


chivalrous expert
Knight definition
• Knight is a formal military training cavalry in the middle age.
• It is a title of honor. • It was used to indicate a social class . • Knight’s identity can not be inherited. • Knight must be in the lords military service, and
There is no doubt that a coward person can’t to be a knight. A man without courage never pass the test for knight. One of the requirements is valor. Knights should be fearless to the evil in the critical time . Knights should protect the weak bravely and never back down.
As a knight , he should have a heart which is strong enough to carry on all the difficulties he will face. A knight need to have powerful spirit to face everything.
Only fight for justice and equality .Help all people in need of help and help with each other. Punish the evil. Which is the knights need to do.



b benefices.
knight’s status
• During the High Middle Ages, knighthood
was considered a class of lower nobility.
Usually only sons of knights or lords can
• Historically, the ideals of chivalry(骑士精神)
were popularized in medieval literature, especially
the Matter of Britain and Matter of France, Sir
ranks during the Middle Ages.
Knight’s appearance
How to be a knight?
• Becoming a knight is the dream of every boy in middle ages, but the process it extremely tough.
The Knight’s Oath(宣誓)
• Said by feudal lord(册封者): • Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and
upright that God may see. Speak the truth even if it leads to your death. Save God the helpless. That is your oath. And that so you remember it. Rise a knight! 强敌当前,无畏不惧! 果敢忠义,无愧上帝! 耿正直 言,宁死不诳! 保护弱者,无怪天理! 这是你的誓词, 牢牢记住!册封为骑士!



无头骑士 杜尔拉罕
movie:骑士传说A knight′s tale
希斯·莱杰Heath Ledger Brokeback Mountain《断背山》 第78届奥斯卡奖最佳男主角提名 Was nominated for the 78th academy award for best actor Batman:The dark Knight(2008) 蝙蝠 侠2黑暗骑士 为奥斯卡史上“去世后获奖”的第二人。 In the Oscar history,The second person who win the oscar after died.
In the middle ages, knight should combat for lords and king,some days they still need to participate in some competitive activities. These competitive activity has a unique name and rules:
14岁起担任贵族 的贴身随从 (squire)侍从, (squire)来源 于法语的 ecuyer,意思是 shieldbearer(搬运盾 牌的人),接受 训练 Skills training Sword jousting
出生于中古 时代欧洲的 贵族家庭 Born in medieval European noble family: nobility、 Noble origin、blue blood、high blood

Arthurian Romance 骑士文学Chivalric Romance 优质课件

Arthurian Romance 骑士文学Chivalric Romance 优质课件

Courtly Love
According to these conventions, a nobleman, usually a knight, in love with a married woman of equally high birth—or, often, higher rank—had to prove his devotion by heroic deeds and by amorous writings presented anonymously to his beloved. Once the lovers had pledged themselves to each other and consummated their passion, complete secrecy had to be maintained.
骑士Байду номын сангаас学 Chivalric Romance
Knight, mounted man-at-arms of medieval Europe, who served a king or other feudal superior, usually in return for the tenure of a tract of land, but sometimes for pay, as a mercenary.
Holy Grail
Yet some men say in many parts of England that King Arthur is not dead, but had by the will of Our Lord Jesu into another place; and men say that he shall come back again, and he shall win the holy cross. I will not say that it shall be so, but rather I will say, here in this world he changed his life. But many men say that there is written upon his tomb this verse: HIC IACET ARTHURUS, REX QUONDAM REXQUE FUTURUS. (Latin for “Here lies Arthur, the once and future king.”)






以下是一些与中古英语相关的名词:1. Chivalry(骑士风格):骑士道是中世纪欧洲骑士的行为准则,这种行为准则涉及勇敢、忠诚、尊重女性等方面。


2. Feudalism(封建主义):封建主义是中世纪欧洲的社会和经济系统,其中封建主将土地授予封臣,并要求封臣提供军事服务和其他形式的支持。


3. Monastery(修道院):修道院是中世纪基督教世界中的宗教机构,拥有祈祷、研究和教育的功能。


4. Serf(农奴):农奴是中世纪封建社会中的一种社会阶层,他们是贵族的私人财产,被迫在贵族的土地上工作和生活。


5. Crusade(十字军东征):十字军东征是中世纪欧洲的一系列宗教军事行动,旨在夺取圣地并传播基督教。


6. Plague(瘟疫):瘟疫是中世纪欧洲的一种常见疾病,导致了大量人口死亡。


7. Guild(行会):行会是中世纪城市中的组织机构,代表同一行业或行业的成员的利益。


8. Manor(庄园):庄园是中世纪封建社会中贵族的土地,包括大片农田、农民的居住区和庄园主的居所。
















2.1 荣誉荣誉在骑士文化中占据了重要地位。



2.2 勇气勇气是骑士精神中最基本的要素。



2.3 忠诚忠诚是骑士文化的另一板块。





3.1 大大咧咧骑士至高无上的尊严和荣誉感,使得他们表达方式极为随意而自然。

欧洲文化入门--中世纪 ppt课件

欧洲文化入门--中世纪  ppt课件

Important effect on the future both the East and West.
Greatly influenced the history of Europe
Feudal lords out, kings at home strengthen themselves→help to break down feudalism→ rise of the monarchies.
Pope (罗马教皇)

Archbishops (大主教)

Bishop (主教)

Priests (神甫)
The Roman Catholic Church & Eastern Orthodox Church
The Roman Catholic Church
Wisdom (the Son) 圣子
Love (the Holy Spirit) 圣灵
a. The Organization of Church
The Catholic Church was a highly centralized
and disciplined international organization.
1. Feudalism: a system of land-holding, a
word derived from Latin “feudum”, a grant of land:封建土地所有制
a. Growth of Feudalism b. The Manor

The Knight骑士

The Knight骑士

The Knight骑士作者:黄刘胤来源:《中学生英语·阅读与写作》2013年第02期In the Middle Ages in Europe, knight or warrior was the Cavalry (骑兵) who got formal military training, later turned into a title of honor used to indicate a social class. In the chaotic (混乱的) situation, kings and dukes needed armies to defend their lands. It was the lord’s job to serve his duty by being a knight—a professional soldier who fought on horseback.骑士或称武士,是欧洲中世纪时,受过正规军事训练的骑兵,后来演变为一种荣誉称号,用于表示一种社会阶层。



A knight had to have his own armour and a horse. Plate armour (盔甲) was the knight’s best defence against weapons. Some knights even had five horses: for war, hunting, jousting(骑马比武), travelling, and carrying baggage.一个骑士必须有的装备就是属于他个人的盔甲及战马。





骑士制度产生于中世纪欧洲的上层社会。 骑士制度不是英国本土的 产物,它最早发祥于8世纪的法兰克王国。 骑士制度的产生是由于多种因素的促发,即往昔的历史积淀同彼时的 社会现实对接,催生出军事采邑这一赋予骑士阶层以政治权力的经济载 体,经过基督教思想在精神上的塑造,骑士制度得以确立。 骑士制度是指中世纪西欧以土地分封为基础、以骑兵服役为纽带、以 中小封建贵族统治为本质、以基督教思想为指导的骑士阶层所特有的组 织、法规、道德及习惯的总称。狭义上,它是一种军事制度;广义上,它 既是一种制度,又是一种观念。
战争就是骑士的职业。从幼年时代开始,他就被养育成为专门适应战争 的人。他接受教育的全部目的就是为了强健体魄和巩固信仰。他的学校就 是军队前哨站里的守卫室,他的家园就是永远处在外敌进攻之下的城堡。 骑士的培养是一个十分漫长的历程:出生时便实行洗礼,由乳母养到7岁, 不可和家人同住。7岁后,离开住处到一个贵族家族(一般高于自己的家庭 地位) ,开始学习成为骑士的必备知识,涉及军事、宗教、礼仪等。14岁 起担任贵族的贴身随从,从中学习经验知识,直到21岁长大成人。 训练一个男孩成为骑士需时14年。在这段期间,受训的男孩最初要跟随 领主夫人担任侍童,学习礼仪;之后要学习“骑士七艺”:游泳、投枪、 击剑、骑术、狩猎、弈棋、诗歌),又要为领主或负责训练他的骑士工作。 成为骑士后,他要遵行“侠义精神”,例如效忠国王或领主、保护教会和 妇孺、锄强扶弱以及奋勇作战等。
Knight system is rooted in the superstratum society of midcentury Europe.England was not the cradle of Chivalry. It originated from France in 8th century.

中世纪骑士 英文

中世纪骑士 英文

III. How was a person received into the knighthood
Noble birth and experienced Before the dubbing ceremony: make confession pray fast keep vigil The dubbing ceremony: day selection girding of the sword giving of palm After the dubbing ceremony: riding around town
II. How did those knights make a living?
1. The nobility granted land to their warriors of their service. The knights returned with military services to their lords.
Knighthood, Chivalry, & Tournaments
Andrea Wu Charlene Chen Grace Huang
I. The rise of the chivalry.
A. Chivalry was originated in two parallel developments: 1. Hose- mounted cavalry. 2. Feudalism
The Social Meaning of Tournament
1. Kings and landowners hold tournaments to show off their power and wealth. 2. The one who is caught in a tournament has to pay ransom. (usually his horse, armor,and money) That is one way for knights to collect wealth. 3. Winning the tournament means great honor and higher social position for knights 4. Lots of knights will announce their victories are for their ladies.



Political and Religion
1. The Manor (封建领主的)领地、庄园
2. Knighthood (骑兵身份)and code of Chivalry( 骑兵制度)
1. The organization of church
2.The power and influence of the Catholic Church
Gothic art
• Nature economy
The economic religion : Mediterranean sea
General Introduction Political and Religion aspects Culture and Art aspects
People’s life in the Middle Ages
The fall of the Western Roman Empire The British bourgeois revolution broke out
THE ART IN MIDDLE AGE Byza•nTthienaert oaf rmtiddle aRgeomisabnasneedsoqnureligaiorntto show
the concept of feelings and ideas.



一名骑士,身上承载了太多的东西, 所以他需要有足够强大的心,而这就 是精神,八大美德中的精神就是指精 神力,一名骑士需要有强大的精神力, 来面对一切!
公正(Justice )
据说中世纪有一名日尔曼骑士不满于 国家法律的不公正判决——一名无辜 者被判决死刑,冒天下之大不韪,在 行刑日劫走了死刑犯。我们很容易想 像到这名勇敢的骑士为恪守公正最后 付出了何种代价。今天在德国一个博 物馆里,还保留着这名骑士的雕像, 以供后人瞻仰。对于不公正的事情,历史总
怜悯(Compassion )
同情弱者,骑士要有一颗博大包容的 心。骑士肩负着除恶锄奸伸张正义的使命, 骑士虽然是效忠于领主或王室,但正义才 应该是他们行为的准则。 对于勇于牺 牲的对手,骑士内心里充满了尊敬之情, 这导致他们敢于违抗王令。中国也有英雄 惜英雄的说法,在迫于局势不得已成为对 手的两人当中,可能友谊大于仇恨。
荣誉从何而来?荣誉对骑士来说意味着什么呢? 为荣誉而战!甚至不惜牺牲一切!这是骑士恪守的信条。 骑士团光亮耀眼的徽章在太阳下醒目地提醒着它的佩带者: 这就是你的骄傲。“骑士”这一称号本身就是一个荣誉, 获得这样的称号并不容易。一名候补骑士想要成为正式的 骑士,需要经过很多严格的考验,那不仅仅是需要高明的 骑术,还需要有杰出的统率力、丰富的战斗经验,和一个 显眼的标志性成绩。 荣誉来自神祉和人们的认可。神 祉赐予合格者以骑士的荣耀称号,但日后的言行举止能否 不辱没骑士团的荣光,还需要看是否坚持信仰,一如既往 地为神为人民而战。骑士称号不是具有坚定信仰者的终点, 而是他们的起点。 人们关注你,神亦如此,骑士。你 不可有丝毫懈怠。珍惜并且捍卫你的荣誉吧!
• 欧洲骑士制度源于中世纪加洛林朝的法兰 克王国,后逐渐推行到欧洲各国。 • 一方面摒小农于军役之外,让贵族和富裕 农民成为职业骑兵; • 一方面将土地分封成为提供骑士的军事采 邑,奠定骑士制度的坚实基础,并成为中 世纪军事封建主义的滥觞。



The Knight`s Oath
• Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may see. Speak the truth even if it leads to your death. Save God the helpless. That is your oath. And that so you remember it. Rise a knight! 强敌当前,无畏不惧! 果敢忠义,无愧上帝! 耿正直言,宁死不诳! 保 护弱者,无怪天理! 这是你的誓词,牢牢记住!册封为骑士! • I will be brave against the strong. ——我将勇敢地面对强敌 I will fight all who do wrong. ——我将毫无保留地对抗罪人 I will fight for those who cannot fight. ——我将为不能战斗者而战 I will help those who call me for help. ——我将帮助那些需要我帮助的人 I will harm no woman. ——我将不伤害妇孺 I will help my brother knight. ——我将帮助我的骑士兄弟 I will be true to my friends. ——我将忠实地对待朋友 I will be faithful in love.——我将真诚地对待爱情
The Knight`s Code of Chivalry and the vows of Knighthood
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • To fear God and maintain His Church ——敬畏上帝,维护主的教会 To serve the liege lord in valour and faith ——为主献上勇气与信仰 To protect the weak and defenceless ——保护弱小和无助的人 To give succour to widows and orphans ——给寡妇与孤儿帮助 To refrain from the wanton giving of offence——不可无礼的冒犯他人 To live by honour and for glory ——活得尊严以及荣誉 To despise pecuniary reward ——不看重金钱的奖赏 To fight for the welfare of all ——为所有人的幸福而战斗 To obey those placed in authority ——遵从当权者的指令 To guard the honour of fellow knights ——维护其他骑士们的尊严 To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit ——回避不公正,恶意以及欺骗 To keep faith ——持守信仰 At all times to speak the truth ——只说实话 To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun ——坚持到底 To respect the honour of white women ——尊重女性 Never to refuse a challenge from an equal ——绝不回拒同等之人的挑战 Never to turn the back upon a foe ——绝不背对敌人



中世纪2兵种中英文对照完全版English (英国)Peasants 农民Town Militia 城镇民兵Levy Spearmen 征召矛兵Spear Militia 长矛民兵Armored Sergeants重装军士Bill Militia钩镰民兵Billmen钩镰兵Heavy Billmen重装钩镰兵Sherwood Archers舍武德弓箭手Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Archer Militia 弓箭民兵Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵Armored Swordsmen重装剑士Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Dismounted English Knights 步行英格兰骑士Heavy Bill Militia重装钩镰民兵Longbowmen 长弓兵Yeoman Archers 约曼弓箭兵Dismounted Longbowmen长弓卫队Hobilars 霍比拉游骑兵Merchant Cavalry Militia商队骑兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵Demi Lancers 轻枪骑兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士NE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队English Knights英格兰骑士NE Late Bodyguard晚期将领卫队Knights Hospitaller医院骑士Knights Templar 圣殿骑士NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Ribault 管炮NE Trebuchet 攻城秤车NE Mortar 迫击炮NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Culverin 长管炮Welsh Spearmen Mercs 威尔士矛兵Irish Kerns Mercs 爱尔兰标枪兵French (法国)Peasants 农民Town Militia 城镇民兵Pike Militia 长矛民兵Pikemen 长矛兵Spear Militia 长矛民兵Sergeant Spearmen长矛军士Armored Sergeants重装军士Partisan Militia 钩斧民兵Voulgier 钩斧兵Dismounted Noble Knights 步行贵族骑士Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行侠义骑士Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵Peasant Crossbowmen 平民弩兵Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵Crossbowmen 弩兵Arquebusiers火绳枪兵Aventurier 冒险者弩兵Dismounted French Archers步行法兰西弓骑兵Scots Guard 苏格兰卫队Mounted Sergeants骑马军士Merchant Cavalry Militia商队骑兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士Gendarmes 宪兵骑士NE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队NE Late Bodyguard晚期将领卫队Knights Templar 圣殿骑士Knights Hospitaller医院骑士Chivalric Knights侠义骑士Noble Knights 贵族骑士Lancers 重装枪骑兵French Mounted Archers法兰西弓骑兵NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Trebuchet 攻城秤车NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Serpentine 蛇炮NE Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮NE Culverin 长管炮NE Basilisk 蜥炮Religious Fanatics 宗教狂热团Flemish Pikemen Mercs 佛兰芒戟兵Swiss Pikemen Mercs 瑞士戟兵The Holy Roman Empire (圣罗马帝国) Peasants 农民Town Militia 城镇民兵Pike Militia 晚期长矛民兵Spear Militia 早期长矛民兵Sergeant Spearmen 长矛军士Armored Sergeants 重装军士Halberd Militia 长戟民兵Dismounted Imperial Knights步行帝国骑士Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Forlorn Hope 敢死团Zweihander 双手剑士Dismounted Gothic Knights 歌德步兵Peasant Archers 平民弓兵Peasant Crossbowmen 平民弩兵Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Pavise Crossbowmen 巨盾弩兵Hand Gunners 手炮兵Mounted Sergeants 骑马军士Merchant Cavalry Militia商队骑兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士Imperial Knights 帝国骑士NE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队NE Late Bodyguard晚期将领卫队Teutonic Knights 条顿骑士Gothic Knights 歌德骑士Mounted Crossbowmen 弩骑兵Reiters 黑衫骑士NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Trebuchet 攻城秤车NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Serpentine 蛇炮NE Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮NE Cannon 加农炮NE Basilisk 蜥炮Religious Fanatics 宗教狂热团Landschneckt Pikemen郎斯克纳兹矛兵Spain (西班牙)Peasants 农民Town Militia 城镇民兵Swordsmen Militia 民兵剑士Sword and Buckler Men 圆盾剑士Pike Militia 长矛民兵Spear Militia 早期长矛民兵Tercio Pikemen 西班牙矛兵Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行侠义骑士Dismounted Conquistadores 征服者步兵Peasant Crossbowmen 平民弩兵Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵Peasant Archers 平民弓兵Javelinmen 伊比利亚标枪兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Pavise Crossbowmen 巨盾弩兵Musketeers 滑膛枪兵Almughavars 阿拉贡突袭兵Hand Gunners 手炮兵Merchant Cavalry Militia商队骑兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士Gendarmes 宪兵骑士SE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队SE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Knights of Santiago 圣地亚哥骑士Conquistadores 征服者骑兵Chivalric Knights 侠义骑士Mounted Crossbowmen 弩骑兵Jinetes 标枪骑兵NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Ribault 管炮NE Trebuchet攻城秤车NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Grand Bombard重型攻城炮NE Culverin 长管炮NE Basilisk 蜥炮Venice (威尼斯)Peasants 农民Italian Militia 意大利民兵Pike Militia 长矛民兵Sergeant Spearmen 长矛军士Italian Spear Militia 意大利长矛民兵Armored Sergeants 重装军士Dismounted Italian MAA 步行意大利重骑兵Dismounted Broken Lances 步行独立枪骑兵Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Venetian Heavy Infantry 威尼斯重装步兵Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵Peasant Crossbowmen 平民弩兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Pavise Crossbow Militia 巨盾持弩民兵Musketeers 滑膛枪兵Venetian Archers 威尼斯弓箭兵Hand Gunners 手炮兵Mounted Sergeants 骑马军士Stradiots 巴尔干骑兵Italian Cavalry Militia 意大利骑马民兵Italian MAA 意大利重骑兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士Broken Lances 独立枪骑兵SE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队SE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Knights Hospitaller 医院骑士Knights Templar 圣殿骑士Mounted Crossbowmen 弩骑兵Carroccio Standard V 军旗战车NE Ballista 弩炮NE Ribault 管炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Trebuchet 攻城秤车NE Mortar 迫击炮NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Culverin 长管炮NE Monster Ribault 怪兽管炮Sicily (西西里)Southern Peasants 农民Italian Militia 意大利民兵Sword and Buckler Men 圆盾剑士Pike Militia 长矛民兵Sergeant Spearmen 长矛军士Italian Spear Militia 意大利长矛民兵Armored Sergeants 重装军士Halberd Militia 长戟民兵Dismounted Italian MAA 步行意大利重骑兵Dismounted Broken Lances 步行独立枪骑兵Dismounted Norman Knights 步行诺曼骑士S Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Pavise Crossbowmen 巨盾弩兵Pavise Crossbow Militia 巨盾持弩民兵Sicilian Muslim Archers 穆斯林弓箭兵Hand Gunners 手炮兵Mounted Sergeants 骑马军士Italian Cavalry Militia 意大利骑马民兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵SE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队SE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Norman Knights 诺曼骑士Knights Templar 圣殿骑士Knights Hospitaller 医院骑士Chivalric Knights 侠义骑士Mounted Crossbowmen 弩骑兵NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Ribault 管炮NE Trebuchet攻城秤车NE Mortar 迫击炮NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Cannon 加农炮Condottieri 贡多铁里骑兵Milan (米兰)Peasants 农民Italian Militia 意大利民兵Pike Militia 长矛民兵Sergeant Spearmen 长矛军士Italian Spear Militia 意大利长矛民兵Armored Sergeants 重装军士Dismounted Italian MAA 步行意大利重骑兵Dismounted Broken Lances 步行独立枪骑兵Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Peasant Crossbowmen 平民弩兵Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Musketeers 滑膛枪兵Genoese Crossbow Militia 热那亚巨盾弩兵Genoese Crossbowmen 热那亚弩兵Hand Gunners 手炮兵Mounted Sergeants 骑马军士Italian Cavalry Militia 意大利骑马民兵Italian MAA 意大利重骑兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士Broken Lances 独立枪骑兵SE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队SE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Knights Hospitaller 医院骑士Famiglia Ducale 公爵亲卫骑士Knights Templar 圣殿骑士Mounted Crossbowmen 弩骑兵Carroccio Standard M 军旗战车NE Ballista 弩炮NE Ribault 管炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Trebuchet 攻城秤车NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮NE Culverin 长管炮NE Monster Ribault 怪兽管炮Religious Fanatics 宗教狂热团Scotland (苏格兰)Highland Rabble 高地民团Town Militia 城镇民兵Highlanders 高地斧兵Scots Pike Militia 苏格兰长矛民兵Highland Pikemen 高地矛兵Spear Militia 长矛民兵Heavy Pike Militia 重装长矛民兵Noble Pikemen 贵族矛兵Highland Nobles 高地贵族剑士Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Noble Swordsmen 贵族剑士Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵Highland Archers 高地弓箭兵Noble Highland Archers 高地贵族弓箭兵Border Horse 巡逻骑兵Merchant Cavalry Militia 商队骑兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士NE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队NE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Knights Templar 圣殿骑士Knights Hospitaller 医院骑士NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Ribault 管炮NE Trebuchet 攻城秤车NE Mortar 迫击炮NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Culverin 长管炮Galloglaich Mercs 高地斧兵Byzantine Empire (拜占庭帝国)Southern Peasants 农民SE Town Militia 城镇民兵Byzantine Spearmen拜占庭矛兵SE Spear Militia 长矛民兵Byzantine Infantry拜占庭剑士Dismounted Byzantine Lancers步行拜占庭枪骑兵Varangian Guard 瓦兰吉卫队Dismounted Latinkon步行拉丁骑兵S Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵S Archer Militia 弓箭民兵Trebizond Archers 特拉比松弓箭兵Byzantine Guard Archers 拜占庭禁卫弓箭兵Greek Militia Cavalry 希腊骑马民兵Byzantine Lancers 拜占庭枪骑兵Latinkon 拉丁骑兵Kataphractoi 铁甲圣骑兵Greek Bodyguard 将领卫队Skythikon 塞西亚弓骑兵Byzantine Cavalry 拜占庭骑兵Vardariotai 瓦达泰瑞弓骑兵GR Ballista 弩炮GR Catapult 投石车GR Trebuchet攻城秤车GR Bombard 攻城炮Alan Light Cavalry 阿兰轻骑兵Cuman Horse Archers 库曼弓骑兵Russia (俄罗斯)EE Peasants 农民Woodsmen 森林斧兵EE Spear Militia 长矛民兵EE Spearmen 长矛兵Berdiche Axemen 重斧兵Dismounted Druchima 步行俄罗斯亲卫骑兵Dismounted Boyar Sons 步行波耶骑兵EE Archer Militia 弓箭民兵EE Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵EE Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Dismounted Dvor 步行德沃弓骑兵Cossack Musketeers 哥萨克滑膛枪兵EE Cavalry Militia 东欧骑马民兵Druzhina 俄罗斯亲卫骑兵EE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队Tsars Guard 沙皇卫队EE Late Bodyguard晚期将领卫队Kazaks 哈萨克弓骑兵Boyar Sons 波耶骑兵Cossack Cavalry 哥萨克骑兵Dvor Cavalry 德沃亲卫弓骑兵EE Ballista 弩炮EE Catapult 投石车EE Trebuchet 攻城秤车EE Bombard 攻城炮EE Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮EE Cannon 加农炮EE Basilisk 蜥炮Moors (摩斯)ME Peasants 农民ME Town Militia 城镇民兵ME Spear Militia 长矛民兵Nubian Spearmen 奴比亚矛兵Berber Spearmen 柏柏尔矛兵Dismounted Arab Cavalry 阿拉伯步行骑兵Dismounted Tuareg 图雷格步行骆驼骑兵Lamtuna Spearmen 雷姆图拉矛兵Urban Militia 城市民兵Dismounted Christian Guard 步行基督卫队Hashishim 战场哈萨辛ME Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵Sudanese Javelinmen 苏丹标枪兵Desert Archers 沙漠弓箭兵ME Peasant Crossbowmen 平民弩兵Sudanese Gunners 苏丹火绳枪兵ME Hand Gunners 手炮兵Arab Cavalry 阿拉伯骑兵Tuareg Camel Spearmens (骆驼近战兵) Granadine Lancers 格兰纳答枪骑兵ME Bodyguard 早期将领卫队Christian Guard 基督卫队ME Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Desert Cavalry 沙漠骑兵Granadine CB Cav 格兰纳答弩骑兵Granadine Jinetes 格兰纳答标枪骑兵Camel Gunners (骆驼火枪兵)ME Ballista 弩炮ME Catapult 投石车ME Trebuchet 攻城秤车ME Bombard 攻城炮ME Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮ME Cannon 加农炮Sudanese Tribesmen Mercs 苏丹部落剑士Turks (土耳其)ME Peasants 农民Azabs 城镇警备兵ME Town Militia 城镇民兵ME Spear Militia 长矛民兵ME Halberd Militia 长戟民兵Saracen Militia 撒拉逊民兵Janissary Heavy Inf苏丹近卫戟兵Hashishim 战场哈萨辛Dismounted Sipahi Lancers 步行西帕希枪骑兵ME Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵Turkish Javelinmen 土尔其标枪兵Naffatun 那法掷油兵Turkish Archers 土尔其弓箭兵Ottoman Infantry 奥斯曼步兵Janissary Archers 苏丹近卫弓箭兵Janissary Musketeers 苏丹近卫滑膛枪兵ME Hand Gunners 手炮兵Sipahi Lancers 西帕希枪骑兵ME Bodyguard 早期将领卫队ME Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Quapukulu 土尔其宫廷卫队Turkish Horse Archers 土尔其弓骑兵Turkomans 土库曼弓骑兵Sipahis 西帕希弓骑兵ME Ballista 弩炮ME Catapult 投石车ME Trebuchet 攻城秤车ME Bombard 攻城炮ME Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮ME Cannon 加农炮ME Monster Bombard 怪兽巨炮Armenian Archers 亚美尼亚弓箭兵Afghan Javelinmen Mercs 阿富汗标枪兵Alan Light Cavalry 阿兰轻骑兵Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重骑兵Armenian Cavalry 亚美尼亚重骑兵Egypt (埃及)ME Peasants 农民ME Spear Militia 长矛民兵Nubian Spearmen 奴比亚矛兵Dismounted Arab Cavalry 阿拉伯步行骑兵Saracen Militia 撒拉逊民兵Tabardariyya 苏丹近卫军ME Halberd Militia 长戟民兵Hashishim 战场哈萨辛ME Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵ME Archer Militia 弓箭民兵Naffatun 那法掷油兵Desert Archers 沙漠弓箭兵Kurdish Javelinmen 库尔德标枪兵Nubian Archers 奴比亚弓箭兵Sudanese Gunners苏丹火绳枪兵Arab Cavalry 阿拉伯骑兵Mamluks 马穆留克重骑兵ME Bodyguard 早期将领卫队Royal Mamluks 马穆留克近卫骑兵ME Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Desert Cavalry 沙漠骑兵Mamluk Archers 马穆留克弓骑兵ME Ballista 弩炮ME Catapult 投石车ME Trebuchet 攻城秤车ME Bombard 攻城炮ME Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮ME Cannon 加农炮Sudanese Tribesmen Mercs 苏丹部落剑士Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重骑兵Bedouin Camel Riders (拿弓的骆驼兵)Denmark (丹麦)Peasants 农民Town Militia 城镇民兵Viking Raiders 维京突袭者Spear Militia 早期长矛民兵Norse Swordsmen 北欧剑士Swordstaff Militia 剑矛民兵Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行侠义骑士Dismounted Huscarls 步行战斧骑兵Norse Axemen 北欧斧兵Obudshaer 奥伯德夏戟兵Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵Peasant Archers 平民弓箭手Crossbowmen 弩兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Norse Archers 北欧弓箭兵Hand Gunners 手炮兵Scouts 斥候骑兵Merchant Cavalry Militia 商队骑兵Huscarls 北欧战斧骑兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士Armored Clergy 北欧战地教团NE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队NE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Knights Hospitaller 医院骑士Knights Templar 圣殿骑士Chivalric Knights 侠义骑士Mounted Crossbowmen 弩骑兵NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Ribault 管炮NE Trebuchet 攻城秤车NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Serpentine 蛇炮NE Cannon 加农炮Portugal (葡萄牙)Peasants 农民Town Militia 城镇民兵Swordsmen Militia民兵剑士Pike Militia 长矛民兵Spear Militia 早期长矛民兵Aventuros 冒险者矛兵Dismounted Portuguese Knights步行葡萄牙骑士Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Dismounted Conquistadores 征服者步兵Peasant Archers 平民弓箭手Peasant Crossbowmen 平民弩兵Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵Lusitanian Javelinmen 努西塔尼亚标枪兵Pavise Crossbowmen 巨盾弩兵Musketeers 滑膛枪兵Almughavars 阿拉贡突袭兵Hand Gunners 手炮兵Portuguese Arquebusiers 葡萄牙火绳枪兵Merchant Cavalry Militia 商队骑兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵Portuguese Knights 葡萄牙骑士Feudal Knights 封建骑士SE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队SE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Conquistadores 征服者骑兵Knights of Santiago 圣地亚哥骑士Mounted Crossbowmen 弩骑兵Jinetes 标枪骑兵NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Ribault 管炮NE Trebuchet攻城秤车NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮NE Culverin 长管炮NE Basilisk 蜥炮Poland (波兰)EE Peasants 农民EE Town Militia城镇民兵Woodsmen 森林斧兵EE Spear Militia长矛民兵Dismounted Polish Nobles步行波兰贵族骑兵Halberd Militia 长戟民兵Dismounted Polish Knights步行波兰骑士EE Spearmen 长矛兵EE Peasant Archers 平民弓箭手EE Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵Dismounted Lithuanian Cavalry立陶宛步行骑兵Lithuanian Archers 立陶宛弓箭兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Hand Gunners 手炮兵Hussars 胡萨尔轻骑兵Merchant Cavalry Militia 商队骑马民兵Polish Retainers 波兰扈从骑兵NE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队Polish Knights 波兰骑士Polish Guard 波兰卫队NE Late Bodyguard晚期将领卫队Knights Templar 圣殿骑士Knights Hospitaller 医院骑士Lithuanian Cavalry 立陶宛骑兵Polish Shooters 波兰弩骑兵Polish Nobles 波兰贵族骑兵EE Ballista 弩炮EE Catapult 投石车EE Ribault 管炮EE Trebuchet 攻城秤车EE Bombard 攻城炮EE Serpentine 蛇炮EE Cannon 加农炮Slav Mercenaries 雇佣斯拉夫矛兵Hungary (匈牙利)EE Peasants 农民EE Town Militia 城镇民兵Slav Levies 斯拉夫矛兵Croat Axemen 克罗地亚斧兵Transilvanian Peasants 特兰西瓦尼亚农民EE Spear Militia 长矛民兵Battlefield Assassins 战场刺客Halberd Militia 长戟民兵Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Dismounted E Chivalric Knights步行东方侠义骑士S Peasant Archers平民弓箭手Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亚弓箭手Crossbowmen 弩兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Pavise Crossbow Militia 巨盾持弩民兵Hussars 胡萨尔轻骑兵Merchant Cavalry Militia 商队骑马民兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士Royal Banderium 男爵亲卫骑兵NE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队NE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队E Chivalric Knights 东方侠义骑士Knights Templar 圣殿骑士Knights Hospitaller 医院骑士Magyar Cavalry 马扎尔骑兵Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利贵族骑兵EE Ballista 弩炮EE Catapult 投石车EE Ribault 管炮EE Trebuchet 攻城秤车EE Bombard 攻城炮EE Serpentine 蛇炮EE Basilisk 蜥炮The Papal State (教皇国)Peasants 农民Italian Militia 意大利民兵Pike Militia 长矛民兵Sergeant Spearmen长矛军士Italian Spear Militia意大利长矛民兵Armored Sergeants 重装军士Papal Guard 教皇卫队Halberd Militia 长戟民兵Dismounted Italian MAA (Dismounted Men at Arms)步行意大利重骑兵Dismounted Broken Lances 步行独立枪骑兵Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建骑士Swiss Guard 瑞士卫队Peasant Archers 平民弓箭手Peasant Crossbowmen平民弩兵Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵Pavise Crossbow Militia巨盾持弩民兵Pavise Crossbowmen 巨盾弩兵Hand Gunners 手炮兵Mounted Sergeants 骑马军士Italian Cavalry Militia意大利骑马民兵Italian MAA 意大利重骑兵Mailed Knights 链甲骑兵Feudal Knights 封建骑士Broken Lances 独立枪骑兵SE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队SE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Knights Hospitaller医院骑士Knights Templar 圣殿骑士Mounted Crossbowmen弩骑兵NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Ribault 管炮NE Trebuchet 攻城秤车NE Mortar 迫击炮NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Culverin 长管炮Religious Fanatics宗教狂热团Great Cross 十字战车Aztecs (阿芝特克)Aztec Peasants 阿芝特克农民Aztec Warriors 阿芝特克棍兵Eagle Warriors 雄鹰战士Coyote Priests 土狼祭师Jaguar Warriors猛虎战士Aztec Bodyguard阿芝特克将领卫队Aztec Spearmen 阿芝特克矛兵Cuahchiqueh 阿芝特克狂战士Aztec Spear Throwers阿芝特克掷矛兵Aztec Archers 阿芝特克弓箭手Arrow Warriors 阿芝特克巨弩兵Mongals (蒙古)ME Peasants 农民ME Town Militia 城镇民兵ME Spear Militia 长矛民兵ME Levy Spearmen 征召矛兵Dismounted Light Lancers 步行轻枪骑兵Dismounted Heavy Lancers 步行重装枪骑兵ME Peasant Archers 平民弓箭手Mongol Foot Archers蒙古弓箭手Naffatun 那法掷油兵Dismounted Archers 步行弓骑兵Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重装弓骑兵Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古轻骑兵Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重装枪骑兵Mongol Bodyguard 蒙古早期将领卫队Khan's Guard (Khan's Guard)可汗卫队Mongol Horse Archers蒙古弓骑兵Mongol Heavy Archers蒙古重装弓骑兵AS Ballista 弩炮AS Trebuchet 攻城秤车AS Bombard 攻城炮AS Rocket Launcher火箭炮车Kwarizmian Cavalry花剌子模重骑兵Timurids (铁木儿)ME Peasants 农民ME Town Militia 城镇民兵ME Spear Militia 长矛民兵ME Halberd Militia 长戟民兵Dismounted Heavy Lancers步行重装枪骑兵ME Peasant Archers 平民弓箭手Naffatun 那法掷油兵Turkish Archers 土尔其弓箭手Afghan Javelinmen 阿富汗标枪兵Dismounted Heavy Archers步行重装弓骑兵Sabadar Militia 萨巴达民兵ME Hand Gunners 手炮兵Mongol Heavy Lancers蒙古重装枪骑兵Mongol Bodyguard 蒙古早期将领卫队Khan's Guard (Khan's Guard)可汗卫队Elephants (近战象兵)Elephant Artillery (大砲象兵)Turkish Horse Archers土尔其弓骑兵Turkomans 土库曼弓骑兵Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重装弓骑兵AS Ballista 弩炮AS Trebuchet 攻城秤车AS Bombard 攻城炮AS Grand Bombard重型攻城炮AS Cannon 加农炮AS Rocket Launcher 火箭炮车AS Monster Bombard 巨炮(强力推荐)Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重骑兵。



The chivalry and gentilityAbstract: The paper mainly talks about the relationship between knighthood and gentleman. The gentility is come from chivalry. As we all known that the English man are famous for gentle. Gentle men are become more and more welcomed. We study the chivalry and gentility so that we can better understand the knighthood.Key word: chivalry gentility relationship1.the introduction of chivalryChivalry, as known as knighthood, can be defined as the general collection of organizations, regulations, morals and norms owned particularly by the knight class in west Europe in the middle ages. Almost all nobles were knights in the medieval days. But no one was born a knight----knighthood had to be earned. The training was both long and hard.1.1the origin of the knightChivalry, as a military regime built on the fief system, primitively originated in Frankish kingdom in the 8th century. Then it was passed to the north, to the west of Reich across Flanders, Burgundy and so on. It is safe to say that chivalry is a kind of mechanism on the whole European continent.1.2the decline of the knightsAfter the crusades, the knight was become less and less important. with the development of the commodity economy, the Manor was suffer great challenges. So the knight was not adapting to the society gradually.1.3The spirit of the knightThe spirit of the knight includes eight virtues and the declaration of knight.1.31the declaration of knightI will be kind to the weak. I will be brave and against the strong. I will fight the all that do wrong. I will fight for those who cannot fight. I will help those who call for help. I will harm no woman. I will help my brother knight. I will be true to my friends.I will be faithful in love.1.32 Eight virtuesFirst is humility. Second is honor. Third is sacrifice. Forth is valor. Fifth is compassion. Sixth is spirituality. Seventh is honesty. Eighth is justice.2.GentilityGentleman stems from 17th century middle of Western Europe, it’s based on the knight. A gentleman’s manners are always impeccable. He dresses appropriately for any occasion, knows instinctively how to treat women, acts his age and is always fun to be around. Someone wants to be a gentleman is not easy. He always is polite. He must do as fellows: first, do not curse. Second, do not speak loudly. Third, do not lose your temper. Fourth, do not stare. Fifth, do not interrupt. Sixth, do not spit. Seventh, respect your elders. Eighth, do not laugh at others’ mistakes. Ninth, remove your hat indoors. Tenth, wait for seating before eating. Eleventh, always open doors. Twelfth, put on her coat. Thirteenth, help with her seat. Fourteenth, give her arm.3.The relationship between knight and gentilityAs we all knows, the gentility is stem from the spirit of knight. Absolutely, the similarity and the difference is coexist. After all, the gentility absorbs the good aspectof knight and other wonderful cultures. There is no doubt that the gentility is a new social culture.3.1 The similarityMaybe the great similarity is knight and gentlemen all respect to women. The knight’s love is courtly love. This love is based on the inequality states. Knights are always loyalty to noblewomen. Obviously, the noblewomen positions are higher than knights. This kind of love regards as platonic love. The knight must carry out the noblewomen’order and protect the noblewomen even if lost his life. We can know that it’s not easy to be a knight because he should risk death to save his elegant lover. There is no doubt that the knight is willing to do every thing for his noblewoman. This kind of love is absolutely admirable. The movie first knight is about courtly love. Lancelot loved the queen consort and saved the queen life several times and protected queen’ reputation. The gentlemen are obeying the rule----- lady first. They often polite and have good manners. They respect all the women. They are willing to help all the women who need help. They always open the door for women. Do not forget that they speak in a polite way. The gentlemen are not trouble others. There is an aphorism says do not trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. They may believe the thought. The gentlemen are also this kind of men and they always help others save problems.3.2 The difference between knight and gentlemanKnight and gentleman belong to different ages. They have different aims. They adapt to different society.3.21 The different positionAll knights were come from noble in the medieval days. But no one was born a knight------knighthood had to be earned. The training was both long and hard. A noble began his education as a page at the age of seven. He was taught to say his prayers, learned good manners and ran errands for the ladies. At about fourteen, the page became a squire or assistant to a knight who became his master. He was taught the duties of a knight and practiced using a sword, lance and shield.Every kind of men can be gentlemen. There is no identity restriction. They are always polite. It does not matter that you are poor or in bad occupation. You also have chance to be gentlemen. You may be gentlemen as long as you can not trouble others. The most obviously characters is respect women and in a polite way.3.22 The different aimsThe knight was trained for war. The knight must protect a grant of land. He went into battle with his master. If the squire proved to be a good fighter, he would be made a knight at a special ceremony known as dubbing. As a knight, he was pledged to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and to respect women of noble birth. Knight trained for war by fighting each other in mock battles called tournaments. The contestants and their horses often got killed and injured. The knight was brave and faced injury and death. It took promoting the martial sprit as the core. The gentleman is just adapting to the civilization society. There is no war and it is a peace society. There are no needs the knight but need so many gentlemen. The gentlemen are welcomed all over the world.4.Chivalric literatureThere are a lot of works talk about the knight. Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon epic, in alliterative verse, originating from the collective efforts of oral literature. The story is set in Denmark or Sweden and tells how the hero, Beowulf, defeats the monster Grendel and Grendel’s mother, a sea monster, but eventually receives his own death in fighting with a fire. Beowulf was the first national epic. Cervantes’s don Quixote is also introduced the knight story. Ivanhoe written by Walter Scott and criticized the capitalism. The most of story were talked about the knight and courtly love and the history about knight. This works had good effect on the gentility.In the seventeenth century, England begins to come into effect the gentleman education. The English man is a typical gentleman.5. ConclusionThe chivalry has a close relationship with gentility. The gentility stems from chivalry. They are in different ages. They have some similarity and difference. They all respect to women. The gentleman is spread all over the world.参考文献:1.王佐良European culture:an introduction 欧洲文化入门[M] 外语教学与研究出版社1992.1原文页码93-942.John Matthews. Dictionary of Medieval Knighthood and Chivalry [M] New York:Greenwood Press, 1998.3.阿萨-伯里格斯英国社会史[M] 北京:中国人民大学出版社,1991.4.唐国清试论欧洲文学中的骑士精神[J]苏州教育学报,2006(9)。



骑士精神英语演讲稿大家好:Hello everybody:骑士起源于古罗马的职业军人。





Knights originated from professional soldiers in ancient Rome. In the middle ages, knights belonged to the lowest level of the aristocracy, which refers to those who were born in a family with titles and land and were awarded the title of knights after a certain ceremony. Professional soldiers who serve kings and great noblesusually own only a small fief. In the chaotic situation of medieval Europe, kings and nobles needed some arms with overwhelming advantages in war. Therefore, they would carefully cultivate some young people to become knights. If a child born in an aristocratic family wants to become a knight, he must go to the next higher feudal lord and his wife as a servant after the age of 7 or 8 according to the level of his birth. After the age of 14, he will be an attendant, that is, a trainee knight, who will receive special Knight training. At the age of 21, he will formally obtain the knighthood title after passing strict examinations and grand ceremonies, oaths and other religious rituals.盛行于11-14世纪的骑士制度,在当时的社会具有社会的政治的军事的宗教的和文化的意义。



11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-- 马钉路 德。




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• Knight lyric(骑士抒情诗)is the mainstream of knight literature. It mainly describe the knight's love, especially praise knight`s love and obedience to ladies
• Firstly, the combination of chivalry religious principles and military principles reaches the summit. • secondly, knight privilege becomes hereditary and the knight finally separate from the peasant
History of Development
Stage 2:
• The second phase is from about 12 century to the early 13th century. This stage is basically the time of crusade(十字军东征) (1095-1291), it is the boom of chivalry.
The Knight`s Oath
• Becoming a knight is the dream of every boy in middle ages, but the process it extremely tough.
• The picture on the left shows a common ceremony of knight nomination.
The Knight`s Brief
• Knight belongs to the lowest level of the noble class, usually with only a small piece of fief (封地).
• In the war of middle ages in the Europe, Kings and nobles requires overwhelming advantage in the war, for this reason, they nurtured some young people and make them become the knights.
• In 1099, Jerusalem was overcome. Under the protection of religion, the knights templar(圣殿骑士团)and the knight s hospitaller(医院骑士团) were given the noble aura.
The Knight`s Brief
• Knight ( or Cavalier [,kævə'lɪr] ) is trained cavalry of European official military in the middle ages, later developed into a title of honor, used to present a social class. • Began in the 10th century and reached a peak in the 13th century. • Decline at the late Middle Age.
The Knight`s Code of Chivalry and the vows of Knighthood
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • To fear God and maintain His Church ——敬畏上帝,维护主的教会 To serve the liege lord in valour and faith ——为主献上勇气与信仰 To protect the weak and defenceless ——保护弱小和无助的人 To give succour to widows and orphans ——给寡妇与孤儿帮助 To refrain from the wanton giving of offence——不可无礼的冒犯他人 To live by honour and for glory ——活得尊严以及荣誉 To despise pecuniary reward ——不看重金钱的奖赏 To fight for the welfare of all ——为所有人的幸福而战斗 To obey those placed in authority ——遵从当权者的指令 To guard the honour of fellow knights ——维护其他骑士们的尊严 To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit ——回避不公正,恶意以及欺骗 To keep faith ——持守信仰 At all times to speak the truth ——只说实话 To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun ——坚持到底 To respect the honour of white women ——尊重女性 Never to refuse a challenge from an equal ——绝不回拒同等之人的挑战 Never to turn the back upon a foe ——绝不背对敌人
• Knight literature is a literary form of secular feudal lords, produced in 11-12 century, and become popular in 12-13 century in Western Europe. It is thought to be the combination of the consciousness and the concept of Christian theology.
Vicky Zeng
The Knight`s Love
• The knight love story is often about the warrior guardian who fall in love with princess with no ending.
The Knight`s Literature
The Knight`s Brief
The Knight`s Training
• Becoming a knight is the dream of every boy in middle ages, but the process it extremely tough.
• 7—8 • 14 — 15 • 21
History of Development
Stage 1:
• The first phase is roughly from Charles Matt(查理马 特)military reform to the end of the 11th century. This period of chivalry(骑士制度)is still in its early stage.
• Crusade Is a series of famous religious military action under the per mission of Catholic Pope in Rome. This so-called “justice” war was s tarted by the western European feudal lords and knights to fight with the eastern Mediterranean countries in the name of the of removing the heresy(异教). At that time, Jerusalem shrine, which once belong s to the Roman Catholic fell into the hands of Islam. In order to retak e the lost ground, the Roman Catholic church made Crusades action repeatedly. • But there were some Crusades that aimed at others like Christians, not only against Islam
The Knight`s Oath
• Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may see. Speak the truth even if it leads to your death. Save God the helpless. That is your oath. And that so you remember it. Rise a knight! 强敌当前,无畏不惧! 果敢忠义,无愧上帝! 耿正直言,宁死不诳! 保 护弱者,无怪天理! 这是你的誓词,牢牢记住!册封为骑士! • I will be brave against the strong. ——我将勇敢地面对强敌 I will fight all who do wrong. ——我将毫无保留地对抗罪人 I will fight for those who cannot fight. ——我将为不能战斗者而战 I will help those who call me for help. ——我将帮助那些需要我帮助的人 I will harm no woman. ——我将不伤害妇孺 I will help my brother knight. ——我将帮助我的骑士兄弟 I will be true to my friends. ——我将忠实地对待朋友 I will be faithful in love.——我将真诚地对待爱情