(单选题) 1: 秦代散文作家李斯的代表作是。
A: 《鸣凤记》B: 《牡丹亭》C: 《清忠谱》D: 《谏逐客书》正确答案:(单选题) 2: 《战国策》的成书体例与相同的是A: 《国语》B: 《左传》C: 《吕氏春秋》D: 《孟子》正确答案:(单选题) 3: 初唐最早的一首五言律诗是()。
A: 《情采》B: 《野望》C: 《体性》D: 《神思》正确答案:(单选题) 4: 《荀子》今存()篇,多为荀子自著。
A: 三十一B: 三十二C: 三十三D: 三十四正确答案:(单选题) 5: 《老子》又名:A: 《乌衣巷》B: 《洞萧赋》C: 《道德经》D: 《古离别》正确答案:(单选题) 6: 记录战国时代游说之士的策谋或纵横家的事迹、言论的是()。
A: 《谷梁传》B: 《左传》C: 《公羊传》D: 《战国策》正确答案:(单选题) 7: 提出“以适用为本”的文学主张,诗文创作具有浓厚政治色彩的文学家()A: 苏舜钦B: 王安石C: 苏洵D: 苏轼正确答案:(单选题) 8: 《楚辞》名称确定的时间是()。
A: 南宋B: 北宋C: 东汉D: 西汉正确答案:(多选题) 1: 前七子是()正确答案:(多选题) 2: 古代文学的发展有着开创和奠基之功。
同时秦汉文学的发展又可以按照时间跨度划分为:A: 秦代的文学B: 汉初的文学C: 西汉后期与东汉前期的文学D: 东汉后期的文学正确答案:(多选题) 3: 属于“唐宋八大家”的作家有()A: 范仲淹B: 欧阳修C: 苏辙D: 胡铨E: 叶适正确答案:(多选题) 4: 列举两部中唐时期爱情小说的代表作品()。
A: 《柳毅传》B: 《莺莺传》C: 《古文春秋左氏传》D: 《左氏传》正确答案:(判断题) 1: 丈夫不作儿女别,临歧涕泪沾衣巾。
A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: 战士军前半死生,美人帐下犹歌舞。
A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 3: 史官除了从事宗教活动外,还从事有关赐命、册命、载录氏族谱系等政治活动。
(单选题) 1: 《神曲》中引导但丁游历天堂的人是A: 维吉尔B: 荷马C: 弗兰采斯加D: 贝雅特里齐正确答案:(单选题) 2: 《母亲》中母亲的形象是()A: 尼洛夫娜B: 达吉亚娜C: 卡列尼娜D: 娜塔莎正确答案:(单选题) 3: 希腊悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》的作者是A: 埃斯库罗斯B: 索福克勒斯C: 欧里庇得斯D: 阿里斯托芬正确答案:(单选题) 4: 托尔斯泰笔下忏悔贵族的总结性人物是()A: 奥列宁B: 安德列C: 列文D: 聂赫留朵夫正确答案:(单选题) 5: 易卜生的国别是()A: 挪威B: 瑞典C: 丹麦D: 冰岛正确答案:(单选题) 6: 葛利高里的形象出自作品()A: 《顿河的故事》B: 《被开垦的处女地》C: 《一个人的遭遇》D: 《静静的顿河》正确答案:(单选题) 7: 奠定加西亚?马尔克斯作为拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义大师地位的小说是()A: 《格兰德大妈的葬礼》B: 《家长的没落》C: 《百年孤独》D: 《霍乱时期的爱情》正确答案:(单选题) 8: 属于莎士比亚喜剧的作品是()A: 《亨利四世》B: 《威尼斯商人》C: 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》D: 《奥赛罗》正确答案:(单选题) 9: 作家巴尔扎克出现的时代是A: 17世纪B: 18世纪C: 19世纪D: 20世纪正确答案:(单选题) 10: 塑造吝啬鬼阿巴贡的剧作家是A: 莎士比亚B: 莫里哀C: 歌德D: 席勒正确答案:(单选题) 11: 巴尔扎克所属的文学流派是A: 古典主义B: 浪漫主义C: 人文主义D: 批判现实主义正确答案:(单选题) 12: 《看不见的收藏》中老收藏家收藏的是()A: 古董B: 邮票C: 书籍D: 绘画正确答案:(单选题) 13: 《雪国》中的男主人公是()A: 岛村B: 行男C: 驹子D: 叶子正确答案:(单选题) 14: 《萌芽》的主人公是()A: 艾蒂安B: 苏瓦林C: 马赫D: 杜朗多正确答案:(单选题) 15: 莎士比亚传奇剧的重要作品是A: 《亨利四世》B: 《暴风雨》C: 《威尼斯商人》D: 《奥赛罗》正确答案:(单选题) 16: 马克?吐温创作的突出特点是()A: 幽默、讽刺B: 严肃、深沉C: 夸张、扭曲D: 浪漫主观正确答案:(单选题) 17: 《变形记》中格里高尔?萨姆沙原来的职业是()A: 公司负责人B: 军人C: 旅行推销员D: 房产商正确答案:(单选题) 18: 集中《旧约》神话故事的部分是()A: 《创世记》B: 《传道书》C: 《约伯记》D: 《箴言》正确答案:(单选题) 19: 近代印度文学的代表是()A: 迦梨陀娑B: 萨迪C: 泰戈尔D: 普列姆昌德正确答案:(单选题) 20: 莫里哀的国别是A: 英国B: 法国C: 德国D: 俄国正确答案:(多选题) 1: 《静静的顿河》涉及的重大历史事件有()A: 第一次世界大战B: 第二次世界大战C: 俄国无产阶级革命D: 苏联卫国战争E: 苏联国内战争正确答案:(多选题) 2: 《恰尔德? 哈洛尔德游记》的两位主人公体现出的诗人思想有A: 社会批判思想B: 积极思想C: 消极思想D: 爱国思想E: 革命思想正确答案:(多选题) 3: 托尔斯泰早期创作特点表现在A: 朴素的现实主义B: 深入细致展示心理的全过程C: 富有强烈的主观抒情色彩D: 对道德完美的思考和追求E: 具有浓厚的哲理韵味正确答案:(多选题) 4: 《玩偶之家》的男主人公海尔茂是一个()A: 自私的人B: 品行端正的人C: 虚伪的人D: 男权主义者E: 心地善良的人正确答案:(多选题) 5: 属于莎士比亚喜剧的作品有A: 《哈姆莱特》B: 《威尼斯商人》C: 《罗米欧与朱丽叶》D: 《第十二夜》E: 《李尔王》正确答案:(多选题) 6: 塞万提斯是一位.A: 法国作家B: 西班牙作家C: 《堂吉诃德》的作者D: 人文主义作家E: 古典主义作家正确答案:(多选题) 7: 纪伯伦著名的散文诗作有A: 《泪与笑》B: 《人子耶稣》C: 《沙与沫》D: 《旅行家》E: 《先知》正确答案:(多选题) 8: 《源氏物语》在艺术上的鲜明特点有A: 人物性格刻画精细B: 人物性格特征鲜明C: 情节设置复杂曲折D: 抒情色彩浓厚E: 利用环境描写来渲染情节气氛正确答案:(多选题) 9: 属于莎士比亚悲剧的作品有A: 《哈姆莱特》B: 《罗密欧与朱立叶》C: 《奥赛罗》D: 《麦克白》E: 《暴风雨》正确答案:(多选题) 10: 在《红与黑》中,于连活动的地点主要有A: 伦敦B: 巴黎C: 维立叶D: 索漠E: 贝尚松正确答案:(判断题) 1: 泰戈尔在《吉檀迦利》中所颂赞的神是自由与光明的化身。
外国文学名著鉴赏18春在线作业2-0003 试卷总分:100 得分:100
一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 60 分)
大学语文18春在线作业1试卷总分:100 得分:0一、判断题(共 14 道试题,共 28 分)1.唐传奇是唐代的文言长篇小说,内容多传述奇闻异事。
A.错误B.正确正确答案:A二、单选题(共 13 道试题,共 52 分)1.()的出现,标志着中国古代短篇小说趋于成熟。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (单选题) 1: 茅盾在关于“直译”的看法中认为,直译的意义就深处来说,是求A: 不妄改原文的字句B: 能保留原文的情调与风格C: 忠实地传达原作的内容D: 忠实于原作的意图正确答案:(单选题) 2: “____”is the idea of Saint Jerome.A: It isn’t necessary to translate word for word.B: I have always aimed at translating sense,not words.C: The translati013 should have all the ease 0f 0riginal composition.D: The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that 0f the original.正确答案:(单选题) 3: 你明明写了那么多的作品,怎么说不是文学家呢?A: You’ve written so many books, how can you say you’re not man of letter?B: You’ve written many, many books. How can you say you’re not a man of letter? C: You’ve written so many books. How can you say you’re not man of letters? D: You’ve written many, many books. How can you say you’re not a man of letters? 正确答案:(单选题) 4: We talked of our plans to wed and start a family, once we were settled in Los Angeles, and we listened to the rain.A: 我们打算一旦在洛杉矶站住脚,就结婚,开始新的生活。
外国文学名著鉴赏在线作业1-0004狄更斯的第一部长篇小说是A:《奥列佛推斯特》B:《大卫科波菲尔》C:《匹克威克外传》D:《艰难时世》正确选项:C克劳狄斯的形象出自作品A:《堂吉诃德》B:《奥赛罗》C:《哈姆莱特》D:《伪君子》正确选项:C《静静的顿河》描写的是()A:乌克兰人的生活B:哈萨克人的生活C:哥萨克人的生活D:茨冈人的生活正确选项:C《斧头之歌》中斧头的象征意义是A:劳动者的创造力B:劳动者的朴素品格C:对旧世界的破坏力D:资产者的开创精神正确选项:A《玩偶之家》中揭穿娜拉伪造保人签字的人物是()A:海尔茂B:林丹太太C:柯洛克斯泰D:斯多克芒正确选项:C《堂吉诃德》戏拟的文学样式是A:骑士诗歌B:古典戏剧C:叙事诗D:骑士小说正确选项:D莫里哀在《吝啬鬼》中塑造的吝啬鬼形象是A:夏洛克B:葛朗台C:阿巴贡D:泼留希金正确选项:C《母亲》中母亲的形象是()A:尼洛夫娜B:达吉亚娜C:卡列尼娜D:娜塔莎正确选项:A纪伯伦文学创作的最高成就是()A:散文诗B:长篇小说C:戏剧D:杂文正确选项:A巴尔扎克所属的文学流派是A:浪漫主义B:批判现实主义C:古典主义D:自然主义正确选项:B雨果在19世纪20年代末文艺思想发生重大转变,这一转变是. A:从歌颂法国王朝转向歌颂自由B:从浪漫主义转向现实主义C:从师从莎士比亚转向师从布瓦洛D:从浪漫主义转向古典主义正确选项:A《第十二夜》的剧种是A:历史剧B:喜剧C:悲剧D:传奇剧正确选项:B。
东师大学英语(一)高起专18春在线作业1东师大学英语〔一〕高起专18春在线作业1 1、C 2、A 3、D 4、D 5、D 一、单项选择题共40题,100分1、The mass of an object is multiplied by the speed of light squared, _____ other words , the speed of light is multiplied by itself. Aby Bfor Cin Dwith正确答案是:C2、Like his sister, David needed ______ from some generous person in order to get home. Aa ride Bsome ride Cride Dthe ride 正确答案是:A3、His score on the exam was ______ to qualify him for a graduate program. Atoo good Bwell enough Cas high as Dgood enough 正确答案是:D4、He didn’t know French, ______ made it difficult for him to study at a university in France. Athat Bas Cthis Dwhich正确答案是:D 5、“What happened in that new area?〞“New houses ______ recently over there.〞 Aare built BbuildChave builtDhave been built 正确答案是:D6、Any one can join the club, ______? Acan any oneBcan’t any one Ccan’t they Dcan they 正确答案是:C7、I ______ the incident as if it were yesterday. Aam still to remember Bhave still been remembering Cam being still remembered Dstill remember 正确答案是:D8、She didn’t want to buy it, ______. Ahowever good was it Bhowever good it wasCfor how good might it be Dfor how good it might be 正确答案是:B 9、The use of radar as well as the two-way radio ______ for the police to intercept most speeders. Amake it possible Bmakes it possible Cmakes possibleDmake it a possibility 正确答案是:B10、Learning how to repair computers takes a long time, ______? Aisn’t it Baren’t they Cdoesn’t it Ddon’t they 正确答案是:C11、Every man and woman eighteen years of age or older is eligible to vote for the candidate of ______. Ahis choice Btheir choiceCthe choice of him Dthe choice of theirs 正确答案是:A12、We prefer that the plan ______ before being put into execution. Ais fully discussedBmust be fully discussed Cbe fully discussedDwill be fully discussed 正确答案是:C13、When I spent holidays Europe, I bought _____ vases. Atwo lovely big old German Btwo lovely old big German Ctwo German big old lovely Dlovely big two old German 正确答案是:A14、The police finally caught up with the man ______ was the escaped prisoner. Awho they thought Bwhom they thought Cthey thought himDthat they thought him 正确答案是:A15、Why did you speak to Peter that way? Don’t you know he is an old friend of ______? Amy brother Bmy brothers Cmy brother’sDmy brother’s friend 正确答案是:C16、Some animals will modify their behavior to ______ their environment. Aadapt to Badopt to Csuit to Dconform to 正确答案是:A17、The policemen put the criminal ______. Ain a iron Binto a iron Cin ironsDinto a pair of iron 正确答案是:C18、The boy is ______ of a musician. Aanyone Banything CsomeoneDsomething 正确答案是:D19、The little baby was left alone, with ______ to look after it. Asomeone Banyone Cnot one Dno one正确答案是:D20、He saw through the little boy’s tricks ______. Aat glance Bat the glance Cat some glance Dat a glance 正确答案是:D21、It is hard to avoid mistakes. ______ you correct them conscientiously, it will be all right. AIn the case BAs long as CAlthough DDespite正确答案是:B22、______ do we go for picnics. ACertainly BSometimes CSeldom DOnce 正确答案是:C23、He ______ with us last night. Awould have liked to go Bshould like to be going Cshould be liked to go Dwould like to go 正确答案是:A24、After several day’s hardworking, we have made ______ on the design. Amuch improvement Bseveral improvements Cmany improvement Dsome improvement正确答案是:C25、Virtue and vice are before you;______ leads you to happiness,______ to misery. Athe former…latter Ba former…a latter Cthe former…the latter Dformer…latter 正确答案是:C26、Shanghai ______ on the Huangpu River. Astand BstandsCis being stand Dhas stood 正确答案是:B27、Children should be taught how to get along with ______. Aanother Bother Cothers Dany other 正确答案是:C28、It is imperative that you ______ there in person. Aare Bwere Cbe Dwill be正确答案是:C29、On his way to school he met ______, so he sent him to hospital. Avery ill man Bmuch sick man Cserious ill man Dvery sick man 正确答案是:D 30、The Philippines ______ to the south-east of China. Alies Blie Clay Dlays正确答案是:A。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (单选题) 1: 被誉为“十才子之冠”的诗人是()。
A: 吉中孚B: 韩翃C: 钱起D: 司空曙正确答案:(单选题) 2: 《天人三策》的作者是()。
A: 刘向B: 桓宽C: 桓谭D: 董仲舒正确答案:(单选题) 3: 元稹的《莺莺传》原名是()。
A: 唐传奇B: 小传C: 志怪D: 传奇正确答案:(单选题) 4: 《诗经》中的周人史诗出自()。
A: 风B: 大雅C: 小雅D: 颂正确答案:(单选题) 5: 我国编年体史书之祖是()。
A: 《春秋》B: 《左传》C: 《国语》D: 《战国策》正确答案:(单选题) 6: 《游子吟》的作者是()。
A: 孟浩然B: 孟郊C: 贾岛D: 杜牧正确答案:(单选题) 7: 《题破山寺后禅院》的作者是()。
A: 王湾B: 李白C: 王维D: 常建正确答案:(单选题) 8: 《汉书》共有()篇。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: 98B: 100C: 101D: 102正确答案:(单选题) 9: “夸父逐日”的神话出自()。
A: 《淮南子》B: 《山海经》C: 《风俗通》D: 《楚辞》正确答案:(单选题) 10: 在中国古籍的整理编辑方面具有突出贡献的是()。
A: 贾谊B: 晁错C: 刘向D: 桓宽正确答案:(多选题) 1: 《庄子》的文学审美价值主要体现于它的寓言说理的形式,具体表现在哪几个方面()。
中国现代文学作品选18春在线作业1试卷总分:100 得分:0一、单选题 (共 30 道试题,共 75 分)1.内容多描写半殖民地大都市上海的病态生活,畸形的两性关系和心理,艺术上刻意追求主观感觉印象和节奏的快速,形式技巧的翻新。
具有上述特色的小说流派是( )A.社会剖析派B.心理分析派C.新感觉派D.京派正确答案:C2.孙伏园是哪个新文学社团的成员( )A.语丝社B.莽原社C.未名社D.创造社正确答案:A3.我国新歌剧的代表作是()A.《白毛女》B.《王贵与李香香》C.《漳河水》D.《刘胡兰》正确答案:A4.以翻译外国文学、尤其是翻译介绍俄罗斯和苏联文学为主要特色的新文学社团是( )A.未名社B.狂飙社C.弥洒社D.沉钟社正确答案:A5.战国策派的代表作《野玫瑰》的作者是()A.林同济B.黄震遐C.王平陵D.陈铨正确答案6.萧红的哪部小说被鲁迅称作" 力透纸背的,北方人民对于生的坚强,对于死的挣扎"的作品?()A.《八月的乡村》B.《呼兰河传》C.《生死场》D.《马伯乐》正确答案:C7."自由人"指的是()A.胡秋原B.苏汶C.施蛰存D.穆时英正确答案:A8.沈从文散文集《湘行散记》、《湘西》的思想特点是()A.乡土情与民族性B.哲理性与爱国主义C.恋土情结与爱国主义D.本土性、本族性与人性的哲理思考正确答案9.下列符合沈从文主要创作思想的表述是( )。
A.文学表现人生的苦难B.文学讴歌人性C.文学表现自我D.文学为时代、政治服务正确答案:B10.利用上海弄堂房子的特殊结构,将五户人家用一个场景画面,在同一舞台空间穿插交替展开的剧本是( )A.于伶的《夜上海》B.夏衍的《上海屋檐下》C.钱钟书的《围城》D.张恨水的《五子登科》正确答案:B11.勾勒了鲜明生动的人物形象的散文集是( )。
A.《湘行散记》B.《朝花夕拾》C.《画梦录》D.《风景谈》正确答案:B12.左联解散的时间是( )A.1934年B.1935年C.1936年D.1937年正确答案:C13.巴金的《雪》描写的题材是()A.工人生活B.家庭生活C.社会革命D.女性生活正确答案:A14.早期小说具有爱国主义、人道主义倾向,后期堕落为三角恋爱小说制作者的是( )A.黄震遐B.张资平C.周全平D.杨杏村正确答案:B15.诗歌《有赠》的作者是( )A.曾卓B.冀访C.牛汉D.周涛正确答案:A16.凌叔华的小说集《花之寺》着力刻划的女性形象主要属于()A.知识女性B.高门巨族的少妇C.时代女性D.叛逆女性正确答案:B17.《和尚之喻》一文的作者是( )A.邵燕祥B.贾平凹C.余秋雨D.季羡林正确答案:A18.《乱弹及其他》是谁的杂文集( )A.鲁迅B.唐弢C.柯灵D.瞿秋白正确答案19.刘浩如是夏衍哪部剧作中的主人公?()A.《上海屋檐下》B.《岁寒图》C.《心防》D.《法西斯细菌》正确答案:C20.成仿吾是哪个新文学社团的成员( )A.新月社B.沉钟社C.创造社D.文学研究会正确答案:C21.沈从文以哪部短篇小说的发表为标志分为前后两个时期?()A.《丈夫》B.《牛》C.《柏子》D.《炉边》正确答案:C22.《荷花淀》艺术风格的特征是()。
二、多选题 1.俄狄浦斯王所表现的命运观主要是. A.是一种不可知的力量 B.是不可战胜的
C.是神祗的意志 D.是社会丑恶现象使然 E.命运的合理性值得怀疑 答案:ABCE
2.普希金的小说有 A.乡村 B.驿站长 C.外套 D.叶甫盖尼?奥涅金 E.上尉的女儿 答案:BDE
7.高老头暴露了拜金主义对人性的泯灭,批判了它在家庭关系上的罪恶。 答案:正确
8.伪君子是法国古典主义悲剧的代表作。 答案:错误
9.荷马史诗在语言艺术上表现的最大特点是善用比喻。 答案:正确
10.沙恭达罗的善与美都体现出了自然之真。 答案:正确
11.成为一千零一夜名称缘起的故事是() A.国王山鲁亚尔及其兄弟的故事 B.阿拉丁和神灯的故事 C.阿里巴巴和四十大盗的故事 D.驼背的故事 答案:A
12.茨威格创作采用的语言是() A.英语 B.法语 C.德语 D.俄语 答案:C
13.萨特小说墙中“墙”的含义是() A.荣辱之墙 B.建筑之墙 C.生死之墙 D.命运之墙 答案:C
一、单选题 1.海明威的小说老人与海中桑提亚哥被称为() A.“硬汉子” B.“懦夫” C.“沉默的人” D.“狂热者” 答案:A
2.贯穿死魂灵作品始终的人物是 A.马尼洛夫 B.乞乞科夫 C.泼留希金 D.梭巴凯维奇 答案:B
3.奠定加西亚?马尔克斯作为拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义大师地位的小说是() A.格兰德大妈的葬礼 B.家长的没落 C.百年孤独 D.霍乱时期的爱情 答案:C
9.悲剧哈姆莱特中的人物有 A.克劳狄斯 B.波洛涅斯 C.俄狄浦斯 D.奥菲利娅 E.鲍西娅 答案:ABD
1、海明威提出“ 冰山原则”的作品是()
(单选题)1: 《圣经》是哪种宗教的正式经典()
A: 伊斯兰教
B: 印度教
C: 基督教
D: 佛教
正确答案: C
(单选题)2: 托尔斯泰小说在心理描写方面的最独特之处被认为是()A: 描写细腻深刻
B: 人物形象生动
C: 展示“心灵辩证法”
D: 描写准确感人
正确答案: C
(单选题)3: 泰戈尔的作品《戈拉》的体裁是()
A: 小说
B: 戏剧
C: 诗歌
D: 散文
正确答案: A
(单选题)4: 诗人和散文家纪伯伦的国别是()
A: 埃及
B: 伊拉克
C: 黎巴嫩
D: 叙利亚
正确答案: C
(单选题)5: 《一个人的遭遇》的主人公是()
A: 葛利高里
B: 格里高尔
C: 索科洛夫
D: 巴威尔
正确答案: C
(单选题)6: 普希金的创作标志着俄国文学()
A: 由古典主义向浪漫主义的转变
B: 由古典主义向感伤主义文学的转变
C: 由浪漫主义向现实主义的转变
D: 由现实主义向浪漫主义的转变
正确答案: C
(单选题)7: 陀斯妥耶夫斯基的小说《罪与罚》的主人公是
A: 杰弗什金。
(单选题) 1: 海涅著名的政治诗是 .A: 《诗歌集》B: 《德国——一个冬天的童话》C: 《西里西亚纺织工人》D: 《哈尔茨山游记》正确答案:(单选题) 2: 古代印度被称为“最初的诗”的作品是()A: 《摩诃婆罗多》B: 《罗摩衍那》C: 《故事海》D: 《五卷书》正确答案:(单选题) 3: 小说家哈代大部分小说的背景是A: 英国西南部农村B: 英国都市C: 法国外省D: 法国都市正确答案:(单选题) 4: 诗体小说《唐璜》的作者是A: 司各特B: 拜伦C: 雪莱D: 乔治?桑正确答案:(单选题) 5: 莫里哀最杰出的喜剧是()A: 《伪君子》B: 《史嘉本的诡计》C: 《唐璜》D: 《无病呻吟》正确答案:(单选题) 6: 莫泊桑的成名作是()A: 《项链》B: 《羊脂球》C: 《套中人》D: 《外套》正确答案:(单选题) 7: 《神曲》的作者是A: 彼特拉克B: 薄迦丘C: 但丁D: 阿里奥斯托正确答案:(单选题) 8: 中世纪后期英雄史诗的主题是A: 歌颂部落英雄B: 表现人与自然的斗争C: 爱国主义D: 民族主义正确答案:(单选题) 9: 戏剧家肖伯纳的国别是( )A: 法国B: 德国C: 英国正确答案:(单选题) 10: 日本江户时期占据诗坛中心地位的是()A: 能B: 狂言C: 俳句D: 净琉璃正确答案:(单选题) 11: 《草叶集》表现的主题思想是A: 希望B: 斗争C: 民主D: 革命正确答案:(单选题) 12: 唯美主义文学的发源地是()A: 英国B: 法国C: 德国D: 美国正确答案:(单选题) 13: 《吉尔伽美什》的体裁是()A: 悲剧B: 喜剧C: 史诗D: 神话正确答案:(单选题) 14: 马尔克斯的代表作是()A: 《第二十二条军规》B: 《玉米人》C: 《百年孤独》D: 《喧嚣与骚动》正确答案:(单选题) 15: 《少年维特之烦恼》的作者是A: 歌德B: 席勒C: 莱辛D: 赫尔德尔正确答案:(单选题) 16: 左拉所属文学流派是()A: 唯美主义B: 浪漫主义C: 自然主义D: 现实主义正确答案:(单选题) 17: 狄更斯的一部近似自传体的小说是.A: 《马丁?朱述尔维特》B: 《圣诞欢歌》C: 《大卫?科波菲尔》D: 《艰难时世》正确答案:(单选题) 18: 《母亲》的作者是()A: 法捷耶夫B: 肖洛霍夫D: 爱伦堡正确答案:(单选题) 19: 艾略特的代表诗作是()A: 《荒原》B: 《海滨墓园》C: 《喧嚣与骚动》D: 《恶之花》正确答案:(单选题) 20: 《日瓦戈医生》的作者是()A: 特瓦尔多夫斯基B: 帕斯捷尔纳克C: 爱伦堡D: 肖洛霍夫正确答案:(多选题) 1: 《百年孤独》表现某一地区百年兴衰的历史,这个地区包括A: 北美洲B: 拉丁美洲C: 哥伦比亚D: 欧洲E: 大洋州正确答案:(多选题) 2: 《人间喜剧》表现的主要思想有A: 描写封建贵族的罪恶B: 歌颂资本主义的发展C: 批判金钱的罪恶D: 反映封建贵族的衰亡E: 对贵族的衰亡表示惋惜正确答案:(多选题) 3: 自然主义文学的特点有A: 反对艺术服务于政治B: 强调冷静客观地再现现实C: 强调朦胧美和神秘色彩D: 以生物学和遗传学理论解释现实E: 叙述风格冷静、无动于衷正确答案:(多选题) 4: 萧伯纳的著名剧作有A: 《樱桃园》B: 《华伦夫人的职业》C: 《伤心之家》D: 《万尼亚舅舅》E: 《鳏夫的房屋》正确答案:(多选题) 5: 《安娜?卡列尼娜》中的人物形象有()A: 聂赫留朵夫B: 卡列宁C: 列文D: 玛丝洛娃E: 安娜正确答案:(多选题) 6: 20 世纪初期俄国文坛最活跃的现代主义文学流派有A: 唯美派B: 象征派D: 阿克梅派E: 意识流正确答案:(多选题) 7: 《威尼斯商人》中的人物形象有A: 薇奥拉B: 鲍西娅C: 考狄莉娅D: 夏洛克E: 阿巴公正确答案:(多选题) 8: 法国自然主义文学的重要作家有()A: 马拉美B: 龚古尔兄弟C: 左拉D: 王尔德E: 戈吉耶正确答案:(多选题) 9: 古希腊著名的悲剧诗人有 .A: 荷马B: 埃斯库罗斯C: 索福克勒斯D: 欧里庇得斯E: 阿里斯托芬正确答案:(多选题) 10: 福克纳的重要作品有A: 《追忆逝水年华》B: 《乡村医生》C: 《喧嚣与骚动》D: 《押沙龙!押沙龙!》E: 《尤利西斯》正确答案:(判断题) 1: 《等待戈多》是存在主义戏剧的重要作品。
(单选题) 1: On what does China spend the least money ?A: Taking care of an aging populationB: Dampening rising unemploymentC: Overhauling its command economyD: Cultural conservation正确答案:(单选题) 2: Emil Scuka is -----.A: a Slovak-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionB: a Spanian-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionC: a Portugal-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionD: we don‘t Know正确答案:(单选题) 3: offsetA: come to an endB: struggleC: to compensate for sth.正确答案:(单选题) 4: devolutionA: to help with othersB: to devote one‘s heart to sb.C: transference of rights正确答案:(单选题) 5: desperatelyA: luckilyB: to give little hope of successC: hately正确答案:(单选题) 6: Joseph Lieberman is ____________.A: Gore’s vice presidential running mateB: Bush’s vice presidential running mateC: governor of TexasD: governor of Florida正确答案:(单选题) 7: What damaged the caves over the years?A: wind, rain and sandB: western plunderersC: touristsD: all of above正确答案:(单选题) 8: If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without the vacationing employee, the employee will be ___.A: paid moreB: promotedC: given more vacationD: insecure正确答案:(单选题) 9: erectA: to set upright; put upB: work hardC: to desert正确答案:(单选题) 10: Why do the American think that a Taliban-dominated government represents a preferableA: It is better than the faction-ridden coalition in all aspectsB: They think it seems bent on restoring a traditional society in Afghanistan, rather than exporting an Islamic revolution.C: They can completely end the Anarchy in Afghanistan.D: None of the above.正确答案:(单选题) 11: There are many controversies. Did they affect the credibility of the commission? A: yesB: noC: have no ideaD: we don‘t know正确答案:(单选题) 12: sternA: superior intellectual, social, or economic statusB: uncompromisingC: an agent or a substitute正确答案:(单选题) 13: eliteA: uncompromisingB: superior intellectual, social, or economic statusC: an agent or a substitute正确答案:(单选题) 14: erodeA: be fall in troubleB: to destroy or wear sth away graduallyC: attack abruptly正确答案:(单选题) 15: "deteriorate "A: become worse in quality or condition.B: make others become happyC: throw the rubbish正确答案:(单选题) 16: Where did the investment in Wales come from?A: U.S.AB: JapanC: FranceD: Germany正确答案:(单选题) 17: From the article we know the most popular open-air cinema is at ___________.A: Bryant ParkB: Brooklyn BridgeC: Central ParkD: Socrates Sculpture Park正确答案:(单选题) 18: A pink slip is ___.A: a notice of unemploymentB: a notice of promotionC: a notice of employmentD: a notice of pay increase正确答案:(单选题) 19: wrack.A: keep sth from being hurtC: help without any hesitation正确答案:(单选题) 20: consternation .A: a feeling of shock or worryB: a feeling of happiness and blessnessC: always wanting to fight正确答案:(单选题) 21: Nicholas Gheorge, an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that there would be more ____ members in governments of European countries.A: GypsyB: JewishC: RomanianD: China正确答案:(单选题) 22: brunt.A: the main impact or forceB: help sbC: never refuse others正确答案:(单选题) 23: scourgeA: person or thing that causes happinessB: person or thing that causes sufferingC: ragged正确答案:(单选题) 24: In 1981, 6-8 –year-olds averaged ______minutes of homework per week.A: 45B: 50C: 44D: 60正确答案:(单选题) 25: cram schoolA: 小学B: 中学C: 填鸭式教学正确答案:(单选题) 26: The ways of compensation of the commission to the victim in the apartheid-era abuses. A: financial compensation.B: listen to the victim’s familiesC: clamor the justiceD: all above.正确答案:(单选题) 27: In the 2000presidential election, the most important state which decides the political fates of Bush and Gore is ________.A: CaliforniaB: FloridaC: MaineD: Texas正确答案:(单选题) 28: bellicoseA: always wanting to fight or argueB: serious and difficult situationC: the surrounding(单选题) 29: eligibleA: qualified or entitled to be chosenB: deliciousC: accelerate正确答案:(单选题) 30: Which statement is NOT the promise that Beijing makes?A: To build three new subway lines and a new highway to ease the city’s horrible trafficB: To turn 495 hectares of bare earth into green spaceC: To establish more factories in the cityD: To clean up its foul air正确答案:(判断题) 1: British monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth with little distinction. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: Officials in the USA held different views of their action to Iraq.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 3: The child born between 1947 and 1961 is frequently referred to as “boomer parents”A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 4: While in an economic slump there could be sharp policy battles over priorities as advocates for workers demand more government aid.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 5: Cornell University ‘s motive in removing some students from the name list was to improve the educational quality.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 6: China spends the least money on cultural conservation.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 7: British monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth with little distinction. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 8: Commemorative coins have been issued.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 9: The investment in Wales comes from Japan.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 10: The Taliban began as a group of seminary students.A: 错误B: 正确(单选题) 1: On what does China spend the least money ?A: Taking care of an aging populationB: Dampening rising unemploymentC: Overhauling its command economyD: Cultural conservation正确答案:(单选题) 2: Emil Scuka is -----.A: a Slovak-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionB: a Spanian-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionC: a Portugal-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionD: we don‘t Know正确答案:(单选题) 3: offsetA: come to an endB: struggleC: to compensate for sth.正确答案:(单选题) 4: devolutionA: to help with othersB: to devote one‘s heart to sb.C: transference of rights正确答案:(单选题) 5: desperatelyA: luckilyB: to give little hope of successC: hately正确答案:(单选题) 6: Joseph Lieberman is ____________.A: Gore’s vice presidential running mateB: Bush’s vice presidential running mateC: governor of TexasD: governor of Florida正确答案:(单选题) 7: What damaged the caves over the years?A: wind, rain and sandB: western plunderersC: touristsD: all of above正确答案:(单选题) 8: If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without the vacationing employee, the employee will be ___.A: paid moreB: promotedC: given more vacationD: insecure正确答案:(单选题) 9: erectA: to set upright; put upB: work hardC: to desert正确答案:(单选题) 10: Why do the American think that a Taliban-dominated government represents a preferableA: It is better than the faction-ridden coalition in all aspectsB: They think it seems bent on restoring a traditional society in Afghanistan, rather than exporting an Islamic revolution.C: They can completely end the Anarchy in Afghanistan.D: None of the above.正确答案:(单选题) 11: There are many controversies. Did they affect the credibility of the commission? A: yesB: noC: have no ideaD: we don‘t know正确答案:(单选题) 12: sternA: superior intellectual, social, or economic statusB: uncompromisingC: an agent or a substitute正确答案:(单选题) 13: eliteA: uncompromisingB: superior intellectual, social, or economic statusC: an agent or a substitute正确答案:(单选题) 14: erodeA: be fall in troubleB: to destroy or wear sth away graduallyC: attack abruptly正确答案:(单选题) 15: "deteriorate "A: become worse in quality or condition.B: make others become happyC: throw the rubbish正确答案:(单选题) 16: Where did the investment in Wales come from?A: U.S.AB: JapanC: FranceD: Germany正确答案:(单选题) 17: From the article we know the most popular open-air cinema is at ___________.A: Bryant ParkB: Brooklyn BridgeC: Central ParkD: Socrates Sculpture Park正确答案:(单选题) 18: A pink slip is ___.A: a notice of unemploymentB: a notice of promotionC: a notice of employmentD: a notice of pay increase正确答案:(单选题) 19: wrack.A: keep sth from being hurtC: help without any hesitation正确答案:(单选题) 20: consternation .A: a feeling of shock or worryB: a feeling of happiness and blessnessC: always wanting to fight正确答案:(单选题) 21: Nicholas Gheorge, an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that there would be more ____ members in governments of European countries.A: GypsyB: JewishC: RomanianD: China。
(单选题) 1: He told me _____ would come to his birthday party.A: many Jack friendsB: Jack’s many friendsC: many Jack’s friendD: many friends of Jack’s正确答案:(单选题) 2: John can play chess better than ______ else.A: the oneB: no oneC: any oneD: another正确答案:(单选题) 3: In some restaurants, food and service are worse than ______ used to be. A: theyB: itC: themD: that正确答案:(单选题) 4: _______ a prolonged spell of fine weather, they were able to complete the film within the month.A: As toB: Thanks toC: In relation toD: With respect to正确答案:(单选题) 5: The teacher had a talk with you, ______?A: has youB: hadn’t sheC: did sheD: didn’t she正确答案:(单选题) 6: I’ll come in ______ minute; in fact I’ll come ______ moment I’m through.A: /…theB: a…theC: the…aD: /…/正确答案:(单选题) 7: Don’t let me catch you ______.A: do that againB: to do that againC: doing that againD: done that again正确答案:(单选题) 8: The mayor felt that the police, in spite of the reports, had done ______ best.A: itsB: theirC: hisD: our正确答案:(单选题) 9: Never again ______ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.A: Alfred E. Smith seriously soughtB: seriously Alfred E. Smith soughtC: when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seekD: did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek正确答案:(单选题) 10: The surroundings of his house ______ clean now.A: isB: areC: wasD: were正确答案:(单选题) 11: The children in the kinder-garden soon took ______ to their teachers. A: quite fancyB: a quite fancyC: quite a fancyD: the quite fancy正确答案:(单选题) 12: He invited all of his ______ to join his wedding party.A: comrade-in-armsB: comrades-in-armsC: comrades-in-armD: comrade-in-arm正确答案:(单选题) 13: “If I hadn’t practiced when I was younger,” the musician says,“I ______ able to play so well now.”A: would n’t beB: won’t beC: wouldn’t have beenD: couldn’t have been正确答案:(单选题) 14: Those examples are not enough, you should give ______ examples to make your argument convincing.A: someB: anyC: some moreD: any more正确答案:(单选题) 15: The reason I plan to g o is ______ if I don’t.A: because she will be disappointedB: because she will have a disappointmentC: that she will be disappointedD: for which she will be disappointed正确答案:(单选题) 16: The purpose of the official inquiry is to ______ the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea.A: come atB: come forC: come intoD: come over正确答案:(单选题) 17: ______ iron has relatively few economical uses.A: Chemical pureB: Chemically pureC: Pure chemicalD: Purely chemical正确答案:(单选题) 18: I have three brothers,______ are in Beijing.A: no one of themB: neither of themC: some of themD: none of them正确答案:(单选题) 19: ______ of them shared my opinions, so we have ______ in common to discuss.A: Nobody/a littleB: Few/littleC: A few/littleD: None/many正确答案:(单选题) 20: We’ll never give in whatever they ______ say or do.A: mayB: willC: shallD: should正确答案:(单选题) 21: Most of the representatives think that ______ the meeting was very successful.A: on whole ofB: on a wholeC: on the wholeD: on the whole that正确答案:(单选题) 22: I cannot invited ______ of you, since I’ve got only one extra ticket. A: eitherB: bothC: someD: one正确答案:(单选题) 23: A _____ road goes ______ from our college to the center.A: straight…straightB: straightly…straightlyC: straigh t…straightlyD: straightly…straight正确答案:(单选题) 24: ‘How much water is left in the bottle?’ ‘______’A: NothingB: NoneC: Not someD: Not one正确答案:(单选题) 25: I want an assistant with ______ knowledge of French and ______ experience of office routine.A: the…theB: a…theC: a…anD: the…an正确答案:(单选题) 26: ______ the beginning of the 19th century did scientists know that all matter is made up of atoms.A: AtB: ByC: Up toD: Not until正确答案:(单选题) 27: With ______ three inches of rain falling in a six-month period, the farmers found it necessary to irrigate the landA: less thanB: little thanC: fewer thanD: less few than正确答案:(单选题) 28: The atomic structure is, ______, a miniature solar system.A: as it wereB: as if they wereC: as it wereD: as if are正确答案:(单选题) 29: He has his hair cut every month, ______?A: has heB: hasn’t heC: does heD: doesn’t he正确答案:(单选题) 30: ______ you think he ______ back by dinner time?A: Do/have comeB: Did/will have comeC: Does/will comeD: Do/will have come正确答案:(单选题) 31: The poem by Browning is so observed that I cannot grasp ______ meaning. A: itsB: it’sC: theirD: that正确答案:(单选题) 32: In a news conference this afternoon, the university announced that ______ intends to make several important changes in next y ear’s budget.A: heB: itC: sheD: they正确答案:(单选题) 33: The differences between ______ are gradually being eliminated.A: the town and the countryB: town and countryC: a town and a countryD: a town and the country正确答案:(单选题) 34: I wish to recollect where I met her, ______?A: would IB: may IC: may not ID: can I正确答案:(单选题) 35: Tianan Men Square and ______ Great Wall are tow of the places everyone should see in ______ People’s Republic of China.A: the…theB: /…/C: the…/D: /…the正确答案:(单选题) 36: ______ a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly. A: If he tookB: If he has takenC: had he takenD: Should he take正确答案:(单选题) 37: ______ comparison to my boyhood, my undergraduate years in Oklahoma were paradise.A: InB: WithC: ByD: For正确答案:(单选题) 38: There isn’t anything wrong with the radio, ______?A: is thereB: is itC: does itD: does there正确答案:(单选题) 39: Bats find their way by squeaking ______ and guiding themselves by echoes.A: very fastB: very fastlyC: much fasterD: most fastly正确答案:(单选题) 40: When we reached the station, the train had still not arrived; so we ______.A: needed not to hurryB: needn’t have hurriedC: need not to have hurriedD: didn’t need to hurry正确答案:(单选题) 1: He told me _____ would come to his birthday party.A: many Jack friendsB: Jack’s many friendsC: many Jack’s friendD: many friends of Jack’s正确答案:(单选题) 2: John can play chess better than ______ else.A: the oneB: no oneC: any oneD: another正确答案:(单选题) 3: In some restaurants, food and service are worse than ______ used to be. A: theyB: itC: themD: that正确答案:(单选题) 4: _______ a prolonged spell of fine weather, they were able to complete the film within the month.A: As toB: Thanks toC: In relation toD: With respect to正确答案:(单选题) 5: The teacher had a talk with you, ______?A: has youB: hadn’t sheC: did sheD: didn’t she正确答案:(单选题) 6: I’ll come in ______ minute; in fact I’ll come ______ moment I’m through. A: /…theB: a…theC: the…aD: /…/正确答案:(单选题) 7: Don’t let me catch you ______.A: do that againB: to do that againC: doing that againD: done that again正确答案:(单选题) 8: The mayor felt that the police, in spite of the reports, had done ______ best.A: itsB: theirC: hisD: our(单选题) 9: Never again ______ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.A: Alfred E. Smith seriously soughtB: seriously Alfred E. Smith soughtC: when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seekD: did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek正确答案:(单选题) 10: The surroundings of his house ______ clean now.A: isB: areC: wasD: were正确答案:(单选题) 11: The children in the kinder-garden soon took ______ to their teachers. A: quite fancyB: a quite fancyC: quite a fancyD: the quite fancy正确答案:(单选题) 12: He invited all of his ______ to join his wedding party.A: comrade-in-armsB: comrades-in-armsC: comrades-in-armD: comrade-in-arm正确答案:(单选题) 13: “If I hadn’t practiced when I was younger,” the musician says,“I ______ able to play so well now.”A: wouldn’t beB: won’t beC: wouldn’t have beenD: couldn’t have been正确答案:(单选题) 14: Those examples are not enough, you should give ______ examples to make your argument convincing.A: someB: anyC: some moreD: any more正确答案:(单选题) 15: The reason I plan to go is ______ if I don’t.A: because she will be disappointedB: because she will have a disappointmentC: that she will be disappointedD: for which she will be disappointed正确答案:(单选题) 16: The purpose of the official inquiry is to ______ the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea.A: come atB: come forC: come into[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。
东北师范大学《外国文学名著鉴赏》15春在线作业1满分答案一、单选题1. 奠定加西亚?马尔克斯作为拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义大师地位的小说是()A. 《格兰德大妈的葬礼》B. 《家长的没落》C. 《百年孤独》D. 《霍乱时期的爱情》正确答案:C2. 《人间喜剧》的作者是()A. 司汤达B. 巴尔扎克C. 狄更斯D. 果戈理正确答案:B3. 《伊利亚特》中特洛亚方面的英雄是().A. 阿喀琉斯B. 赫克托尔C. 阿伽门侬D. 俄底修斯正确答案:B4. 《源氏物语》共有()A. 33回B. 54回C. 72回D. 108回正确答案:B5. 《恰尔德?哈罗尔德游记》中的“萨拉哥萨女王”是A. 奥古斯丁娜B. 奥古斯丁C. 奥斯丁D. 奥菲莉娅正确答案:A6. 《哈姆莱特》中阴谋篡位的奸王是A. 雷欧提斯B. 波洛涅斯C. 福丁布拉斯D. 克劳狄斯正确答案:D7. 果戈理所属的文学流派是A. 自然派B. 感伤派C. 浪漫派D. 自白派正确答案:A8. 恩格斯评价一位诗人为“中世纪的最后一位诗人,新时代的最初一位诗人”,他是A. 但丁B. 薄伽丘C. 莎士比亚D. 塞万提斯正确答案:A9. 拜伦未完成的小说是A. 《普罗米修斯》B. 《唐璜》C. 《青铜世纪》D. 《叶甫盖尼?奥涅金》正确答案:B10. 《沙恭达罗》的体裁是()A. 叙事诗B. 抒情诗C. 戏剧D. 故事正确答案:C11. 以古希腊神话有关“杀父娶母”的故事为题材的悲剧作品是A. 《伊利亚特》B. 《普罗米修斯》C. 《俄狄浦斯王》D. 《美狄亚》正确答案:C12. 《浮士德》中的魔鬼形象是A. 犹大B. 撒旦C. 克劳狄斯D. 靡非斯特正确答案:D13. 纪伯伦的作品《先知》的体裁是()A. 散文诗B. 小说C. 散文D. 政论正确答案:A14. 《静静的顿河》描写的是()A. 乌克兰人的生活B. 哈萨克人的生活C. 哥萨克人的生活D. 茨冈人的生活正确答案:C15. 俄国无产阶级文学的奠基人是()A. 托尔斯泰B. 契诃夫C. 高尔基D. 肖洛霍夫正确答案:C16. 果戈理著名的剧作是A. 《密尔格拉德》B. 《钦差大臣》C. 《死魂灵》D. 《狄康卡近乡夜话》正确答案:B17. 《红与黑》的副标题是A. “外省风俗”B. “没有主人公的小说”C. “1830年纪事”D. “一个纯洁的女人”正确答案:C18. 巴尔扎克所属的文学流派是A. 古典主义B. 浪漫主义C. 人文主义D. 批判现实主义正确答案:D19. 诗人和散文家纪伯伦的国别是()A. 埃及B. 伊拉克C. 黎巴嫩D. 叙利亚正确答案:C20. 《俄狄浦斯王》是一部()A. 史诗B. 小说C. 悲剧D. 喜剧正确答案:C二、多选题1. 《恰尔德?哈洛尔德游记》的主题思想是A. 挚爱大自然B. 反侵略C. 吟咏爱情D. 追求自由E. 反暴政正确答案:BDE2. 表现马克?吐温批判封建专制罪恶的作品有()A. 《汤姆?索亚历险记》B. 《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》C. 《王子与贫儿》D. 《傻瓜威尔逊》E. 《在亚瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州美国人》正确答案:CE3. 《源氏物语》在艺术上的鲜明特点有A. 人物性格刻画精细B. 人物性格特征鲜明C. 情节设置复杂曲折D. 抒情色彩浓厚E. 利用环境描写来渲染情节气氛正确答案:ABE4. 索福克勒斯最著名的悲剧有A. 《被绑的普罗米修斯》B. 《安提戈涅》C. 《美狄亚》D. 《俄瑞斯特亚》E. 《俄狄浦斯王》正确答案:BE5. 《草叶集》中表达反蓄奴制思想的诗篇有A. 《斧头之歌》B. 《我听见美洲在歌唱》C. 《敲呀!敲呀!鼓呀!》D. 《啊,船长!我的船长哟!》E. 《当紫丁香最近在庭园中开放的时候》正确答案:CDE6. 果戈理描写“小人物”的名篇有A. 《驿站长》B. 《狂人日记》C. 《密尔格拉德》D. 《外套》E. 《死魂灵》正确答案:BD7. 《卢贡—马卡尔家族》写出了“第二帝国时代”一个家族的()A. 自然史B. 家族史C. 社会史D. 婚姻史E. 发家史正确答案:AC8. 萨迪的主要作品包括()A. 《果园》B. 《蔷薇园》C. 《王书》D. 颂诗E. 抒情诗正确答案:AB9. 《俄狄浦斯王》所表现的命运观主要是A. 是一种不可知的力量B. 是不可战胜的C. 是神祗的意志D. 是社会丑恶现象使然E. 命运的合理性值得怀疑正确答案:ABCE10. 《俄狄浦斯王》是A. 古希腊悲剧B. 古希腊喜剧C. 欧里庇得斯的作品D. 阿里斯托芬的作品E. 索福克勒斯的作品正确答案:AE三、判断题1. 奠定马尔克斯魔幻现实主义大师地位的作品是《家长的没落》。
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(单选题) 1: 被称为法国“现实主义文学宣言书”的理论著作是A: 《〈克伦威尔〉序言》B: 《诗的艺术》C: 《拉辛与莎士比亚》D: 《诗学》正确答案:(单选题) 2: 高尔基称之为民间文学中一座“壮丽的纪念碑“的作品是()A: 《源氏物语》B: 《五卷书》C: 《卡里莱和笛木乃》D: 《一千零一夜》正确答案:(单选题) 3: 《墙》中“墙”的含义是()A: 荣辱之墙B: 建筑之墙C: 生死之墙D: 命运之墙正确答案:(单选题) 4: 《堂吉诃德》产生的时期是.A: 古罗马时期B: 中世纪C: 文艺复兴时期D: 启蒙运动时期正确答案:(单选题) 5: 《旧约》最初使用的文字是()A: 希腊文B: 阿拉伯文C: 希伯来文D: 拉丁文正确答案:(单选题) 6: “一个人并不是生来要被打败的”,接下来的话是()A: 你尽可以打败他,可就是消灭不了他B: 你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他C: 他可以把剩下来的力气统统拼出来D: 命运已经注定人要失败正确答案:(单选题) 7: 纪伯伦文学创作的最高成就是()A: 散文诗B: 长篇小说C: 戏剧D: 杂文正确答案:(单选题) 8: 莫里哀所属的文学流派是.A: 浪漫主义B: 古典主义C: 现实主义D: 启蒙主义正确答案:(单选题) 9: 陀斯妥耶夫斯基的小说《罪与罚》的主人公是A: 杰弗什金B: 卡拉马佐夫C: 拉斯科尼柯夫D: 梅什金正确答案:(单选题) 10: 左拉的主要文学成就是创作了系列小说()A: 《约翰?克利斯朵夫》B: 《人间喜剧》C: 《神曲》D: 《卢贡—马卡尔家族》正确答案:(单选题) 11: 以古希腊神话有关“杀父娶母”的故事为题材的悲剧作品是A: 《伊利亚特》B: 《普罗米修斯》C: 《俄狄浦斯王》D: 《美狄亚》正确答案:(单选题) 12: 莫里哀的国别是A: 英国B: 法国C: 德国D: 俄国正确答案:(单选题) 13: 歌德的代表作是A: 《少年维特之烦恼》B: 《浮士德》C: 《阴谋与爱情》D: 《忏悔录》正确答案:(单选题) 14: 作家马克?吐温的国别是()A: 英国B: 法国C: 德国D: 美国正确答案:(单选题) 15: 萨特的《墙》的体裁是()A: 短篇小说B: 长篇小说C: 戏剧D: 诗歌正确答案:(单选题) 16: 肖洛霍夫创作主要表现的是()A: 乌克兰人的生活B: 哈萨克人的生活C: 哥萨克人的生活D: 茨冈人的生活正确答案:(单选题) 17: 《哈姆莱特》中阴谋篡位的奸王是A: 雷欧提斯B: 波洛涅斯C: 福丁布拉斯D: 克劳狄斯正确答案:(单选题) 18: 葛利高里的形象出自作品()A: 《顿河的故事》B: 《被开垦的处女地》C: 《一个人的遭遇》D: 《静静的顿河》正确答案:(单选题) 19: 《堂吉诃德》中堂吉诃德的仆人是A: 纪斯卡多B: 霍拉旭C: 奥尔恭D: 桑丘?潘沙正确答案:(单选题) 20: 陀斯妥耶夫斯基的小说《罪与罚》的主人公是A: 杰弗什金B: 卡拉马佐夫C: 拉斯科尼柯夫D: 梅什金正确答案:(多选题) 1: 《沙恭达罗》中的主要人物有A: 沙恭达罗B: 豆扇陀C: 罗摩D: 悉多E: 干婆正确答案:(多选题) 2: 马克?吐温在19世纪70年代发表的重要短篇小说有A: 《卡列瓦拉县驰名的跳蛙及其他》B: 《竞选州长》C: 《镀金时代》D: 《哥尔斯密的朋友再度出洋》E: 《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》正确答案:(多选题) 3: 《死魂灵》中有关“死魂灵”的含义有A: 死去的农奴B: 死人的魂灵C: 地主的精神D: 地狱中的景象E: 死去的地主正确答案:(多选题) 4: 塞万提斯的主要作品有A: 《奴曼西亚》B: 《堂吉诃德》C: 《麦克白》D: 《惩恶扬善故事集》E: 《坎特伯雷故事集》正确答案:(多选题) 5: 肖洛霍夫获得的奖项主要有A: 普利策奖B: 斯大林奖C: 龚古尔奖D: 诺贝尔奖E: 列宁勋章正确答案:(多选题) 6: 《悲惨世界》表现的雨果人道主义思想具体有A: 同情劳动人民的不幸B: 批判世俗法律的罪恶C: 歌颂巴黎共和主义者的反抗斗争D: 歌颂暴力革命E: 表现博爱的伟大力量正确答案:(多选题) 7: 悲剧《哈姆莱特》中的人物有A: 克劳狄斯B: 波洛涅斯C: 俄狄浦斯D: 奥菲利娅E: 鲍西娅正确答案:(多选题) 8: 《红与黑》的人物形象主要有A: 于连B: 吕西安C: 德?瑞纳夫人D: 哇列诺E: 德?拉?木尔正确答案:(多选题) 9: 但丁创作的作品有A: 《美狄亚》B: 《新生》C: 《十日谈》D: 《伊里亚特》E: 《神曲》正确答案:(多选题) 10: 《死魂灵》中有关“死魂灵”的含义有A: 死去的农奴B: 死人的魂灵C: 地主的精神D: 地狱中的景象E: 死去的地主正确答案:(判断题) 1: 《老人与海》反映的是劳动者生存的艰难。
()A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: 《先知》主要论述了“关于生和死之间的一切。
”A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 3: 《荷马史诗》围绕着一个核心问题展开,那就是“阿加门农的愤怒”。
A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 4: 法国作家左拉是现实主义小说理论的倡导者。
()A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 5: 《草叶集》表现了对传统诗歌格律的严格继承和高度发展。
A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 6: 川端康成是东方第一个获得诺贝尔奖的作家。
A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 7: 《源氏物语》特别重视对人物外在行为的描写。
A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 8: 《斧头之歌》充分表现了诗人破坏旧世界的雄心壮志。
A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 9: 朴素的现实主义和奇幻的浪漫主义相结合是《一千零一夜》最鲜明的艺术特色。
()A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 10: 高尔基是俄国无产阶级文学的奠基人。
A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(单选题) 1: 被称为法国“现实主义文学宣言书”的理论著作是A: 《〈克伦威尔〉序言》B: 《诗的艺术》C: 《拉辛与莎士比亚》D: 《诗学》正确答案:(单选题) 2: 高尔基称之为民间文学中一座“壮丽的纪念碑“的作品是()A: 《源氏物语》B: 《五卷书》C: 《卡里莱和笛木乃》D: 《一千零一夜》正确答案:(单选题) 3: 《墙》中“墙”的含义是()A: 荣辱之墙B: 建筑之墙C: 生死之墙D: 命运之墙正确答案:(单选题) 4: 《堂吉诃德》产生的时期是.A: 古罗马时期B: 中世纪C: 文艺复兴时期D: 启蒙运动时期正确答案:(单选题) 5: 《旧约》最初使用的文字是()A: 希腊文B: 阿拉伯文C: 希伯来文D: 拉丁文正确答案:(单选题) 6: “一个人并不是生来要被打败的”,接下来的话是()A: 你尽可以打败他,可就是消灭不了他B: 你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他C: 他可以把剩下来的力气统统拼出来D: 命运已经注定人要失败正确答案:(单选题) 7: 纪伯伦文学创作的最高成就是()A: 散文诗B: 长篇小说C: 戏剧D: 杂文正确答案:(单选题) 8: 莫里哀所属的文学流派是.A: 浪漫主义B: 古典主义C: 现实主义D: 启蒙主义正确答案:(单选题) 9: 陀斯妥耶夫斯基的小说《罪与罚》的主人公是A: 杰弗什金B: 卡拉马佐夫C: 拉斯科尼柯夫D: 梅什金正确答案:(单选题) 10: 左拉的主要文学成就是创作了系列小说()A: 《约翰?克利斯朵夫》B: 《人间喜剧》C: 《神曲》D: 《卢贡—马卡尔家族》正确答案:(单选题) 11: 以古希腊神话有关“杀父娶母”的故事为题材的悲剧作品是A: 《伊利亚特》B: 《普罗米修斯》C: 《俄狄浦斯王》D: 《美狄亚》正确答案:(单选题) 12: 莫里哀的国别是A: 英国B: 法国C: 德国D: 俄国正确答案:(单选题) 13: 歌德的代表作是A: 《少年维特之烦恼》B: 《浮士德》C: 《阴谋与爱情》D: 《忏悔录》正确答案:(单选题) 14: 作家马克?吐温的国别是()A: 英国B: 法国C: 德国D: 美国正确答案:(单选题) 15: 萨特的《墙》的体裁是()A: 短篇小说B: 长篇小说C: 戏剧D: 诗歌正确答案:(单选题) 16: 肖洛霍夫创作主要表现的是()A: 乌克兰人的生活B: 哈萨克人的生活C: 哥萨克人的生活D: 茨冈人的生活正确答案:(单选题) 17: 《哈姆莱特》中阴谋篡位的奸王是A: 雷欧提斯B: 波洛涅斯C: 福丁布拉斯D: 克劳狄斯正确答案:。