19)结论 (20)参考文献 (21)致谢 (22)附录 (23)搭建A NDROID开发环境 (24)1 绪论1.1 项目背景及意义对于课程管理,相信大家都不会感到陌生,课程管理即是帮助老师和学生管理课程,最早以纸质的方式存在,随着科技的发展,电子课程管理也出现在了手机上,更方便的为人们管理课程,记录课程的相关信息。
科技与应用经济与社会发展研究基于Android系统的课程提醒APP的设计与实现四川民族学院 冉伏军摘要:课程提醒APP开发可以很好的完成排课流程的电子化,提高了课表排课效率。
• 1、操作系统:Windows XP, Win7/8/10或Linux
• 2、JDK:Java Runtime Environment虚拟机 、(JDK)Java
• 3、软件包:Android SDK(Software Development kit Java Development kit) 、ADT(Android Develoopment Tool) • 4、Eclipse IDE+ADT Eclipse3.3以上
编辑/修改 课程名称 选择日期
编辑/修改 备忘录 删除备忘录
• 该模块主要用于软件界面概要显示,而这模块也就是主
会在页面的顶部显示当前周数,例如,“第4周”则是显 示当前时间在第4周,表格第一个格表示周一的第一节课, 表格空白表示没课,当表格有内容时,比如“高数 4-303” 这节课上高数,教室在教4-303,若表格为彩色,则表示 这节课在当前周有课,若是灰色,则是表示该课在当前周 没上课。
• 3、在首页面,点击设置按钮,进入设置页面,在设置页面可以
对当前学期,当前周数,还可点击关于查看版本信息,当然了, 在设置页面点击退出并选择确定将会退出整个程序。
• 根据对本程序的需求分析,本程序只需要用到一张数据表。 • 该数据表主要用来存储已经添加的课程,用户每添加一个 课程信息就会在该表中新增一条记录,并且自动生成一个 唯一的id,用以区别每条记录,该表结构设计如下:
欢迎界面 备忘录界面
基于安卓课程表课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能掌握安卓开发环境中课程表应用的基本概念和原理;2. 学生能理解并运用安卓编程语言,如Java或Kotlin,进行课程表应用的开发;3. 学生能了解并使用安卓Studio进行课程表项目的创建、调试和发布。
技能目标:1. 学生能运用所学知识独立设计并实现一个具备基本功能的课程表应用;2. 学生通过项目实践,提高问题解决能力和编程技巧,具备一定的安卓应用开发能力;3. 学生能够进行团队合作,共同完成课程表应用的开发,提高沟通与协作能力。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生培养对编程的兴趣和热情,树立正确的信息技术观念;2. 学生在课程学习中,养成积极思考、勇于探索的良好学习习惯;3. 学生通过课程表应用的开发,体会科技为生活带来的便利,增强社会责任感。
二、教学内容1. 安卓开发基础:- 安卓系统架构与开发环境搭建;- 安卓应用的基本组件:活动(Activity)、服务(Service)、广播接收器(BroadcastReceiver)、内容提供器(ContentProvider);- 安卓编程语言Java或Kotlin基础。
2. 课程表应用设计:- 课程表需求分析;- 界面布局设计:包括课程列表、课程详情、课程添加与删除等界面设计;- 数据存储与管理:使用SQLite数据库存储课程数据。
3. 功能实现与调试:- 实现课程表的基本功能:展示课程信息、添加课程、删除课程、修改课程;- 课程提醒功能的实现:使用安卓通知服务;- 项目调试与优化:性能调优、异常处理、兼容性测试。
基于Android 平台开发的智能课程提示系统
基于Android 平台开发的智能课程提示系统作者:丁怡琳谢彩艳刘珊李妍来源:《科学与财富》2020年第20期摘要:课堂是同学们获取吸收知识的重要地点,也是学习的重要组成环节。
论文分析了一种基于 Android 平台开发的智能课程提示系统,供读者参考。
受此启发,我们开发了一款基于Android 平台开发的智能课提示 APP,在学生上课时间,可以自动锁住手机屏幕,弥补学生自控力上的不足的问题提高教师的上课效果。
鉴于部分学生上课时关注度不够,自控力不高此款 APP 还实现课上自动静音、自动锁屏等功能的APP,便于提高学生及老师上课效率,使课堂氛围更加浓厚。
第一次使用此 APP 要先进行注册,为了扩大用户量,采取简化模式,通过手机验证码进行注册,后期补全用户基本信息(二)此模块用于登录,登录成功后跳转到 APP 首页模块。
基于Android和Web Service的课表管理系统的设计与实现
基于Android和Web Service的课表管理系统的设计与实现摘要:由于学院开放教育课程授课计划具有不规范性、无规律性,上课时间安排自由,每周安排上课的课程、班级也不相同等特点,学习者迫切需要多种便捷的方式来查询、浏览其课表信息,即时了解上课安排的信息。
基于Android和Web Service的课表管理系统能很好的满足学习者的这些需求,因此文章设计实现了这样的一个系统。
为了及时高效地通知到老师和学习者,本文开发了一个基于Android和Web Service的课表管理系统,解决了教师、学习者可随时随地到学院查询、浏览课表信息的问题,取代了辅导员老师以电话、QQ等传统通信手段的通知方式。
1 系统需求分析在系统开发过程中,需求分析是非常重要的环节。
5目录摘要 (3)引言 (3)1 Android的系统研究 (4)1.1 Android 平台介绍 (4)1.2 Android构架 (6)1.2.1 Android的构架综述 (6)1.2.2内核层 (7)2 Android的开发 (7)2.1 Android开发工具 (7)2.2 Android开发平台的搭建 (7)3 Android的课程表开发 (8)3.1项目需求分析 (8)3.2项目目录分析 (8)3.3系统功能的主要功能实现 (9)3.3.1 TimeTable文件:当天课程的显示 (9)3.3.2 Showtable文件:整个星期的课程显示 (10)3.3.4 WeekDay:课程表管理。
(10)3.3.5 Edit文件:课程表的修改和添加 (11)3.3.6 数据库实现: (11)总结 (12)参考文献 (13)致谢 (13)Based on android files development (13)Key word (14)基于android 的课程表开发摘要:在科学技术高速发展的今天,手持终端设备已经从接打电话的简单功能,跨越到音乐,影音,游戏,商务多种功能。
Goole 公司开发的Android顺应时代而生,Google看到了智能手机市场上的商机,搭载Android操作系统的手机一经上市,短短三年时光,Android发展的之迅速,让苹果(ios),诺基亚(塞班),黑莓(BlackBerry)这些手机望族们完全措手不及。
Android 系统也从1.5发展到2.4,以及平板电脑系统3.0。
总结android 发展在原因主要是因为它拥有五大特点:一、开放性,二、挣脱运营商的束缚,三、丰富的硬件选择,四、不受任何限制的开发商,五、无缝结合的Google应用。
2 程序 主要代 码
( 1 )模 拟 登 录
t y p e=”j w e ”;
br ea k;
c as e 2 :
/ / 新建 UR L
S t i r n g u r l = ”h t t p : / / j w g 1 . h b e u . c n / J i a o w u t e s t / j w g l /
Ab s t r a c t :t h e s t o r y o f An d r o i d mo b i l e p h o n e a p p l i c a t i o n d e v e l o p me n t e x a mp l e . Mo b i l e p h o n e u s e r s t h r o u g h i n q u i r y , k n o w t h e s c h o o l c u r ic r u l u m i n f o r ma t i o n , p r o v i d e c o n v e n i e n c e f o r t h e t e a c h e r s a n d s t u d e n t s . Ke y wo r d s : An d r o i d s y s t e m ; i n t e H i g e n t mo b i l e p h o n e a p p l i c a t i o n; t e a c h i n g ma n a g e me n t; c u r r i c u l u m t a b l e q u e y r
1 引语
随 着 社 会 的发 展 ,科 技 的 进 步 ,智 能 手 机 已 经 相 当 的 普 及 .国内大部分人智 能手机的操作 系统为 G o o g l e公 司 的 A n d r o i d操 作 系 统 。 A n d r o i d应用 的 开 发也 越 来 越 流 行 。课 程 表 用
针对当代大学生和教师的日常需求,在基于Android内核以及其架构的基础上,通过AIDL(Android Interface definition language)使用内部进程通信接口及后台监听服务功能,实现了课程表管理,定时提醒,课上自动静音、屏蔽来电及自动回复短信等多种功能。
%With the development of technology, more and more students possess smart phones, and the phone management in school is more severe. Aiming at contemporary students common needs, a software based on Android platform, through inner process communication interface and background service, is designed to implement functions such as course management, time reminder, call-proof and auto-message-reply and so on. The user also can custom the interface of widget to handle course man-agement easily.【总页数】5页(P6765-6769)【作者】陈金龙;甘磊;崔大洋;潘地林【作者单位】安徽理工大学计算机科学与工程学院,安徽淮南232001;安徽理工大学计算机科学与工程学院,安徽淮南232001;安徽理工大学计算机科学与工程学院,安徽淮南232001;安徽理工大学计算机科学与工程学院,安徽淮南232001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP311【相关文献】1.基于Android平台的手机日程管理系统 [J], 李金霖;赖超;龙曦;吴林志2.基于Android平台的大学生生活费手机管理系统设计与实现 [J], 刘奇付;李紫艳3.基于Android平台的图书管理系统手机客户端开发 [J], 王慧兰4.基于Android平台的校内教师课表查询软件设计 [J], 胡继荣;5.基于Android平台的大学生生活费手机管理系统设计与实现 [J], 刘奇付;李紫艳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
基于android的多功能课程表设计[摘要] 本文在讨论Android系统的框架结构、特性和主要技术的基础上,根据Android多功能课程表软件功能的需求,应用eclipse软件和Genymotion来实现系统设计和完成系统测试。
[关键词]Android Sqlite MVCThe design of Curriculum multi function based on AndroidWu XiaoqiangNo:2011850051,Electronic Science and Technology Major,2015Information Engineering College of Jimei UniversityAbstract: This paper mainly discuss on the basis of frame structure,characteristic, main technology of Android system.According to the functional requirements of the Android multifunction curriculum software, realize the system design and system testing is completed by using eclipse software and Genymotion.First,analysis of the functional requirements of the program and lays out the frame of each module in the whole design process.Second,analysis each function module flow chart,combine SQLite database design and UI interface design,to realize the function of add,delete.modify. According to this design idea, also add a memo, look up the words, calculators and other small features in the program, Make the program more practical. In the paper, also introduced the directory structure of program engineering and describe the function of the main code. Key words: Android Sqlite MVCii目录引言 (1)第1章 Android介绍 (2)1.1 Android系统的优势 (2)1.2 国内外现状 (2)1.3 四大组件 (3)1.4 Android用户界面技术 (3)第2章系统分析 (5)2.1 研究内容 (5)2.2 功能描述 (5)2.3 功能框架 (6)2.4 需求规格 (7)2.5 流程分析 (7)2.6 系统开发环境 (8)第3章系统设计 (9)3.1 设计指导思想和原则 (9)3.1.1 指导思想 (9)3.1.2 软件设计原则 (9)3.2 逻辑结构设计 (9)3.2.1 课程表数据库设计 (9)3.2.2 备忘录数据库设计 (10)第4章 Android课程表软件的实现 (12)4.1 需求分析 (12)4.2 UI界面设计 (12)4.3 软件功能图 (13)4.4 文件结构与用途 (14)4.5 程序功能的实现及主要代码分析 (16)4.5.1 程序导航页功能的实现 (16)4.5.2 主页面功能的实现(MenuActivity.java) (17)4.5.3 课程表页面的实现(ScheduleActivity.java) (17)4.5.4 备忘录页面的实现(MemoActivity.java) (18)4.5.5 查单词界面的实现(WordsActivity.java) (20)4.5.6 “关于”界面的实现 (21)第5章系统测试 (22)5.1 测试计划 (22)5.2 系统单元测试 (22)5.3 测试总结 (23)第6章用户界面截图 (24)结论 (27)致谢语 (28)参考文献 (28)引言随着智能手机的不断发展,其硬件和软件的质量都比以往提升到了一个更高的水平。
因此,设计并实现一款基于Android 平台的校园智能课表管理系统具有重要意义。
二、系统需求分析1. 功能需求学生登录:学生通过账号密码登录系统。
2. 非功能需求界面友好:界面简洁美观,操作便捷。
三、系统设计1. 系统架构本系统采用MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构,将数据层、视图层和控制层分离,提高系统的可维护性和扩展性。
2. 数据库设计使用SQLite数据库存储学生信息、课程信息等数据,确保数据的安全性和稳定性。
3. UI设计设计简洁直观的用户界面,包括登录界面、课程表展示界面、课程管理界面等,提升用户体验。
四、系统实现1. 开发环境Android StudioJava语言2. 技术选型使用Android SDK进行开发使用SQLite数据库进行数据存储使用RecyclerView控件展示课程信息3. 关键功能实现学生登录功能:通过账号密码验证学生身份。
五、系统测试与优化1. 功能测试对系统进行功能测试,确保各项功能正常运行。
2. 性能优化对系统进行性能优化,提高系统响应速度和稳定性。
这些年来,Android 得到了社会更多的认同和应用,获得良好的评价。
关键字:Android;SQLite;Preference;ServiceMobile phone based personal course reminding systemAbstractWith the development of the science and technology, the growing popularity of mobile phone, Android system makes the development of the mobile phone into a number of users to a new height of.Android system is increasing rapidly, and the utility function of the Android applications for people getting information quickly and convenient to people's life plays a role can not be ignored. Over the years, Android has been accepted and applied social more, get a good evaluation. This paper mainly describes the system structure of Android system, through the use of JAVA language development course to realize mobile phone to remind some technical procedures and the development environment of Android applications, these technologies include: mobile phone to remind the user interface program design course the SQLite database is created and stored. In the system design and implementation, to determine the development thought of the system development tools and environment, and And the module of the system on the key source code for the detailed, careful analysis. I will in the text of each of the key points were detail, after several debugging operation and modified several times, the system can meet the needs of users.Keywords:Android; Sqlite; course reminding system;service目录第一章引言 (1)1.1 开发背景 (1)1.2 课程研究意义 (1)第二章 Android系统的优点 (1)第三章Android系统四大组件 (4)3.1 Activity (2)3.2 Service (3)3.3 Content Provider (3)3.4 BroadcastReceiver (3)第四章开发环境的安装与配置 (4)4.1 操作系统及准备工作 (4)4.2 开发环境的安装 (5)第五章系统分析 (6)5.1 可行性分析 (6)5.2 需求分析 (7)第六章系统设计 (7)6.1 概要设计 (7)6.2 数据存储 (8)6.2.1 SQLite (8) SQLite数据库的创建 (8) SQLite数据表的设计 (9)6.2.2 Preference (11)6.3 程序中的主要类 (11)6.3.1 Setting类和Table类 (11)6.3.2 InsertEvent类 (12)6.3.3 MyBroatcastReceive类 (12)第七章系统实现 (12)第八章总结 (18)致谢 (18)参考文献 (18)基于Android平台的手机课程表提醒程序第一章引言1.1 开发背景在当今中国,手机早已成为人们日常生活不可缺少的一部分,高智能手机在高校学生中逐渐得到普及,Android手机以其操作简单、方便以及良好的用户体验迅速得到了大学生的喜爱,在高校中,上课并不像高中时期有固定的教室和固定的时间,大学课程种类繁多,并且上课地点和时间都不固定,一周内极少会出现重复课程,所以要将课程表完整的记忆下来是一项很艰难的事情,因此有一个可以自己添加课表信息,并编辑时间提醒自己很有必要。
142 吉林教育·教研19/2016的思考方向,最后教师有针对性地进行对话式思想沟通,扭转学生不正确的思维方式,此时小学品德与社会取得最佳的教学成效。
【作者单位】常州纺织服装职业技术学院江苏常州 213164;常州纺织服装职业技术学院江苏常州 213164;常州纺织服装职业技术学院江苏常州 213164
1.基于Android的信息系统故障查询App的设计与实现 [J], 李梦伟;董正宏;杨帆
2.基于Android的教室资源查询App的设计与实现 [J], 黄晓玲;高晗;叶晨阳
3.基于Android的汉英对照查询APP的设计与实现 [J], 段顼;黄同成
4.基于Android快递查询APP的设计与实现 [J], 胡春春
5.基于Android的课表提醒APP程序设计与实现 [J], 罗云芳;尹进;
本文主要研究了如何开发基于Android 的掌上课表管理系统,系统包含以下功能:用户注册登录、课表查询、个人信息、上传课表、密码修改、注销登录和退出、临时请假。
本系统在Android Studio上开发,从而实现了基于Android的掌上课表管理系统。
关键词:Android;掌上课表管理;移动应用Pocket Timetable Management System Based on AndroidZhao YanhuaDepartment of Computer,Binjiang College,NUIST,nanjing 210044 China Abstract:With the development and improvement of social informatization level of Internet, smart phone has long been popular among college students, and students anytime, anywhere through smart phones to query information. However, still there are many students in the class on the way with a paper timetable, class to confirm the time and place.This paper focuses on how to develop Pocket schedule management system based on Android, the system includes the following features: user registration and login, schedule inquiries, personal information, upload schedules, password changes, log off, log in and log out, temporary leave of absence. This system is mainly used in Java and Android based programming knowledge database is selected the Leancloud cloud databases. The system Android developed on Studio, enables Pocket schedule management system based on Android.Key words: Android;Pocket Timetable Management; Mobile Application1 引言1.1 设计背景分析当今社会的生活节奏越来越快,人们对手机提出的要求也越来越高,由于手机市场发展迅速,手机操作系统也出现了不同种类,现在市场上主要有四种手机操作系统,分别是Windows mobile,Symbian,Iphone os以及谷歌的Android操作系统。
I.J. Wireless and Microwave Technologies, 2017, 1, 13-23Published Online January 2017 in MECS()DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2017.01.02Available online at /ijwmtLecture Time Table Reminder System on Android Platform (Case Study: Final Year Students, Computer Science Department) 1Ayeni Olaniyi Abiodun, 2Dada Olabisi, 3Talabi Olanrewaju1Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo-State, Nigeria2Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, Kwara-State, Nigeria3Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo-State, NigeriaAbstractForgetting the stipulated schedule or time of lectures due to one reason or the other has always been a major concern for students resulting in the students missing classes and thereby lagging behind in what the lecturer has taught the other students. The main purpose of developing the Lecture time table reminder system is to minimize this problem to an acceptable level. Lecture Timetable Reminder System is a mobile application developed on the Android platform for the students of Computer Science, 500level, Federal University of Technology, Akure, with the service of reminding them about their lectures. The major tools used in developing this application are Java, Eclipse, Android Software Development Kit (SDK), PHP and MySQL. Java is the programming language that was used and Eclipse is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and Android SDK is a virtual device emulator. Then PHP was used to produce a response customized for each user’s request to the application, MySQL is the database.Index Terms: Reminder, lecture, time-table, android phones, system© 2017 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science1.IntroductionReminder is a tool that lets you keep track of all the things you need to know like due dates and locations. Reminder has turned to be a very important tool in time management. And it is a common saying in time management that it is better to keep track of things using a system rather than your memory.A Reminder System is important for busy people because we do not have to remember all our works. And writing them down somewhere is not a very good idea because then we have to keep track of that piece of paper. The Reminder System lets you “set and forget” and then get reminded when the time comes. And so it * Corresponding author.E-mail address: olaniyiayeni17@, mrsdadaolabisim@, larrsonbaba.benjamin107@becomes a perfect tool for business or personal follow up.According to Wikipedia, Android platform is a mobile operating system based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google. With a user interface based on direct manipulation, Android is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.Modern mobile devices such as smartphones have become increasingly powerful and also part of day-to-day lives of the people. As mobile devices become more like PCs they will come to replace objects we tend to carry around such as planners, to do list etc. and also help in accomplishing our daily tasks. (Divya et al, 2012)The increasing growing in the popularity of the android devices is part of the few reasons I decided to choose this platform for the implementation of this project. Lecture time table reminder system is an application which is meant to prevent users (both students and lecturers) from being forgetful about the lecture they have according to the information they have entered.2.Tools NeededTools needed in designing and implementing the project are as follows:1.Java: This is the major programming language that will be used to implement this project. This is chosendue to the fact that it is an object oriented program which will make each and every entities or objects involved to be well represented.2.PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor): This is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for theWeb. This particular tool will be needed because there will be some part of the application that will be needed to connect to the web.3.Structured Query Language (SQL): This is a language specifically designed with databases in mind.SQL is the database tool that will be used for this project because there is need for a database, adding of new data, maintaining data and also retrieve selected parts of the project.4.Android phone for testing of the application.5.Graphical User Interface (GUI): This is interacting point between the user and the application. Lecturestimetable will be inputted into the application through this.6.Android Software Development Kit (SDK): It includes a mobile device emulator, a virtual deviceemulator that runs directly on computer. With the help of this emulator the application will be prototyped, developed and tested without having a physical device (when one was not available).7.Eclipse: Eclipse will be used for development because; it is a multi-language software developmentenvironment comprising a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment.Java is the programming language that will be used and Eclipse is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) where the java code will be typed and compiled and Android SDK is a virtual device emulator that runs directly on the computer and will enable us to see how the program will actually work even without a physical device. Then PHP will be used to produce a response customized for each user’s request to the application, SQL is the database where data inputted by the users will be stored, and from which response will be pulled from according to the request of the user.3.System Analysis and DesignThis section describes the system design, input, output and processing requirements of the proposed system and the hierarchical design of the proposed system. It also describes/defines different components that make up the system, how they are connected together, what the system does and how it operates.A. System ArchitectureThe system architecture illustrates the database of the time table being loaded into the webserver and the webserver loading or downloading the timetable into the android phone of the user (the user must have downloaded the application and signed up at the first use of the application). Below is the system architecture of the lecture time table reminder system on the android platform.Fig.1. System architectureThe application was developed through several steps as shown in the figure below. The steps comprises of all the design and development efforts that was carried out. The following sections describe each step in detail:Fig.2. Flowchart of the lecture reminderIn the first step, the user will need to download the application on his/her android phone before he/she will be able to explore the timetable reminder. After which the user will register at the first use of the application and the user must be connected to the internet at least for the first use of the application after which he/she will no longer to be connected to the internet to use the application. The third step has two values, true or false. In the true case, the application downloads the preloaded timetable and this makes the reminder to be eligible for the next procedure. While in the false case, the application brings out an error message that displays that there is no internet connection. The next step also has two values, true or false. In the false case, the reminder is updated while in the true case, the application prompts the user to enter his/her courses and the time stipulated for those courses and then moves on to get the reminder updated.Fig.3. Use case diagram4.Implementation and TestingThis section introduces the full documentation of the designed lecture reminder system. The hardware and software specifications of the system used in developing the application are stated here. Also, the specifications of the android phone used in testing the lecture time table reminder system are also highlighted.A. Specifications of the Computer System UsedThe specifications of the computer system used in developing the reminder system are grouped into two, which are hardware specifications and software specifications.B. Hardware SpecificationsThe following are the hardware specifications of the computer system:a. Processor speed: 2.20GHzb. RAM: 4GBc. Hard disk size: 640GBC. Software SpecificationsThe following are the software specifications of the computer system:a. Operating System: Windows 8.1 pro, 64-bitb. Eclipse with Android SDKD. Specifications of the Android Phone Used in TestingListed below are the specifications of the android phone that was used in the testing of the lecture time table reminder system:a. Name of device: Tecnob. Model: N9c. Android Version: 4.2.1d.Baseband Version: MOLY.WR8.W1248.md.wg.mp.v8.p8, 2013/08/12 13:34e. Kernel Version: 3.4.5f. Build Number: N9_A2000_20130813_V0_1_9g. Internet connection for the first use of the application onlyE. Requirements of Android Phone Needed to Run the ApplicationTo be able to run the lecture timetable reminder system effectively, the following are the basic requirements the phone needs:a. Operating System: Androidb. Kernel Version: from 17 to 21c. Operating System Version: 4.2 and higher. It can also work for android version lower than 4.2 due todownward compatibility.d. Internal Memory: the application is of 1.15MB size after installation and so, will need at least 3MB of theinternal memory5.Implementation with ResultThe following figures are the different screens of the lecture time table reminder application and the description of the action they perform are given along with them.At launching the application, below is the image of the home screen of the application where the user signs up at the first use of the application. At this point, the android device must be connected to the internet so as to be able to download the time table from the database to the device.Fig.4. Home pageThe next screenshot is that of the user entering his/her details to the signup page. As seen in the screenshot, the details that are needed are: name, phone number, email address, and matric number. After entering all thesedetails, the user clicks on the “sign up” button and that takes the application to the next phaseFig.5. Sign up pageThe next screenshot is that of the page where you click on the “load application” button which triggers thedownloading of the time table from the database online to the data of the reminder application. The timetablethat will be downloaded will include only compulsory courses that every Computer Science 500level students must offerFig.6. Application loading pageThe next screenshot shows how the application looks when it is loading the lecture timetable into android device. After the time table has been successfully loaded, there is a notification that shows that the timetable has loaded successfullyFig.7. Time-table loading in progressThe next screenshot shows the page where the user entered his/her outstanding course by entering/inputting the course title, the course code, the day of the lecture, and the time of the lecture. After entering all the detailsof the courses, the user clic ks on the “save” button. After clicking the “save” button, there is a notification that displays that the schedule has been savedFig.8. Outstanding courses inputted & savedTo view the preloaded lecture timetables or even the manually inputted courses, you click on the “view all schedules” button on the top right corner of the application and this displays all the compulsory courses and the outstanding course(s) that has been inputted manually. Below is the screenshot that shows the “view all schedules” page.Fig.9. Course scheduling pageBelow is the screenshot of the settings that needs to be done in the application which includes choosing the notification sound. This page can be gotten to by clicking on the settings icon beside the information icon on the manual input page of the applicationFig.10. Page settingsIt is also possible to delete schedules. Deleting of schedules option was designed with the application in case there is any error in the lecture time that has been saved. When you view the schedules, you can mark the check box and click on the delete icon at the top right corner of th e “view all schedule” page. The screenshot below shows CSC 415 being checked and about to be deleted from the schedulesFig.11. Deleting option6.ConclusionsThis project implements lectures time table reminder system on Android platform. The design and implementation of the project was successful. Users/students can benefit from this project by downloading the application on their phones, installing it, launching it with internet connection is needed only at the first use of the application in order to download the pre-loaded lectures time table. And students are allowed to set their respective outstanding course(s) if at all that exists.7.RecommendationAfter the full implementation of the system using 500 level, Computer Science Department as the case study, It is therefore recommended that the application can be adopted/adapted by all other departments of the Federal University of Technology, Akure and all other higher institutions around the world so as to reduce the rate at which students forget the time of their various lectures.References[1]Aman Singhal, 2010. Place Me: Location Based Mobile App for Android Platform. The University ofTexas, Austin.[2]Ashok Kumar Naik, 2013. Developing a Location Based Reminder Application on Android Platform.Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela. [3]Devale P.R. and Pawar V.R., 2009. Time and Location Based Reminder System. 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Study of techniques of class schedule/timetable Retrieval via SMS for Students’convenience research vote no.75109.Lecture Time Table Reminder System on Android Platform (Case Study: Final Year Students, 23Computer Science Department)Authors’ ProfilesAyeni Olaniyi: lecturer in the department of computer science of The Federal University ofTechnology, Akure with interest in computer vision, computer security and imageprocessing.Dada Olabisi: lecturer in the department of computer science, Kwara state Polytechnic,Ilorin, Kwara-State majoring in computer security.Talabi Olanrewaju: graduate of computer science department of The Federal University ofTechnology, Akure. NigeriaHow to cite this paper: Ayeni Olaniyi Abiodun, Dada Olabisi, Talabi Olanrewaju,"Lecture Time Table Reminder System on Android Platform (Case Study: Final Year Students, Computer Science Department)", International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies(IJWMT), Vol.7, No.1, pp.13-23, 2017.DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2017.01.02。
安徽工程大学题目基于Android平台的手机课程表提醒程序姓名xxx学号******xxxx院(系)计算机科学与技术系专业计算机科学与技术指导教师 xxxx2013年1月10日目录1 前言 (1)2 Android系统及开发环境的安装与配置 (1)2.1 Android的由来 (1)2.2 Android系统的优点 (1)2.3 Android系统的现状及展望 (2)2.4 开发环境的安装与配置 (2)2.4.1 操作系统及准备工作 (2)2.4.2开发环境的安装 (2)3 系统分析 (4)3.1 可行性分析 (4)3.2 需求分析 (4)4 系统设计 (5)4.1 概要设计 (5)4.2 数据存储 (5)4.2.1 SQLite (5) SQLite数据库的创建 (6) SQLite数据表的设计 (6)4.2.2 Preference (6)4.3 程序中的主要类 (7)4.3.1 ClassScheule类 (7)4.3.2 Addclass类和AddPlan类 (7)4.3.3 DBDataManager类 (7)4.3.4 AlarmService类 (7)5 系统实现 (8)6 总结 (10)致谢 (11)参考文献 (11)基于Android平台的手机课程表提醒程序摘要:随着无线移动设备的发展,手机也日益普及,Android系统的推出使手机的发展进入到了一个新的领域。
世界上一些知名的移动设备生产厂商对于Android智能机的开发热情也日益提高,Android系统的使用人群正在急速提升,Android应用程序的多样化对人们快速获取资讯以及方便人们的生活起着不可忽视的作用,近年来Android得到了社会更多的认同和应用,本文主要概述了Android系统的体系结构,Android应用程序的开发环境和用JA V A语言开发手机课程表提醒程序中的一些技术实现方法,这些技术包括:手机课程表提醒程序的用户界面设计,Service的使用,SQLite 数据库的建立和存储[9]。
%In order to meet the needs of the students' study and life, an intelligent learning schedule reminder software based on An⁃droid is developed, including curriculum management, reminder, schedule memo records and other functions. The software achieves all the functional requirements and the non functional requirements, it has practibility.【总页数】3页(P88-90)【作者】姚明【作者单位】广东石油化工学院计算机科学与技术系,广东茂名525000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393【相关文献】1.基于Android的日历提醒软件的设计与实现 [J], 高亮2.基于Android的学习安排提醒软件设计与实现 [J], 姚明3.基于Android的智能生日提醒软件的设计与实现 [J], 潘志宏;罗伟斌;骆金维;柳青4.基于Android的天气信息提醒软件的设计与实现 [J], 刘宝;冯军;朱庆廷;5.基于Android的英语单词辅助学习软件的设计与实现 [J], 黄吉兰;温然;陈阵因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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安徽工程大学题目基于Android平台的手机课程表提醒程序姓名xxx学号******xxxx院(系)计算机科学与技术系专业计算机科学与技术指导教师 xxxx2013年1月10日目录1 前言 (1)2 Android系统及开发环境的安装与配置 (1)2.1 Android的由来 (1)2.2 Android系统的优点 (1)2.3 Android系统的现状及展望 (2)2.4 开发环境的安装与配置 (2)2.4.1 操作系统及准备工作 (2)2.4.2开发环境的安装 (2)3 系统分析 (4)3.1 可行性分析 (4)3.2 需求分析 (4)4 系统设计 (5)4.1 概要设计 (5)4.2 数据存储 (5)4.2.1 SQLite (5) SQLite数据库的创建 (6) SQLite数据表的设计 (6)4.2.2 Preference (6)4.3 程序中的主要类 (7)4.3.1 ClassScheule类 (7)4.3.2 Addclass类和AddPlan类 (7)4.3.3 DBDataManager类 (7)4.3.4 AlarmService类 (7)5 系统实现 (8)6 总结 (10)致谢 (11)参考文献 (11)基于Android平台的手机课程表提醒程序摘要:随着无线移动设备的发展,手机也日益普及,Android系统的推出使手机的发展进入到了一个新的领域。
世界上一些知名的移动设备生产厂商对于Android智能机的开发热情也日益提高,Android系统的使用人群正在急速提升,Android应用程序的多样化对人们快速获取资讯以及方便人们的生活起着不可忽视的作用,近年来Android得到了社会更多的认同和应用,本文主要概述了Android系统的体系结构,Android应用程序的开发环境和用JA V A语言开发手机课程表提醒程序中的一些技术实现方法,这些技术包括:手机课程表提醒程序的用户界面设计,Service的使用,SQLite 数据库的建立和存储[9]。
关键字:Android; SQLite;Preference;Service1 前言Android在英文中愿意是机器人,Google在2007年11月5日宣布其基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统后,使用其作为该操作系统的名称。
2 Android系统及开发环境的安装与配置2.1 Android的由来Android来源于硅谷著名的极客Andy Rubin建立的Android公司,Rubin的最初目标是想把Android打造成一个可以对任何软件设计人员开放的移动终端平台。
并于2007年11月5日宣布与包括摩托罗拉、HTC、LG、三星等33家手机厂商、手机芯片提供商、软硬件供货商、移动运营商联合组成开放手机联盟(Open Handset Alliance),并发布了名为Android的开放手机软件平台[7]。
2.2 Android系统的优点与其他手机操作系统相比,Android有4个无可比拟的优点:●开放性:Android系统同时包含了底层操作系统以及移动电话所需的全部软件,不存在专有权障碍,开发平台允许任何移动终端厂商加入到Android联盟中来,并允许不同厂商可以根据自己的需求对平台进行定制和扩展,无需任何授权许可费用;●所有应用程序平等:Android系统中,系统核心应用和第三方应用都是完全平等的,用户可以将手机中的任意应用程序替换成所需的其他应用程序;●应用程序间无界限:开发人员可以吧Web上的数据与本地的日历、联系人、位置信息结合起来,应用程序还可声明它们可供其他程序使用;●快速方便的应用程序开发:Android平台为开发人员童工了大量的实用库及工具,可以让开发人员快速的创建自己的应用[3]。
2.3 Android系统的现状及展望Android系统目前的发展十分迅速,在国内外,Android都有成熟的消费者,Android 社区也十分红火,全球各大厂商和运营商也纷纷加入了Android的阵营,包括美国的摩托罗拉(MOTOROLA)、韩国的三星(SAMSUNG)、英国的索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)、中国台湾HTC、中国移动、中国联通、中兴通讯、华为通讯、联想等大企业。
除开手机外,各大厂家也陆续推出了采用Android系统的MID(Mobile Internet Devices)产品。
根据ComScore公司11年第一季度的移动互联网市场研究报告中显示,11年2月份Android的市场份额增33%,位居榜首,RIM、苹果分别以28.9%和25.2%的移动市场占有率紧随其后[11],如图1:图1 各厂商移动互联网市场占有率虽然Android初出茅庐,论个头还不如苹果、RIM,开放这个趋势的力量使得这颗的新星足够明亮,有媒体预测Android的市场占有率将在2012年达到50%并在2016年确定其移动互联网市场的霸主地位,就目前Android的发展趋势来看,这并非一个不可能完成的任务。
2.4开发环境的安装与配置2.4.1操作系统及准备工作Android的开发环境在操作系统上并没有太大的限制,它可以使用Windows XP及其以上版本、MAC OS、Linux等操作系统,在该程序的开发中,我选择了Windows 7作为开发操作系统。
Android是以Java语言作为开发语言,官方推荐使用Eclipse作为开发软件,在搭建开发环境前必须准备JDK、Eclipse、Android SDK三个软件,JDK与Eclipse都可以在其官方网站上下载到其最新版本,Android SDK则需要通过Android SDK Setup来下载安装[1]。
2.4.2开发环境的安装1)安装JA V A运行环境在“/downloads/”此网页我们可以下载到最新版本的JDK,下载完成后按照安装向导安装即可。
2)下载和安装Eclipse在Eclipse的官方网站“/downloads”下载最新版本的“Eclipse IDE for Java Developers”下载完毕后解压缩即可使用,无需安装。
3)安装Android SDKAndroid SDK因为原下载地址失效,只能通过Android SDK Setup这个工具来下载安装,此工具可以在通过“/android/android-sdk_r04-windows.zip”该网址获取。
下载完成后解压缩,运行其内的“SDK Setup.exe”即可自动检测下载Android SDK,如图2所示:图2 Android SDK Setup4)安装Eclipse的Android插件使用Eclipse作为开发开发工具必须要安装Android Development Tools(ADT)的外挂,其安装步骤如下:●启动Eclipse后,选择“Help”→“Install New Software…”打开“Install”窗口;●点击窗口中的“Add”按钮,在“Add Repository”窗口中输入如图3所示信息:图3 Add Reponsitory●点击OK后,“Install”列表中会多出一项“Developer Tools”,勾选后点击“Next”既开始下载ADT,下载完成后按软件提示操作即可完成安装ADT。
如图4所示:图4 安装ADT5)应用SDK到Eclipse选择“Window”→“Preferences…”在“Preferences”窗口的左边选中“Android”,在右边点击“Browse…”选择Android SDK所在目录作为SDK Location,如图5所示:图5 应用SDK到Eclipse3系统分析3.1可行性分析在中国,手机已经成为人们日常生活必不可少的一部分,智能手机在高校人群中逐渐得到了普及,Android手机凭借其优秀的系统性能以及良好的用户体验迅速得到了高校师生的青睐。
这样在service中监听系统时间变化,每分钟会收到一个当时时间的消息,通过转换成时间字符串在preference中去查询,如果能得到计划的值,则说明在此时间有计划,弹出提示信息并播放音乐,用来实现计划提醒和上课提醒功能,如图6所示:图6 程序数据流图4.2数据存储本程序数据存取方面主要用到了SQLite数据库和Preference存储机制。