A.工作实践法B.工作日志法C.结构调查表D.关键事件法【答案】 D2、下列各项属于工作规范的内容的是()。
A.有关工作职责、工作活动、工作特性方面信息的书面描述B.有关工作条件、工作对人身安全危害程度等方面的书面描述C.有关工作绩效、工作权限方面的书面描述D.有关从业人员应具备的基本资格和条件方面的书面描述【答案】 D3、节约作为职业道德规范,其时代表征性的意思是()。
A.省吃俭用是节约终始不变的本质内涵B.是否需要节约因人而异、因事而异,不可作一致性要求C.时代发展对节约提出日益广泛和更高的要求D.科技发展与物质丰裕,消解了节约的道德意义【答案】 C4、确定和调整最低工资标准应考虑的因素,不包括()A.社会平均工资水平B.劳动生产率和就业状况C.地区之间经济发展水平的差异D.企业人工成本的平均水平【答案】 D5、()主要强调的是员工应该承担工作的内容和要求,而不是工作任务的地点和时空条件。
A.职务B.职责C.职位D.岗位【答案】 A6、企业进行有效的薪酬管理应遵循的原则不包括( )。
A.对员工具有激励性B.对内具有公正性C.对社会具有贡献性D.对成本具有控制性【答案】 C7、绩效的特点不包括()。
A.多因性C.动态性D.公平性【答案】 D8、混合标准尺度法属于()的考评方法。
A.按具体形式区分B.以员工行为对象C.依员工工作成果进行D.对员工工作态度实施【答案】 A9、最低工资标准是根据物价指数调整的,如果物价指数小于最低工资标准的增长幅度,则应在确认()的增长幅度以后,以此增长幅度作为调整工资的标准。
A.物价指数B.最低工资标准C.最低工资指导线D.当地人工成本平均水平【答案】 B10、(2016年11月)2004年6月,李先生与某企业签订了5年期的劳动合同,2007年1月,企业因工作需要与李先生协商一致,同意解除劳动合同,李先生可以得到()工资的经济补偿金。
A.愈大B.愈小C.不变D.不确定【答案】 A2、()是指评估者依据自己的主观判断,并不是用事实和数字加以证明。
A.正式评估B.非正式评估C.建设性评估D.总结性评估【答案】 B3、对应聘者进行背景调查最好的时机是在()。
A.面试前B.初试与复式的间隙C.上岗后D.面试后与上岗前的间隙【答案】 D4、根据绩效()的不同,绩效考评方法可以分为上级考评、同级考评、下级考评、自我考评和外人考评。
A.考评方向B.考评内容C.考评时间D.考评主体【答案】 D5、绩效管理的效度是指测量员工的工作能力、态度、行为与成果的( )A.稳定性B.一致性C.可靠性D.准确性【答案】 D6、发现员工的特点,根据特点决定培养方向和使用方法,充分发挥个人长处。
A.规范功能B.发展功能C.沟通功能D.激励功能【答案】 B7、在处理劳动争议时,如果没有准确适用的法律条款,()可以选择适用。
A.劳动法的首要原则B.劳动法律规则C.劳动法的基本原则D.劳动纪律制度【答案】 C8、( )是指让员工在工作现场边工作边学习、锻炼的培训方式,它不需要专门的培训场所和设备,受训者可以兼顾工作和学习。
A.课堂培训B.现场培训C.业余自学D.情景模拟【答案】 B9、成熟企业不适宜采取的营销策略有( )。
A.市场改良B.市场营销组合改良C.产品改良D.增强销售渠道功效【答案】 D10、()认为领导者的主要任务是提供必要的支持以帮助下属达到他们的目标,并确保他们的目标与群体和组织的目标相互配合、协调一致。
A.参与模型B.情境领导理论C.路径目标理论D.费德勒的权变模型【答案】 C11、()是一种最高层次的职业道德。
A.敬业B.合作C.诚信D.奉献?【答案】 D12、工资结构线可表示各岗位的相对价值与实付工资对应的数值关系。
四级网络工程师模拟题2018年(12)(总分100,考试时间90分钟)一、单项选择题1. 关于IP互联网的描述中,错误的是A. 隐藏了物理网络的细节B. 不要求物理网络之间全互连C. 主机使用同一的物理地址表示法D. 可在物理网络之间转发数据2. 一台主机的IP地址为202.113.25.36,掩码为255.255.255.0。
如果该主机需要向网络202.113.26.0进行直接广播,那么应该使用的源地址为A. 在一个IP分片数据报中,如果片偏移字段的值为十进制数100,那么该分片携带的数据是从原始数据报携带数据的第几个字节开始的?A. 100B. 200C. 400D. 8004. 一个路由器的路由表如下所示。
当该路由器接收到源地址为10.1.0.35,目的地址为10.4.0.78的IP数据报时,它将该数据报投递到子网掩码要到达的网络下一路由器255.255.192.0 直接投递255.255.192.0 直接投递255.255.192.0 P2P网络的主要结构类型分为集中式、分布式非结构化、分布式结构化和A. 混合式B. 递归式C. 重叠式D. 交叉式6. 在DNS的资源记录中,对象类型"A"表示A. 交换机B. 主机C. 授权开始D. 别名7. FTP的数据连接建立模式有两种,它们是A. 文本模式与二进制模式B. 上传模式与下载模式C. 主动模式与被动模式D. 明文模式与密文模式8. 在电子邮件系统中使用base64编码的主要目的是A. 将二进制码转换成ASCII码B. 加密传输的邮件C. 压缩传输的邮件D. 提高邮件的传输速度9. 在Telnet中使用NVT的目的是A. 加密传输的数据B. 增强系统的可靠性C. 提高网络的传输速度D. 屏蔽不同用户终端格式的差异10. 关于QQ系统的描述中,正确的是A. QQ客户端登录服务器需进行DNS查询B. QQ与MSN兼容C. 每次QQ会话使用相同的密钥D. 用户在本地存储好友列表11. 关于IM系统的通信协议的描述中,正确的是A. MSN采用H.323B. QQ采用JABBERC. AOL采用OSCARD. ICQ采用SIMPLE12. 关于XMPP协议的描述中,错误的是A. Google Talk采用XMPPB. 体系结构与E-mail系统类似C. 采用简单客户端D. 采用P2P结构13. 关于CIFS协议的描述中,正确的是A. 只工作于微软的操作系统B. 具有文件访问的完整性机制C. 采用局部文件名D. 只支持英文字符集14. 关于BitTorrent的描述中,正确的是A. 是最早的P2P文件共享系统B. Tracker服务器存放用户信息C. Tracker服务器存储下载文件D. 用户数越多,下载速度越慢15. 关于媒体内容分发技术的描述中,正确的是A. 内容发布负责用户计费B. 内容交换进行网络层负载均衡C. 内容路由为用户提供最近源响应D. 性能管理只测量点到点性能16. 关于网络管理的描述中,正确的是A. 集中式管理都优于分布式管理B. IETF设计了CMIP协议C. 管理者和代理可以是一对多关系D. 配置管理是短期活动17. 关于SNMP的描述中,正确的是A. 第一版充分考虑了协议的安全性B. 只工作于TCP/IP环境C. MIB集中存储于管理者D. 收集数据可采用中断机制18. 关于选择明文攻击的描述中,正确的是A. 攻击者可以改变加密算法B. 攻击者已知加密算法C. 比己知明文攻击容易防范D. 不能攻击公钥加密19. 关于ElGamal算法的描述中,正确的是A. 由IETF设计B. 属于对称加密C. 基于椭圆曲线机制D. 生成密文的长度与明文相同20. 关于X.509证书的描述中,正确的是A. 由IEEE制定标准B. 顺序号是证书的唯一标识C. 合法时期是CA中心的有效期D. 发行者名用ASN.1格式表示二、多项选择题1. 61操作系统为用户提供了多种使用接口,它们是A. 机器指令B. 图标和菜单C. 命令行D. 汇编语句E. 系统调用2. 从操作系统的角度看,进程的必要组成成份是A. 进程控制块B. 动态链接库C. 数据D. 指令代码E. 用户栈3. 现代操作系统中,引入线程的主要目的是A. 提高并发度B. 每个线程拥有独立的地址空间C. 减少通信开销D. 线程之间的切换时间短E. 每个线程可以拥有独立的栈4. 关于读者写者问题,下列叙述中哪些是错误的? Reader(){While (TRUE){P(mutex);rc=rc+1;if(rc==1) P (w);V(mutex); ①读操作;P(mutex); ②rc=rc-1;if (rc==0) V(w);V(mutex);其他操作;}}writer(){while (TRUE) {P(w);写操作;V(w);}}A. 信号量w的初值是0B. 信号量mutex的初值是1C. 计数器rc的初值是0D. 语句P(mutex)的位置可以放到语句rc=rc+1后面E. 语句①②可以取消5. 在操作系统各种存储管理方法中,存在外碎片的是A. 固定分区B. 页式C. 动态分区D. 段式E. 段页式6. 在虚拟页式存储管理系统中,每个页表项中必须包含的是A. 页框号B. 有效位C. 修改位D. 磁盘始址E. 访问位7. 为了保证操作系统中文件的安全,可以采用的方法是A. 定时转储备份文件B. 设置文件访问控制列表C. 采用RAID阵列D. 使用固态硬盘E. 加装不间断电源8. 下列关于FAT文件系统的叙述中,哪些是正确的?A. FAT是指文件分配表B. FAT16是指系统中用16位表示簇号C. FAT文件系统是Windows支持的文件系统D. FAT16支持长文件名,文件名可达到255个字符E. FAT文件系统中文件的物理结构是链接结构9. I/O设备管理中,I/O软件的层次结构有A. 用户应用层B. 设备独立层C. 设备驱动层D. 中断处理层E. 设备执行层10. 计算机系统产生死锁的原因是A. 系统总资源不足B. 系统发生重大故障C. 进程资源分配不当D. 并发进程推进顺序不当E. 资源互斥使用11. 关于Linux操作系统的描述中,错误的是A. 是一个开源的操作系统B. 是Unix操作系统的一个变种C. 由一个国际组织统一维护D. 核心部分是图形化用户界面E. 可用作Internet服务平台12. 关于无线局域网的描述中,正确的是A. 可采用红外线作为传输介质B. 可作为传统有线局域网的补充C. 可采用无基站的对等模式D. 不需要解决介质访问控制问题E. 可采用跳频扩频通信技术13. 关于Gigabit Ethernet的描述中,正确的是A. 相关协议标准为IEEE 802.3zB. 最大数据传输速率为1GbpsC. 采用与传统以太网不同的帧格式D. 用GMII分隔物理层和MAC层E. 只能使用光纤作为传输介质14. 关于Internet的描述中,正确的是A. 是一个互联网B. 是一个物理网C. 是一个信息资源网D. 是一个局域网E. 是一个以太网15. 关于RIP和OSPF的描述中,正确的是A. RIP采用向量-距离算法B. OSPF采用链路-状态算法C. RIP通常比OSPF计算复杂度高D. OSPF通常比RIP收敛快E. RIP中的距离以跳数计算16. 关于浏览器安全性的描述中,错误的是A. 将Web站点放入可信站点区可保证信息传输的机密性B. 在浏览器中添加证书可以验证Web站点的真实性C. 索要Web站点的证书可以表明浏览器的身份D. 使用SSL技术可以防止病毒的传播E. 将Internet划分为不同区域是为保护主机免受非安全软件的危害17. 提高域名解析效率的方法可以为A. 从本地域名服务器开始解析B. 在域名服务器中使用高速缓存技术C. 减小资源记录的TTL时间值D. 在客户机中使用高速缓存技术E. 减少"非权威"映射的使用率18. 关于VoIP系统中网守的描述中,正确的是A. 是网络中的消息控制中心B. 可用来确定网关地址C. 可以和网关结合在一起D. 可进行计费管理E. 具有信号调制功能19. 关于S/MIME的描述中,正确的是A. 与PGP完全兼容B. 支持透明签名的数据C. Outlook Express支持S/MIMED. 网络层需要使用IPSecE. 发送和接受代理必须支持DSS20. 以下哪种攻击属于主动攻击?A. 监听B. 重放C. 篡改D. 流量分析E. 拒绝服务。
2018年6月大学英语四级模拟题1(总分:461.50,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.50)1.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of speaking ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.(分数:106.50)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:As can be seen from the Chinese historical story "Yan Zi"s Visit to the State of Chu", where Yan Zi"s eloquence and wisdom won the respect for himself and his State of Qi, the importance of developing excellent speaking ability can never be underestimated. Sound speaking skills can help to resolve problems, strengthen mutual understanding and trust, and forge friendships. In my opinion, to improve the speaking ability, first, practice makes perfect. With thorough preparation and practice, we can overcome our nervousness and speak exceptionally confidently. Second, reading extensively is also conducive to becoming more eloquent and wittier. Being exposed to vocabulary on different topics can help us improve language skills, and more importantly, can increase our emotional intelligence, making us do better in understanding real people and real situations. Third, consider other people"s perspectives before we act or speak. Only after we understand other people"s views can we shoot the arrow at the target.Based on the above analysis, high priority should be given to enhancing the speaking ability, and it can be improved by practicing a lot, reading extensively and multi-perspective thinking. [解析] 1. As can be seen from the Chinese historical story "Yan Zi"s Visit to the State of Chu", where Yan Zi"s eloquence and wisdom won the respect for himself and his State of Qi, the importance of developing excellent speaking ability can never be underestimated.本句是一个复合句,包含两个定语从句。
Part Ⅲ
Reading Comprehension
( 40 minutes)
Part Ⅱ
Listening Comprehension
( 25 minutes)
1 - 5㊀ BCACA㊀ ㊀ 6 - 10㊀ DACAB㊀ ㊀ 11 - 15㊀ ACDBA㊀ ㊀ 1 - 20㊀ AABAA㊀ ㊀ 21 - 25㊀ AADBC
Health Status,the health conditions of Chinese people are alarming, with 76 percent of the white-collar
workers suffering from sub-health issues. Because of the great pressure imposed by modern life, most people In fact, we should constantly be aware of the importance of good health. This is because a healthy body
专业四级模拟题2018年(4)(总分107,考试时间90分钟)PART Ⅰ DICTATION1. Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.【点此下载音频文件】PART Ⅱ LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A CONVERSATIONS【点此下载音频文件】1. What is the woman"s attitude toward the man"s joining the school football team?A. The man should give up.B. The man should join by all means.C. The man should make sure he is healthy enough before joining.D. It can"t be determined from the conversation.2. The woman suggested that the man do all of the following EXCEPTA. having a physical checkup.B. eating healthily.C. strengthening his heart.D. watching TV until midnight.3. The man and the woman are most probablyA. husband and wife.B. colleagues.C. patient and doctor.D. former schoolmates.【点此下载音频文件】4. The man told Isabella strong handshakes show respect in ______.A. JapanB. the United StatesC. ChinaD. Germany5. Why didn"t the Japanese woman look at the man in the meeting?A. Because she disliked the man.B. Because they **petitors.C. Because she was a shy woman.D. Because she was polite to the man.6. What can be learned about the meeting from the conversation?A. The meeting was held in Japan.B. The meeting was successful on the whole.C. The meeting lasted for a week.D. The meeting didn"t go smoothly.【点此下载音频文件】7. In the man"s opinion, the paper ______.A. will beat **petitor.B. will change its layout.C. is done.D. has a capable editor.8. What was the woman"s occupation before she works in the style section?A. A writer.B. A journalist.C. A criminal.D. A robber.9. What"s the woman"s plan?A. Job-hunting.B. Job-hopping.C. Retirement.D. Right against the Daily News.【点此下载音频文件】10. Mr. Burton asks the manager to tell the man in apartment 4B to ______.A. mm off the music after 10:00 pmB. turn down the volume of his stereoC. listen to light music rather than rock and tollD. use headphones when listening to music11. Why is the manager hesitant about carrying out this request?A. The man in apartment 4 is the son of the man who lives them.B. She is afraid that the man is very pig minded.C. She is afraid of what the owner"s son might say or do.D. She says the matter is the owner"s responsibility.12. What is Mr. Burton"s **plaint?A. There is an awful **ing from the farm next door.B. The property owners next door are illegally disposing of waste.C. The stunk waste disposed by his neighbors disturbs him.D. The neighbors are burning leaves which are drifting his way.SECTION B PASSAGES【点此下载音频文件】1. According to the passage, Tyler was ______.A. upsetB. full of courageC. pessimisticD. scared2. Why did Tyler"s mother want to dress him in red?A. Tyler likes red clothes.B. His mother was color blind.C. Red clothes are helpful to cure his disease.D. She could spot Tyler quickly when he was playing.3. Which of the following is CORRECT?A. Tyler was dependent on medications when he was five.B. Tyler always needed supplemented oxygen.C. Tyler usually played in the backyard.D. Other people often teased him.【点此下载音频文件】4. Why are divorces so common at present?A. Because it is difficult to maintain a marriage.B. Because people like watching TV programs.C. Because people prefer freedom to self-discipline.D. Because our society is permissive towards divorces.5. Which of the following cannot be sacrificed in a marriage?A. The freedom to have other sexual relations.B. The desire to follow every of one"s impulse.C. The will to keep his or her own income.D. The wish to be his or her true self.6. How to maintain a good marriage?A. A man and a woman should follow every of their own impulse respectively.B. A good marriage takes some level of compromise between the husband and the wife.C. A man and a woman should both have to endure dreadful self-sacrifice of the soul.D. A man and a woman should stop growing or changing.【点此下载音频文件】7. What is the passage mainly about?A. **puterized music can express.B. How the musical grammar is discovered.C. Why musicians make us moved **puter don"t.D. What musicians want to tell us in their performance.8. Which of the following is true about the participants in the study?A. They are professional pianists.B. They have **mand of computers.C. They are about 20 years old.D. They have a limited knowledge about music.9. What can we know from the passage?A. Our brains are innately able to appreciate emotional music.B. Listeners need some musical training before listening to music.C. Piano is the best musical instrument to express human emotion.D. Less and less people can catch the true meaning of piano sonatas.【点此下载音频文件】10. What can we know about people of blood type B?A. They are patient and finish what they start.B. They are moody and become annoyed easily.C. They are stubborn and impulsive.D. They are conservative and stick to convention.11. Which of the following types of people feature loyalty to their friends?A. People of blood type A.B. People of blood type B.C. People of blood type O.D. People of blood type AB.12. When did blood type first appear in standard job application forms?A. In 1911.B. In 1913.C. In 1930.D. In 1931.SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST【点此下载音频文件】1. How long would the walkout suppose to be?A. The whole winter.B. During Christmas holidays.C. After Christmas.D. For some time.2. According to the news, the strike would happen again unlessA. the conflict could be settled.B. the Labor Union could change their plan.C. the judges could stop it.D. the airline could take some measures.【点此下载音频文件】3. President Prosper Avril has been arrested on charge of ______.A. economic plunderB. murderC. briberyD. plotting against the state4. When did Mr. **e into power?A. In2001.B. In 2000.C. In 1998.D. In 1997.5. In the past week, how many politicians were arrested?A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.【点此下载音频文件】6. Obama plans to award $8 billion to ______ in Florida.A. construct high-speed rail linesB. construct apartment buildingsC. develop tourismD. control inflation7. Which one of the following statements about the reaction to the president"s address is CORRECT according to the news item?A. Members of the Democratic Party don"t think its vision upbeat.B. Members of the Republic Party don"t welcome it.C. Few people support it.D. Almost all the public praise it.【点此下载音频文件】8. Who has NOT been suspended by Fifa?A. Debbie Minguell.B. Sepp Blatter.C. Mohamed Bin Hamman.D. Jack Warner.9. If Bin Hamman and Warner were found guilty, they ______.A. would be suspendedB. would be expelled from the **mitteeC. would be banned from all football activityD. would receive a full investigation【点此下载音频文件】10. Why did Mr. Aziz say the nomination is like putting old wine in new bottles?A. There is nothing new in the nomination procedure.B. The nominee had held the same post for 6 years.C. The United Nations could find nobody new for the post.D. The nomination procedure is too boring.11. If no objection is forwarded by midday Tuesday, _______.A. the nomination will be passedB. the nominee will be droppedC. the nomination will be invalidD. new candidates will be chosenPART Ⅲ CLOZEUnlike most sports, which evolved over time from street games, basketball was designed by one man to suit a 1 purpose. The man was Dr. James Naismith, and his purpose was 2 a vigorous game that could be played 3 in the winter.In 1891. Naismith was an instructor at a training school, which trained 4 education instructors for the YMCAs. That year the school was trying 5 up with a physical activity that the men could enjoy 6 the football and baseball seasons. None of the standard indoor activities 7 their interest for long. Naismith was asked to solve the problem for the school. He first tried to 8 some of the popular outdoor sports, but they were all too 9 . The men were getting bruised from tackling each other and 10 hit with equipment. So, Naismith decided to invent a game that would incorporate the **mon elements of outdoor team sports without having the real physical contact. Most popular sports used a ball, so he chose a soccer ball because it was soft and large enough that it 11 no equipment, such as a hat or a racket to hit it. Next he decided 12 an elevated goal, so that scoring would depend on skill and accuracy rather than on 13 only. His goals were two peach baskets, 14 to ten-foot high balconies at each end of the gym. The basic 15 of the game was to throw the ball into the basket. Naismith wrote rules for the game, 16 of which, though with some small changes, are still 17 effect. Basketball was an immediate success. The students 18 it to their friends and the new sport quickly 19 on. Today, basketball is one of the most popular games 20 the world.1.A. particularB. especialC. specialD. specialty2.A. inventingB. inventedC. to inventD. being invented3.A. indoorB. indoorsC. outdoorsD. outdoor4.A. physicsB. literaryC. scientificD. physical5.A. to **eB. comingC. comeD. to come6.A. betweenB. duringC. whenD. for7.A. rousedB. heldC. hadD. were8.A. imitateB. adoptC. adaptD. renovate9.A. roughB. difficultC. easyD. entertaining10.A. beingB. to beC. beenD. were11.A. requestedB. usedC. requiredD. took12.A. onB. toC. ofD. with13.A. powerB. strengthC. forceD. might14.A. fixedB. fixingC. that fixD. which fixed15.A. methodB. wayC. ruleD. idea16.A. fewB. muchC. manyD. little17.A. withB. inC. onD. for18.A. definedB. spreadC. taughtD. discussed19.A. wentB. putC. tookD. caught20.A. ofB. throughoutC. amongD. throughPART Ⅳ GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY1. You should know better than ______ the risk of gambling.A. to runB. runningC. to have runD. ran2. Though her parents ______ her musical ability, Jerrilou"s piano playing is really terrible.A. pour scorn onB. heap praise uponC. give vent toD. cast fight upon3. His excellent marks have entitled him______several scholarships at the same time at school.A. inB. toC. atD. on4. She remembered several occasions in the past ______ she had experienced a similar feeling.A. whichB. beforeC. thatD. when5. Nancy was surprised that they have ______ . They seemed to be a happy couple.A. split upB. broken downC. fallen throughD. knocked out6. I"m afraid your testimony is not __________ with that of the first witness.A. comparableB. compatibleC. comparativeD. competitive7. The prince is ______ to the throne.A. benefactorB. hellC. heirD. heiress8. Those superior states of mind do **e from ______ an alien culture.A. imitatingB. mimickingC. apingD. parodying9. The treasury issued an order stating that ______ land purchased from the government had to be paid for in gold and silver.A. henceforthB. moreoverC. wherebyD. however10. There has been a great drop in unemployment rate this year, ______?A. does thereB. isn"t thereC. hasn"t thereD. isn"t it11. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it ______before the west was settled.A. couldB. wouldC. wasD. did12. All her energies are ______ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.A. guidedB. aimedC. directedD. focused13. __________ at in this way, the present economic situation doesn"t seem so gloomy.A. LookingB. LookedC. Having lookedD. To look14. The nectarine is a fruit ______ like a peach.A. asB. andC. somehowD. somewhat15. Which of the following is correct?A. Had you worked harder, you would have met the deadline.B. Have you worked harder, you would have met the deadline.C. If you worked harder, you would have met the deadline.D. If you have worked harder, you would have met the deadline.16. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ______.A. pensionsB. earningsC. salariesD. donations17. In ancient times people who were thought to have the ability to ________ dreams were likely to be highly respected.A. impartB. inheritC. interpretD. intervene18. He disliked the situation but had to live ______ it.A. up toB. withC. forD. in19. ______ the necessity of more case for the child, he would have grown up the somebody.A. If his parents realizedB. As his parents had realizedC. Had his parents realizedD. His parents had realized20. In such a changing **plex society, formerly simple solutions to informational needs become______.A. confusingB. acceptableC. complicatedD. feasible21. Millions of people were ______ partially or wholly destitute during the war.A. renderedB. repelledC. rejoicedD. reinforced22. Seeing that my brother was lost for an answer, I ______ to save the situation.A. joined inB. stepped inC. took inD. entered into23. The largest system serving e-mail messengers is the Internet, a ______ of millions of computers linked worldwide.A. unityB. combinationC. networkD. connection24. There are many kinds of metals, _________ its special properties.A. each havingB. every havingC. each hasD. one has25. The men on board the ship pulled in the driver ______ they feared Was seriously injured.A. whomB. for whomC. to whomD. who26. He ______ to newsmen that an immediate agreement was nowhere in sight.A. recededB. concededC. accededD. preceded27. A teacher ______ knowledge.A. teachesB. lecturesC. educatesD. imparts28. The criminal always paid ______ cash so the police could not track him down.A. onB. byC. forD. in29. Only a few people have ______ to the full facts of the case.A. approachB. admissionC. accessD. acquaintance30. Jason is usually under the weather, but his robust brother ______.A. is rarelyB. is scarcelyC. hardly isD. rarely isPART Ⅴ READING COMPREHENSIONTEXT AThe evolution of sex ratio has produced, in most plants and animals with separate sexes, approximately equal numbers of males and females. Why should this be so? Two main kinds of answers have been offered. One is couched in terms of advantage to population. It is argued that the sex ratio will evolve so as to maximize the number of meetings between individuals of the opposite sex. This is essentially a "group selection" argument. The other, and in my view correct, type of answer was first put forward by Fisher in 1930. This "genetic" argument starts from the assumption that genes can influence the relative numbers of male and female offspring produced by an individual carrying the genes. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. Suppose that the population consisted mostly of females, and then an individual who produced sons only would have more grandchildren. In contrast, if the population consisted mostly of males, it would pay to have daughters. If, however, the population consisted of equal numbers of males and females, sons and daughters would be equally valuable. Thus a one-to-one sex ratio is the only stable ratio; it is an "evolutionarily stable strategy". Although Fisher wrote before the mathematical theory of games had been developed, his theory incorporated the essential feature of a game that the best strategy to adopt depends on what others are doing.Since Fisher"s time, it has been realized that genes can sometimes influence the chromosome or gamete in which they find themselves so that the gamete will be more likely to participate in fertilization. If such a gene occurs on a sex-determining (X or Y) chromosome, then highly aberrant sex ratios can occur. But more immediately relevant to game theory are the sex ratios in certain parasitic wasp species that have a large excess of females. In these species, fertilized eggs develop into females and unfertilized eggs into males. A female stores sperm and can determine the sex of each egg she lays by fertilizing it or leaving it unfertilized. By Fisher"s argument, it should still pay a female to produce equal numbers of sons and daughters. Hamilton, noting that the eggs develop within their host—the larva of another insect—and that the newly emerged adult wasps mate immediately and disperse, offered a remarkably cogent analysis. Since only one female usually eggs in a given larva, it would pay her to produce one male only, because this one could fertilize all his sisters on emergence. Like Fisher, Hamilton looked for an evolutionarilystable strategy, but he went a step further in recognizing that he was looking strategy.1. What can we know about the scientists Fisher and Hamilton from the passage?A. They both made contribution to the mathematical theory of games.B. They both sought an explanation of why certain sex ratios exist and remain stableC. The former stressed the maximization and the latter emphasized the optimization.D. They both inherited the insight Of the "group selection" argument.2. Compared with the work of Hamilton, what dose the author consider Fisher"s work to be?A. It is inaccurate but popular, compared with Hamilton"s work.B. It is accurate, but **pared with Hamilton"s work.C. It is admirable, but not as up-to-date as Hamilton"s work.D. It is valuable, but at a relatively low level.3. According to the passage, successful game strategy depends on ______.A. the ability to adjust one"s behavior in light of the behaviors of othersB. the ability to obey the rules with high flexibilityC. teamwork and cooperation with othersD. the ability to keep a dynamic stability4. It can be inferred from the passage that the mathematical theory of games ______.A. has been developed by scientists with an interest in geneticsB. is useful in explaining some biological phenomenonC. got some inspiration from the work of FisherD. emphasize the optimization of the total sumTEXT BI am afraid to sleep. I have been afraid to sleep for the last few weeks. I am so tired that, finally, I do sleep, but only for a few minutes. It is not a bad dream that wakes me; it is the reality I took with me into sleep. I try to think of something else.Immediately the woman in the **es into my mind. I was on my way to dinner last night when I saw her.She was selling skirts. She moved with the same ease and loveliness I often saw in the women of Laos. Her long black hair was as shiny as the black silk of the skirts she was selling. In her hair, she wore three silk ribbons, blue, green, and white. They reminded me of my childhood and how my girlfriends and I used to spend hours braiding ribbons into our hair.I don"t know the word for "ribbons", so I put my hand to my own hair and , with three fingers against my head , I looked at her ribbons and said "Beautiful. " She lowered her eyes and said nothing. I wasn"t sure if she understood me (I don"t speak Laotian very well).I looked back down at the skirts. They had designs on them. squares and triangles and circles of pink and green silk. They were very pretty. I decided to buy one of those skirts, and I began to bargain with her over the price. It is the custom to bargain in Asia. In Laos bargaining is done in soft voices and easy moves with the sort of quiet peacefulness.She smiled, more with her eyes than with her lips. She was pleased by the few words I was able to say in her language, although they were mostly numbers, and she saw that I understood something about the soft playfulness of bargaining. We shook our heads in disagreement over the price; then,immediately, we made another offer and then another shake of the head. She was so pleased that unexpectedly, she accepted the last offer I made. But it was too soon. The price was too low. She was being too generous and wouldn"t make enough money. I moved quickly and picked up two more skirts and paid for all three at the price set; that way I was able to pay her three times as much before she had a chance to lower the price for the larger purchase. She smiled openly then, and, for the first time in months, my spirit lifted. I almost felt happy.The feeling stayed with me while she wrapped the skirts in a newspaper and handed them to me. When I left, though, the feeling left, too. It was as though it stayed behind in marketplace. I left tears in my throat. I wanted to cry. I didn"t, of course.I have learned to defend myself against what is hard; without knowing it, I have also learned to defend myself against what is soft and what should be easy.I get up, light a candle and want to look at the skirts. They are still in the newspaper that the woman wrapped them in. I remove the paper, and raise the skirts up to look at them again before Ipack them. Something falls to floor. I reach down and feel something cool in my hand. I move close to the candlelight to see what I have. There are five long silk ribbons in my hand, all different colors. The woman in the marketplace! She has given these ribbons to me!There is no defense against a generous spirit, and this time I cry, and very hard, as if I could make up for all the months that I didn"t cry.1. According to the writer, the woman in the marketplace ________.A. refused to speak to herB. was pleasant and attractiveC. was selling skirts and ribbonsD. recognized her immediately2. Which of the following in NOT correct?A. The writer was not used to bargaining.B. People in Asia always bargain when buying things.C. Bargaining in Laos was quiet and peaceful.D. The writer was ready to bargain with the woman.3. Why did the writer finally decide to buy three skirts?A. The skirts were cheap and pretty.B. She liked the patterns on the skirts.C. She wanted to do something as compensation.D. She was fed up with further bargaining with the woman.4. When did the writer left the marketplace, she wanted to cry, but did not because ________.A. she had learned to stay cool and unfeelingB. she was afraid of crying in publicC. she had learned to face difficulties bravelyD. she had to show in public that she was strong5. Why did the writer cry eventually when she looked at the skirts again?A. she suddenly felt very sad.B. she liked the ribbons so much.C. she was **e by emotion.D. she felt sorry for the woman.TEXT CMore and more of the world"s supply of seafood is coming from farms.Although 80% of the world"s **es from marine harvests, there is a major shift under way toward aquaculture now.Nearly 40% of salmon marketed today are raised in captivity, compared with 6% a decade ago. Forty percent of all clams, oysters, and mussels are produced in farm environments, along with 65% of freshwater fish. Between 1990 and 1996, fish-farming production rose from 12.4 million to 23 million tons worldwide, writes Anne Platt McGinn in an article for World Watch magazine. "The fact that world seafood supplies continue to increase at all is due almost entirely to the phenomenal growth in aquaculture," says McGinn, a research associate at the World Watch Institute. Commercial aquaculture is driven by rising human population at a time when over harvested wild fish stocks are in decline and conventional farm production has leveled off. Biotechnology is contributing to high-yield aquaculture through transgenics--the transfer of genes from one species to another. Researchers introduce desirable genetic traits into fish, creating hardier stocks. For example, some species of fish have a protein that allows them to live in Arctic waters. By transplanting this "anti-freeze" gene into other species, researchers have created more fish that can survive in extremely cold water, according to Ag-West Biotech, Inc., in Saskatchewan, Canada_Biotechnologists are attempting to improve a wide range of genetic traits in fish used for aquaculture, developing fish that are larger and faster-growing, more efficient in converting feed into muscle, more tolerant of low oxygen levels in water, and better able to resist disease. Researchers also are seeking plant-based sources of food as a more efficient alternative to fishmeal. The use of plant protein on fish farms could take some of the pressure off wild fish stocks and address the problem of phosphorous pollution because plants do not contain high phosphorus levels. Wheat, canola, and canola oil are being used as alternative feed for aquaculture, according to Ag-West Biotech, Inc.While aquaculture produces a reliable source of protein, the industry is rife with environmental problems, asserts McGinn. Perhaps the biggest concern is water pollution: Fish waste and uneaten food accumulates at farm sites and can float directly downstream into water supplies. Farm-related nutrient wastes as well as nitrogen and phosphorus also promote the spread of algal "blooms" that deplete oxygen and kill marine life.Aquaculture is also an inefficient user of resources, McGinn charges. Fish farms need protein feed, and about 17% of ocean fish, an over harvested wild resource, becomes food for captive-bred fish. "An estimated five kilograms of oceanic fish reduced into fishmeal are required to raise one kilogram of farmed ocean fish or shrimp, representing a large net protein loss," says McGinn. Fish farming does not have to be an inefficient or polluting industry. McGinn predicts that many consumers will choose sustainably produced fish in the future, just as they prefer dolphin-free tuna today.1. All the following statements are the reasons **mercial aquaculture is pushed forward EXCEPTA. the human population is increasing fast.B. the wild fish stocks are decreasing due to over fishing.C. the cost of developing aquaculture is comparatively low.D. there is no improvement in conventional farm production.2. Biotechnology has already enabled more fish toA. change feed into muscle more efficiently.B. stand low oxygen levels in water.C. tolerate extremely cold water.D. grow larger and faster.3. Which of the following is the defect of fishmeal?A. It doesn"t contain much protein necessary for fish.B. It is not so easily developed as the plant alternatives.C. It creates serious phosphorous pollution.D. It is not as diverse as the plant alternatives.4. The author"s attitude towards aquaculture isA. optimistic.B. negative.C. indifferent.D. uncertain.5. According to McGinn, aquaculture will most probably become______in the future.A. the major resource of seafoodB. a pollution-free industryC. the major source of proteinD. an industry of sustainable developmentTEXT DA message to House Democrats: This is your moment of truth. You can do the right thing and pass the Senate health care bill. Or you can look for an easy way out, make excuses and fail the test of history.Tuesday"s Republican victory in the Massachusetts special election means that Democrats can"t send a modified health care bill back to the Senate. That"s a shame because the bill that would have emerged from House-Senate negotiations would have been better than the bill the Senate has already passed. But the Senate bill is much, much better than nothing. And all that has to happen to make it law is for the House to pass the same bill, and send it to President Obama"s desk. Right now, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, says that she doesn"t have the votes to pass the Senate bill. But there is no good alternative.Some are urging Democrats to scale back their proposals in the hope of gaining Republican support. But anyone who thinks that would work must have spent the past year living on another planet. The fact is that the Senate bill is a centrist document, which moderate Republicans should find entirely acceptable. In fact, it"s very similar to the plan Mitt Romney introduced in Massachusetts just a few years ago. Yet it has faced lock-step opposition from the G. O. P. , which is determined to prevent Democrats from achieving any successes. Why would this change now that Republicans think they"re on a roll?Alternatively, some call for breaking the health care plan into pieces so that the Senate can vote the popular pieces into law. But anyone who thinks that would work hasn"t paid attention to the actual policy issues. Think of health care reform as being like a three-legged stool. You would, rightly, ridicule anyone who proposed saving money by leaving off one or two of the legs. Well,。
A.缴纳10%B.不缴纳C.缴纳15%D.缴纳5%【答案】 B2、一般让应聘者对某一问题作出明确的答复的面试提问方式是()A.开放式提问B.封闭式提问C.清单式提问D.假设式提问【答案】 B3、(2018年5月)以改善绩效为目的的培训的特点不包括()A.以一对一为主要指导方法B.培训时间长C.以客观、公正的绩效考核为依据D.是任职前培训的延续【答案】 B4、()是员工超额劳动的报酬,如红利、佣金、利润分享计划等。
A.收入B.奖励C.报酬D.福利【答案】 B5、(2015年11月)()是对绩效管理标准提出的要求。
A.系统性B.具体性C.完整性D.有效性【答案】 B6、企业录用职工的,应当自录用之日起()内到住房公积金管理中心办理缴存登记。
A.30日B.60日C.90日D.120日【答案】 A7、(2018年11月)制度工作时间是指法定工作时间,国家人力资源和社会保障部门有关文件规定,员工全年月平均工作天数调整为()天。
A.20.83B.21.75C.22D.21【答案】 A8、(2015年11月)()是对绩效管理标准提出的要求。
A.系统性B.具体性C.完整性D.有效性【答案】 B9、()通常指员工超额劳动的报酬。
A.收入B.奖励C.薪金D.工资【答案】 B10、(2016年5月)在企业中,在岗培训计划通常采用()的方式制定。
A.双向并联B.自上而下C.并列关联D.自下而上【答案】 D11、()是政府通过调节利率来调节总需求水平,以促进充分就业、稳定物价和经济增长的一种宏观经济管理对策。
A.财政政策B.收入政策C.金融政策D.货币政策【答案】 D12、(2019年5月)关于背景调查应遵循的原则,下列说法错误的是()。
全国青少年机器人技术等级考试(四级)一、单选题1.(20181208)超声波传感器,有四个引脚,超声波传感器从哪个引脚接受触发信号,开始工作?(B)A. VCCB. TrigC. EchoD. GND解析:Trig是数字输出引脚,当输出一个10微秒的脉冲后,传感器触发开始工作。
Echo是数字输入引脚,用来测量超声波发出和返回的时间2.(20181208)关于PWM下面描述错误的是?(C)A. PWM是通过数字信号实现的模拟输出B. PWM是通过调整占空比来实现输出值的变化C. 占空比是一个脉冲周期内低电平时间所占的比例D. PWM等效输出电压值等于占空比乘以高电平值解析:考察PWM(脉冲宽度调制)和占空比概念。
3.(20181208)关于循环语句中,break语句描述错误的是?(B)A. break语句只对包含它的最内层循环语句起作用B. break语句可以跳出多重循环C. break语句终止当前循环D. break语句执行后,程序将跳转到本循环后的第一条语句开始继续执行解析:break语句的作用是跳出当前循环,接着执行循环后面的语句。
4.(20181208)在程序运行过程中,需要延时0.2秒,下列程序正确的是?(C)A. delay(0.2)B. delay(20)C. delay(200)D. delay(2000)5.(20181208)以下有关switch语句的说法正确的是?(B)A. break语句是switch语句中必需的一部分B. 在switch 语句中可以根据需要使用或不使用break语句C. break语句在switch 语句中不可以使用D. 在switch 语句中的每一个case都要使用break语句解析:根据需要来确定在switch中使用或者不使用break语句或default语句。
6.(20181208)Arduino C语言中,十六进制数的前缀是?(D)A. 0B. 无前缀C. 0bD. 0x解析:十六进制数的前缀是0x,在遥控器键值编码中有十六进制数。
HSK四级模拟试题(十)2018-1Name [填空题] *ID [填空题] *一、听力第一部分第1-10题:判断对错。
1. 年轻人愿意跟旅游团一起旅行。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)2. 这家商店的衣服不打折。
() [单选题] *A ✓(正确答案)B ✗3. 在办公室工作的人身体好。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)4. 锻炼身体会让心情变好。
() [单选题] *A ✓(正确答案)B ✗5. 上网买衣服不方便。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)6. 王明上次带护照了。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)7. 男的想要东边的房间。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)8. 别人喜欢你的缺点。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)9. 司机正在抽烟。
() [单选题] *A ✓(正确答案)B ✗10. 住在高楼里的人最害怕停电。
() [单选题] *A ✓(正确答案)B ✗第二部分第11-25题:请选出正确答案。
11. () [单选题] *A研讨会的时间B研讨会的地点(正确答案)C研讨会的内容D男的参不参加12. () [单选题] *A男的来晚了(正确答案)B男的来早了C电影没开始D电影开始了13. () [单选题] *A打扰周围的人B把声音关小C提醒男的(正确答案) D睡觉14. () [单选题] *A太累B工作压力太大C头疼D病得很严重(正确答案) 15. () [单选题] *A塑料袋很旧B塑料袋免费C塑料袋很新D省钱(正确答案)16. () [单选题] *A马路太窄B马路太少C车太少(正确答案)D车太多17. () [单选题] *A去超市B做饭(正确答案)C买饼干D寄东西18. () [单选题] *A行李很多B东西拿不动C下午去机场D不让女的来接(正确答案) 19. () [单选题] *A在餐厅工作B在看报纸C很一般D是一位作家(正确答案) 20. () [单选题] *A女的见过B脾气好C很漂亮(正确答案)D总不高兴21. () [单选题] *A过一会儿(正确答案)B前天C在海边时D跑步时22. () [单选题] *A医生和病人B妻子和丈夫C老师和学生(正确答案) D服务员和客人23. () [单选题] *A要去应聘B现在工作不忙C不想工作D有新工作了(正确答案)24. () [单选题] *A买洗衣机B别买洗衣机C先了解再买(正确答案)D洗衣服25. () [单选题] *A很感动B很快乐C很浪漫D很精彩(正确答案)第三部分第26-45题:请选出正确答案。
整理2018年6月大学英语四级模拟试卷及答案一套整理2018年6月大学英语四级模拟试卷及答案一套PartⅠ Writing (答题时间30分钟) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write acomposition on the topic “Advertising”. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.1. 广告的目的。
2. 为什么要做广告。
3. 厂商做广告的真实原因。
You should write at least 120 words but no morethan 180 words. PartⅡ listening comprehension Section A (three news reports)略Section B (two long conversations)略Section C (three passages)略PartⅢ reading comprehension(答题时间共40分钟) Section A Directions: In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks. You are requiredto select one wordfor each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank isidentified by aletter. Please mark the corresponding letter for eachitem on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through thecentre. You may not use any of the words in thebank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage. Wise buying is a positive wayin which you can make your money go fuller.The way yougo about purchasing an article or a service can actually26 you money or can add to the cost.Take the 27 example of a hairdryer, If you are buying a hairdryer,you might think that you are making the 28 buy if you choose one whose look you like and which is alsothe cheapest 29 price.But when you get it home youmay find that it takes twice as long as a more expensive 30 to dry your hair.The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well make your hairdryerthe most expensive one of all. So what principles should you 31 when you go out shopping? If you keep your home.your car or any valuable 32 in excellent condition,you’11 be saving money i n the long run.Before you buy a new 33 ,talk to someone who owns one.Ifyou e it or borrow it to check it suits yourparticular purpose.Before you buy an expensive 34 ,or a service,do check the price and what is on offer.If possible.choose 35 three items or three estimates.A) possession B)save C)best D)appliance E)material F) from G)simple H)with I)in J)element K) model L)item M)easy N)adopt O)reasonable Section B Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identifythe paragraphfrom which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraphis marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Deborah Kenny"s "Born to Rise" Tells Story of HarlemVillage Academies A) Deborah Kenny, CEO of the Harlem Village Academies, is frustrated with the nation"s current education system. Unlike most, though, she decided to do something about it. Part declaration part record, her book Born to Rise writes down herjourney toward creating and running her own system of progressive charter schools in Harlem in New Y ork City.What is your educational philosophy? B) We want our students to receive the same high-quality education as students who are privileged to attend the best private schools in the country. Personally, I believea progressive education is superior as long as it"sdelivered by really smart, talented teachers who knowhow to execute well. It"s a sophisticated approach that really only works well in the hands of a really sophisticated educator. We"re dealing with a little bit of a challenge because students enter this school from the regular public system. And when they enter in fifth grade, they"re not yet well-trained in the basics reading, writing, and math--which means that we haveto catch them up on basic math skills, on the "basicsof writing. And many of them come in at a kindergarten, first, second-grade level in reading. So we have toaccelerate their mastery of the basics, but we rejectthe idea that if you do that you can"t teach that ata high level. We push ourselves constantly to thinkabout how we can make sure that our students will catch up while we teach at the highest possible level. Itmeans asking difficult, delicate questions, notaccepting an answer that is not backed up by evidence,the kinds of things that you would expect to see in the best private schools. We aim for a high level in richdiscussions where the students are asked to analyze a challenging text and where the teacher does not accept just any answer simply because the student is behaving. What makes the Harlem Village Academies different?C) First of all, I have to say what we have in commonwith other charter schools because we have learned somuch from them: creating an expectation that all students will attend college, naming classrooms aftercolleges, the longer school day, the longer school year.I feel it"s important to give credit where credit isdue because I learned from them. In those early yearswhen I opened the school, most of these other schoolsbad been around for seven years, ten years, some of them even longer. D ) As far as what makes us different, I"ll tell you what the teachers say: teachers tell usthat the level of professionalism and passion for teaching at a high level and teaching above the test,not to the test, and working in an environment, where everybody is trusted to do their job and continuallylearning--there"s this incredible culture of learning. There"s this incredible workplace culture where theadults are continually becoming better and learningmore about how to become a better lead her. The teachers get to make all of the decisions "about their own professional development rather than being enforced to at tend the training. They are treated like professional-grade" doctors and lawyers at the. Highest level. They actually make the decisions notonly about what books to use and what teaehing methed,but even about what their own professional development Ioukslike.There"s a very clear set of standards farwhat the students need to know and be "able to do atthe end of each year and quarter, and we hold people accountable for that end goal. But we give them complete freedom to decide how they"re going to achieve it, which is how all professionals are treated. Unfortunately,it"s not how most teachers are treated inthis country. Most teachers are treated like factory workers, wherethere"s a hig set ofrules on how they have to do everything. What does the curriculum look like at Harlem Village Academy schools? E) It looks likea classic liberal-arts curriculum, where math, reading, and writing are not the only subjects taught. Even ifthe state focuses its testing on those things, we donot let the state dictate our curriculum. We are interested in a rich curriculum that includes art andmusic and seience and social studies and a wide varietyof electives, and character education is integratedthroughout. How do you address the criticismspeople have regarding charter schools? F) I"d say that the .main criticisms are stemming from the factthat in a charter system the teachers are not unionized, and they"re treated as professionals instead of as manual laborers. The charter movement is challengingthe current situation, it"s eoming along and saying we used to completely change the underlying premiere ( 前提) of how we go about public education. Parents should be able to choose the scherzi. We should give power toall parents, regardless of socioeonomie level, to choose where they send their child, and that createsmarket competition: if you have an amazing school with caring teachers and great results, parents are goingto ~ant to choose that school. The charter movement isputting the needs of children first anti is holdingteachers accountable. It ehalleuges the notion of tenure (终身教职), where there"s no accountability atall. What"s next for you and the Harlem Village Academies? G) We are going to triple (增至三倍) in size in the next twn years. We will have a full K-12 system. We"re starting two new elementary schools, we will be serving 2,000 children, but we are not eager to grow super-big. We want to use the platform of whatwe" re learned and the results that we"ve produced--that ant teachers have produced--to have anational influence on policy and on teaching methods.The laws that govern how school srun constrain the ability of the printcipal to run the school well. They"re not allowed to build a team. And building a team where teachers are trusted, happy and cooperative isreally the foundation for an excellent school. So wewant to find a way to get our message out nationallyand continue to be part of the movement. 36. In the Harlem Village Academies. teachers can decide themselves how they are going to achieve the teaching objectives. 37. The charter movement challengesthe tenure system in making children"s needs apriority and holding, teachers responsible. 38 The Harlem Village Academies will be able to enroll 2,000 ehildren in the next twoyears 39. Deborah Kenny admits that she learns a lot from other charter schools. 40. The curriculum at Harlem Village Academies not onlyincludes the subjects frequentlytested. 41.The Harlem Village Academies are eager to exert a national influence on policy and teaching methods. 42. Students entering the Harlem Village Academies are from the regular public system. 43. Deborah Kenny decides to create and run the Harlem Village Academies because sheis disappointed about the current education system. 44. Charter schools are mainly criticizedfor treating the teachers as professionals. 45. One of the challenges facing the Harlern Village Academies is how to accelerate students" mastery of the basics. Section C Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed bysome questions orunfinished statements. For each ofthem there are four choices marked A, B, C andD . Youshould decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 with a singleline through the centre. Passage One Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Sign has become a scientific hot button.Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realizedthat signed languages are unique—a speech of the hand.They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language,and throw new l ighton an old scientific controversy:whether language,complete with grammar,is something that we are bornWith,or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in the pioneeringwork of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington,D. C.,the world‘s only liberal arts university for deaf people. When B ill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English,the school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed somethingodd:among t hemselves,students signed differently from his classroom teacher. Stokoe had been taught a sortof gestural code,each movement of the hands representing a word in English.At the time,AmericanSign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than aform of pidgin English (混杂英语)。
英语专业四级模考试题及答案2018英语专业四级模考试题及答案It's the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself..以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2018英语专业四级模考试题及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation. All high school graduates ought to go, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become "better" people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don't go.But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don't fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis; college students interfere with each other's experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the intense competition for admission to graduate school. Other find no stimulation in their studies, and drop out—often encouraged by college administrators.Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves—they are spoiled and they are expecting too much. But that is a condemnation of the students as a whole, and doesn't explain all campus unhappiness. Others blame the state of the world, and they are partly right. We have been told that young people have to go to college because our economy can't absorb an army of untrained eighteen-year-olds. But disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds, either.Some adventuresome educators and watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school. We may have been looking at all those surveys and statistics upside down, it seems, and through the rosy glow of our own remembered college experiences. Perhaps college doesn't make people intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, or quick to learn things—may it is just the other way around, and intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, quick-learning people are merely the ones who have been attracted to college in the first place. And perhaps all those successful college graduates would have been successful whether they had gone to college or not. This is heresy to those of us who have been brought up to believe that if a little schooling is good, more has to be much better. But contrary evidence is beginning to mount up.1.According to the author, ___.A.people used to question the value of college education.B.people used to have full confidence in higher education.C.all high school graduates went to college.D.very few high school graduates chose to go to college.2.In the 2nd paragraph, "those who don't fit the pattern" refer to___.A.high school graduates who aren't suitable for college education.B.college graduates who are selling shoes and driving taxis.C.college students who aren't any better for their higher education.D.high school graduates who failed to be admitted to college.3.The dropout rate of college students seems to go up because___.A.young people are disappointed with the conventional way of teaching at college.B.many people are required to join the army.C.young people have little motivation in pursuing a higher education.D.young people don't like the intense competition for admission to graduate school.4.According to the passage, the problems of college education partly originate in the fact that___.A.society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained graduates.B.High school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education.C.Too many students have to earn their own living.D.College administrators encourage students to drop out.5.In this passage the author argues that___.A.more and more evidence shows college education may not be the best thing for high school graduates.B.College education is not enough if one wants to be successful.C.College education benefits only the intelligent, ambitious, and quick-learning people.D.Intelligent people may learn quicker if they don't go to college.答案:BCCAA。
2022-2023年企业人力资源管理师之四级人力资源管理师考前冲刺模拟试卷A卷含答案单选题(共50题)1、(2018年5月)以下关于工作要项的说法不正确的是()A.它可能是大量的非重复性活动B.一个岗位的工作要项约4~8个C.它可能是对组织结果有重大影响的活动D.抓住了工作要项就等于抓住了关键环节【答案】 A2、下列不属于影响社会收益率变动的因素是()。
A.投资成本与收益的大小及其变动关系B.各期发生成本的支出规模C.宏观经济水平及国家的财政政策、货币政策和分配政策D.人力资本投资类型不同【答案】 B3、()实际上是计时工资的一种转化形式。
A.等级工资B.岗位工资C.绩效工资D.计件工资【答案】 D4、以下关于制度规范的表述不正确的是()A.管理制度主要针对集体而非个人B.业务规范所规定的对象均具有可重复性特点C.管理制度是比企业基本制度层次略低的制度规范D.技术规范是层次最低、约束范围最广的制度规范【答案】 D5、()是以实现劳动关系双方的沟通,但不一定达成协议为目的的企业民主管理制度。
A.组织参与B.平等协商制度C.个人参与D.职工代表大会【答案】 B6、关于绩效管理与绩效考评,正确的说法是()。
A.绩效考评是以绩效管理为基础的人力资源管理的子系统B.绩效考评是绩效管理的重要支撑点C.绩效管理为绩效考评的运行与实施提供了依据D.相比而言,绩效考评更注重员工绩效与组织绩效的有机结合【答案】 B7、(2018年5月)劳动合同中,法定条款不包括()A.合同期限B.工作内容C.保密事项D.劳动报酬【答案】 C8、(2015年11月)()是一个企业给员工传递信息的渠道,也是企业价值观的体现。
A.薪酬管理的基本策略B.薪酬管理的基本制度C.薪酬管理的根本目标D.薪酬管理的基本原则【答案】 D9、根据绩效()的不同,绩效考评方法可以分为上级考评、同级考评、下级考评、自我考评和外人考评。
A.考评方向B.考评内容C.考评时间D.考评主体【答案】 D10、(2017年11月)背景调查的内容应()A.迅速、有效B.简明、实用C.简单、明了D.周全、详尽【答案】 B11、(2017年5月)下列不属于转岗培训方式的是()A.与新员工一起参加B.接受企业的定向培训C.接受现场的一对一指导D.外出参加管理理论培训【答案】 D12、企业在( )阶段的工作要帮助新员工建立与同事和工作团队的关系,形成符合实际的期望和积极的态度。
HSK四级模拟试题(九)2018-4STUDENT NAME [填空题] *ID [填空题] *1. 小张喜欢坐火车出差。
() [单选题] *A ✓(正确答案)B ✗2. 他们下午要去打篮球。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)3. 心情不好的时候可以出去散步。
() [单选题] *A ✓(正确答案)B ✗4. 飞机已经起飞了。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)5. “我”下午不去奶奶家。
() [单选题] *A ✓(正确答案)B ✗6. 他已经写完作业了。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)7. 今天风很大。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)8. “我”已经办了电影院的会员卡。
() [单选题] *A ✓B ✗(正确答案)9. 下午“我”和小王一起去修手机。
() [单选题] *A ✓(正确答案)B ✗10. 这种饮料是新出的。
() [单选题] *A ✓(正确答案)B ✗第二部分第11-25题:请选出正确答案。
11. () [单选题] *A门坏了B迷路了C证件丢了D忘带门卡了(正确答案)12. () [单选题] *A性别B签字C名字(正确答案)D电话号码13. () [单选题] *A家里(正确答案)B车上C商店D电影院14. () [单选题] *A火车站B飞机场(正确答案) C商店D图书馆15. () [单选题] *A北方凉快B跟去年一样C北方更热(正确答案) D南方更热16. () [单选题] *A不运动B生病了C工作轻松D有人照顾(正确答案) 17. () [单选题] *A两个小时(正确答案) B一个半小时C一个小时D两个半小时18. () [单选题] *A不想给B太早了(正确答案) C忘记了D给过了19. () [单选题] *B兴奋C羡慕D吃惊(正确答案) 20. () [单选题] *A交通B环境C价格(正确答案) D大小21. () [单选题] *A喝酒了B睡觉少(正确答案) C总化妆D年龄大了22. () [单选题] *A银行(正确答案) B车站C学校D公司23. () [单选题] *A早上(正确答案) B中午C下午D晚上24. () [单选题] *A高兴C失望(正确答案)D得意25. () [单选题] *A书店B汉字C作业D买词典(正确答案)第三部分第26-45题:请选出正确答案。
后来经过不断改进,到宋朝(the Song Dynasty)人们制造出铁针指南针并应用于航海。
指南针为明代(the Ming Dynasty)郑和下西洋提供了条件。
参考译文:China is universally recognized as the country having invented the compass. As early as 2,400 years ago, Chinese people created the earliest compass in the world. Later it was further improved continuously. During the Song Dynasty, people produced the compass with iron needles and applied it in navigation. China is the first country using the compass on seagoing ships. The compass provided aid for Zheng He s voyages to the Western Ocean in the Ming Dynasty. Later the compass spread into Europe, promoting the development of the European marine industey and guaranteeing technical support for Columbus navigation.1.第1句中的“发明指南针的”可处理成后置定语,用现在分词短语having invented the compass来表达,也可用定语从句which has invented...来表达。
2.考生进入考场不得携带任何册本、笔记本、报纸、草稿纸、计算器、录音器材及带通讯功能的电子设备〔如、智能手表等〕进入考场;已带入考场的违规物品, 必需按监考员指示放到指定位置。
在测验过程中发现考生未按监考员指示将违规物品放到指定位置的, 做违纪处置。
一、测验时间: 11月21日18:00-20:10。
2022-2023年企业人力资源管理师之四级人力资源管理师通关试题库(有答案)单选题(共50题)1、(2018年11月) 容易受人员的水平和经验的局限,出现定额偏高、偏低的现象,制定的劳动定额准确性较差,定额水平不易平衡,属于哪种劳动定额方法()。
A.经验估工法B.统计分析法C.类推比较法D.技术定额法【答案】 A2、(2017年5月)背景调查的内容应()A.迅速、有效B.简明、实用C.简单、明了D.周全、详尽【答案】 B3、在管理人员教程中,二级的对象是()。
A.具有管理潜能的员工B.具有较高潜力的初级管理能力C.负责核心流程或多项职能的管理人员D.管理业务或项目并对其业绩全权负责者【答案】 C4、(2016年11月)调整劳动关系应当遵循的原则性规范和最低标准是()。
A.劳动合同B.劳动法律、法规C.社会道德D.民主管理制度【答案】 B5、外部专业培训机构和场地的缺点是()。
A.利用特定设施B.培训形式单一C.组织较为困难,且费用较大D.受外部影响大【答案】 C6、以下不属于外部招募主要方法的是()。
A.广告法C.熟人推荐法D.布告法【答案】 D7、免费提供法律咨询和员工心理健康咨询等属于( )A.经济性福利B.直接薪酬C.非经济性福利D.津贴和补贴【答案】 C8、差异化战略的制定原则包括效益原则、适当原则和()。
A.领先原则B.有效原则C.总成本最低原则D.持久原则?【答案】 B9、(2019年5月)()是指在招聘广告中不出现招聘企业名称的广告。
A.隐瞒广告C.遮蔽广告D.不公开广告【答案】 C10、津贴和补贴是员工工资的一种补充形式,其特点不包括()。
A.具有单一性B.具有较大的灵活性C.具有多样性D.是补偿性的劳动报酬【答案】 C11、绩效管理表现为一个有序的、复杂的管理活动过程,它首先要( )A.确定组织与员工个人的工作目标B.制定绩效考评的具体方法与工具C.确定考评者与被考评者D.计划绩效考评实施的具体程序与过程【答案】 A12、敬业的特征是()。
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Part Ⅰ Writing(选自2015年12月四级真题第3套的作文)(本题共15分)
这是一篇四级考试中常见的议论文.话题围绕“Never go out there to see what happens,go out there to make things happen.”这句话展开,要求考生进行评论,同时在题目要求中也明确给出了作文主题the importance of being participants rather than mere onlookers in life.考生应该明确这一主题,并围绕其展开论述.
一、点明主题:不做看客,要做实践者(being participants instead of onlookers in life)
put…into practice将……付诸实践
carry out执行;实现
make a progress取得进步
would rather…than比起……更情愿……
stand by袖手旁观
1.For some people, watching what happens to others is good enough to learn a lesson, while for others, only practicing by themselves can finally make them get the real skills in
2.No matter how many authentic theories you've got before,
nothing will happen until you put them into practice.
Part II Listening Comprehension (本题共35分)(选自2015年新四级听力题型样卷)
Section A(每小题1分,共7分):
News1:1-2: BC News 2:3-4 AD News 3:5-7: DAC
Section B(每小题1分,共8分):
Conversation 1 :8-11: D B BC
Conversation 2:12-15 :ABCD
Section C(每小题2分,共20分):
Passage 1: 16-18: ABD
Passage2: 19-21 DCB
Passage 3: 22-25: BADC
Part III Reading Comprehension (本题共35分)(选自2015年12月四级真题第1套)
Section A (每小题0.5分,共5分)
26-30:J G O K B 31-35 I F M H A
Section B(每小题1分,共10分)
36-40 G D A F K 41-45 H C I B J
Section C (每小题2分,共20分)
46 -50 : CA DBA 51-55 : A BCDB
Part Ⅳ Translation (选自2016年6月英语四级翻译真题)(本题共15分)Wuzhen, an ancient water town of Zhejiang province, is located near the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It is a charming place. Many ancient bridges, Chinese style hotels and restaurants dwell there. In the past one thousand years, the water system and the way of life there haven't changed much, so it is a museum of ancient civilizations. All rooms in Wuzhen are made of stone and wood. Over hundreds of years, the locals have built houses and markets along the riverbank. Numerous spacious and pretty courtyards hide in those houses, serving as surprises and waiting to be found by the tourists.
1.翻译第一句时,“位于……”还可以译为be located near/on/in …/stand nearby…等;
2.翻译第二句时,“有”,表存在,可用不及物动词dwell来表达,或者there lie/be/ stand…
3.翻译第三句时,“生活没有变化”与“博物馆”是因果关系,故翻译时添加连词so, therefore, hence……
5.最后一句中,“有惊喜的发现和等待被发现”译为serve as surprises and waiting to be found….用了非谓语东西表伴随的作用。