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1. 家具
木家具Wood furniture 框式家具Frame-type furniture 板式家具Panel-type furniture 组合家具Combination (Unit)furniture 实木家具Solid wood furniture 弯曲木家具Bend furniture 折叠家具Folding furniture 卧房家具Bedroom suite 客厅家具Drawing room suite 餐厅家具Dining room suite 厨房家具Kitchen furniture 现代板式拆装家具Modern panel furniture in knock-down 宾馆家具Hotel furniture
大衣柜(橱)Wardrobe 双门衣柜wardrobe2-door 组合衣柜Combination wordrobe 橱柜Cabinet 五斗柜(橱)Chest of drawers 床头柜Bedside cabinet 书柜bookcase 玻璃柜Glass cabinet 酒柜Wine chest 放鞋子的抽屉柜Chest of drawers for shoes
食橱Cupboard 餐具柜Sideboard 办公桌、衣柜、镜台Bureau 碗橱Kitchen cabinet 文件柜Filing cabinet 公文柜Office cabinet 柜类家具Box-type furniture (3)床类
双人床Double-bed 单人床Single-bed 双层床Bunk bed 儿童摇床Child cot 婴儿床Baby crib 斗床Bed with drawers 沙发床Sofa bed 床架、卧榻Bedstead 床头Headboard 床高屏Head of the bed 床低屏Foot of the bed
书桌办公桌Desk 课桌School table 双人课桌Double desk 茶几Tea table 咖啡桌Coffee table 边几Side table 墙角桌Corner table 梳妆台Dressing table 折叠桌Folding table 写字台Writing table 打字桌Typewriter desk (Typing desk)方拉桌Rectangular ext.table 圆拉桌Circular ext.table 多用桌Multi-use desk 绘图桌Drawing table 会议桌Conference table 餐桌Breakfast(Dining) table
木扶手(出水)沙发Wooden arms sofa 全包沙发Upholstered sofa 多用沙发Multi-purposes sofa 椅子Chair扶手椅、单人沙发Armchair 双人沙发2-seater 睡椅、长沙发椅Couch 长沙发(无扶手或靠背)Divan 转椅Rotary(Swivel) chair 摇椅Rocking chair or rockers 折椅Folding chair 凳Bench(Stool) 折凳Folding stool 柜台凳Bar stool 梳妆凳Dressing stool 安乐椅Easy chair 软垫沙发椅Upholstered armchair 长靠椅Settee 办公椅Office chair 木制有扶手的高背长椅Settle 椅子(无扶手)Side chair 试鞋凳Shoe fitting stool 儿童折椅Children’s folding chair 坐台Seat 餐椅Dining chair 礼堂椅Assembly chair 宝座Throne (6)箱、架类
衣箱Dress case 储藏箱Storage box 床头箱Headstock 书架Book shelf 花架Flower stand 屏风Screen(Floding screen) 活动架Adjusting shelf 餐具架Buffet 毛巾架Towel rack 酒架Wine rack 帽架Hat rack 衣架Coat rack 脸盆架Wash-stand 墙架Wall shelf 文件架Filing shelf 搁物架、挂物架Rack 报纸架Newspaper rack 期刊架Periodicals rack
陈列柜Showcase 柜台Counter(Bar) 商品陈列台Gondola 出纳台Issue desk工作台Workbench 控制、操纵台Control console 演示实验台Demonstration 卡片目录抽屉Card catalogue drawer 分小格的信件架Letter rack with pegeon holes
壁台Wall desk 卡片索引箱Card indexboxes 缝纫机台板Table board of sewing machine 弹簧床垫Spring mattress 梳妆镜Dressing mirror
旁板Side 中隔板、中旁Vertical dividing partition 搁板Shelf 拉门Pivoted door 翻门、翻板Flap 移门Sliding door 卷门Roll front(Flexible door) 框架Frame 板条门、百页门Slat door 平面门Flush door 家具部件Furniture components 部件Subassembly 板门、直板门Boarded door 格板门Panel door 玻璃门Glass front 抽屉、抽斗Drawer 暗抽屉Hidden drawer 明抽屉Visible drawer 床抽屉Bed unit drawer 大理石桌面Marble top 面板、盖板Deck 衬板Scaleboard 折板、铰链板、活板Flap 脚架、底座Base 架子底座Shelf support 椅面Chair seat 椅背Chair back 桌腿Table support 背板Back(real wall\Backsides)
家具零件Furniture elements 零件Unit 立挺、门边Stile 帽头Top(Bottom) rail
竖档、直档Mullion 横档、横撑Middle rail 装板、嵌板Inserting panel
望板、走水Apron board 拉档、横呈Cross rail or rung 斗西Drawer front