



Chance favors the prepared mind.英语原著读写指导教学流程(一)如何设置故事悬念?1. 理论基础格式塔心理学派认为,人们通过感官知觉得到的是一个个“完形”,当人们在观看到一个不规则,不完满的形状时,就会产生一种内在的紧张力。


2. 设置故事悬念技巧与电视节目预告一样,教师先把小说的魅力、事情的高潮、结果之中某个突出的片断的故事讲给学生听,让学生不由自主地产生究根究底的愿望,自然地在教师的带领下进入阅读的大门。




(四)如何概括故事大意(summary) ?概括故事大意是培养学生归纳概括能力的有效途径之一。



(九)写作指导—提高篇英语原著《弗兰肯斯坦》读写指导课例一.《弗兰肯斯坦》悬念设置One stormy night a horrible scream came from a room in a hotel suddenly. Frankenstein rushed there, only to find his newly- married wife lying in blood with her heart taken out. Who was the murderer? Why was the murder so brutal?(一个狂风暴雨之夜,突然从一个旅馆的房间里传来一声可怕的尖叫声。



英语作文如何阅读名著How to Read a Classic。

Reading a classic can be a daunting task, but it does not have to be. There are many things you can do to make the experience more enjoyable and productive.First, start by choosing a classic that interests you. It is important to choose a book that you will actually enjoy reading, or you will be more likely to give up. There are many different genres of classics to choose from, so you should be able to find one that appeals to you.Once you have chosen a book, read the introduction. This will give you some background information on the book and its author. This can be helpful in understanding the book and its context.As you read, take your time and savor the experience. Don't feel like you have to rush through the book. Takebreaks when you need them and reread passages that you find particularly interesting or meaningful.As you read, pay attention to the language and the style. The way that a book is written can tell you a lot about the time and place in which it was written. It can also give you insights into the author's personality and worldview.Don't be afraid to look up words that you don't know. This will help you to understand the book better and to expand your vocabulary.As you finish the book, take some time to reflect on what you have read. What did you enjoy about the book? What did you learn from it? How has it changed your perspective on the world?Reading a classic can be a rewarding experience. It is a chance to learn from the great minds of the past and to gain a deeper understanding of the human condition.如何阅读名著。



如何阅读名著英文作文英文:Reading classic literature is a great way to improve your language skills and broaden your knowledge ofdifferent cultures and time periods. However, it can be intimidating to approach these works, especially if you are not used to reading in the language they were written in. Here are some tips for reading classic literature in English:1. Start with something familiar: If you are new to reading classic literature in English, it can be helpful to start with a book that you are already familiar with. This can help you get used to the language and style of writing before you move on to more challenging works.2. Take your time: Classic literature is often dense and complex, so it's important to take your time and read slowly. Don't rush through the book just to finish it –take the time to savor the language and appreciate the nuances of the writing.3. Look up unfamiliar words: If you come across a word that you don't know, don't be afraid to look it up. This can help you understand the text better and also improve your vocabulary.4. Read actively: When you read classic literature,it's important to read actively. This means payingattention to the themes, characters, and symbols in the text. Take notes as you read and try to make connections between different parts of the book.5. Join a book club: Joining a book club can be a great way to read classic literature in English. Not only will you have other people to discuss the book with, but you can also get insights and perspectives that you might not have thought of on your own.中文:阅读名著是提高语言能力和拓宽不同文化和时期知识的好方法。

猜 读 赏 论 写——例谈初中英语名著阅读指导课“五步”教学法

猜 读 赏 论 写——例谈初中英语名著阅读指导课“五步”教学法

1592019年36期总第476期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS猜 读 赏 论 写——例谈初中英语名著阅读指导课“五步”教学法文/孙红霞容,引发阅读兴趣。


笔者根据鲁滨孙三次出海经历分别设计围绕小说的基本要素(character, settings, plot)展开的wh-questions,教师的问题须类型多样,且层次明晰,从what到how再到why,逐步激发学生的思维能力。


思维导图包含Who/When/Where/What/Why /How(weather)/.How(feeling)等信息,帮助学生了解小说的大致内容。


笔者设计了以下问题:1.What does the word “sailor” mean? (a man who goes to sea.)2. What does the word “adventure” mean? A.危险 B.冒险 C.舒适 (B)3. But,a few days later,there was a strong wind. The sea was rough and dangerous, ……)Help Ss to guess the meaning of “rough” according to the word “dangerous”.4. All my friends were dead. I found myself in a strangewild country, with no food, no water, and no gun. I was alone and depressed. Help Ss to guess the meaning of “depressed” according to the words above.5.For two long years I lived the life of a slave,and thisTurkish captain was my master. Help Ss to guess the meaning of “slave” according to the words “was my master”.等。































教 师 设 计 如 下 问 题 链 :(1)How do you view the old man?(2)How do you view big fish?(3)What insights do you draw from this story?学生围绕这些问题以小组 合作学习的方式进行讨论,通过分析、判断、推理等学 习活动,探究作品所传递的“可以被毁灭但不能被打 倒”的硬汉精神的主题意义,并让学生联想自己的生 活实际,阐述自己的所得。
在教学中,教师设计多元化的问题,引导学生以 小组合作学习的方式进行讨论。这些问题都是建立 在作品内容的基础之上,是从整体上引导学生对作品 所蕴含的主题意义上进行深入思考,深化了学生对主 题意义的理解。
总之,教师从语篇分析的微观层面,采取解读封 面、人物性格特点、关键情节、探寻主题意义等措施开 展导读教学,其宗旨是通过导读激发学生对作品主题 意义进行探究,并在探究中与自身实际生活产生勾 连,推进深度思考,丰富阅读体验,促进了学生核心素 养的发展。
导读是指学生在深入阅读名著之前,教师通过教 学活动,激发其阅读兴趣,指导阅读方法,让学生带着 问题去读。有效的名著导读,有助于后续深度阅读的 开展以及阅读质量的提高。其关键点在于“导”的方 法与“读”的驱动力上,目的是为后续阅读提供动力与 支撑。基于此,文章以译林版高中英语必修二 Unit4 Extended reading The old man and the sea 为例,从语篇 的层面上,剖析名著导读教学的方法,旨在提高学生 名著阅读的针对性和有效性,提升其阅读综合素养。
出问题:(1)What are the differences for elderly people



学 习者 在 这 个 环 境 中 ,通 过 阅读 与 作 者进 行 互 动 ,感 受作 者 的态度 ,体 验作者 的情感 ,真正融
入 了作品所 创造的氛围当 中。 二 、英语文学名著对 中学生的影响 1 .拓宽学生 的视野 、提高学生 素养 、促进学 生身 心的全 面发展 通过 阅读英 语名 著 ,学生不 但能 开阔 阅读视
20 年 颁 布的 《 03 普通 高 中英语 课程 标准 ( 实
验 )》 ( 以下 简称 《 标 》 )对 高 中学 生 的阅读 课
的 “ 华 ”在 我 国英语 教育基 础 阶段 的教材 中被 精
“ 忘 ” 了 ,而这 些也 正是他 们最 感兴趣 ,对 他 遗
能 力 目标 提 出 了较 高 的要 求 ,主要 体现 在课 外 阅 读 量 ,阅读材 料范 围和 阅读理 解 能力等 方 面 ,但 据调查 ,目前4 . 的高 中学生没有读 过英语课外 28 口
础 ,同时 ,中学生朝 气蓬 勃 、精力 充沛 ,对 外部 世 界充 满好 奇 心情与 探索 欲望 。将 英语 文学名 著 介 绍 给他们 无 异于在 他们 面前 打开 了一 个全新 的
的 创 造 性 的 运 用 ,是 语 言 的精 华 。 阅读 文 学 作
品 , 可 以提 高 学 生 在 运 用 语 言方 面 的 能 力 。首
野 ,而 且能从 作 品 中感 受到 人生 的美丽 、社 会 的 复 杂 ,从 而提 高对 生活 中真 、善 、美 和假 、恶 、 丑 的认识 鉴别 能力 。另 一方 面英语 名著 能 陶冶人
的情 操 ,塑造 人 的人格 。优 秀 的文学作 品要 么扬
2 .文 学名著——被 遗忘的 中学英 语课 程资源 新 修订 的人教 版 中学英 语教 材采 用功 能与 意 念 相结合 的教 学途 径 ,突 出了语 言 的交 际功 能 和



教学 1. Know something about the main characters and their characteristics as well as 难点Relationship between them.2. Writing guidance( B. Strengthening)教法 1. Task-based method 2. Mutual teaching methodMulti-media 2. Blackboard 1.教具 1Stepl Lead-inIntroduce the novel David Copperfield by a Chinese song 男儿当志强傲气傲笑万重浪热血热胜红日光胆似铁打骨似精钢胸襟白.千丈眼光万里长誓发奋自强做好汉做个好汉子每天要自强热血男子热胜红日光让海天为我聚能量去开天劈地为我理想去闯看碧波高壮乂看碧空广阔浩气扬既是男儿当自强昂步挺胸大家作栋梁做好汉用我百点热耀出千分光做个好汉子热血热肠热热胜红日光The Chinese song tells us: A man should be strong, ambitious and教constant-striving. Never be afraid of any difficulty. Never give up. That f s just the theme of the novel named David Copperfield.Step2 About the author and his works1). Charles Dickens was the greatest representative of English criticalnovelist in the 19th century. He wrote 14 novels and many other shortstories in his lifetime. His style was realistic and humors . He gave us a vivid picture of life of ordinary people. His works shows sympathy for the poor. 2). About his worksA Tale of Two Cities《双城记》David Copperfield《大卫(科波菲尔》Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》)A Christmas Carol《圣诞颂歌》Great Expectations 《远大前程》)Pickwick Papers《匹克威克外传》Step 3 About the novel David Copperfield1) The type ---------- a utobiography 自传体2)The clue -------- thefirst half of David' s life from an orphan to becoming afamous writer and having a perfect marriage.12 3) The themes ----- ?. constant striving (自强不,息)?. human nature (人性)No cross, no crown. One good turn deserves another.不经风雨难见彩虹善有善报2Adversity makes a strong man. Harm set, harm get. 逆境出强人害人害己Misfortune is a fortune. Justice has long arms.学不幸是一种财富法网恢恢疏而不漏Step4. About the main characters , their relationship and theircharacteristics.1.David Copperfield ----- the hero of the story who was not only kindand sincerebut also intelligent and upright. Above all, he was ambitious andconstant-striving.2.Clara ------ David' s mother who was pretty and kind but weak in character.3.Miss Betsey ------- David* s father* s aunt who was a rich but stern andstrange-looking woman. In fact she was very kind and helpful.4.Peggotty ----------- David' s servant and friend, as well who was kind anddevoted.5.Emily ------------- David' s childhood* s friend who was prettyand kind but notmature enough.6.Dora -------------- David' s first wife who was very pretty but simple-minded andchildish.7.Agnes ------------- David* s childhood* s friend and his secondwife who was notonly pretty and tender but also sincere and mature. In thepinion of David she was a perfect wife.8.Mr. Micawber --- D avid" s friend who was poor but kind and optimistic.9.Mr. Wickfield --- a lawyer who was David' s friend as well as hisfather- in- law.He was kind but not careful enough.10.Daniel -------- a sailor, David' s childhood' s friend who waspoor but verykind and tolerant. 11. Ham ------------- a sailor, Daniel , s adoptedchild who was friend. He was poorbut kind, brave and tolerant.12.Mr. Murdstone -- David* s stepfather who was cold, cruel and evil.13.Mr. Creakle ---- David* s headmaster who was as cold and cruel as Murdstone.14.Uriah Heep ------- assistant of Mr. Wickfield and the enemy ofDavid who wasfalse, cunning and evil.15.Steerforth ------- David' s childhood, s friend who was handsomeand helpful3but later he became very bad. He ran away with Emily whowas engaged to Ham. However, when he felt tired of Emilyhe abandoned her, which made Daniel, Ham and David very angry.过Who do you think influenced David Copperfield most?It was Miss Betsey who influenced David Copperfield most because Miss Betsey not only adopted David but gave him good education. Three sentences, Never be mean.(永不卑贱)Never be false.(永不虚伪)Never be cruel.(永不残忍)became David' s life motto which made him get his career success and familyhappiness.Step 5 Writing Guidance1.David Copperfield ------ my idol at heart 要点1) Summary2.David* s unlucky childhood3.David was adopted by his aunt and given good education.4.knowing Agnes5.working in Mr. Spenlow* s firm and falling in love with Dora6.Getting married to Dora and starting writing7.Success in writing8.Getting married to Agnes after Dora' s death9.living happily with Agnes, Betsey and Peggotty. 2) Fine qualities of David Copperfield?3). Such is David Copperfield….(总结归纳回应主题)42.Cherish everything we have.1)请你给David Copperfield 写封信。



英语作文如何阅读名著书Reading classic literature in English can be a rewarding yet challenging task. Here are some strategies to help you navigate through it:1. Choose the Right Book: Select a classic novel that interests you. Whether it's a timeless tale like "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen or a gripping narrative like "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, finding a book that captivates your attention is crucial.2. Understand the Context: Before diving into the text, familiarize yourself with the historical and cultural context of the novel. This will provide insights into the author's intentions and the societal norms of the time period in which the book was written.3. Annotate as You Read: Keep a pencil or digital annotation tool handy while reading. Mark unfamiliar words, phrases, or passages that you find particularly significantor confusing. Writing brief summaries or reflections in the margins can also aid in comprehension and retention.4. Refer to Supplementary Materials: Don't hesitate to consult supplementary materials such as literary guides, character analyses, or online resources. These resources can offer valuable explanations and interpretations that enhance your understanding of the text.5. Read Actively: Engage with the text actively by asking questions, making predictions, and forming opinions as you read. Consider the author's writing style, themes, character development, and plot twists. Reflect on how these elements contribute to the overall message or purpose of the novel.6. Take Breaks When Needed: Classic literature can be dense and challenging at times. Don't feel discouraged if you need to take breaks or re-read certain passages for clarity. Pace yourself and allow time for reflection to fully appreciate the richness of the text.7. Join a Book Club or Discussion Group: Participating in a book club or discussion group can provide valuable insights and perspectives from other readers. Sharing interpretations, analyses, and personal reactions can deepen your appreciation of the novel and foster a sense of community.8. Practice Active Recall: After completing each chapter or section, summarize the key events, themes, and character developments in your own words. This practice reinforces your understanding of the material and helps commit it to memory.9. Review and Reflect: Once you've finished reading the novel, take time to reflect on your overall experience. Consider how the story has impacted you personally and what insights you've gained from the characters' experiences. Writing a reflective essay or participating in a book review can solidify your understanding and appreciation of the classic work.10. Read Widely: Finally, don't limit yourself to justone classic novel. Explore a variety of literary genres, time periods, and cultural perspectives to broaden your understanding of English literature as a whole.In conclusion, reading classic literature in English requires patience, perseverance, and active engagement with the text. By employing these strategies and approaches, you can enhance your reading experience and gain a deeper appreciation for the timeless masterpieces of literature.。



英文作文读名著怎么写英文:Reading classic literature is a great way to improve your English skills and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us. When reading famous works of literature, such as "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen or "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, it is important to approach the text with an open mind and a willingness to learn.One of the best ways to get the most out of reading classic literature is to take notes as you read. This can help you keep track of important plot points, characters, and themes, as well as any new vocabulary words or idioms that you come across. It can also be helpful to read the book with a friend or in a book club, as this can provide a forum for discussion and help you gain new insights into the text.Another important aspect of reading classic literatureis understanding the historical and cultural context in which the book was written. For example, when reading "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is important to understand the social and economic climate of the 1920s, as well as the cultural values and attitudes of the time. This can help you gain a deeper appreciation for the book andits themes.Ultimately, reading classic literature is a rewarding and enriching experience that can help you improve your English skills and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.中文:阅读名著是提高英语能力和深入了解我们周围世界的绝佳途径。



英语作文如何阅读名著书英文,Reading classic literature can be a daunting task for many, but with the right approach and mindset, it can also be a rewarding and enriching experience. Here are a few tips on how to effectively read and appreciate classic literature.First and foremost, it's important to choose a classic that interests you. Whether it's a well-known novel like "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen or a lesser-known work like "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, finding a book that captivates your interest is crucial. I remember when I first started reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, I was immediately drawn into the story and found it much easier to stay engaged.Once you've selected a classic to read, it's helpful to do some background research on the author and the time period in which the book was written. Understanding the historical and cultural context can provide valuableinsights into the themes and characters of the novel. For example, when I read "1984" by George Orwell, learningabout the political climate of the time helped meappreciate the significance of the book's dystopian themes.When actually reading the classic, it's important to take your time and not rush through it. Classic literature often contains rich language and complex themes thatrequire careful consideration. I like to take notes as I read, jotting down important quotes, character motivations, and any questions or thoughts that come to mind. This not only helps me remember key points, but also allows me to engage more deeply with the text.Furthermore, discussing the book with others can enhance the reading experience. Whether it's joining a book club, talking to friends, or participating in online forums, sharing perspectives and insights with others can provide new perspectives and interpretations. I remember having a lively debate with a friend about the ending of "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens, and it really opened my eyes to different ways of understanding the story.In conclusion, reading classic literature can be a fulfilling endeavor if approached with curiosity and an open mind. By choosing books that interest you, learning about the author and historical context, taking your time to read and engage with the text, and discussing the book with others, you can truly appreciate and enjoy the timeless treasures of classic literature.中文,阅读名著可以是一项令人望而生畏的任务,但是只要有正确的方法和心态,它也可以成为一种有益的、丰富的体验。



英语作文如何阅读名著Reading classic literature in English can be a rewarding yet challenging task. Here are some tips to help you navigate through the process:1. Choose the Right Text: Start by selecting a classic novel that interests you. Whether it's a timeless tale of love, adventure, or mystery, picking a book that captivates your interest will make the reading experience more enjoyable.2. Understand the Historical Context: Before delving into the text, take some time to research the historical background of the novel. Understanding the time period, social norms, and cultural nuances will provide valuable insights into the author's intentions and the themes of the book.3. Annotate and Take Notes: As you read, keep a notebook handy to jot down unfamiliar words, important plotpoints, and any questions or reflections you may have. Marking passages that resonate with you or that you find particularly significant will aid in your comprehension and analysis later on.4. Utilize Resources: Don't hesitate to utilize resources such as dictionaries, online forums, and study guides to help you navigate difficult passages or clarify obscure references. Websites like SparkNotes or CliffsNotes offer chapter summaries, character analyses, and thematic breakdowns that can enhance your understanding of the text.5. Read Actively: Engage with the text actively by asking yourself questions about the characters, themes, and motifs as you read. Consider how the author's use of language, imagery, and symbolism contributes to the overall meaning of the work.6. Seek Different Perspectives: Discussing the book with others can provide fresh insights and interpretations that you may not have considered on your own. Joining a book club or participating in online forums can offervaluable opportunities for discussion and exchange of ideas.7. Read Multiple Times: Classic literature oftenreveals new layers of meaning upon rereading. Don't be discouraged if you don't fully grasp everything on yourfirst read-through. Take your time and revisit the text periodically to deepen your understanding and appreciationof its complexities.8. Immerse Yourself in the Language: Surround yourself with English language materials such as movies, music, and news articles to improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. The more exposure you have to the language, themore comfortable you'll become with reading classic literature.9. Enjoy the Journey: Remember that reading classic literature is not just about reaching the end of the book, but about the journey of exploration and discovery alongthe way. Allow yourself to savor the rich language, vivid imagery, and timeless themes that make these works enduring treasures of literature.By following these tips and approaches, you can enhance your experience of reading classic literature in English and gain a deeper appreciation for the profound insights and timeless wisdom these works have to offer. Happy reading!。


的阅读名 著,遇到 不认识 的词汇、短语可 以暂时忽略 ,主要理解文 章的
主 要含 义,在文 章主 旨的基础 上对 生词 进行推测 ,了解其大概含 义。碰
到 困难复 杂的结构 也是如此 ,可根据找句 子主干和 中心词来帮助理 解。
参考文献: … 1 詹汝龙 .高中英语 的课 堂教 学对 课外 阅读 的促进 【 J ] . 语数外 学
还可 以定期大家一起观看英语经典 电影 ,学习英语 口语。
三 、 课 外 阅 读 与 教 学 计 划 有 机 结 合
课 外阅读 需要教师 的引导和辅 助,如 果只是任意 让学生 阅读 ,教师
不 闻不 问,只会 白白增加学 生的学 习负 担,浪费大量宝 贵的时 间。作为 教 师,应该 将课外 阅读和课堂 教材有机 的结合在 一起 ,有 目的的阅读,
自流。教师需 要在总体上进行 把握,引 导学 生选择正确 的课外读物 ,有
对 国际文化 有充分 的 了解 ,增 强国际交 际能力,对学 生世界观、人 生观 的形 成也有促进作用,形成终生学习和发展美好未来的基础 。

规律、有节奏 的进 行阅读 课外 阅读 使学生 了解了更多 的外国文化和 加
强了英语语感 。一般在 阅读 时,会遇到很 多生词和没有 学习过的短语 , 通过对文章 的阅读 ,以及这些 短语在文 中的多次 出现 ,学 生渐 渐掌握 了
阅读英语名 著是一种 非常好 的英语 学习方式 ,对课 堂知识的学 习可
以起 到辅助作用 ,同时生动的故事情节 ,精美的语言,深刻的人生道理,
政 治、经济 、文化 、民俗等各个 方面,英语名 著包含 了许 多不 同国度 文 境, 可以帮 助学生深刻学 习英语 的时态 以及特殊表达 方式。 通 过课外 阅读 ,




















1162020年04期总第496期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS高中英语名著阅读指导研究文/郭 杨高阅读的效率和质量,形成情感态度价值观、知识技能和认知能力的全方位提升。
















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英语名著读写指导学案Unit 1 A Little Princess《小公主》Reading guidance阅读指导I. Getting ready to read阅读准备1. Reading motivation 阅读兴趣激发The story happened in London. Born inIndia, Sara, a British girl, had a rich fatherwho loved her very much. Later, she wastaken to London by her father and studied inMiss Minchin’s school, where she was treatedwell by Miss Minchin and lived happily like aprincess.However, on her eleventh birthday Miss Minchin was holding a big party for Sara when bad news came, which changed her life.Questions:1.What bad news came?2. What would happen to Sara next?2. Background knowledge 背景知识About the book 了解本书This book was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett who was a famous American woman writer, best known for her three chil dren’s books---A Little Princess, The Secret Garden《秘密花园》and Little Lord Fauntleroy《小少爷方特罗伊》.A Little Princess was published in 1905, which made Burnett well-known. It’s so popular that it has been translated many languages as well as made into plays and films many times since it was published. Simple as the story is, it did touch and inspire thousands of readers all over the world.New words:1. be best known for 因为……而非常出名2. Simple as the story is 尽管故事简单3. inspire v. 激励, 鼓舞II. Checking reading 检测阅读根据故事内容判断正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。

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Chancefavors the prepared mind、英语原著读写指导教学流程(一) 如设置故事悬念?1、理论基础格式塔心理学派认为, 人们通过感官知觉得到得就是一个个“完形”,当人们在观瞧到一个不规则, 不完满得形状时, 就会产生一种在得紧力。

这种力迫使大脑皮层紧地活动,以填补“缺陷”, 能给人以意觉上得不完满感, 因此,在阅读前巧设悬念,就能激发学生得好奇心与求知欲,使其思维处于一种激动状态,产生一种非弄清不可得探究心理.2、设置故事悬念技巧与电视节目预告一样,教师先把小说得魅力、事情得高潮、结果之中某个突出得片断得故事讲给学生听,让学生不由自主地产生究根究底得愿望,自然地在教师得带领下进入阅读得大门。

(二) 如梳理小说中得人物关系?把握好人物关系, 就是理解小说得关键,可以通过建立人物关系思维导图得式,理清小说中得人物关系。

(三) 如梳理小说得故事情节?ﻫ把握好故事情节,就是读懂小说得关键。

故事情节梳理通常从故事得开始, 发展,高潮与结束四个环节着手。

(四) 如概括故事大意(summary)?ﻫ概括故事大意就是培养学生归纳概括能力得有效途径之一。


ﻫ2)故事大意得五要素:when, where, who, what,how、3 )写故事大意常用关联词语:atfirst,then,after that, later, inthe end/finally /eventually/at last、(五) 如进行主题归纳(阅读启发与思考)小说得主题就是小说得灵魂,就是作者得写作目得所在,也就是作品得价值意义之所在。

主题归纳通常从小说得人物形象与某些细节入手.如《弗兰肯斯坦》归纳主题.ﻫ(六)如进行主题归纳(阅读启发与思考)ﻫ(九)写作指导—提高篇英语原著《弗兰肯斯坦》读写指导课例一.《弗兰肯斯坦》悬念设置One stormy night a horriblescream came from aroom in a hotel suddenly、F rankenstein rushedthere, only tofindhis newly- married wife lying in blood with her heart taken out、Who was the murderer? Why was the murder so brutal?(一个狂风暴雨之夜,突然从一个旅馆得房间里传来一声可怕得尖叫声。




《弗兰肯斯坦》主题归纳1、Love and respect2、Look beforeyou leap、与主题相关得佳句1、Love is the sunshine tomeltthe ice of loneliness、Without love,the world willbee a tomb、爱就是融化孤独之冰得.没有爱,这个世界将变成一座坟。

2、So long as everyonegivesa bit ofhis love theworld willbee aparadise、只要人人献出一点爱,世界将变成美好得人间.3、Home is the harbor of soul、家就是心灵得港湾。

4、As you make your bed,you must lie in it、自食其果。

5、A word spoken is past recalling、一言既出,驷马难追五.写作指导—基础篇1、Retellthestory in the nameof Captain Walton、2、Retell the storyin the name of the monster3、Retell the story in the name of Frankenstein4、Whodoyou like/ dislike best in the story?5、What haveyou learned from thestory?6、Thestoryof Frankenstein’s making creature、六。

写作指导—提高篇1、As you make your bed,you must lieinit、以读者得身份给Frankenstein写封信1) From the story Iknowyou、But I'm sorry to say you are an irresponsible(不负责任得)man…2) You created a monster butyour behavior destroyed you andthepeople yo uloved、…3)From your misfortune,Igot a good lesson、We must answer forwhatwe have done、Please remember, as you make your bed,you must lie in it、2、Human beings are born equal给Monster 写封信1)、You have sympathy for Monster…2)、You feelshocked for what Monsterdid toFrankenstein、3)、Give reasonsforhis horrible behavior、4)、In conclusion,everyoneought to be respected andtreatedequally、Just as the Bible goes:All humans areborn equal、3、More love and less discrimination给朋友写封信分享这个故事并告诉她/她您读故事得感受。

1)、summary2)、From the storyof Monster we know it was lack of love andthe discrimination from people that causedthe tragedy、3)、Give reasons for Monster’s horrible behavior、4)、总结(爱得意义)5)、Askyourfriend togive his orheropinion aboutthis novel、5、A word spoken is past recalling1)、Summary2)、From the story we knowFrankenstein was not a man who kepthis word…3)、举例证明您得观点4)、归纳总结Oneshouldthink twice before making a decision、Once youmake a promise,you should keep it、Justas the saying goes, a wordspoken ispast recalling、6、More care and less discrimination1)、Summary2)、From the monster'smiserableexperience we know…3、以小说《象人》为例证明您得观点.4、总结:Everyone needs care and respect、Everyoneshould be treated equally,just asthe Bible goes,All humans are born equal、Let’s be helpful andkind、Do stayaway fromthe discrimination, the farther, the better!7、Don’t judge a person only by his appearance1)Summary2)Give your opinion:From thisstory we knowthemonsterwas3)very kindandhelpful though he was ugly-looking、…3)以小说《象人》与《歌剧院得幽灵》为例证明您得观点。


8、The call oflove1)、Summary2)、From the monster's miserable experiencewe know it was because oflack of love …3)、对比Frankenstein与monster得成长经历,证明Loveis very importantinone’sgrowth、3)、归纳总结:(爱得意义)Everyone needs love and respect,which helps to build a harmonious society、So long as we givelove and respect, theworld willbe full ofjoy、英语原著《悲惨世界》读写指导课例一.《悲惨世界》悬念设置Aconvict, sentencedforstealing a loaf of bread, was released from prison19 years later、However,he was deserted bysocietyunfeelingly, which made him ex tremely desperate、He sworeto take his revenge on the whole world、Later he met a bishop、Couldhe influence this desperateconvict, makingtheconvict begin his n ew life?一个因偷了一块面包而被判刑入狱得苦役犯在19年后从监狱里放出来。




《悲惨世界》故事情节梳理1)Influenced by the bishop,Jean Valjean began hisnew life、(beginning)2)Jean Valjean saved Champmathieu and Fantine and then adopted Cosette、(development)3)Jean Valjean influenced Javert and saved Marius、(climax)4)Jean Valjean died with a peaceful smile、(ending)四.《悲惨世界》主题归纳It is forgiveness and love can save human soul、与主题相关得佳句1)Love isthe sunshine thatcan melt the ice of loneliness、Without lov e, the world will bee a tomb、爱就是融化孤独之冰得。
