



户口本翻译件标准模板Household Register n TemplateThe Household Register serves as a legal document that identifies the status of citizens and their nships with other household members。

It is crucial for the n Organ of the Household Register to conduct census and checks。

During these processes。

the householder or members of the household should actively present their Household Register for n.It is the responsibility of the householder to keep the Household Register safe and secure。

The document cannot be altered。


or lent out to others。

If the Household Register is lost。

the householder must immediately report it to the n Organ of the Household Register.The n Organ of the Household Register has exclusive rights to record any n in the register。

No other unit or individual can access or alter its contents.If there are any changes in household members or registered affairs。

(完整版)户口本英文翻译模板 (3)精选全文

(完整版)户口本英文翻译模板 (3)精选全文

最新精选全文完整版(可编辑修改)Important Notice:The inhabitant registration book is a legal document to prove the citizen’s status and relationship with the family members. It is also a main proof for inhabitant 精选全文,可以编辑修改文字!1.registration authority to inquire and check. Householder and family membersshould submit the book at any time required by a registrar for checking.2.Householder should keep safe the book. It is an offense for altering, transferringor lending this book to others.3.Except the inhabitant registration office, neither anyone nor any institution canendorse on the book.4.Any changes on number of the family and item should be reported to theregistration office.5.The inhabitant registration book should be surrendered to the registration officeif the whole family moves into other jurisdiction area.Modifications in Registration Items and RecordsRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentModifications in Registration Items and RecordsRegistration Card of Permanent Resident总之,在这一学年中,我不仅在业务能力上,还是在教育教学上都有了一定的提高。



完整户口本英文翻译模版英文版ANNOUNCEMENTS1. Household register has the legal validity that certifies the identity status of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of household registration office. When household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or any members of the family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2. The household shall keep the household register properly and the household register shall not be altered, transferred and leased. In case of any loss of the household register, the household registration authority shall be informed immediately.3. The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority and other units or individuals shall not make any records on it.4. Any increase or decrease of family members in the household orany alternation of the registration items shall be registered on the household register by reporting to the household registration office.5. In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the household register shall be turned in and cancelled.NO.XXXXHousehold Non-agricultural Name of Householder XXXXcategory HouseholdHousehold No. Address No.8, Building 8, XX Street (Road), XX Township, XX County,XX District, XX City, XX ProvinceProvincial public security organs Household register registration organ Special seal for household register Household register registration organPerson in charge(Sign and seal): Issued on Jul. 17, 1998Register of Residence Change New address after change Date of change Seal and sign of person in chargeRegistration Card of Permanent Resident Name XXXX Householder or Householderrelation with thehouseholderName used before Sex MalePlace of birth No.8, Building 8, XX Street (Road), Nation HanXX Township, XX County, XXDistrict, XX City, XX ProvinceNative place No.8, Building 8, XX Street (Road), Date of birth Dec.27, 1978XX Township, XX County, XXDistrict, XX City, XX ProvinceOther address in Religion this city (county)Citizen ID card XXXX Height Blood type Type AB No.Education Middle school Marital status Married Militaryservice state Service place XXXX Occupation When and from where moved tothis city (county)When and from where moved tothis placePerson in charge (sign and seal): Date of registration: Jul.1, 1998 Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordItem After alteration or correction Date of Seal and sign of personin chargealterationRegistration Card of Permanent Resident Name XX Householder or Son relation with thehouseholderName used before Sex MalePlace of birth No.8, Building 8, XX Street (Road), Nation HanXX Township, XX County, XXDistrict, XX City, XX ProvinceNative place No.8, Building 8, XX Street (Road), Date of birth Sep.7, 1990XX Township, XX County, XXDistrict, XX City, XX ProvinceOther address in Religion this city (county)Citizen ID card XXXX Height Blood type Type B No.Education Junior college Marital status Married Militaryservice state Service place XX Occupation Unemployed When and from where moved tothis city (county)When and from where moved tothis placePerson in charge (sign and seal): Date of registration: Jul.1, 1998 Index List of Registration Card of Permanent ResidentName Sex Date of birth Household type Population Sign and seal of change person in charge。



ANNOUNCEMENTS1. Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship offamily members, and it is the main reference for the centor and checkup of domicilary register which is undertaking by the household registration suthorith. When the functionary of household registeration suthorith censor and verify the household register, the familtia and members of this family shall initiative in presenting the household register.2. The householder shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited tobe alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the householdregistration authority should be informed.3. The member of this family go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration andregistration, applying bring with the boolet, in case of the increase of the members and the alteration of registration items.4. In case of that the whole family move out of the residency, the household register booklet shall be turnedin and cancelled.Registration Card of Permanent ResidentSeal: Certified Seal for Hukou ofBeijing Municipal Public Security BureauXXX Police Station Alteration of Registration items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentSeal: Certified Seal for Hukou ofBeijing Municipal Public Security BureauXXX Police StationRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentSeal: Certified Seal for Hukou ofBeijing Municipal Public Security BureauXXX Police Station。



Registration of ResidenceBasic Information of HouseholdNo. 00xxxxxxxType of Household:户别Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口Head of Household:户主姓名Household Number:户号Current residentialaddress:住址Shanghai, Xuhui, xxx Road xxxx上海市xx区xxx路xxxx弄xxxx室Authorizing Institution:省级公安机关Public Security Bureau ofShanghai (seal)上海市公安局Recording Office:户口登记机关xx Street Police Station (seal)xx街道派出所Issuing Date: xx/xx/20xxPage 1Register of Residence Change住址变动登记Address after move 变动后的住址Date of move变动日期Register personnel承办人签章Page 2Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡1)Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口Registration date : 20xx-xx-xxName姓名Relationship with Householder:户主或与户主关系Head of Household 户主Other Names 曾用名Sex性别M男Place of Birth 出生地Ethnicity民族Han汉族Ancestral native place 籍贯Date of Birth 出生日期Other Local Addresses 本市其他住址Religion宗教信仰None无Residence ID Number 身份证号Height身高Blood type血型N/A不明Education 文化程度Marriage婚姻状况Military service status服兵役状况Employer 服务处所Occupation 职业When and from wheremoved to this city何时由何地迁来本市When and from wheremoved to current address何时由何地迁来本址Page 3Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载Item 项目Change/ post change变更变更后Date of change变更日期Register personnel承办人签章Page 4Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡2)Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口Registration date : 20xx-xx-xxName姓名Relationship with Householder:户主或与户主关系Son 子Other Names 曾用名Sex性别M男Place of Birth 出生地Ethnicity民族Han汉Ancestral native place 籍贯Date of Birth 出生日期Other Local Addresses 本市其他住址Religion宗教信仰None无Residence ID Number 身份证号Height身高Blood type血型Education 文化程度Marriage婚姻状况Single未婚Military service status服兵役状况Employer 服务处所Occupation 职业When and from wheremoved to this city何时由何地迁来本市When and from wheremoved to current address何时由何地迁来本址Page 5Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载Item 项目Change/ post change变更变更后Date of change变更日期Register personnel承办人签章Page 6Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡3)Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口Registration date : 20xx-xx-xxName姓名Relationship with Householder:户主或与户主关系Wife 妻Other Names 曾用名Sex性别F女Place of Birth 出生地Ethnicity民族Han汉Ancestral native place 籍贯Date of Birth 出生日期Other Local Addresses 本市其他住址Religion宗教信仰None无Residence ID Number 身份证号Height身高Blood type血型Education 文化程度Marriage婚姻状况Military service status服兵役状况Employer 服务处所Occupation 职业When and from wheremoved to this city何时由何地迁来本市When and from wheremoved to current address何时由何地迁来本址Page 7---------------------------------------------- End of Records --------------------------------------------------“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!。



ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentAlteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentAlteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentPerson in charge (sign and seal):Issued on:。



完整户口本英文翻译模板ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentAlteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentAlteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent Resident。



HOUSEHOLD REGISTERUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C(居民户口簿翻译件)Basic Information of HouseholdType ofFamily Household Name ofHousehold:Householder:家庭户口户别户主姓名Household0*********123A Address:Number:The Provincial Level Public Security Organs:Public Security Bureau of Beijing (sealed)Household Registration Organ:xxx Police Station, Public Security Bureau of BEIJING (sealed).Registrar: xxxx(signed)Date of Issue:7 th April 2000Family Member Register Form家庭成员登记表Serial Number: 序号Name 姓名Gender 性别Registrar 承办人1父亲Male 男xxxXXX (signed) 2母亲Female 女3儿女I, ( 翻译人名字 )can confirm this is the accurate translation of the original documents (Marriage Certificate of xxxx XXX and xxxx XXX).Translation Date: 20/June/2011Translator Details:(翻译人名字 )翻译公司名称翻译公司地址Tel: 0xx -xxxxxxxxxContact E -mail:翻译人签名以及翻译公司盖章Residents REF Number户号 : 000/1 Non -agriculturalName Householder or Householder姓名Relation with the户主householder:户主或与户主关系Used Name Sex Male 男曾用名性别Place of birth Ethnic Group Han 汉族出生地民族Place of origin Date of birth籍贯出生日期Other addresses Religionin this city宗教信仰本市 (县 )其它住址ID card No.44000Height185 cm Blood公民身份证件号码身高type血型Education Marital Married Military文化程度status已婚service婚姻状况status兵役状况Employ Profession服务处所职业When and from wheremoved to this City(County)(县 )何时由何地迁来本市When and from where August/1989, xxxxPolice Station某某派出所moved to this address何时由何地迁来本址Seal of Registrar承办人签章:Date of Registration登记日期 : xxxx (signed)7th April 2000I, ( 翻译人名字 )can confirm this is the accurate translation of the original documents (Marriage Certificate of xxxx XXX and xxxx XXX).Translation Date: 20/June/2011Translator Details:(翻译人名字 )翻译公司名称翻译公司地址Tel: 0xx -xxxxxxxxxContact E -mail:翻译人签名以及翻译公司盖章Residents REF Number户号 : /2 Non -agriculturalName Householder or Wife姓名Relation with the妻householder:户主或与户主关系Used Name Sex Female 女曾用名性别Place of birth Ethnic Group Han 汉族出生地民族Place of origin Date of birth籍贯出生日期Other addresses Religionin this city宗教信仰本市 (县 )其它住址ID card No.44000Height166 cm Blood公民身份证件号码身高type血型Education Marital Married Military文化程度status已婚service婚姻状况status兵役状况Employ Profession Accountant服务处所职业会计When and from wheremoved to this City(County)(县 )何时由何地迁来本市When and from where August/1989, xx Police Station某某派出所moved to this address何时由何地迁来本址Seal of Registrar承办人签章:Date of Registration登记日期 : Xxx (signed)7th April 2000I, ( 翻译人名字 )can confirm this is the accurate translation of the original documents (Marriage Certificate of xxxx XXX and xxxx XXX).Translation Date: 20/June/2011Translator Details:(翻译人名字 )翻译公司名称翻译公司地址Tel: 0xx -xxxxxxxxxContact E -mail:翻译人签名以及翻译公司盖章Residents REF Number户号 : 0/3 Non -agriculturalName Householder or Son姓名Relation with the子householder:户主或与户主关系Used Name Sex Male 男曾用名性别Place of birth Ethnic Group Han 汉族出生地民族Place of origin Date of birth籍贯出生日期Other addresses Religionin this city宗教信仰本市 (县 )其它住址ID card No.440000Height Blood公民身份证件号码身高type血型Education Marital Single Military文化程度status未婚service婚姻状况status兵役状况Employ Profession服务处所职业When and from wheremoved to this City(County)(县 )何时由何地迁来本市When and from wheremoved to this address何时由何地迁来本址Seal of Registrar承办人签章:Date of Registration登记日期 : xxx (signed)7th April 2000I, ( 翻译人名字 )can confirm this is the accurate translation of the original documents (Marriage Certificate of xxxx XXX and xxxx XXX).Translation Date: 20/June/2011Translator Details:(翻译人名字 )翻译公司名称翻译公司地址Tel: 0xx -xxxxxxxxxContact E -mail:翻译人签名以及翻译公司盖章。



HOUSEHOLDREGISTER UnderSupervisionoftheMinistryofPublicSecurityofP 〔居民户口簿翻译件〕BasicInformationofHouseholdTypeof FamilyHouseholdNam eofHousehold:Householder:家庭户口户别户主姓名Household0*********123AAdd ress:Number:TheProvincialLevelPublicSecurityOrg ans:PublicSecurityBureauofBeijing(sealed)HouseholdRegistrationOr gan:xxxPoliceStation,PublicSecuri tyBureauofBEIJING(sealed).Registrar:xxxx(signed)DateofIssue:7th April2000 FamilyMemberRegisterForm家庭成员登记表SerialNumber:序号Name姓名Gender性别Registrar包办人1父亲Male男xxxXXX(signed)2母亲Female女3子女I,(翻译人名字)canconfirmthisistheaccuratetranslationoftheoriginaldocuments(MarriageCertificat eofxxxxXXXandxxxxXXX).TranslationDate:20/June/2021TranslatorDetails:(翻译人名字)翻译企业名称翻译企业地点Tel:0xx-xxxxxxxxxContactE-mail: 翻译人署名以及翻译企业盖印RegistrationofResident 常住人口登记卡ResidentsREFNum ber 户号:000/1Non-agriculturalName HouseholderorHouse holder姓名Relationwiththe户主householder:户主或与户主关系UsedNameSexMale男曾用名性别Placeofbirth EthnicGroupHan 汉族出生地民族Placeoforigin Dateofbirth籍贯出诞辰期Otheraddresses Religion inthiscity宗教崇奉本市(县)其余地址IDcardNo.44000Height185cm Blood公民身份证件号码身高type血型Education MaritalMarriedMilitary文化程度status 已婚servi ce婚姻情况statu s兵役情况EmployProfession效力地方职业Whenandfromw heremovedtothi sCity(Count y)(县)何时由何地迁来本市Whenandfromw hereAugust/1989,xxxxPoliceS tation 某某派出所movedtothisa ddress何时由何地迁来本址SealofRegistrar 包办人签章:DateofReg istration 登记日期:xxxx(signed)7th April2000I,(翻译人名字)canconfirmthisistheaccuratetranslationoftheoriginaldocuments(MarriageCertificat eofxxxxXXXandxxxxXXX).TranslationDate:20/June/2021 TranslatorDetails: (翻译人名字) 翻译企业名称 翻译企业地点Tel:0xx-xxxxxxxxx ContactE-mail: 翻译人署名以及翻译企业盖印RegistrationofResident 常住人口登记卡ResidentsREFNumber户号:/2Non-agriculturalName Householderor Wife姓名Relationwiththe妻householder:户主或与户主关系UsedName SexFemal e女曾用名性别Placeofbirth EthnicGroupHan 汉族出生地民族Placeoforigin Dateofbirth 籍贯出诞辰期Otheraddresses Religion inthiscity宗教崇奉本市(县)其余地址IDcardNo.44000Height166cm Blood公民身份证件号码身高type血型EducationMaritalMarriedMilitary文化程度status已婚service婚姻情况statu s兵役情况EmployProfessionAccou ntant效力地方职业 会计Whenandfromw heremovedtothi sCity(Count y)(县)何时由何地迁来本市Whenandfromw hereAugust/1989,xxPoliceStation 某某派出所movedtothisa ddress何时由何地迁来本址SealofRegistrar 包办人签章:DateofRegist ration登记日期:Xxx(signed)7th April2000I,(翻译人名字)canconfirmthisistheaccuratetranslationoftheoriginaldocuments(MarriageCertificat eofxxxxXXXandxxxxXXX).TranslationDate:20/June/2021 TranslatorDetails: (翻译人名字)翻译企业名称翻译企业地点Tel:0xx-xxxxxxxxxContactE-mail: 翻译人署名以及翻译企业盖印RegistrationofResident 常住人口登记卡ResidentsREFNumber户号:0/3Non-agriculturalName Householderor Son姓名Relationwiththe子householder:户主或与户主关系UsedName SexMale 男曾用名性别Placeofbirth EthnicGroupHan 汉族出生地民族Placeoforigin Dateofbirth 籍贯出诞辰期Otheraddresses Religion inthiscity宗教崇奉本市(县)其余地址IDcardNo.440000HeightBlood公民身份证件号码身高type血型EducationMaritalSingleMilitary文化程度s 未婚sertatus vice婚姻情况sta tus兵役情况EmployProfession效力地方职业Whenandfromw heremovedtothi sCity(Count y)(县)何时由何地迁来本市Whenandfromw heremovedtothisa ddress何时由何地迁来本址SealofRegistrar 包办人签章: DateofRegist ration登记日期:xxx(signed)7thApril2000I,(翻译人名字)canconfirmthisistheaccuratetranslationoftheoriginaldocuments(MarriageCertificat eofxxxxXXXandxxxxXXX).TranslationDate:20/June/2021 TranslatorDetails:(翻译人名字)翻译企业名称翻译企业地点Tel:0xx-xxxxxxxxxContactE-mail: 翻译人署名以及翻译企业盖印。



Household Register Under Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C.ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Househol.registe.ha.th.lega.validit.tha.certifie.th.attorneyshi.o..citize.an.th.relationshi.o.famil.members.an.i.i.th.mai.referenc.fo.th.censo.an.checku.o.domiciliar.regi ste.whic.i.undertakin.b.th.househol.registratio.authority.Whe.th.functionar.o.househol.registratio.authorit.censo.an.verif.th.househol.register.th.householde.an.mem ber.o.thi.famil.shal.tak.th.initiativ.i.presentin.th.househol.register.2.Th.householde.shal.tak.th.househol.registe.i.safekeeping.th.househol.registe.i.prohibite.t.b.altered.transferre.an.leased.I.cas.o.tha.th.househol.registe.i.lost.th.house rmed.3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household Register shall be turned in and cancelled.Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordAlteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistrar(seal): *** Issued on 2 September 2013Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistrar(seal): *** Issued on 2 September 2013Alteration of Registration Items and Correction Record。



For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial useH o u s e h o l d R e g i s t e rUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C4XXXNotes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and the relationshipsbetween household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot be altered,transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organ of HouseholdRegister. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairs are changed, thehouseholder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the Household Registershall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.Domicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentGuangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau West-City Police Department (Special Seal for Hukou)Registration Card for Permanent ResidentGuangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau West-City Police Department (Special Seal for Hukou)Alteration and Correction Record of Registered Items。



Family households
Household Number
xxxxxx Province Public Security Organ Special Seal for Residential
Name of Householder
xxxxxx Public Security Bureau Special Seal for Hukou
Registration Card for Permanent Resident
Householder or Relationship with
Name Ever Used
Place of Birth
Native Place
Stamp of Operator:
Marital Status
Date of Birth
Military Service
Blood Type
ReБайду номын сангаасistration Date:
General Business
Stamp of Operator:
Registration Date:
General Business
Alteration and Correction Record of Registered Items
After alteration and Correction
Date of Alteration Seal and Signature of Undertaker


Stamp of Operator
Registration CardforPermanent Resident
HouseholderorRelationshipwith Householder
Placeof Birth
Native Place
Date ofBirth
OtherDomicilein theCity (County)
Place ofService
When and from where to this city (county)
1.Household Registerhas legal force toidentifythe statusof citizens and the relationshipsbetweenhouseholdmembers. It is an importantgistfor the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check.When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of thehouseholdshallhanduptheHousehold Registerforcheckactively.


Highest Academic
Marital Status
Military Service
Place of Work
Saving teller
Name of House Owner
Residence No.
Certified Seal for Hukou of Certified Seal for Hukou of
Provincial Public Security Organs Household Registration Organs
Former Name
Place of Birth
Native Place
Date of Birth
Other Dwelling Place in the City/Town
Religious Belief
After alteration、Correction
Date of alteration
Seal and sign of person in charge
Registration Card of Permanent Resident
Householderor Relationshipwith theHouseholder


1. This household register may serve as a legal proof of cnship. It
is the essential documentation on which household surveys and data verification conducted by the household registration authority are based. The head and members of the household shall spontaneously produce this register to officers of the registration authority for examination when the above exercises are conducted.
2. This register shall be kept in safe custody by the head of household. It shall not be altered,
transferred or lent to a third party. In case of loss, instant notification must be made to the household registration authority.
3. This register is the property of the registration authority. No entries shall be made thereon
by any other units or individuals.
4. In case of addition or reduction of members to the household, or of changes to any



[English Translation]Household RegisterUnder Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C.AttentionI. Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s identity status andmutual relations among family members, and is the main basis for residenceregistration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanentresidence. In doing so, the household owner or members of this householdshall, of his/her own will, show the booklet.II. The household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it. Should the booklet be lost, the household owner mustimmediately report to the residence registration authority.III. The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other organization or individual shall not make any record on it.IV. If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority byholding the booklet.V. When the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority forcancellation.No. XXXXXXRegistration of Changed Items and Record of ChangePermanent Resident RegistrationRegistration of Changed Items and Record of ChangePermanent Resident RegistrationRegistration of Changed Items and Record of ChangePermanent Resident Registration《简爱》是一本具有多年历史的文学着作。



户口本翻译模板英文As a Baidu Wenku document creator, I am pleased to provide you with a template for translating household registration books into English. This template will help you accurately and effectively translate the information in the household registration book, which is an important document for many individuals.Household Registration Book Translation Template。

1. Personal Information。

Name: [Your full name]Gender: [Male/Female]Date of Birth: [DD/MM/YYYY]Place of Birth: [City, Province, Country]Nationality: [Your nationality]ID Number: [Your ID number]2. Family Information。

Father's Name: [Father's full name]Mother's Name: [Mother's full name]Spouse's Name: [Spouse's full name, if applicable]Children's Names: [Children's full names, if applicable] 3. Residence Information。

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Marital Status

Military Service
Blood Group
Service Location
From Where &When Moved
to this City (County)
From Where &When Moved
1. This household register may serve as a legal proof of citizenship and family relationship. It is
the essential documentation on which household surveys and data verification conducted by the household registration authority are based. The head and members of the household shall spontaneously produce this register to officers of the registration authority for examination when the above exercises are conducted.
2. This register shall be kept in safe custody by the head of household. It shall not be altered,
transferred or lent to a third party. In case of loss, instant notification must be made to the household registration authority.
3. This register is the property of the registration authority. No entries shall be made thereon by
any other units or individuals.
4. In case of addition or reduction of members to the household, or of changes to any
Name Used Name
Householder or Relationship with
Birth Place
Ethnic Group
Native Place
Date of Birth
Other Address in this City (County)
ID Card No.
to Present Address
Seal or signature of undertaker: XXX
Date of registration: XXX
Special Seal for Household of XXX Municipal Public Security Bureau XXX Local Police Station (sealed)
Special seal for household affairs of provincial public security agency: Special Seal for Household of XXX Municipal Public Security Bureau (sealed)
Special seal for household affairs of household registration authority: Special Seal for Household of XXX Municipal Public Security Bureau
XXX Local Police Station (sealed)
Processed by: XXX
Issued on: XXX
Record of Changes to Registered Address
Address after Change
Date of Change
Seal or Signature of Undertaker
Regular Household Member Registration Card
register must be surrendered to the authority for cancellation.
Type of household Household No.
XXX Local Police Station XXX
Non-agricultural family
Name of
registered particulars, this register must be presented to the household registration authority for incorporation of such changes.
5. In the event of household removal outside the jurisdiction of the registration authority, this