



(单选题) 1: 秦代散文作家李斯的代表作是。

A: 《鸣凤记》B: 《牡丹亭》C: 《清忠谱》D: 《谏逐客书》正确答案:(单选题) 2: 《战国策》的成书体例与相同的是A: 《国语》B: 《左传》C: 《吕氏春秋》D: 《孟子》正确答案:(单选题) 3: 初唐最早的一首五言律诗是()。

A: 《情采》B: 《野望》C: 《体性》D: 《神思》正确答案:(单选题) 4: 《荀子》今存()篇,多为荀子自著。

A: 三十一B: 三十二C: 三十三D: 三十四正确答案:(单选题) 5: 《老子》又名:A: 《乌衣巷》B: 《洞萧赋》C: 《道德经》D: 《古离别》正确答案:(单选题) 6: 记录战国时代游说之士的策谋或纵横家的事迹、言论的是()。

A: 《谷梁传》B: 《左传》C: 《公羊传》D: 《战国策》正确答案:(单选题) 7: 提出“以适用为本”的文学主张,诗文创作具有浓厚政治色彩的文学家()A: 苏舜钦B: 王安石C: 苏洵D: 苏轼正确答案:(单选题) 8: 《楚辞》名称确定的时间是()。

A: 南宋B: 北宋C: 东汉D: 西汉正确答案:(多选题) 1: 前七子是()正确答案:(多选题) 2: 古代文学的发展有着开创和奠基之功。

同时秦汉文学的发展又可以按照时间跨度划分为:A: 秦代的文学B: 汉初的文学C: 西汉后期与东汉前期的文学D: 东汉后期的文学正确答案:(多选题) 3: 属于“唐宋八大家”的作家有()A: 范仲淹B: 欧阳修C: 苏辙D: 胡铨E: 叶适正确答案:(多选题) 4: 列举两部中唐时期爱情小说的代表作品()。

A: 《柳毅传》B: 《莺莺传》C: 《古文春秋左氏传》D: 《左氏传》正确答案:(判断题) 1: 丈夫不作儿女别,临歧涕泪沾衣巾。

A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: 战士军前半死生,美人帐下犹歌舞。

A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 3: 史官除了从事宗教活动外,还从事有关赐命、册命、载录氏族谱系等政治活动。

东师大学英语(一)高起专18 春在线作业

东师大学英语(一)高起专18 春在线作业

东师大学英语(一)高起专18 春在线作业东师大学英语(一)高起专18春在线作业3 一、单选题共40题,100分1、The surroundings of his house ______ clean now. Ais Bare Cwas Dwere 正确答案是:B2、I’m not going to ask the teacher why he gave me that grade; I intend _______. Ato let rest the matterBthe matter to be let resting Cletting the matter to rest Dto let the matter rest 正确答案是:D3、They _____ to our proposal. Ahave not still responded Bhave not responded still Chave still not responded Dstill have not responded 正确答案是:D4、Everyone will agree that food in the south is as good as ______ in the country. Aother region Bany other region Cthat of any regionDthat of any other region 正确答案是:D5、The salary of a taxi driver is much higher _______. Ain comparison with the salary of a teacher Bthan a teacherCthan that of a teacher Dto compare as a teacher 正确答案是:C6、_______ a prolonged spell of fine weather, they were able to complete the film within the month. AAs to BThanks toCIn relation to DWith respect to正确答案是:B7、In Britain the ______ are all painted red. Aletter boxes Bletters box Cletters boxes Dletters’s box 正确答案是:A8、______ knows the name of this song will receive a prize from the radio station. AWhoever BThoseCWhichever people DAny people 正确答案是:A9、They have to study a lot, ______? Adon’t they Bhaven’t they Cdid they Dhadn’t they 正确答案是:A10、“When did you go to work?”“As soon as they came, we ______ to work.” AwentBwere going Chad gone Dgo正确答案是:A11、“I wonder why they’re late.”“They ______ the train.” Acan have missed Bcould missCmay have missed Dmight miss 正确答案是:C12、Any one can join the club, ______? Acan any one Bcan’t any one Ccan’t they Dcan they 正确答案是:C13、When he just got off the plane, he gave us a good description of ______ in Spain. Awhat he had seen Bthat he had seen Cwhich he had seen Dhe had seen what 正确答案是:A14、What I would do is to go ______. Areally quietly somewhere Bsomewhere quietly really Creally quiet somewhere Dsomewhere really quiet 正确答案是:D15、Three hours ______ enough for us to finish the task. Aare Bhas Cis Dwere正确答案是:C16、I cannot invited ______ of you, since I’ve got only one extra ticket. Aeither Bboth Csome Done正确答案是:B17、All science students, ______,should have a good foundation in basic sciences. Awhether they are future physicists and chemists Bthey are future physicists of chemistsCthey should be future physicists of chemists Dbe they future physicists or chemists 正确答案是:D18、One uses the freezer, the computer and the business school to manufacture ______ dishes in never a tick longer than 100 seconds. Asuch others Bother such Csuch other Dother such a 正确答案是:B19、The purpose of the official inquiry is to ______ the true facts leading to theloss of the ship at sea. Acome at Bcome for Ccome into Dcome over 正确答案是:A20、The parents and the children will have to leave the country ______ good. Awith Bover Con Dfor正确答案是:D21、When the rebellion died ______ things quickly returned to normal. Aout Baway Cdown Dthrough正确答案是:C22、He ran all the way up to the station ______ that the train had left fifteen minutes before.Ain order to find Bso as to find Conly to find Dsuch as to find 正确答案是:C23、Induction means ______ a general conclusion from special facts. Ato come to Bto coming Ccoming to Dcame正确答案是:C24、_______ trouble, I’m going to forget the whole affair. AThen rather cause BRather causing CRather than cause DRather than caused 正确答案是:C25、Among these books ______ a dictionary that his father gave him asa birthdaypresent.Ahave included Bis included Chas included Dare included 正确答案是:B26、The professor spoke in a loud voice ______ every one of us could hear him. Asuch that BsoCso that Dsuch正确答案是:C27、______ that dress when I first saw you at the station? AWere you wearing BHave you worn CDid you wear Ddo you wear 正确答案是:A28、The business is risky. But ______ we would be rich. Ashould we succeed Bwe should succeed Cmight we succeed Dwould we succeed 正确答案是:A 29、It’s cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new ______ made. Aone BonesCfurniture Dfurnitures 正确答案是:C30、You’d better continue to use the same spelling of your name as ______ you used in your application. Aone Bthe one CanyDsome one 正确答案是:B31、Science was ______ regarded as a part of philosophy.Aat time Bat all time Cat a time Dat one time 正确答案是:D32、He ______ with us last night. Awould have liked to go Bshould like to be going Cshould be liked to go Dwould like to go 正确答案是:A 33、When science, business and art learn something of ______ methods and goals, the world will have come closer to cultural harmony. Aone and the other’s Beach and the other’s Cone another’s。









文学概论18春在线作业1试卷总分:100 得分:0一、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 30 分)1.()是最具民族特色的抒情话语形式。





A.主观世界B.客观对象C.自然界D.自然界正确答案:B8.小说中的核心要素是()A.人物B.情节C.环境D.故事正确答案:A9.戏剧性的重要来源:()A.冲突B.动作C.语言D.表情正确答案:A10.文学阅读活动中读者所具有的特殊情绪要求和心理状态称为()A.阅读身份B.阅读立场C.阅读期待D.阅读心态正确答案二、多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 30 分)1.抒情性作品不同于叙事性作品之处在于()。






(单选题) 1: 有一位老师在教学结尾的时候说:“好的,同学们,我们这节水彩课就讲到这里,请同学们课后完成一幅关于水果的水彩画,下节课对大家的作品进行点评”。

这种类型的结尾属于()A: 总结性结尾B: 交代性结尾C: 启发性结尾D: 悬念性结尾正确答案:(单选题) 2: 备受推崇的人类智慧要素是:人的创造意识,创造精神,()A: 劳动能力B: 生活态度C: 意志品质D: 精神追求正确答案:(单选题) 3: 一位教师在下课前说:“那么书籍装帧形式是不是书籍设计是重要方面呢?”这种类型的结尾属于()A: 总结性结尾B: 交代性结尾C: 启发性结尾D: 悬念性结尾正确答案:(单选题) 4: 1925年,德国大建筑家格罗皮乌斯在()设立了“公立包豪斯学校”促进了现代主义建筑的快速发展,讲究建筑功能、技术和经济效益,以适应现代大工业生产和生活需要。

A: 英国伦敦B: 德国魏玛C: 万国博览会D: 美国加州正确答案:(单选题) 5: 近代美术教育诞生的土壤,是中国传统教育、以传授近代科学技术知识为特征的()A: “新学”教育B: 师徒传授制C: 家庭传承制D: 社会教育正确答案:(单选题) 6: 美术课程改革的主要任务以下哪个不是:()A: 更新观念B: 转变方式C: 调整结构D: 重建制度正确答案:(单选题) 7: 提问法的主要目的是()A: 提起学生的注意力B: 考察学生的思考能力C: 让学生更好的进入学习状态D: 引发学习动机值得思维方向和深度正确答案:(单选题) 8: 教育的最深远功能是()?A: 促进个体发展B: 影响经济发展C: 影响政治发展D: 影像文化发展正确答案:(单选题) 9: 教育的最深远功能是( )。

A: 促进个体发展B: 影响经济发展C: 影响政治发展D: 影像文化发展正确答案:(单选题) 10: 论文提纲编写中的重点部分是()A: 背景分析B: 分析原因C: 找出方法D: 确立结论正确答案:(单选题) 11: 创造过程由构想和()两个阶段构成A: 实施B: 计划C: 场所D: 空间正确答案:(单选题) 12: 教案编制需要把握如下要点:研究课程标准;研究教科书;();了解教学情景;选择教学方法;教学准备(教具、学具或其他);设计教学过程;设计板书(或制作PPT演示文稿)。



(单选题) 1: Are you sure that you’ve met him before? ()I’m mistaken.A: UnlessB: IfC: WhenD: Though正确答案:(单选题) 2: Nowadays children in this area are taught at school()at home, but 60 years ago no children were taught at school()those from rich families.A: rather than; other thanB: other than; exceptC: other than; rather thanD: besides; except正确答案:(单选题) 3: Unluckily, when I dropped in, Dr. Smith(), so we only had time for a few words. A: just leftB: was just leavingC: has just leftD: had just left正确答案:(单选题) 4: Will you() me a favor, please?A: giveB: makeC: doD: doing正确答案:(单选题) 5: The advertisements say 2046 is the most romantic film. But I’m sure it won’t interest(). A: somebodyB: anybodyC: everybodyD: nobody正确答案:(单选题) 6: —— Are you going to the football game ? —— No, the tickets are ()for me.A: too much highB: so much expensiveC: far too expensiveD: highly expensive正确答案:(单选题) 7: My mother asked me to repeat ()telephone number() second time so that she could write it down.A: the; aB: an; theC: an; aD: the; the正确答案:(单选题) 8: In Changsha, although there is a good public transport system,()private car is still becoming() popular means of transportation.A: 不填; theB: the; aC: the; theD: a; 不填B: holdingC: to holdD: to be held正确答案:(单选题) 10: Mr.Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don't you forget it! -OK,I() .A: won’tB: don’tC: willD: do正确答案:(单选题) 11: —Do you think living in the country has advantages? —().A: Yes, perfectlyB: Yes, it isC: All right.D: Well, that depends正确答案:(单选题) 12: Whether you believe it or not, it is ()that cause your illness.A: because of your overweightB: your being overweightC: because you are overweightD: you are so overweight正确答案:(单选题) 13: The company was willing to provide us with what we needed,() made us excited.A: whatB: itC: whichD: that正确答案:(单选题) 14: —Bring me(), please? —Would you like it black or white? —I’ll have it white. A: the coffeeB: a coffeeC: coffeeD: coffees正确答案:(单选题) 15: Whether age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or on health than()on your ability to have fun.A: it isB: it wasC: it dependsD: it does正确答案:(单选题) 16: Nowadays teenagers like to go to the fast food restaurants,() as the name says, eating doesn’t take much time.A: whichB: whoC: whatD: where正确答案:(单选题) 17: Customers are asked to make sure that they() the right change before leaving the shop.D: will be given正确答案:(单选题) 18: —— There are() such books here. —— I only need() these books on this shelf. A: eight dozens ; one dozenB: eight dozens of ; one dozen ofC: eight dozen ; one dozenD: dozens of ; one dozen of正确答案:(单选题) 19: The use of wires to carry telephone communications and for other purposes of the same()cannot satisfy modern needs.A: wayB: kindC: thingD: one正确答案:(单选题) 20: Anyone who wants to watch the air show, ()to get in.A: has to own a permitB: allowedC: would book a ticketD: be sure to pay正确答案:(单选题) 21: ()a mobile phone can you ring()you want to talk with anywhere.A: Using; whoeverB: Only on; whomeverC: By; whomeverD: With; whoever正确答案:(单选题) 22: Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Professor Smith (), so we only had time for a few words.A: has just leftB: had just leftC: just leftD: was just leaving正确答案:(单选题) 23: —Can I help you? —I’d like to buy a present for my mother’s birthday,()at a proper price but of great use.A: oneB: thatC: anyoneD: everything正确答案:(单选题) 24: —Miss. Eldon, please look again for those orders from the Diamond Store. —They’re not with the other orders, sir. They()be there, but they’re not.A: mayB: canC: willD: ought to正确答案:(单选题) 25: May you have a bright future! --() .A: Of course正确答案:(判断题) 1: I went to the railway station to see my friend off after eating my dinner quickly. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: The boss said to the secretary, “If you work well, you ought have a rise.”A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 3: I came back to seeing the newcomer standing in front of my bed.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 4: —Did Miss White say anything that appeal to you especially? —Not really. I slept through her speech.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 5: While the lady would sometimes smile, she would often yell and scold. Even more frequently she would resort physical punishment.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 6: —What can I do for you? —I’d like to buy a present for my brother, one at a proper price but of great use.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 7: We must hurry .Come to think of it ,do we really have to go ?A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 8: Those who were able to took advantage of the opportunities for success and happiness that presented themselves.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 9: The Halls said they would bring their parents along them on their next visit to China. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 10: No country can completely rely on foreign aid to develop its economy.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 11: Leaving her stranded in the desert did not bother me a lot.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 12: We are moving in the right direction and if we carry out this reform ,our problems正确答案:(判断题) 13: Lisa felt bad about forgot to tell Linda about the interview .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 14: He is known as his generosity .He often spends millions helping people in need . A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 15: When they went back to the bus, one of the girls became so curious that she decided to engage him at a conversation.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 16: I told the teacher that I will give my comments another time. But the teacher asked me to go ahead said that he had plenty of time.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 17: You need to watch about here .It’s dark ,and this staircase is steep .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 18: They tried to convince people that what they had done was necessary for world peace,but all their efforts were vain .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 19: University students usually spend a great deal of time studying by their own.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 20: The murderer was brought in, with his hands having tied behind his back.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 21: Leaving him stranded in the desert did not bother me so much.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 22: Have you take sure of the time and place for the interview ?A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 23: I’d like to meet you at the station , but I will left Shanghai when you return. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 24: Last time I was there ,there was garbage all over the place .Now ,it is clean and beautiful ,completely different from what it was last time .(判断题) 25: There are still many things to straighten out before we can build this factory .First ,there is the problem of money .Second ,we need to import some of the key equipment .Third ,we must set up a strong team to run the factory .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(单选题) 1: Are you sure that you’ve met him before? ()I’m mistaken.A: UnlessB: IfC: WhenD: Though正确答案:(单选题) 2: Nowadays children in this area are taught at school()at home, but 60 years ago no children were taught at school()those from rich families.A: rather than; other thanB: other than; exceptC: other than; rather thanD: besides; except正确答案:(单选题) 3: Unluckily, when I dropped in, Dr. Smith(), so we only had time for a few words. A: just leftB: was just leavingC: has just leftD: had just left正确答案:(单选题) 4: Will you() me a favor, please?A: giveB: makeC: doD: doing正确答案:(单选题) 5: The advertisements say 2046 is the most romantic film. But I’m sure it won’t interest(). A: somebodyB: anybodyC: everybodyD: nobody正确答案:(单选题) 6: —— Are you going to the football game ? —— No, the tickets are ()for me.A: too much highB: so much expensiveC: far too expensiveD: highly expensive正确答案:(单选题) 7: My mother asked me to repeat ()telephone number() second time so that she could write it down.A: the; aB: an; theC: an; aD: the; the正确答案:B: the; aC: the; theD: a; 不填正确答案:(单选题) 9: Preparations are being made for the Olympic Games () in Beijing in 2008.A: heldB: holdingC: to holdD: to be held正确答案:(单选题) 10: Mr.Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don't you forget it! -OK,I() .A: won’tB: don’tC: willD: do正确答案:(单选题) 11: —Do you think living in the country has advantages? —().A: Yes, perfectlyB: Yes, it isC: All right.D: Well, that depends正确答案:(单选题) 12: Whether you believe it or not, it is ()that cause your illness.A: because of your overweight。



(单选题) 1: 新中国成立之后,“国语”改成了(),从命名上就克服了重文轻语的片面性,使课程名称更加科学、规范。


A: 国文B: 语言C: 语文D: 中文正确答案:(单选题) 2: 按()的标准,语文综合性学习可分为讨论、演讲、辩论、参观、访问、调查、表演等。

A: 活动形式B: 课题性质C: 活动的时间与空间D: 资源利用情况正确答案:(单选题) 3: 在学习的基础上,“能提出学习和生活中的问题,有目的地搜集资料,共同讨论;结合语文学习,观察大自然,观察社会,书面与口头结合表达自己的观察所得;能在老师的指导下组织有趣味的语文活动,在活动中学习语文,学会合作;在家庭生活、学校生活中,尝试运用语文知识能力解决简单的问题。


A: 五B: 八C: 三D: 二正确答案:(单选题) 4: 语文综合性学习在第()次课程改革中首次被正式提出。

A: 五B: 八C: 三D: 二正确答案:(单选题) 5: ()就是研究者按照一定的目的和计划,在自然条件下,对小学语文教学进行系统地、连续地现场观察,并做出准确、详尽的记录,以便全面而正确地掌握所要研究的情况,作为研究和改进语文教学的依据。

A: 调查法B: 实地观察法C: 质化研究D: 量化研究正确答案:(单选题) 6: ()颁布《奏定学堂章程》,标志着正式建立了我国的小学制度,称“癸卯学制”。

A: 1904年B: 1908年C: 1903年D: 1949年正确答案:(单选题) 7: 为了规范普通话语音,国务院于()就颁布了《汉语拼音方案》。

A: 1949年B: 1939年C: 1958年D: 1978年正确答案:(单选题) 8: 对周围事物有好奇心,并且还能对感兴趣的内容提出问题,结合课内外阅读,共同讨论;结合语文学习,观察大自然,用口头或图文等方式来表达自己观察的;热心参加校园、社区活动。



(单选题) 1: 《双桅帆》中的“岸”象征了( )A: 情人B: 面包C: 水D: 生命正确答案:(单选题) 2: 铁凝________________同样具有清新诗意的品格A: 《透明的红萝卜》B: 《没有钮扣的红衬衫》C: 《麦秸垛》D: 《方舟》正确答案:(单选题) 3: 中篇小说《美食家》的作者是_______A: 陆文夫B: 高晓声C: 方之D: 白先勇正确答案:(单选题) 4: __________写陕北一代孙、田、金三姓人家两代人的复杂关系,特别是子一代的人生道路追求。

A: 《柏慧》B: 《古船》C: 《九月寓言》D: 《平凡的世界》正确答案:(单选题) 5: 1959 年开始发表长篇叙事诗(),反映哈萨克人民的生活和斗争,这是一部宏伟的具有史诗性质的作品。

A: 《回延安》B: 《复仇的火焰》C: 《青纱帐》D: 《祖国,我的钥匙丢了》正确答案:(单选题) 6: 《天山牧歌》是闻捷在()创作的表现新疆少数民族生活的诗集。

A: 五十年B: 代八十年代C: 九十年代D: 三十年代正确答案:(单选题) 7: ()《茶馆》写旧时代人吃人的事,是悲剧。

A: 老舍B: 苏叔阳C: 田汉D: 高行健正确答案:(单选题) 8: 《有的人》是臧克家为_()而创作得一首富于哲理的诗作。

A: 纪念鲁迅去世三十周年B: 纪念鲁迅去世十三周年C: 纪念茅盾去世三十周年D: 纪念茅盾去世十三周年正确答案:(单选题) 9: _______的《黄鹂——病期琐事》通过养病期间对黄鹂鸟的一系列观感的回忆与描叙,表达了作者对美的事物的倾心与赞美,对无视和残害美的行径的谴责,同时,又体现了作者对美的本质的深切理解。

A: 孙犁B: 吴伯箫C: 秦牧D: 杨朔正确答案:(单选题) 10: 不是同一首诗的()A: 一条条街道宽又平,B: 一座座楼房披彩红C: 一盏盏电灯亮又明D: 一块麦地正确答案:(多选题) 1: 下列作品中,属于高晓声“陈奂生系列”小说的有:____________A: 《“漏斗户”主》B: 《陈奂生上城》C: 《陈奂生转业》D: 《陈奂生包产》E: 《陈奂生出国》正确答案:(多选题) 2: 徐剑曾先后获得鲁迅文学奖、中宣部“五个一”工程奖、中国图书奖和中国人民解放军文艺奖等全国、全军文学大奖二十余项,被中国文联评为全国百名德艺双馨的优秀青年文艺家,荣立二等功一次。



(单选题) 1: 被称为法国“现实主义文学宣言书”的理论著作是A: 《〈克伦威尔〉序言》B: 《诗的艺术》C: 《拉辛与莎士比亚》D: 《诗学》正确答案:(单选题) 2: 高尔基称之为民间文学中一座“壮丽的纪念碑“的作品是()A: 《源氏物语》B: 《五卷书》C: 《卡里莱和笛木乃》D: 《一千零一夜》正确答案:(单选题) 3: 《墙》中“墙”的含义是()A: 荣辱之墙B: 建筑之墙C: 生死之墙D: 命运之墙正确答案:(单选题) 4: 《堂吉诃德》产生的时期是.A: 古罗马时期B: 中世纪C: 文艺复兴时期D: 启蒙运动时期正确答案:(单选题) 5: 《旧约》最初使用的文字是()A: 希腊文B: 阿拉伯文C: 希伯来文D: 拉丁文正确答案:(单选题) 6: “一个人并不是生来要被打败的”,接下来的话是()A: 你尽可以打败他,可就是消灭不了他B: 你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他C: 他可以把剩下来的力气统统拼出来D: 命运已经注定人要失败正确答案:(单选题) 7: 纪伯伦文学创作的最高成就是()A: 散文诗B: 长篇小说C: 戏剧D: 杂文正确答案:(单选题) 8: 莫里哀所属的文学流派是.A: 浪漫主义B: 古典主义C: 现实主义D: 启蒙主义正确答案:(单选题) 9: 陀斯妥耶夫斯基的小说《罪与罚》的主人公是A: 杰弗什金B: 卡拉马佐夫C: 拉斯科尼柯夫D: 梅什金正确答案:(单选题) 10: 左拉的主要文学成就是创作了系列小说()A: 《约翰?克利斯朵夫》B: 《人间喜剧》C: 《神曲》D: 《卢贡—马卡尔家族》正确答案:(单选题) 11: 以古希腊神话有关“杀父娶母”的故事为题材的悲剧作品是A: 《伊利亚特》B: 《普罗米修斯》C: 《俄狄浦斯王》D: 《美狄亚》正确答案:(单选题) 12: 莫里哀的国别是A: 英国B: 法国C: 德国D: 俄国正确答案:(单选题) 13: 歌德的代表作是A: 《少年维特之烦恼》B: 《浮士德》C: 《阴谋与爱情》D: 《忏悔录》正确答案:(单选题) 14: 作家马克?吐温的国别是()A: 英国B: 法国C: 德国D: 美国正确答案:(单选题) 15: 萨特的《墙》的体裁是()A: 短篇小说B: 长篇小说C: 戏剧D: 诗歌正确答案:(单选题) 16: 肖洛霍夫创作主要表现的是()A: 乌克兰人的生活B: 哈萨克人的生活C: 哥萨克人的生活D: 茨冈人的生活正确答案:(单选题) 17: 《哈姆莱特》中阴谋篡位的奸王是A: 雷欧提斯B: 波洛涅斯C: 福丁布拉斯D: 克劳狄斯正确答案:(单选题) 18: 葛利高里的形象出自作品()A: 《顿河的故事》B: 《被开垦的处女地》C: 《一个人的遭遇》D: 《静静的顿河》正确答案:(单选题) 19: 《堂吉诃德》中堂吉诃德的仆人是A: 纪斯卡多B: 霍拉旭C: 奥尔恭D: 桑丘?潘沙正确答案:(单选题) 20: 陀斯妥耶夫斯基的小说《罪与罚》的主人公是A: 杰弗什金B: 卡拉马佐夫C: 拉斯科尼柯夫D: 梅什金正确答案:(多选题) 1: 《沙恭达罗》中的主要人物有A: 沙恭达罗B: 豆扇陀C: 罗摩D: 悉多E: 干婆正确答案:(多选题) 2: 马克?吐温在19世纪70年代发表的重要短篇小说有A: 《卡列瓦拉县驰名的跳蛙及其他》B: 《竞选州长》C: 《镀金时代》D: 《哥尔斯密的朋友再度出洋》E: 《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》正确答案:(多选题) 3: 《死魂灵》中有关“死魂灵”的含义有A: 死去的农奴B: 死人的魂灵C: 地主的精神D: 地狱中的景象E: 死去的地主正确答案:(多选题) 4: 塞万提斯的主要作品有A: 《奴曼西亚》B: 《堂吉诃德》C: 《麦克白》D: 《惩恶扬善故事集》E: 《坎特伯雷故事集》正确答案:(多选题) 5: 肖洛霍夫获得的奖项主要有A: 普利策奖B: 斯大林奖C: 龚古尔奖D: 诺贝尔奖E: 列宁勋章正确答案:(多选题) 6: 《悲惨世界》表现的雨果人道主义思想具体有A: 同情劳动人民的不幸B: 批判世俗法律的罪恶C: 歌颂巴黎共和主义者的反抗斗争D: 歌颂暴力革命E: 表现博爱的伟大力量正确答案:(多选题) 7: 悲剧《哈姆莱特》中的人物有A: 克劳狄斯B: 波洛涅斯C: 俄狄浦斯D: 奥菲利娅E: 鲍西娅正确答案:(多选题) 8: 《红与黑》的人物形象主要有A: 于连B: 吕西安C: 德?瑞纳夫人D: 哇列诺E: 德?拉?木尔正确答案:(多选题) 9: 但丁创作的作品有A: 《美狄亚》B: 《新生》C: 《十日谈》D: 《伊里亚特》E: 《神曲》正确答案:(多选题) 10: 《死魂灵》中有关“死魂灵”的含义有A: 死去的农奴B: 死人的魂灵C: 地主的精神D: 地狱中的景象E: 死去的地主正确答案:(判断题) 1: 《老人与海》反映的是劳动者生存的艰难。



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (单选题) 1: 被誉为“十才子之冠”的诗人是()。

A: 吉中孚B: 韩翃C: 钱起D: 司空曙正确答案:(单选题) 2: 《天人三策》的作者是()。

A: 刘向B: 桓宽C: 桓谭D: 董仲舒正确答案:(单选题) 3: 元稹的《莺莺传》原名是()。

A: 唐传奇B: 小传C: 志怪D: 传奇正确答案:(单选题) 4: 《诗经》中的周人史诗出自()。

A: 风B: 大雅C: 小雅D: 颂正确答案:(单选题) 5: 我国编年体史书之祖是()。

A: 《春秋》B: 《左传》C: 《国语》D: 《战国策》正确答案:(单选题) 6: 《游子吟》的作者是()。

A: 孟浩然B: 孟郊C: 贾岛D: 杜牧正确答案:(单选题) 7: 《题破山寺后禅院》的作者是()。

A: 王湾B: 李白C: 王维D: 常建正确答案:(单选题) 8: 《汉书》共有()篇。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: 98B: 100C: 101D: 102正确答案:(单选题) 9: “夸父逐日”的神话出自()。

A: 《淮南子》B: 《山海经》C: 《风俗通》D: 《楚辞》正确答案:(单选题) 10: 在中国古籍的整理编辑方面具有突出贡献的是()。

A: 贾谊B: 晁错C: 刘向D: 桓宽正确答案:(多选题) 1: 《庄子》的文学审美价值主要体现于它的寓言说理的形式,具体表现在哪几个方面()。



试卷总分:100 得分:100
一、单选题 (共 13 道试题,共 26 分)



东北师范大学2018年春离线作业答案大学英语(一)高起专期末作业考核《大学英语(一)》高起专满分:100分一、Vocabulary and Structure (每题2分,共50分)Section ADirections: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. Courses are not ___ A_ _ merely for students to pass exams.A. designedB. designingC. designD. designs2. Please ____A_ _those details that you would like to change.A. selectB. selectionC. selectingD. selects3. There are six people present at the meeting, __ B_ __ three women.A. includeB. includingC. includedD. includes4. He __ B_ ___ told her that he worked for the corporation.A. simpleB. simplyC. simplifyD. simplely5. They accept what is happening without __ A __ _ to change it.A. attemptingB. attemptedC. attemptD. attempts6.He was a great _ C_ ___; he composed many great songs.A. artB. artisticC. artistD. arts7. Sandy did not want her parents to learn __ D __ the news of her failure in the exam.A. inB. forC. onD. about8. I was surprised to find out that I was heavily __ A___ debt.A. onB. inC. toD. up9. Out classroom is selected __ C ____ the place for meeting.A. forB. inC. asD. on10. Their innovation products caught __ B____ quickly.A. withB. upC. onD. in11. Can you believe that John keeps a snake __ A ___ a pet?A. asB. inC. forD. against12. The word comes __ C____ an African language.A. upB. downC. fromD. out13. She hangs ___ B___ all here clothes neatly in the wardrobe.A. upB. outC. inD. on14. The child has no understanding of problems, according __ D___ the doctor.A. forB. inC. onD. to15. Americans _ B ____ millions of Christmas cards every year.A. changeB. exchangeC. attemptD. determineSection BDirection: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choicesmarked A, B, C and D. You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In the past, American families A to be quite large. Parents B five or more were common. Over the years, the C of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the D of living A the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them B dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better D and have more money to spend on D . The parents usually take the responsibility D all the expense. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers C away from home.16. A. tended B. wanted C. seemed D. extended17. A. breeding B. raising C. feeding D. bringing18. A. amount B. number C. size D. scale19. A. level B. standard C. wage D. cost20. A. On B. By C. At D. From21. A. finally B. financially C. fashionably D. faintly22. A. worn B. wearing C. dressing D. dressed23. A. luxury B. activity C. playing D. entertainment24. A. at B. to C. on D. for25. A. are B. run C. work D. separate二、Writing (共50 分)根据所给主题句,完成下列作文。



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (单选题) 1: wrong 选择能代替的选项A: forkB: funeralC: evilD: false正确答案:(单选题) 2: He ____ several interesting ideas at the meeting.A: raisedB: putC: put outD: put forward正确答案:(单选题) 3: People ___ it is true.A: thinksB: thinkC: is thinkingD: has think正确答案:(单选题) 4: The landscape painting has been ____ by the drop of red ink.A: destroyedB: spoiledC: eliminatedD: damaged正确答案:(单选题) 5: She ____ to find her sister at home.A: risksB: threatensC: betsD: chances正确答案:(单选题) 6: ______ there times in a row, the boxer decided to give up fighting. A: Because having been defeatedB: Because he has been defeatedC: Having been defeatedD: Having defeated正确答案:(单选题) 7: crude 选择能代替的选项A: primitiveB: culturedC: refinedD: rough正确答案:(单选题) 8: Phillip placed too much ____ on sports and not enough on his work..------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: interestB: concernC: hobbyD: emphasis正确答案:(单选题) 9: His manner was so bright and pleasant that Arthur felt ____ with him at once.A: at bestB: with painC: at easeD: without nervous正确答案:(单选题) 10: As an astronaut, he had the (opportunity) of walking on the moon.选择能代替括号里的选项A: luckB: chanceC: occasionD: possibility正确答案:(单选题) 11: It is (impolite) to ask about people’s income.选择能代替括号里的选项A: rudeB: kindC: likelyD: acceptable正确答案:(单选题) 12: The new settlers bought land and seized it to set up ____.A: revolutionB: plantationsC: transitionsD: foundation正确答案:(单选题) 13: When a thing falls to the ground this is because of the earth’s ___. A: productionB: exhibitionC: presentationD: attraction正确答案:(单选题) 14: The problem of unemployment is the most serious of those which the government has to ___.A: deal inB: treat withC: deal on------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D: deal with正确答案:(单选题) 15: acquire 选择能代替的选项A: performB: gainC: reachD: succeed正确答案:(单选题) 16: I ____ your help so much that I never stopped studying.A: admireB: loveC: appreciateD: remember正确答案:(单选题) 17: When traveling ____ business I take my travel briefcase.A: onB: inC: out ofD: with正确答案:(单选题) 18: After her head was hitten, she was ____ for several minutes.A: unknownB: ignorantC: innocentD: unconscious正确答案:(单选题) 19: He urged me to __ a cigarette.A: acceptB: agree toC: receiveD: possess正确答案:(单选题) 20: The small shop owner often welcomes a nearby competition to ____ business.A: specifyB: stimulateC: stretchD: survive正确答案:(单选题) 21: I didn’t have much confidence in my ____ as a film actor.A: competenceB: patienceC: guilt------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D: innocence正确答案:(单选题) 22: The teacher demanded that her students __on time to every class. A: wereB: beC: had to beD: must have to be正确答案:(单选题) 23: The photographer gave no (response) to my question.选择能代替括号里的选项A: solutionB: reflectionC: answerD: feedback正确答案:(单选题) 24: The old man found his hometown ___completely.A: changingB: changedC: has changedD: to be changed正确答案:(单选题) 25: monument选择能代替的选项A: motelB: memorialC: modelD: statue正确答案:(单选题) 1: wrong 选择能代替的选项A: forkB: funeralC: evilD: false正确答案:(单选题) 2: He ____ several interesting ideas at the meeting.A: raisedB: putC: put outD: put forward正确答案:(单选题) 3: People ___ it is true.A: thinksB: thinkC: is thinking------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D: has think正确答案:(单选题) 4: The landscape painting has been ____ by the drop of red ink.A: destroyedB: spoiledC: eliminatedD: damaged正确答案:(单选题) 5: She ____ to find her sister at home.A: risksB: threatensC: betsD: chances正确答案:(单选题) 6: ______ there times in a row, the boxer decided to give up fighting. A: Because having been defeatedB: Because he has been defeatedC: Having been defeatedD: Having defeated正确答案:(单选题) 7: crude 选择能代替的选项A: primitiveB: culturedC: refinedD: rough正确答案:(单选题) 8: Phillip placed too much ____ on sports and not enough on his work.. A: interestB: concernC: hobbyD: emphasis正确答案:(单选题) 9: His manner was so bright and pleasant that Arthur felt ____ with him at once.A: at bestB: with painC: at easeD: without nervous正确答案:(单选题) 10: As an astronaut, he had the (opportunity) of walking on the moon.选择能代替括号里的选项A: luckB: chance------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C: occasionD: possibility正确答案:(单选题) 11: It is (impolite) to ask about people’s income.选择能代替括号里的选项A: rudeB: kindC: likelyD: acceptable正确答案:(单选题) 12: The new settlers bought land and seized it to set up ____.A: revolutionB: plantationsC: transitionsD: foundation正确答案:(单选题) 13: When a thing falls to the ground this is because of the earth’s ___. A: productionB: exhibitionC: presentationD: attraction正确答案:(单选题) 14: The problem of unemployment is the most serious of those which the government has to ___.A: deal inB: treat withC: deal onD: deal with正确答案:(单选题) 15: acquire 选择能代替的选项A: performB: gainC: reachD: succeed正确答案:(单选题) 16: I ____ your help so much that I never stopped studying.A: admireB: loveC: appreciateD: remember正确答案:(单选题) 17: When traveling ____ business I take my travel briefcase.A: on------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B: inC: out ofD: with正确答案:(单选题) 18: After her head was hitten, she was ____ for several minutes.A: unknownB: ignorantC: innocentD: unconscious正确答案:(单选题) 19: He urged me to __ a cigarette.A: acceptB: agree toC: receiveD: possess正确答案:(单选题) 20: The small shop owner often welcomes a nearby competition to ____ business.A: specifyB: stimulateC: stretchD: survive正确答案:(单选题) 21: I didn’t have much confidence in my ____ as a film actor.A: competenceB: patienceC: guiltD: innocence正确答案:(单选题) 22: The teacher demanded that her students __on time to every class. A: wereB: beC: had to beD: must have to be正确答案:(单选题) 23: The photographer gave no (response) to my question.选择能代替括号里的选项A: solutionB: reflectionC: answerD: feedback正确答案:(单选题) 24: The old man found his hometown ___completely.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: changingB: changedC: has changedD: to be changed正确答案:(单选题) 25: monument选择能代替的选项A: motelB: memorialC: modelD: statue正确答案:。



(单选题) 1: 根据写作提纲起草文章初稿,属于文章构思的()A: 准备阶段B: 实施阶段C: 积累阶段D: 结束阶段正确答案:(单选题) 2: 作文讲评的基础是()A: 构思B: 批改C: 执笔D: 运思正确答案:(单选题) 3: 下列那个不是常见的过度形式()A: 关联词语B: 文言句式C: 过度句D: 过度段正确答案:(单选题) 4: 语言能力又可称之为()A: 语言技巧B: 语言天赋C: 语言魅力D: 语言素养正确答案:(单选题) 5: 一般认为,文学语言的一个最基本的特征是()A: 形象性B: 生动性C: 细腻性D: 多义性正确答案:(多选题) 1: 写作技法的特征有()A: 独特性B: 稳定性C: 差异性D: 灵活性正确答案:(多选题) 2: “新概念”作文的“开放”,包括()A: 内容开放B: 命题开放C: 程序开放D: 成绩随意开放正确答案:(多选题) 3: 积累材料的方式有()A: 观察B: 体验C: 调查D: 检索正确答案:(多选题) 4: 文章语言的特点有()A: 象征性B: 语体性C: 语境性正确答案:(多选题) 5: 一个人审美趣味的高下,和哪些因素有关系、、、()A: 生活经历B: 理论积累C: 知识结构D: 个人爱好正确答案:(判断题) 1: 一维性电脑文本结构方式的一个主要特点。

A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: 在解读电脑文本时,教师不再具有传统的权威性。

A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 3: 交际场合和交际对象的不同,会使语体产生差异。

A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 4: 提纲不会使写作者涌现的写作主题概念模糊不清。

A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 5: 文章修改与作者的个性无关。

A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 6: 我国最早用“论”来标明文体的是《论语》。

A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 7: 事务语体与公文语体的本质差异很大。



中国现代文学作品选18春在线作业1试卷总分:100 得分:0一、单选题 (共 30 道试题,共 75 分)1.内容多描写半殖民地大都市上海的病态生活,畸形的两性关系和心理,艺术上刻意追求主观感觉印象和节奏的快速,形式技巧的翻新。

具有上述特色的小说流派是( )A.社会剖析派B.心理分析派C.新感觉派D.京派正确答案:C2.孙伏园是哪个新文学社团的成员( )A.语丝社B.莽原社C.未名社D.创造社正确答案:A3.我国新歌剧的代表作是()A.《白毛女》B.《王贵与李香香》C.《漳河水》D.《刘胡兰》正确答案:A4.以翻译外国文学、尤其是翻译介绍俄罗斯和苏联文学为主要特色的新文学社团是( )A.未名社B.狂飙社C.弥洒社D.沉钟社正确答案:A5.战国策派的代表作《野玫瑰》的作者是()A.林同济B.黄震遐C.王平陵D.陈铨正确答案6.萧红的哪部小说被鲁迅称作" 力透纸背的,北方人民对于生的坚强,对于死的挣扎"的作品?()A.《八月的乡村》B.《呼兰河传》C.《生死场》D.《马伯乐》正确答案:C7."自由人"指的是()A.胡秋原B.苏汶C.施蛰存D.穆时英正确答案:A8.沈从文散文集《湘行散记》、《湘西》的思想特点是()A.乡土情与民族性B.哲理性与爱国主义C.恋土情结与爱国主义D.本土性、本族性与人性的哲理思考正确答案9.下列符合沈从文主要创作思想的表述是( )。

A.文学表现人生的苦难B.文学讴歌人性C.文学表现自我D.文学为时代、政治服务正确答案:B10.利用上海弄堂房子的特殊结构,将五户人家用一个场景画面,在同一舞台空间穿插交替展开的剧本是( )A.于伶的《夜上海》B.夏衍的《上海屋檐下》C.钱钟书的《围城》D.张恨水的《五子登科》正确答案:B11.勾勒了鲜明生动的人物形象的散文集是( )。

A.《湘行散记》B.《朝花夕拾》C.《画梦录》D.《风景谈》正确答案:B12.左联解散的时间是( )A.1934年B.1935年C.1936年D.1937年正确答案:C13.巴金的《雪》描写的题材是()A.工人生活B.家庭生活C.社会革命D.女性生活正确答案:A14.早期小说具有爱国主义、人道主义倾向,后期堕落为三角恋爱小说制作者的是( )A.黄震遐B.张资平C.周全平D.杨杏村正确答案:B15.诗歌《有赠》的作者是( )A.曾卓B.冀访C.牛汉D.周涛正确答案:A16.凌叔华的小说集《花之寺》着力刻划的女性形象主要属于()A.知识女性B.高门巨族的少妇C.时代女性D.叛逆女性正确答案:B17.《和尚之喻》一文的作者是( )A.邵燕祥B.贾平凹C.余秋雨D.季羡林正确答案:A18.《乱弹及其他》是谁的杂文集( )A.鲁迅B.唐弢C.柯灵D.瞿秋白正确答案19.刘浩如是夏衍哪部剧作中的主人公?()A.《上海屋檐下》B.《岁寒图》C.《心防》D.《法西斯细菌》正确答案:C20.成仿吾是哪个新文学社团的成员( )A.新月社B.沉钟社C.创造社D.文学研究会正确答案:C21.沈从文以哪部短篇小说的发表为标志分为前后两个时期?()A.《丈夫》B.《牛》C.《柏子》D.《炉边》正确答案:C22.《荷花淀》艺术风格的特征是()。



英美文学在线作业1-0002All the qualities can be contributed to Portia except选项A:nosy选项B:cultured选项C:courteous选项D:kind-hearted正确选项 :AAngry Young Man of the 1950’s most came from选项A:the lower class选项B:the upper class选项C:peasants选项D:workers正确选项 :AAfter reading the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice, we may come to knowthat Mrs. Bennet is a woman of _______ .选项A:simple character and quick wit选项B:simple character and poor understanding选项C:intricate character and quick wit选项D:intricate character and poor understanding正确选项 :BIn Hardy’s Tess of D’urbervilles , the heroine’s tragic ending is due to .选项A:her weak character选项B:her ambition选项C:Angel Clare’s selfishness选项D:a hostile society正确选项 :D________ is famous for his international theme .选项A:Howells选项B:Mark Twain选项C:Henry James正确选项 :CHardy started as a poet and ended as a选项A:playwright选项B:novelist选项C:poet选项D:critic正确选项 :C“ So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this , and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets 18) What does “this” refer to ?选项A:Lover选项B:Time选项C:Summer选项D:Poetry正确选项 :D_______ believe that nature is ennobling and that the individual is important .选项A:Puritans选项B:realists选项C:Transcendentalists正确选项 :CBackbite,Sneerwell,and Lady Teazle are characters in the play the School forScandal by____.选项A:Christopher Marlowe选项B:Ben Jonson选项C:Richard Brinsley Sheridan选项D:George Bernard Shaw正确选项 :C“For a week after the commission of the impious and profane o ffence of askingfor more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room ...”(Dickens, Oliver Twist) What did Oliver ask for?选项A:More time to play.选项B:More food to eat.选项C:More book to read.选项D:More money to spend.正确选项 :BG.B.Shaw‘s play Mrs.Warren‘s Profession is a realistic exposure of the_______ in the English society.选项A:slum landlordism选项B:inequality between men and women选项C:political corruption。



(单选题) 1: 海涅著名的政治诗是 .A: 《诗歌集》B: 《德国——一个冬天的童话》C: 《西里西亚纺织工人》D: 《哈尔茨山游记》正确答案:(单选题) 2: 古代印度被称为“最初的诗”的作品是()A: 《摩诃婆罗多》B: 《罗摩衍那》C: 《故事海》D: 《五卷书》正确答案:(单选题) 3: 小说家哈代大部分小说的背景是A: 英国西南部农村B: 英国都市C: 法国外省D: 法国都市正确答案:(单选题) 4: 诗体小说《唐璜》的作者是A: 司各特B: 拜伦C: 雪莱D: 乔治?桑正确答案:(单选题) 5: 莫里哀最杰出的喜剧是()A: 《伪君子》B: 《史嘉本的诡计》C: 《唐璜》D: 《无病呻吟》正确答案:(单选题) 6: 莫泊桑的成名作是()A: 《项链》B: 《羊脂球》C: 《套中人》D: 《外套》正确答案:(单选题) 7: 《神曲》的作者是A: 彼特拉克B: 薄迦丘C: 但丁D: 阿里奥斯托正确答案:(单选题) 8: 中世纪后期英雄史诗的主题是A: 歌颂部落英雄B: 表现人与自然的斗争C: 爱国主义D: 民族主义正确答案:(单选题) 9: 戏剧家肖伯纳的国别是( )A: 法国B: 德国C: 英国正确答案:(单选题) 10: 日本江户时期占据诗坛中心地位的是()A: 能B: 狂言C: 俳句D: 净琉璃正确答案:(单选题) 11: 《草叶集》表现的主题思想是A: 希望B: 斗争C: 民主D: 革命正确答案:(单选题) 12: 唯美主义文学的发源地是()A: 英国B: 法国C: 德国D: 美国正确答案:(单选题) 13: 《吉尔伽美什》的体裁是()A: 悲剧B: 喜剧C: 史诗D: 神话正确答案:(单选题) 14: 马尔克斯的代表作是()A: 《第二十二条军规》B: 《玉米人》C: 《百年孤独》D: 《喧嚣与骚动》正确答案:(单选题) 15: 《少年维特之烦恼》的作者是A: 歌德B: 席勒C: 莱辛D: 赫尔德尔正确答案:(单选题) 16: 左拉所属文学流派是()A: 唯美主义B: 浪漫主义C: 自然主义D: 现实主义正确答案:(单选题) 17: 狄更斯的一部近似自传体的小说是.A: 《马丁?朱述尔维特》B: 《圣诞欢歌》C: 《大卫?科波菲尔》D: 《艰难时世》正确答案:(单选题) 18: 《母亲》的作者是()A: 法捷耶夫B: 肖洛霍夫D: 爱伦堡正确答案:(单选题) 19: 艾略特的代表诗作是()A: 《荒原》B: 《海滨墓园》C: 《喧嚣与骚动》D: 《恶之花》正确答案:(单选题) 20: 《日瓦戈医生》的作者是()A: 特瓦尔多夫斯基B: 帕斯捷尔纳克C: 爱伦堡D: 肖洛霍夫正确答案:(多选题) 1: 《百年孤独》表现某一地区百年兴衰的历史,这个地区包括A: 北美洲B: 拉丁美洲C: 哥伦比亚D: 欧洲E: 大洋州正确答案:(多选题) 2: 《人间喜剧》表现的主要思想有A: 描写封建贵族的罪恶B: 歌颂资本主义的发展C: 批判金钱的罪恶D: 反映封建贵族的衰亡E: 对贵族的衰亡表示惋惜正确答案:(多选题) 3: 自然主义文学的特点有A: 反对艺术服务于政治B: 强调冷静客观地再现现实C: 强调朦胧美和神秘色彩D: 以生物学和遗传学理论解释现实E: 叙述风格冷静、无动于衷正确答案:(多选题) 4: 萧伯纳的著名剧作有A: 《樱桃园》B: 《华伦夫人的职业》C: 《伤心之家》D: 《万尼亚舅舅》E: 《鳏夫的房屋》正确答案:(多选题) 5: 《安娜?卡列尼娜》中的人物形象有()A: 聂赫留朵夫B: 卡列宁C: 列文D: 玛丝洛娃E: 安娜正确答案:(多选题) 6: 20 世纪初期俄国文坛最活跃的现代主义文学流派有A: 唯美派B: 象征派D: 阿克梅派E: 意识流正确答案:(多选题) 7: 《威尼斯商人》中的人物形象有A: 薇奥拉B: 鲍西娅C: 考狄莉娅D: 夏洛克E: 阿巴公正确答案:(多选题) 8: 法国自然主义文学的重要作家有()A: 马拉美B: 龚古尔兄弟C: 左拉D: 王尔德E: 戈吉耶正确答案:(多选题) 9: 古希腊著名的悲剧诗人有 .A: 荷马B: 埃斯库罗斯C: 索福克勒斯D: 欧里庇得斯E: 阿里斯托芬正确答案:(多选题) 10: 福克纳的重要作品有A: 《追忆逝水年华》B: 《乡村医生》C: 《喧嚣与骚动》D: 《押沙龙!押沙龙!》E: 《尤利西斯》正确答案:(判断题) 1: 《等待戈多》是存在主义戏剧的重要作品。



(单选题) 1: On what does China spend the least money ?A: Taking care of an aging populationB: Dampening rising unemploymentC: Overhauling its command economyD: Cultural conservation正确答案:(单选题) 2: Emil Scuka is -----.A: a Slovak-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionB: a Spanian-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionC: a Portugal-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionD: we don‘t Know正确答案:(单选题) 3: offsetA: come to an endB: struggleC: to compensate for sth.正确答案:(单选题) 4: devolutionA: to help with othersB: to devote one‘s heart to sb.C: transference of rights正确答案:(单选题) 5: desperatelyA: luckilyB: to give little hope of successC: hately正确答案:(单选题) 6: Joseph Lieberman is ____________.A: Gore’s vice presidential running mateB: Bush’s vice presidential running mateC: governor of TexasD: governor of Florida正确答案:(单选题) 7: What damaged the caves over the years?A: wind, rain and sandB: western plunderersC: touristsD: all of above正确答案:(单选题) 8: If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without the vacationing employee, the employee will be ___.A: paid moreB: promotedC: given more vacationD: insecure正确答案:(单选题) 9: erectA: to set upright; put upB: work hardC: to desert正确答案:(单选题) 10: Why do the American think that a Taliban-dominated government represents a preferableA: It is better than the faction-ridden coalition in all aspectsB: They think it seems bent on restoring a traditional society in Afghanistan, rather than exporting an Islamic revolution.C: They can completely end the Anarchy in Afghanistan.D: None of the above.正确答案:(单选题) 11: There are many controversies. Did they affect the credibility of the commission? A: yesB: noC: have no ideaD: we don‘t know正确答案:(单选题) 12: sternA: superior intellectual, social, or economic statusB: uncompromisingC: an agent or a substitute正确答案:(单选题) 13: eliteA: uncompromisingB: superior intellectual, social, or economic statusC: an agent or a substitute正确答案:(单选题) 14: erodeA: be fall in troubleB: to destroy or wear sth away graduallyC: attack abruptly正确答案:(单选题) 15: "deteriorate "A: become worse in quality or condition.B: make others become happyC: throw the rubbish正确答案:(单选题) 16: Where did the investment in Wales come from?A: U.S.AB: JapanC: FranceD: Germany正确答案:(单选题) 17: From the article we know the most popular open-air cinema is at ___________.A: Bryant ParkB: Brooklyn BridgeC: Central ParkD: Socrates Sculpture Park正确答案:(单选题) 18: A pink slip is ___.A: a notice of unemploymentB: a notice of promotionC: a notice of employmentD: a notice of pay increase正确答案:(单选题) 19: wrack.A: keep sth from being hurtC: help without any hesitation正确答案:(单选题) 20: consternation .A: a feeling of shock or worryB: a feeling of happiness and blessnessC: always wanting to fight正确答案:(单选题) 21: Nicholas Gheorge, an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that there would be more ____ members in governments of European countries.A: GypsyB: JewishC: RomanianD: China正确答案:(单选题) 22: brunt.A: the main impact or forceB: help sbC: never refuse others正确答案:(单选题) 23: scourgeA: person or thing that causes happinessB: person or thing that causes sufferingC: ragged正确答案:(单选题) 24: In 1981, 6-8 –year-olds averaged ______minutes of homework per week.A: 45B: 50C: 44D: 60正确答案:(单选题) 25: cram schoolA: 小学B: 中学C: 填鸭式教学正确答案:(单选题) 26: The ways of compensation of the commission to the victim in the apartheid-era abuses. A: financial compensation.B: listen to the victim’s familiesC: clamor the justiceD: all above.正确答案:(单选题) 27: In the 2000presidential election, the most important state which decides the political fates of Bush and Gore is ________.A: CaliforniaB: FloridaC: MaineD: Texas正确答案:(单选题) 28: bellicoseA: always wanting to fight or argueB: serious and difficult situationC: the surrounding(单选题) 29: eligibleA: qualified or entitled to be chosenB: deliciousC: accelerate正确答案:(单选题) 30: Which statement is NOT the promise that Beijing makes?A: To build three new subway lines and a new highway to ease the city’s horrible trafficB: To turn 495 hectares of bare earth into green spaceC: To establish more factories in the cityD: To clean up its foul air正确答案:(判断题) 1: British monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth with little distinction. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: Officials in the USA held different views of their action to Iraq.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 3: The child born between 1947 and 1961 is frequently referred to as “boomer parents”A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 4: While in an economic slump there could be sharp policy battles over priorities as advocates for workers demand more government aid.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 5: Cornell University ‘s motive in removing some students from the name list was to improve the educational quality.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 6: China spends the least money on cultural conservation.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 7: British monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth with little distinction. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 8: Commemorative coins have been issued.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 9: The investment in Wales comes from Japan.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 10: The Taliban began as a group of seminary students.A: 错误B: 正确(单选题) 1: On what does China spend the least money ?A: Taking care of an aging populationB: Dampening rising unemploymentC: Overhauling its command economyD: Cultural conservation正确答案:(单选题) 2: Emil Scuka is -----.A: a Slovak-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionB: a Spanian-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionC: a Portugal-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionD: we don‘t Know正确答案:(单选题) 3: offsetA: come to an endB: struggleC: to compensate for sth.正确答案:(单选题) 4: devolutionA: to help with othersB: to devote one‘s heart to sb.C: transference of rights正确答案:(单选题) 5: desperatelyA: luckilyB: to give little hope of successC: hately正确答案:(单选题) 6: Joseph Lieberman is ____________.A: Gore’s vice presidential running mateB: Bush’s vice presidential running mateC: governor of TexasD: governor of Florida正确答案:(单选题) 7: What damaged the caves over the years?A: wind, rain and sandB: western plunderersC: touristsD: all of above正确答案:(单选题) 8: If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without the vacationing employee, the employee will be ___.A: paid moreB: promotedC: given more vacationD: insecure正确答案:(单选题) 9: erectA: to set upright; put upB: work hardC: to desert正确答案:(单选题) 10: Why do the American think that a Taliban-dominated government represents a preferableA: It is better than the faction-ridden coalition in all aspectsB: They think it seems bent on restoring a traditional society in Afghanistan, rather than exporting an Islamic revolution.C: They can completely end the Anarchy in Afghanistan.D: None of the above.正确答案:(单选题) 11: There are many controversies. Did they affect the credibility of the commission? A: yesB: noC: have no ideaD: we don‘t know正确答案:(单选题) 12: sternA: superior intellectual, social, or economic statusB: uncompromisingC: an agent or a substitute正确答案:(单选题) 13: eliteA: uncompromisingB: superior intellectual, social, or economic statusC: an agent or a substitute正确答案:(单选题) 14: erodeA: be fall in troubleB: to destroy or wear sth away graduallyC: attack abruptly正确答案:(单选题) 15: "deteriorate "A: become worse in quality or condition.B: make others become happyC: throw the rubbish正确答案:(单选题) 16: Where did the investment in Wales come from?A: U.S.AB: JapanC: FranceD: Germany正确答案:(单选题) 17: From the article we know the most popular open-air cinema is at ___________.A: Bryant ParkB: Brooklyn BridgeC: Central ParkD: Socrates Sculpture Park正确答案:(单选题) 18: A pink slip is ___.A: a notice of unemploymentB: a notice of promotionC: a notice of employmentD: a notice of pay increase正确答案:(单选题) 19: wrack.A: keep sth from being hurtC: help without any hesitation正确答案:(单选题) 20: consternation .A: a feeling of shock or worryB: a feeling of happiness and blessnessC: always wanting to fight正确答案:(单选题) 21: Nicholas Gheorge, an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that there would be more ____ members in governments of European countries.A: GypsyB: JewishC: RomanianD: China。

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(单选题) 1: “When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table.”(T. s. Eliot, “The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”) What does the image in the quoted lines suggest? A: Violence.B: Horror.C: Inactivity.D: Indifference.正确答案:(单选题) 2: American Literature produced only one female poet during the 19th century. This was _______.A: Jane AustenB: Watt WhitmanC: Emily DickinsonD: Harriet Beccher Stowe正确答案:(单选题) 3: the most significant idea of the Renaissance is____.A: humanismB: realismC: naturalismD: skepticism正确答案:(单选题) 4: Willam Wordsworth,a romantic poet,advocated all the following except____.A: the using of everyday language Spoken by the common peopleB: the expression of the Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelingsC: the humble and rustic life as subject matterD: elegant wording and inflated figures of speech正确答案:(单选题) 5: The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as the _______ period . A: modernB: naturalistC: romantic正确答案:(单选题) 6: Tess of the D’Urbervilles, one of Thomas Hardy’s best known novels, portrays man as ________.A: being hereditarily either good or badB: being self-sufficientC: having no control over his own fateD: still retaining his own faith in a world of confusion正确答案:(单选题) 7: The lake poets include all the following members except the author of the following workA: The PreludeB: Don JuanC: The Ancient MarinerD: Joan of Arc正确答案:(单选题) 8: “Ode to the West Wind” is the representative work of_______ .A: P.B. Shelley’sB: John Keats’sC: Samuel Coleridge’sD: Lord Byron’s正确答案:(单选题) 9: Black humor refers to the use of the morbid and the absurd for darkly _____ purposes . A: comicB: tragicC: entertaining正确答案:(单选题) 10: The first novel of Thomas Pynchon is ______ .A: V.B: The Crying of Lot 49C: Entropy正确答案:(单选题) 11: The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event ?A: The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture.B: England’s domestic rest.C: New discovery in geography and astrology.D: The religious reformation and the economic expansion.正确答案:(单选题) 12: Daisy Miller is written by ________.A: HawthorneB: TwainC: MelvilleD: James正确答案:(单选题) 13: “The novel is structured around the discovery of the hero’s origin.” This novel is most probably .A: Charles Dickens’s David CopperfieldB: James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC: Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding GrowdD: Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones正确答案:(单选题) 14: The realists of the 18th century and those of the 19th century have the following in common except both of themA: use the form of novel fullyB: present social and political events in detailsC: indicate the broad social conflictsD: describe the fate of individuals and of social classes正确答案:(单选题) 15: Walt Whitman, whose ______________ established him as the most popular American poet of the 19th century.A: Leaves of GrassB: Go Down, MosesC: The Marble FaunD: As I Lay Dying正确答案:(单选题) 16: It is on his _______ that Washington Irving‘s fame mainly rested.A: childhood recollectionsB: sketches about his European toursC: early poetryD: tales about America正确答案:(单选题) 17: John Milton wrote his masterpieces after blindness expect ___A: Paradise LostB: Paradise RegainedC: Samson AgonistesD: Areopagitica正确答案:(单选题) 18: ______ is a play that concerns the problem of modern man‘s identity .A: The Hairy ApeB: Long Day‘s Journey into NightC: The Iceman Cometh正确答案:(单选题) 19: “What is his name?”“Bingley.”“Is he married or Single?”“Oh! Single,my dear, to be sure! A Single man of large fortune;four or five thousand a year.What a fine thing for our girls!” The above dialogue must be taken from____.A: Jane Austen‘s pride and prejudiceB: Emily Bronte‘s Wuthering HeightsC: John Galsworthy‘s The Forsyte SagaD: George Eliot‘s Middlemarch正确答案:(单选题) 20: Irving was regarded as ______ .A: father of American dramaB: father of American poetryC: father of American Literature正确答案:(判断题) 1: The Rape of the Lock gives an account of an anecdote of the court.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: Blake is often regarded as a symbolist and mystic.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 3: Marlowe mainly wrote tragedies .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 4: Wordsworth’s best poems are description of mountains, rivers, flowers, birds . A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 5: In Shakespeare’s comedies the heroes and heroines attained their victory without much struggle.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 6: Wilder demanded his audience to accept the fact that they were watching actors on the stage .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 7: Pynchon‘s fascination with popular culture is overwhelmingly evident in the novel V. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 8: The short story “The Rocking Horse Winner” was written by Lawrence.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 9: The story of Catch–22 develops chronologically in a traditional structure .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 10: Black Humor is defined as modern humor caused by anger .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 11: Monks tried hard to trap Oliver Twist.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 12: Beowulf was created in England.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 13: The “dark comedy” refers to those written by Jonson in his third period of dramatic career.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 14: Most of English ballads were collected in the 18th century.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 15: Williams‘ sister Rose became the model for Laura in The Glass Menagerie .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 16: Faulkner‘s artistic techniques include the exploration of reality , the nature of time and the relation of the past to the present .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 17: Pope established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse forms. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 18: Hardy had written and published many poems before he achieved a reputation with his novels.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 19: Auld Lang Syne was composed by Burns.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 20: Wuthering Heights deals with a story of love and violence.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(单选题) 1: “When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table.”(T. s. Eliot, “The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”) What does the image in the quoted lines suggest?A: Violence.B: Horror.C: Inactivity.D: Indifference.正确答案:(单选题) 2: American Literature produced only one female poet during the 19th century. This was _______.A: Jane AustenB: Watt WhitmanC: Emily DickinsonD: Harriet Beccher Stowe正确答案:(单选题) 3: the most significant idea of the Renaissance is____.A: humanismB: realismC: naturalismD: skepticism正确答案:(单选题) 4: Willam Wordsworth,a romantic poet,advocated all the following except____.A: the using of everyday language Spoken by the common peopleB: the expression of the Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelingsC: the humble and rustic life as subject matterD: elegant wording and inflated figures of speech正确答案:(单选题) 5: The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as the _______ period . A: modernB: naturalistC: romantic正确答案:(单选题) 6: Tess of the D’Urbervilles, one of Thomas Hardy’s best known novels, portrays man as ________.A: being hereditarily either good or badB: being self-sufficientC: having no control over his own fateD: still retaining his own faith in a world of confusion正确答案:(单选题) 7: The lake poets include all the following members except the author of the following workA: The PreludeB: Don JuanC: The Ancient MarinerD: Joan of Arc正确答案:(单选题) 8: “Ode to the West Wind” is the representative work of_______ .A: P.B. Shelley’sB: John Keats’sC: Samuel Coleridge’sD: Lord Byron’s正确答案:(单选题) 9: Black humor refers to the use of the morbid and the absurd for darkly _____ purposes . A: comicB: tragicC: entertaining正确答案:(单选题) 10: The first novel of Thomas Pynchon is ______ .A: V.B: The Crying of Lot 49C: Entropy正确答案:(单选题) 11: The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event ?A: The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture.B: England’s domestic rest.C: New discovery in geography and astrology.D: The religious reformation and the economic expansion.正确答案:(单选题) 12: Daisy Miller is written by ________.A: HawthorneB: TwainC: MelvilleD: James正确答案:(单选题) 13: “The novel is structured around the discovery of the hero’s origin.” This novel is most probably .A: Charles Dickens’s David CopperfieldB: James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC: Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding GrowdD: Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones正确答案:(单选题) 14: The realists of the 18th century and those of the 19th century have the following in common except both of themA: use the form of novel fullyB: present social and political events in detailsC: indicate the broad social conflictsD: describe the fate of individuals and of social classes正确答案:(单选题) 15: Walt Whitman, whose ______________ established him as the most popular American poet of the 19th century.A: Leaves of GrassB: Go Down, MosesC: The Marble FaunD: As I Lay Dying正确答案:(单选题) 16: It is on his _______ that Washington Irving‘s fame mainly rested.A: childhood recollectionsB: sketches about his European toursC: early poetryD: tales about America正确答案:(单选题) 17: John Milton wrote his masterpieces after blindness expect ___A: Paradise LostB: Paradise RegainedC: Samson AgonistesD: Areopagitica正确答案:(单选题) 18: ______ is a play that concerns the problem of modern man‘s identity .A: The Hairy ApeB: Long Day‘s Journey into NightC: The Iceman Cometh正确答案:(单选题) 19: “What is his name?”“Bingley.”“Is he married or Single?”“Oh! Single,my dear, to be sure! A Single man of large fortune;four or five thousand a year.What a fine thing for our girls!” The above dialogue must be taken from____.A: Jane Austen‘s pride and prejudiceB: Emily Bronte‘s Wuthering HeightsC: John Galsworthy‘s The Forsyte SagaD: George Eliot‘s Middlemarch正确答案:(单选题) 20: Irving was regarded as ______ .A: father of American dramaB: father of American poetryC: father of American Literature正确答案:(判断题) 1: The Rape of the Lock gives an account of an anecdote of the court.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: Blake is often regarded as a symbolist and mystic.A: 错误B: 正确。
